vear ex iiig CHARLES L. STEVENS, . - EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. X" SUBSCRIPTION RATES OneYear m advan..'..,....-." One Year, not In advance.... Monthly, by carrier In the dtylt 44.00 .. 6.00 , .60 Advertising rates furnished on appli- cation, V . 7 " V ' csif4 At th Pnat. Office! New Bern H jC m iecopd-claaB matter. , - .."TV tTIGUti ' PAPER OF : NEW BERN AND CRAVEN COUNTY. New 3ern N C, March s; 1905. ; GROWTH OF SOUTHERN . COKWER - - -a ;r--v a- -r. cialisit ; - Advancing value In 'every kind of r property, higher price forearm, piro- ducts, with the promotion of industrial t enterprises, hasjalready bred a spirit of .commercialism in the Sooth, which is rap luiv Ecnajutucuur r bwiiu . ww " ft -.conditions.) j -t ,, . v Thaniri. nf the dollar'. mark which has been deemed peculiar and individual to the northern man; the desire for gain at the sacrifice of anything which "shall deprive or lessen the chance of obtain- ing the dollar, 1a faat entering into the '- southland and the dollar nark, -which is evidenced by estate, stocks, bonds, or --- bank accounts, is receiving a homage quite different from that of t quarter of , a century ago, when the individual character stood for aa much, as the : siiowy display of wealth. ; '. -'It is not that the condition of this - twentieth century progress rr3o be "solved by the method of . twenty r .thirty years a.go,' but the struggled for fame or wealth, when the competition is to keen' and competitors so many, de- velope a spirit of anything 1 fairso that . success i won, which Meas ,w uniatr dealings, in order that by short' cuts wealth and position may be secured. , In all the rush for material advance ment, the South and it people - ought not to forget that then, . not money, i the key not for a progress, social edu- eational and industrial that shall Drove res reared upon character and probity, which shall stand against and auccess- " fully resist social .or commercial eon- ... . . . -, . ... 1 ' aiuon wmcn are anara ana , naveemy . the reflection of tinsel. . -.'. There muslhe a continued growth of commercialism mine south, and happily for the southland, if thlteommerciafiam shall not beoome a growth to dwarf . men, and develop a net. of fnooey task era and money getter, who strive with personal selfishness to acquire, regard lees of the tact that their money is s4 ..' cured at the Iosa(.individoalim, hoa- eety and character.- .' ; t :.'' NATURK tAHIt : What a rorroaau ptmtttem at Mtnr - tt la. tlw twtnt the torn f smbu! eatartiiai (or hew Soliaa woaia k Ma . stW u eiwervr, la Ux kMahl et Hi MuKlM Starr, that a euUur 14 u hmri, an4 thai Ita ,ty an (rafraao ir mi aoaaw fcint. - Matare iwrf v una tk uBi aba a a rttakl - mm-nmm ar piiaiw wwrm, for Uom mb k hm M. In l)x ran . kf lalllna- baJr irtrm kr ' aaat skwa r M Una I Id iuU ot nf wiam. Bwt tkankj Milan. VaatitaUana af ulaaUrta th traa aaa r M aa atMaeai la mv know ta ' a farm mr raall tkat barrova In la I- the Mir fotllrWa. ftawbrVa Harplciaa r - abaalalalr dnrtrort this a-ariaj. tkaa twraiiiiias; tk hair to sraw aa " lara Inlano. aV!4 tr Uaola raa - (lata raa M. in alampa ar h,Ii .- l IU Hafplala Oa, tKMralt, klak, ' O. a tBaDBAM, Special Afl. ' - Elopert Marry. . btr. Haaay Davanpert, of this eotmty and Mias Nora King, daughter of Mr. Jvey Kmff, ef Jones county, erer tnar- , tUi guixtay evening at 7:14 o'clock therrodarvreof JoaUceJ. U Ces, Uue (Hy, Mr. Cos performing the rre- - asony in the preatnee of mamtwrtof hi ewa family. The young KmpU laft en Ue 18 J7 A. 4 N. C. Lraia thai awmlng fUf (paodina; Uve Riht in the etty. i it was asm o nave oms ronava awttA, the paranU nf both part! b Jartbig bet the rouyla ootiltt lh ' "aid (u!Va" nd rama or ft Vjowi and ware t?d up noi and faat hy Jw . Cat fioaday a-ratiir.g. i IM ifTKJ rwi groora f lhlr pa PuUiahed every day in ti. cept Monday. Journal Buik Craven St. x - -. Phonb No, 8. SiriV :.:.