t, 1 . TO " ' 1 V- r . THE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. C, AprU 2, 1905. . LODGE DIRECTOR'S". WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at Rountree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are invited. : CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed nesday nights to each month in Roun . trees Hall, Pollock street, : at 7:30 o'clock. Samuel R. Ball, President; J. ' H. Smith, Sec'y; R. B, HUL Financial Sec'y. j.- t , - H, . v- Index tt new llTerDtemats. : S Coplon Special"" - t ' J 3 Baxter Easter Suits' : .P ' J3 B Iives-Pictures. 3 M Mitchell & Co Get our prices, ' . v-Eaton Signet Rings. ' 3 3 Pritehett-Cotton Seed." J O Baxter Optician. . 1 ? , F M Chadwkk Easter Sunday.,--, Barfoot Bros. SpeciaL -:;v' W T Hill Typewriter Supplies. -;: Simmons & Holtbwell Co Special Sale. " v ' 3 3 Tolson Announcement ... V -For Rent GaskinsXycle Co Bargain Day. . Dry Kiln Ends. " For Sale. Box 43 Wanted. 62J So. Front St. Wanted. C Lupton Announcement J R ? Carraway Notice. NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOB LESS THN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOB IN ADVANCE. Business Lewis. WANTED A small house -with water and lights in - good neighborhood. . Or two rooms under above conditions. Ad dress Post office box 43, New Bern. - WANTED-Four men between the ages of 21 and 85 can secure profitable em ployment apply 63 South Front. St FOR RENT First floor apartment all modern improvements. Apply to Miss F. B. Smallwood 116 Craven St any hour after 11 a. m. EVERY DAY OUR BARGAIN DAY You save money to call on G asking Cycle Co., with your wants. Right goods at right prices, all repairs prompt y made By skilled workmen. UNLESS you use the Stillwell Incan descent Gas Burner you are not getting the best light for your money. Call and tee them, John B. Ives, opposite P. O. DRY KILN ENDS Fine for cooking in warm weather, 76c load delivered, Broddus & Ives Lumber Co., Phone 63. FOR SALE A fine new upright piano, also 40 yds new heavy China matting. All for half price apply to 132 Middle street' PICKED UP Skiff painted green, with rodder and tiller, center board, hole for mast Owner can secure prop erty by proving claim and paying costs at this office. LATH E8 25,000 first-class lathe for sale at $2.75 per m. E. E. Harper. J. R. SIMPSON has re-established pressing club and is prepared to press gentlemen's suits neatly and promptly. Call at rooms Over Hanff A Son, ee Middle street or leave the suits at Stew art Callaway 'a barber shop. WANTED A second hand soda fona- tain in good order. Pries most be rea sonable. Enquire at 8. A. Edwards, 161 South Front 8t .".""' ' FOR RENT No, 85 Craven St, boose with I rooms, dining room and kitchen Apply to E. H. How, tt Craves) Bt WE DO repair work 20 par eent cheaper thas any one m Uts ctty also guaraoUe our work to rive aatiefactkm. Bend your bike down and give as s trial. Tn Cask ins Cycle Co, .- 4 .,'' . , ' TO RENT -4 Room House on New Street Mr Mftcsil street . Apply to George H. Roberta. . - ' - BrECUL" HOTICK.TO LADIESi As the time has eome for putting fun and w'mUr garmenta away for the tuaimerarood saoib proof chest Is the best receptacle yoaeaa have. , mrite yo to btveeiigato the mr)u of . any swU proof esdar rhest. Cuaran- X leed to gtve aatisfw-tJoa, H. A. l ting.. National AvefHM, Bert to James CANDY Tones la edition to our Rite of Taffira, RritUs . we har. tiUa) a nne line of ChnroUtM and IWi tVmiiravta by oar Mr. DuiTy In our ra peneltr euitt-d fftfViry t VP MidJIeftresi. ' ITwne Z. Janwe Jl iMwwm. f " (u ncwsrAi rv.n is fnr saW it Jewmnl "'. ft ' pnl'.ws fit, yf,o'Wf A J T " l I - i.n l1-. f V' (' ' m ..r f a. See iiisiie pi 03 for additional local news. . . The votes and how they stand will be serted m the paper every morning, votes to bd counted every night at 8 o'clock by the committee and contest closes Wednesday, April 12th--at 9.30 p. m. Votes can be cast at Drug Stores. A beautiful hat on exhibition at J. J. Baxter's millinery store. , . Queen crowned Friday . 