Ai Ci N.' C. R. R; H'llWA IX (I t ! us . .... s.2, taa e Lr; 1 .10 1Y AP.E CNLV f I - . .TIED TO ACT IN Ci;-.'.AAL CASilS. . A U -J ll r I: ! -- DR. MCK l. aa a- id u a - jvxjl V2"xxre T The pre remedy for nervous prostration id all diseases C the pcrisraKT sose : nrp&QS OI Oltuor sex, alien as piervuus z-rusiiir-m...; ; immunnt. Nlehtlv Emission. Youthful Brrara, iientnl worry, eiwssm ' of Tobaciio or Opium, whloa lead n Consumption axa insanity, wim arari i-va ipf"' t& order we irnsraBtM tocura or ratuad diewooey. io)u u fcjiojw bo, i.i I -.1 Wo... J i boxes lor S .0O. --.. .. , ...- - . - . . ; - - French Periodical Drop lyc:i's . . oi tbU fiwtlininilM.snr iacC0IWi)is1l OESIRCD ' RESULTS Greatest kuowajemallteiuedy. Pn e,$l 5? per buttle. a nvtAM hwMif ammtarfaHi and Imitation. Tbe renelne Is jm wlr In wi-bo't fsuJ L&'&JE-' JLtSSSfJSS:& Ke-Ss. 5223 ? V-"Bold by DA.VIS PHARMACY! , :;r X PEtl'iYROYAL PILLS Ther overcome Weak ness, f irregularity 'Und omissions, increase tir t:nmatmona Vote la Hot Required la rlndicg at Yrsii't Oalf t ia Jurltr of Twu-lLirda 1 aeeeaaary. Jaron Sftn V it boat FT. ; It may not be geuer'ally known that wider the original constitution of the United States provision Is made for the trial of crinilual cases by Jury, but not of civil cases. This la 17S3 caused dis satisfaction, the people claiming that the omission was intended to abolish trial by Jury In civil cases, and the sev ontti Amendment was soon adouted. se- icnHiiir the. rinhts of trial by Jury In suits nt common law where the value in controversy shall exceed $20. In many countries juries decide by a majority; In Fraue since 1881 a ma jority o two-thirda it teqnlred., This la true also in Germany, where the opera tion of tbelnBtrtutloU la ao complicated ajid withal ao interesting that it la es pecially valuable to note some of the methods adopted in the land of the kai ser to secure Justice and protect .the fights of the ceva&ZZ&?j:v - According to- JOennatf tert t" Jury Is Umite to criminal, procedure and ta cases within the competence of a single eourt composed of three Judges (Bif of : r ( V - . At !,.-J to I.-,- I: l-r-'-r there fci.juiJ be. and ti.ere usually is with all first class brooders that accompany In cubators, aniore open runway, boied and glass covered, for the chickens to feed and exercise In. It opens into the inner section or baveu so that it may be warmed from the same source, but is naturally of a lower temperature, la this section the chickens, may s and should be put to. work aa soon as they are tw or three days old in acratehlng in chaff, clover hulls and the like for milleMieod, cracked grain, plnhead oat meal sand and fine gravel. . Pounded charcoal in small boxes should be there, too,- and suspended Just above their beads fof them to Jump for should be cabbage and beef lights, liver etcall of which tends to maue me cuiuaem keen eyedj active and thrifty. And aa they grow older and stronger a second larger and more open runway snouia be added, ao as to season them to the outer ..temperature,- the. sun' and the wind as they grow, which prevents the sickly "hothouse" condition that im properly raised brooder chickens some-, times suffer. Farm and Ranch.., ".' Cement For Farm BnUdtasPi"" As lumber Is year to year and the fan)ier most- look' Tor. other ma terial with which tcrtake its place, -.