A y -v. 'V JVeiv Cera, IT. "C, Wednesday Sloruing, March 22, 1005. Vol. XXII..-T. 250. Twenty. Third Year J -1& W "J W WW WWW WWWWv-- w -WW-ww -w-rw-r-r-w-w-w hates. : What N York Endorses andi Adopts. V hat tsMati we offer to You. New arrivals by every boat and express have filfod every do partment so that a freshness and a Spring air Pervades the whole .' tore, and the values simply speak for themselves. Wo have new offerings every day. Our store is full of new things.. We are doing our beat to present the very best bargains that can be had. We know we can please you. : . . J. M. Mitchell & Co., PHONE 283, 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office. ODonononoDo doooodoo dooodo QTa ova aironta fnv Kir a t em n TTo f a Dnd Y . Can show you the latest styles, and col- T UI B 1U UUtU OUlb AUU Olilll AtbbB. RALEIGH Elks Temple Soon To Bi Erected "-" Jn That City." , - flsverser Slarls Paries liN. Premises Te ' Advise rabllelr His Dolagt. Daatk UjIslatheOsUealeaDhw " NEW I.'NE OP Negligee Shirts, White Vests, Neckwear, Hosiery, Etc. Call and See Thrni. J J. J. BAXTER. ! crir.o ceppe ozoou poppc 2 c o c c o ?Tff TTTTTTTf ttf TTTTTTT? Tf 4fTf Tf VTTVTTTf f f f f ?Tf TTTTTe I A Fine Lot of North Carolina Smoked Hams 1 JUST RECEIVED A CARGO OF ONSLOW COUOTT PEANUTS. ' SELECTED STOCK. . VOIGUTS FLOUR,()UR PATENT, CALLA LILY AND -3 AlAl Ci ALL UUAUUO. i -o Agency for ROYAL BAKING POWDER. AU Good. Fresh and Carefully Selected, Weaolictt oonaignmonU of all kinds of Country Produce and P ; Guarantee Prompt attention and Quick Returns and will promise the Uigneet roees mm eaa De obtained. Give isi a Trial. - ; 1VhlrBaland IlcUU Grocrr. No. 81 Bouth Front Bt. J r Raleigh, March 2L Raleigh Lodge of Elks, at an enthusiastic meeting bat night elected J. F. Morrill represents-1 tive to the Grand Lodge' at Buffalo next July and announced that work will begin within the next few days on their splendid new temple, it being their purpose to celebrate their fourth anniversary in it in November. i. Governor Glenn ' pardons Ruble War ren at the urgent request of the judge who in Watauga county sentenced him to Ave years for killing hi own father. The judge wrote the governor that he is satisfied now that the boy was justi fied in killing his father, the only re gret about it being that it fell to the lot of the son to rid the community of a nuisance. The man was attempting to whip his wife at the time the son shot him. r . ' The Governor says he intends to keep the public fully advised aa to any and all action of his relative to the pardon mill To that end he announces that he has declined to grant pardons for Alfred Pritchard from Mitchell county serving ten years for burglary and W. B Patterson serving two years from Haywood county for seduction. His excellency, aaya it develops that th man Patterson left his his wife and ran away with another, for the aediction of whom he was convicted and that he evidently deserved all if not more sen tence than he received. It is learned that application is to be made for pardon for Ed Utley serving twenty years for killing Clerk Hollinga worth of LaFayette hotel, Fayetteville. He is serving a twenty year sentence. The governor has not been advised yet on what grounds the pardon will be asked. Mr. T. B. Eldredge, telegraph editor of the Post, left last evening for Rich mond to attend the funeral of his moth er, who died in Chase City ' yesterday morning.- She suffered a stroke of paralysis a few days ago. Mr. C. A. Johnson received tele gram last flight from Mrs. Johnson that her mother died m Morgan ton hut af ternoon, Mrs. Johnson had been at her bedside for several days.