i 1 tfew Eero, If. C, Tuesday Morning, Rlorcli 28, 1905. Tol. XXII.--iTo. 202. Twenty-TIiird Year .4. f! --' . ' Ladies New tleckvear v ; ; Just in by Express. I WILL C13 CLOSED OUT. UESS TIIABTlJsrAI VAIOJJE 1 Ladies Pure Linea Hemstitched and f Fmbroided Collars and Cufts, 'White Blue and White, and Black and White, 60c value for 25c the pet 25c value tor 16c the sat. - New Belts oi all kinds at EASY PRICES. J. NL Mitchell & Co., I : PHONE 288. ' : 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. U .M.i. .MM... ODODODOQODO aODOPDOD DO DODO Wa rta a p-enta for Stetson Hats and tcan show you the latest styles and col t. I. Vx4 V. 0v nni dUft TTrafo UI D 1X1 UU tlx putli auu UMit ai.c uo. X X t NEW IilNE OF Negligee Shirts, White Vests, Neckwear, Hosiery, Etc. Call and See Them. J. J. BAXTER.! t CC COCCC CCOOOD OOOO C390CGC3 A Fine Lot of North Carolina Smoked Hams JUST RECEIVED A CARGO OF ONSLOW COUNTY PEANUTS. SELECTED STOCK, YOIGHTS FLOUR, OUR PATKNT,CALLA LILY AND ABOVE ALL BRANDS. Artncy tor ROYAL BAKING POWDER. All Good. Cmh ud j Carefully Selected. J We aUelt eonalgnmentt 0f .11 kind of Country Product and Cuaraato Prompt attention And Quick Return, and will proroiM th. Highest Price, that eu b obtained. Give os a Trial. 3HC Er-VTLn, Wii1 alf and IlcUtl rcer , No. 81 Bouth Front Btv ':' E ftUltlllillllUl.illtltl.lillillllltUllillllltlit AFl'JT'lCrLLlLTI uro A ROCK CRUSHING PLANT TOG CA SHOOTER CAUGHT AND ESCAPED. Near Shoots a .Colortd Maa, la .Caught by . Wwiadad Ma Father , Ledjtd In tail and" Brass -v :: George Harper- shot a- colored man named Rufua Carter Sunday noon.- The trouble arose over a trivial affair and involved th wounded? many -younger brother, r Harper laid the blame of the shooting on the man who put the pistol in his hand and told him to shoot The matte had hot taken a serious turn un til the shooting Carter had gone to the assistance of his brother and Harper turned on him and was fighting him whenhe shooting occurred. - v The ball was a 32 calibre and entered the thigh. The wound is painful but it Ah um obw ww - neipea mc will ana xace were covered with tores. E TELL SUFFERING From Itching and Bleeding Eczema " Pain TerribleBody and Face Covered with Sores Doctors and Medicines Failed. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CUBE BY CUT1CURA " No tongue can tell how I suffered for five year with itching and bleed ing eczema, until I was cured by the uucura ctcmcases, ana a am so srratc V L J. 1 1 . - . WID B EitahlMw: In Raw Btra la a Short . . . Time. vji The lot at the comer of George and South Front atreets belonging to the Eubanka estate has been leased , for a term of years to the company with which Mr. Council Brown la interested and a rock crushing plant will be insti tuted thereon. Mr. Brown has been in the city for several days and has most of his plans made for the commence ment of the work. ' The entire outfit for.the plant has been purchased of a Boston manufacturing company and the work of building the mill will be start ed Boon. It is expeeted that the capacity of the mill will be about 100 tons per dayr The facilities for the supply Of rock to be crushed are excellent and the pro duct will be the finest kind of material for macadamized roads. v The industry will doubtless prova a good thing for New Bern when it is established as there to a great demand for a good and substantial, and cheap material for making bad roads good, and good roads better. J Our styles the handsomest Our qualities the beat . Now is the time, Here is the place to order your Spring Suit F. M. Chadwkk REV. C. C. COX RESIGNS. Patter el First Baptist Chare Uon t. Tak. Uavt. The member and attendants of the First Baptist church were greatly sur prised and grieved Sunday morning, when the pastor, Rev. C. C Cox, pub licly