THE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. C., April 4, 1905. LODGE DIRECTORY. ' WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at RountreeHallSemi-Monthlv. First and ' Tkii Wiulnaailav nights at 7 'Ml n'liwV Visiting Woodmen are invited. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF . HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed : nesday eights In each month in. Roun . trees Ball. Pollock street, at - 7:30 :" o'clock. Samuel R. Ball, President; J. ' H. Smith, Sec'y; R. R. Hill, Financial " Index ta Hew Mrerttteneits. Barfoot Bros. Special Showing. J. G. Dunn ft Co. Smart Styles. ;. ' Candidates First Ward. ' . Si mmons & Rollowetl Co Special Sale. .- . -T f NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Business Locals.' ; WANTED A small house with water and liehts in cood neighborhood. ,Or (Wo rooms under above conditions! Ad dress Post office box 43, New Kern. WANTED-Four men between the ages - of 21 and 36 can secure profitable e ployment apply 631 South Front St. ' FOR RENT-First floor apartment all modern improveme"ts. Apply to Miss F. B. Small wood 116 Craven St. any hour after 11 a. m. EVERY DAY OUR BARGAIN DAY Yqu save money to call on Gaskins Cycle Co., with your wants. "Right goods at right prices, all repairs prompt y made by skilled workmen. UNLESS you use the Stillwell Incan descent Gas Burner you are not getting the best light for your money. Call and see them, John B. Ives, opposite P. O. DRY KILN ENDS Fine for cooking m warm weather, 75c load delivered, Broaddus & Ives Lumber Co., Phone 63. FOR SALE A fine new upright piano, also 40 yds new heavy China matting. All for half price apply to 132 Middle street. ' J. R. SIMPSON has re-established a pressing club and is prepared- to press gentlemen's suits neatly and promptly. Call at rooms over Hanff & Son, on Middle street or leave the suits at Stew art Callaway's barber shopi " FOR RENT No. 85 Craven St, house with 6 rooms, dining room and kitchen Apply to E. H. Howe, 83 Craven St TO RENT 6 Room House on New Street near Metcalf street Apply to George H. Roberts. SPECIAL NOTICE TO LADIES: As the time has come for putting furs and winter garments away for the summer a good molh proof chest is the best receptacle you can have. I invite you to investigate the, merits of my moth proof cedar chest Guaran teed to give satisfaction. H. ' A. Ep ting.. National Avenue, next to James F. Taylor's Residence. CANDY TOPICS-ln addition to our line of Tames, Brittle, etc, wa have added a fine line of Chocolate and Bon Bona made by our Mr. Duffy in our jwn specially equipped factory at 108 Middle street Phone .209. James B. Dawson. OLD NEWSPAPERS IS eenta per 100 for sale at Joumnl office. FOB BISTaa root boas Ho rolloek Bi. Xsatlr i A I Y 4 PdOook fit, Tb Mattel Wcdntsdsy Evsnlnf. ' Much inUTMt ia betnf felt ta ti an tertoinment In course of preparation for WedtMBday evening the horn f Mm. W. L. UwW oa Broad itntt Soma of the beat talent of the city Is collated and much work to batng done ,bi arrsnfrloc the program sad prepar- mg for IU rendition. ' t -' TIm orchestra to eompoaed of Mrs. W. C; Brick and Boy Marshall, violin UU, Mm May rulfori. ptaalst and Mr. llugh Wood, aoraetist . . The aoWrt will U Mb MllWr, of , Wilmington, and Mr, Pamg hrsy 0 this nie HollaM, aeeampantata, . ' The ftor of locution win b ably kxkd aftaf hj Mas Assia D, Orn, wtmat MpuUUoa as an inM la br tin to amll aMabuahedL Mia NU Jardaa and ttohfft SoIUn will aawt with T ami rtdUliona, Kanwa f thoaa abor nitkd are k gnaranUa it th tfIc of the aWUinfMnt and Uw4r Mrowtt ffort paw Wrinf put frth ariQ aawir IK toe rM pf U ooraainn. An tAtf'tmim of tty-5t rnU will t rhT4 wl.irK a-iU Mitill M to rtrmbnmA. f tft JUm'-gn SimI limt vf r"n IrtKtK ff a frvi rnit tn r.',r (,rvr l'r,e rr-j in 1K. r:t. f t l fori n r c rrirrt , ( vvtTTt r. - ( : r- t.', .'' C' Skkenina Accwimt on A. k N. C. Rauoai' Monday Horning. A most horrible and sickening acci dent occurred oq the A. & N. C, Rail road yesterday morning on the trestle over. Scotta Creek' a short distance south of James City. "The