tHE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. a, March 22, 1905. LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at Rountree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7:30o'ckck. Visiting Woodmen are invited. - C Craven lodge no. iknights of HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed nesday nights in each month in ' Roun trees Hall, Pollock street, - at 7.30 o'clock. "- Samuel R. Ball. President: i. H. Smith, Sec'y; R, R. HilL Financial Sec'y. ,. , - v. Index te Hew Adrertitemnts. ' J. W Mitchell & Co. What Paris Originates. J. G. Dunn & Co Spring Styles. Barfoot Bros- New Millinery. - Hollister & Cox-Coal Money Wanted. J. L. McDaniel Groceries. C. T. Hancock Do you Ellis Coal Yard Coal. Wanted to Rent. L. E. Bryan Ice Cream. "' Miss Mamie Dawaon Hata. J. B. Watson Oysters. Business Locals. MONEY WANTED To borrow $2,500 on approved real estate mortgage, one and two years time. Address or in quire at Journal office. DO YOU want a tenant? If so see me I have several applications for dwelling houses and for rooms. C. T. Hancock. OYSTERS today. Some Fine Melson Bay Oysters just received at J. B, Watson's, Market Dock. COAL-COAL The long expected barge with hard coal has arrived, Ellis Coal & Wood Yard, Union Point, Phone 47, WANTED TO RENT One unfurnished room in business part of the city or near depot. State price and . address 26-22-2 P. O. Box 198, New Bern, N. C MISS MAMIE DAWSON has received a swell line of the celebrated Sybell Ready to Wear Hats and will be on sale today. I HAVE the finest ice crfeam in the city everything new and up to date at my store. Cut flowers and plants for sale, Agent for the Star Tailoring Co. L. E. Bryan. ICE CREAM PACKING CANS-Those who have ours please let us know, so we can call and get them. Broad St. Fruit Co. LOST A nickel watch with silver fob with lilac stone at bottom of fob. Find cr will please return same to E. T. Hollowell at Broat St Fruit Store and receive a liberal reward. WANTED-A nurse girl, call 1731 Mid die street FOR SALE - One desirable house and lot No. 24 Short Btreet Apply to D W. Harper, 27 Queen St TO RENT 6 Room House on New Street near Metcalf streot. Apply to George H. Roberts. HINTS FOR TODAY- Chocolate and Vanilla Cream, Walnut Kisses, Brittle Goods, Fresh Chocolates, Fancy Ba nanas, Navel Oranges 80, 40, to Wets. dot., Good Apples and Lemons and Grape Fruit at the Broad St. Fruit Co. Ittone 33. A FINE lot of Smoked North Carolina Hams just received at the Coast Line Market SPECIAL NOTICE TO LADIES: As the time has come for putting fan and winter garments . sway for U summer a food mo lb proof chest On bent receptacle yon can bars. I Invito you to Investigate the merits of my moth proof cedar cheat. Guaran tor! to give satisfaction. H. A. Ep tirat.. National Arena, next U James F. Taylor's Resfdenc. . FOR RENT-A m sVa comer ef National Avenue and A. A. N Railroad B..E. Harper. FOR BALE The bout and lot at No. t2 Hancock street , Hoom almost now tovM room. , CommodknM hop for wood work oa lot Applf to J. . W. HpUU os prilsK. ' FOE RENT AfUr March 1st on fur. (shod room.. Apply to G C, Clark, it. canui luriui id addition to our lino of TaftW, UriUU. etc, we have 4M Km lino of ChoceUtot and Bon Son Mile fey oar Mr. Duffy to our mwm apedafljr oquipnvd factory at 103 Middle strrvt. rfcon sea, jur Ia mm i.n I It A I mil t w rx-n yrxl want a OaaaWt ong-lr to work mil at Ckin C'yrU C. and purrhaaas flow ani. Bifnple and ey to sUrt Cwn- tMtor to bout IbptllS; 1 b I!-.; 4 a t' tA. I JIAYK n!y t f'.i;no:i Cu tiurttoti on hM now. VsrWwu tfjUt nd pf arxl m rAj to pul j, nt, l) lt htmwt mi th nurk.t, " C'i) o lW i ti. lv, (,. tifT,-. r 1 1 ai .;. iu f.i r i '.I f AC ' See inside pages. for additional local news. . . . The long predicted rain came yester day morning.! If lasted but half . n hour but it-was furious while it came. The amount 'measured a little less than half an inch."'