f- - THE JOURNAL, Published every day in the- year ex-' cent Monday. Journal Building 66-60 Craven St. -' - . . ". " --Phonb No. 8. -v- CHARLES L STEVENS, 1 .' EOrrOE AND rBOFRIBTOR,v" . SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, ' in adYance. ..-$4.00 ,;r.;, 6.00 .On Year, nottaadvanc..,.--Monthly, by carrier in the city. 60 Advertising rates furnished oil appK- v--" -canon. - c -- L-.. . -v -J . : : i ? Entered at the Post Office, Hejsr Bern ; CT-'as second-class' matter. V OFFICIAL PAPER OP NBW ERN.;AND ' ff CKAVENOOUNTT. ,f . New Bern,' N. ' C lIajschl2,;ljX)oC THE EVIL OF SOCIAL DRINKING. In the local eolurrowof ' the" Journal daVSairo.-Wreco:dedthe f act qays ago, was revwu y a few of the capture of those who were ing drinks in this city,- thUftction of thereoff and any stations or other sallinir beine- aeainst the lawVwhich places withinaid State which -any made New Bern rprobibition city. be- ingwithJanuaistofthUy This, as it is called raiding blind tigers," is the credited work and effort on the part of those who favor the n; -.tf i,o low inr Umior" selhng, and wno believe that the force of the law is the method, and . thd me- dium through which temperance can be sufficient quanties for medicinal; purpq promoted. ses. Provided "farther, that this . act WBHT.Pmr,U ran f mad "of shaU not be construed to prevent' the those who sellliauor,thequestion(s to wnoui aup liquor hwi i wu uo w stranger in town! .To the person who - has been the hanser on at the open sa loonT Or is it to the youth who finds . . , ... ... j. . . an excitement m getting a drink in pro- niDiiion wrmoryt Prohibition, the wish to shut up the! saloons, and prevent the open selling of liq-ior, may be said to have two classes Nortl' Carolina, none others yfc; Alle , ,. - - ghariv, Ashe Burke Bertie, : Bladen, . .. . N ciass is composed oi me religious peo- pie, and those who belive in temperance) as a strictly moral issue. The second ' " claaa la coir,Md of thoaa whn mav he classed a. temperate, but are not total aosiainers memseives, dui wno iavor prohibition because it is favorable to ' their individual business interests. ' - ' To the first class, the Journal believes wood' Iredell; Johnston, Union, Gokls - iham i. - .t j, it. t.'K Doro towwbip m Wayne, Nashvillejmd there.ls a great work for it to perform Uanfingt m N88h,ke ,Mamaw . u iwxpecui or nopes hi see truw tenr .. perance secure a foot hold In this city. '. While the open saloon no longer .offers . .' temptation to the youth of . this "city, v there has gained a wide spread spirit of awIJ drinking. hirh b. it. Anal mttmnim themingof habitual drinker, and eventually drunkards, U an evil which tends to Jie demoralization of the youth and their ruin as would the open saloon. v i The Uw has closed -the open saloon, " the eare of two doctors, but was -vnrnbl United Bute Senator from .Itnatgivenwthorityt, armt those .iSK i'f- t , i Dr. ing s New Discovery,. -. The first fhurvlaj of tmwmonlar . v.: s 1 t b myseU liquor, exeept by doc- dose gaw rerf, siid r bottle eqM 'x'K - --v-. '-t . wi (iincnjiuwi, nut uwrv i no rv i ma. purj curs - iw aora tnroau t - . stramt upon social drinkinr. and there can be none, ueert thiWh lha mi ' ' , '-Z- . .v- - tractive force and religious demeanor - of the individual who shall . show" to - than who are inclined to soda) drinking to see the error of so doing, ' and . so " , breeJi op the habit " -''?,,: '. " . "- . i is aooasy worn, and yet tbert . , .u.i-.w-..,.(-.v...l VT , . . - ctw was m . MNismf w cnatBpuiooMoaaioac1,iorproniutioaiif It fails to cure, . fal Its moral effect, is void and warihteaal tmleas the social side - of drinking be mom wiqc sumls lor ehriatianlt and J the cnrrU. h, the Clew Si. cJ ssorallty, the prii istfao of the Wwoe, jlery at Weal PUuioo th rp broke ' and the approval ploeaj opon those toaaperaaco stands ior geoa ssorais and a Uan eliiAMMhla, " A Cbkcag Aldtnaiir Owes Uli Etec- . tloa U ChsmbtrUis'i Cougli Ftmsf. t . 