strain by which the accident happened was freight train No. 2. pf which Mr J. B. Davis "was conductor, and Mr. N. H. Russell was engineer. "The train; was west bound from Morehead City. . The acci dent occurred at 11 o'clock, The woman was crossing the trestle with a little colored eirl named Lilly Simmons. '-.They were going to attend the funeral of a eiWod woman who was found dead in a .tenant' house on the farm of Becton Davis. When about, nair way across therridgei f,tnee.uies woman saw the train coming and uur- ned onto the side to which she was go- fag,: .Being a large woman and also in poor nearcn sne . eoum not move xasv. Tha trirl laohinl . htvr atnmrtlwf and the woman apparently fearing for the girl took hold of heif han' to help ner across tne tracK. iw woman see-j ing the train coming .upon them appear ea to De paralysed , wit&j rear and inhuvinr for their store. steaa 01 attempting 10 save nerseii: 1 as could have easily been done assumed a squatting posture on the ties outside the rail. - ' When the train came along .the cow catcher and the first car escaped her, - but the journal,, of the front truck pi: the second car chught her dress wii carried her back over the bridge and when released from the journal, the body was taken up by another and thus the body was rolled along the ties for about 50 feet " When, it was finally dropped the body had scarcely a sem-, blanee of human form so horribly was nivjlit , - . The girl escaped injury entirely mere- ly stepping off the bridge when the train was upon them. ijad the -woman jumped from the track even into the water telow the bridge the accident would have been averted, 1 Mr. KusseU, the engineer, was run ning the train at a rate not exceeding 35 miles an hour and possibly not so fast When he noticed the pen! the woman was in he did all in his power to stop the train but found it impossible The fireman blew the warning whistle and used all precaution to prevent the accident He did not see the woman being on the opposite side of "the" en gine. , Coroner Jones impanelled the follow ing persons to compose a jury to inves tigate the cause of the accident: N. C. Hughes, Ed. Bangert, Dempsey Wood; Guilford Lewis, Albert Bangert, E. H. Howe. They viewed the remains, had a' session last night and the examination will continue today. ?r v VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. -Tallad to Henor Soldier. We see our wise aolons or animal and game taw makers have ended their de liberations and gone home amidst the great applause of the politicians,' for nobody else could And any cause to ap plaud them. The legislature not only Vailed to do anything to benefit the people but left undone things that as patriotic North Carolinians, they could scarcely keep from doing. , The noble women have been working for years to mark the last resting plate of the Confederate dead, God bless them, but our wise legislators, shame upon them, refused to appropriate the the small sum necessary to erect a raon umtnt to the memory of their heroic leader, the brave Matt Ransom. Brave In fighting the batUaa of his country, in war time, wise In the councils of the nation in peace and true to the consti tuency he served, he was ever active In atrvlng the beat mtereaU of the SUU whkh be loved, yet the legislature of North Carolina refuses to honor (us memory, maybe tha membert had too many political projects, or personal af fairs of tbah owa to look after. " ' ' ' Surer their many lawt protactinf birds aad animals da tractive to crops, are not brnafkial to farmers and to no one else Balasa h be. a few; (die sporta man. Why did they not make laws pro toctinff the boll weevil and curlew bug, then would have bean Just e much eenae in H. 