-at".: t : t- ... A t t -i 7 trrc 13 I-I ( Cat i l rn, ..:-3 t -.f tut tsuaXIy it' f It", i -r mi fear' ' i t ' '-X'tr.i c ' ifrt - Ha errrt f:.Jy Lui -. . littl . tnHZz&zz, M cc- Vsr L1-w . .. -)Wtw t2tl2e4 aval ii ilit;-0-- . orti its wtiztt ia f-ili" '- tlJoo jr j,' Wtt!i drf-jTstss, Cock coat-ii-ij 5 1 j I i i. . ...i; or and Danish ' pains 1 " r ' " 7 - I wrmi wan mn iu "LIFE SAVi-ItS " to ffirls at nd twelve Jurors Jb Juror receives 4 Myg Vermont farmer In Rural Kjtxr ammanUnntV nAntr rifivelnnment "of ortransr ftnd' body, rr wmnon (vmnlfl them.. Cnanot do harm -beeomes pleasure; $1 DO Viilt WX U MAIIj, r Spld f cje in NeW.Bern by Davis' Fharmacz. Livery, Feed. Sale and Exchang-f No 1 no pay for his services, jpecause the ot- liie I flee of-Juror is an honorary onek. ' MffTly classes of persons are excluded from-Jury servlcs.i 'Among these may be mentioned not only such persona as have suffered criminal Judgment or such'; as re , oi !'triaJ ::M" . criminal- ehanres. but such also as are restricted In the use of their property by Judicial decree. t r - The law enumerates : also, certain classes of persona who ought not to be summoned for ' Jury service and who are weanrito be excluded,, but whose presence n Jury -doesf. not of Itself CAROLJAKDIZJGife,eOit r pianta t Olarka, Hyman'i Siding, Kinston and Eobereoaville. getung warcerfrom Tie large demand fof out'pwauot utlfle8 otmolaim, that-we f nrnigli also mor expensive, L ithe Beetf Bn.Wing: Brick on this markets .We m now rectmg-Dry ' jtilns i bat will sot oni j moreaae-onr uniput, ons wui siw ais - - terlly improve tne quaittjoi our proauot, - New BerrT, NC1 ,r'"- M"'-. v. .. A . - - - BelUng Agents Effective Sunday Febreary 26th, 1906 at 7,00 a. . -Eastern Standarfl V' , - Tim-. - r DART ROITNB "" STATIONS: Mo. t ; - v.- - DAILY lA. Ooldalm . p. M." ' KiiMtoa .!' 4.40 -" ! Dover ' 6.02 - -iCw .' CIS " -' Tuseftfore "--t.2fi ' Ar. HEW BERN B.46 " Lr. Nw Bam 6. P.M. i:HTeloelr. S.81 " . - rtewpon . AnMcrebMaCr. 7.13 " WEST BOUND. No. 4. STATIONS: DAILY Lr. Moreheed Cy. Newport Hetelock . Rrverdale Ar. NEW BERN Lv. NEW BERN .'Tuecarora Cove Dover Kirwton LeGranse Ar. Goidiiboro 7.40 IH 87 8.42 8.00 9.15 9.37 9.48 10.03 10.27 10.51 11.20 A. H. A.M. NO. 6. DAILY 8.M ." .M " J7 9.37 ' " . W.00 10.10 A M. 10.28 1&44 " 11.00 " 1L2S " No.. DAILY 4.90 P.M. 4.67 " - 6.18 " 6.29 " 6.46 " 6.10 P.M. 6.32 " 6.44 668 " 70 " 7.42 " 8.10 " Yorker:-' Many things can be made of cement that will be as lasting as stone and cost less than' wood such things aa stable ' Doors In - basement barns, where plank lasts . but a short time; dooTHtepSr WalWs. water..troughs, reser voirs or tanks. . httchlng ' posts., hog troughs and many other things. The average