1 mn Rwuir a no mi xnmnoeiy I Chamtarlauo s Ceugh Eai. T6f fof atoeUons of tho throat and hmf," says Row. John fflolrki rX" 8 ! 8L, CblraaK "Two ftmn ago dvHng a tHtal campalm, I ffmght eold after Uing ovrrHtr wnKo invfetaid any li.ruat and I u finally ewnplll to stop, AS I eooW t'A ark skxt. In wy eatrefnlty a frM S.lvbMd ln4 U OBO Charnlrbiri'S V'vJ. .Kn,ly. 1 in A t iki ft-r. tKBiO ewsVd A tl m iy Whrfl I found t) m-tt p- rt ( (e in ;' fiamrr.all ti h4 U-eo' r-i1- '."I 1 Vast aTrral Anm II iUy, V' f i 1 1 . m UfVir f thr-, i t) - tun I lak tfiiar- ' '-a ti t I wn r amhtUr'-i'. 'L" T1j -"- ' u M 1'T "i lr . ; '. ilia I - '. l e..t l at K , if i i a l r. :- n Ttiuner VI t w el., That su-H is t "t c 1: 5 i n c- eluslv'y proven I y fifr? - rc--e.ir.n. iTof. Unna, the no'.ci Eur-'.n gkin apectallst., declares thit dnndruH Is tha burrowed-up cuticle ef the aeaip, caused by parasites dpstroylnr the vlt.iilfy in the hair lulb The hair becomes'llfeless, and. In time, (alii out. .This cap be pre vented. , - . - . " " ' '-;' Newbro'a Herpiold kill;-thia -dnndrafT eerm, and restores the fcai to its natural aoftneea and abundancy. ......... Herpicld is now uped by thousands of people all aatiafied that it is f!ie moat wonderful nalr preparation on the mar ket to-dar- . - -r-. - V Bold br Jeadrn arurjrlsts. esnd 10c. In tmr for snrapla Ut .The Horplcide Co., Detroit, Mien. . C. D. BRADHAM. Special Agt. ., fcew Anti-Iup Law. ,.' i For the benefitof persons owning jugs or expecting to become, owners of same provided the do not live in counties or sections exempted, the text of- the hew law is given. ' . ""1"v An act to define the place of sale of intoxicating Honors in worth lrp- hna, , The General Asseinhly of NorthCaro- Hna do enact;. ec. I. That the place wheredelivery of any spirituous, matt vinous, fermen- or intoxicating liquors is. made tol -Lotsof folk5 0 Nortb Carohnl 8hall bejteto v v -onatnied and held to be the ;place of person, firm or. company or conwatiotil. i;qU0M f or th pise ot dehvering or conveying the same to -purchaser shall be construed to be. ,the tplae -of sale, provided thfit tlils act ghallTiot be JZi2 mtoxieatfnff yquors -ia druggists to town or c,ty iwhere the salef such liq Uors is not prohibited fcy lavr. Sec. 2. " That all liquors; or mixtures hereof by whatever namCAllec(;. that will produce intoxication, shall be .con-. fct Kq. ubr4within the meaning f this .act. Provided, this act shall lapply. to ihe I following, counties; an.-townships--m 1 Brunswick, Buncombe, Caldwell, Car teret Catawba,V Cherokee; JCabarru?, Moore,-Vance,. Wake, - Hyde Warren, Watauga, -Yancey Lincoln,- Macon, Mwsklenbirrg. Mitchell,- . Montgomery, T'SXT'T CleVelaed, jCrav.en, Duplin, , Dur- ham, Forsyth, Pfanklnv Gaston; Gra- 1 ham, Gates, Guilford, r Harnett- Har-. Whlteville, Pine Bluff and Chadboum in Columbua. jf,Jv'v airiKei nioaen hocks. When your ship of health strikes the hen reck: of Consumption, 1 J'hetl. I Z?L for Consumption... J. W McKlm non of Talladega Spring, Ala., Writes! I"l had been ery ill with Pneumonia, I bronchitis, toughs and eokla, v Goamn- teed at all druggist Price 60 cents and U W. Trial bottle free.1: The Secretary of the Treasory hu issued a warrant for $750,000 to favor of Mansfield, McMurray A ComUh, lawjrara reaUuig in the 'Indian Terri lory, as fees for services, rendered by thanj to the ChyUw and ChkLattaw lntm--rjr .T0CUBEACOLD7JJ6NEpAY. I 'Tak litativo tromo Quim'ne tsb- A 0 monfl, ' E. W. Grove's signstur oo tact bui and 0o then wetv htuHerl to the button. mwmwww v vu . All wrrr IVIIlul , locrtdltjli Brutality. . II oroukl have br lnr-r,Jil,1i. l.ruUl- itf If Chas. F. timberiti-r, . N. Y., had not done Uw Int he for his sufTcrlRtaotj. "My l"?. he I ya, email nm run wt na ava. ao I rlWd I :i A',pti f Anora "hlfb quirk ly IW It , 1 .vl h. " JfT timi ami a-. i a. Only 2ew.u :i ( "if , i'.atrl 4 h , i .W;iii. ". ' " i: i I ... i f i- . " 'r. . ! .. . hit ln in f r a 1'u h-.nf' tm J'.ja;iJ Ur atf-T4 S n.