J- THE JOURNAL: Published every day in the year ex cept Monday. Journal Building 6-60 Craven St " ' . - ' Phonk No. 8. CHARLES L.VSTEVENS, ; . ' EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Yew in advanee...'.-.-44.00 One Tear, not in advance. Monthly, by carrier in the city. 6.00 ".60 " Advertising rates furnished on appli-J cation. " . - Entered at the Post Office, New Bern C. as second-class matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY. AND New Bern, N. C, April 2. 1906. A COMPELLING PUBLIC SENTIMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT. Law enforcement through legislative enactment, and law enforcement through a compelling public sentiment, are really two very diverse methods- to the accomplishment of a law's obser vance. Theold saying to the effect that morality cannot be forced upon a com munity or person through any legisla tive proceeding, is true, and yet State and National legislators will force laws upon the people, which it is almost cer tain that the public sentiment will be acainst. and this sentiment being hos tile to such laws, they will never be enforced. Actually and practcally there is very little need of new laws, or of the f re. ouent sessions of legislators to enact new laws, for it .will be found upon ex. amination that very much of the so called new legislation' is either old laws reDatched. or modification of old laws for individual or corporation benefit But while legislative enactment does not make a law active, and its violation a matter of punishment to the violator .yet the law in its dormant state may at any time be aroused to apositiveness which would make it. offensive to not only its violators, but also to the entire community bee use that the punishment inflicted would be more far reaching and disturbing, than to merely those caught violating the law When a law reaches this stage there is a public domand for its repeal. Yet there are laws, which have been asked for by the people, and when once enacted, public sentiment ia not aroused sufficiently to see to it that they are fully and impartially executed. This one of those public inconsistencies which not merely punles, but is unexplainable, the public haste for a law, and iU posi tive indifference to the law a enforce ment, once it has become a law. In such cases the taw ia dead, takes its place with the hundreds ol others enacted before it, there to remain In operative and ineffective until a com pelling public sentiment arouses) it to full duty upon those who violate it. Chtated Death. Kidney trouble often end fatally; but by choosing the right Medicine, E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, la., cheated death. He ears: "Twe year ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caused me treat pain, suffering and aaxiety, bat I took Electric Bitter, whlcft efTerUd t compfau cure, , I have also found them of great beneflt in geaaral dWbiiity and wrre troabla, and keep them eoUnt , ly oa haad, since, as 1 find they bar m equal." AQ dneggiat,' guarantene iftttOc. ' ' Nnctwtitj it Crd SckeoL : Friday was (Is W day M tbesaontlt, and the day when the pupils of Uh different gradr received Us 'reward for pvnrtMtity aWmg March. ? Th olVmirm gradea wet give Uw Knlf aeHday for A Urdy pupiie hnint If arch loth, Vlh, 8th, tOk B, M A, 4U A, 4iK B, ird A. - , .. . . TWe was l"Ul el Vv Urrfj popito f"f the monUt, acabwl XK2 tame Mmta IsM jiw, and a tveTage a (Madance of (11, arUnl tM on yw ag A good many ei of mwki dtrrtng U pad U day tj gmtly redanid U ettwewi f MarcK. ..,'. APOUT RITEL'UAt1"M. ' TKr U itftm t.t Z, U f-T"il 'f fn c', f.if rvi w- 14 r.f f.' ht ;l U.LR. j . i V. . ' Southera Mill. One o the Best ef it Kind a paiu iue ucjMti une-ui lor uie uinvuig -, ; , Published I the State. clty the paper