announced hla resignation twhich will tak effect Sunday, May 7th. The Ueaaon for this change is that Mr Cox's health require a different climate and while be regret th action he feels compelled to malt th change. Mr. Cox a pastorate over th church has been very abort, having only taken charmAif the church about six months ago. H has, however, gained great many friend and "admirers in th city on account of hi iblUty a a preacher. H. is forceful logical and earnest A deeply consecrated maa and make the call of the GopL clear and plain. , He I an energetic ana faithful pastor. He earn to this church from Richmond, Va having th beat of recommendation, which b ha faithfully maintained. onlv one took effect The fight oc curred near the junction of the A. & N. C. & P. 0. & W. Railways. The men are laborers employed in the construc tion of the last mentioned road. Harper i3 said by many to be a des perate character. He is from Green ville and killed a man there about two years ago and his record is anything but savory. Yesterday morning he was caught by the father of the wounded man brought down and lodged in the city jail. He had not been confined there an hour be fore he had torn the iron grating from the window and made his escape. It is thought that he lit out toward Reels boro where he had been working and evidently hopes to escape detection in the thick woods and among so many men of hi-J race. His description is as follows: s Age 22 or 23 years, height 5 feet 6 inches, weight 140 pounds, , color, black, scar about the size of a 25 cent piece on side of neck. He wore a white hat, dark striped clothes, shoes much worn and broken out at the side, red socks striped with black. U. S. Commissioners Court. - ' Capt A. W. Golden, of the schooner Mystery, was before U. S. Commis sioner Charles B. Hill Monday charged with violating section 5347 of the re vised statutes of the United States, by ill-treating his crew and withholding from them suitable food and nourish ment From the evidence for the Government sufficient cause was found to hold defendant to next United States Grand Jury under bond of $600 for ap pearance at next term of the United States District Court. Defendant gave the required bond and was released from custody. Bargain Week; This Week. - JUST THINK, aoeyanW Bwt Quality Piquo, la all color, Black, While, tfah and Mao, Worth lfce per yard, ov? prk this wwk !" prr yard, . -.'; jVlV.'-' f " A Jlargaln ' f,M vard ft qnalWy wfciu and color 40 inch lawn t yard. That' all W BIT WASH GOODS la ndleM variety fro U up. ' i Oarfraf CWhingU now ofl our Ul b a xi Invite your tnafwrllan. ; Oaprhttl0WE3T. , . - ., . . Our Embroidery and Percale will-remain St the iam price. ,r 3- OOjpJjOrT 75 UlddleBtrort. fa Ml iiaaa ioliha r.:ic. KamWal Pints, On of th anoet mterMting f eatore of th Carnival to b Mid Bxt anonta, wiU b th Coontrv Btore, Good for (he tor are coming ta by th whole aak and yea mar be all to gat a bar rel of floor or a do of Hargett' BUioa PlUa for tea cant, bat vry prise win b worth th anaoey too It ha boon aufgertad to th commit tee ta chart that "Baby Show" b. held t aJWbooa during th wk. and a eomraltu of tv a appolatMl juctr to wh ha th "cntoat kkir,f "kid", it Jw alsobeea aua;- f . iri that aom bf. th aMrchant of- tmr priir for th "show." ThaHaad will donato on. - W'hil th arawM now at hand fur nomination for various offir f U city it ahouk not b vkAoi that nomlnalkm fir Qnon ef the Carnival ar now in erdr. Th ,riUon and tmnCmt of tb Quma will b a firf oo afTair Ui yr. It I Tlit pmhabl that fond fpp- rnrtilatkin ffnfn th. rounlrjr will b her OrniTal work ti ring- irrn of tnatt rnr. that k. A ptli. of U. IW-otim !- n a ir fl of fff lir b fre?! fJ tK r"5 lU r--fT-' ir ',) "I V.ir.'r7 elped mc will help others. 