THE JOURN'AL. New Bam, N. C March 10, UuS. ' LODGE DIRECTORY. ' " &ee inside pages for additional, looal news. - The specific. haree against Thumas J. nrTMurrM OF THE WORLD meet at J Toler in tha police court of Wednesday Entree Hall Semv-Monthly. First ana the eelling of beer contrary to law .' Jf.rJ,4 niirhts at7 iSQo'clock. . . ; . , TnW firHt Visiting Woodmen are uwteq. I,..,, continuance but finally v " , CRAVEN LODGri o. -i t 1 """ , .-T::- HARMONY."' Meets 2nd ana n J" 1 over to court under tzou Donas. . x. n .an . v . - . . i . e "'I "Some of the smaller atainea giass windows are beine placed in , the new H. Smith, bee y; ft. " ""t ? . I Methodist church. They are very hand neaday nights in ; trees nau, u"B- pA-, j o'clock. Samuel R. ft Sec'y. ; i Found. , ' For Sale. - f ; ' " - Notice to Merchants. , ' -Wnnrl Phone S3, mgf; t..n Pn-The Graceful I yard of the First Baptist church ia quite niner? was destroyed the dry kiln a io.wrt Uu To tHM. Hawk 1 Abarlji ." A Fierce FlrtThat Wat Hart Te F1M. About 8;45 last night fire broke out in or near the engine room of the Pin Lumber Company's plant and destroyed the saw mill. The saw dust, broken bits of board, slabs etc., was quick iuel for the flames and it spread with tern. ble rapidity and even with the very good fire "protection at the plant it gain ed headway at an amazing rate, , The Buttons and Atlantic were oh the scene quickly and pipes from all the available hydrants were playinp on the fire but seemingly having but little ef fect on the flames. Much credit to due to the firemen for their efficient work in the face of great: difficulties. ' -f . . ' It was impossibbi to learn the extent' .L t'J"N3 r " M n : - The Rummage Sale. '., - ' r n -,,-- ",.,. .w. Ja, . 1 . . i AUO WlllllllbVW IU V I g w, MIS W. k V V,"fc.J -J V W V,.,,,, l,virII .ra mnkinff . imnim. We are now showing a large assort menta to bold their, rummage sale in ment of Gold and Silver Lockets and the near future and solicit from the Chains in plain and fancy styles, v I liberal people of New Bern anything No extra charge for engraving. 1 they may be disposed to donate for toe. n A VT I" i e00 UDrary eauae, (Tney took I M HiA I for a generous donation and it it to be ' T..rW Wrier. . I FW w a"" " i. ' Graduate in Optometry. 107 Middle Street Agents Watches. ' for - . Hamilton-. Railroad the ;-committee . disappointed.- j -will not A spring tonic - that make rich, red blood. , . Bringa ' itrength, health The steamer Ocracoke . arrived last evening, seven hours late. :: She bad re- i nentlv come from Norfolk . where ;ahe had repairs' "made on Hie -"machinery broken about two weeks ago. . . The'last few "days- to" showing the weather effect on vegetation life. ;; Th 0f the loss but while . the saw mill and I For the'- finest W of meata In the driA t!uminM tif a,-: -hl. familv. ! mi .whw. " yvr NqthlBtf equals Hollistor's Rocky Moun. V;C.T HANCOCK, Ileal Estate Agent. tain Tea as a spring tonic' F. S. Duffy. 35 cents, 148 Broad St, v Nice lot 01 varonna nama, 10 cenis per pound at tne umsi une meat mar- New Bern, N. C. ket . Spring. "i, -T . t t. Mi-DanieV--Just Received. , Hnllnwell C3o. Note OllllUlVllO I.. March 15th. - ' Bflslnese Ltcmls. PHKAP-Seed- Potatoes, r pm of the South, Red, , iri-ii- di;0 also Pine and Coal ana w ajimw. Tar, B. B. DavenporJ. noticeable in this respect the willow WM 8ayed, But little -lumber, wail trees being in partial leaf, , giving- au burned.'