farmer can de-thla Work after a Uttle practice, as well aa to hire an expert at-$3 pcrtloy or more, 'JXever use anything .but tnes pest material, consisting of Portland, eement wplith- lng 400 pounds - to the barrel; costing lh this section about $2.23 per barrel ; IGB necessarily. Invalidate Tial'terdlct. - In- J cioan sharp, coarse sand and clean lake this group 'am persons, uuu or umj rrRxd in size .from beans to wamuts. rears of aget persons who within three Xn hnvlnirthe above material can i years navo receivea support jrum iu- lie charities for themswves. or tneir ! fntnllles Jand iTBeraons. '.Wnoi. a era- nloved oaservanu. r' V: A great many people are as a special privilege exempt from Jury service In Germanyr These Include officials, per sons, employed in a public capacity to tbe-servlce Dt -religion persons in-e, tlve-- military service and teacher Jn the nubile schools, but attorneysare not numbered among these so-priv I leged. Physicians, however, and apotb I ecnrles who have no assistants, persons above sixty-four years of age and per sona -who show that they are unable to nak many third's that are necessary on the farm at small cost .'V'T. reedlnat Orebard Treein..,- Wlille "manuring orchards Is done by some In systematl WBi the. great mnsa if trees are not receiving any- special attention as to; feeding, says a Pemisylvanla farmer, to. Ameri can ; AgriculturtetT fOften the orchard has to produce crops In the farm rota tion: trtth, only about as much P'n food as the resr of the farm received, i TbiS to bettef than-no feeding, fox the trees will' appropriate to. -themselves, at least a portion. Too gften orchards Books Containing coupon for 800 Ibt, ol lee In 10 lb. - ooupons, talue ;j srlll be sold to enatomert at a alseoi .oflOfercent. - - ' . S 60 will buy $4.00 wortn of . ivx . book ts procure either from the drlT of waaon or from the office l-flriflJ New, Bern Ice & ?m m USE SIDE feheaantissv Colds CeeabWeakCkeat Weak Bat. , Las -. kago,. 8eUtloa rgett'aad Beest stork of Horses asdMa'es ever offered for sil In Kee Aioar load of rwh jus' 1U Alio a .wplei Hoe of Kuiigiei, WaiB8 , W llsrness Koots, wnijr,um tm. Keebsrn most satisfactory.- This may be doe to the fact 4bat by the use of it both humus and plant food are given to the solL' ';TlHjre may 'be soil so rich m olaot food that -fertilising .would ..b Wasteful, but they are unquestionably fare. Heavy crops of -fruit are a es ter drain upon the fertility of the sou. M X" 42 Craven - St, - New N. 0; has just received the finest lot Mj-Bern, 7'j$-:u'Z, ;v-'.'V;:'t.,:..i. .i. J .-w:t .tint's : t..'