- r.ri. V Kca jrif p of hr!'k rtr S f f".r:r-;,'., rrT a, ,, j-m . if y t !' f'n It. Ivit.g f:w I trf f r -.,-; J. W, 1 ri1 f ' : .' "I- ; . A ' ' "Iliil-iv J 'l I ton' , I', rs-, '!) r , ! t -j. , ... I ra tJ . I'l o,t (kit iC. Tuesday mon.' f a n- i as started at tie mill on ,ri . , . J ty W." B. i:.;.-s on C: h , and which was formeHy k:.un t Cor gdon mill.. The i'....X v,;.: h been eon&tant'y o- ' 1 :: '7 i-r ; 1 ments and enlargement f jr ova years, has reached a stage which i the proprietors pspu to own a p'"t that can turn out an enormous quantity of lumber. : ' : - ' The department devoted to plainir .g waa. started yesterday , ana it is one of the finest equipped as well as tl. largest in the South. There are eiyht planers in service and they fit for the market all sizes of boards for ceiling, i matched boards, etc, - The capacity of this mill is from 75,00? 100,000 feet per day. A fine feature connected -with this department is the lumber, conveyor which is constructed at very large expense; It is a convenient device and saves a great deal of labor. - Two self of this machinery are in the mill A- v : The motive power: of all the machiihi ery is confined in the Ave engines and six boilers.. The boilers are rated at 700 horse power, and the engines have a corresponding energy.Adjoining the planing mill is the file room' where all the saws used at the plant are brought to be sharpened.. It is fitted out with nicely adjusted machinery . and the for mer disagreeable and tedious task of sharpening r saws a comparatively easy and quick job. ' Another feature- which adds to the value of the plant, . insuring the -safe ty as well aa the 'convenience and com. fort of the hands . is the, electrir lighjt plant. It; b operated by the engine formerly owned by & P. Williams,! It supplies 700 lamps, which are sufficient to light all parts of the buildings.. , Of the lamps 25 arc lamps of 1,000 candle power each. . . vi ; - VLt. W. W, Woodley is superintendent of this mUU ' He .'waf connected with the Blades mill in EliiabethvCity for fifteen years and came to. this city last summer to assume j eharge of the mtll here. He is-; capable rtisan of large experience,..' -,'si-' " 1 i '"5.- The total number of - men employed at this plant r which ' .include the saw mill is 125. Seventy-five are" employed hi the planing mill Many of the other improvements, notably-; the. gigantM chimney . and the ; sawdust v conveyer have been mentioned at other times in the columns of . the Journal It is worthy of a visit aa it is in the lead of wow Kern's Dig maustries.' -;; j..,v JUDEt..F03 ICJHSRF. Which is Better-Try an Experiment or Profit by a: New- - r s: - r;.3-Experience'. v Something new Is an experiment, Most be proved to be u represented, " The statement of a . manufacturer - i "r-. not convincing proof of merit.. ' Bat the statement of frienila k.". - Now supposing you had a bad back. 'A lame, weak or achiiig."ij; Would you sxperimeot oa M r-, Ton will read -of many; AcaQed '-cure ti-r :;"V.' Endorsed by strangers from faraway t'. -place,; : fc-, f. - It a different when the endorsement comes from home.'- -.'-; ;.. ' Easy to prove looal testimony. '. Home ewdarsement Is the' proof that j( back every bos or Dou'sKJdny Read cae fi- - ' W. F. Aberly, Sopt and part owner of the Pto Latnber Co., of Griffith St. residing on National Ave., aays: I hare uaed Doan'a Ointment in my family and found it to be all right. I do not ear to allow my name to be published as reeommecding any proprietory medicine and telling about my ailments, but Ooaa's Ointment la such valuabl and efflcieot remedy that I will Sot object to aaymg te anyone, I . obtained H at BraJham's iJiarmany. . : " For sale by all daalara. PrkaJO eU a box. Foatar-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y. aoJa agenu for the U. S. RenwmW the nam, (loan's and teat noouier. . : ... Cominj Attrauiionl..': ineroiiowmg waairtcai attrartions will appaar at the Now Maaonit: T. tre la the aaar future; Maud ituU'ir, nrtum date, FrWay March 17. i .