represents. Its advo The industriee of the south, particu-' cy is certainly in behalf of some hing larly the cotton mill industries have a very able advocate in the monthly peri- odical known as Southern Mills. The - copy for March has been received and it is a magazine worthy of every one s perusal who is interested in the forward movement of the south. It speaks of better things for the , industrial south .ml nntnnlv, .contains interesting in- formation but useful and orietically s s welL, Mr. 3. B. Whitaker Jr. a wen known newspaper man of this State and for. merly editor of the -Winston Sentinel has recently assumed editorial charge - . . af the paper and under nisaoie manage. ment no Improvement in induatrial.con- am. -hh.M omall ' will hi! over- looked. ' , . , , .. i-v From ft mechanical and artistic point ; a hhtyTf wing cuts and advertisements to the best possible advantage. . . f . - . Last Hope Vanlsned. When leading physicians said that W. M. Smithart, of Pekin, Ia., had in- curable consumption, his last hope va- nisheds but Dr. King's New' Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, J than others and so it is with the fire in kept him out of his grave. He says: surance terms. Consequently it can be "This great specific completely cured me, and saved my life. Since then, I have used it for over 10 years, and con- siderita marvelous throat and lung cure." Strictly scientlnc cure lor Coughs, Sore Throats or Colds;: sure preventive of Pneumonia. , Guaranteed 60c and $1.00 bottles at all drug stores.' Trial bottle free. AHJiands Flghtingr The K. bf P. Band has decided after careful consideration that in order to give the ladies and others a chance to express their sentiments, to offer a gen uine meerschaum pipe (in case), one pound Pride of Reidsville smoking to bacco and box of best ten cent cigars to the most popular lodge . member of New Bern, the matter to be decided by votes at a cost of one cent each. The votes will be counted on Friday night of Carnival week when the contest closes. . The ballot boxes will be located as follows. C. D. Bradham, T. W. Waters, J. B DawBon, Dunn & Co., C. J. Mc- Sorley, Simmons Sc Hollowell, J. 3. Baxter, Miss Mamie Dawson, L. E. Bryan. F. 8. Duffy. The articles will be on exhibition at the various places during the week. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the viru lent poisons of undigested food, C' G. Grayson, of Lula, Miss., took Dr. King's New Life Pilla, "with the result," he writes, "that I was cured." All stom ach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 25c. at all drug stores, guaranteed. The Musical Wednesday Evening: Much interest is being felt in the en tertainment in course of preparation for Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. L. Lewis on Broad street. Some of the beat talent of the city U enlisted and much work la being done in arranging the program and prepary ing for Its rendition. The orchestra is composed of Mrs. W. a Brick and Boy Marshall,' violin ist Miss May Fulford, pUnlst and Mr. Hugh Wood, eornetist. ' ' .' , The soloist will be Mist Miller of Wilmington, and Mr. Pumghrey of this city. Misses Kathrya Griffin and ran- nis Holland, accompanist, , . Ths feature of elocution will be ably looked after by Miss Annie D. Green, wboas reputation a an artiid.k) br 0a Is well established, r ; Miss Nell Jordan and Robert smiling win assist with song and recitations. Names of tfioM above mctitlocCM are s guarantos of the ic!W g( tM entertainment and their earnest effort, now being put forth will guar the soc ceS of the rcasioo, V . Aa admWkm fee 'ef , Iwwtr-flve tmU will bs harg4-kibia enUUe on to refreshment,-: ' CHAMBERLAIN'S ODUCH RKMf.fif THE BEST AND MUST POPVLAR oiuT buy a tot erwjy cMUt r,rih a!Tir vu mm ovf H rtiiM) gmt rsllroMl