- Pneu monia was ttoeaase of the death. It is discovered that the inadvertent omission of "not" from a clause in the act by the recent legislature prescrib ing prohibition for Spring Hope, Nash county Axes it ss that druggists cannot fill prescriptions for physic lane under their immediate treatment, making that place the most strictly prohibition town on the map, . -J . ... FIRE ALARM ; FIENDS , ARRESTED. Three Boys In' Priios Under , Ths. Above Dave Bell, Aaron Bell and Leo Cogden were arrested last , evening by officer Montague on the Charge of tampering with fire boxes and sending' in false alarms. ' If the charge is proven a ques tion that has puzzled the police and fire men for monthawill be. solved for.a time at least. , It is. well known how the department ha$ been bothered by the repeated sounding of false alarms, j Pehaps tome punishment by the way of ezample will do somegood.iL' ' The boy Aaron Bell led the officer quite a chase before he was captured Having held him in suspicion for some time the officer got sight of him ; on Craven street hear the post office and when Bell saw. the officer he sniffed danger and made a lively sprint down Pollock street. ' Being small he was winded in a Bhort distance and was caught on George street ' The boys Cogden and Bell though young seem to be venturing on all kinds of deviltry. They have been arrested for stealing many times and severely whipped by officers of the law twice. They come as near the description of be ing ircorrible as any boy could. 'No body feels safe when they are around for fear they will steal When they were put in the cells they immedi ately got good and began to pray aa loud as their small lungs could holler. Their case will be dealt with severely this time as the offense is made a crime against the State for which the peni tentiary is the penalty. They will be tried today. ,...V.r:' r.-- -t . r lawns. -.; r-r- : ' ,. - ; l.SDO yards ef WbHe SO bvh Uwi, !! evVp,he for 11 and JBc. At " vopM yea can nay It for luc - , ; . ."' WAisTiNa ' rv-.-, . , ' , ... f - siew fine ef Silk lartre, Highly Mrvria4 White WaWUnga, .Nevelty , . raneras, m seou yarn. . ,. ; .' - ' '' : GINGHAMS.- ; - I,00 yards of Apron Ginghams, aelle evrry where fy and 7, this wk teparyard -.-..t. , -."' , ' ' ' ,'.f , i. PERCAI.K.1. : . ',: , " Ws wiB toUra to ted Mr J inch VmtmU this wk f or s pr ysri worth Ur. ,f ., SHOOFLY NEARLY WRECKED. , w Rarraw Eicsst Free) lerieea AesMsat Our Pprtng Bterk of CWUiiBg and Rho ere ewmr-l. Prw IU Lovmi lsTwa. - - S- COPiLOl T 75 Iliddlo Utrot. Kinston Free Press, list , The west-bouad "sbflr" oa the A, A N. C Railroad last night easts i to being wracked at the east and of the mala switch, near the freight depot, and the engine tracks aad drive wheats did leave tha track and ran aa tha ties for two .ear lengths, Thetraia eoming Is to the station very alowrjr lee the accident aught hare terrible catastrophe with great baa of life, aa there were many aaaongers aa the train for I kmiem and sOmt points. Why the engine wheels kft the track la sot definitely known, frvt Engineer Marshall and, the Sramea are of the optoioa that the rwluh was about half open, the eolored sremaa aaserting that the Iroa hMd at the rwHHi was straicht op, aorrohoraling this theory. The tender trurks and ear tratka, heievar. did aot kwre the track aad uwala.d aa the main Una. " This throws sUll eirttery ea the anftne wheel, going off. The aoiee ma4e by the engine hump ing on the roaeUm attracted the at tentioa ef the waiting peangiTa at the station, and quit, a fcsmt a fathrwt at the W;ii train. Th. wnrk train i(in. whkh ttappmcd toh. hr. ent.d Ue "titnoty" rjlrwi a hour sr4 i) rwirxd ht W-p, lit tic the worn. f- th. ao-tknt. No cm. u kort end t danuf r wj If you want your little ones strong, healthy and robust, give them Hollis- ter'ajtocky Mountain Tea this month. A tonic for the whole family. The children's friend. 