- . J l. -'" Look out for the. -ad '-tomorrow J for Street's Big Auction Sale of Crockery. On the Revenue Cutter's 'wharf are standing two brass twelve-pounder, Dahl dren 9iowitzers,-mounted on two-wheel carriages. . They belong to the Naval Reserves and Wef e brought here from J ttliaiDetn wty wnere meyv nav ueen standing for a long .time .in a iubUd park and show signs of neglect ; Af ter an inspection and appraisement they are to be sold,- being useful only for firing salutes. w t," 1 t. . The Southern Express Co.," begin service on the shoo fly trains . today. This is a great convenience 'and will be appreciated by the public. ' A The barge, J. P. Tucker came into port yesterday with a cargo of coal for John Ellis.- ' ' ' ... t ..... .-. :. ... ... The price wfcottonin, the local-: mar ket is 7,62 to 7,75 a good price consid ering the price of futures in New York market on same date. The Daughters will have, a special call meeting at their rooms tomorrow at 11 o'clock a. m. The first meeting of the creditors in the bankruptcy proceedings instituted against Wetherington & Lilly of Pitt county and H. E. Dillon, of LaGrange will be held in the United States Court room Friday March, 2, before referee , W. Smallwood. The play last night "The Power of Man" was out of the ordinary in that it dealt with hypnotism as a feature in the heavy villian's part Jack Leasing gave a remarkably clever, presentation of Richard Glenwood, the "Shadow. It was one of the strongest anL' most beautiful plays, ever seen here. . The specialties are the best introduced by any troupe traveling in the south, Chief among these is the great barrel trick by Connor and Connor. It is the talk of the town and something people never grow tired of seeing. The play tomorrow night will be "A Daughter of Cuba." A very pleasant banquet was held in the Elks rooms last night after lodge. Hons. C. R. Thomas, O. H. Guion and D. L. Ward were the guests of honoii. On account of the ball game yester day the Ed sail-Win throp matinee was postponed to Thursday. The same play "In Old Virginia" will be pro duced- THEY COME AND 60. Mrs. F.W. Hughes is visiting friends in Raleigh. Miss Mamie Royall went to Goldg- boro last evening for a few days visit Mrs. 0. Marks returned from Bait! more yesterday morning where she went to attend the Marks Sticfel wed ding." Misses Agnes Foy and Annie Steven son went to Thomasville yesterday to visit their friend, Mrs. J. H. Mock. Mr. G. N. Enneuvent to Jackson ville on a business errand yesterday. Miss Gertrude Moore of Goldsboro is the guest of relatives and friends. Miss Isabel Bryan returned last night from a pleasant visit with friends in Fayettcville. Mr. G. E. Jennings, proprietor Fish ing Gaxeste, New York City, was liere yesterday on his annual business visit Mr. Jennings Is on his return to New York. - Mrs, E.- F. DiIlinghamof Greensboro is in the city, the guoat of Mrs. Henry R. Bryan. Mr. Edwin Gully of Goldsboro is in th city. ' Mr. W. M, N. Han IT of GreenviUe, Tonn, U (n the city visiting his mother, Mrs. M. N. Hat. ' . Mr. W. H, If arris, a well known at torney of Bayboro waa , In Now Btra Tuesday. . ; l . ..' ,r Mr. Ed R. Hutrhiaon, advanco .agml oftho EdsaU.WInthropCo.,.and Mrs Hutchison, left for Wilmington, yottof - h':r-. '. A spring tonic that make sick poo pie wsll Drivat out all imrniitlna that collect in your system. A family tonic for tho sick and afflicted. Uoiliitor's Rooky Mountain T. SS mu, Tea or TabMa. . ; . . ' ALL IT 5 LICJiLT LI ""-ti r t.-t va i're-ro Car a CoM 0 Dy. Cri ka 3 Ity ID 1 .. . i .1 .4 X 1 t. Of tllO'iO With i -j x, fiiicKsO: i j Jt- y c i. ii us nr. ht Ecu Klilury Actdimy Bass Ball Tetm ' Larruped By tha N. C. Hilttary. " v ',. ; Academy Boy. , .t . A large crowd gathered at the Blades Park grounds yesterday to see the local Military school base ball team beaten in a hotly contested but withal Very prettily played game. T The ; game was played from start to finish on its merits Mr: C. C. Jordan was umpire and gave good satisfaction, ," - . ,-' - 'Perhaps the principal reason for th defeat was that the New . Bern- boys had not pUyed together enough, , They Dlved the irame weU individually but seemed a little fearful of their strength as a whole. ' Pitcher Whitehurst, al though he was not exactly in pitching form made, a good exhibition in the box and showed his. value by holding the visitors down te six. hits.