V 1 Tbe air ansing from kw, marby places, damp cellars, stagnant: -.3 i ad pool and from decaying vegetable matter, as well as the p ...-. s l orn '. - ? eewrrs, is loaded with germs of malarial poison: The water we di.uk, that "i t baa not been properly filtered and purified, is also full of these germs and rSl3taM JtaXAMA IK HIS 8T8TEM FOB TEAES. tbeae into the aystetn, to be For several years I suffered with" Chills and v - Absorbed -by the blood, the Fever, ued by MalarU in my svstem, and each ntit hndv Wins to feel the "" for teveral years would have a relapse. ' ; l lJ7. , Vhl "aJ my physician prescribed S. 8. S. It en effecU the P01300-; tirely cured me; I have never been troubled since, v fmost common form of Ma- w Market St., Louisville, Ky.1 Shapof. 1 laria is "chilli and fever,'. , .... .- . ' but whea the Wood is thoroughly saturated with the poison it becomes so ". . . 'i weak and polluted that abscesses, carbuncles, boils, sores, ulcers and other V i Mm Alm reantt.. Materia alao affects the liver, kidneys, bowels and 5 1 stomach, producing a chronic state of biliousness that often resnlta In jaun- dice or some malignant fever. In cases of Malaria the blood must be puri T .fied before the body can regain its natural health, ,S. S. S. contains purify? t int and tonic properties possessed by no .other blood medicine, and te the f:, r : r ...... j t .1 4 .t.ki f Hfflton, Tl- Ho luem ycuicuy. jut- wit ucauu vj ... u; -trovs the eernia of the disease and builds up the weakened, polluted circulation It enters into the blood and forces out every, pamcie pi poison ana waste matter and adds strength and activity to--.it. 5 S. S. 8. improves the appetite and digestion,: tones up the entire system by &ita alterative and purifying action, and Malaria with all its bad" effects, is , s permanently driven from the system. - Book on the blood and any medical Vadvice, without charge.-, THE SWIFT SPCCinO CO.. ATLAHTAi GA. T '4' t The) overcome- Weak, ness, -irreenlarity, and I omissions, Increase rig t or and banish, "pains tnenalmntlon The in LIFE SAVEKS " to trirl at ..... womanhood, aiding development of organs and 'body.-. Mo f Knorn Temeciy lor women equals inein.wuuu uw V beeomea a pleasure.-' $1 DO PEK BOX BY MAIU 8oh mo Id in New Bern by Davis' Fharm JCotiee is hereby given that a primary electron will be held on Monday, April 17th,' 1905, from 6 A.M. to 7 P. M. for the purpose of .nominating Candi da tea of the Democratic party to be voted for at the coming city election, to T..e vote and how thty stand will b mcd in thij piper every morni: -, t s to be counted every- night a h o'clock by the committee and eon! -at closes WeUiirtday,' April 12th- atS.30 p. m. Votes can be cut at L g stores. A beautiful hat on exhibition at J. J. Baxter's millinery store. Queen crowned Friday " 14th. at 9,30 p. m. Miss Wattle, Green 60; Miss Sarah Meadows 49; ' Miss May Moore 30; Miss Emma Saltan 20; Miss Mabel Bar rug 16; Miss Myrtle Disosway 12; Miss Henrietta Hancock 18. , Ah epidemic of the measles has been going the rounds of the city and con sequently, the attendance at school has ai candidates will be held same day, been light for a few days. It Is re-1 . . polling Plscas. portea mat were nave eW cases WarfCH Hall. ""'"rf , , v ,. ,VK,; . i su.ftnJ Ward-Court Housev '"' Six candidate s of the Rock Creek col-1 ipusij ur.. ifMiita SfohW " ored Baptist elim'ii)t&etf1n tFovr&WtBnettVOM8taN Neusemer Bunday to the 'presence- of j piftn.