'tly body ud face were covered with torea. One day it would seem to be better. and then break out again with the most terrible pain and itching. I have been sick several timet, but sever in my life did I experience such awful suffering aa with thia eczema. I had made up my mind that death was near at hand, and I longed for that time when I would be at rest I had tried many different doctors and medicines without success, and my mother brought me the Cnticura Remedies, insisting that I try them. I began to feel better after the first bath with Cuticura Soap, and one application of Cuticura Ointment I continued with the Soap and Ointment, and have taken four bottles of Cnticura Resolv ent and consider myself well. Any person having any doubt about this wonderful cure by the Cuticura Rem ediea can write to my address. Mrs. Altie Etson, Bellevue, Mich." ITCHING ECZEMA And AU Other Itching and Scaly Eruptions Cured by Cuticura. The agonizing itching aad banting of the skin, as In eczema ; the fright ful scaling, as in psoriasis', th loss of hair and crusting of scalp, as in called head ; all demand a remedy of almost auperhuman virtues to success fully cooe with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills are tuch stands proven beyond all doubt. OWIcwm SMf , Otatmml, i ar. IbrmichoM rropnnori. mm jmui im - How in fii. v.trnl " .WaYftlWa g i31ackwells Bull Durham, Pick Leaf and uoia Crumbs Smokinj? Tobacco 2cts a bag at McDaniel's t Sun dried Apples 5 eta per lb. Fancy Evaporated Peache8. 12 cts lb. " Apples 10 cts. lli. " California Prunes 10 cts. lb. ' Evaporated Apricots 12$ cts lb. Fox River Print Butter 35 cts. Very Best Flour 3J cts lb. The finest Lard sold in the city 12 cts lb or r.r, cts for 5 lbs Fresh lot Harvey's Small Hams, Breakfast Strips, ami English Cured Shoulders. Canned Goods of all kinds. Queen Olives and Olive Oil. Complete assortment of .Staple and Fancy (iroceries. Yours to please, iJ.L.McDaniel 3 Wholesale A Retail Grocer. 2 ' Br"er Btore. C'oruer Kroad ami Hancock Sts. vwVTTTtf TTfTyTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTVTTTTT TTT Vf TTTTTW An rix;tnft To p. ITio to .vii of Mett ii'.iUi-JIitK '' vhleh wh 1aemp.ir.Ue I l:i ll'- na frew luto n pro :;iorj'.t i oeii.ciaeiii, n i met wltb if."crnc- an.l it ubout Im kui- cudor its trwu crKiulzat'on. On Mnr. i I, VXA, ttJ poimlntlmi laid dwindled t; twcnty-elRlit ncd every olio In towi. was either a Sawyer or u Roberts, tv erybwly was related to everybody else. The community bos become literally a family affnlr. At jirpneut the town bat no poatouV, no clenryman, uo lawyer and no phytlrlau. Anion; tlie asset of the once HourUbliiK mutilrliauty U a wved grown cemotcry in which Inert ha been uo Intcrm.nt for, tlx year. James Willis, Bicycle Announcement. I take this method of announcing to the bicycle riders of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico and Jones counties that I am still in the bicycle business, with a full line of Racyclea, Tribune, Crescent, Latonia, and Banner bicycles, ranging in price from $16.00 to $76.00, I also have 100 pairs of tires on hand, including Hartford tires of all numbers, Goodrick, and Diamonds also, and a good lot of cheap tires, range in prices from $3.00 to $9,00 per pair. I put on tire with the best orange shellac. have a full line of sundries and repair material, and aa I have had over 20 years experience in the mechanical line in addition to four years exjwrience as a bicycle repairer with the advan tage of the machinery and tools which I have, I am prepared to do any kind of repair on any make- of bicycle, and on small machinery. I fit keya to any kind of a lock, and put on trunk locks. Bicycle sold on instalments to aatit- faetory customer. Sundries and re pair ar eaah except to responsible customer, and the instalment custo