$ I.. ?. J. s filled his ri-jju'.ar r. v. D. C. C eppuitilmf t at l. .As""- " 1 - i - 0 I O In : . - - x .t- I 1 ""i t ." r- . Aeeaaaaw- 4.3, j . - I 'fv . jj offering. Tis J ? , -v Bating Powder yc r ' . ( ' 1 than for any othef ba , H ' Vntoney.Jbnt :V'r viofin LLucfc Bating Powder, cut but the coupons oevery" tan, and get the "beautiful premiums we are now , is a truly great 'opportunity - Fir st-'-becanse' in Good iuck,.?!:. l tret the highest quality. ' Second-vou pay lessTfor Good, Luck" lnor nnwdr yTWrd--becausfr von Hot only tret the best, for ,the least .bv savinfif the coupons you also get;numerous beautiful presents absolutely tree. . . , , .... 7 - T'C - I - to be found ..u ' t ,:?Si. I I ' - :'"r c.'.To findlout all about -these premiums, read 'the fdly;illus,tratedlittlbookl that -is niidef each can of ri "S"?- s --v"-' ' Baking o rt . It is the purity of this baking "powdefand the.positjye certainty of good, wholesome, w V' nutritious bread obtained by Its use that has made the name of Good Luck famous.' So great 4 ; . V is the demand that we are shipping it in carload andtrajnload lots throughout the entire country, . . . ' T-Hot bisciutniuffijis, hot rolls, takes,', etc., are all light and nourishing5!.! made with;' Good Luck .paking ; Powden 'Pure as the! flour Itself, Jt gives absolutely no cdlor.to the, , , bread. It costs 'but io' cents totry apourid of ttiis superior jbaking powder .Start to-day, l' If your giteer doesn't sell GoodXuck wend mills nam nct Ve will see lhftt you are tupplied. ;Jthe SOUTIERNMFG. CO Richmond, Vliinla'A" I'.rv. T. C. HulUiad is putvlug up new lt When complf-.ej )ie will have a nice !.: tie home. . . . .. - Mis Dnuilia Dennis who hai been visiting her sister Mrs Dora Noma re turned home last Sunday. ' " Dr. J. W. Sanders went to fJew Bern Friday on business. ,. " ?' ' .'' Mr. Alex Dennis and wife spent Sun day with his brother, Mr. George Den nis. MrsK. N. Bell who has been very sick, we are glad to learn istoproT inir. - - Mr. George Dennis has seven of he finest pigs ever beerf raised in Carteret county. He says Tie wouldn't take ten dollars a pieces for them. Mr Lillian Hill of Swansboro fa nsituig her brother Mr. B. H. Joneat Mr, L W. Taylor of Cedar Point has purchased k large ttbclt of goods. 1 ' Hts" Naah Mattocks of Silverdale spent Saturday and Sunday, with bet daughter Mm I B, EnnetC ' v S . - - " - - T. H." J V3 LIST OF LETTERS -A N ,ftr TrisJs : of l MolHerhdodf J . "'--;.-V..f-V ;. "-'. r; , i-i-,,- .. . v- ' Bras Street. -'- v3Sr-.w; , - ' ' , " . " ' ' tauaLPio, P, Job 13,13.. 1 nffer1 to afn ywn wHh ormrlaa tremble king llf a taurdi ta ! u m u b t family. Dwing thM tin 1 hd two mtoearriogep . a.. n w uir. i fur child tebleai en borne thi etecwd impout b. I baa cmifc i ktns tawing-down patns in the pelvio erguu aud a IMiHnir Lurouu my llmbA wiih trequvnt De&daohet. J ft it sick at my :. h tod 1 1 ndul feHuaattjr and no nwdioui iMlfed me until (tried vj; ol Curaul. " ; .jc .