'Wall, they are f one per hap to never return again, and the axt a(W their 4partur the Raleigh dispensary reported a falling off hi rU sales for the weak, t; bun dred dollars. What sigrlftfanee can b eonjorted from this. B Ca-t a Coll i O r, O u 3 fr Sig 1 r HTi' f r a .1 1 Huns, and Me C. R. Thomas ind D. F. Waul sis. R. A. Nunn, A. D. Ward, M. D. W. Stevenson are attending court at Trenton. Mr. Wade Meadows returned to his studies in the University of Virginia at Charlottesville yesterday after a pleas ant visit He was accompanied by his sister Miss Sarah Meadows who will spend a few days there. . , Miss Mamie Bell is visiting the fami ly of Mr. Charles Lane in Goldsboro. Revs. H. C Moore and B. W. Spill- man returned to their home,) in Raleigh and Kington yesterday after holding in teres ting and profitatble Sunday school nstitutes here Sunday Mr-and Mre,D. H. Gaskins who nave visiting at Mr. C. E. Spears on ea8tCasweU street returned to their home m New Bern moming.-Free pjggg 3 i Mr. S.' J, Hawell went to Goldsboro last Bight,. ; y' , Messrs. B. P, and B. E. Jennette, of Lake Landing; were here yesterday Ice Cream Soda today at McSorli ley's j A wonderful spring tonic Drives out all winter impurities, gives you strength lioaTfli ' nnrf hfmninpaa v. Thntl'a whnt TtnXMor.. r, Mnllnfnin -T will io cent8( Tea or Tablets. '- For sale by F. S. Duffy.'., . " " Shipping Notes. "The tug "Frank n"Eshrick came in Monday with barges Saturn and Uranus in tow to load with,, lumber. Tug arrived-with bareeajlobert J. Donal- son and Vulcan in tow all- loaded ' with Iphosphate. . , Tug , Columbia . will Jeave today with barges. Comet and Orion In tow bound for Camden. N. J., and the Joseph P. Tucker for Philadelphia, all loaded with lumber. - ' . " A New Bern Woman Says ' 'have you a floor paint that will las two weeks?" Yes we have Devoe's; it has a beautiful gloss and will wear two years if properly applied. E. W. Small wood . For the finest line of meats in the city call at the Coast Line Meat Mar ket: Musical Entertainment. The ladies of the First Baptist church will give an entertainment next Wed nesday evening April 6th, at the resi dence of Mrs. W. L. Lewis on ' Broad St. A musical program is being ar ranged which promises a feast of good things to those musically Inclined. ' Refreshments of another nature will be served also. A Few Days More. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, of Washing ton D, C. are at Mrs. Richardson's 82 Pollock street for a . shprt stay. Mr. Snyder is an expert tuner and voicer of pianos and pipe organs. .He bears cre dentials attesting his akin from four leading music teachers of Wilmington, where he has been for two months. He st a practical p'a maker , of many years experience aid carries' all ma terials for general repair work and the installation of new actions,- etc., Kb tetters aay he makes old mstrurnenta sound like, new J- Pianos are costly. They are delicately constructed, very sensitive to dirt etc The piano has oot yet been made that will stay in proper tune more than- one year. If cared for regularly by a aompetent man a piano will tost a life time, If not it will eoon go to wreck. If 'your 20 watch don't run right you take it at once to a competent -watch maker. What do yoa do if your $400 piano don't run right? Instrument examined and e ti ma toe made free.- Phone ; 131 Yearly tripe to Now Bern, ' , ' ' (I have seen Mr. 8nyder's credentials and knowing the writers of the letters, rill sayhis representations are correct. -Editor.) - - - - . V ' tee Cream today at McSork'a, . 7 Bids Wanted! t I will receive bids at the oftVenf City CWV to furnlab eight firemen rubber suite. - '- , --- . ' ". ; V'.- I. J.TOLSON.. cir.ES - r' I 1. 2". " -Jl- any oilier. Eye-glasses Made in the common-sense 1 way to comfort the eyes and : improve the looks. - No pinch- ' ing, no shaking, no drooping. - ''''...' J O BAXTER Graduate Optometrist, New Bern, N. C. - " "' ;C.T.nAKC0CKl Ileal Fstalc Agent. 148 Broad St, '''' ' New Bern, N. C JUrcatlenliarsL: Calcinm 5 Phone 56 I - Special Showing and Special Sale I of Ladies Ready- to - Misses and Children's Hats. t.RAR'FOOT BROS.! r r MORNiHb small 1 lot of fine fancy DREssl g ing ham, v suitable for sliirt; vaisti; d rcn's; P rcsscs, Sand Boy's Waist s at Special Pri cc of: 3 i-2c- srsiirci ALL FULL PIECES. - No REM NANTS ik the Lor. ' ': " For Sunnier Rending. ; H-vrrlr, la th vvr ' .1 - ' J I l . i . . j i I t.ike this method of announ . cuig to the Ice Consumers of New Bera that I am a cand- -idata for the 'office of Ice Deal er. If I am elected I pledge . myself to serve you promptly any time day or night if I am y called on.',, -t.,'. . - -: Very Respectfully, . ; ,:H. E.R0YALL" ; ' Broad Street Fruit Co. , ' HOLLISTCR't) Rocky Fountain Tea Kusgots - - 1 Buy Kadigiu fee Bur FieaU. 