S i 1 THE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. C., March 12, 1905. LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at Rountree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nighta at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are invited. ' CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed nesday nights in each month in Roun - trees Hall, Pollock street," at '7:80 .' o'elock. Samuel R. Bally President J. H. Smith, Sec'yi R. .R. Hill, . .Financial Sec'y. , ' . - , k 1 , , - ' r indei to' Hew A4TertJwmeU. "'' - " " - Entry Claim, w ' - , t f ", '.. . " Eaton Leading Optician.- ' t' t ' 1 S. Coplon Bargains. C . - V s 3. 3. Baxter-Millinery Opening. " ; ' T.VL Oiadwlckr-Spring Suits. .- For Sale Piano."' . ; ' W. 8. West-ForSale. ' . ' For Rent , ' Vanted-Position. "" ' , - ' Simmons & HoUowell Co. Note March 15th, ' ; ' Business Locals. FOR SALEVTwo horses jud drays, one iiBW one horse waeom ,: Reason for sell "int. need room.- Call at Claries Mill, W. 8, West 5YVR KF.NT Furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping with olr without board. Apply to No. 15 Union bt.. for SALE A Fine New Upright Pi ano, also 40 yds New Heavy China Mat tinv. All for half nrice. Apply to 132 Middle St : A - WANTFn -Pnaitinn as eroerienced stenographer in bank work or any other Salarv reasonable. Address "r, gen eral delivery P. 0. LOST-Wednesday afternoon on road between Bellair and New Bern, large alligator skin Wallet, containing per annnl nunem: Reward for return to Walter E. Miller, Hotel Hazelton. LOUIS WASHINGTON the wellknown and reliable ftouse mover is In New Bem and will remain for ten days; Persons d. -siring his services can find him at Jackson's boarding house on South Front St F.I.RCTRIC wiriiur. constructing elec truTBells, repairs on electric apparatus bv an expert workman. . All work guaranteed. Prices moderate. Call on or address," Thomas E. Barker, 71 Hancock St - . MILLINERY at home, latest Spring Styles. Hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m Mrs. J. H. Whitford, 22 Change St FOR SALE-One 20 horse power boiler and 15 horse power engine. Boiler made by Erie City Iron works. Call and see them at Brooks Bros. Steam Laundry, Middle St. . FOR RENT After March 1st one. fur nished room. Apply to C. C, Clark, Jr. MOTH PROOF Cedar Chests handsome ty made, any size to order. Designs shown on application to H. A, Epting, National Avenua, next to J. F. Taylors CANDY TOPICS-In addition to our lme of Taffies, BritUes, ate, we have added a fine line of Chocolate and Bon Bona made by our Mr. Duffy in oar own specially equipped factory at 108 Middle street Phone 209. James B. Dawson. '' FANCY FLORIDA Grape Fruit, Brad gtreet Fruit Ca MOtEk THAf 61i-WW yoa want a Gaaotena englM to work call at Cask ins Cycto Co., and purchase a How ard. Simple and oasy to start Com plete to r-ta boat X hp 1115; Sap i.v; tap iioo. WANTED Boarders at rvaaonabto ntUm, Mrs. A. D. Wadaworth, U King 1 IUVE a supply, of ,8UUwn Cat wurners on Band now. Varkios sty lea and phea, and am ready to put jtxi Bp ti beat burner on tb market. Call and sea them. John B. Iras, Opp. post-omc.. . . WAXTED-Von and women In this county and adjoining territori, to rrp ,rrM!taiMladvrUMaa old aaUbliahad kouM of solid flnandal Standing. Pal ary to men tZl rkr,v u women 12 - to 919 weekly