--Jt. ,.r-,.. J. . . 'i -a n.y fnral heltb tmfmed, the peiim gnAaeMf laaemi fend ' ftftr le wki I wm well. 1 em bow the happy mother I a boy eighteen muuttte eid end niy aueband )ocaa set la teadiAg hearUeli thanksto you ' f-r yoar auleadid eeawena..; . . . S' r Without, I would har Ueaa J yjp 0Jl.A.rjrsyLSS: .. att wu muuiaf. --- -v.: ". Cenrrjm, H. AanaaWs Amooutiox. . ';' ' Wine of Cardol is the most, successful menstrual regnlator. By fKiralatinir -menrtraation. Wiae oi Cardui banishes inflammation w from the enUr female organlun and the strengthened ligaments brinff the organs back to their proper place.' This is what Wine of I " Cardui did for Mrs. Nirdlinger., It banished the racking pains and I burning inflammation and broOght her relief. She was restored to 1 J health arid strenoth and sHves Wine of Cardui the credit of makinir er able to become a nappy mouer. Ihls medicine equips a woman Sat every duty of wifehood and motherhood. There are many suf- ' faring women who think that health can never be theirs because they . cannot secure lae services ox a great specialist, out we want to say tfwuingi hves in Phihdelphia, a ereat ine of Cardui for a cure and she WiU you riffht here that while Mrs. W ! 1 . . i .1 . J . 1.1 . 1 ' meaicai center, soe oepeaaea on JLijB Ji)jftN 0J4j. ;siooiEc??l '42 , Craven - St ,.v New. - Bern, N. 0 , haa just received tbe finest; lot i-..- r.r-' .VTr.4 :T I --!.(-'V'i,j.' j,i-ir -v. s.V.j. ' - 'V- -.. '-' -''''-''.,( J 'from Et. Loiiffr that was ever offered' ior sale . in isaatern NortttCaroUnaf and have also jst ' received a fluoTot oi y"';-5 vri'-:?. -T''':'.';''''r'' r - whicli mean tHat there arVgood bargains for ... inose - wno wani io- purcnaa: good neavj vV Mules, and -iiice Horses at as low prices as r ... tney can do soiozm anrmarlcet,ln this State, y so everybody call and look-for yourself. ;JU!;j Hwi -cf ilinicco: ftrllfi . p. : Meadows GO 15 D L E A F ! rii'OBilGG 0 G TJ-aKO ! ! o u o 13 n n u f v c ) : ) c ) t . t Use II ernl tin will b aall.fir,!. III. ; -; fcJ' fof Cnhtf oUco ajjiV will nuke ' - It, Fjdal Cabbet;, PblateanJ jrtal , ' .,; ; Ctlt Oueao, One of mtr trrnat fip . ,' : Ur Itartrlg Is s c :: j t 'a: ' , v-'x-,x.,c 12 o r5-1 '" . It lwal Tf rtUig gT.-ir, s K yia tjfj ftlir Ir.siat tir nt nur j.'j ' yotiiih WKU)V3 r.iitl- 1Uj' - n (!.!? I'.glLL ;: z :: f llat -atl llsstasa et Ike Itaaasa, Urw, KltVMra aat Soweli. teastlpn tllkMa-7 MM, HeieieSi.. MlfMlke, JUneaieeea, ttaatts, IMckie Sad all Ula iaujewHI.. v; rot ftttf r u Mutaitn.:.