7 Bring! SoMn Eealtk and Baaewel fl(at. : A nwclfleforOonatlpatloB, IneJeeetloa. Lire Mid Kidney Trouble, rimpUa. kctana, Imputs Blood, Bad Breath, glufrglsh Bowel, Headache aad Backache, lit Eocky Hoiintaia Ten ta Uk tot form, SS osnta a box. Genuine made by Holustes Dave Cokpakt, Madlaon, Wla eOLDEN KUG6ET8 FOR SALLOW PEOPf J itbia Water and Chloide later on sale at Davis Pharmacy wear Hats and 4 - r A -rty, Tli 9 Mil. r. . ' i cn tho ! '-T' II" , 00:13 ''. I:; I! RnmwnPF ntw vnPK ( l?le' agents for fcliloss Bros and Hart. Kchaffner and Matx ceifbrated ready to-near cloth nx A call will convince you that it is unnecessary to go'to a tailor to gt a perfect lit. J. G. DUNN & CO., Ph ne aia. Phone '2 Mi Fox River Print Butter California Navel Oranges 35c lb large, 85c doz California Navel Orangea,medium 26c doz Best New York State Irish pota toes 30c peck Best Sweet Potatoes 20e peck Best 20c Coffee, 2 lb for 35c Nice Large Banan as 2'c doz Best Cream Cheese, 17c lb Roasted Peanuts, best 35c peck Raw Peanuts, best 3(ic peck Best Portorico Molasses 35c gal Best Powhatan Syrup 35c gal. For home use, Apple Cider 25c qt Maryland Country Ham, 15c It . Cabb ages. Black Eyed Peas, 1'ijj Feet, Tripe, Corned Beef and sliced ham. Apples Rippino, Large Green Baldwin, Large, Red, 40 and 50c peck. J lo Rum fords Powder 25c can. No city taxes to pay and can sell gools cheaper than else where. Give i s a trial and oblige, J Yours Very Truly, 2 L. B. HABICHT, 3 Proprietor. J 0. LAND: MANAGER. VAAAAAAAAAAAA iAAAA Notice I Have Just received fresh car had Ameri can Wire Feice; same will be sold at greatly reduced rate. Come ind see me before buying, E.W.Smallwood J L. HARTSFIELD, font actor uikI Huliifer. OrriCI 93 1 2 MIDDLE ST. PiUlM ?38. A satisfied customer Is the lxt recommendation, below i aomaof th build irifs erwUd bj me in New Item. Dr. R. D. V. Jon, Residence. New Mawinir Ojiera limine. A. l. C R. R. Fturaffe lluuae. K II A J A MeadoW, Guano Warehouse. O. Marks Son Stora. Or. N. II. HtreeU' atore, (4 atory) Would be glad to have any one inspect my w4rk as it goes up. Special Floor Oil 40c. per gal ' BDiinc has tome and you want something to brighten up and beautify the home. We have Eurfacite and a full line of beau tiful and durable varnishes. HEATH AND MILLIOAN Gaskill Hdw. & giULWirtl n MWMtela Today's Addition Touiy wo puion saio a r lui oi svason drees coods. EUck and colors. a . I AT JXZ3 THAN COST, all perfect goods. , , V'o aro ixlo opcntn& a now line of Novel t ! 7, lor r pri" , n.ii'1 Cummer wear. Bee our ... ... . . . t v.-i.W) r 1 1 Lfuoro uuying citawiuro. I 'I Smart Styles in in- Spring Suits; which will ap pe lloH9Ien of Taste. liounJ and Square i tut Nuits with or with-- ntll Ihft I mt from (? 11 i- i.iniH 55-57 Pollock St. AT CHURCH ON EASTER SUNDAY cm ry rr- n; (i 'y v. iir f to look hin h', ut if P us 1 1 li-t u 1 1 :wi i i ot ht-i mnn. Jf-yuhav. y. ur l-r i 'ml.n n im;clc liy i'A a- wu k vi-u wilt hnve i- . n-.-u l.i i jci. t nny detail J your pe -wiifil .-. w th. slyl-, culand fit jf your cm ir- i.t u ill U- ursu'imK: til. f. hi. ii vmvii K. Planting Cotton Seed I have fc r sale a limited quantity of Prolific Co lon Seed, selected slock. pric 7 V pi r l.tishel, including bags, cash a i; o il i-. I pniil f 1.25 p r ImihIi ol T-! m si-id in Mirlloio County, Soul's ' ',i'-.hii:i,i. I have u-o-il them on ortlh;:i : i i-i l aii'l pnnluci-d mor." th;in ftt. I Hi i l-r.t iiit'on pi r iu-ie in 5 foot row.-. .InliN .1. 1'KITCHETT, ro'lockHville, N. (.'. FoTYrEas tei' Suit II Ull.l. I'W Vol' to SEE A. BLOCK IMEKCHANT TAILOR. No. !fi Middle Uew Bern, N AND MASURY3 I'Aim Mill Supply Co K1IL II I I LlU 44 ( faaa. HC to Fire Sale. . K M iH - .

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