xti boy It Tr vr mtf MtfnaUoi for a BtUe tin. wxi Utly pojln btir It if U f rim" I , . i . ...... I m'Kirw tiroa., t,.!hm, lows. -"We II mnrt of OuimboTlaio' ORl Rem y than any other kind. It. to have tVm tM lJ ctr 1 Vr food HfuxU." J.tt U n. --.if"n but Ui wwl'in U lb Wt tlt tun be pmrurd tt wijMnNln,;!,, Vt r It a tkild m an l iU that tt f. ft'xHod. It rr anl rur IMKkljr. ,f I,rrr,r,j trwl 1 I I ! t J,'i rr, . a i 'i L -e. . h' 1 1 . ,:.h. Ti.ii KTiJi P.irn T.iiir-ni.l ia nk'M'Si f I I1U . . P"e oi great ieneni io any town. . Wilmington tried the paid fire department system and still has it, growing more and more in love with it 'J ? , ""--j" big improvement over the previous way ' fighting fire, though theold volunteer department rendered splendid service d was composed of energetic fearless fire fighters. But the paid department . is necessarily more alert and more leaaf w cvon, jor me men are i- ..ways on band to respond v an alarm nd they learn by experience and care., d training a perfect system of , fight- tni DnoiiilaW m4 "toon, nM-V ',' r " - a1"" vl-"" t- The Wilmington paid department, which has been in existence now for ft.nura-r bar of years,' has rendered, valuable wsrvree biiujms uirown . 8 jurqnir arm . . 1' against heavy fire InflRM. Naturally the insurance rate, is less under a paid department than " under a volunteer one, as much so as Xhere is reaonfor a difference between the rates on an opera house and a grocery store. There exists ft wide difference ia the risk. ' There are so Tie avocations that call foa higher insurance rate seen that a city enjoys not only strong protection tinder a paid department, but also enjoys the privilege of low in- surance rates. This makes ft saving both ways, which more than balances the expenses of the paid . department. Not only does the saving- come from the low insurance rates, but it comes by less disastrous conflagrations. The saving in that direction 18 large, for fire losses are never covered fully by in surance and a prospective loss always results in business being stopped at least temporarily and people thrown out of employment for 1 that length of time. , Wilmington would not and could not afford to part with her paid fire depart ment and New Bern will do welt to get one. A Daredevil Ride often ends in a sad accident. To heal accidential injuries, use Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. "A deep wound in my foot from an accident," writes Theodore Schuele, of Columbus, O., "caused me great pain. Physicians were hclplc but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly -healed it" Soothes nnd heals burns like magic. 26c at all druggist. Reception. Last Thursday night Mr. E. M. Cole man, mail elerk between this city and Wilmington, entertained a number of his friends at MrsvLaurenberg's board ing house. The feature of the evening was music, singing, and recitations by Mr. Coleman, who displayed grout tal ent as an orator tnd was the'reclpiont of several boquets and much applause after which all were served with re freshments and departed, thanking Mr. Coleman for a very enjoyable even, (ng. .. .. AN EXCITING RUNAWAY. f . ' ' A Fright' Nsns Ueei Ttm Deri Crtwdsd Slsewslk Is Tkg City Far I Iteed ' ' ' - . ' . ' , ' A most exciting and terrifying; runa way occurred oa Middle, street yester day morning. .That there was no seri ous aocldaat is urea of . w xxlar to the many people who witnessed it and thos whs barely sseapad may wet be thankful it was ft won. , ','. A bors belonging to whit country maa was standing en South Front tr4 when It bacam frightened at some thing and ran away. As it turned oa Middle stmt it took to tit s idowatk ia front of the American Stock Companf 't tors. . Colliding with a post supporting the ssmlng it tor it awy and th bug 11 was alao tors loos from th borsn. Bdng thus dtsengsged the horss kept at Um sidewalk st ft frightful rato ftnd did ftt leave It aUI near T. A. tien- fry'i drug stor tnd was caught furlht p Midals atreot " . ' ' , The trt was full of Wopl but for- MunsWly all rvt wit rvf the way. Nutvr lnmaiing bol.ir is cart miT on the Wslk traverxx) by the animal and while h 1:1 1::: vzi i n J.