. most a shade, while the grass i and several inches in length.' Kren -There was . plant' no insurance -on the! There is a disposition to marketNt-J Notice tO Merchants. m nn Ka nnvt nf fftTtnpni. and' sales ' AAuiin n. WBimirlrit Th . By order of the Board of Commis- price has held steady for weeks, and liWrs all merchants and others who . nn,ii0ino. nmiio nt 71 mntji are liable for schedule . "B" , tax and for middling cotton. . who have failed to-give same into the Register of Deeds, as required by law, r-leaseannouceanaurgauirienosoi fm, th n21 montha endme- JanuarvJ .1 i-TtinprflTi anil it nod iudirmeilt to meet ..a inny i :i L.iM.iit.i'ii.Ji 1 - i .l A .v. thu r . o"--:.--. , . ire 19UD. Mreoereuv iiuuutHi uwbu bhiu i FOUND-A-undieorciou. th the Anti-Saloon League 'at Roun,'t u' f , v Wo tha t . . - f UUIIM.V 'H1.FKU. IV !" . . I . . ,'. L. ' . ' . a . . ' i- ' river at the 1001 Owner can obtain same and paying for reward. . rtreet w,m ",e "u-,uu" .tax to not given to before the next IStpSng eHft,l I - ' regular meefing of the board in April orX ad and Thomas J. Mitchell, Sect. jtheir names will be presented to the The temperature was again In -we' solicitor at the next term of the Orimi- xnv Pina stnva lenBths; reduced to $1 per load delivered. Phone 5. FOR SALE-North Catolina Hams. U H. Ervin. ' LOUIS WASHINGTON the wellknown ..a ,k.m house mover is in New t.i o,;u remain for ten days. uei -ii iim i Persons desiring his services can find . . . i.-irin' boarding house on. nun v t...".- - -South Front St - T?Twr?TRTfl wirintr. constructing elec tric bells, repairs on electric apparatus by an expert workman. All work guaranteed. Prices moderate. Call Tumuli E. Barker, 71 on or Buuictu, Hancock St " WANT15.D-25 to 40 horse powerengine in A condition. Address uiiu ouirci ... m Hafe, care Journal office. latest Spring m. to 4 p. m. H. Whitford, 22 Change St MILLINERY at home, Styles. Hours from Mrs. J FOR SALE-One 20 horse power boiler eneine. Boiler UI1U U , . hv Erie Citv Iron works. Call n.m .t Brooke Bros. Steam saliu v" laundry, Middle St FOR RENT After March 1st onefur- n;.hl mom. AmW to a C, Claw, jr. MOTH PROOF Cedar Cheaia handsome y made, any aie to order. Deajgns .hnwn on oolication to H. A, Epting, Ntional Avenue, next to J. F. Taylors CANDY TOPICS In addition to our lin. nf Tiffiea. Brittlea. eic, we have added a fine line of CboeoUtea and Bon j Bona made by our Mr. Duffy In our own suecially equipped factory at 108 mwmi (tract Phone 209. James B. Dmwuon. ' FANCY FLORIDA Grape Fruit Broad Street Fruit Co. - MOTER THAT MOTES When yon want a Gasolene engine to wort, call at r.ukiu CtcWCo.. and parchaaeaHow- ri SlmoU and saw to start. Coas- DWUton la boat ikpfUS; thp tl35;4hplfi6. " ' , -t WANTt:i-BrWa at rsMonabU ratoa, Mrs. A. D. Wadswwth, 1 Ung street -' - ' '' 1 HAVaJ a aappry rf BUDw.Q Gas Rinni m hand now. Various sijrla and price, and am iady to put yen p ih bat Innw oa Ute owiet Call . and mm Ibam. Johsj & Ives, Opp. poaVolncav , DRY WOOD FOB RAUt-Largs quaa lity W dry s4U poa rt to stove or - lunar knrtha. . Tilniheaa H. , Broaddus A Ivaa Lbsaber Co. seventies, .. yesterday. There Were a ! few sprinkles of rain, but weather was generally