. . . t I ' i i , I:. C L r -I. , A; ill C, ICC J Twenty-Fcurili Year 0 s 1 1 1 4 r - ""V S. r tM u u Iace Ciirtalus both in Swiss and jLaca Stain Oil CIth, Kel IJaeu of all KlnC Red Spreads, Sheets and Pillow Caws. Jwi Pest Bleach Sheet 21x2iyards wide at55c - 21x21 yard wide at 60 and 65c. , . - t s: 21x2J yard Wide Hemstitched at 70c, , t T- PiUovfCas 86x45 inch at 121 and 15c. '- "i ' ," 36x46 inch Hemstitched at 20c, - V, J. EL : Mitchell & Co., PHONE 45 PoUoch St.; Opposite lPost7offtce. r I J c : N; - 1 WTXriT IK IT - X . i . -J. " ;: : -;' J v i " Just received a lot of BUGY BEE BHAKDnAMS . Pure Older, Apple - Cider Vinegar, in barrels and half barrels. ' " ; ; . Agency for ROYAL BAKING POWDER.';' All Goods Frmh and GHMfttRy SslacUd.' 'ry. '..''."V,.1- .V.'---'-".' ' " , ' . We solkit 'eonaifnntenU of all kinds of Country Produce and " Coaraotse Prompt attention and Quick Returns and will promke the Bifhwt Prices that can be obtained. ; . ' . Give tis a Trial; ; ' XS Uo sale and Retail CJrocer. v: No. 81 Bouth Front Et . ' .. - - RUGS. ' ' We tr e sW W Urge site Rugt, Two hivlrd AWti biU qiislily o4. Thle wk only 4c . P.IRl'.riN'. Jt Tink 4,(ViO yrU Hililn frtirn If to 2t: yard, EHirrKRS FXTRA.-()r l.nn.lrH rslr lr r Ojfar !.. Thrir r. ri . ..'(.. AJ II lu, ;.. f.r.' ' f r. (. : , W. -Jurt Kcivtl 6, yari A.r..n Gl' e mi irth ? fr j ). Ij k, 1 i; V.K.-PT-.y t Vn' r, ) I'.. y fro lt tr-! it! (l.V ir'li I'll m-l. 1 f I W . fi4 ( i ! i i , in "t an Sf'l I k. - : - C. x : : : k- -I, 288, Xtr ; Easter Suits, . .Wejiave the largest and best selected stock ofClotbing yre ever car rted and can fit you no matter whatonr siz or shape may: ber We carry Kuppenneimer's Guaranteed Nothing There ; is none better mada'ilaild'it'i' i be bur pleasure' to show - - ;you our stock. New line of Men's Belts.Neg ligee Bhlrfs and Under wear. In tact anything you want in the Men's Furnishing line; :; j: j. mml .. Vi' .V; ..A.'-.' Uir'. . sAAAAAAA ry hanilMme dtiigna. A goJ tl.DO H.Ik in ill ihuln, 14 tinli t c.n V III--.!. i 1 t t 1 v;. LTS. Nw Vgrncj Liw E g Strictly Enforced Raleigh, April.l. On Monday ayoung i white man, James Eagles, is to be tried j Carnival week at the "Country Store -here under the new vagrancy law, the the donation being in the shape of a allcMratinn Koinnr that ha ia 1MB nnil had llfinrianme COok'StOVe. ' always been a gambler, a hanger on ofl -- Elliott, Ottenheimer & Elliott, Balti- pool rooms etc.,- and has never doiie anyTnore, two boxes cigars, through L. B. . work. K warrant was served on him and he isat large onjhia . recogniunce. Another warrant was served Wednes day on Roger A. Nott, who- has been for many .years, a gambler here and . at other points, but it is . understood from the police that Nottjeft herejthat night only a few hours after the warrant was served and that he has. left: the' state and gone to Richmond, his old home. It appears to be the belief that he will not return. A third warrant is- in the hands of the officers, this .one being for John Hayes on the same charge. . The police say Hayes cannot be found and that he has probably departed ' also and may have left the state - it "'"r Death of L B. Tttylor. -. Mr. John Taylor, whose severe illness was noted in the .