- ' . J boar the expense of thisunpald Jury I get about the same attention as" forest service are among the privileged , I treos." Many state crop correspondent Tbo basis of the list from wmcn tne ny that stabW manure bos brovea the Jury is seioctea is ansi oi persoos wno are eligible to service a lay memoers of local courts. None of these lay mem bcra scrres more than nve days in a year, end this provide large list for lurr selection: : - 4; , , - "The. presiding eOdal u 6cn com mune must each year prepare- a net. which to exhibited tor publio Inspe tion for one the end Of Which 1 'r Baekwbeat For Hs time-, the unprotested names are . sent I At the Ottawa station, in Canada, vr to a judge In the district to Wbteh the! fesspf Bobertson fed lot of Bve pigs contmune belong'. S I each on ground buckwheat and ground Eventually from each "year Ht" are J wheat the trial lasting soventy-eeven selected thirty- Juror who constitute Ida vs. says American Agrlcnlturlst what is known aa the Verdict ust" I second itrlBl with stt pigs tn eaca kh lii sn etven ease Ibeae thirty Jurors 1 ns coadnctcd for 140 days. For half am brouaht before the president of the J the ration one lot received ground bock- court, who tell tlta.,the nssse of the I wkoat. the: other . wheat. -Xbe other eocesed and the nature of te offense I baltf the rUtloo consUted of ground elianred. "The names of . the thirty I borlt.v, rye and wheat and wheat bran. fnrara are written eo tickets which are In all trials the OiesI was soaked thirty ntoctd la an urn. front wmcn in nnai i nnura before- reomng. - i ner results twlve tutors are drawn by lot There I showed thai thotldl trackwbeat' has a ma -be as many challenge, a we i blub' value ' it noes . not tjuite equal 'HSrt-:'; f2AJT!SltW 1 )ld Domiiiion Steapship C( BAII.T JLIWE Freight and Passenger for all points north. ! , . 'EFFECTIVE OCT. 211904. Ted earner Neuse is scheduled to ski; at it o. m. Monday. Wednesday and rTku. for Kuzaoetn inty, maxing mno ings at Oriental and Roanoke Island. The Steamer Ocraooke is scheduled tn sail at 3 d. 'm. Tueadav. Thursday and Saturday, for Elisabeth City, matt Inir landirara at Oriental and Boanoke Is) rMMiMiiiafMla; ttf the SKMletrs or for Weak sacs imwt . kbowa fn Ulwtratloa. . '; trouble cmi me; - iierea ana rami - - :v-- '-. Warm the''Ji,Wr4, f - floirter botote ap- ;i II III I I tUmiUnlif I I J I I A t Urn smlMt th. . l : ' 1 . h Traina S, 4, 6. and 6 run dai ly. CONNECTIONS. At GoMsboro: With Southern Railway and At lanta Coaat Line. At Kinstoo and New Bern: With Atlantic Coaat Line. i a P. POSTER, ; , E.A-NIEL. Ueneral Manager. TraMic Manaaer . ' GULDSBORO. N. C. than Freight received not later one hour . previous to sailing, W For further1 information apply to, GEO. HENDERSON, Agt M. K. KINO, V. P. & Gen. Mgr. H. C HUDGINS, Gen. Ft. &. Agent, Norfolk, Va. W. S. SUMMERELL, As. Gen. Pass, Agt i . New Bern, N. C. Pass. Ft. & Executrix Notice Havinf qualified as Exoeutrii nf th lnt will teaUment of Lucinda J. Keys, deceased, late of Craven County N.C. thl is to notify all persona vuunu, aKinni..ine saia aeceaaea to exhibit them to the undersisrned on nf twfnra tlw. W1 of Febuary 1906,or the notice will be pleaded in bar u iwuvery-Au reraons inteDted to the said estate will make immediate payment : Feb. 22nd 1906 CATHERINE C.PUDLEY Executrix NOTICE n.Anllnn.: : V. iwuwuiit is wl li m Kttyy ui ine entry maoe J. K. Daushety to the land therein mentioned which ia duly recorded in