36 cents. Tea or Tablets. F. S. Duffy. UP-TO-DATE SANITARIUM. ' -vc .. v 3 ia. o t . - , . ' , Mew Bars seas Is Be Isashed by a Heat - Necsaiarf'Waat.'' ' . The Journal takes . great 'pleasure to announce that a city hospital a thing that has , been repeatedly advocated through thess columns, j is soon to be established in this city, or at least the nucleus for such wilsoonjbe launched. Dr. R.. S. Primrose flnda it necessary to meet the " demands made upon him for surgical operations, " to establish a private sanitarium. We are informed by good authority that this sanitarium will soon be opened and. everything found in a ' modern institution will be put inin other words an up-to-date equipment. During the past month we understand several of the moat delicate operations known to surgery have been success fully performed by Dr. Primrose and in every particular perfect in their result. Dr. Primrose has at present, one of the rooms of his suite of offices fitted up for patients, where, when it is nec essary for them to remain for several days or weeks, they can receive neces sary attendance by trained nurses. Every comfort is supplied the patient, and every law of intelligent modern sanitation is kscrupukusly carried out. Dr. Primrose is easily recognized as one of the foremost surgeons of the South, and these delicate operations re cently performed by him only k serve to show the need that exists in this city and section for a hospital. The oper ations and the aucceaa attending them leaving no room for doubt of the exist ence of the highest surgicaf skill. Itanraln in U good fhlnga S to tat at r, iiw all Supreme Court Oplniant, Raloigb, N. C, Mar. 21-The Su preme court hands down today the opln ions as follows: Scott vs Mutual reserve Life Asso; error. State vs Burton, from Duplin, no er ror. ' State vs Exum, from Lenoir, no er ror. State vs Godwin, from Lenoir, no er ror. State vs peachy, from Duplin, no er ror. State va Youn, from New Hanover (two eases) no error. Marshall vs Corbett, from Pender, new trial Newsome vs Tel. Co., from Sampson Shipping Notes. For several weeka shipping business has been unusually dull, owing to the streams and bays in the north being frozen. Only for the last few days has the ice begun breaking up to any ex tent. One captain of a lumber craft which arrived here Tuesday stated that the ice was eight inches thick in Dela ware bay last week. And that there had been forty-two snows there this winter. All the milh) here are over stocked with lumber which could not be shipped away on account of the "reason given, but it is expected that there will be a brisk movement of lumber now. The schooner Grace G. Bennett, Capt 1 E. Eggers arrived Tuesday with a cargo of Asa scrap for Meadowa guano fac- i tory and will load with lumber. The tug Columbia came in with Ave barges in tow, Atlas, Comet, Orion, J. B. Blades, and Joseph P. Tucker, all of which lumber, thrM at Mungers mill, twd at Blades. The Tucker l loaded with phosphate for E. K. Biahop the Atlas coal others light Knitting mills vs Fidelity Co., from Lenoir, no error in plaintiff appeal; er ror in defendants appeal (both cases for defendant.) Beetoa vs Dunn, from Lenoir, error. Corbett vs Clute, from Sampson, af firmed. State vs Sbepard, from Wayne, new trial Dunn vs Dunn, from Wake, error. School directors va eity of AahevOla, affirmed, MOlaaps va Eatea, from 'Swain, de fendants petition to rehear ilismlaaad, WatU vs Griffin, from Wayne, aa er ror, . , .. , LassiUf va Railroad, from Korthasnp toa, par rarriam, phinUffa petition to rehear dismissed. . .- ' ' Bourne a Railroad, from Edgacomhe per earriam. - The eourt being avaaly divided (Connor J aot sitting) th judg Bent ef the superior court is aAraaed. Appeals frora Tlh district argaed. Solas vs railroad ty Lye A Lyoa fot plaintiff; Junius Davis for aafeadaaL Ramahottont vs Railroad by Lyoa for pUmtilfi DavW for defendant (Brews Jrdid aot sit hi either af these twa Cash rUvioter Co., re Cioeery Co.. by Mclean, McLeaa A McConntrk tot pUintlff.J vr e I'Ur.'j at 11 - il , tlr- n 'a f '..t- ' nt'.l V ' .-,;;, T?irf tr.i !-! I' I i ',. o e . , i , f : . ; Rf" Vr.ir,f U ,M t r J t (- f I's-r- i ru.ln I i U.. ; ' ' . I . , f r, ; ? r- r 1 t f r,-.- W-f - ' - ' 3S ! t r r '",'-. f ., . t i ', ' "-1 1' i . i y. ! ' ' " A 1. i -iv in ' You will aeH te prtjere ymrr rrs tn for the rnming h4 ttW, g t pur ottr te Work like rVrk Work. It.,i:;tr's pf-ky MtMaia Ta uks t i. nvn(j iH V tH hi(B. kf w.u, T nf T' ;u. r. & t"r. Sun dried Apples 5 cts per lb. Fancy Evaporated Peaches. 