-Journal of yes terday, died at his hom- in Goldsboro Friday night . He waa well known here haring been resident of New Ben for several years. He was I prom' inent citisen of Goldsboro and a mem- ber of several orders... He conducted a cafe and was a successful biulnet man. His funeral and interment occurred in Goldsboro yesterday. Notice of Removal;'' Mr. D. I Ward, attorney at law has moved hi Jaw offic to the Hughes Building ojftte City Hall,on Craven Street, on second floor, -i.- ' AijlRIlchie, thtr Majiclan.' 1 The next Lyceum Lecture Gourse -en tertainment will be next Wednesday night. April 8, when Ritchie, the re nowned magician and his-excellent com pany of artists'wUl appear, t". ?v Ritchie is demonstrator of the oc cult and magic sciences r who . has no superior and few equals. He is a won der and is alone worth the price of ad miasion. S:.--fi. J". Backed by a strong company of mu sicians and an impersonator, those who contemplate attending may be assured of a first class entertainment. x To The Democratic Voters of the City V of New Bern. v;-:' . I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Chief of Police of the city of New Bern, subject to the Pri mary to be held April 17th.; and I neatly solicit the totes of all my friend .Should I be elected to tfi this office, 1 solemnly pledge myself to strictly ad here to and carry , out the duties im posed upon me to the best of my knowl edge and ability, t ,v.;i, .: J - Vary Respectfully, V , - a LUPTOK V Japanese Continue Advancing. . St.' Petersburf April' L Unofficial report from Harbin, and Guntxullng say the Japaneae acoota are daily at proaching nearer the Russian advance posts which are occasionally bombard ed. . A Japanese attack on Gemrcl Hit tchenkas rear guard has been repulsed. The Chinese say the Japanese are re ceiving large reinforcements without Interruption. .., j J . Plantir.n '. Cotton ...... I hsv4 for U s limited trnantity of PrIine Coitua SoM, scl-td stork, price ?5c p-r bushel, Inclmling bag, fah irilh ot'i.r. 1 pid tl.Z'i fr fcuh- I for rriy r In Mu!!)(iro.ii;h Coun'y, RfitJfh Cnr-M.na, 1 havs u-.J thm n OTiiinary land nd jin!acl more t)n ) !! lint t"--n j rr arr In & f hut - John J. rune:: nr, i ' . n. r. p i . " Country Store Cjra'.ons. The Gaskffl Hardware- Co. have a donation made through them by the O. K. Stove & Range Co. of Louisville, Ky., that is a great addition to the al- ready valuable list of prizes to be drawn Habicht ' . ;' . -' r ' Norwich Pharmacy Co. New York, one dozen bottles of Laxo Salt, through D. A. Hargett. i nai oeaumui muss. . comes from the varnish in Itevoe's Var nikh FWtr Paint:-, onntji five cents more quart though. Sold by E. W. Smalls wood. ' -' , - "V services today: FIRST -CHURCH OF CHR1ST,- Scientist, corner Hancock 'r and Broad streets. Services Sunday Iu.45 a. m. and 7.45 p. m. Bible Lesson Sermon today: Subject: J'Are Sin-, Disease and Death Real?", Isaiah, 85, 4. - Sunday school , after morning service. Wednesday- '-evening .meeting at T.46 p.. m. . Reading room is open daily. ".vAn are cordially invited to attend, ". ; ' : - , CHRIST' CHURCH- Rev. t. M. v. George, Rector 1 4th, Sunday in Lent. Service 11a.m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School 8.30 p. m. ' A cordial invitation ia extended to alL " - - v ' - ' : ". CENTENARY M. E. CHURCH. Rer. G. T. Adams pastor. Preaching at U a. vu n& 8 p. nr.' by the pastor. Sacrament Cof Lord's ' Supper, ad ministered 'at the morning service. Twenty minutes Song Service proceed ing the evening servicer Sunday School . at 8 SO p. m.,Tt- A. Green, Superintendent . Epworth League meets Monday night, T. W. Crowder, rpresidenUl Public invited. TABERNACLE Baptist Church 3ervics morning and night by the pas tor, Rev. N, S. Jones.' ' Sunday School at WO a wy&rS!