- In the first inning the Red Spring iboys went down in one, two,.' three' order before his indescrible curves. No score was made until the fourth inning when both teams had one tally to their credit Lanham for the 'North Carolina team and Howell for the local team.. The battle waged hotter and hotter and the New Berns were . Bometlmes up and sometime down, . Take it all in all the game was one of the best exhibitions of the national sport ever participated in by amateurs after the limited prac tice had by -each team. , , In the words of the assistant hero of Monday night's theatre, "Its no use, .its no use!" We give the line-up, RED SPRINGS NEW BERN Jacobs p Whitehurst Lupton Armstrong '. McSorley Dutton Lanham lb c Sikes Brown Carton 8 S 3b If 2 b cf rf Wadsworth W F Wadsworth W F ' Tisdale Howell Tucker MRae Herri tage Gaddy Following is the score by innings: 1 2 3 4 6 6 7.8 9 New Bern 000110001-3 North Carolina 00010201 15 Microbes and Men. The above lecture last night by Dr E O. Taylor, was attentively listened to by a good sized audience. The speaker went into a very, .close analysis of al cohol, showing it to be the excrement of the yeast germ, and both a narcotic and irritant drug, hence a most danger ous custom for and person to drink any fluid which contained alcohoL Tonight Dr. Taylor will lecture on A Glass of Beef Analyzed, ' and promises both an entertainment of profit and in terest to every one who will attend, and there should be large audience to hear this most interesting lecturer. The Battle of Bull Run. , In all-the modern times no more bril liant spectacle in affairs ' military has been given to us than the late man' oueversof Bull Run and Manasses, which for strategic cunning has eclipsed every other fate of armaments within our knowledge. Differing completely fromithe many so-called and prear ranged "sham battles," this waa not previously laid out in movements, but an effort unprepared to test the skill at strategy of the various officers in com' mand. Over one hundred thousand soldiers met to commemorate the event f ul day, and under their - opposing gen erals, Bell and Grant, gave to the peo ple a stirring manifestation o their study of war and its ways. Archie L Sbepard brings It to us in his Ineom parable pictures fust as if wt had been there from the best obtainable point of observation, and shows th successive movements with an exactitude of de tail that no word drawings' or paper notices could Illustrate. Especially re- vraark able was the brilliant work done by ths Virginia and North and South Carolina regiments, -which are la th foreground of observation well before th eyt. A groat delay of money neces sary for this subject, but Ha wid rang and wide spread interest Insures with th rest of th rarest and best subjects to be had la this beat of Moving Picture Shows that th demands of th penpl Are mora than mot New. Masonic Theatre tonight.-; No Glots Carriage faint Made. Will wear a kg as DavcVa. No oth ers sr s heavy bodied, bfcaun Do ve 'l weight I to 8 oancra itwrr to th pint Sold by E. W. Smallwood and h J. C. WMtty Co. , HEADACHES aXGLDS is, m m km. um - 1 -rt ryo trouliH t'al.i r,d ;t !- It I-. ci:r Gitts ! Ouf line of cut glass and Sterling Silver if unexcelled. Our cut glass is the White, Lustrious Variety unique in design, and fit for the 4001-.y , Our "Gorham" line of Sterling speaks for itself. J 0 BAXTER S ; Leading Jeweled. ;, .-- ! Phone No. 88.. ''yy'':n'-i-- Agents - for ;J Hamilton ' Railroad Watcjiesv? fs iVS'iu w-i ,!Ww Real Estate Agent. 148 Broad St, -. , ' New Bern, N. C. Fresh Supply I Royst w.