the Entry Book for Jones County, Page 117: 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Jones County. To J. K. Dixon, Entry Taker for Jones County1 The undersigned J. K. Dauffhetv. of Craven county. North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the following piece or parcel of land in Beaver Creek Township, Jones County. State of North Carolina, the same being vacant and unappropria ted land, and subject to entry, vis: Lying near the lanooi a. u. vvnire isaid land being the same en tered by said Wli te an recorded in the Entry Book for Jones Counly Page 111) and adjoining the lands of S. D. V, hiU), D. H. Heath, D. T. Heath. O. Heath, the line dividing the counties of Craven and Jones, and lands owned by the State of North Carolina, containing by estimation, seven hundred acres. Entered this 23d day of February, 1906. J. .K DAUGHETY. Claimant. J. K. Dauirhetv. Claimant. No. of acrm. 700. Entered this 2M day of f'eb. 1905. J. K. Dixon. Keg. Deeds. Jones Co.. Ex-Ofhcto Entry Taker." This the 26th day of February. 1905. J. K. DIXON. Entry Taker. Columns, Baluster, teaila, pin die, Staif. Newels, Ramps and Ka ties, JMarrtle,"BracB:et, urius. Poroh.: and-' Lawn Swing, Bash. Door MdSoTCtO made to order on short Botioe, J. M- llTCIrTKn ' Factorj.ChurohxAlley, NewbernNC Administrator's Sale ! xirnuant to an ortler obtained in the Supt?rior Court of Craven Omnty in that certain action ntftlad, 1. V. Hatch, ailmfnifitratorof Isaac Hatch dejccmMd, ajTainnt Matiltla Hatch and others, thv undersurneH will at twelve o clock, M., on th third day of April, 19T16. at the Court Houae door in Craven County, awlltothe hifhHt biddr for cmah, the follow inn dtiacriDed lm.rxi: -Orvf lot on the Wert aide of Scott' Alley, in the city of New Bern and hefrinniruc at tiw Southeast corner of lot 131, on the said allwy and runs thence Southwardly atoriff aaid alley bf feet, thence Westward I y and parallel with Southern line of lot 131-102 feel, thence Northwardly and iarallel with aaid alley U feet to the Southwest corner of lot No. 181 thence Eastward ly to thr beKinninn. For fuller deacrtp Uon. tee book 82. pane ft), office of Ken later of Deed of Craven (.ounty. I. P. HATCH. Adm. wheat ft m fwd for plj.Ftil!r 6 per wit tftom tfmlo s rooulfod te thf 1 bocttrlMt tuJxnirt Uiao Is tit irtM1 aauurtt for ICO pottixU o( g!n. -from St. Louis that was ever "olfered lor -fsale In Eastern North Carolina. an4 have, also just I u tact of nut x t to for imr mm vm Tktva( Q flnft lAt nt. V"- 'r lv n f lwtrtactioa of tft y vcmrj.-rm Vi. art fall wiuon tn. noiHon mm m 1 1 J . I Tk- iururl Hyelr OW forensn. which. meana that there ar good bargains for Uet only rw t ar rtii t. thoso ,-wbo ; wanti to purchase - -good heavy lZZ'::;:V nl namu In tbe era eareea twelve. . , v. one nr more Hereon mt be arswa by tot te act In tbe pure of regular lnror ia tbe erect of the dlaabiUtr 1H U, 1 " J.'J' - '...