with capctuM advanc- 4 oach Monday by chock direct f mm keKkruartorv llonal and baggy tar- blasted whfft ftarfaury: poaitiod netlb Addnas Dlw Bros. Co., Dvft ' ft MoAoa VMg., ChW-ago, III OLD MTWSrArEM 18 erU pf tar sale at Joamnl oflke, ' - FOB RtNTu I rnoti htnm Ke 128 MPolloraBI, ; v. - ; Entry Claim- Ik. ,.4 Tan I. - - I tm - - r " - -t k. - 0-m ' - -i ( - ....... : See inside pages for. additional, local news.' , Mr. L. G. Daniels has bought of Dr. F. W.. Hughes thirty feet of grouDd ly ing between the letter's prospective new building and the store of the : Gaskill Hardware Co. He will erct a building on it some time in the hear future. -; ?Mr; JCouncil Brown has been in the city several days making arrangements to locate a rock crushing concern here which will be k -branch of one in Greens boro.- He is interested in the firm of Pprter-Brown Chemical Co.,' of Greens-, boro. . ; -Mr," John Jones aha Miss Lilly Tripp, having played leading roles but a short of Fi Barnwell, wore married- in -the ime,shehas gained a wonderful amount clerk's office at the court house- yestef-";Pf P1 f rbnr press and public which day afternoon by Mr.'Sam Ball," justice shows that she has begun a suc of the peace. The manner of the mar- cessfal care as an -actress. r- : -riage suggests to timid souls v a good"' - ' 1 ' 1 way to escape jthe ordea ef the regula-t;" ' . Marriage Announcement. ViV on weooing.. Anei, procuring ur cense an uie iiapp, ouP is to just stop across u nau wnere tney can De accommeaarea oy tne-oong ing deputy clerk who will perform the wit.. i.u urati,u.. The weather yesterday was a good demonstration of how winter loves to linger in the lap of spring, : A : sharf) northeast wind made overcoats a very comfortable article of clothing. - . '. ' " ""'fie f v ' ..,.' " - -, TliA nimmgffB nnla which in -tn PondnrtpH for th hnPfit th .rirrn- lating library will be held . three ' days next . week ommencing Thursday,' March Kth, in the store under! 0tel Plinf anrlro wianf Itt rtmimioH XAJ . Tl Smith." Friendsof the ,library "Bhould near inis project n jnina ana coatriouwj io ii wnesouc rore appijA The condition of - the side ' walk on Middle strse1 just below Pollock, Is-bad very bad; and it shows poortastepf the merchants'tjiere to allow it to; remain m. - it desierves condemnation or any thing else that will.cause its repair.' ' ' Forty-three; yars ago fteStt Tuesday, New Bern wag captured by the Feder als under command of General Burnside The greater number who. waneasednd 7.30 p. m, ' Bible Lesson Sermon that" occurrence have passed away: 'todav: Snhiect; "Matter." fhiotin6 Only a few of the old landmarks which 1 escaped the event ' remain, and while j New Bern has not made the same pro- gress as have some ypunger towns, it is grauiytng to renect inat its recovery from the ravages of war has been com- plete.) - For Saturday it was immensely dull in town yesterday, . It Beems that, the farmers are alF busy with, their -work which was delayed by the severe weath er in January and February, Such days however make the merchants glum. . The'price of shad was alightly lower yesterday. Best roes could be bought for 70 cents, and others as low s fifty cento. Bucks ranged from 85 to .45 cents the fish.: Horringa (were also cheaper, eight very nice ones were ' of fered fcr 20s. , Mr. H. W. Armstrong' has opened an office at No 28. Craven Btrct iri which to conduct a brokers and 'manu facturers agency for the sale of grocer las and feed.'