-,. , . T - . ! 1 - - - -4 ( J . tsm,m. Ci.;t ' 7 'k r- k. ,! VM - - I r. en In The V.'ar." The Mothers of the Confederacy anfl the eterans, their iris andDanghters heirs of their glory, are earnestly and cordially invited to contribute accounts of suth instances are known -to them where the women of North Carolina showed, during the war, their .patriotic heroism and patient fortitude. - Such contributions ' are , intended or. the "Special Editions" which the Press Of North Carolina proposes at an early date to publish, devoted entirely-to true history of the-1 "Women in the War," "who -bound .. their warriors' sash when .they went forth to fight: whof suffered worse than death a thous and times; who were stung and wound ed by privations that the- - hardest sol dier ever knew.' , ' , i These editions will be published with the endorsement of all the - camps of Veterans and Sons of the various cities and under the direction' of committees from all these catrips. - i Perhaps many of those who suffered the most and crowned their sufferings wjth the grandest heroism, or those who knew of such, : are not accustomed to write for publication and.would shrink naturally from such an undertaking to such we can only say, write down in your Own way the incidents as you re number them and send them, and what you write will be edited clothed in company dress. Just such contributions are most valuable. Give names of participants so as to make true history, Contributions are asked, and peclally asked for by April 10th. from those of the most brilliant literary at tainments ;from those of modest culture from those who cannot even spell cor rectly, from those who -cannot write at all and must get some friend to write for them. We only ask a true history of what our women did, how they suf fered and ail that they endured with such heroism, that .justice maybe done to those deserving of all honor, all praise and all glory. Send these contributions to the Edi torial Committees in Charlotte, Raleigh and Wiln i.igton, or to Miss Mami$ Bays, Charlotte, N, C, Editor of the Special Editions of North Carolina. Keep your bowels regular by the use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. There is nothing better. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy and F. Duffy. Association Officers Busy. ; Atlanta, Ga., April 1. During the past week every state department of Southern Cotton Association has been visited by an officer of the headquar ters. President Harvie Jordan has been in Texas and Louisiana. Secty Richard Cheatham has been in Tonnes- see, Mississippi and Alabama. T, Simmons, Jr., manager or the press bureau has been in South Carolina and North Carolina. Dixon Armstrong, of the emblem bureau, has been in Arkan sas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory. Each of these officials found the state departments hard at work and tho dif ferent states thoroughly organized and offices conducted in a busiaess man ner. - T. J. Simmons, Jr., who made the Visit to North and South Carolina, was very much impressed with his visit to those states. South Carolina, he says, baa a superb organization, and has complisbed wonders. In North Caro lina, be states, that while th organi sation i not so thorough as It is in th Palmetto State, a great work has been don and the people are standing right behind th association. , k JRUE APPETIZER AKD TONIC ' C. '' - '. . -. '- , , ' '. .'