-,. trains, 10 CU sad it Casts tsav . .Aoeept No ubeiltutea. - r ' ,T AOreta, Prra : T A VeasB, laen ' I H II caduws V Citizens:BanH nrf O. i JeftSf SlaearltaaTOe D Qenaral Bunking Baals y: BirptH and tidlvUed Prekta W. wlt1r fnaft u4 caretot sttealloa to baaeaew ewtrueeed aa. We favwe year ::,'-.,."' eMicOBafcTiTBav . . BOARD Of BlRECTDRaJ J A Meadow, Baal W laedtiCaai J W aralntrSS, X W SmsSweed, dee H MttlowT. . Chaa Duffr, Ir. - UararUaha): Thoa AOreta, -CFor, W r pocfcetl.'' 1 Mart mway , H V anrv-'nff InT-r.t or tmpmrel alio rt. C 1,1 .tt aH. CWlUlfcMlorUtSli.S fm.iLLh.'ii. hi1 model, akaeeh.'of pbota. ft fre eiMBinat tfitt and i'Wtna, ' tww L.I hAltAl.Mblakl f'aieo" i wa. W ABKINQTOM .ox.j , tO VtAR' ' EXPERIENCf ' ' ' I , . CoTVUKiMT 40a- JrrrsMs t 1 rts.rtl M pfl. t f t - r ir n fMi u invar) I' i ! ' " ' 1 -f' CM- Hi Jk V rusMw , in u-ei - 1 a,.,-.. t9SM B . t, T - u n i:! :atrj Claim.- - ... K(vm PBot.tWA . . i' Ml I ';.1T. . i . I i p-- ' ! I Remaining in the Post Office at New Bern, Craven county, N. C, jMch, 6, 1905. j v. t - - " i -t MEN'S UST - , ' B-Jack "Bryant, Edward .P, Bill 2. 0. A. Brown, Gilbert Brown, 1 r ,C-M N." Cravens, qt J, Crowd er. "vJ - J. ' - C-Fkyd Goodwin." , H-J. N. Hancock, Wm. Hil" C-brael tQnaey.lFred Knight , L-O. I4 .Lumsden, 'd I, W. B.: Lame hm ; -.7.1 It- W. McEackeh, d i Capt John H. VcDorman 8, W.B. If orris. ; r P-J.: P, Parker, J. Pean,' ' . ..: R Capt a B. Reed, Barge Kent -S-Al Signer Arehimede Salvatore, Box 612, Vincengo Scanelle Box 612, Fnmcnigheeley. T-AntonloTenDo Bo 612. -v " f . V Crinita lJyane ?nviela Box W 3as. Williams, Green Whitfield, Jv Webb, Geo. T. Weat . P D, W. H. j Walker, WiUiamWateri, '. ; ' A-Mra..Maggie Allen, Mrs.. James Allen care Tom Godley. Ciinne Carnegie, Sallle B. Carroll, Sadny Crawn, Mrs. .lizzie Crofford SI Croaked St : V' - D Locindy Done, Battle DixonMrs VL Dunn Mr." McCarthy It F. D. t," Emma Dunn Jasper, N. C, . A .7 MarvFulman. ' r G-fiarah Gardner Lima N. C. Annie Gray, Sauer A. Green. , . H-Mias B. EL BUI R, F. D. 2. : E-Fannie Ridley, Meat Pott Robb 100 Million St..? - . W-Eliiabe& , Williams, .Eva WU- ttana 106 Craven-8t "tt Persons ealling for the above letters I will pleat say advertised and give data .The rerulations now require that (1) one cent shall be coUectad on the deliv ery of each advertiaed letter. .... A: W. HANCOCK,- -" " ' Poatmaatar. owas cured. This same mediome is within your reach, druggists sett 11.09 botties Wine of Cardui. n i) No womant nappv ness can be eomplets) without children ; it it her. nature to lova and want theza as snuch so as it is to lova the beautiful an Jam ' TU.aritiaal esdaal through which the expectant mother mut aat; oevtravar, u ae rranmi witn Oraad, pain, suffering and danger, thai lam wry thavght of H fills bar with apprehension and horror. TUiaai teftaiesiilrvfoTtfaa raprodnction of life to be cither m iamtwim; Tim urn of Mauar'a Friend to prepares the system for wsaoswuj evesn taas at aaiaij paataa without any danger. This