.i ri New Bern, N. C, February 19, LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at Rountree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock. ' Visiting Woodmen art invited. CRAVEN LODGE No. i KNIGHTS OF HARMONY.- Meets 2nd and 4th Wed k nesday nights in each month in Roun i' trees Hall, Pollock street, at 7:30 o'clock. Samuel R. Ball, President; J. H. Smith, Sec'y; R. R. Bill, Financial Sec'y- v Index u flew AtTcrowBciu. Wanted: Rooms Wanted. - Photographs. ' r Eaton Glasses, S. Coplon Save Money. J. 0, Land Save Money. v J. 3. Baxter Spring Shoes, - .: J. G. Dunn ft Co-Spring Shoes.. Special .Business Ucals. . DONT NEGLECT to have a flashlight made of your parlor.- Last week, 8 for $1.00. Gem Photo Co, 28 PHOTOS for 25c. Last week of Gem Photo Co., cor Pollock and Middle Sta. Just 6 days more to get Ping Pongs, WANTED to rent by man and wife, no children, 2 or S unfurnished rooms eon trally located for light housekeeping in quiet home. Address Journal. - WANTED Energetic young man to solicit and canvass in town and country Write giving reference Box 604 New Bern, N. C. FkESB "COD FISH.-We have another lot of these fine fish; try them. - Geo, N. Ives & Son. STRAYED OR STOLEN Prom Fort .Point Seine Beach, two bay mules. Finder will be rewarded by delivery to Geo. N. Ives ft Son. TO RENT Two horse farm on easy terms; desirably located. , Call at Gas- kins Cycle Co's. store for further in formation. DRY WOOD FOR SALE Large quanr tity nice dry split pine cut in stove or long lengths. Telephone 53. , Broaddus ft Ives Lumber Co. MISS ANNIE D. GREEN will reopen her Elocution and Physical Culture class at her home 07 Hancock St February 17th, 1905. FOR RENT Residence of Mrs. Basil Manly, 86 East Front St WALNUT and Molasses Kisses made today at Broad St Fruit Co. WANTED Men and women in this county and adjoining territories, to rep resent and advertise an old established house of solid financial standing. . Sal ary to men $21' weekly, to women $12 to $18 weekly with expenses advanc ed each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy '. fur nished when necessary; position perma nent Address Blew Bros, ft Co., Dept 5, Monon Bldg., Chicago, III FOR SALE-1 good all around horse, gentle, suitable for any use; 8 years old, weight ten or eleven - hundred pounds, solid and sound; 1 Tlson ft Jones top buggy and. harness, all good as new; 1 dump cart; 1 dray and har ness; will sell cheap for cash,', i. M. Register. WANTED A few more boarders. Terms reasonable. Apply to Mrs. Geo, Wsds worth, 19 King street FOR RENT A two or three horse farm to white tenant Apply to S. H. Simmons, Trenton N. C OLD NEWSPAPERS 15 cent per 100 for sale at Joumnl office.' FOB KKMTsa 8 roots hosts Mo 1W Pollock Bt Eaqalrt of A J 84 Pollock et, . - FOR B a LB The i BlsseU boaseoa A VMM A, Rlrersld. Apply to J R Pop. , -, ) v FacU UndiwtU. We wish to eaD your atUntloa to the truia, as to who la the leading Jeweler or New Hera. , . . . Five yean ago, there was no grad uate in optometry hire, no eptlal par lor fitted With modern faiatninvanta. After close ttudyef 'standard books ' .1... - J . " " eye ana vpucs, wnaerwern a rigid examination tn the PhiuuUlDhia Optical Colics, on of the pioneer scnooM of ute eomtry, an Incorporated institution, and graduated bi the same ' with a diploma sad card of snerit, our "ak III is diaplay tag itself m the many eases uf headache and inflamed eyes cured and a new srorld is opened to many practically blind by carefully scientifically atUd glaMM, the Hemes of such being oa rword la our books for proof of these Five vars sn. yon Mid 11. SO tbwimx e a min-trrm.te rour w. 3 cne for a hand or g'aaa, we ha l"t hu prW. down to $1.00 lningor s spring, 10 U for a hand of jle, snd we have ahumlant .(- snd I he old h!eH.prire of wnrk i ltrr)iAr!j tiriejr. fm fr the Citr of Nw f! rwld not of one nf the fint tn fwl rf .! '.'.y f-,nKJ Jwt rj in n fmn) r,j l -rr- : g i!T.r (k In r '-hr .