- aa take nert la tne trlL sea anes-ir, -.. l tunint. tiau if eccsaarr bat assist .in rea-1 - GrnrjevlDM at ntxna uae ag or rwp deiinff a .tenct enlr hV case anjr. of I tenn, or tlirent ttia mostUoold be tue renter lnror be sbxmu. ra-1 tralefl to a tr:s.' sors rorra sno eapadtoted. . -. r." -:. '-"x I BeocV Htout stick ftnf fl for-ta Tbe Inr determiirea ue aegree I Brt renrs.of I lie vur growin. uui i stronj;! ttvau imiui bur Is nomee coo me l attend to this work than during tbe- winter tnoarfi. before tbe ruab of pria work tones 1 - r V EXPEHIENCsT . -v' i i i e f.. Tmm MasaisU DCSIOII 'vi.-., a CorrwoHT ete. . JrTa-a..a.p-J .nual a,",rtam omr nnmn free au aw . mfxm MUM, wttaoea otonia. aa ia ErnestM. Green, -' iueraer a CeaaseUr at Law, Wall equlpad te sreuroo titMa VJ reason naov years Hpirwsw ia sue ranee- and a Keaister of ueeosi . rmcuoss w .be Oomm of OravesV Jones, Psmllor Jke, Oaslc. or weet eerv im Administrators Notice Bavlnjr thd day qnallfled aa administrator of the aataUof R C. Kehoe. dwtwl, all perrsoria hav inc. claims atratniit Lhe naid estatn are hereby nou' fled to preunt the same duly verfned to tbe under- Skgried nn rrr hrfurr the ftrst day of March IBM or this DOtle will be plaswled in umr or inetr recow mrjt All persons Indebted to satd en tale are here by raquealttl to make intnediate payment. Tills March gni. iwvi. C J. McCAKTHY. Administrator. li$cl:i::mc:JIa::rica. MMIfHMMM; iMrrmmm mmiuiu kam. ffnM, Si l'BUNi gkaaliH'il.a. iUCo . New Tcrt 11; Oal lS r Bk, U l- . V a.. e of i Hules and nice Horses at- as low prices as huvy cau uo buiu iu auy uir . iu vuia - ovtbt?( every hoay cau ana iook ipr youraeii.; 'v ..-it' lb Heii'of All ll obi c :o Fc r lii ize rs ... Meadows GOlvD LEAF ' ; 7yv-tm It Sod TOO will k ast'sdna It U " " 'I aa)u for Bright Toloc9 arxl will tae , '. ''" 6jiciaJ Cabbsie, PoUte n4 reet . " I Ctle Ouan. On rrf mar mm I - '""-.'I- lerbrandili s' 5 s 8 5 s v., v. It mk f'fjl'i!" jt. H I f' ; : . fert.lir Jnai.t It t f nr;r.ut v 7?ehb Hr.AlKv-g M!M. iir Only a majority or two- rr-tbat ta. If tb votl XT B i I H 1 0 0 G RE AT I soaaimtms ' ln e retdlft third la irrrr rr Hundreds of WewlJeni It Is eight to ftr be is wrwo.- Ikwten tilobe. . ., o ) . . u n ' ) ) 'j, fi T . 4 ; ) " e i ) , ' rrmm mt Tm , ; ' If 6f JoVt rrnwlln - bn oeae by rrata or tr-.m Ihrtrugb tbe 4 Itmwd til i '1 o worxlJTl It as r-aU-.l ' ' t" be woetd rrtlly flertl t1 c-.uid oot bn d sajil inf "I ojT ts Its ejUM r.srn. Vrt tt taarh apciittloo n.l bUiiul.itlar OS II. i twlM. X't. MntTar't dl' l'iiary wii S mine tod rrr, Aa far tc ss tn firtritli "ft ovarii aflT (taaa. !! ' trail ran up after bey or srtw In t!, wl- I . h-f In th art M -. -: .,.. cf' n,l frw r T ,. --.J tJ bluilnl 0 ( I '' ' i ... 1 t , f ;.p f, h of !rrn if ' ' - I 1 ' 1 erj' i. i ""' ' , r ' 11 i'ir'' I t"-r .Readers .Find :-i.:.-Xt Bo- Th-JiOf0 nl. worry etWinert The ruird wtrrk iA atoo$iif of work men, ' - " Tbe wwfi's hounhold eefrs. Ar too Tl a strain oath kid neys, . - - , . Kk!nr trtmliW urinary, UouW r.rn t Itixrd t-IU yoe bow to J. H. fortes J,!.imlt- t.1 71 Crvt) ,(rv.t fi. ' 'i l lr-e mipt Kn ' t" BEAUFORT, N. Ck' TremtrallyWled.' All tbddeJl. eaciM nf the ...