frsaa-jtaw. . wonoanai - roiaad; U r alwaya ppttoraa,aa4. kat arrie4 timsanda Executrix Notice BavtajtanallAaiiaaBxaentrtxaf thelaatwiU and aaetaiBeBit td Ludnla J. Km. deeeaaad. lata of Oravan Oaejntv N.C. thle to to uotUr mtt paraona Sanaa aiaiiaa acamevuM eata aeeaaaaa to exmmt thaw ta tha'underatfaed oa or before the 22nd day el ItbuaiT UWor the nottea will be -leaded tat bar yjowmr-au reraoaa mtaoiea to ue e&ia enate wUl aialca bnmedlata payaMat jrea,nain. Exectttrlx SA. ;a II; C.;R. R. r!MfffiJiiil..1flirfiTPTrfflt Pa", imp) Spa sai ' , a . , 1 Ulllll.llltawi V WW'.I ''Hhvejisst; yeceivea ::&-f ',;.?S' fresh cap hid Amefi Ss ' - . - . - lLv.CWd.bora". Itt Ml B.M. urn .nvrc i cTK.c; umc Lr.OokUbora a wu ' ttaver " rf . Urea W.U aWiM a- UfCOilV Ur hi HKSX 14 1 ; i. a - .m a. m reduced slnt Cornel rii? r i . hnrpen i an Aa. Moreeaad Q.. Ill . RW a Mee" Mae ia.ee 11 UJS 1 - wcrr aouxa . i No. 4. ItTATWMai - tlAII.Y s ftaJI fct." I.V ' md see 'me : before . . -.-,. .--..- lrl sua .. hkie sis A.M.. I e J 2 " Set I4 " I C j Hi "istut,T A.t;ri:;v.s.- " " ' ' TWaaitfcndtlwaaelrr. "' ::ctsc- aVH.ki Cootalulsi coo port for 800 Ihs oC lea In 0 lo. eoopoos, value will b "'.J U Ctitiomaws at a ilecr oflOftf rrn, IJWwllUmy H.00 worth of iCI ho.s Is rrwa", sUbaf ttom lbs 4rtw f watna Of frose lh-S' l OrlO . - roKSBf-nriKil A a .id.w w ia ! Senear aa4 At Ai S unew aal a enei WH AUaaUe geeat la. p. rrrt". A-ttrt. tjmim w.r Tre. 1 P, u D:rn Ic innii . -I e 2I0TIC flea trying arisia withont aaOarlng. .? M JMaaraaafl Bifaltaa .aapn wpeaeweaavaaafaaeaae .NOTICE. . CbartaallrhTele va. taMPInala The Aafendaat alaM named wffl take aoOee that an action ee above entitled baa been ooenenen eedeatnaOupeieaiOaBrtotCnuren eeantr toeb tala a dtaonw a viaeala MatrimoaU from tba eaid efeadant, Laa Ptureio, and the eaid dependent win (ortaee tata aouaa nan aae ta reatnreo toea eMfnaamt tarea af the Rumtmt Court off eaid eoaatata be bald aataa Uta Mondair after taa Bret UtmUf of atarek. HO. at the eeurt emea la New Bera. N. C and aaewetor deenor to the eeaeelMi ut eaea aauea, er teje peunun win mr Dlr to the eourt for taa retW daaeaadad .bt eaid aemaeunt. net Uatear as deamarv, reoa. . W. M. WATSON, CtC. Rdssell House Entry Claim. NORTH CAROLINA, I Onuluw County, I To M. M. Cappn. entry taker for Onslow County: Th underaiirned C. D. Davis, of Onslow county North Carolina, enUrs and lays claim to the follow Inf dcriboti piece or parrt I of land in Stump Sound Township. Onslow county, State of North Carolina, the name bemit vacant and unapproprl ated land, and subject to entry, viz:- ItefrinninR at tha mm pond on Tmublenome II ill at iSheiMsrdn Comer and running wah Shepards line arouitd back to tb main road, and with the main road back to the mile post, the bt'ijinninK; containing twenty acres more or lew. EnUred the 7th day of Nov 1904 