1 i THE JOUIuL.L, "New Bern, N. C, March 8, 1505. LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at Rountree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7 :S0 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are invited f CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. ; Meets 2nd and 4th Wed nesday night in each month in' Roun tree Hall, -Pollock atreet, at 70 ' o'clock. Samuel R. Ball, President; J. H. Smith, Sec'y; B. R. Hill, . Financial ' Index to Kew AaTertJuaeit. . ' 'Wanted, Boiler.- "Simmons 4 .Hollowell Co-w Note - March 15th.' , , ,, 1 , v 1 - - " w a ntrtwh; to 40 horse isowereneine ' and boiler n good condition. Address Haste, cars journal omce. , f. MILLINERY at home, latest Spring -Styles," Hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p. in, Mrs. J. H. Whitford, 22 Change St. . JUST RECEIVED A ftne lot of fresh Corned ..Mullets at J, B. Watson's, Mar ket Dock. Phone 142. . I HAVE just received a very fine lot of r : Nelson'il Bay Oysters, " V,JHtxmm. 'Market Dock. Phone 142. v s ,j 4 j WATSON'S Phone nnmber at 'Market Dock is 142. . Don't Forget; it. THE Fish Season is now open, ;.. If yon want a nice Shad or . Fish of any kind dressed to order, call , np Phone No. 142. ' - ("';. , THE latest shade of brown .crepe e per for hats at M. E. WhitehursU. ji i ' ,-,. i; s FOR SALE One 20 horse power boiler and ; 15 horse power engine, uoiter made by Erie City Iron works. : Call and see them at Brooks Bros. Steam Laundry Middle St. ',-".;. TWO - YEAR-OLD ROSES, Choicest Varieties! will bloom this Spring. L. E. Bryan, Opp. Post Office. , . FOR RENT 4 room' house No, 85 Craven street Apply lo E. H. Howe, 83 Craven St, - . , , - WANTED TORENT A bright sunny front room, furnished, heated by fur naoe with hot and ' cold water. Nice neighborhood, eentral location' Apply o No. 8, E. Front St FOR RENT After March 1st one fur nUhed room. Apply to C. C, Clark, Jr. MOTH PROOF Cedar Chests handsome U made, any sixe to order. Designs . shown on application to H. A, Epting, National Avenue, next to J. Ft Taylors CANDY TOPICS-In addition to oar line of Taffies, Brittle, etc, we have added a fine line of Chocolates and Bon Bona made by oar Mr. Duffy in ear own specially equipped factory at 101 j Middle street Phone S0f. James B. Dawson. v FANCY FLORIDA Crape Fruit Broad Street Fruit Co. . . MOTER THAT MOTES-Waea yoa want Gasotene engtaelo work call at 'Gaaklna Cycle Co., and purchases How ard. Simple and easy to start Conv ' pleU to go fat boat. lap $1U; lap 13S;4kp$156...; . ; ,' : .', FOR SALE To house and Jot at No. 12 Hancock street Hoose almost new, eleven rooms, ; Commodious shop for wood work ot lot, ,! Apply, to J. ,W. llolli on premises.' - ' ' WANTED-Boarder , at reasonable rates, Mrs, A. IX. Wadsworth, II King street. t 'v . ; V 1 HAVB a supply of BtilhreU Css Burners oa hand Various styles 1 and prices, and am ready to pot yea op the beat banter oa the market - Can od eae them, i Joha B. Opp. port-oflic. a, ' - . t: S- ' DRY WOOD FOR SALE-Large oaa. . lity aice dry rpllt pine rvt m uurr or , long length. Telephone St: . . ' . Breeddu A Ives LamW Ce. KANTEDMf and won to tfa nut; sad adjoining Unilork to r remal and adrerU aa eld mUIHiM bouM of Solid nnanHel etandlng. iUt- srjr to lha fa lr, to toll WlywitJl enrOMe Sdrsrw 4 eexh MnxUy by (Wk dirwt from bawtquarlffr, Hon