. .' ' . - X. J. Baxter has made a little depar-' ur m nuiiinery opening custom Dy com mencingat night Tueday continuing irom 7 JO untill 10. 0 clock and reopen ing in the morning. , The weather force aM for today is for " Drug 8 torn open today will be F. 8. Duffy down town," Lelnster Duffy Up town...'-,.., . -, -t ;. -,' v . So far s iDowa in this city there has not been a shad caught In Num river in this territory this season. This Is anusttalty late for this to be so. Kln ton Free Press lltn. , . A charter was granted Friday to the New Bem Underwriting Agency Co., tof do goooral ; Ifbtiraiice busincM. Among the mcorporatort la Mr Sam Abbott, formerly in (h insurance bust Mas in this city. -Kinston Jrt Proas On of tho ageriU of the Atlantic Coast Lino and a conductor on the A. A N. C "ahoony" "Jem" nod now in sing. Tko raawm Is thia: The "shoofly'.' arrived in Klnntcm O. T. Tnuriiiy nin onlUimjU CoUjiTxita, and t f C oomlutUa- walUdmkouv at th xpiraUooj of which 'tlcn one httla MOCn-HTT"! tpft wnllnd up, aa "pvrgm" tot Tallin Cr-k. rfrt far. No (hrc' s elnm.-- S 7 --.AjfcSi Hf . . ..." L L! 1 , y : f 1 . . . , . k . . . 1 s c-; n , ,t. ,jc . ''" '"' ' I c aid fillets return. Unpopular Play lo bs.Sasa Her Agaia -" Next Thu'rwiar NlgM. .' - Maud Muller, the pretty pastors play which pleased.a large audience at the New Masonic Theatre a few weeks ago will play a return date here next Thurs day March 9th. The drama, as is well known, is founded ; on the Poet Whit tiers immortal poem and has a whole some tone to it, - There is-- no sickly aentyftentalism to it but the romantic version is of, thei atural kind that chat tels admiration. ' , The star,-Miss Beulah Thompson, is an actress of marked ability and though Mr. Harry B. Marks left last night (or Baltimore, where, on . Thursday, KaKh 16th he wffl u married to Mntt, moM nf thnt ofty-Tfco.-ii ding wi be at of the brjde( lg30 Bojton Avenue ftt g p m Immediately after the. Ceremony, the young couple will leave for an extended tour through Florida, Cuba and all the southern cities.. ' They will be at home, . 13 'Johnson; street after April the first'' "''J - " ' "' ' ' " ' "'" "' ' '' ovr . v - , , 1 " Mr- and MlB- - M"1". isS Hattie iniarKf) ana rar; ana Mrs ti' w.- Kosem. thai will attend, the wedding. No in- V1U''0"B- r i- K ' ', . '.Notice.. - A communication of New iBern Chapter No. 46 R. A. M. will be held at 7:30 o'clock' Monday evening, Mch 13th, 1905,. by order of the High .Priest. -t H. B. SMITH,. Sec. SERVICES TODAY FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST,- Scientist, corner Hancock; and Broad streets. flrnonTa voMNnari UnnHnir "in IE 4-8. . Sunday school .after morning service, Wednesday evening meeting at 7. SO p. m. . Reading room -is open daily. All are cordially invited to attend, CHRIST CHURCH-There'wiH be ser vices this morning at 11 o'clock and Holy Communion conducted by Rev. J. M. Griffith, of Kinston. Sunday School at 3:30 p.- m. r v ' Colds cause congestion and costive ness, Fluids which should pasa, through the bowels and kidneys' are secreted by the nose and throat . Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively cure. 35 cents. F. 8. Duffy. -. , - '. :. THEY COME AND CO. Mrs, S. A. Churchin'apd her daagh; ter, Mrs. C. V. McGehee are Visiting relatives and friends in Greensboro.. "Captain and Mrs. Joe Gaskill are vis iting in Beaufort," :t ' '.v : Mr. Lbla Liacom . and children 1 of Lancaster, Pa. are gucaU of Captain Lasaiter.. .' .:. -.; ,. Mr." and Mrsj- Faulkner of Cove were in the city yaeterday. ty. Dr. L. L. Damoron went to Clinton yesterday and will return tomorrow.: . -' ' Mr. Ralph Davenport has returned from a trip to Washington, Baltimore, and other cities.' v v Ic- ' V;?' ; Miss Etta Nurin is spending Sunday with frinds at Cherry Pointj ; - Mrs. T. a Bymah ta spvling the day In Kmstoa with Mrs, Felix Har Ty. t ; .. , ' ' Mr. John DDI, of Boaafort, repreaoat allvo of Kingan A Co-, meat packers waa in tha city yesterday. . . .'. A spring tonic 'that makaa rVh. rod hloofl. .L'rinjra strength, , health and happirKMa to tho whole family. Nothing qudU ITolliator's Rocky Mutin tain Tea aa a sprint; tonic ' 85 cents. r s. Duffy. . -v x . ' " AdmlniBtratrix N6tce J?2S?i2?f, rJ?tfnZ ft h i.m.m.i u.,u - . fc-' 'N. n,h4., r,i ). m 'XZZZZ 'JTJ,TZ TJLITZL cu:zs . . . . L , j n r '.'' f : We are now showing a large assort ment of Gold and Silver Lockets and Chains in plain and fancy styles. - No extra charge for engraving. J O BAXTER Leading Jeweler. i '.. .- . Graduate, in Optometry, 107 Middle Street " ' Agents for Hamilton';- Railroad Watches. ".-' a - For the finest - line "of meats in the city call at the Coast Line: Meat Mar- -'-'.Vc. T. HANCOCK,-' Real Cstale : Agent. v 148 Broad St, : New. Bern,, N. C iUMWiiMMBalai)aaw ii . Si'5 9 -Flower M pen. m - Davis Pharmacy tist Our Complete Line of Good Quality OXFORD TF S. The Herrick in plain kid " " " Pat " " " " Colt Tan and These Oxfords are all New and over from last season. Special Notice. ' Our hnvera are in the Northern markets selecting Our Spring and Summer Scock of Dress Goods, jT line. The April Patterns and Fashion Sheets are now ready. 2 t BAR FOOT BR OS. J ir JL kilMai3 1 V ThIfl morning: We place on sale at a great reduction, our entire stock of Iiadles' and Call v-i,-4.-' v-v.-" '-' dren Shoes, We do ithls to close out all our mgb Snoes,; and to have all iwy: fresh! stock for next seasoiu V " - rr; " :7 rr1 , : Below i9 fA?Q you a; chedutt of prices . .should, "be of apeclil interest to . every woman, it means a big sav lag. - -" Cfe. Childreo'a School sho4 t , ' T5e, 1.00 I.2S " " 1.M, " - too . t " - 2.60 Mbawo Pat Leo, too ' . - 1 Udiea Bhwa, , l.MLadiea' 8hoe - 1(0 Layliea' Khs S.M Uultra" and, , .' ' "$.00 nrock(rta" T,r r. O rmant f our large - . . Guess Ihz Ntmxhzr v . Hello Centra If -" - ', :-:.-.'--"-- v- - .''-(Baa la tha'waa kaawataaai'- f ' - - - . - i j Hello Central fivo mo Royall's " ' For I know toVtherft J You can find him with tha lee Cream, Vii)n tha counter nearivkU'l-i ( He'll be glad its me whoso speaking Call him wont yon please, -jfft , y For I surely want sonieIce Creatn, " ,'ir.