-,1 Ward McCarthy's old reel about ,000 negroes, c, I )tcmAM4''S$ir. The Wilmington Board -of Aldermen I "Sixth WariP-Hook and Ladder House u Is the Joy of the household, for wtttioat ' it no happiness C-a be complete. How ' ; sweet the pictnra of mother nd Wbe, angels smile . at., and. commend ' the ; . .- thoughts and aspirations of the mether " bending eve. the cradles The ordeal througe whLh the expectant mother. must pass, Stow ' vr, U so full f .danger a4 suSeririg that she looks forward te the hear when, she shall'" be held May 2nd 1905, for two aldermen tie exquLIte thrill of motherhood witlj Hndcscribable 4rea44n4 f mm ar.h ward-Mayor. Chief of Police I fr. : Everv woman should' know thxt the tUnmn. Bain- arid Urna Tax Collector, Water & Light Commia-j 0f chRd-birtit can be entirely avoided by the use ci ftser'f Friend, sioner ana Kiy njiecubiYc vvuiuui.ivc a Kwuiaic muwibbi iff.waiiii umm vu.iT) wiiic louvueus aaa -an. a -I ' -1 - :-V - I wl.'.kt. .11 tV,. .- . ' '. '. " 1 yjt, uin ixvut cba;u tvaxv. - - . ' i wuawa k B. S. GUION, 1 assists nature in its sublime C Chairman,' -1 work.. By it aid thousands T. F. T. PATTERSON . -----. I ! women have passed ttU Registration and voting t.rer.lX L bettlebv nrgista, Qur Value to all women sent (aMsIW ld',tt i.po .per T , ' 7 j j r -i bookofpriceesi , t ,1 j ' t fres Address? f-M 1 1 cMffll DMTCHyIN? AND V"" b.s. guion,:: (Chairman. has ippropriated $1,500 to the purchase I George street. ; of a site, for the State test farm, . The "snoonyz train was aeiayea overt v- two hours Sunday- by the. breaking of 1. ' y an axle on the tender 'when the train I -J First. Ward Fernie, GaskiU, 'James was about three miles north of .New J HiU. WDoHOQMiiDCo u I- ft f - Bern.. ".The damages were nominal and no one was hurfcejJJsij 7; The shipment of lettuce 'yesterday waa 600 baskets. In the basket ball game : yesterday Miss Henrietta Hancock's team beat Second Ward-Albert Willis; W. K. Baxterv''c- "-'- - Third Ward-fN.? M. fHooker, W. J. I Ws at Oriental and Roanoke Island. BA1XYXTWR Freignt and Pasfienger J for all points nortb EFFECTTVE OCtZ ll, 1904. . The Steamer Neuse is (scheduled tt sail at 6 p.m. Monday. Wednesday and irioay set uzaDetn uity, Ruucmg lano t-XTREMELY LOW RATES tSOOIISESWILWaT teliifnfiiiuirCp, urn Effective Sunday, February 26th, 191 at 7.00 a. m. Eastern Standard Time. EAST BOITKn STATIONS: - Nat DAILY Lt. CMdatwro La.Gntng Kinatcn Dover ' Cava Tuacarore Ar. NEW BERN Lv. New Bern Riverdale Havelock Newport AT. sforehead Cy. 8.46 P. M. 4.16 " 4.40 6.02 5.16 6.28 6.46 6.66 P. M. 6.15 6.31 6.47 7.12 " NO. 6. DAILY . 8.00 A. St. S.28 " 6.62 9.14 " 8.27 " 9.37 10.00 10.10 A. H. 10.28 10.44 11.00 11.23 " Extremely low rates are,, announced via the Southern Railway from points on its lines for the following special oc casions: . : v ... -Athens, Ga. Summer School, June 27- July28, 1905. Atlanta Ga-National Association of Manufacturers, May 16-18, 1905. WEST BOUND. No. 4. STATIONS: DAILY Lv. Morehead Cy. 7.40 A. M. Newport 8 11 Havelock 8.27 Riverdale 8.42 Ar. NEW BERN 9.00 Lv. NEW BERN 9.15 A.M. Tuscarora 9.37 Cove 9.49 " Dover 10.03 Kinston 10.27 LaGrange 10.51 Ar. Goldsboro 11.20 Trains 3, 4. 