. ' t- MI-a-M WIM Make Ye Feet Ngry ts 'I' Umrtf, 'sad ilv ; ttrwgtk sad t " UT wuwrT ' ' -'' - v r ' -9 t . . Ask any friend who looks thin, pals, and out of With bowlnany meals b or ah sat a day, and tbo ckanecs ar that th saswor'wiU bs "Not over two, and I don't fed hungry the," Th plump, rosy, and robust eat thre square wlt daily, and tlwir perfect rmallhlsdV to ft strong stomarh and dift-mtivs fytinm, a aorh a tystcrs lakes out of the food all than flcmcnts that make pur blood, end fir noorkb nWit ftnd viulity to th body. Th on apjwtlipr snd innte thai should b token 1 Wi-o na, the only Mont know thai will straogtheii the stomach so-f dif wtlr yUtn, and pul thorn in iHk porfpet king.ordi thl Uwy ail) digpst eily and naiur al!y all the 6i that i eoton, ands4 Tn to the Ul W prwl i!y hungry ft tVe iwxt mo L Witliowt tng (rtWTUM-h digmtinei :tl V-o fir, U tlr4 lmmr, and e-Ti-Mw tivvt M tri Inry r"iH "i'"! r S: W. J-ltrii t je M-r rj ft, CI Uyl-mntm ' . lir i f trt-l ..' ' J s i b, I i t ahWhren ! tct j .re , IV,, tr.f r , ( ( j l ( ', U i), ii C I M I,, ,.,, f .... . . n f 1 BRITISH SuCiECT f 3LESTE0. j Seek Redree FresT HI Cevenuseai. Magistrate Excms Mh aatkeritvi t: Raleigh, N. C-, April L Some days ago Governor Glenn received ft letter from the British Consul in this State asking for full information regarding British subject , named Evans, who has made complaint to the British Minister to this country Oat he liad been set upon and beaten in Chatham county, , where he has charge of a hunt ing preserve owned by New" Yorkers and on which they pay taxes." Evans lamia that he was exercising his dogs, was training them, and that by acci- dent they killed some, game; hat he was arrested, carried before a raagis- ' trite, fined and though he gave notice of appeal to the Superior court the magistrate, instead of certifying 'the" factdeclaredthatUie fine must then and ( Km, . - stimulates the sluggish organs and clears the sysl there be paid or he should have to go tem' of all foreign matter. It cures the disease permanently and safely to jaiL . Evans, then said that he was because it contains no harmful minerals to derange the stomach and diges struck in he back of the hfad with a Uon. Book on Rheumatism and any advice you wish, without charge. bludgeon by some-'person and badly hurt and that no attempt was made to arrest tne man who thus struck him. The Governor is having the matter look ediuto very closely. The British Government is always in dead earnest about these matters and no trifling is allowed. . It is always a serious matter to do an injury to a Britisher as all the world knows. As yet the Governor has not received the full statement of the affair and it was his desire' in fact his special request that it be kept out of the newspapers until Athens, Ga. Summer School, June 27 he bad the story in full, but it has leak-1 July 28, 1905. ed, some way, and hence the 'present' Atlanta, Ga. National Association of mention. It is contended that Evans cursed the magistrate and was then plugged by a by-stander who fled. It is not denied that the magistrate ex ceeded his authority in imposing the fine and requiring it to be paid, with costs. tSt How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last IB years and be lieve him-perfectly honorable in all bus Iness transactions, and financially able i to carry out any obligations made by h's firm. Waloing, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottlo. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills forj combi nation. Shipping News. The three masted schooners Grace G. Bennett and Lizzie A. Williams sre loading lumber at the railroad docks on Nous river and will sail for Philadel phia during the present week. The schooner Harland N. Houston left yesterday with lumber for Elisa beth City. Th schooner Carrie Fsraon left last week with a cargo of shingle which will bs disposed off at point along Chesapeake Bay. Th tug Hoieit, with thre lumber laddM bargas, vis: Emma and Bessie, Cart and Jama B. Blades in tow left for Philadelphia yceUrdiy. Sh will pick , np sight mora barge on th way. - fJ ,- i- at IMU, fiufs ... REUC OF THE WAR., . a 84 Mif 1 iTbsa CMSteaM kf f ' nl SWn HeUfW lH ftef. . s Th rtturs of th bU! ttft th toulbera liri wHr tSy bnkwgnl Km promptad Um fee torn Uofl of many oUwr articln that Vers Crtti floated ift lb wr. Rrsrwty s day fmmm but -ft not t publjUwd im mm outWo awt pep tbl IKtie booei or SoareBir of In war ha bmm rturt, Al ft f t eml tl ing thm rtWt lht wd ft great lntrl Vl or U f' kpt prwkiw f. ef tho aev!stk A few dire ejfi ritm (r HsiKvk rrm.J U-M-f frrrl ft r-rnfnwr-f f-f l!rnic"!! gi !a j I m h frtMwl.i s b nk iD IMiim of Vnrj '.. W ,;i.rr-n, Nrw RmH, l lh f f l"af, r, if f j 9a blrfUli 1 it rr Vt I '. ! rt irn IL ) e trtlT 14 Ur. i t f it ;;( '?' -.t-jty. I I I I I J llnllfliitmH L OI,l imMrisMijgsLrre? V Rieumatlsm does more than any other dia.V' rM'Jv ."; case to rob life of pleasure and comfort. . It is so painful and far-reaching isj its effects on the system that those afflicted with it find themselves utterly unable to enjoy bodily comfort or any of the pleasures of life. Some art bound hand and foot .and suffer constantly with excruciating pains, swollen, stiff joints and muscles, and ... , . . .. Oftelt distorted, - crooked I bad beenteraMed with Rheumatism for twe limha while thm have TeBI" i"vd bee,, the treatment of phyaV sl?t',irf tJ?AjZZ cians,and tried everything nconunended' to intervals of freedom, dunng but u tono.il. Myjieeand elbow jotats hKb they live in constant were so stiff that I could not ne them. I was an fear and dread of the next able to do my household work, and was truly in a attack, when, at the least ex- pitiable condition. S. S. & cured me after naing posure to damp weather, or 't for awhile, -end I unhesitatingly - givs it the slight irregularity of any crelrt rt 60 mucn deserves.' kind, the disease will return. Sta. A-. - Liverpool, O. Mas. M. A. Decks. The cause of Rheumatism is a sour, acid condition of the blood. nrodtiM-d by food lying undigested in the stomach, poor bowel action, weak kidneys and a general sluggish condition of the system. External applications, such as Mniments, oils, plasters, etc., do not reach the cause and can only give tern- .'"V - : ' porary reuei. 1 1 CAfr I C4 ned before a cure ftY wSl 5 fc TT "Z THE SWIFT EXTREMELY LOW RATES Announced, Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Extremely low rates are announced via the Southern Railway from points 011 its lines for the following special oc- casions: Manufacturers, May 1G-18, 190.r. Bristol, Tenn. Annual Meeting Ger man. Baptist Brethren, June 6, 1905. Charlottesville, Va. Virginia Summer School of Methods, June 2R-Aug 4, 1905. Fort Worth, Tex, General Assembly Southern Presbyterian Church, May 18-26. 1905. Hot Springs, Va. Southern Hardware Jobbers Association and American Hardware Manufacturers' Asso ciation, June 6-9, 1905. Kansas City, Mo.- Southern Baptist Convention, May 10-17, l!M).r). Knoxville, TeW- Summer School, June 20-July 28, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Monlea(;le I'.iliK Training School, July 3-Aug. l.", 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Montengle Sunday School Institute, July 17-Aug. 5, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Woman's Congrofw, Aug. 1-15, 1905. Nashville, Tenn. I'catxiily College, Summer Schools; Vnnderbilt ftib lical Institute, Juno M-Aug. SI, 1905. Oxford, Miss. Summer Scliool Uni versity of Mississippi, June 1 -l-July 20, 1905. Richmond, Va. Kurmers' Katiu Congress, Sept 12.22, 1905. Savannah, Ga.