-',r g i f !v lr tt r l -i I't.it r )-rn uffrri!f '1'.h I I. Tt s C I V - i i il i ; i .. lire iu.t j a (:.. .-o f g. - u;e a :':... J it will prolong the La r je in our county. . . Mr. Albert Taylor and wife are very ery sick. '.. . ". . Our faitlif ul Dr. Sanders is' on the run all the time. We- are glad that he keeps up. . - - t "v" 1 '' On March. 4th.- a runaway negro went through our neighborhood that caused some little excitement but not long after he passed a detective came on his track and before 8 o'clock p. m. he had him in custody. We congratu late our young detective, j-:-: v.. Mr, Henry J. . Garrison rom , New Jersey is still at Mr. E. B. ' Moore's We hope;he has enjoyed himself. -mr,.i. tu ViUtnrie ana . son liUjatl'menaurate with thoir.rrisRnfmemhr- went out fishing and : eaugh five large buck.shad,.,that was a targe catch fori ""K""" v . r. . - - Well, the legislature has-jourhed' and we welcome our .Senator, Webbr 7LZ TZ r:" back with open arras believing that hej-e,, wa8 ,Xpended on improve- aiitt tlms Plsdudu, a favorite nme, to has done his best t,- '-.' fmrnit nf rwranrlRnr.airA -nnl a Nintr1. I eaiilM the name of the little one. Thev ; tarmers are getting along right well w the work.- - J- j Capt, P,.-M.;B.ussell, Jr." and jnate L,.!ed uijic iiwi guile u liuw Dern.vuyu Russell will ba4 with freight for Car teret Co. ? " . ' Jt V re .planting Irish po- The weather has Jturned ' warm . and we; hope the good old Summer time is v. ? m. c. TICE! Wt5 tvnx?aavor.mao and wntiinn.lri t.ha JullM Stfttoe luierasted lu the cure ot Jolum; W hlstrv or otbae drucr hublta. althcr forthenisolvesor frleods. to hav ono of Dr. VVoollftv's boojta on theae ala mass.. Write Dr. B. M. W oolley, Atlanta, ua.,-Ku ho i , uuuae vui oa sent yon nreo. TT rW tT- aJ 1...... t n n-it: u ooc J ""'.-, bottles t half-price, 25 cents, and, ai to Foreign Secretary Lansdown in set-'i .v,,iv - v'r.,j , . . ,7 j tlementof the North-Sea claims 7ll"t the incident was thus closed. ''-., - .'. .. .' ; .... ..- - ,...-.- ":,'-'.. - - '1 if r - , i 'GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILE& Itching, Blind, : Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles, , Druggists refund money if PAZO.TJINTMENT - fails' t cure any ease, no 'matter of how long standing, in 6. to 14 'daya. If your druggist hasn't It send 60c in stamps and it wil be forwarded post paid by Paris Medi cine Co, St. Louis, Mo.-: ' " " t The death of Senator. John H, Reo- gan of Texa marks the passing of tbe lastmember of the Confederate1 cabi net . , r - . MAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. The old, original GROVES' Tastetess Chill Tonic. "You know what von are taking. Jt is iron and quinine in a taste .7 form.- No cure, "no pay, BOcC-i. Russell Sage tho -wealth;, financier, r is reported to be quite sick at bis home in Now York . '...:-- , ...... A -Safe ' Cough Medicine for Children. In buying eough medicine for chil dren never bo afraid to buy . Chamber lain's Cough Reartdy..: There is bo Dan ger from It and relief is always sufe to follow' It especially valuable for colds Croop"ahd whooping ough, For' sale by all drugfriatsf.:-" .' . Hen.' WWism . Brinunage' TO:CTJRJi A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative. Dromo- Quinine Tab let, all druggtsU refund the mopey if It fails to euro. v; 1 E, W. Grove's (ignatme 00 each box 26c RcVo Danlu) Flickingor Wilbefofco, a native AfrUsa missionary, who was educated h -America,, was dropped from the roll of tho United Brethren Church, it having boon shown that he had gone back to savagery and had baeorne cbkf hie ok tribe of devil wrirahiptrs.; - SUi-yg Jortility.