14th. at 9.30 p. m. Miss Mattie Green 18; Miss Sarah Meadows . 7; . Miss Maye . Moore t, 20; Votes 1 cent each. , ' Having passed in the Civil Service Examination Mr. Henry E, Howell hag gprmg lastnight , " - . been appointed clerk at the post office.; , , . ffy th'AVhe Attention of every "citizen, and es-, pecially tax-payers to the article appear ing in today's paper, found to another column, from the Wilmington Dispatch fc headed, Valuable to a High Degree.- It proves the value and necessity of a paia nre aeparuneiu w ciuy..w.u - 1 r. x .1 i 4 . ; 1 , T..J U Sales of cotton in the local market for middling were made at J J to 7 946c last week. - . - -, . , John HaU. a colored ouirilist former- Tu uT r 7 oVr -Th forest fire on the north side of "Vlr er spread - over considerable pug at PMladelphia this past week. orv- 8terdlly within Halld.edof a hemorrhage produced by fcfcw, pf the' eounty thehlow received. Cranston was ex- Some - alarm as felt by inerated by the coroner's jury. v, Htll "loiriafa B RrI,w b,,t tn I wish to thank those of i; my - friends who have mentioned me for Queen of the Carnival for their kindness in doing so, but would respectfully ask that my name be withdrawn from the contest Emmie GaskilL' " " ' ' . DeVoe's -weather forecast for April states that this month will be warm and pleasant Toward the last of the month it is predicted that a rain will occur, followed by 'cold, seriously affecting crops in the New England states. Cards have been issued for the mar riage of Mr. Howard C Willis and Miss Millie Daniels at the Baptist church in Morehead City, Wednesday, April 12th. Attention is called to the advertise ment in another column annoucing . sale of a lot In Scott Alley to be made at the cour$ bouse noon Monday. -; Barfoots store was crowded Satun- day with patrons aeeking: becoming styles in millinery.. The hack hats will be on display tomorrow.-:-, Davis Pharmacy down town, and the Duffy Drug Co., uptown will be the drug stores open today. ; ',- - A young boy named Davis wfis slight ly injured last evening by being thrown from his bicycle at the corner of Middle and Broad. He collided with a buggy, was thrown and was picked tip uncon scious. Dr. Rhem rendered the neces sary asrvlca.v.aj;v'rC-'?'. ' '.; ''' Ice Cream Soda today at McSorlcy's Announcement. . ; ; I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of City Tat Collector for the ensuing term, snd cordially solicit your votes -'at the democratic primary to be held April 17th., and 1 also thank you for your generous sup port in the past ., 1 - '.- Your obedient servant, 1 . ..'JOHN J. TOLSON.;. A wonderful spring tonic. Driraa out all winter toparitiea,gtvea yon strength health and happiness, That's what HoUstor's Rocky Mountain Tern will do 31 cents, Tea or Tablets. - For aale.by P. S. Duffy. ,:' ;.v -i. -r " .V V" 1 ' : 'Tharth aeries of stock in the New Ben Building A Loaa Aseoclatioa le oow open for subscriptions, J. R.;B. Carraway, Bocy. A Trees 4?;, funeral Notice. "'The fuoeral arvles of Mix Nanct Daw, will bfheld Sunday morning AprC U at H o'clock, at-Spring Hope church.f Vjl; ;J , .-v. " .- . Feel tired, no appetita, cannot sUf aparkoreatt That's aprift tirednras and will dbwppcar at once UysuUk HolusUr't Rocky MoutiUla fea thii twnih, SS eanta. ' Tea or Tablets, For sale by T. . Duff. . ' Our StjWe the hsialanrnnrt. Our fialitwa the txwt No is the litre, IIt U the (iUfd to ofder your Eininr Suit I". M. Ch!wkk . Cren mQVty, C 1' it T: IT . t 1 ii J d . ' -, Mi-, inon ut bnow 11. il, sre viaa W. R. Guion on National M V V ing Mrs. Avenue. - Mrs. A. P. Thomas spent the day in Dover yesterday. - . ' j ." Miss Mattie Kountrce went to ttab eigh yesterday where she will be the guest of Mrs. H. C. Mooreand she will also visit at Sclma and in other cities. - Mr. Harry B. Marks and bnde re turnedfrom their wedding journey yes terday, and axe residing at 17 Johnson St .: Mr, George Henderson went to Beau fort last night , . - - , - city . yesterday- enroute from -Lenoir county court to his home in -Catherine Lake, - " , , ' ' m ' - 1: "... . 