5, and 6 run riai ly. CONNECTIONS. At Coldsboro: With Kouthprn kuilwav nml At lantic Coast Line. At Kinston and New Rfrn: With Atlantii. ra.t Ljne. R. P. FOSTER, E. A- NIFX, Oeneral Mitnatrpr. Tratlk Manager COLDSBORO. N. C. McSorley. The Steamer Ocraaoke a scheduled ; Bristol, Tenn.-Annual Meeting Ger L1UH0 DR. French Periodical Droos fi trictly vegetable,erfectly harmless, sure toaccotnpttah -pKBU.f' RESULTS Greatest known female remedy. Price, fl.50 per botUe. with faa-timila alinatura oa aid of tho boule. Urn - j ofe4i V553W t w WUidAMS atfu.OO,8oia Aasnts, Cleveland, .al r'SeeSS Sold by DA.VIS PHARMACY Fourth Ward-Jess Harrison, J. W. to sail at 8 p. m. -Tuesday, Thursday Hill ' ' ' ' - ? ' lend oaturoay lor cuzaDetn uty, maic- Trd fmCliC il P landmgs at Oriental and Roanoke a t . -s-l(iis;fei f kr-kb Smith.; ; ? - Mr Freight received not later than Sixth Ward Walter Fulford, A. J. one hour previous to sailing, "w L For further information apply -to - GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. KING, V. P. & Gen. Mgr. I H. C. HUDGINS, Gen. Ft. &. Pass. "Agent, Norfolk, Va W. S. SUMMERELL, As. Gen. Ft. & Pass. Agt. New Bern. N C. jhewTMs alight frost In this yiclw-1 Gai,Viii. ity Mondayinorning,"'' r , , I" -.f . Kafliarrara. une nre on tne norm swe oi me river Wan) R R. Hill aestroyea tne .nucxierjerry crop m mat iyiciniiiy;S;g No. 6. DAILY 4.30 P. M. 4.57 6.13 6.29 " 6.46 6.10 P.M. 6.32 6.44 6.58 7.20 7.42 " 8.10 "OaaJ e " OaX"e Keep your bowels regular by the use of Chamberlain's Stomach isnd liver Tablets. There is nothing betters For sale by'; Davis' : Pharmacy' and F. 8. 42"CriEtven St, New Bern, 147 G, has just received the finest lot , of . - 'www-- ' V L J $ilverdale - . '. . 'ItSM; April Our school closed Friday March 31st, with an ' entertainment. Candy and games for the children, which they en- Second Ward W. B. Flanner. Third Ward E. S. Street, Fourth WardSf. & Gaskill. Fifth Ward C. T. Hancock. Sixth Ward R. J; Plsosway. . m. M Candidates Third Ward. ; THE RKOIIIRKMRNTS MET The names of J. B. Holland end Thos The people have an eye to things J, Mitchell will be voted for as alder- convenient, comfortable and cheerful. men ofjthe third ward. :" . I Having fitted up our banking rooms to T Tfc. VtP. f the fiiw meet tnese requirements, we cordially W , II V VWIIIVVI B.I. .W.W.W "j I - man Baptist Brethren, June 6, 1906. Charlottesville, Va. Virginia Summer School of Methods, June 26-Aug 4, 1905. Fort Worth, Tex, General Assembly Southern Presbyterian Church, May 18-26. 1906. Hot Springs, Va. -Southern Hardware Administratrix Notice Jobbers Association and American Administrators Notice Having thin day qualified as administrator of the estate of R. C. Kehoe, deceased, all persons hav" ing claims aiainst the said eKtaU' are hereby nuti" lied to present the same duly verified tn the under signed on or before the tirst day of March liKHJ or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery All persons indebted to said estate are here by requested to make immediate payment. This March ai d. 190fi. C. J. McCARTHY. Administrator. nt ' at St mm from St. Louis that was ever oifered for sale medicated bitten, eider and peruna,and In Eastern North Carolina, and