- f- Sutktios abhw startling mortiility, from sppendkius Snd peritnciHla, To prevent and cure three awful "diaeaar titer ia jnst iiC reliabla remedy.'. Dr King's Nnr Life rills. M. . FUnnery, of li Cwtom iluuaa P1ao, Chicago, myi:. 'yht-y have 00, equal ftr Consti- palUm and BiUnuancaa.'" V at s wi f.'sC, ' ' - - -- . " fir. rnry jmng nas signixt a oarv- Iract to tmir lh United State naxt fall.. ' - " - ' - wmm m , ,, Csar ef C'n!Tifr,!i For Catarrh That Contain V i:l -H.'vf1. rcury, li'-jr U r. ! ,; (!. :i-g it I! r.t.j.'tt . b a.-' t '- t r,n p. i.f am!l HTM I Crn.!r' ...ln tylf-n V '.. -1 ' 1 C fi uf , .( ' c a v0 I I f iff 1 f- n- r.l r j Bate, the cU'.f i.f Cv..Lrarjf CI, arch From February 1 34' . . to February. . -- I8C5. ; . At the last meeting of the Society the annual report of the various officers showed mark d progress in all the departments of the work. The member ship has steadily increased until it now ! numbers 127. The activities of the So-' ciety have been quite evident ttt pro moting the interests of the local work. 315 visits have been made to the 'sick, 298 papers and leaflets distributed and .245 garments have "beengiven; to tho needy. I : The financial increase has been, com- ahin. - -" - ; --' ' ? ' .' X AmtribuUon of $59 'was lhade to Ithe Mrthodiat flrnhnnno-A. Turn honw' wh aT 7K "PnnfWh, w two button of $500 made tdthe New Church I Buildinir Fund.'t The total amount rals-1 bv the Societv for all mirooaes dmS ing the year is $1365. 7ff The regular monthly meetings of the. Society are well attended, and" the Cause of Home Mission la growing fat the loyalty and love of our people. f ' v'" Phannacy Usual Offer. . i,"J isn't often; - that ; wo have faith enough in the medicine put up by other people to be willing to offer to refund the money if jt " does not cure," said Davis' Pharmacy to n Journal maq who dropped into their store;-!"but -.we' ro gTadto sell Dr. Howard'a specific for the cure of constipation and. : dyspepsia oo that basis'. v"'j;he Dr.. Howard Company, in order ltoKeiquieicmtroauctorysaie,atitnor - " umr regular iuijf vmn one has been brought back as unsatis factory., i.' -r, . : .. ; j-.j., . --"One great advantage oftthis specific, he continued, "is ' its small dose, and convenient form. There Ore sixty doses in a viol that can be carried in tboiveat pocket' or-purse , and .'every 'one has more medical power than a big pill or tablet or a tumbler of mineral Wat er.1 -' z' ,V; 'v r ."- X ; '. "jj '.'We are still selling th specifio at half-price, although we cannot toll how long we shall be able to do so, and any one who is subject to constipation, sick headache, dizziness, 4iver trouble, indi gestion, or a- general played-out condition- ought to take advantage of this chancew You can tell your readers that if they are no satisfied with the specific they can come right back to -our. store and we 'will, cheerfully refund .their money.: ... . -. Farnien Aroused: Outlook Good. IMitorJournaL .!. ?? .- ;;' U.-i.1- A '.house to house 'canvass of the third township showa. that: 2,400 a were planted last year and pledges have been made in said township . for. a re duction ttf 1800. acres making' a clear re auction of 40 por cent, with a little bus ger pnportionaj reduction ta jfertf- lisera,. ur..?.s -J ,-J.vl'i-A '. J hav never seen farmers more . de- tormihed; since tbe.fought and, ' whip ped the Jute bagging--.treat and: they are going to fight . this . batUe to tho finish and gam another victory. Jf tho third township Is a fair sample . of tho cotton belt generally.., ' - "7 X: - We winork on tho first township this week and hope to find tho fanner generally looking out for his best in tor- eats. " ..-y.- March 12U 1906. D. LANE.'