Entry No 412 G. D. DAVIS. Claimant. Executrix Notice. ZHaving' qualified an Executrix of Mary J. Hay, deecataed, lai of Craven county, N.C. this into notify all iwrnonH havinjr claim airainit the estate of aabd deceaaeil to pnfw'nt Uu-m to the undertucn- d on or before the Sni day of February 1'jOfi, or thte nottre will be pUadrd in l-ar of their recovery AH peraoiMi indebted to ftd entate will pleaae make hnrnediata? payment. Thi 8rd day of Fehmary 1WV HAKY K. K. HAY. Executrli, Publication Of Summons. Nortb Cerolloa, I 1 . R ATTTORT. N. G. OenjraUy ooattd, . All tba (jell oarwfrf tba Craven County. I I In th. Sunrinr L. V. Phillip.. Marr Ph.llip. Tba defendant ebove naml will take nutio- that . . . mm Hun imiun buut. nmm twn mmmnrai W tli V6HU- ta be Sacwrtca court of Crav-n wiulj lo olitain e latad IOOOUi OOOd btdt, PllOne OOn defendant will further Ukr nt thai ah. U ra- mid eoantjr to be beld m th- loth dar uf Aprt lMatenort aoiww iif ml eountr in Naw H-rn. N. C, and enewer or rWiur to ae tximpkint la eaid anion or U plelntllT will apulr to lb. eourt far reUef (bmentUil in an rannlemt W. M. WATOOf, (. Urk superior Court rweno, Poft and attentive 8er. TaataV":. Bat II JO - per dav. 3padal and llbaTt) Uttm by week o; A. JUSSELL Ernest M. Qreen, itferatf a Ceaeaeler at taw. Paoaalt .B1W BKRlt.'M. 0 WaUaoVilpejd t o tava tlOea bv ream I aautT aeaue wpararaeo k the taa as4 at keUwr oi Oaadai Praetleae la aheCarbi o( Cravea. Joteaa,, Paaeitor Cartsraa Db,icw, of WhereTOf aattkie srerailraa . , . J. - ;. . D. LvWAIeO, : Attorwey at Lsrw. U Ke. rrea He., Opp. Hotsl CMstrai ' KIW BtaH, R, t , '-. ' ftsnaaOeaaty Abboroey, ' ... CrrwIV Cravwn. Joeeaa. Oatatrw, CM rwt. i aaaikto, (iraana, Lenvocr, aa4 sett Bnpatea4 federal CVmita. .j-., j. v'7 P t . 1 1 .. - I 4 I i , Tv. . JWate i. e - T eMr rt. T- ' V 1 - . M.tl rrWerta aaMl C aeiaealaf I fiara M'! arrarpmwBU arherabv I nil nar e i i wort m rrrr r". vith i , flr-'- t r. I"ol Surveying, Irf ht- r . - ;.'kir, . titratirt .. and 1 -a A 5r: L ' In- t n. --rrKiWaU raiav. . , 1 tXQUISrTE STYLES IN DRESS, ; abtM wetkebeie aaal eeieread. baberleel fa brtae ead eat aaaeraw St eree Snb, aaabM e aaaa ea aai aerrWeaat ble etura aa H te indlli w ealaew. W)we be ten. ear kaada be kaw USal ta kean Wmmp-4 faerdaa t ra, aad t awi.ne ln.ii. of Oeaa... fear waaa er aatliiieas eat anrb le e I i 1 1 I. . P. .If. Cli ad m If lr. )i;r:iouii w. iiancock IV..V.-:-; r.... e i.i!tier4 I rsl Courit. . -' Of" 4i Ttced .!." j. A. ::i:ado' k ; r 7 , iv V.! It, T r . .. 3 co:u ( . a r 'i n I AT lAVf. r ' ' r-f (' raea. i e an i t .i'.w . i -. -..a S4 f a-!ral ! ' - V awav T I aV -I V-4w vara i--9 Wsa f ..-. aaaaava. we, fee atkMI f - - t -."a4 UwitJ - fm t wl a. a. (w4 Ht 4 tee Oaf , t - i jb ' t'tttf h r. va a ts i f ajs) f'.. V !rr a'i r" ",s - -a ., (,, tf V. .Ur 4 f fl. 'f.'2:',, r v-