VC.CE CF THE f.. i i e.;.T.-3 v : Published wery day ta the year ex- iyut Monday. Journal Building 66-60 Craven St. .' - PHomNo.8. CHARLES U STEVENS, ' CDITOE HD PBOPRIBTOB. SUBSCRIPTION RATES -One Year.'in advanee.;.r"""rt-4-00 One Year, not indvnce......i 8.00 utt.ln V oarriflr ill the city.... . ..GO IUUUWJIJI j . - ..- Advertising rates furnished on appli cation. j , . v - "i VnivnA at the Poet Office, New Bern N. C as second-class matter, OFHClAi; PAPER OT NEW BKRN AND . V CRAVEN COUNTY. '. Mew Bern, N. C, March T, 1908. ' DODGING THEIR OWN; SHADOWS ' v The amount of jocal feeling oyer the ; proposed amendments to the city chr- 4 ter, seems to be .out of keeping with ' the actual conditions which would gov- ernif .fte) amendments ' were adopt; ed. - :'V V7hat the rtaX payers ; and voters oueht to be really concerned about, is " tuiU Hm -ntrnrsr to- themselves, if at anv time they might . wish- to dispose or in any way change the present, sys- iTteitf and eonduct of those public Utah- ties, the water, sewer and- lights, nliioli in manured .... bv a commls- ' uion. Ti "The Journal knows of no controversy in regard to the local demand for better streets, that : is, i improvements of ' streets which shall be permanent, not the present method of filling up holes " to make others, and scraping off the top layer of oyster mud to put down ' whole oyster shells, .which are in turn ' to be ground . down into mud and be carted away, and so on forever more, - without end, the same process. As to any change of the present com mission which has in charge the puDiic utilities, there are some different opin ions. But even with this there is no telling when there . may be some occa sion, when a change- would be better, and the citizens by a majority declara tion at the polls, so order it ' There can be no hide bound set of rotes which must forever govern the actions of the citizens of any commun ity. "What was good enough a quarter of a century ago may still be good today, but that does not mean that this will be all sufficient for tomor row. ' : The people of New Bern are always for independent action, but just at present it looks as if they were dodg ing their own shadows, as if these shadows belonged to others, and were -following them up for some evil pur- It is time for New Bern to get out into the open, and take some active measures for local Improvement There is plenty, too much already paid out of the tun enllartal which e-hraa u ai- ble sign of local betterments. If are to be paid, lot then be something to jhow for them every year. It is time to ,stop throwing away money into streets. and otherwise failing in securing per manent Improvements. ' Strikes Kiddie Rocks. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of Consumption,' Pneu monia, etc., you .are lost. If yoa don't get help from Dr. King's New DUcov cry for Consumption. , l. W. tfcKla- noo of Tslladega Springs, Ala., writes! "1 had been very in With Pneuaxmla, unoVr the care of two doctors, but was trotting no better when t began to take Dr. King's New Diseovery. --, The first toe (ire relief, and m bottle eared me." 8ure - car' for sere threat. dmnrhiUa, eooghs and colds, - Ctuu-ea- irrd at aD druggisto. Price M cents and 11. 04 Trial battle free. The Swedish steamer Verra, from tlarry, December 10, - for Uongkang, u smsed by Japanese warship Mar, X The piece where she was captured A CUcsge Ate erase Owh Hit lee lioe te Chambertila'i Ceugb ' Rem". i I run heertily and eonerienltnoa! . nvnA O.amberlals'i Crxifh Rme f r (Ttkme of the throat and ." ilnn, John Bhnitll, Kti - Ht, Chirt-f. "Two years! .nr.f e polilifeJ fsmjieien, 1 k.m! fWf beinf orerhaled. fry thnt r4 I Wee' ' - to atrip, as I fmH rA 1 BlulesT hu PrTs tint I . Ceuses T Germ. Science ta donty wondera these daira in medicine aa veil aa In mecLuuca. tsuce Adam lived, the human race baa been