. PROTECI YOURSELF-- -1 .'; r.1 AGAINST 6CRMS. PsealS With Watk llosiaOhS felaa) UsMs Is ' ' Cslck leaaa,-r ' t : . . .When the stomach and digestive gans axe weak, tho. food does not dV goat, and there is a sour, slimy, fer mealing mass, making it an Ideal 'spot for the dinaaae firms to multiply. The only way to pTotcct yourself against diaeaso germ is to strength . (he alomaah rW digtivo organs, snd Ui-o-M is the ofllyAgenC so far as is known, that will accompl'uih thia. The Ordinary Itifxltcina that is taken fur Indigmtion and atrmach trouhles ia a4v(!rtad to art opon the food start. snd hanr ran give ra mare thin tm- prrrary relief. Mi-o-na la s certain curs in all of stornsrh' trail Ira, "l't''C ranrfr, bauae It nMe the tinrh an,I dx-iive (jrjana to act In ay K..t'ir! ititeTKli 1)17 1 jritxilt', )ir i;;, f vitmt ehgnat tht food; they i" ; '' (''- : it. If J ." r with d.a'roas aftr oot- ' 1 - ' thrmt, !-!- arid 1 . .:,.t S:. . . : .-'r J . a r Bw the 1 of , lrllU 1 ribe (.rt -lbc-lr hawra. la an itstert-i-. a article oa the abo- -s of I ruiil in he current Sautb- eru Su:kUin me metooa OI nuuuiif boys is thus described: . ' - The ceremony of Initiation iato the rights and privileges of citizenship In the Bororo tribe Is interesting. The lit tle bronze body of the baby boy Is more or leas daubed with gum or pitch and plated with white feathers; then early 1n the morning before the rising of the sun the family and friends and tbe Driest, or eonjurer betake them selves to an. eminence near jtbe village. And .as the- sun the supreme power. sweeps -majestically upward from- be hind' the eastera wilderness the con jurer pores the lower lip of the em bryo-warrior with an rnitrument made especially for the occasion and beauti fully decors ted with brilliant feathers and at tho same time whispers "Pladn- du1 -(humming, bird), or the nam of f.0' " .e some other .animal or "object that tbe w - J -'"LT Jealousvof their nsmet and w5" Bk them known to aUens. In order to become a cltuen of the tribe a person of alien birth would bar to reside with it for some time- and be initiated ranch as tbe child i. - Tka ! OooO Old foat mm4 ftolta" Tho ten drlnkerscox Australlo rival those of Cbhia and,,Japaiv not,.bow vorv ln the quality," but In the uan tltyr cousumed. The men specially drlnlf tlie beverag? n large quantities ana au aay wng ana at 1 strengm which would make" the cue of a tea drinking' Chinaman;-curt, : On Sunday morning the tea drinker starts with a clean pot and. a clean- record. The pot Is hung over the ore, with a sufficiency of water in it Jpr tbe day'. brew, abd when this Is -boiled he pours into It enough of tbe fragrant herb te prodnce a deep coffee colored liquid, On Monday, without-removing yester day's tea leaves, be repeats the process, on Tuesday- the: sapie, likewise on Wednesday,, and -so, on through the week1- Toward tho close of tbe seven days Jhe pot Is filled with en acrid mash of tea leaves, out of wblcn the tea is squeezed by the pressure of a tin' cup. By this time the tea la the color of rusty iron, incredibly bitter and disagreeable to the uueducated palate. The natives call It "real good old post and rails,', tbe simile being ob viously drawn from a stiff and danger eus Jump, and regard It ss having been brought to perfection. .. THE ROMAN ARENAS. Thar VVav Nat Mare RJaaa, as ThOaa ,. -,' of ha Modcra CInaa, - The. arenas ,of ancient Borne were not, ." some ' peopler suppose, mere rings, or orals, such sS may be seen Uf tho modern, drcua. ' They were broen op and varied In character ac cording to the nature of . too fighting to.be done or to the tapricea of those hi authority.