fair., The forecast for today is again lor cooler weatner. , It was a close shave, but Sylvester Hawkins, a colored laborer, came with in an inch or so of being flattened into eternity, and even as it is needs to thank a mereiful Providence, and a stout plank for his escape While the man mentioned and others were moving an iron safe in the building, on Broad street belonging to Mr. L. H. Cutler and now being repaired, some of their timbers gave way and the safe toppled over, falling through a hole in the floor almost to the ground a heavy pine sleeper preventing it front-going further Abram had gone below to adjust or strengthen the fastenings! referred to, and when the safe fell was. imprisoned beneath the heavy, timber which caught at a slight angle and its great strength resisted the weight of the. safe and, a life was thereby saved.. The negro's predicament waa fearful tdcontemplate He was completely fast although - the weight sustained was not sufficient to cause any serious bodily - harm, but those on the outside were unaware of it at the time and strenuous exertions were hastily used to effect a release the man's cries greatly accelerating the movements. nal Court GEO. March 9th 1905. " Card ,01 Thanks. We wish to thank the fire department I and public for their efforts to save our Drooertv from destruction by fire last night- PINE LUMBER COMPANY. J. E. HAWK. W. F. ABERLY The Broaddus & Ives Lumber Com pany wish to thank the New Bern fire department and public, through ' whose untiring efforts their property was saved from destruction by fire last evening. Miss Olivia Metta who has been a guest of friends "in this city for several days, went to Kenans ville for a short . I vjsit yesterday, and will then return to her home m Norfolk, Mrs, W. W. Koch and daughter-who have been visiting relatives returned to I their home in Wilmington yesterday. Mr. Tr-W. Dewey of Goldsboro spent I the day in the city, yesterday. Miss Mary Etta Hewett of Newport to passing a tew days fan the city. WANTED-! aftJ wesasw h this xxity and adMntaf lavrltofka, Wtp nMwnt mh advsrtiM a eMaHabhM VMMa4'attdaaMtol atoading.' W- -arytSMtaty, to wa 1I 16 il wnkhr with pmm Unntr . mA earli UmMl by thmk m4 f ram wdqartra, BorveaM Wry fcUwd whM iMwssssvry; poaiUosi avrma- imL AddrMS BW Broa. Jk C., Vrf , si nana HH., CMragey IU. Oil) KO Pl'AfXM U eta ft los tat wtV at Joanta) effWw. ' roi XtXTts nm Ke 1r rnlkwkM. Uattaf A i It, ' The Wn l Mr, a4 Mm. L T. f a q-J- -l'"4t W mitx.'. j tmr,Wt Kf. frfi4a Armry M tui4 TV ia tttr- Shad are gradually becoming more plentiful but not so much so ' aa they were in former seasons. Ia ' aixe and quality those that are now being caught are fine, but the price asked far then although a little lower, if still high enough to make the fish quite a luxury to the ordinary family.-Roea, . beet quality are selling for 75 cents, . while some that have been injured by eel can be had for 80 and 65 cents. Bucks range from 40 to 0 cent according to aixe. conditioe etc. Herrings are aearee and bring 2S cents the bunch of eight fish. .; ,-t.