troubled with dandruff, for which bo hall preparation has heretofore proved a uc cesaftd cura until Newbro'a Hcirpicida m&a put on the market. It la a cieniitic prep aration that kills ttie ferm that - dandruff or acurf by dlgidns into tna scalp to set at the root ot tne hair, where It aapa the vitality; causing Itchlnc eralp, talllns hair, and finally baldness. With out dandruff hatr must (row luxuriantly. It la the only destroyer of dandruff. Sold, by. leading- druggists. Send luo. in -stamps for sample to The Herpl tide Co, Detroit. -Mich. . -.' -0. D.BRADHAM. Bpeclal Agt : v Lawyert And Morali." - Collier's for March 11 asks the ques tion: - . f ' i Are lawyers more moral than business men; ordinary jnen of affairs than trust magnates; journalists than politicians; and so on through the grades and divis ions of societyt Such questions are constantly in discussion.- Formerly the politicians were blamed exclusively for much 'bad legislation - that is, now chanted in part to the business men who'Jnfluence legislation. " The role ta ken "by the ablest lawyers to making legislation Ineffective is being:' more vividly expounded than it ever has been before. Our laws to take an example "forbid rebates and all kinds of ; dis crimination, between shippers. ;. 'The railway men in genera admit the de sirabiW of such law. Yet they, Mid the shippers, and he attorueysfor both devote themselves to discovering de vice for outwitting the law. There Is no moral standard which restrains either lawyers or business men , from any secret, practice intended to help , them escape from laws the passage of which they fayot vTJie public faces thejneces sity of contriving laws so drawn that the very ablest minds in the country can invent no trickery to beat them, but probably publicV opinion 'on such matters is being educated by all the ex neriments now being made, v The strue -gle for money is toeing something rela- tiiely, ' and moral standards v slowly make a corresponding gain,, ur . Postponement , On account of the' inability to reach New Bern of some of the members " of the c6mmittee appointed by thr Stati Board of AgrkaHure to select a loca tion for the State Experiment Farm; at this time, it has been deemed wise to posponethe meeting until Tuesday, March 14th. The meeting was at first appointed to meet here last night MAKES YOU WELL' ALL OVER ' Remarkable Result Wrought By The Wonderful RheumacideL At last a remedy has been discovered that absolutely cures Rheumatism, Ca tarrh; Indigestion, Constipation, lliver-l and Kidney troubles and Contagious Blood Poison. ; It acoomplisbes this by cleansing the blood of all the germs that cause these diseases, toning op the stomach and liver and -building up the entire system. Here is typical letter taken from hundreds that bear -similar testi mony. -' , . ' Baltimore. Hd.. Feb. 1. 1904. Bobbitt Chemical Co. : . ' . Proprietors RheamactdaV , Baltimore. Mis Gentlemen: - - Three years ao-o I 'Was sbirxea with mflammatory rheumatism. - ( Dur ing that time I so (Tared excruciating pain, principally in my lowwr Itmbe. My joints were stilt.' swollen and inflamed rtfouid not straighten my Umba." Xoor wooderturre . RHEUMACIDB was recemmended to 'me ' and 1 began to take It aecordinr to diroctiona. la a short time 1 began to exDenenca ths greatest relief. . The soreness and stiff- neas was soon gene tad l certainty lew) I unarm, luteumacMie naa done me more s-ood than all the other medicwiM and doctors preacripUons which I triad. I found thaCllheunwide acted well ea the kidneys and bowels, and I beilrre it will dimsss. 1 now have perfect ow of myself, can Work and walk aa well as ever, and I attribute my cm entire ly to tna oae Of KHt-UMAlJiDE. My friends and neiehbors msrvei at th chanare in my eonditton. 