- X)n one occasion an Arena might resemble .the Numldian desert, on another the garden of Hesperides, thick set with- groves of trees and rtv Ing tnoonds, while again. It pictured the great rocks sad caves of Thrace. ' With tlcae - surrouaoings .tb coin- batants- advanced., rotroatod, enchreied their adverssrios or kept wild beasts' at bay as occasion offered or as their courage or tear suggested. Men com bated not only with the more common brutes, but with such monsters as ele phants,- rhinoceroses,' hippopotamuses and crocodiles, -? tsi other, occasions flocks of game, such so. dear and war ostriches, were ajbaodooed- to the aaalti- tndo, sad in soma cases tho arenas cpold be taroed into iskse, flUed with tuonsters of the deep, and epos the ear face of Which naval enaracaatata took -lt -Thir-We JlariaaW -.Tbe word Jlnrlklsha com from three Japan roota, n-rlkl-aha. meaning respectively scan, power, carnage,, one It is not of Japaoese origin. ' Bo reoont- ty as 1870 tho Incoavootewco ot the slow, lumbortng two . wnesioa cans touted tho thoughts of Jtnuah not. dent to the ease with which tha hardy QatJTee could propel e lightly oonstrsct- ed vehicle. Sod en wse Invented, Soto say by a miosloosry, otbor by a news paper proprietor's son, Evr sine Uaai the heavy caru aav bo osXlrsjy Ala- jssesii wwi.,x. '- Th Jiimio IS 4 frrr. There Is S ttvn When death Is BiOca aaair for s man than to fulfill his fluty. and U h die ut for the sake of daatb b cannot riocot tho doty thai la aaslfned blm. TroO bravery y hot la tlirowlng away awe's tlf of roorCnf death, but ra doing one's duty St tb haunt of oW tlf. . Too K'ttt Sot tor- set thiL'trom "A liuttf of Ja pan," by Matul Cnaa, V. " " FofM jmpsirtd Appttlti, - ' Lns of petit always ru!ta from fii!!j d Cla All that is neoded Is S frw 4 bt Oianiliorlaui's Ffn'B and Ur Tal!'-'-a. Th7 wifl rnvignr- t tb atrimarh. tlrftghrn lb d'go tinn and (It yrm an n-tlt (iks S wolf. Th Tal.wts ! t a re- ti li'.;va, T tr aala by all ftrog ' ' n I :! I : -) (1.,b Urd Tfrr.mrft HORACE GREELEY. Th Oratla, Braaqaa aa4 Wetcaaao Paraakaaa lBtrmr. "When Horace Greeler was first mar- rleh a noV brought his bride home oa a Vtalt" aald an old acauafntance, "a sugar parry was given to their honor on ! a neighboring farm. All. the- a-ueata i a bad arrived, and we were-looking ootK I Suffered for s long time with a bad watching , for the belated,, bride snd. .ofCatawdtckai great deal of, groom. At hurt we saw something P- hfiSn; peering to the dlsta ?Aa.tolme' object came Hearer we discovered it (topped do, m? breath had a aickening and was the -old white horse of toe Ordistmgodcr.andlcoagbinccssantly leys , siowiy . picaing dis way uirougn themud.' Ou his back sat tbe bride in a .brilliant yeJlow ftoclt,-wKh . a . ... - . . . . . greent velvet, beit.-anai bemna oer,: wrapped to his famous White; over- coat, sat tb editor of tho New Iork Tribune; - It was he. .funniest iBight i . vet saw and aet us off In fits, of laughing.' I remember that slmply lay down antf rolled npon tbi floor in r .-...;."?iw k ' '3- -I -I " "Mr. Greeley came home every year and after a day or two on the farm would start out to walk miles and call on people. He was never , known to knock at a farmhouse door, No matter whether he knew the Inmates or not he would- push open the door, "walk right In, alt town by the fire- place and fall to discussing crops and other topics . dear . to the farmer's heart - Everybody wns glad to' wel come this gentley brusque Uitrudcr." AFRICAN SANDGTORM3. Tfc Cnndltlona Which Brta About . Thcae Ccaillj- niaatK. " The ' sandstorms of African, deserts are caused by the great power of the sun's rays, the extreme dryness of the air and .the small conducting power of the sand. . The superficial layers of sand lu the deserts' of Africa and Arabia often become heated to 200 de grees F, to a depth, of several Inches. Tbe air resting on this hot sand be comes also greatly heated, thus causing ascending currents. As n result air sows lu from ll sides, and, different currents meeting; cyclones are formed. which are swept onward by the wlud prevailing at the time. Since the tem perature of the air, originally high, Is still further raised by the heated grains of sand with which It Is loaded, It rapidly increases to a most Intolerable degree. In the shade It has been known to reach 120 degrees.