r4 hf tf fur n)Mi w)h trj, fjm- a-rit Adilrw PVt bram, A Co., 1t4 t, Motmsj '.; , Oir.f, in. . fr si Journnl T. II roUix Ft, 1 F"! ' ) fi 'it l i " t' m tf ft . . ' I f r "v- '' t 1" ! I , , t r '1 1 f- -r, h. t t , - , w V J i r, t- - , . i e , , - It '' l '. t ) " i -n y : " . ' ! !i I f ' I See Inside i-f j?s for additional K ul news. : i i The weather forecast for today it rain and warmer. ; l - j There will be services at Christ Church at H a. m, and 5 p. m.r " The Presbyterian church of Kirstoh. has extended a call to Rev. Drr Camp- oeu, pi Toronto Canada to become their 5 Tickets to gallery seats f6 Rip - Van Winkle tomorrow night may be pur chased Bartlings barber shop, !-Lent begins todayw V ' ' The dedication 4f the new U.iMM church which waa to be held tin Easter bunday has been postponed until Mat -There is a little local. Interest in the case of Herbert Smith the young Norfolk man who killed a Woman in Wilmington and then killed himself : last Saturday. He was arrested by the post office' in spector while he was here last fall for mailing ajettor. inside of a package; the same being mailed as third-class map tor. 1 : r-- - " ;v ' , ; Jhe ushers at the theatre have adop ted the common sense plan of detaining late comers to the show at the rear of the house until there is- a, convenient time to seaf them. s This is s'commend ble practice and we trust that those who contemplate' seeing Rip tomorrow nignt win Dear tnu laet m mind, and "act accordingly.' vi. r , ' - ,Mr,( Luther JBryan. has received a handsome new plated service and. new furniture for the pleasure of his cus tomers, ne has a- nicely equipped store. v .a 1 t The regular monthly meeting of tte Board of Aldermen; was no leld last night, there not being a quorum present There was an alarm of Are, from box No. 47 at 10.20' o'clock last night- It proved to be a false alarm, 1 HAS STOOD THE TEST zTY&R?. The bid, original .GROVES' Tasteless Chill Tonic 'You know' what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a taste lees form. No cure, no pay, 60cd '! V, .'Rip Van Winkle."; - ' " That worthless village' Idler, "Rip Van Winkle." who has km ben shining star : to ' the) ' American stage, win dc connnueo by his son, Mr, Tho. Jaffrsnnl Mrkn 1m aa I1W lit. ffh k. appearance, and who plays the part as nis tauter qua lorty years ago, that ar tistically we," have lost nothing,-and time Will surerr' endear. Mr. Thorns Jefferson in the hearts of the public as his mustrious father has, ; . :, Thomsa Jaffarson will mumf In thU ever popular play at the New ' Masonic Theatre tomorrow night ' m';- ; . '''u - For Impaired Appetite) ' Loss of appetite always results from faultT digestion! . An that U mmm!! U 4 few doses of Chambermin's Stomach ' and Liver Tablets. . They will Invigor ate the stomach, stremrthen the dlra- tion and give you an appetite hke a wplt . These Tablets also act as a gen tle laxative.; For sale by.aH dru clsta. ' . :. i,.:..