- National Travelers' Protective Associntion of Arm in a. May 16-21; 1906. Savannah, Ga. Southern Golf Asso ciation, May 9-1H, 1905. St. Uiuia, .Mo. National llnptisl Amu versary, May 16-24, 19(i.r. TuAcaloona, Ala. Summer Sclic.l fur Teachers, June 16-July 2H. 1 '.n i:,. Rates for the alove occasions oM-n to the public. Ticket will be sold to these winls from all Itationn on the Southern Hail way. Detailed Information ran tie had up on applicatiun to any Ticket Agent f th Southern Railway, or Agent of connecting linm, or odilnwing the undersigned: ft. U TKkHOH, T r A.. J H WOOII, 1) r A Charlotte, N. C. Aahrville N. (" ft II RaaowtTK, w ii TAYuir, Paas. Tram Mgr. Gen 'I Paw Agrnt WASHINGTON, D. C. JP TRENWITH, BbjOktuilth & WbcelriguU , ' ... A ' 1ftvirf f Ds.gfcs, Wtgns Csrti ) a4 DnHi Alre goo apply tx. KpJr1sUf ooilct CftoUe. I HAVI CART. WHEELS tat sal t rnaonabi prices Mltopen Son lh Front t "-T MVrarIlaUrad Eifntors Notice W, lU. Am ' - M k. i' mwhh ttm mm wm.t. M i ill IM m 4t i i 'iii I. tw. mum mm . tt..K htar MiwMhM ft A. Mil fnM. ft. Notlco of Balo of Valua 111 e Itr.al i:tfttri. iiMMtMMiiH'wwi , - r.. - , IVt a p I i ne wood must be cleansed and purl- can be had. S. S. S. attacks the 7." SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAm Ernest M. Green, Attorney & Counselor at Law, Pboad St., NEW HE UN, N. O Well equip' d io search titles by reason of many war- experience in the offie and a- RegisW nf Herds: I'raeticri In the Onirts of Craven. Jonna, Pamllcc Ct-f-tt '"-lrw, or wh rover seivlc ar reqiirad. . Id UAIllb. Attorney at Law, Hughes Building, Craven Street. KKW BKKN, S. a Circuit, ("raven, Tone nlow. Cart -ret, I'umli' n, (Irmiie, lnolr, and lh SEYMOUR W. HANCOCK Attorney at Law. win practice in '-tot and Federal Courts. Oliice 46 I icid 51. lloimiliiN A, IV' ii ii u, ATTORNEY AT LA W. I'rsctiee in the counti ol Craven, Carteret, I'anilieo, Joii nnd Onalow, anil in th - tate t-opreiiio and federal I'l-urts. Kfti.-e: So ith Front trwt, over Tel jrapli nfiicH. vit ' -i n F. M. Slr.r.ions. A D. Ward. SIMMONS & WA1U), ATTORNEY AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office Removed across Street io Second Story of No. (19 (above Telegraph of fice) South Front street, next to Hotel Ohattawka. Practice in the Counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pam lico and Wake, in tlic Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are dettired. . RCLINA DISPATCH -ANIl- OotiiiflO Slean ship Co Freight and Passenger for all points norlb I I l'i:c'ilVK OCT. 21. 1904. 1 1.. I am. r Neue in scheduled t p. m. Momluy, Wwlnewiay and t..r F.lizalM-tli City, making land 'i i- i.i.il and Itounoke Island. I i ..la ner Oera.xike ia scheduled il at p. m. lui-fHay, Thursday anil .-.a'.uril.ty for Klnabeth (it ty, mak Koanoke iriK' lar .lin;" nt (inenlal and Island. taT Freight rereivrd not latr than one Iw.ur pre vious to miliny, "lar For further information apply to (iKO. IIKNOKRSON, Aft. M. K. KINt;, V. I'. A On. Mgr. II. C. IIUIKJINS, (n. IX A. Put. Agent, Norfolk, Va. W. S. SCMMF.RELL, Aa. Gfn, IX I'bji. Agt. New Rem. N C. 'I UK RIQIJIHKMKNTS MKT The people have an eye to thing convenient, comfortable and cbewfuL Having fitted up our banking room to rtwet Ihnw requirement, ws cordially invite you to call ftnd InapWc." Citizens' Bank-, Of Capital fturphj snd ProfiU DvpooiU ' 127,00400 i30ft,0Q0.(l0 T. A. GftftRN, PriuidWwft E. H. MftAfOwft, VVVitf . a : T. A. UroaA, CaahkK. .i f IGB . m . 1 tWkl CtUrroMfVt tee tOt tkft,, . ... . ' " r I. O0 S ' V. kill AA h - f II lt rM. laiTts wfrkof Kt- wcTrtr: amk : flni I Ly i I Bern Ido Company.-.. Surar ClCt!fteJ Illfort'r-l t ' ' h I 'i!T, Pxwf't ' ( ' j a-; . i ,f ; J ' ' - --al''fffc.rlf. ; ' n r, 7 . t fm m V ( I r m ! f a) ' n't.