-. h Davis' Pharmacy Our dam nge by the lire t The New Ma UCoVJT ana. M 1 A r i m m awi fiT nniviTiiora shown is now being opened. Ready-to-wear Hats. We put on sale this morning a beautiful collection of high class Ready. To-Wear Hate, in the Newest shapes and shades. MISSIS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. Come and sec the new things, it will be worth your while. NOTICE OF OPENING LATER. t BARFOOT BROS. 9 . Ve ben to announce we will have Our Grand Spring Opening of Fine ladies: and -Children's Patent Hats, Wednesday; March 22nd from 9 a. m. lu.8 p. m. iistloCerttrail; -, ; (Sum In Um D kaowa teat) . HeQo Central give me Royall'S Forlknowhe'athere,';': You can find him with the Ice Cream, On the counter nearj 'J !i ; He'll be glad its me whose speaking i Call him wont yon pleas r "For I surely want some Ice Cream, Its so warm over here. v ' j: Written by customer.. .:-:-i-: HOLLISTER Rocky Mountain Tea ' , A Buy Hedldat M Buy Facpi. - ErUff Soldtl Haahk sal Bu(d Tlf. 4 mMHfta fnr flnnaJntlmi. fnatMatfna. f .Itm and sldnev Troubles. PimDlM. Kounu. Imour- llloofl. Bad Snath. Slurnh Boweta, Hwdaclw I Hud UaokftChe. It's Rocky Moiiptala Tea In ub i-H form, M oents a hox. Oenulne made bf Hobuarni i(fMO uohpast, auuuoa, wn I GOLDEN NUGSETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Just Received. lias heen adjusted) - WCIU vrVMVVff m 11 . ! A wm . VWV AWt V 1 ti u iuh iiM.un mubti i Candy We are showing the handsomest and most varied line of Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes that the ladiei of this city have ever had the op portunity to select from. Our aim is to carry such a stock that it will be unnecessary to send away for the newest and be3t Btyles. A look through our Dry Goods Department will conAinee you that the better grades can be bought here cheaper than elsewhere. J. G. DUNN & CO., Phone an. nrTTTTTTT?TTTTTTTTTTTTTV Phone 24 Maryland Country Hams is Still Going Try One, lib can Rumfords for only 2!V. Picnic Hams only 10c lb. Drugs and Garden Seeds of all kinds Tin, wood, and willow wre of all kinds 20c Coffee, the beat in the eity, 2 lb for 35c. Heinz Vinegar, Hcqt. Heinz Pickle2 Sweet anil Sour. 10c doz. Corn 20c peck Whole Grain Rice 7c lb. Grits 2Je lb. I.. R. 1IAHICHT, 1'roprietor. la. I O. LAND MANAOKH. VAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAlaa ,5 NOTICE ! Wo will hsve an office in the Htoro of Mr. John H. lvm where our lunik can bo fonrol, and phynient on accounts will be apireciH- ted. Roaixytfully, D. F. JARVIS. Notice! Have just received fresh car load Ameri can Wire Ferce; same will be sold al greatly reduced rate. Come srid see me before buying E. W. Smallwood J L. HARTSFIELD, Cntrnrlor mid Ilulltfrr. orrtct i: 1 1 midulk st. rnou tu. , . - - A atmAml nalomn Is tlx bMt rrafMnfila(lon. llnw is aor el ta bi!4 tn( arwtvd ty at N tWrn. Dr. k. D. V. Jon, BMa. N Maarmie Opm Kotaw, A. A N. C R. R. Ktsrac Hom. It M A A Mmdcrwa, Ouanas WaMwwa, 0. srs A tkm Ruir. . " Dr. N. H. BrKs' Mara, (4 stnry) - Would bfl triad to h&ve aH7 on lnsrcct tu work aa It goes up. UILDIHG AjUil J ii. AA. VA VytJiiiLal a A, U Ul Tcnco. GencraHIardwftro. . 4? A 1 55 57 Pollock St. ALT. ABOUT CARRIAGES from A In , anil I I'l f-tairir who haa hld th M-in - fn (ifly y ;u- will tt-ll u htt hau had ttxpi him in ..Inline that that best ama .n' ami lur bility a re rnad? and i' IIih'kv Factory. ,( i,. I w ii l,. m-t wny and everythiiiK I' -.. S' I w fine huy infer and Mtve on yimr iUl or new whoeU. hi a machine without rulllnr tin without t.ik .-iking tiro from whfol .- whilf iin witil. Kvcrylxidy is invitinl tu im liiiK- at work putting new boitu in old . H. Wnifrn Naiin, Successors to (!. II. Waters & Son. I 'hone IK!",, 7B Broad St. Nw Btrn. N. C. U. A Nit OL.U riro and Boiler Insurance. Brick for Sale. 'i ii i. m:i: ;im; socnd ' . vii n.j I if yni r- msurail in (in of ,!- i i . .f..nn-a that rm'l hhab.Ji I - .11 ( il.l' . ..ilhtifratM.n H'Urs of m4k taM i nn i . i ' n ni,H itir, hiMmn - Ilk, f nm th h h 1 1 1 1 it! i. i; with fntr Ui tJtkw rKwlUaM i Wtk I ur i i I'HiMim- f'.f ninkln ym awurf Bra th IwW Pi i ..i, -(( tit ith .lMill- 1'hOKf 2 10 Son I) J "ht md llanrrxk St. Paints and Oils Qunp, Pistols. Razors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges. Cookiov and UeaTing Stoves. K onomiiMl in unl--SpUnilid In oprratioii Life tini In dur ability. 8ASI1. IMK)lia AM) BLINDS A hl'Kt IAI.TV. faiififil Hantware Csspjir, I'hoaa M- sB KUIJ aft. ;- . MATERIAF. Wl V 1111 Vilill TVWWXaft IIUI vrrt; t : !' f C 2 i ! r:. I ! t: -ills fill h:;b. ;,i 1. r J V

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