-- - r M D. K 1;.;' Nobles are kerebr eoounajxUd ta aa- semble at their Castie this Wednesday evening at 7.M o'clock sharp. , ; By order or L H, r. - i y v - :'.J'H. 8MTTH-: '.'''' ; '-- .O, IB.' Biwart ol Ointminti For CtUrrb I y Thai.. Contain Mercery, H as mercury wlB surely destroy the sens ofsmeQand completely derange., the whole lystom when entering it through the mocoos aorfacea, , Sock article should never be used esorpt on pre scription from reputable phyaWkna, as the damage they will do is Ua fold to the good you ran possibly derive from them, Ball's Catarrh Core, man ufactured by T. i. Cbenry A Co Tole do, O.. ortalne M mercury, and Is takes biUrnalty, acting directly opoa the blood and macoas surfaces of the trtom,' In baying Hall's CaUrrb Cure to be sore yoa get the (main. It is takes biUrnalty and mads In Toledo, Ohio, by f. Cbeny A Co. Teatl- wnl Is frr ' - . I Sold by ail DraerWta, Ue, Take HaU's Family Pills tori const!- . Re. Close Ctrriagi Paint Kadi, wiD a org as IV to 'a. No oth m r M hrjr IrfvuuNi nt't i(Vit I 14 I unr tn'itt to th pint - rWld f C, W. Po sliwor,! and he J. C W!.HT ( a. T.. Anil-Eiickit S..ot Lsw Is Csntldsrtd UnC8fll!!ullonl. " ' It is of the opinion of C. M. Bus bee. of RaSe'gh and other leading lawyers of the State that the anti-bucket shop law for which the late legislature is re sponsible is unconstitutional and they advise dealers t in stocks and cotton brokers to proceed with their business and to let the Supreme court determine its right to be a law. . . - . They maintain that the jaw is class legislation of the rankest kind and as that is against the provisions of the constitution it is therefore a nullity. . The bucket shop in Raleigh . will not close and the result will be a test case in which Jhey are confident of' over throwing the act , v , , S . , t ' Swanjboro, . .- J.V l i L ' March j W are glad to say 'we 'have had a ,: few days restrom cutting wood and building fires. . The farmers are rejoicing over the fine weather we are having now,: and they are making good use of It Some repairing fence, tome, ploughing and t aaaaaaaj auauitf. rh:,$K i.'.Wi, Mr. and Mrs Charles Conklin of Long .Island, N Y who have .been spending the winter here, left for. their' home Monday, they will stop at Oriental and spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs W. ti r,j u ... i ... ...... "Hon. W. IL. Thompson, our -county superintendent spent Saturday and Sun' day in Swansboro. - -, We ire glad to not the sick around here are all improving. - f - Some of the merchants here are get ting is their spring goods and you will find a beautiful une of ladies wear at J, A, Pittman A Co.m i . Mr. iotfattit and two young men from New York who were stooninir at Stella, left last Friday morning on the schooner Joseph bound to Florida, The schooner belongs to Joe and his mother ancrhe has taken her down there to see Mr. Joe Smith who. lived nearl.; here aiea an aaTusoay nigni wiw lagrippe. Mf, Smith Was sixty seven, years old, He has not walked a step in fifteen years from case Of paralysis, i y??r The schooner Abby Elisabeth, A. W. Pittman master arrived here last Friday with a load of guano consigned to J, A, PitOnanv;':.., f' j'ryl? Mist Dunnles school 1 still increasing She htt now on toll sixty eight pupils, still they come. ' ' Miss Flora Mattocks' has been quite sick, but we are glad to note she Is .fan proving. V ' -V - I ; - There were a good many young peo ple in town Saturday among them were Miss Lixii Ennett and Mr. John Jones of Cedar Point and Mr. Leo Mat tocks of Sihrerdale. : - : s. s.. ' HOtutTtn a : Rocky Mountain Tea Nucsets ABairsWWaBssrrnU. ' libfei altfc sai tisiwii Tlfw. A 1 fncOo tlpOo, Iarwtloa. Urt XI UnMf TratMK flmplM. loam, imw