- It Is to the parch ing dryness of this wlud. Its glowing heat and Its choking dust and not, as is sometimes .supposed, to any poisonous qualities It possesses that Its clout rue tlve effects on animal life are to be ascribed. The effects of saudstormx are most terrible, large caravnns bciii frequently overwhelmed and destroyed by them. It was by their agency that tho nriulc of Cambyses uud Sen nacherib were annihilated. DEEP SEA ANIMALS. rw Thane Who I. It B1oot All Yeg-etrftloii Get Tbelr KeoU. 'Xatlinilly the fish of the deep por tlops of tbe oceiin are carnivorous, n.i vegetable lire being rounu below jut) fathoms," writes W. 8. Ilarwood In Harper's Mucazlne. "In the Atlantic ocean the vast Bargassa sen. coutalnlug 3,000,000 square mile of surfuce a great murine prairie ns large as the whole of the t'nlted States exclusive of Alaska uud dependent Islands affords Tegetable food for uncountable ani mals, which In their due time die and are precipitated to tbe depths, their bodies In turn to be en tea by the anl mats which IK far below all vegeta tion. Bo It Is throughout tbe whole ocean; animal life la constantly falling from tbe surface waters tor the sup port of tb animal Uf of tbe abyss. A very large number of the deep sea nn busts are exceedingly tenuous or trans lucent In form so to put It having n apodal organs of nutrition, but taking In their nourishment through the walk of their bodies, spproprlstlnr front tlx water the food which suits them. Bom of them have s bony structure, a skrle ton. which they form slao from ttw wster. allies snd csrboost of Urn be Ing tbe chief akeletoo forming mate rials." " Had Derellev la Tw. ' A nsvtl oftVer one dsy noticed twi sailors In earnest confab. One of then wsr bnpertlng Information to bla com panto of 4 - ory agreeable naton jndgtag tron his Ixamlng roonteoaBri Tb ofimr In reiatlog tb Inrioeti says tb sannr of tb speaker auu him very mocb, . As b paaaed by tb. tnsa rahaed bis vote, with tb omnia tatabl fntsntlod of bring A)vrbra saying to bis oompsttkisu - . ,t il meaa to glr np Ibis soafsrlng ltf when say tln Is oot : I ata going I marry a rirb widow woeasn, thr drr Met of ebotcbrt.'. '.J .- ' The fW hHu .Tbo.snUliig ahark may rat smi now and Uwtbob orlrollsts doob' ft bat Jf be doc us a tots rrnu. H Buka tinned sonp tod jolty el tl smlllne? shark's Ins; extracts fine too efatoary Oil frnoi bl Uvof. BMkes band ooa toitbar of hi skla. walking itk k from hie bsckboo sad. ajaay oasfTf Srtklra tax bis IswboiM end Iroth I yoe WonUr that rb snarh tk t alp at i man' a b sod UieaJOS rath VwTrtbwsA '-r-.-.t '.','.-. . - On Cmm r ,. - A enrl Who ba rl KM b' Oht) niapbrw l In drlr snd rrir rnndn oatiy: "What tuts or U tb koowl adc that SO an aow.wftl b aorrj bm I fKa. It's borrai, borrUU. U think Of r- Tarts JouraaL te ertlMe. fofothy Mamma. Willi frlmlj ken tif at m all tt( Un la I 1,1,1- ! W,:.T -''. (, 6n l !tl I " r l",' t tl.'i 4 , tnamnaa.-e ( 1. - s - ca. . , , rc nt. I c." .ra tt I T ! , 'Hi ' I 1 U t Ul HI I II jl4Ejl&lm.lii.LI U V i neani ot your B. B. tt. ana wrote too. I coaunenced to use it, and after taking several oorues j wasenna ana nave aJeuu ImmA tkaa mil rilitai a jsiaofthswA M C7 Z.ZZi "ZZZZ r7CJTi; wi, . sTiZo, vrT Wheeling; W. Va., May so, 1003. I had Nasal Catarrh for yeara for which I "fd S. S. 8. withvery gratifying rasuits. "J00"1 apphcatjoss for some time, and getting no permanent relief Icameto theroncluiOTtW toeseatofthetrouble blood. Knowillg g. a 8. to be good blood medicine I began its use, anafter using it for some little while it aid away entirely wttn the offensive mn ens in the nostrils, and I did not have to hawk and spit, especially in the morning, V dislodge the catarrhal matter. 