- i . ) rj ,n titr, !''.; 2 '! lr.m-, r,f i! 9,, kiffcarf. r.l ?v'T-h 1 r !;.. Jt.m fa-t nr,H ;.-it4. lt VT, e- -V . Wl ii s'l !. ' ; ,: . . for itch ive for rwi 1 f r The city is almost wiil.out coal The dealers are waiting on the arrival of quantity of coal but the boaU have beer, shut in by ice and consequently are un able to get here. It is expected that the lack will be supplied this week. The first sign of spring in several weeks, the city steam roller was out at work yesterday. - Wednesday being a legal holiday Washington's birthday the banks of the city will be closed. The subject of Mr. Cox's talk" to P.. J E; dperitnea. , f . ' y is l!J on experience. A ir.ta umwl Sj ir.; ail.ise with another in n. j or Sorrow or bereavements if he hs always been in full health and full ef ji y, and has never lost a dear one. tut when a man has known 'any such trial in his personal life, he is ree y to feel with and for another now ealied to it. The world owes much to those who profit by what has tried and harmed and improved them. This' is true in things little or great A cripple walking laboriously' with two canes, stopped at the corner of a city street to push off beyond the curb, with " one of UBtr T H. W. Simpson. " young men at the First Baptist church I his1fnes' Uaufi whi,e will be '.'Ahab, tt.the Power.o IVdverse el,i.Pi.,tood ? T 1, . y. ' "i unmfl mr mp oy siiiwuik i mup Mr, L. S. Daniels sold a number of nt akin. I always push one off the aide- horses and mules at publie auction yes- w,ik now when I see it'i: The best terday.' Mr S. ? R.' Street was the thing a crippled man can do for his auctioneer. . ..- - fellows is to trv to ruard them from The Weather Bureau predict colder aupping aa he slipped."- Weather for today, with ' increasing cloudiness rain or snow by Sunday after .V; noonormght,.-, .- - , . ' ; , -l , New Bern. N.C. 7 Judge Septimus 3. Hanna and wife, near gjN ' are , n u.o oi v-naawaa. in Yoll kn0 what paint is for, how it wage w.u aenver an aaoress at tne lt tt fgiU, what paint does it, . - . what x-j t dto,t t, V01) bu9i Quite a number of persons arrived on neB6 to know; of course you know De- inn truuiBiusi. uigni, ui amenu ie lec- yoe, ture of Judge Hanna and many others There are some details, which, of will arive this morning. jtfenrae, yoti can't be expected to know. Uinovua reuowa are requesteajito For instance th next-best painto are meet at thier hall Monday night 730. three auarters as Vod. i That's Work in the second Degree is xpected irtrftnge, tery strange, i There1, are iiu a luu attendance iuesireo. Weary Willie Walker was a poor ten cent Bhow. .The only reason the- audi ence remained after the first act. was probably a curiosity to see how much rottener the other acts would be. : Their curiosity was satisfied for the thing got worse every minute. The people who went are trying to forget it . Regulates the stomach and bowels, heals and soothes the little one' stom achs and gives them a healthful and natural sleep. Hollister'sHocky Moun tain Tea is the children's benefactor. 35 cents. F. S.' Dufly. Civil Service "Examinationi. A -competitive examination under the rules of the IT. S. Civil Service Com mission, for the position of clerk-carrier in the post office at New Bem, N. C., will be held on the 25th. day of. February 1905, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. - Applications for this examination must be made on the prescribed form, which, with necessary instructions, may be obtained from the commission's local representative at .the New Bern, N. C post-office or from the undersigned. , Applications will not be accepted un less received by the undersigned before 4.30 o'clock, p. m., on Feby 23,1906. All persons wishing to take this exam ination should secure blanks and fill them out at once in order to allow time for any necessary corrections. ' ' ., I H. FISHER, Secty Fourth