&W- PRESBYTERIAN Church-Commmv ion Services at 11 am. Preaching 8 pm. Sunday school at 8.80 p. ra. , Westmin ister League at 7 p, m. The public are cordially invited to attend these ser vices.-' 7.Z''7 ' V.-.l. . .. .. ': r JTRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Ser mon at 11 a m by the pastor Rev. C. C Cox. At three o'clock p m Rev. B. W. Spilknan and Rev. Hight C, Moore will conduct a. Sunday: School . Institute which wW.be continued tonight .at 8 o'clock. ' fj Letter to Hollitter Cox; New Bern.'k'c.--; .Dear Sirsr Yon give . full weight of good coL-'. v ' - - : '' So do we 231 inches to a gallon of paint that . takes fewer 'gaDon than mixed paint and wears twice as long as lead-and -oil : and allow our agent to sell it on this cnaranteet : "If yon have any fault to And with this paint either, now in putting H on. or hereafter In the wear, tell your deal tr about it. - ' :,;i 'J . "We authorize him to do what U rieht at our expense." '.- v.'. We know a dealer In coal, who de livered hie coal with a public welgker'i tkket (f'iD weight) hrvHed complaints and actually exchanged the coal when complaint was made, He had half the buxineu; a dosen firms had the other half. -.. . ;; We are ISO yean eld, but not too old to !! paint as that dealer sold coal We like to pay damagse when there are any. . Yours truly, - . r. W. DEVOE CO. 112 P. 8, E. W. SmAlIwood l!s our paint. Fimi 'al nl Irr"rd Chirkus at Cit int J'rkl-t. ' . f." 7 " i of Ih Ten I .t 'iy y .,l I 1.' - n rn T ; 4 . -'. ?.. n. : A e:s fete cc:,-.;ng. A WMk ei Exceptionally Fins AttractioM hi - ' the Fret Street Fslr snfl Csralval. '."The Jones-Adams Carnival which will show here Apnl 10th to 16th, will have an unusual number of splendid At tractions. The shows have won vie highest commendations and have proved their worthiness for such praise. .) They come here under the auspiqas of the K. of P. Band who' have the assurance that the carnival is juat what it -claims to be chaste, refined and "having 'no fakes. Ten big shows comprise the syndicate which Includes some of the most extra ordinary amusements on the road.. The engagement of a trained animal show few days ago will be one of the lead ing features of the carnival and a very interesting and instructive . exhibition. The big lion ''Wallace'' is one of the animals of this show and it will be a great treat to see this mighty monarch of beasts. A band of twelve pieces travel, with the company and famishes delightful music: - It has musical attractions of other description which will make their stay here varied and pleasant,'. It will I take np too much space to tell, all that Pill. 1 1 !l irM 4. -'' . inn carutvui wui iiavv w kiiiudv w . iu- struct. Watch the Journal and watch for . the advent of the great Jones Adams Carnival. , Bicycle Announcement 1 take this method of announcing to the bicycle riders of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico and Jones counties that 1 am still in the bicycle business, with a full line of Recycles, Tribune, Crescent, Latonia, and Banner bicycles, ranging in prices from $15.00 to $75.00. : . - I also have 100 pairs of tires on hand. including Hartford tires of all