-; :. Wau Teriu Utea moroi, Good beds, PlWDSOon vemwoav Tol'ti d alteobra 8r wntaw-. Betes lUlT, per da j. npecisJ and liberal terms Jy.wsi Q. A. RUSSELL: -. . ,Vlt -1! s .ol t! i 5 r, la' h.'h 1 rg . rr J wk V I 1 11 m 1 r g - Attarsey st Law, MS. fto si, Opea Hotel Chataawl vvxn bxbo,v. a . 0tjei Ooaaty Astooary, Oheels, Crana, Jeaaa, Oaalow. 0rt seel, PinUfi, Otes, Leasts, a4 tlx teprssii sad led teal Q,rbv .: SEKMODR'WrllANCOCK Attorney nt Law. CT AVIH' rrsaSrU ' AaU so1 ;r:-dJCViarts. tr OnTct 4oBss4.34-. T . 1TT015H AT LAW. FnwttM hi b mmUmm mi C A. rv.iiM fwiM d as she Fbim Itanrena aad redeta) twi trrtk rtoet ee.-seS TW fraph oSa, kil n . Pi TRO'.'.VITII, lllackimllh & WbrlrigViC- Hr,fa-trtM EtlC'VW-ts-1 lirayi ' Alway f" ol''J ' 'fta. i!fr',,r'l i'f aoas e. BrMlo. '"'-''".. I iuvk cap.t witrriJJ " f. -'oot f' ;."fwf . . II eas.- . ;Ai. Seri. - -SIMMOXS tVrAKa itTOKlCT 4HB C00HS1L0M AT OftW Hemeeed rraaa Street re Seeand Story of No. (above TehgrapBi (k) fiootb. rmnt trt, neat to . - , Hotel Uiatuw., , PrartWefai the Gmtntfa ef Cnven. liro Wake, tn the li"iin andf mi ' (-)ri. n4 bfTersr servKisnare AM 'Hi.. I CllL.a'eXfiY Hrl r a , f j 4 ft r- r I 0 Id I t 1 s 1 ' ' I 1 , i St a ,.,!. . i. 1,1 tor I'a. Civil irvrvrt j.-, i Tng ht- t tiUr; ,-Wt rt. T I I.' atf ma lii i irlil. Commissioners Sale. NORTM CAROLINA I Suparlor Court. CRAVEN COUNTY I Iwsn um CMrk. II. H I'ndv vm Oaorr Htanrr anrl Nancy Sunlv. hU wffa. Sbnoo Stanly and liciua Mtanwy nui wua. Rr vtr4na nf an ororr oMaint no tn Ird dar of Marvh. I SUA hrfnrr thr rlrk of th SuiMvtor eourt tOrana aoantr.'N. C. . In thm abova UtM 1 procfldlmr to -ll land l dtvlaxai. Ih, - oaraMTiMl a CutnmlMiorMr lh4n arpotatad, will aay for aala are sail to th- hwhact bwVUr for aaak at um Court Hott ooor m Naw rMrn, Cravw maty. N.Cn Mcavlar tha Snl oar of AarU laot aitha aawof II o'eka-k. M.. Ih foilovrm V aaraM naliau,ta-vrt: puaaV. ' , AU that aMlaia omt or parcal of land rituat la Oravan nmnij. adranlnc th lanU a Jibib. Haywood Btrvart and thra. hrtnnliia- at la alar af um aaiaal road. raaMrai arna nr art raad 4ow u M Jn' htm. a Hfhtwvd ataaaa, taaar to Um Hty Hraark K JoaW as. Mmim WHS th ran rf K-rr Hnwa aarti la Um liana! road lo th Winn-. armtalain Sftr (Ml ara aa, or laaa vm tna auM oa ov fc D. Kaaank aad lf I- lmm Hu board. i Jaaa swutarr. ay 44 namw ou of or , aa laTT. aa mat lid lath avbllc ranarda ofVaf IU7mM- ImI for aakl Oam aoaalr la M Ha at. Fvd (41. to arhKk rpfrm M safesss1 twpsesy I . I f t I i ' Publication Of Sum mons. i I la UW Saaaanat CaarLt ' kV.rWSpa. tWUaMiM Mnvaa, alaWaaW) aa aa al in a aaa W a mmmt a Um fa-M wl ( ! tr mail a a,,.. f rWM of awt I a4 HMaaal i i Hal . tmm W 'W mm ta ra- ,llmalMMnara I 'I I 1, xa a kMdaitHaf mi Am iaairt U.M at iar na, aa um i m ta .MtJI w aroar J ' r i aaibiwr W. H. wiTSOla, Om wmmtm Omn ' ' 4 . ; I ' ; r'.'.v. . k i Uaot, II. tl J. A. . r. r n I' :;i:.Dov.'ij co: .At : a. m. -. r (t I p m. 1 p m, Uc a i - . : ::r, f., it r;; TJ 1 1. X ' r4 : ' s" '. fi 4'tf m -S't y