District Examining Bd. , Civil Service Commission, . . Washington, D. C Babies' skin will be soft, fair and smooth if you give them Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. It regulate the stomach and bowels. It makes the little ones sleep and grow. 85 cents. F. S. Duffy For Extra Fine Lin Market ' :' Beef call at Coast Fin Veal and Dressed Chicken at Coast Lb Meat Market ', Filter your water when you draw it from faucet With the New Century Fil ter at small coat JOHN B. IVES, - Fine Veal and Dressed Coast Lin Meat Market Chickens at Fin Veal and Dressed Chicken at Coast Line Meat Market ' : -- TAKE i Ccifl Xfllar fir ' lie For short time w will give with ach bottle of Cough Killer on sample package of Week 's Break-in-e-Coki Nothing Better , F. S. Duffy's Cor. MidJle and South Front Sis. few Masonic Ttcalre. dozen of them perhaps; yon don't know them so accurately as that; you don't know them all by name. No matter, one 1 enough: the only one you have real occasion to know is Deyoe. The queer of it is that the others leaf the Whole business to us so. We ih$ke paint aa good as we can; others make it as good as they have to. Queer but we doli't complain. . ' ( : Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE ft CO. ft P. S, E. W. Smallwood sells our paint, CALENDAR OF. THE WEEK. This Irisf FsrssM ei Event I Tk Placs . -. kYMk. . The Paige Comedy Company will ap pear at the New .Masonic ; Theatre in repetoire each night this; week. Mon day night they will play "The Ram bier." MONDAY-Daughter of Confede racy at their rooms on Broad Street, 'clock. Social meeting of Epworth League at church parlors. New Mason to Theatre at 820. . v. - v TUESDAY Girl . Friendly Society at residence of Miss Isabella Bryan on East Front Street 7:45 p. m. New Ma sonic Theatre 8-0, . WEDNESDAY-New Masonic ,Thea- tre Batt p. m. Matinee 8 p. m. THURSDAY New Masonic Theatre . FRICAT New Mawmic Theatre 80 .' SATURDAY New Masonic Tbeatr 8 JO p. m. Matinee 840 p. m. THEY COME AND 60.' Jodg V. R. AUea returned jester- oay so sua Bome at uoiosoora . Mrs. Fannie William ' and Mrs. Louisa Hamphrey, of New Bern, who have been visiting in the city returned bom yesterday afternoon, accompan ied by Miss BetUe Craft, who will visit there. -Kina ton Free Press. . , Miss Margaret Tucker has returned from EdwardsviUa, where she ha ba teaching School v,t Mrs. Willie Bright and M! Florence Wlnfield 1 1 Cbocowinlty, art the guest uMdbi: TMsrerrebe. ' and tl f -t. Uamner ef SUtesrUU are I j.Ucl.s.1 .1 ChaUawha. , Mr. a 4 . C. ; Phillips, ef Wash mgton, N. L. tre to the cHy registered at id Chatuwka. ' Mis Xnnle , C Rhodes, who has been Visiting Mis Maad . Klnswy forrewdayrtared to bur home bi Trenton yesterday. . . - ; Miss Maud Klnsey will goto Trentoa this morning to attend the wedding of her friend, Mks Annie Rhodes, which ill occur this week. Miss Jennie B. Whipple, who has b St Mrs. W. B. Burrus for Sever al mm, the W ft for hr home at New York City Ut nleht. V-w. LW J lUI U Zj Jud3 Geptimus J Henna, of Colorado Cprin3,CoI. At the Court House In New Eern, Sunday, Feb. IDtb, 4:30 p.m. ADMISSIOOX FREK.' FOR SALE 1 One North Carolina b!x per cent bond. 't - , '-s . Apply to ' V k r , S. M. BRINSON. , , lui'oComcdyCo i :: . One Merry Week '.--a"" 111 Efiparlslrs of Late - -.' . -i a - , . ;.13 B:g'M7ilHct! 10 ' ' Opening" Monday Night In a laugha ble fare Comedy ' The Ramblers Prices 10,. 20 and 80 cts.x- Seat sale opens Saturday rooming. u yNtiii!iwiwe)aiiiiwiiwosawsiwiai r;f' : Send Yotir j s - 1 " w'" . rt 1lt m - " j I vrtiir I Phone 56 aha IX I WYTnC To Davis' Pharmacy aaafaafaaiauitiafaafafaisafata(a(f(ainiieii New White . 