1 send yoa this tMmonial ' ofmy own accord, without aoUcitatwo, and will chssrfully reeornmend your medicine to ail who may write or tall on me mn eerBtng thai letter and the brwftt I bare received. I am a widow and re aide at the address grrm below. . t loors thankfully, - , MART BATES WEBB, , 407 W. 8arateca BL Ralto Ud. For Sale m New Bern by T. A. Hen ry and H arret la rharmary'. The second trial f Naa rttrt far the snurder ef Ceasar Young baa ba set for May L Aa agTsaeble aievwment of the bow els without any unplrant f rt U pro duced by ChamWkin'a fltnmarh and Liver Tablets, rpraal by all drurttaU ' . wirOa Cita. ' Walnut, N. C.Gnedt ime. W awed t Cat kinir.g arotinii Wa'si: lUtt-rkillthfratathaate turn , ViM to die or lire n aorne one '., Vrit Mrs. Janb PjTTY, of Roaring River, itf. C, At'". 12, 1I301"' . My little boy could not walk a step from RilEUMA ULM, and all other remedies had Jailed to do him any good. Kheumicide has cured him and made him sound and well." Hundred of other letters give the same testimony. '. . .. . . ,f- ' - - " rr C ' "7?" 1 cleanses the blood of all the poisons that cau Rheumatism and jJI V cimer niooa diseases, and absolutely cures to Stay cured. The most -powerful and effectirc blood purifier in the world vet it improves the digestion and builds up the entire system. " - . " ,TT!F rT Tn4f Ymrc 'iaivD'6 vn ' vu aunt vvsiiAf iitaJUi VlulatJ f tHL-t Write BOBBITT CHEMICAL COMPANY. BALTIMORE, toe Ires Stapled tSrX i'''1- r sj rOHCCT MC HOT " took, ? - v".. "For sale in New Bem by T. A.,Henry and Hargetts.Pharmacy.'? a Guaranteed cure for piles m , - , , 1 . -, ; . , Itching, Blind, 'Bleeding orProtrud- 'Notice R. R. Meeting, v.- Ing Piles. , DruggisW refund- money if. ; Bayboro, N. C. Feby 28. lS?TfK TV i-"- Of Pamlico', Tt't U W tttS Oriental V Western .JUIlroad Com! fe- - y are hereby called io meet in hasn't it Bend 60c ut stamps and it wil ' IT XT B - a be forwarded post paid by Paris Medi 8Declal meetinK m Ne Bern,; C., on cine Co, St. Louis, Mo. . , Friday March 10, ' at 12 o'clock noon If It is a bilious attack take Chamber- ,fot; PurP0ie transacting- such Wn's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a bus,nes cpme efor it;All quick cure is certain,' For" sate by all 'tockholders fnust be represented in druggists. -V- , - . ' , person or by written proxy. - PRACTICE In the. south Prest. - Secty and Treas. A Safe Cough Medicine (or Children. In buying- a cough medicine for chil- J l. - . i J i 1 m i . ' , , r ' urai never ve ain-u ui uuy vuamuer r . "" Iain's Cough Re;nedy. There is no dan-genersi-p-e, fjon, n fjlief is always sure to been begun, follow. It especially valuable for colds by base ball men, 'and will continue for croup and whooping cough, For sale the next two or three weeks. Every by all druggists. " section of the country "win "contribute . Owing to Internal dissensions, the it quota x f ball tossera fresh from Cnilean cabinet will resign. . wieir winter's -reef "'. They : all tafeMfejial Ball PUyartJo Msks a Unitsd -J .Teer isre)h IssUisrs, ; ! r .'. SUtes. .'New, York; March '0. A movement southward has anxious to get back fiito the game, and the call to report' is V welcome one. Florida, Georgia Alabama and Tennes see claim a majority of the "clubs; al though they are , pretty well scattered. Both the St Louis organisations go to (Texas, , while the Chicago Nationals wuireport in California for the preUm fauu season. Local enthusiasts are naturally much interested.' however. In 4 the movemenU of the Giants and High- unosrs, especialTy eo, because there seams to be good chance - that both will stand high up If not at the top'of their respective league,, when the sea- tan ends. vi -: A,-T .''if"; ; The Giants will train at Savannah,all ie players having bee notified ts re port (Sere on March OC Thus far, the contracts ef Pitcher Matthewson, First Baseman McGann.and Cather Marshall have not been- received, 'but ell the others hare signed, -and the-Uiree named are almost certain to be with the team again.