1627 South St Fred H. Pussy. - The filthy secretions and foul mucus that are continually dropping back into the throat, 15 nd their way into the stomach and are absorbed into the blood. Catarrh then becomes con stitutional,sndthe only way to get rid of it is through the blood. Write as if you have Catarrh, and our physici ans will advise yon without charge. The Swift Speclflo Ceaapssy, Atlasta, 6a. 'rite Duke mid the Barber. In olilcn d.iy.s an.Kugllsh noble enter al a btirbcr shop, and. upon Inquiring for the m.aBter, was answered by au upprcutke of fourteeu that he was not at lioThc. "Do you shave, then?' asked the duke. ' Yes, sir, I always do," was the reply, ' But can you shave without ruttlnsY" "Yes, sir; I'll try," answer id thi' youth. "Very well," said the .li.ki1, while sealing himself aud load ing bis pistol. "But, look here. If you let any blood, as true as 1 sit here I'll blow your br.ilns out! Now, consider well before you begin." After a moment's reflection th boy begun to make ready mid said, "I'm sot a f mill of cutting you, sir," and tn a short time hud completed the feat with out a scratch, to the complete satis faction of the duke. In gentle tones his grace asked, "Were you not afraid of having your lirnllu blown out wbeu you might have cut me so easily V" "No, sir; not at all, Ih' hh I thought (lint lis soon as I hImhiIcI happen to let any blood I would cut your throat be fore you could have time to Are." The reply won from the duke a hand some rewaixl. II need aiMircely lw add ed he never resumed bis dangerous threat:; in a burlier Hhop. A lesaou was taught hlui for life. Derk'a Snrroir Kaeap. David Keck, 1 lie culrbrated portrait pointer aud pupil of Vandyke, while traveling throuuli (iermany was aud dcnly tuken 111 und to all appearance died and wus hilil nut a ooi-m HI servants, sitting round ' th bed, grlaved heartily for lis- Iom of ao good a aiaa ter. and an grief la thirsty drauk aa heartily at the sum tlaac. One of tueiu, becoming more In-fuddled than the rest, then nildreHKcd his eotnpanleua thaa: "Our master when allre wu fend of his glass, let in out of gratitude, then, give him one now he la dead." Aaseut was given; the head of the dead painter wax raised up and eotne wine poured down or spilled about, tbe fra gfencc or spirit of which cauaed Beck to open his eyes, upon which tbe aerv snt, who, being drunk, half forgetting bis master wna dead, forced down tbe remainder of the glass. The painter gradually revived and tbua escaped1 a living Interment. Notice Of Meeting Te Consider Com potitlon. Ia th District Court of th United Stat for th Eastern Diatrirt of North Carolina. In Bankruptcy, in tha mat tr of J. T. Cooper of Bayboro, In tha County of Pamlico, and District afore said, a Bankrupt Notice ia hereby given that (Vmpo etUon of Bl pr cent, apao all onee rarwi debts, notaatiUed to priority, in slbfaction of said debts, has baa pro posed by the above named Bankrupt u ale erdltoro, as provided by tb acts of Congr rohulng to baakropUy sad that e fraMtlngof soid cr)liors wiB b aU at the U. 8. Court room bt New Rare, N. C 00 March 18th lt0,;at It e'cloek M., to art opon said proposal for e eorwptsritaoa, aatmrdrog I tb pro viaioneofsoU AcU sod the Rale of Coort." t ; ' 1 " , . ' SAMUEL W8MAIXW00D, Z Refer faa lUnbnrpVy. N Itorn, N. C Msrrb tOa. UML MltSI flUS 11 ' 0. WmW ted i a riiuin roe OtaM4 in fee Rttad, DWedtof. C1miiI a4 'tchiag rik. II aaoarb the bashes ,tlar iwlilaf at sate, ea a ! We gtvr t refM 1 M bf OA W tumult. ; , j K Good Telephone tr:ivi 11 rr'-fiTT, ,( ;:$ t?r; '. ". . . A rmtts.r1 A K"l t, A Cost- ...... , - f""lir. Wfloiitj'J!.TJL J t AND In. St. wwibi sf, wWb!sknlhiri!4,.,v