have also rj ust bitten that are iwtinedicaud that the rARAlTAd AHnAlOI OI s . : V v . Bwanspore corrwpown sera ...aw invite you to call and inspect. Lt at....' ... -. I , T .. . ui new om u, . , - - - f I respectfully take uus means or an- joyed very much. ; The teacher, . Miss I nouncmg myself as a candidate for the Lizzie ennett rrom LVtem county, ia i position or umei oi rouce oi me vnj i oi an excellent teacher, she used every ef-1 of New Bern subject to the will of the c ... a .... . ... i.ii r . i , i i : . .i , i if . . . i i - . lontomauceuecmiarenHiaHenaBnuivoiere at uw pnnwj. n eictiu iq ,1,,,, nA Pmtt. .. . a. ' ,a , . 1 .1 t 1 J Mi. lrtJI r iney nave saw npia progress in vueir i pieuga mjm w u.oij uw w mur rvwxiltji - ... V.. :-. 1 ...-.-J i tr.Tt all I " studies. ,.j .j.-,' : ? - t, - i uuv ivu w mtvi) .niu w I A (uipta :Farmen in this secttoa are about i tne duties oz tne otnee. to tne oest oi through planting corn and are preparr I my ability, and I shall greatly appre- ing to plant Vb per cent less cotton and tciate the votes and efforts in my .bo use 50 per cent Jess commercial ferti-1 half, of all Democrats in the coming lizr Vs." t--vi'v;-5' 7 I primary. " : ' Prohibition eeems to be making Our I . Respectfully, mocerv stores bar rboms. -they sell SAMUEL M. HOWARD- 150,000.00 (27,000.00 $206,000.00 $384,000.00 T. A. Gbeen, President E. H. Meadows, Vice-President T. A. Uzzell, Cashier. Announcement. 10E "a I0 D1SC00NT B.a.1.. V.a.t.lxw snnnnrl tfT fiAO list will be sold to customers at s dW" which means that there are good bargains for those ' who want to purchase good heayy theBoya "How eemea you , so" all the Democratic voten of the City of . a V a t a I BJawW IfenHk M awssVayllrlOsW in1 TltB TVlsll guaranteed nonaeonone, we uuna some w . . r ;. ;, r . loflOner oast.' " hwer luld am a rectifier. - : tk or Mayor, suojec w tne action oi wfll 0B, worth of ICf M k I tne primaries, -' m. . ... . . ... II elected, l pieage myseu to sincuy nfone all laws enacted sfainat 'the Ifulnfl And nice Horses at aa low; nricea oKHt.uMATigrAi muii..l,x manufacture, sale twdispoeition of ;hv thawr ran hA nn d in ant marker; in tbia; State. w.tao - imicatmg nquon. as we as ior we i i .it i ..a.u , I , 1 regulation oi xns mor vi ui n., Byovoryuuuy wai.x uiu iouj iu juiubbu. I of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly I lh-U ,very effort the dl- : " r- : V, relieved by., applying Chamberlain's to- mnerrisiori of the Board of Pain Bahn,vTne greet rpain. relieving A, Amnn. -to th rniprovmmt and !--. . 'Kf '. IrWwer or to nnunent nas seea we w betterment of the physical eonditioo.of I power conferred upon Asso- book Is pfooQrtd.eUaer from tb drtvr of wagoa or from the office 19 Grlfl" stmt , New Bern Ice Company Hardware Manufacturers ciation, June 6-9, 1906. Kansas City, Mo. Southern Baptist Convention, May 10-17, 1905. Knoxville, Tenn Summer School, June 2Wuly 28, 1905. Monteagle, Term. -Monteagle Bible Training School, July 3-Aug. 15, 1906. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle" Sunday School Institute, July 17-Aug. 5, 1906. Monteagle, Tenn. Woman's Congress, Aug. 1-15, 1906. Nashville, Tenn. Peabody College, Summer Schools; Vanderbilt Bib lical Institute, June 14-Aug. 9, 1906. Oxford, Miss. Summer School Uni versity of Mississippi, June 14-July 26, 1905. Richmond. Va. Farmers' National Congress, Sept. 12.22, 1905. Savannah, Ga. National Travelers' Protective Association of America, May 16-23; 1905. Savannah, Ga. Southern Golf Asso ciation, May 9-13, 1906. St. Louis, Mo. National Baptist Anni versary, May 16-24, 1906. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Summer School for Teachers, June 16-Ju)y 28, 1906. Rates for the above occasions open to the public Tickets will be sold to these points from all stations on the Southern Rai way. Detailed information can be had up- Having qualified as Administratrix of D. W. Por ter deceased, late of Craven county, N. C.thiH is to notify all persona having claimH against the eatato of said deceased to present t hem to t he undersign ed on or hefre the 11th day of March lHOti, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to s..id estate will pleaBe make immediate payment. This 11th day ot March llIHtr... VIRGINIA O. I'OKTKIt. Adtninist ratrix.'tiokta bJro. N. C. Executrix Notice Having this lay nualitir! u Fxicutrix of the estate if If. Y. Dink ins, 1(h-us1, all persons having: claimn oKmsf ihe said iwtat? are heieby notihwl to rv:etil (hi sani', duly verinwl, toundermfrnd,on or iM-fmc tin- Z5 of March liKXl.or this notice will be pU'adatl in lar of t heir recovery. U perwms indented t und estate are hereby re quested to make immeduih- payment. lhiB 21 day of March, llfifi. DALLAS Dl.NKINS. F.xecutrix R. A. Nl'NN, Aitormy. JEntr.y Claim. NnKTH CAItOI.INA. ( INSI.OW tJUNTY. To M. M. (ipps. Tntry Taker for Onslow Ounty. The underwiKned II. N llnnvn of nslow eounty. North Curohna. enti-isaiul claim to the fol- lowing: desmled piece or pan el of land in Kifh" lands Townalitp. Onl..w ( "unt y. Slate of North Carolina, the name Im mir vacant and unappropria ted land, and ftubjrl to cnl i v, viz : MeKinnitisT at C. StmpHon'H line with t he 1 tin of J unitn-r Swamp p tn David rutrala line, then to Highland, then around add with the Swiinip back t SnnpHon'n line thn beifinninf, conlmrnnir bIkjiiI nix acres. Kntered the Mth dav of March. l(Mi,r,. 11. N. I1KOWN. Claimant. BeinR Entry No. W. v Liveryr Feed, 5ale and Exchah - Attsney At Law, '-r Hughes BullJinf , Craven Street, v . , ; hew fitan,ia Clrtmtt Ctmwfm. J (mm. Ossknr. Osrt etei, lsssllca, Oreene, Leeds, mmU Bvpraese m4 feaeml Ooem , Bent 76c; Tuscarora 80c; Riverdale 70s. Croatan 66e; EateTock 65c; New Port ' Ticket good only oa date oi sale. f E. .A. NIEL.T. M. connecting tinea, undersigned: E. U VMtMON, in., Charlotte, N. a H HAJIDWICK, Pass. Traffic Mgr, or addressing the prise and delight of Ihonaaad. of tuffer Lv, at, to the foS extent of the Sunday EXinio4o MorehHi City. ,t applicmtioe to an, Ticket Agent of eit.-. The quick reBeff rota petawhfch L., opoB me.': Commencing 8mdar. April. 2, W06, 1 the Southern Railway, or Agents of it affords Is aiooe worth many titnee its I j moat ejMtfnlly appreciate I and i each KunOay, tnerealter, until oost. For sale by Daris' Phamacy and I .apport accorded me, and if booor-1 further adrised the Atlantic and North i.b.iwu7, t ; v .v. .., y si re-eiecuon, wm auigeouy ,eo-i -- v r ,i ldeavor to merit the confidence imposed day VB"rakm Hcketi to Moreneaa in me by the people of theQty. Wty anj reroni irom au sxeuons. ine , very ftospecuuiiY, - v -i rouowing reus wiu YV'r . , :. Tim IX1S. ; Ctndidattt ror 2ai Ward. The citizen of the second ward wish I I to announce M candidates for aldermen I tU name of C, W. Munger end a L, tmoiuaiei ui fieri. .v.,- i ;,' ; n ctti of u-fourth wsrd wishi lelepiione I . .1! s I J . . ' i to axinoanefl u cancuamv iar Musirmi Good- the names of U 8. Wood tad 4. 