1 i. . l t t t ' I r ( . '!, 1 f I r. . . . . . hnv r- W S. F- ! -,. ' 2 1 ' ' ' f"'n. ' r-sewjr Cir. lO-'l iO rv, c. , im 3 I ZrX' t I. "c i - J . . . t , cj-ooc ' ' :. V.. : v.: .i '. " "... f r-. .:.:.... . . . i 64MHMmfmMvvMf i 4 For WaUtWiiUs and Children Wear T Beautiful Designs, in Mercerized Silks T at 10c, 12Hc to 60c. , TJI. V 1 T T TM itles at'lOc, 15c, 25 c, up. White Linen Crah Suiting 10c ane 16c yard. , WWte Dotted Silk Mulls and Biboline the New Soft Dress Stuff at 26c yd. Our line of White Goods for Waists is compute at 10c to 60c yard. MARCH PATTERNS AND FASHION SHEETS ARE HERE. BARFOOT BROS.: m la ThU morning we place on . sale at a great reduction, our entire stock of Ladies' and Chil dren'ai Shoes. We do this to close oat all our High Shoes, and to have all new fresh stock for next season. J3 w we Mve you a schedule of priced that ' should1 he ot speciil luterest . to every woman. - It 'means' a big saving. Vc M L l.O . . LM t4 Me. Childmi'i School ahoea, L0 '' " ' - - " " . , . LM - " ' ' " ' ' ' ' 100 - M M tM MIsm Fat Le. She S.0O " ' " 1.2S U1U' Show, ', LMUrfW Hhne t0 Ladi Shoes "I.M Uultra" and, DuttenhofeT' RhnW 111 "100 BmrporU" - ' f.40 Th( tre the rrram of our brg stork ef ShoeF, Guess the Number of the Doll , . . , , .k .. t'.n.- .f 1 ' ' 1 1."1 in rr - I , ' - i ' i. - 1 r . J ' ' 1 in 11. L3 In High and Low Quarters in all the new shapes tor men, women. and children, have just arrived. - We are showing the correct styles at all the popular prices. 'Twill he a pleasure to show them to you. J. G. DUNN & CQ., 55-57 Pollock St, Phone aia. Reduction in Pictures Double Dutch Pictures reduced to $2.00 All others 10 to 26 per cent. General Agents:' Stillwell Gas Light.. New Century Filter Perfection Fire Extinguisher vTolxn 3B- Ives Opposite Post Qfliee. Paints and Oils Guns, Pistols. Razors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges. Cooking and Heatiog Stoves Economical in fuel SpWm'id In operation Life time in dur ability. SA81I. DOORS AND BLINDS A SPECIALTY. Whitfard Hardware Company, 'I hose S9-C3 HUM eft hm hmm. J 27 Middle St. Full line of Drugs,MecT icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds. PJiyfticlai'S Preecrip tons A Mpe-Ilty. ciOVOHlA. ten ,i " ilu W ' m Hw alwiri Bw Riverside Stoi9. For ''ash for a few days only, you can save money by buying from us this limited time. Fox River Print Butter " " Tub " Best Lard Good Lard Best Side Met Good Meat Engliah Shoulder, whole English Shoulder, sliced New York Shoulder, whole sliced California Shoulder, whole ' sliced Ifinrland Countrr Ham, w .. sliced Corned Beef Hetns 8weet Picklea, dosen ' Sour " gweet Mised PlckU. qt. Coned Beef, can, I for Chip M " t" Irish PoUtoes, peck Cora Ileal Floor, per lb. GriU and 8amp WhoURic Macaroni 20c Coffee lot 8tarch 1 lb Rttmford 16e Wash Board for so. . M ... Caa reaches 30c for ... . a, ! 90 " 38c lb " " 15c " 10c 80c lb " Corn 15c for lUc 10c lb " " . 10c " 9c 8c lb Prunes, per Ih &c 10c lb if 9c lb Raisins " " 10c 10c lb 16c Can Peas for 10c 12c lb 10c String Beans r 10c lb Octagon Soap, 6 for 2&e 12c lb 20 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.36 10c lb Best 4c lb Flour Se 12e lb Onions, per peck 40c i Ik lb 16c Mised Cakes for 10c 17c lb White Beans, quart Be 8c lb Black Eyed Peas, quart 9c 10c Mixed Nuts, per lb lk 10c Peanuts, peck 36c 22c Lemon, dosen 18c 25c Oranges, " SOc 25c LX) Toilet Pa; or, pack age 8c 80s Toilet Soap Cake 4c 20 Mollies, quart $e 20c Apples, peck 30c snd I Irish potatoes, peck SOc 2i lb Corned Mullets, ( for 2S - 7e lb Corned MacktrjlL I for tie 10s 1& package of Rales for "c l8e lb 10c Package Matches, 8 for 2&e 4c lb Roast Beef, tan 12c 2&c tb Beef Hash, caa lOe 10s ' All Ua war Is 20 p rent. 2Sc Best Oil 16c gal t5e' Apple Cider 26e quart 20e AppU CloW Vinfmr 8c quart IS BHeed Baeoa. caa U Come to Riverside while this ad Is in the paper nd everything wlU he sold at Reduced Rates lor i, r ": CASH ONLY 0 CAROLIIIA BRICK CO., I'sr.U t t1Vs Ifjma.i's PMiPg. Klnstcm a4 IU.1 rcTllI Annual Capacity 15,000,000. : , - if' 'i u i w t!.! ti,rkt V t are now err, inj vrj I r- 'r oir rii J "t, tut will ! ma- . ' . f rj't!,'.'; ol ("if j rfv k t.