-'; The well known Rip Van Winkle presented at the Theatre lastjaigat, to a moderate' afaed audience, Thomas Jefferson, the son of great actor Joseph Jefferson, was ia the title rota aed gave an ei!lot presentation ef Rip. His support waa good." -.: '- f Aflar kg period, egg hare eocne to a priea that one. caa afford to then whether me be sicker ant. Tor months they have sold at fancy prices, thirty etnts and higher being esnelder. ed toe worth of a dowa by those who any w eu. ; Nawadosea eaa had far IS coata." -,. - The Maesr. howardjof the Ameri- can Stock. Company are prrpana breach estabjiahinant la a store ef the Hotel Uaaeltoa building. They will be ojxw pniiy by ait wk. While there save bees eevaral days of fine spring weather latelys March kn- srnmrad iUelf ia rcffular style Tharaday aoittattAewaathwsraa bad or oid. wmaj, tmmmrj, n ia wart frequmUy me trateUng la the air er eyeltof along the street with Uwfr breathlaa and exarprraUdewneTachM big after. ' B. WATERS, Clerk of Bd Com. . Flower , I Seedsl I Pho. 56 Davis' Pharmacy 1 Tempting Spring r Goods. IN AXAllGE YA-?; ' KIETYY OF STYLES, AH the New things m here. ; Plain and Figured Lawns Voiles, Silks and Dress Goods. White Goods and Embroid eries in endless variety. 'Twill be our pleusnre (o how the in o yon. J. G. DUNN & CO., Phtine 2ia 55-57 Pollock St. lust Our Complete Line of Good t Quality OXhUKU irs. The Herrick In plain kid at pat " " Colt " " " Tan and Russett $2.00 and $2.50 2.60 " 3.00 2.60 " 3.00 2.50 " 3.00 1 Fashionable 1 Stationery Lumsden & Stith We represent and ask your business in the following Companies. NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO., of London. GERM AN-A M ERI CANINSU'l- ANCE CO., of New York. MUTUAL BEN WIT LIFE INSUR. ANCE CO., of Newark, N. J. THEY COME, AND GO. These Oxfords are all New and Stylish as we did not carry a pa.r over from last season. Special Notice. Out buyers are in the Northern markets selecting Our Spring and Summer Scock of Dress Goods, Millinery Notions and in our line. , The April Patterns and Fashion Sheets are now ready. Eimett's Book Store U. A. Nit OKI., fire and Boik Insurance. Brick for Sale. A bracing spring tonic. Cores all I spring disorders. ' Hakes red blood, bone and tnuaele. A wonderful remedy for making sick people welL Hollia- ter's Rocky Mbnatain Tea. 86 centa, Tea or Tablets.-, F. S. Duffy. Prof. Frankanfield Leaves. Prof. Barry O. Frankenf eld, the cel ebrated band Instructor, who has been ia Mew Barn for several months teach ing the Knights of Pythias band, re- tamed to bis home In Philadelphia yes terday. His work here has bn thor ough and good. He has given the boys a splendid training and they are now able to produce good tnuatc Mr. Frankenf .id la aa experienced and very able band instructor. . He has barn here several tlmea in (he in terest of his calling and haa rendered excellent service every time. His Brat vieitwMlal874 when be Uught the aUver cornet band. Be went with the Naw Bera band to the Charlotte. tenalal la 1875. , Be was here in 1577 and led the bead oe the occasion of the Inauguration ef Gov Vance, and about if reeri ago a conducted the band during fair, I Prof. Pranknftd la one of the best in true tort of hie kind la the country and he has the enviable ueputatioa of never having had , one of hie bands fall through Uck of rudimentary training. Oe k proed ef his record and weH he lie left the city taking with aha the rood wbhea ef many f rWnda. He C!ol Carriage Paint Kids. 10 wear as Vang ee Devoe's. No oth ers are as heavy bocfUd, because De- voa'i w4cM I te I oonrve anore to th pint Sold by C. W. Small wood and he J. C Whltty Co. . BARFOOT BROS. ICriKPHt C. ilrmstroug, Osteopathic Physicin. 