- . - " ' ' , FxUall - Winlhrop , Rrpartuire Cm- pany, one waak, lx-inning M:r. Uy, Marrb 2fth. --',. K11 '' e6 cV)fn;any in whi h Uia cljuroirif vtnta aj i-oars in 'r parts In b" k"l t ba bar aorn time In Afir.L k c illMI I ' .'lC liud 10 C! '1 ran hr- fa-'.n -r.r ( "' Il c2 cf r 1 i 1 s';'t!':Ji l: iit in months. tiled Kaul DvaDep3ia Cure, It has cured all ceQc e air:. unit? mih aiomach trouble. r VII e . . TT, 4. - For ten years t suffered from Dyspepsia to no avail.- One nijht while f eelinr exoepuonaiiy Baa. I was aoout to tnrow rr inan ih avaninr DDr whan mv av caueht an advertisement of KodoU x, 1 tlioufht It like every thing else, ana even wia mo aiucgiat wnea t oougni j - -a boms: ."Well, here roes snother dollar thrown, away.", My wlf0'; laughed at me, but after the second dose I felt better, and although I have; ttwd but two bo'tles I am atrancer and better than I hve been in yeara. B. F. HARE. SuoU The Miami Cycle k. Mf e. Co Middlelowm Ohio. TO ALL DELIVERS: The .11.00 uuu auurcbB. . ve win proioct ueaier wyiter Notes.' : The following clippings from Fishing Calette xl March 4th will be of interest to those engaged in the oyster busi ness,:; vi J. v 2 i & The experiment of employing Hunga rians in the oyster canning factories of Beaufort, N. C, is proving successful. pOne factory brought down a colony of 60 Hungarians from the -North; and thev are., nrovinir skilled -oDerativea. The demand for North Carolina oysters keeps ahead of the supply; ; k The North "Carolina " oyster cannerg who went to Raleigh to protest against tnt increase in tne oyster tax proposea by the Stae Oyster ommission " have returned to their homes ' with : the as surance that their mission has- been a succe8. mer are to be Better, regu lation of the oyster traffic but no in- creaseof the tax.r,J- -iTx Southern deliveries on contract great ly hamper by the ew writer a pronunent pacKer at eaaiort,: N. 'Ci The demand for all aisea of oys ter haa ' increased and jer now hav enough contract on hand to keep 1 them busy until the end of the season The quality o(.the stock now being de livered is superior in every way to last season's deuverle. , f ' V 'z j i NOT A PATENT MEDICINE. -vri..' . .car:-!.-?. -.' ; NysaMl, The Qasrsntaad CaUrrjr Car, Prt- Mrlaed ay llyalclaM,, No ate should ebnfound Hyomel with the patent rnedcmes j.that' are adver tised to enre catarrh. It ia. aa far m pertor to tbematl aa a diamond ia more valuabl thas cheap glass. . - Their com position m secret, but Hyomel gives H formula to, aU reputable physi- elana.' '- .f-fr'y,': Its bee ts the valuable fuealyptua oil. famous for ita antiseptie qualities, Thk is combined .with- aromatic and healing gum and balsams,: making a pur liquid. Which when . used 'W the Hyomei pocket mhalef, fill the air you breathe with germ ' killing, - disease-de-stroving and heeling power that kills all catarrhal germs there may be In th throat, nose and lungs., - Row foolish It is to try and euro ca tarrh by swallowing tablets or liquids. Tha only natural way to enre tbia dis ease and all other diseases of the re spiratory organs is to breath HyomeL Tbia treatment has been 0 aucceas- ful, curing 99 per cent, of all who have used it, that Hyoraei is now sold by T. 8. Duffy under an abaohtt guarantee to refund the mooey If tt doe not cure, Ton ran no risk, whatever fat buying Hyomei. If It did Bof poat an usual power to cure, it could not be sold upon this plan. The complete Hyomel 'outfit eosts fl and comprise an inhaler, a bottle of Hyomel and a dropper. The . mhaWr willlast a lifetime, and additional bot tle of Hyoaiei can be obtained for 0 can La. - A mjv!tiaait ha been starlad b Rum for th foundation ef an Inter- nauonal mstitm ef agriculture. A agreeatii movrmant of the bow alt without any tmplraaant sTact ia pro dor ad by's PUmiarh and Uver Tablet.. For tale by !1 dmgiat 'It is faarad. th marrhant vesaal caught krl the ice in Japanaaa watan hav bw-n rarrtad to tea and will b da- lj-oyaL . . . v X . C!