numbers, Goodrick, . and Diamonds also,' and a good lot of cheap tires range in prices from $3.00 to $9.00 per pair, s, I put on tires with the best orange shellac. I have a full line of sundries and repair material, and as I have had over 20 yearr experience in the mechanical line hi addition to fonr years, experience as sjbieycle- repairer with the advan tage of the machinery and tools which I haver I am prepared to do any kuurof repairs on any make of bicycle, and on small machinery:;" J fit keys to any kind of a feck: "and put on trunk tocka. Bicycles sold on instahnetats to satis factory customer. Bundriea and re pairs are cash except to responsible customers, and the instalment custo mers that are not in arrears with their payments.' .; Can and examine my stock, and get my prices before buying or leaving your bicycle for repairs elsewhere. - Yours Respectfully, ' U M. EDGERTON, 88 Middla 8t'. -r-A-. Phoneyai Tot the finest Hne of meats in the city call at tha Coast Lino Meat Mar kets . - . Liimsden tS: 5tith We represent and ask your buatna in the following Companies. ' NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO., 9' London. ;,r'-.-. GERMAN-AMERICA N IN 8 V ANCE CO.. of New York. '-,,; A r - MUTUAL BENEFIT UPE tNKUS ANCE CO., of Newark, N. I. vj. i Fashionable Stationery; Ennctt'sBookGtore t crcrct To I yntr friend s r l'ot Cord t- F'.r hy 0 . :i 0. Dutui, rt 1 ( M ' ' M M M A JUgULfUUUUJUUU JUL'jJuVAJVAAJU v e T .e s- t -lackwells Bull Durham, Fick Leaf and : , Gold Crumbs Smoking Tobacco 2cts w a i McDanlel - Sun dried Apples Sets per lb. 1 Fancy Evaporated Peaches. 12 cts lb. 1 7.v : ' x" '.-.- Apples 10 cts. lb. -iy i T'." California' Prunes 10 cts. lb. Evaporated Apricots 121 cts lb. : f Fox River Print Butter 85,cts. 1 Very Best Flour" 31 cts lb. ' The finest Lard sold in the city 12 cts lb or 55 cts for 5 lbs . Fresh lot Harvey's Smainiams, Breakfast Strips, and English nTu,J 01 U - . a . . vwrai oouuiuets. t vannea uoods yuve my UMnplete assortment of t, ,: Yours to please, J. L. McDaniel 3 WholeeMile A g ? .1 aer IJtOro. Corner Broad ona Hancock fits. The Treat Furniture Co., New Bern's Foremost Home Outfitter, and Great Price utters. "Money Saved is money made is the old and true saying. and can prove it best by buying your Furniture and Household Goods at The TRENT FURNITURE CO., 54: ILid.d.le Street. State Mutual Life Assurance Co 1 of Worchester HlnMucliusetf8. Organized 1844 61 Years Old. AH forms of Life and Endowment policies issued. Annual cash dividends are paid upon ail policies. Everv nolicv has endorsed thereon the cash surrender and paid-up insurance values to which the insured is entitled - Pamohleta. rates and values for thi Don't insure unices yon have eonsu IE HOWE, District Furniture I Furniture ! Furniture! ewJtgood aii- T win fiid U aiy itort evtrj ifclagte nike t lone conforuVe 1 Vi) f ruRSitu ri, nd wilt U 10U it fricei ikere eon petition eiti iifgire.'. JTSi!Miller. JCSTHEOEIVED Lot y Nice -Pictures. Pcstel and Oil reproductions, in Gold and Dec orated Oatc Frames at extremely lowprices..- ' Call and see them. - v v: Oppoalto ! rr-r. ( ' 5 ti: f. tj- r ?t-:isi IIcnrjr's Pharmacy, I i bag at of all kinds. Queen Olives and Staple and Fancy Groceries. Betnil Grot or. by the uw 01 Mtuwachuxt-tu. sent on a). plication. Agent. l"pt OHico. J27 Hlddlej fit. Full lino of Drus.lled Icings, Toilet Af Uric 3 rtnd Ooap. 1 ! J y. s. Si