631 Pollock Street. ALL DISEASES TREATED. Office Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. 2 p m. to 4 p. m. Gnduite Southern School Osteopat&j. tup FinE-HONC, SOUND I will irlvoyou no .url li xou r in.. . bi nv poMibk (OT(lMrrtKin. IIMn of p.liri M rine propwtw.. 1 -nomiix-ii". uhi. It'i trifling with f.W to tk. nll rink.. Our prmlumfcor making you wjcure re lh low axt cotuiwtenl with aolidlty. )Ln.. inn . w " - . 8ou h Front ai.d Hancock St. , 'yTTffTTvTfTTtyTTTyTWtTT 4 3 Paints and Oils Guns', Pistols. Razors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges. CookiDff and Uealiog Stoves 4 K onomic.Hl in fuel Kplen.lid in operation Life tiiu iu durability. SAK1I. DOORS AND BLINDS A BPKCIA1.TY. Whitforfl Hanliare Coipiij, v y - n rr?5 -A - IXv 1 I ' ' "V ' , 9nmmm Mini, nil mmym. tto4 V II I. . . -- W,lll. A hv. t..... '( r t '. M rrv.4 mnrnirtfr wa olacd on-sale at a great reducUon, our entire etock of Ladies' and Cbil dren'si Shoes, wedotma w cioseou u tri ahAae nri t.n h&ve all new, fresh stock aVaVlfif sW ilVWJ vmmm for next season. Tiiftrjr'wii arlTeyoua schedule of prices i' : .unM ht niinBcUl .iattrest to every " 1 auv i - r " woman. It means a big saving. ". : . GOe. ChiUresi'i School ahoea, e. " , . .... .. , .. U - : loo - " ... i.m - l ,. ISO MUeee Pat. Lse. Shoes 1 LM " 100 " " '." ' left , ' '. i ' I.Udla.Jae, ' ' t - ' 110 ldm' Shoe . '-. t 100 Udlse' 8ho . : , . 1M U4W Hhoae , - 1.W , ,'tliO UoUrs" and. "DutUahafef w -. , " ' ' "IW Broekports" .' '. ' ' " TVaretrmmefouf large stork efEhoM. , ' RIVERSIDE ST Henry s Pharmacy. Phone IO Maryland 'ountry Hams is Still Going Try One. lib can RumforrU for only 2&r. Picnic Ilsmn only 10c lb. Drugs and Garctm Setl of all kinds Tin, wood, and willow wr of ill kinds 20e Coffee, th bat in the city, 2 lb for c Uotni Vlncf ar, Re qt. Hcini PkkWr2 8wwt md Sour, 10c dot. Corn 20c pock Whole Grain Rtcs 7e lb. Grlu2eib. U B. HABICHT. J O. L A N D 3 MANAQKK, ' Hllaalill""4A f If I1 !' in I M' .f (fjifi..Mf r rS'l( '. ! If F- t J 1 I 3 O ... Guess the Number ; of the Doll Ilny Tr. GARDEN SEEDS rrorn F. 8. DUITr. ' AO Ihvli l Trerk Psrai er KHrtwa CardrM. Cerenlea4 tf ,t Aha full line of ricrwer teeda, eta I " F. S. Daly's . Cor. at'nVne awl feueth FroM 8t. J27 M!ldlr Ht, Full line of Drugs.Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Sceas. Ptijilclaus IreW!rip Ions A Mpeelalfy. J Nello Centra It (Sww I Ik. tl kaewn tm.) Hello Ontral m Royall' Kor I know he's thr, You can find him with th. Ir (un. On tha counter rr, He'll b (Ud It mc whcM aoMkiaf tll him wont fou pW, Fw I survVy want soma Ice Crm, tU so warm ov hm.', WHttm by a ruatotnar. Brick Brick Good aw Ul took be fore they bwy. Enterprise Brick & Tile nTg Co. JT. We fMwrt ' rWrwUrf aad Treart ' to Work Street ' f,,U4 f m 4rir.g tum days t O-ie Sate, will , ..,-,e MJ. -' h-tlful 4 H J L. HARTSFIELD, , . t'ouirnrlor una HnllJcr. rr 1 T-t. T j 1 "i4. ftt l K U K t vvlt ti (i A e.i-n-1 Mrtnw.r i. 1K4 k t rMWatl, is aw. of tk4 und It f rrwtl k h-w !.. . .. ' tn : ' f ftf t- rrr- f I .j o. w,Tmre ri j.WiW la Ihe nf.4T h i r, ; n 1 n(A r.-':., N. C , r II i A kfW--w,.n,r.a Wfks.

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