jod, Bad Bnath, Slunith Bowate, Haadaohr aalMackacka. It's Bookr slouatahi Taa la tak t (ata at aau bos. Uawila mad kf tu iwii Dana Ooauav, Maaiana, Wk) - - OL0EA RUQ&5TS FOR SAUOV PEOrU ThUEffectdf Eyo Strain: on Tho Nervous Systcml Aa itncorreetod error of the optical spparauia of the eye requires an x ceeslr amount of nerve force to stimu late the muscle governing it, and can be compared to a pair of opera glaaae not in fonts, yoa cannot see aoleas the error In the opera glasses is corrected, nor can yoa sm unless the error of the ere t corrected, yoa adjust the opera Elaaane by a erraw, the eye by an exres iv amount of nerve force stimulating the inucl of accommodation which a eonaunt strain and nut only break Aamji the tyt, but ether muscle being in sympathy are caused to eontrsrt, reaulting In rross eyea, the drain, in a braek li.j Uwb o ti whot norve sya. Um, hHfh a STrrptonj and warn. Nr. b.Pmmtin ef the ey Inability to r4 1 or any Unjth of 1 1 ma, or eon rantrata the mind, ar !! aril fkr- hif from sn anrorrartad ay strain, larietitiftrally fttd iU''lm t,y an J panetKad otkiaa bring the only snHt J 0 BAXTER Cral.iate In Optmtnf. 1 V..V i . r Z- y Kasonic Ko'Ice. A regular communication of St ' John's Lodge No. 8, A. F. A A. M. will be held this evening at 7.80 o'clock harp. ' ( Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. By order of the W. M. ..fll, T. HILL,':' ' ' . ' ""'', Seety. . . , Why.suffer with headache, eonstlpa- Can't yoa eat aleep or work? : Bad tkm, stomach, kidney and Uver trou- livert HoUister't Rocky Mountain Tea bles, when Hollister's Rocky Monntain makes rich, red blood,: gives strength Tea will cure youT No money wanted and health. Cures when all others fail, unless you are cured.. 86 cents, Tea or No cur no pay. " 36 cento, Tea or Tab Tablets. F. S. Duffy -.''-" fct- P.S. Duffy, - , z f i m s . J . i ' For the finest line of meats in the -'. Mice lot of Carolina Hams, 15 cents city call at the Coast Lin, Meat: Mar- P pc at the Coast Line Meat Mar w. - , - i . ket ' 2. - t Fine Veal and Dressed Chickens at Coast Line Meat Market - " twiaayeawiiawwin'iiiwiww aijiiaiiMyiiaiesiaiirtMiilMliMyiwiiSBai)ii'' I- ' Flower . I pi.;h . Davis! Pharmacyl ! New Gtooc For Walts,lnUs and C :lilldrt n' Wear Beautiful Designs in Mercerized Silks at 10c, 12c to 50c India Linons, Persian avs and Dim itles at 10c, 15c, 25c up. White Linen Crath Suiting 10c ane White Dotted Silk tho Ugvt Soft Dress Our line of White Goods for Waists is compete at 10c to 60c yard. MARCH PATTERNS AND FASHION SHEETS ARE HERE. t BAR FOOT BROS. ThU morning: we place on sale at a great reduction, our entirf stock of Ladies' and Chil High Shoes, and to haye all mew, fresh stock for next season,:; ., ...v V" Below wo Kivft you a1, schedule of prices that should toe special; intereit : to .every womaiLf It means a hig saving.; -sV ' We. Chikbrea,' School shoes,' 1 v ' .,' 'I tie, " v ',' ' '.'LOO " ; 1.80 -.":.. ,.':M'-r.'"L" V loo -.:" '?'; !. ISO Mtaaes Pst Lee, Shoes ; , ,.M -100 " " . , " ' 10 ' ' l.2sUdi'8ho,' . Wa; - " " 1.60 l&' Bhoao,.' . ' LI0 : V 1 00 1-a-l'ioa Khar - Lai ,' ' , 160 Lakes' BVwe ;. -'. .tH 't.EOt'nr"snl, UmhoUw" '. - Rh " tn. "XWi iirortporU" 19 Ti, ami h crtsm f ovr Urge itwl ef KW. Guess ihz Number Pos'pine-nent. On account of trie inability to reach New Bern of some of the members of the committee appointed by the . State Board of Agriculture to select a toe. w for fne but ixperiment Farm, at this time, it bas been deemed wise' to I postpone the meeting until Tuesday, I March 14th. The meeting was at first appointed to meet here Monday; bight Fine La mb this morning at tho Oaks Market White Is Mulls and Riboline Stuff at 25c yd. Be.