12 cts lb. " Apples 10 cts. lb. " California Prunes 10 cts. lb. " Evaporrted Apricots 12J cts lb. Fox River Print Butter 36 cts. Very Best Flour 3J cts lb. The finest Lard sold in the city 12 cts lb nr :r, , ts fin- Fresh lot Harvey's Small Hams, Hrenkfast Strips, anil Knglish Cured Shoulders. Canned Goods of all kinds. Queon Olives and Olive Oil. Complete assortment of Staple and Taney Groceries. Yours to please, J.L.McDaniel Wholeaale aft Retail Clrocer. Tarker Rtnm. lie Trent Furniture Co., 7 I New Bern's Foremost Home Outfitters, t ana Great Price utters. Money Saved is money made is the old and true saying and can prove it best by liuvini; your Furniture and Household Goods at The TRENT FURNITURE CO., 54: HVid.d-le Street. liiiimnAtiittttlAtltitiii AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi Arretted (or Cralety. Capt A. W. Golden, of the schooner Mystery Is under a $60 justified bond for appearance before United States Commissioner HiU next Monday oa the charges of cruelty preferred by his crew. The specific law violated is taction 6347, which defines besting, wounding and withholding propu- food and aowiahment The complaint alleges all three violations. A warrant for Goldea'a arrest waa la toad soma time age but the officer fail ed te find him. Hearing of the action made against alas he went to Commia sioMT HOl's office Monday aad vobw Urily aorrendared, H. was put under bond fca order to summon the complain- tfaf WitjMMeMa J.LdL O'Hara are the attorneys f A Hew Bara WoaaTstyt 'WeyoasBoorpetnt that wifl knw twawaaksr Tea we have Deroe'a; h has a beautiful gloaa aad win wear two rears if property applied. E. W. 8-aU State Mutual Life Assurance Co of Worch ester JIIasiu himeiiN. Organized 1844 61 Years Old. All forms of Life and Endowment polic ies issued. Annual cash dividends are paid upon all poln-ie. Every policy has endorsed thereon the cash mirn iider and paid-up insurance valuee to which the insured is entitled by the Laws of Ma-.sa. huseUs. Pamphlets, rates and values for any ac- sent on applu-atmn. Don t insure unless you have consulted, B. H. HOWE, District Agent. rVM Veal aad Dressed Chickens at Coast Una Meat Market. - - . For the toast Baa ef ataata la the dty call at the Coast Una Meat Mar- kett Oar rtvUa aha fcaialaswsst. Our raaSUa the hast. Hew the time, lln is the pteoa to a ear year Bprtftg falU r.aLChadwVk - . :. ' KVe lot af CaroSna Rama. II eaate pound at the Coast Una Meat Mar ket . " ..:t . As.'"" i n a i '1 , j ? jo ? I j , r ! " I I . . - , it , . , - t - '' I ' r 1. 1 t ' , , . . , T , At Cost I have atveral Wheeler and Wilson latest improved ball-bearing drop head sewing machines which I offer at Fac tory Cost with freight added, FOn SPOT CASH Alan full Una of Columbia. Rambler and Hartford Bicycles, Platola, Cartrid ges, Guns, Ammunition, baison rnono mnha.and Victor Talk in Machines and records. Bans Ball Goods and fu Una Sporting Goods at lowest pricea. Win T. Hill. II Middle BL, Phone 33 FOR SALE I One North Carolina elx per cent Apply to 8. M. BR1N80N COAL! COAL Baring received a stipplj of Jlard Coal, r?e prepared to give all arderi prompt attention.."-'"; noiaLIBTKB COX rnoneNo. U. FWtef Crarea8t City Taxes ! lMvekota tr dari Wft to snake ;Mtwiih Oty for Ta of 1901. ,"ntea Urge aumber have aot paid tMri(f Ul. forthw Uroe tannot be cw.n. 1mm rail and aMUeatonra. Rrptfulljr, J. J. TOLftON, Ply Ti ClleteT. !.'-r.ir:!:n C: Stlth , a : a r: co., ii IDozi't UToret To send your friend a Souvenir Tost Card to day. Kor sale by Owen Q. Dunn, Lr.'Uni Printer r Htatlooer. tor I'ulliKk Lr.r.a HU. hry's Pharmacy, 127 Middle Ht. Full line of Drugs.Med lcines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply o, Flower Seeas. Phjftlciaba Irrcrip iIohsi Ai ei Ulty. "Dear Friends: I have just waived a Beautiful line ef Spring and Bummer samples thai I will stake la suite for (15.00. all 'work guaranteed. This ., priea la for a short time ' aply. . ' A. BLOCK . IMERCHAKT TAILOR. Ns. M Middle . ; . New Bern, K. GARDEN SEEDS From r. b. bvrrt. Alt kind fortmrk farm at Kikhea r,r-!i. Goarantapd leaa, Alea f 41 lin fU't fWi eta. F. S. Daffy's . a t r a h 1 n a u ( 1 l:

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