--,- (!M I r A I ." i I .. ' a ' t . n Liniment lor V- " 1 a, a RaH rnmr V (' ; itv ya: 1 t. ri.rr.J ' I -t yr I ! ! t ' 'T -, i Larr-K'rf'ii-n'a of n i. 1 j M t- ,: !-l :i H r y tis ic-ath ly d'"c:tlrT vrtit vrl'Ji irl.;:stic2, dy;c;::a, sour stcaacb, heartburn, fcelching, i," - . ga3 oa stcsaach, catarrh of ths ttomach, ' Nothlnr benefited me until I me, and I reoommeod Kodol to CE?A7TTrO M.rftna CImm. .Iff -v i mat mw tfiwvt an. ; and spent hundreds of dollars Kodol it "on' "i. P,llwtMtUlula, ,1mm m Bmek a, tat trUl. or M Mat alsa. size Kodol Djrspepaia Cure is jfnaraa o..ij upon prepcuuwonai mis coupon, ,- ri - ask ior tne iouo 1 Head Inside ' ' ' Ags,uj the Journal desires .to eafi th attention of its readers to the fact that the inside of this paper contains , locals news as well as the outside.,; , Several time recently we have been taken, to task because certain - article. did not ippear when as a matter- of .fact they were published but were on the second or third page. ". -e -The great mass of-matter that we re ceive daily ., demands that some of it be placed inside orgooverte another issue, the tatter i conditian often being the cae. It is therefore, expedient for the readers to read- U the . paper . before blowing out the editor.-:' vf.. There ia often aa interesting and fnv Iportant news on the inside as on the outaide,, , ,,v fvf yjJI". 1 " 1 ' Startling Mortality. '-x- - ' ' Statistics show atartling mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. To prevent and cure thee awful diseases there is jnst one reliable remedy.-' Dr. King's New Ufe Pills. M.- Flannery, aay: !They have po equal for Const! Ijatiofj'ahd . ?iliouanesa."- 85c t 1 ruggist, J? r--i" Germany la considering the proposal of i. reciprocity treaty with the United btotea. ':.: ' ' TGUARANTEED CURE FOR. PILES " Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing Pile." Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to . cure any ease, no matter of bow long standing, in 8 to 14 'days.: . If your druggist hasn't It send 50e m stamp and it wU be forwarded poet paid bx ran steal cm (Jo, St. ixMiis, mo. .-. v.. r. The' President is wanslderuig the ap: pointment of negro lawyer 4s CoUeetor Of Internal Revenue for New York.- If it is a biUous attack take Chamber lain' Stomach and Liver Tablet and a quick cur is certain. For sale by W druggists. ' --- ' y t - , . - , Commissioner Garflald aays the Stand ard Oil Company will giv-him accee ,. ii ' '. ' " . V;-.,.'" : tsrrsllbla .Bnttatlity.'. "i" It would have been Jncredtbl brutal ity if Chaa. Ft Lemberger, of Syracus N. Y., had not don the best be could for bis suffering ov . "My boy," be says,, ''cut fearful gash oyer hi eye, so applied BtickJeu's Arnica Salve, hich quickly healed U and saved bit eye." uood for bums and Ulcers too. Only tS cent at all druggist..; - A apecatl pontifical comraiiaiofl be made ajreport raeconunending a ptodit cation of the .Papal decree - agairart woman tinging m Catholic . Church choir, v - i'.Satl Cough Medicin forChildres. In puyinf a cough medldn for chil dren sever be afra, to buy Chamber lain'a Cough Remedy. - There I no das gr from tt and relief I always ear te follow. J t especially valuable for eolda eroup and whooping eougbv For awl by all