4.t ill JTt? . K1, Mv, vnu mtrnn h,thv ...... . . . Ho5.ter., Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. For sale by F. S. Duffy T' - Fire Spreads. '- night the flames died down and danger diminished. k Smoke obscuredLthe sun very notice ably "during the afternoon and the odor of burning wood Was strong" in the city. , - Paint Your Buggy For 75o. to $L00 with Devoe's Gloss Carriage Palnt-Mt weighs to 8 dbs. i more to the pint than others, wears longer and gives a gloss equal to hew work. Sold by E. W. Smallwood and The 3, C, Wbitty.Ca ---; , - ;:r Bids Wanted. :. Fot .designs and estimates of eon stroctionlof' a monument ; Jta Cedar Grove Cemetery in this . city, for the late Rachel Brookfiekt' ' . 1 - For particulars as to cost and other requirements, address - ' ' - y - COMMITTEE,-. -V - V.- r Care Journal '.y ' , .. New Bern, N. C Wanted! " .;. Intelligent : and energetic Local Agents to represent the ''Ordinary Branch" of Life Insurance Company of Virginia. Liberaleommissioneontracta. Good opportunity for right men. ' Re ferences required.; State experience, any. -"Address r ' 7' " "' FRANK E. HALL. ' "' General Agent, ' v:j Z- Raleigh. N. C. P.O. BoxNo.807. uf , Mil 1 I " . A Few Days More - ' ' :.'- :-jr.:: - Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, of Washing ton D. C are at Mrs. ; Rlchardaon's K Pollock street for a abort stay. . Mr. Snyder is aa expert tuner and voicer of pianos and pipe organs. . Ho bears cre dentials attesting Ms skill from four leading music teachers of Wilmington, where ha has been for two moo the. He ia a. practical piano, maker of many years experience and carries all ia torials for general repair work and the installation of new actions, etc ' 11 ii letters aay ha makes old 'instrninents lound Uka new. Pianos are costly: They are deUcatob constructed, very enriUve to dirt etc The piano. has not yet been made that will atay. ( proper tune mora thaa one; year. U eared for' regularly by a eompetent man a piano will last a life time, if not it wiQ soon go to wreck Jf your $30 watch don't run right you uka H at met to a . competent watch maker. What do yoo do If your O0 piano don't run right T Instruments examined and wtltnatrti made free. Phone 13Z. raiiy trips to ew Bern. (I hare seen Mr. Bnyder'etredrtiUals and knowing fht writers of the Inltora, ill say tils ipreiiUtioaa are eorrnrt Editor.) ' I le Cream today a McVrly's. ;'; Bids Wanted!'. , , 1 wiU bi.ta at the o(Ttcenf C1I7 CWk to furnish iht Rronxne ruU wi'ta, , J. J. TOl-r.nN.. Notl. aiiy oilier. , , Shur-Oa Eye-glasses Made in the common-sense way. to comfort the eyes and improve the looks. . No pinch ing, no shaking, no drooping. J O BAXTER "v.'.i-:. Graduate Optometrist, : J New Bern, N. C "1 J V ; :aT:HAK00CK-. :; Real Estale Agent. 148 Broad St, " New Bern, N, C - J Mecklenbarg lpiaWater and WtM Calcium phone 5d Davis' Pharmacy m3rniiiim(oriti)Kw3KflK!a 4 Of Special to:wear Hats and Children's Hats. .. ' - ' 'rf - dlt See; Tuesday's Paper I ' -.ft "' ' : ' P" " a .BARFOOT BROS.J mm X$Wc placb OIU Salii WuESDAY .v r 11 1 ' " " J'' morning -a small lot 01 lin( fancy dress otngii am, "sui table for shirt vaist suits :;Ghil tlrcn's-'." Dresses, and;: Boy's Waists at Special Price of 3 jL-So-" 3rsi,T-cL ' LL l-'ULL PIECES.. No REM NANTS in the i-cr Anncuncc:c:t:.t.' I take this method of kpikour cing to the Ice Consumers of New Bern that I am a cand idate for the office of Ice Deal- r - ' er. If I am elected I pledge . myself to serve you promptly 1- any time day or night if lam - called' on.' - ..