-lt so warm'over herJ;,.?t',; " ' Written by a customer. - .. HOLLISTER'S f . .. - Rocky Kauntaln Tea Nirgaett X Bur ol'la aw Baay Html. A Bibn OoUaa Haalts ami immi Tl Tlpr. A mimlfla for Oonatlpatloo, InOtMtloa. Lls Impurt Hlimd. Riul RMtth. fllurri.ll Bowl unri UvlrhA. It1. Rockv Uauai.iB Tm In t.b H (arm, SS emu a, box. Oenula mads hj Ilobuan Dana Cohtaiit, MacUaou, Wla - - A0LDEN MUQQETS FOR SALLOW PEOPtf at Russett $2.00 and $2.50 2.50 " 3.00 2.60 " 3.00 2.50 3.00 Stylish as we did not carry a pair Millinery Notions and Novelties in our T . ., ! .... ' - .3 ' ." ShoosJ .", - .. ' ; l.CS . I.W , 140 ' ; W ' L LOB " "t , V , "PuttarAofcr'" 1V79. ; - - t"-' ('a f fl, ' . - ' IL 7 HIETYY OF STYLES. All the. New things arii Plain and Figured Lawns Voiles, Silks and Dress Goods. White Goods and Embroid eries in endless variety. 'Twill bv our pliiMirc o chow theinto ynti. J. G. DUNN & CO., Ph n: 213 Si ! Fashionable i Stationery Ennett's Bookstore - - . fireaslMerI&smsce.SricHgr Sale, THE FIRE-GONG SOUND will ive you no Htmrt if you .re inurl in on. oar rock-ribbed corooMile. th.t oil 1 by wiy poMibie cotidMnition. Hokiorn of i,Ik-. en raiM their proix-rtle,. Phoenix-like. fni lb. uh. If. trifliwwith f.t. touke ner-llrwi r. Our premiums forcn.kin you tecurti ro lh low Mt oonsiatont with solidity. Phoae 200 Sou h Krout aid Hancock St. 'TTTTTTTT t TT TTTTTTTTV V VTT 4 r 1 1 1 1 11111111 iiiiiiii 5 Phone 210 I Maryland Country 3 t Hams is Still Going 1 P Try One. Jib can Rumfords lor' only Zc. F Plcnio Hami only 10 lb. L Drugs and Garden Sed of all a kinds P Tin, Food, nd irlllow ware of all j , kinds 4 20c CoffM, tha beat In the rity, I lb for Sue. P .Bains VbMgar, 8c qt Hins PlckleS Swart md Sour, 10c dot. Cora 8Qe pack Wbol Grain Elca ?a lb. . uniszKlo. , , U B. UABICHT, " - v , ProprUtor. lj: 0. LAND MANA0KIC . ; GARDEN SEEDS ; Froo.r.-s. tovrrr. , AO kinds for Tmrk Farm or Kitcta GanWn. Guarwita-d TrmK' Aim full linaof FJewtr KK t ' ' F. S. Daffy's - for. W-l-r.4 and ft.th Frint 8ti... RIVERSIDE STORE J L. HARTSFIELD, itoiitrarlor nnJ UuMdtr. B 55-57 Pollock S . ALL ABOUT CARRIAGES rrnm A to 7. ami the old fttairer who ham held tK reins lor fifty yearn will tell you he has had exper ience jtiHtifitu him in Btatintr that the best rarria ReBfirlyle, romfort and durability are made and sold by Walern' ltuKg-y Factory. The only place in uwn u Rft any and everythina to repair butfirica. See us before buying and aave money. We put Rubber Tires on your old or new wheels. We shrink your lKi.e lirvn in a machine without cuttintr them, or without takinR tire from wheel on buictry while you wait. K very body is invited to ee the machine at work putting new bolts in old places. W. H. Watern ft Nahm, Successors to C. H. Waters & Son. I'hone 185, 78 Broad St. Nw Bern. N. C. Lumsden & Stith We represent and ask your businesa in the following Companies. NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO., of London. GERMAN-AMERI CAN I N S U '! ANCE CO.. of New York. MUTUAL HKNtHT LIFE INSLK ANCE CO., of Newark. N. J. Paints and Oils Gimp, Pistols. Razors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges. Cookioff and HeatT ig Stoves Kunomial in fuel--Splendid In operation- -Life time In dur ability. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS A BPECIA.LTY. Goods 3. Wkitfird Hanliare Crapjij.J Thoaii W- HWdi. 8t s 1X7 Sllddle MU Full line of Drugs.Med iclnes, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower t Seeas, Vjci'U Vrtctip Brick Brick Good win Mi u- . , ton fcuy. . - ' Enterprise Brick & .Tile SlTg Co.' . . (WwUrf tad TtM & folWk Bi-t' ' rharinacv ueniy rf ti . l5i rt(mm"vtlll', t'" ia g''( IM li d ; r rn. r u J ' a'

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