- The highlanders wilt meet at Montgomery, Ala.) about the same time. Chesbro and Keeler will not be with the taant on H training trip, as they arw -coaching the Harvest nme, Walter CTarkaon Is also expected to be at Harvard, and the trio will join their respective team mates jost before the regular laaaonS opens. .- ; - Admln!:.trator'3 n ti C iiJr Vtt( ("i - ' ! r 1 J . f-v f? j ft? 1 ' f, i ( r? ? ? ' i . : I'M -, I ' f e r I 1 Notice Of MtsUnj TeCwildK Com f rr. ''pckiri." :::; y. Jn the District Court of the. United Stotee for the Eastern District of North Carotin. In Bankruptcy; la the mat ter ef J. T. Cooper ef Bayborevin the County of Pamheo,' and Dnttrict eibre ssid, a Bankrupt." I - Nstke is hereby given that a Cswipe- siuonof Hi percent. Upon all nee cureddebU, not ntitled to priority, in satisfsetion of said debts, has been-pro pod by the above named Bankrupt to hi creditors, as provided by the nets pf Congress relating i to bankruptcy and that a mfellnr of said sreditors will be held st the U. 8. Court room In New Bern. :. C, on March 18th tn, at l2o'i!.k M.. to st upon aaid proposal for a composition,- according to the pro vklnna of said Acts and the Rules of Court; . - BAUUELW. BMAIXWOOD, - ' Referee la Bankruptry. New Cera, N. C, Marth eUl,-l0, ' . CbituAry. - - , Mr. flies Pierre, wstl krwrwn ttti- of Kurth Rjrer, N. C Wu born Karrh fS. a4 died earf kl the mornlrit ef ob. Wring enrul, on daughter and seren grand-rhildrm to s-Mxim l.ia luaa.- The liil K-TflrS wj rnn-lir4d bj IU. Jut,n iwell ft the I;ai.!U rr-.ufrn ef whwh f.r tnrj nera Mr. arr HA hla een.letent " I fji'.J.fal tr.mrn,r : k. r. J . , I.. ! . - C . TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. .Take Laxative 'Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. " E. W. .Grove's signature on each box Men engaged to work for the Lewis A Clark exposition at Portland Oregon, struck for higher wages last week. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let, all druggists refund tne money If it fails to cure. . i - ' E. W. Grove's signatm on each box 25c.- ' .. 1 The unrest of the Russian people Is growing more serious.' rbe police are having difficulty to suppress the' riots. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 TEARS. The old, original GROVES' Tasteless ChiU Tonic You know ' what yon are taking. It is iron and. quinine in taste less form, No cure, no pay, 60c. H Politic, Not f louesu (From my Daily Reading of the so -:,- Called Work.) "In play of the Legislature, I amim- peled to express my concurenee In the opinion of your correspondent in regard to the genera assembly of North Caro lina, 1905. ' - ' - If its useless silly tawspais'ed Indicate anything, they plainly have shewing of great neglect of : many important matters, except m a few caSestv-' - DoubUeea the wild boars of' Swain county will' or have eTtpresaei their thanks fortthe law against trapping themr Now "the1 farmers sheep and pigs of Swain county will have to keep hidden, and the fish too, of many wat ers, will have a joyous flutter. Is -' ;1 havetead plea of Justice eerit 'to the assemby urging a 'Compulsory Schoor taw for our States. A law surerytnuch needed, as yet t heeev seen' inoj movement touching the"-" intpertant matter, not even? that : of giving any county 'power to establish cmch- a law. t ' - v . - : Doubtless 'them are nwmbers 1 who (if they ever saw) v have1 'lost sight of the fact, that theiwhltt mi,4tox pay era annually tmO 93 per cent of the taxes; While the degro only pays 7 per cent on property ,1but not one cent of individual tax,, as the laboring white man is compelled to pay. ' - .: The negro has paid only a few hun dred dollars over 82 thowuuioV-aince he was robbed ef "the south by the the Government, as a property, bought of the 4,SUveTradera'T of the liorth. Yet 'tis seen, that the negroes have had near two 'hundred and ' fifty thousand dollars for their ! schools. 