-" - -Very Respectfully, ,w 7 U. f' ' H. EL ROYALL, " : - ? Broad Street Fruit Co.'" ' '- " x H0LLI8TCR S " ' Rocky (fountain Tea fiuets . "ji A Buy Madldas fc Buy Pttpl. Brlin OolMa Haalth ui Roma Tint. - ' a nnlA8 for OotutirHHon, InSlnmoa. ijv td Kidney Tnnbles, Ptmpltc fcenma, ImpuT Rlnnd. Rad Bnuth. Bluroiih Bowala. Headach ' Blood. Bad Breath, Bluuemh BoweU, Ha and Backache, It Bocky Monnuila Tea In tab '"t form, as cents a box. OenulM made h HoULuna inn uurun mmou, nia GOLDEN NUGGHT9 FOR SAU0W PE0PLI Chloride Water on sals at sissswisist m Lot. il Showing Hart.'Schaffner "and Maw Suits, Schloss BrosrBuit 8. Crown Birand Trousers. Stetson and Hawes Hats. ; : Stetson, yiorsheim and Walkover? Shoes. Monarch and Faultless Shirts v Belts, Suspenders, Underwear ; . ; Hosiery, Neckwear and all other "up to the minute" Styles for men J. G. DUNN & CO., Ph ns aia. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTT rDivrnoinroTnoL" riiVLnoiuLoiuiiL. Phone 2 1 Fox River Print Butter 3fie lb ! California Navel Oranges, large, k California Navel Oranges.medium t 26c doz p Best New York State Irish pota- toes 30c peck r Best Sweet Potatoes 20c peck I y Best 20c Coffee. 2 lb for 35c j Mice Large rJanan as Zt)c doz 2 Best Cream Cheese, 17c lb 3 Raw Peanuts, best 3Uc peck J t Best Portorico Molasses 35c gal Best fowhatan byrup 35c gal. For home use, Apple Cider 25c qt maryuinu ioumry nam, ioc 11 . j Cabbages, Black Kyed IVsk, Tig 4 Feet. TriDe. Corned Beef and sliced ham. Apples Kinnino. Liarce lireen 4 Baldwin, Large, Red,40 and 50c 2 Deck. 1 a 1 lu Kumtoros fowaer &c ran. 4 No city taxes to pay andean J I r cheaper tkn e"e-: Give us a trial and oblige, 1 ry L. B. HABlCHT, Prnnriof nr U O. LANDS MANAGER. VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa J NotkeJ fete t5 receheo fresh car load Ameri zan Wire Fece; scm. will be sold at areatk t reduced rtr. f nmp md see me before buying. E.W. Small wood J L. HARTSFIELD, Ct-n racforand KullrfVr. orri 1 1 miduli 8T. I A aaUaned eostomer la the b A KUSiWKI mumr ai wac UVP . IL D. V. Jones, Residence. LIK.CR.JL rHorste Ilouee. X Maris A 80a Stora. Would be stlad to have any one inspect my vork; as it goes up. Special FloorOil-40c. per gal v v Spring has come and you want fome thing to brighten up and bcautiiy the home. . We have Eurfacite and a full line, of beau tiful and durabfe varnishes. ' ' HEATH AND MUG AN Gaskill Hdwi UtlLWlRI 71 MaMlal. n.' ir. aF s Today's Addition to Fire Sale. . Today 76putonfi.loa T1Q LOTof eeaBoll- litis Wcolrn dress goods, Black and colors. IT 1.:.: THAN C03T. V.'o aro aUo cpcritn;; a noP7 lino of Hovel , r r fj rl-'z r-nl Cuxncr v,-car. Cct our :' 1 1 1 r f . ro l.iyir..': cl-c'Thcre. Styles in Correct 55-57 Pollock St. AT CHURCH ON EASTER SUNDAY evor itiin r.ot only v nnU to Liok h's I ut if p. hs I Lx'Me. t) an tm u(''tr man. If you havj yt ur iJiuitt r ctol hn tr mad by O b-iwk k you wi I (iav.- 1.0 rfiisi n to i irri t nny drlail oJ your pa? . wrnl nt 1 1 arancr. h'k : I. e style, tut and fit jf ymir tni. nit tit ill bo ursuriuin ed. F. M. ( IIAIMVIfK .lie Kir' on Hai Alrjn 'o firs nd Boiler I:xu;e Eric, or Sili, a F.. k i0va.ak. Tilt KIKK-CiuNG SOUND I ajr i ii nn at-irl if ou r tnrurwd tn an of ) 11 rmirki thail rn't km shakem Iry any p.B-ail.1 rorl1ajrrt mti Hirklevra wtkriSM rain rair ir-e-ir T(n 'Koatiii Ilka. frvM iba) avar It a if lOin with faia to Lk narlhaM rlaas trur .r tniuini irti inaj yti ur r tb krw awl nMkata.Urit s ith Molarlily. I'hOal 2"0 8ou h lrnt llsnroiai f-t. piosi tti. ITTUminniullliHi, iwwp ia wmfl vi iim uun u New Mmaonlr Ojra Uoua. K H J A Uradowa. Guano WarthouM. Dr. N. II. Streets' store, (4 itorv) AND HASURY'3 PAim Mill Supply Co. raeaalit. alt perfect goodie r . atyvjBTT-. mil ifj r ! I. ( , . -n