druggist. ' " . - Th San Frsnciaco police, sre (till without Information ka to what the chemical inatysi In th case ef Mrs Stanford shows, -but ar Inclining to the belief that ah tt not polaorwd. The Colonel's Waterloo. . ', CulonalJofcn M. Fullar, of Horiay Grora, Tex., nearly snat hi WaLharloa, fnm Llvr anil Kwlney tmulla. In a riyat.l U art, ha aays: "I we fiar1y drad, of lhre romi'lamla, fd Itimixb I trim! try family d(w, b did me fm vla, to I got a if bnt tl ef your Krt i:',-!rie I! t'Ta. wl.Kh carad rv. 1 1 !"T live bt rnaOicm en ftht jI Uai.V Old who r''' ynt ; .. f :. ' -a t'.- r aa if c-n. . ; -.-..J t 1 t. ' l. , I j i r :..;.j - you eat' There is no need or any, ether NStornach1 disdrder, ' ariI tinrrtavA tn Riiffftr if vnti will Dyspepsia Cure.; Won't you ; try . this guarantee? 1-' "-vV-f-'V - ' . - "'r f f WV 4... KCDCL KC2STS VIIAT YOV jtAT '- MAKEgjbli TOMAOH aWEET. rpa, at tk, Laa aratorralS.OJMWM aoo.,Ohlefcga.g.a.a. ed only to purc'iBaers who preieut pu noaoi Almanac ana iiuu Notice Of Meeting To Consider 'Co m ',' v.' position.; t- - In the' District Court of : the. United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina. . In Bankruptcy, In the mat ter of J. T. -Cooper of Bayboro,' In. the County of Pamlico, and JDistrict afore said, a Bankrupt.- t " Notice ia hereby given that a Compo sition of 331 per cent. upon gll unse curedxlebta, not entitled to priority, in satisfaction of said debtor has been pro' posed by, the above named Bankrupt to his creditors, aa provided by the seta of Congress relating . to bankruptcy . and that a meeting of said erector -will be held at the S. Court room in New Bern, N. C, on March 18th 1905,- at 12 O'clock M., to act upon said proposal for composition, according to the pro visions of said Acts and the Rules of - BAMUEIi W, SMALLWOOD, m t ";,e:. Referee jh Bankruptcy. New Bern," C; March 6th, 1906. . Wood'i Seeds. urn Era tin vm y-Jr . eaaaiw ' wsW- are rightly named. They aits. the best of Cow Peas, whether for northern, western or - soothern planting. They are early to ma ture, upright in growth . enormous ly productive, both of vines and peas, and are altogether the most satisfactory and 'Sure croppers grown. ' . . " We are headquarter tor Cow fsi had over forty' different varieties ia our exhibit at St. Louie, on which we were awarded the Grand Prlaw. 'r- - , - WeaSw PaatilyUn Catatafaa tin the fullaat tnfbrmatloa abont '111111 aad all Oara.a and Pana Saaaa. Wrlta lot U aad tyaclaj prtot MM of trw gt aqa. T.W.Wcci & Son:, Je:dsen. tiimoii minis. If to want tbaawaataat aatl baa) Waaar ' Sfalaaa and Caataiiapat trawa, Blaal . - Waad'a Saalkaia iiaa taa. Our . ' Paacripaa CataWat tall aU V V about th beat klodi In plaat, J ..u-tstauaa D-aaiacuiaaaiin - . TraatoJ-oeer, ef the Chad wick as sets, end PubBc Prosecutor stealer called on - Mr, Carnegie ad obtained from him spKimen of his signature, which 1 sltogethw unlix that on the Chadwick Papers. - - C jO CURE A COLD INtONB DAT. Tak Laxative Brome Quinine Tab lta,AU druggists refund- the aaoney If it fails to cure. 4 ;. f : Jf- Grow a signature on each boa 25o,' - - ' ' ' - in 11 aaaaa,, 1 - 18UUaleut University of Mlcfci gas graduat how that "eodJ! Dv three tiata long ss th average woman, and that the higher la tdks th graduata atood the "-fewer hav baa, th marriaraa. . - TO CURS A COLD IN ONE DAT.' i Tk Laxathr Proms QuiAiae Tab let, sQ druggwt rtfund tr (fnostey If it fail to euro. .'V- " ' ; " E. W. Oreve'p aignUo e each hoi A legal &f ht that proir.Iaa to be long draws eat has eoounrocad hitensi the rederai aad cut' uoa-errwmeate - over the aoaaaaaion- ci- the Everglade u ITgrid..