0. Qrlneon, '..;."''"' .-.-!,-'-.V!' " CandidatM For eth. Wari. T The d lltne of the 6tlh Ward wish to announce as candidates for Alder-1 mea the name of k L Cosby. aula of womankind. Wft others euf-1 T TM OemoCTttiQ .Votert of Th lis ProverbiaL ; New Bern Wonh Uo Ex ; ceptlon.' . -' . How modi we owete the iympelheUc , erreai ted est stork otlSome tad Ke'seevef irrt for tl It Ktebsie . ' . A ear tot of ft Jot t. m eenepteta Umioi Hek Wtf-iee, u" lisroeaa, Robes, Wklpt,Cart Wt.is, kie. V v ,; av: .J03iTr3 3, ;;;Piop. fer thry cheerfully lend a helping hand. rThy tell yoe the eweae which brought relief to Uun that yoe may profit by their jpnW, t.psd the fetlmony glren hr by a htm Bern woman. Mrs N. Vincent, vkkrw liring at 103 Craen Wft t sys: "Duan'i Kxlney Tilts hive bn very brnfTiclal to Wis. They rertalnly rt-'.iered me of Very die- - City ol New Bern I hereby ennoonce myself a candidate f U.s nomination as Chief of Police of the City ot New Bern. -so succeed myself, tubjert te the Primary to be held en the 17th. of April. 1 (Wire to exprmt my appreristlon' for the eup port 6f my many friends, whlrh I fcsve rciTed tn the peat, t.vt to j l-U'e my f" ' BKBTTC 18 A BtTWaawj aECKsarrr," A bomi . ' COKTKMlRtCX. 4 COM lam-a . , s t . , . Older Ttat PtveeM at Oaorf 1 i H WOOD, D P A Asheville N. C W H TAYLOR, Gen'! Pass Agent f Wood Turning I , ' Columns, fUhiaters,' lUiU, fondles, Flair Newels, ilam and Peak. Man . Ilea, BrackeU, Grills, Ric-rUrk Trim- . wiing. Porch and Lew Swings, (lash, , Dean tad ftrreent snade to order on eHnrt notice. '.-.' Perrb BaWera k, d, 7 and t eenlt seyh. - ' " rsclory, t.Trh i!y, Nrw fWm, N C stniouu W. HANCOCK ' Attorn f-y nt Law. VT VM'l r"i- i" an 0 r: it 6 fi' t n. tCTesble r'ns in my back frore which' . . . frfv r.;iVf,il .Kre nf PlH?l?flLMH flLtSll. 1 1 wITered for e Vg time. 1 ol.lainH j ,u- f , b( 0lpf of r. Dr. Will'as MUt P'le IMntment - Ere, It! etneBIUd. Ota-din. L wnn1 so4 w " " w I J. M. ilARCET. tuhd. fltas. 1 ttMMwt Ue tusuirt allsfa lha Hi htf tt ew, ti ts t "l (ir fe Wa4 felVel M hj Hi Vl;f MAUtT. RUSSCII II0UC3, HKAtrrOHT, K. r fVtiU!iy I at. 4. All 11. o d ;i f aj w ut the m, Vif'l ;'. Iti rtu, f ifi ! ' .f 'l i liifi,r.-.( ,.'t n.,- a"' tl - rT,U ) . ' lir. ) rr ' t - .1 -'! I.' f r ..i . ! r i miwl say they proved w see m renwly in n,y ee." For ssW 1 J t!l d- star. Price M rt. a I" mlrr ! ' . '..urn Co., P-iTalo, N. Y. .! ,: fr the U. a. ttTwin.Tr Uk riame,- IVian't - sr.d laVa no oil.ftr. AnnounccTCnl. hr! f eniwinre rr)elf s rsrvli dale f r t" . V ff City T '..'.'.