mer that are not in arrears with their payment. Call and axamln my stock, and get my price before buying or leaving your bicycle for repair elaewhere. Yourl Respectfully, . L. M. EDGERTON, 8S Mlddl 8t Phone 8)1 Ik ta Furnitur G CO., New Bern's Foremost Home Outfitter!, and Great Price 4 utters. ' Money Saved is money made i the old and true saying and can prove it best by lmyinc; your Furniture and Household loods at The TRENT FURNITURE CO.. 54: 2vId.d.le Street. llilllliHHtlilititlitttiii aAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAlAa PnAfTICAIi v 1IL4CKS.MITO V And bora' ahoer his opened a ' ' ahop at th place formerly oo ' cupiH by Samuel Jackann, eat the wharf to rearof C. B. HiUa. ' Work property don "d guar anteed. v . . . v , . For th flnaat Hna of meat Jn the city call at th Coast Una Mint Mar ket: , j , - State Mutual Life Assurance Co of Worchester JHitHsnohusell. Organlied 1844 ' Years Old. All forms of Life and Endowment polii -ie:, is.-tii'-l. A nnna 1 eh dividends are paid upon all p"lu e Every policy has endorsed thereon the 1 ash sum 'ihIit and values to which the insured is entitled by the Law , .1 Massac. PamDhleta. rate and values for any ne sent on applwatio Don't insure unless you have consulted, ul up -etls. E. H. HOWE, District Agent. To Whom It May Con corn! Notk I Iktroby given that I will not be raaponafbl for any danta contracted by any wife, Laara Jan Hawk, a ah ha abandoned ate without aad. Thl. the tStk. day Of March, 1906. - v . .0. E. HAWK. Nkakotof CaroUna Haaia, U cenU per pound at th Coaat Lis Mat Mar yQ A Liquid Vegetable. ?ir . Compound that takes ' inc piace 01 aiomui Lo prft laitlr jmmipt d powerful but pUea , antly r"tW. 11 rum NHmin. Vorvtd llvr. "ytpp and . ami;jtla,din'lililiaid bdach., OuotalnbmlDri. wJ L'l. t.14 t., U l.nt, Ail AiH. J Wl. I or U h f. A. Hry, C. D. Prlham and I . Dttlfy. At Cost ' I hav. aoveral Wheeler and Wilaon latest Improved ball-bearing drop head sewing machine which I offer at Fac tory Coat with freight added. FOR SPOT CASH Abo full line of Columbia, Rambler and Hartford Bieyclee, Pistol, Cartrid ges, Guns, Ammunition, Edlaon Phono grapha, and Victor Talking Machine and reeorda. Base Ball Uoooa ana iu line Sporting Goods at lowet price.. Wm T. Hill. 000 KmtKJtdtMmJm tl Mlddl Bt, Phon. 820 . WeOflVr Fr8lc AT PAI AND INTER EST, la AwmosU to toHParehaaera, from $100 Upward. AK ABSOLUrELT SAFE AXi) OOJSEUYATIVK V , .ISYESTMEKT. tlattt a rmmr aaL frM af Tax. Goarantoad Wh aa to Wadpai and A Intortat far farther IarUrutar Apply to HUGH MACRAE COMPANY, Banker. WQlCo. N. C IDon't org-et Tc jvenir da . For al send your friend a Poet ( anl to by Owen Q. Dunn, Leading I'rlnicr HUtlontr. ( or I'ollock A t'rar. Rt. Henry's Pharmacy. 127 Kiddle HU Full line of Drugs, Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply o, Flower Seeas. fltw.llna.a fl 0 aa lonaj A Nperli rrmctlp Lumsden & Stlth W ft prat tat 4 aak yoar kclaa k th fotkrtrtaf Ceatpaaiaa. "' flOWSVOi ASSURANCE CO., )' LantVat. CEKMAN-AMERICAMINSOn A NCR CO., of New Yer. MUTUAL BKNl-m UPt INKttt UhCE CO., of Newark, X. i. . To Tecplo with Feflk Lurr.ai . r.i'U i ('-"(Vv if jmu'i .' . .r.r. v.". I V ' I f r I . n !,! I: ' ). J , tit t i ret ' f t. Cll for r.'- ; It t.r -j I 1 r ff t for ecntu a v. t to " 1 r 1 t: riea Cod Liver teat t rt ita it If a e e. . a :l: '..1 : it. r jr ' Ctl jr' : 1 cll f t' I" : t -a- . 1 1 " , 11 Fashionable Stationary Dear Friends: . I K. just rvreived a IWuUful tint of 8 print- and , aVunmrr aamplta that I will nak la auito for 11100, all gaaranlaod. Thl I for a abort Uim only. , - . A. BLOCK v IM tUCIl A NT TAILOaT. ' Na, II Midcfl ' N.tr ttert. M.' nny.'onr GARDEN SEEDS rrwa t. i. DUITT. AO kir4 forTrotk ftnaVt K!UKn t;ni.i. (,HU-m4 TrJL AUi fD fine ef I Wf Uk, eta "i" ft' - v J ( Jb W. t