- . " : VV. - a 11 1 . , " Cbsncs fprJouraal 'Hint. ' 1 ordar to Uat the Journal' graWl cu-culaLkM and K Suparior ayrrartialcg vahia, ww have mad angaants with Davta Pbarmary, ' the . pput (fnirxWt. to offar one 0 hit bl ljnt inailkin at half prVa to argron wh will cut out the fntiowmg $vpaK end t,rant l t h'a atora. ' " " " .'' - , COUPOK, TTiia r-'-m ar.tltla l fcfvMar ' to fma f . ,.- ill Itr. How. ' , - 'f f if u a r.i re ef rvn ' ; a .. n r )r;- at K f trvy t , I -1 tKa e-t ' - t 1 - ( r la.0 - .iibcicll to GUARANTEE COUPOW II. after eKng two-thirds of lha eootent of a 'dollar bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Car you are not satisfied with it, or can honestly say that it has nof benefited you. take the bottle back to the dealer from whom yon bought tt and we will refund your money. AU w ask Is that you - ba honest with us. ' Sign this guarantee coupon, and leave tt with vour dealer, who must mail it to us wlth-the outside You TalreWK - " wrapper from round-tne,bo!tle. ; Vaaw-..iM..M,.,..K.t' K ' "J. . M..-'. Cut this Guarantee Coupon out and 'take it to your druggist. - i" priated-conpoa property filled out - ' Year calendar. iUways ilcccr the Full Ncn3 H laxative lromo 0uimiio Oarci a Cold in One Day, Grip in Two. S 1 a Toe mat ramadv for nemna The treat remedy for Bemns wmwwiwa as , rrr n iimiua . ,K m.. . aXlCIi UOlfltk I , " aVT... Iguan S.Oi DR. French Periodical Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sore to acconrptiah DESKED KB&vuia. ureateat snows lemaie riHTIAI Bawaiaof eaaatarfattraad lalukuoiia. Ta rat-ulna li- P ap 011I7 In r-aU-boa Xi VHMIIUR ton with fao-almtle alKnaiare on aide of tha boula, tbat- iktMH lea for ttrealat w WILLIAMS atftt. 00 Sol aata, Clarelaad, Zma. JIUt-yyy Sold by DLVIS motts PENNYROYAL Of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organa and body. No known remedy for women equals tbem. Cannot do harm -life becomes a pleasure, 1 DO PEK BOX BY MAIL. Sold To d In New Bern by J. A. JONES Livery. Feed, Sale and Exchanjrr Lrrt"kBd I aaat stock of Bora aad Ma's arte offered tot taVa I N wbera laukar load of esv-h Joa' la, ' Also a eeeinlete Ha of Baggl, Wajoaa, Haroen, Kobts, Whips, Cart Wheal, tag. 1 CAROLINA BRICK CO., PlanU at Clark, Bjmss'i Bidlnf, Ktnato sod Itobereoovir. ?r rAnnual Capacity. 16,000,000. Tt brf Jrrand for our product justifies rof elsliB, thai w f arniah ' the Heat Ba IdUig fiick on this marks. '.Ws sre now erecting Pry . KUasj that will sntool; incraa oer oulfQt, but will sis ma ' A . teWJ;imrirots tbw quality ol oujr product. 'TivirTA w mitiiivv rf.niiiiv a-" - KW Bert.Tr C TcIephon6 . trivia. t iCAinKAi - .Rtcr'WITT. A " HOsIt k0OVMlI5Cl. A DO. ItSXD - t '! ' Cv nrc r-.lcnrt - '. - latstrry Y ' ' iJf Ttii I'bane et Cnal . : Tnn::;; ! rfn- 1 i 1X3' hi f - -f -. ,-rt-:-; ,'... at the time of aaie'vitii name and ; oiv Boz. 25c. nmatratloa and aU dlsaataa M tha mtuMtia vrostratloa and aU dlmaaea of the aeneratlM nerTuua rnauiuon, f Blunff or LiOSK Haaoooa. unu Errors, Mental Worry, eieeulra uat IVhuiiiiimIm . n .1 UTI.W . . . i. . . " z i .1 , r WW uia awueji. una at ea.uv par BOX. Drops remedy, rica, per butue. PHARMACY PILLS They overcome Weak ness, Irregularity and omissions, increase viir- or and banish "pains Davis' Pharmacy. La Em G HZ. I ' 8eIUaf A genU ciEOfflr mspiicH vji --AXP i . ia; A ' 013 .Dcnloloa Steanstlp Go - AIlaV MltE ' Frdnht and Ytxzengtr for all points north v rrrr-aivBfx,Tv-a,it.' .. Tk JUaamar Kaaa U VhaAiasi V at fk an M'avtar, Wailii.aikiy ) rv!. i- r l...ta--,k I Jt.r, wwkir ba h-ra at I manlai an4 Ur t - t A 1 r iaamat Orra-k.1 a W arKaifcad to t at t p. m. Taaa4ar, Tiumf a I r-lr fir MimhalH anak. irf Ota! 4 rUajaok t r- Tra fchl raaaJ rad aat lla tava. 'i nf fira-vje ka aain-f , "T5 I I iT'.t-.-r r fortM' i spt.iy te .D1, ?f M,l K.-tuM, AgL Jt .ip ;. v. r. A r.m. Vtt. If. C. j:'';-.:s.!. U ft, , W ' '.' ' i,H !, A a, (.an. TU A

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