-' f .f tfi e'i . S term, r I ci-! a. j,!,i,t yniir .!s l li HfrrxK-raiif f r:mry V l-e held April 17th., end I ' sim tl.tt.k yi f-r yirtir gt.a'iis "p ' j- rt in t s V. -.ir - - M " -rtar-t. To T ' . f . t ' Cy . . . . . V. aiiM i NCI ON. D.C. J PrJnfs r.vA Oil: Qun?, ri:to!3. Pvaora, Czl.:zrz rr.;I Tcctct V .... . j WASHINGTON, D. C. ... r - m;'t 1 1 ' M'.T MriJ.j f P TRENWITH, BlcVt'mlth A WheelrighL taattetam ot BafgWa, Wagoet. Cart , tad prtyvj A) ear a good tappfy In Hooka BepelAs sealiy dost oa qalct aetis. ( . . ' I HAVE CART WHEELS ;L. for isJe at rsejoaable prices . Uop Boaih Front " r.lVctirnii.lril Executors Notice rlavitiK th of the .slate i pfnwnit hav'rtK -hereby notihtil I to tht! unl',riiwni-'l March I;, i- ihi- n;iilUil mm Kxrrutor, i :i I' Hilton, (lTiaM-l, all amini-( ihrfiml cstatt art) i nt the Kwm lnly vended, U fie the Mh day of plettilml in laar of thHr rvery. Ail i i iM.i.e nn)rltei Ui aaxl Iml ara herehy rtiui-s-liil ! nuike ininifliarc pay ox-nt- Th?B .th day of Mrch S A HIl.TflN. Kxrrtilor. Entry Claim. NOUTU CAHfUJNA. 1 ( Tinow t '"junty, I To M M fapp". -i 'iy tu.-r fur Oimluw Ownly: The umleratif i ni J I' M ii' i. ant It 1. Kllum of Onalow t.,unl). N'-illi ar'.hr . ntiTa and iaya claim to th ('.. iru ii. '-rr ilml piers- tr prre of land in Slump S--ti nil ' -rrip ( iimluw Cunty, North t'arohna, th' nn l-rt vaiant atl unap protpriatew) lai 'i and ml.ji t '.. i.ti . n. He-fiinoinir in Sar.t Hun in the- tinlfiW and Pemder t 4rtinty line Un-m riirmirir .N.mnaionf the County linve ! the n.awi run .f ."-hflter (Wk, thenco up th run "f Sklin ("rv'k ! A M Pnrva trwi aaxl K. H atnrtifi'e urx-. lu net Nnr (hwanlty alone aasrl MmUn l.n? tn J H Marfthhurn I In, thw firej aWsng MarhHirn hne to the rr.ain run of Handy Hun, th-mt ) n Main Kun of iiandy Man U lha PfriT Cint line. ibe plare of beUinlnv, txvntAtntisf 100 a r . rrw.rw i r 1cm. Marrh Hth. fcntewl tht Z31 ilay ff Jnuary ISffi. T 11 MORTON, 11 I Kl.LLUM Notice ot Sale oValua ble Real Estate. On April 2Wi DO. I HI at paUir anrVan on fca pint W nil I'ulkwli atrwi htwrwn aa4 6Wr1tM in 1H 4an 'f Iha l.1r nf Nrw Item aa la No. Hon hih i. two hnum, fno"Wrif fw4 and Up1h nf 141 fw. Tvrmo ofaak) CAHH f AM 1 A HILTON, aaralorirf Iho FUi if Kahocoa I Hilton. Sa il. Vtt, lis Cf.'. Natlc''atl.MtIa to Cefl(4dar Can f . ' feaUlea. ta the District Court U te United Wetss,fortae Ceetera District of I Korta Caroline . , , ... la Beakruptey. tn the irtU0f: ' ' j ' ' , ' ' Witherinrten Atilt) No, A ' af Ytlrfl M O . V - ... bsiikrapte. f U BeflkrupUv. Totbe trvlitor et Wllbertafton Al Ully, of AyrJee, In tbeitceaty efl Pill, and DULrlct aforeuid. Par.. fip.' liMtwohafntM -a raw rm. 4nnk Uw ' KUre la W! y Ktm tkat a Cowipo-l1 Z?T?i tZZImZZZZZ hUm ef X"i p-r root span Ml uneweixi s - w w- -- v . . - r ,iM. not i.;W te priority, ia MUs-V?i"lJ raWierad oebte. been ,,1; j. 4 f t tlxtve Mmed bankropte - h vua a Somo s m . t -c,r rroS.U-ra, at pw-led by tbe ert ' : - t f - c"a relstmf te benknitry,trd O. . atrra e Kan, IKat I ineetinf of asid fTwdltwt Will be PboTte lJt . V ial U.s U. ft. rirt rm. In b' ' . M trW It trm aVe. H. C. ).". C, m Ai fil !?0t.. pvft, at 1 a awxAWAVjaors fO a asm W.ara aaie) Uitiojir as eamt t awa a liuwio wt aa av toaiy twaea. Mr, . ai.'rw a, e-a MWmW M. &. twaeM I I .V iT I ra- I t . . - f 0. ( v. I r i - k p. m. f r s ( , nli. I . -t. e Si. tn ar t u poe ui iminMl ' ' ' lilii,il1 at weee.e..' 1. ... ,M rv-s of re-rt ATTORSIT IH0 OUHStlCHS T N. f'. . V.rrk 11 p. a. I . LAW. : " u.t.v. '.! 6 in I i 1 : 'p. C're Panv?r4 Ji'fww la i rry f he fiia 7larrar f,o) (.i!h r-nt a.rwwt, f V Ostu-ke. f a-'Valn )a rVnir- rw rfCra, I i J -, -- - ( a-.er, 1. fi