'Yes, over three hundred thousand dollars of the white man'e money. This brief jiot of existing matters might be much lengthened, but for the present it may be' "Quantum sufficit.'' Yours truly, . R. S. T. Incredible Brutality. It would have been incredible brutal ity Jf Chas. Fk Lemberger, of Syracuse N. Y., had not dorie the best he could for his suffering sen. "My boy," he says, "cut a fearful gash over his1 eye, so I applied Sudden's Arnica Salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye.': Good for burns and ulcers too. Only 26 cents at all druggists. -tt . The Senate paased a bill allowing ap pointment to the navey-of those- men who were expeKed from Annapolis for basing. . - - - TMn impaired Appetite,-: Leas of appetite always rteulufrom faulty digestion. All that Is needed la a few doses ef Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.' They Will Invigor ate the stomach, strength snathe diges tion and give yon aa appetite like a wolf. These Tablets also act as a rwa Ue laxative. ; For sale by all drug- Toe House dropped the. mileage "grab" and passed the Genera! Defic iency bin, .: ' : V Beware ef Olntmentt 1 For CtUrrfc - Thai Cenlila Mercury," aj'metrury wiO surely destroy the sens ofemeQand completely derarure the whole syatani when entering It through the mucous surfer. Such articles should never be used 'except on pre- acnpUtevs from repuUble phyakiana, as the damage they win do Is tea fold to the good jra rs poaaihly derive from them. , Hall's Catarrh Cure, man ofartured by F. J.tmTr A Co., Tols do, 0.. icuhUiiis no nerrury, and la taksa) mtma.lly, acting directly poo the blund and murwta surfs- of the rm. In buying Hall's Catarrh Curt to be sure yog ft the gmg!n. It U Ukeei Interna!! and made la Toledo, OhU.. hy F. J, Crxwy A Co. TesU monie'e fr. r..:.i i.y ail Dnci.-:t. r. TeVe ramily Vi'M tiw wmU- ...13 Te r. e I'. T ! I. anl U : t r i!,. i ! . the :i re BEST PUBLIC 'LANDS - PASSING OUT OF GOVERNMENT r CONTROL. Extract Frets Iseecl el Has. Paris llbien, el Neetaea, la V(t Beasts el fk Uettes $tsle. Tseredsy, arek?4, 1904. The rapidry mceasing rate from year to year at which the best of the public lands are passing out of Government control la Shown! by the following table:' . , .Public lands disposed of in six yean ending June 80, 1903. 1898. 1899 woo..:...... 1901...; 1902........ 1908 .... Total..w... AOKBS. . 8,468,898.92 . 9,182,418.16 . 18,458,887.96 .16,888,798.80 . 19,488, e8&,ao , 82,824,899.00 .... 88,966,828.84 The flgoxee .that I have presented shewing the rapid ef unparalled eoncen. tratioa of capful si many of the Indus trial porsnlu of Ufa, and that the in clination and the ' ability to own and edntrot vast bodWof pubUe kn4 were never aa great as wt-the present time. 1 : 'l . - The figures that I have' pros anted showing the rapid Ueereaee In the pub Ue dooaaia from year to year during the past six years clearly proves my aseiK tion. Tbe'fwpealt ef the iea art-tend act end the coanmetation clause of the homes teed act and the timber and stone act, and a tied policy on Che part of the Covernrnwat arrer to issue another sere of land scrip 6r to endow an Instt tutioa wHh land, win practicaUy pre serve the remalalng public land for actual settler, for ft must be apparent te all that a lMirntead act that re quires 6ve years' residence and -eulti-ratioa of the soil willaeldors be used by the speculator, i .- - t r Ct.iir.plee Liniment tor RheurattUm, Chas Drak .Mil carrier foe Chapln lile, Oita., ears: 'Xamberlaln's Tain Balm la the rhampk ef all Uni mwils. The pal year I was IrouMad a greet dVel with rheumatism in my ehonLkr, After trjirg eereral Cures the tor keeper here rvrm mended U.ia rmiy an.l ft iwnijliKely rored m.'' THere lertuspfif ay-rie eriffer It c trum t!.at pei .I :li..