-. " ' 'M of the Boll ' I ; I is "'if 1 in t f IN A LAIIOE VA- ; . HIETYY OF STYLES. All the Newjthlngs are here. S Plain and, Figured Lawns iles, Silks White Goods and Embroid Series in endless variety. 'Twill be our pleasure io .lnw them lo yiii. J. G. DUNN & CO., Phone a la. Fashionable Stationery; Eunett's Bookstore eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee rirQ and Boilsr Insurance. Brick for Sale. THE FIRE-GONG SOUND Will PTW T"V m ' " ' " . oar ruek-ribbax! eonpuiln lht t b. k" i . , . i n.. . iniraH In AM of n mix (Mr proplto. Prwi l.-Mk.. fure th. uhM If. trldina wllh f.U to l.k. iwIUu ri.k. Our pranllim. for maklnr foil Mcur .r. Ih. low- wt rouUUnt witn KMKiiiir. Ptaoae 20 Son h Front axd Hancock St. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a RIVERSIDE STORE, j Phone 8 IO E Maryland Country 1 F Hams is Still Going i t Try One. lib can Rum fords for onfy I Picnic Hsmt only 10c lb. Drugs and Garden Seeds of all t kinds j Tin, wood, and willow war of all fw LI 1- i Ea.nua 20c Coffee, the best In the city, S lb for 35c. Hlns Vlnecsr, fcqt Befais Pkklet 8wt rod Sour, . I .10c do. Cora SO peck WboleCrainRlceTclb. . CriU Uc b. . I'r, LB. HABICIIT. Proprietor. F J O. LAND? MlHlOStU , C ' " ' yaaa-aaaaiaaaiiAaAAA -' Bny "ynr "'- GARDEN SEEDS rronr. a duitt. AD kinds for Track Turm or K He Wee GartVtl. Carnta4 freaa. " A lea full Hne ef flowat 6d, U F.S. DoffyY . Cr. Wkklle and avata Front Su., J L. HARTSFIELD, C'oiiirnrler niiJ IlBlItlrr.- k (jfriil 131 J HJtClt ST. : 1 1 ! I r r id );,w r'- , ' i , r ', . and Dress 83 57 Pollock St. Lumsden & Stith We represent and aek vour business in the following Companies. NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO., of London. GERMAN-AM ERI CAN I N S U t ANCE CO., of New York. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSllR ANCE CO., of Newark, N. J. JKmest C. Jrinstrong, Osteopathic Physklo. 63J Pollock Street. ALL DISEASES TREATED. Office Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. 2 p m. to 4 p. m. Graiuaio Southern Sckl Oiieopatny. Paints and Oils Gunr, Pistols. Bazors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges. Cookiov and Heating Stoves Economical in fnel--Splmdid in operation Life time in dur ability. SASH. D00HS AND BUNDS A SPECIALTY. Wkilfort Hanliarc Coapasy, 'Phos W-88 Miill's Ft 127 Middle Hi. Full line of Drugs.Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeas. FhjHlcIaua ;Prrcrip Ions A Mpeltlty. Hello Cjntra I! Saat Is la Ian.) Hello Cmtrsl fl Royall's For I know he's there, Yoa can ftnd bias wHh ih Ir Oeam. Oa the counter aeer, Hs'U be fled K me whose spaailng Call btra wont oo pWea. For I sural waat soma Ice Create, Its aa warm ever here,; Wrtttaw by s custewter. Brick Brick . Cood aa artO lo k fere lky ).' Enterprlso t Brick & ; ; Tile.nrc Co.; I : J. Y nttxtn BsmUrf m4 Traatarer a roOock Street, v - , t .- ' reon isi. tsMettthe.bwlW ' ".' ' .'W Kw ft H" Henry's Pharmacy.

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