-iit ha this l: .;.t.t can b ui t.c-A fur a email . n. (me a -i . j " t ; ( re- I f I i ! i f r a ' .rt . e .!;: .',- a rnBi.rl Cure. 1 ..r . i s ' i 1 ArrT W ; I i ' . - j. p ! I To any one proving that UiS lollowing statement Is not based on actual facts: More Reynolds' Sun Cured chewed the: third year It was offered 1 to me trade than any brand of any age clahnedtobemaniiiactiired from Sun Cured Tobacco. JOHN 4. LONG. D& S. Weir. Mitchell, the Great Neurolo gist, Warns Americans Who Neg lect Their Nerves. "la btsjy ceabra the number of death due to narrow eswm has iocrcaied twenty per cent la forty year. One kurtb of ths.oVithi to cHlca to-day arc from asrroee "Dr. S. Tdt. Mitchell. The clean, rich nerve-force that was behind the health and happiness of thousands upon thous ands is literally burning itself up like the dry wick of an empty lamp. It is the "Strenuous Life," with a vengeance. Can men who go to their work in the morning tired and with lax spirits give to their own af fairs the electric touch of confidence and power upon wriich success depends ? Can mothers worn out and nervous, plodding dully or ill-tempered through the routine of homekeeping, bring into the family life that pre cious spirit of hopefulness and happiness with out which the word "home" seems a mockery ? When you feel exhausted when you grow tired sooner than you should when you lose pa tience with the irritating cares of daily life when you feel discouraged when you feel that your hopes and ambitions are not as high as they wed to be when you spend a sleepless night when you get up almost as weary as when you went tombed when you are worried. These ere all signs that your nerve forces sre burning low. Neglect the nerves and they will make you feel this neglect in many way, they control all of the organ of the body and must be kept heahhy and strong to do their work "properly, tired nerves cannot keep the organs of the body workrno; in that harmony which is essential to real health. This is why Pamc's Celery Compound is able to bring health m so many different forms.- Fame's Celery Compound feeds and nourishes the nerve. It make new Nerve Force. It makes pure, rich Wood, clean active liver, a stomach that ecu quietly and strongly upon all the food that is given to if, bowels that throw eway promptly and surely, , all the aihci from life's engine room. . It makes the heart beet true and evenly, tt make the brain clear and vigorous. The Nenrt Force docs this an, and Paine's CeW ' fery Compound makct the Nerve Force. ly Best of all it make that buoyant life-spirit, the : thrill of health, that is the secret of happiness and the keynote of individual loecm. Without Nerve Force there can be no health at . all no iK-ce no joy in hvfng, .. . : ". John S. Long' case it limply one ot tjtousandi poa thousand. ' An average case and aa object ' fceeoa to the image person. . re ttsryeusiiase aftd sS) trsnaeat ; . lee Celery Cnen le ttie sAseteift, f jj I wae aimeae a rtel wrsc wheel I esrs. enenesw te awe alne' Celery CemeM , ee am I mm ee healttiy ea any a.a la , ' M werie M I ewe M ell e FeWe Csar - . . Csrwr.e: The ret kettle t lesi seae4 ' nt wsilerfilly, n wy the leie e eseewel' . wee e I was a well man, an4 I see. eee 1 V fully reemiene) H to any sas ae seise the ' best meeMeln I heve evef usee." ' V " -hs a, Le.a, siistw, WaeH. Try faine'i Cclrry Comprnind lo-dsy. ltbrftcet yrni tip st rmce. , T to 6vt' irratmmt. See how Thwh bet t'r j-'.u f"L .'W hxw mm h more easily the triali I t oy't rrr Talne'l Celery Corrtv"4 1 it '"i l' t it i:nirrj'!y ytd nrrve visahief - r n ' f ' t. , 1 " ' -r ' i'jinp'. fVVry O-fprmml Is '' - - , nr(i'f' r---t fj".u ji- :' v I i ri'f I n, I r f . I.. I" I -'f! 'i ..'n 'r A !! f; :!.! - t I '.! V ' ft ('f j J.; -i r i. i T..A

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