fiew Orn, If. C, Sunday Slomins, April 0, 1005.; Tweuf j-Fonrlli Year Yol. XXIIIITo. N. it by Express.; . New Neckwear, Nev .Belts, I I New Persian Colors, aiiih 'Plenty of Car nation Braid to whole town at J. M. Mitchell & Co., j j , PHONE 288. 42 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office :. -' ' '.f lii'i omKXTimir TTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTfTT-1 Just received a lot of ' . BUSY BEE AND II AM 3 and . B It E IK FA ST MTBIP. . . Pare Older, Applet Cider Vinegar in barrels and half barrels. 1 ' Agency tat ROYAL BAKING POWDER. All Oooda Fresh and Carefully Selected. -. , yr.'. ,., Wa solicit oomlgnment of alt klnli of Coontry frodnoa and CaaraatM Prompt atUntioa and Quick Ratuma and will prorata th 4 HitWIrictlmteanbobtatod. - ( J i. ; . 'J I 3Ej Etl E . ; IVIil sale and llcuil Urocer. , v ;.v;Hb:81 South FrontSt. 7; 1: 11 " ' ' , V'' MEN'S CLOTHING - ; ' i ' A Wr Htf Btark CraniU 8nlU worth 112 M and tlS.OO. Your rM lor t (A and HO W for thi vk nl. ad (aid BuiU. KoUiy trt. PncM K2&, KM). i.7& up to U.Oa ' - : CL0T1IIN3 Yw bof will lock hi vTr bout rrv-i rrn iz.i ao w ii ntt a and bug boya, Abnort an tinltniiud ; DRY many iirrmna n iTy 1, Jort reivd rii A Harain l 1, ear prtca 4 .i Novelties fast Ribbont in all I supply the 10c bunch. Easte Stiits, We have tbe largest and best selected stock of Clothing we e,ver car ried and can fit you no matter what your size or shape may be. We carry Kuppenheimer's Guaranteed Clothing There is none better made and it . will ; be our pleasure to show you our stock ' New line of Men's Belts, tf eg ligee 8hirts and Under wear. In iact anything you want in the Men's Furnishing line.- J. J. -TTTWWTf f TW f f l??MTJ - A Urrx a rirtmcnt of Men' Hrowti la a Blim, Pron or Hr.jr Aifiriral Fvii nil ima of unit niu rirtba (m. iwtnrlment U alrt from. fil. modrtto COOPS - " i. fi yr ! I alt-o lfn wrt or r !..( Awlrwo ro-itu ni f ruit f T h 1 Ui k . i jd on'y. 19 r.! to a I ' 1 Iffil Iddlo BTo?t. . .. '-New Bern." , T bnw when flmt I Innknl into her eves AnH ahA in mlna that what kn been I must be, ' - -? - I And ao let others aayah told fjem lies: She told no lie to mel She spalce me fair, of lees as well wine, ta Theii, with that subtlest charm .of - ber charms, - all uau-oroDPea ner uninua uaa,- ana at th sign , , ' ' - I rait Into her armst 1 ' Now it is she who flings my window wide " ' J At dawn; and lets the perfumed Jnorn- iniin. "-. . ' - i And she who walks so softly at my side, Through noondar dust and din. But, most of all 'tis she, when blue jtia-ht falls. v Whose firm. imDerious finirers tap the pane, " ' ', , And she whose velvet voice it is that calls,'. -- . l' Nor calls her own in vain. - It b as thoUeh the siren understood How that she is so stronr at this atill hour . ' That I Could not repulse her if t would, Nor would, hal I the power: As though she knew that, should I try to check The strength of that enrapt, respon sive thrill, v Let her .but slide her arm about my neck . :, i ' ' And I obey her will! So, when she speaks I answer; when she woos, Her voice, like wine, the slow pulse goads and spars: go to meet her through the dropping dewt :'"'c"' i: " And lean my lips to hers, All the long hours run laughing into one ' . .. The strange, sweet moment when the evening fallsr- And. like a mother summoning her on, Resistless New Bern calls! J. L. K (With Apologies to Guy Wetmore Carry L) Two rutakant, An Eorlls aewspaper says that schoolmaster wis In the bablt of pun Ishing scholars who 1 came to sclioot (a tM 'morning by keeping them la la Um afternoon. " One who was Are tninate late was kept in ten minutes and so on In proportion. One morning it dianced that the school. master was half aa hoar late, and smart boy among his pupils was not slow to remind turn of the fact "I'm very sorry tot being lata, boys," said the schoolmaster, with a twinkle in his eye, "and as t punish yofl it's only fair that you ia torn should punish toe, ao you wUI an stay and keep me In for an hour this of terse." . 'iA -A.sWeal0 L. ,r, One Of BrewninCs letters Is a reply to yoang poet who wrote asking Brownint adrtc about publishing a volume of peema. The reply, in part Is a follow and may serve a useful pnrpoea to young poets, ef today as well: . "It sonnds strange and almost sad to m thai I ahonld be Imagined of antbortty In this kind, .1 who for years could Bot get a tine printed as cent at my ew expenee, and I began half a century age or more." yv- , The Yoang Wotnta (nnrled and mdlfntntV-HoW eared foa kiss sir! Penltrtt Toting kfaa Why, yoa said you'd tike to see me do It Tbe Yooog WOtnaa Hut yon know as well aa I de that I Said H with aa esclama Uoa pelat at tae endl-Chlcago Trlb- ' ' ttta. ' ' . gmlth-Joo , I'm going to ' msrry sad settle , down. Jones Bampbt Yon'd better rematn single and eettle P. ; There was no full moo la tbe whole of February. ltoO. According to as trotMMnera, tbls will aot occur agala eotll the year i!WtX2. .. Latter to T. A. Grttn. . New Bern, N. C , Dear Sir: A property-owner of Skowhrfan, Milne, bad a house to paint, and "url tn rents a gulloa by trying n ilhor paint thsn Devoe, But hii fint wa 10 yet rent Wt maura; 10 pr cent ef the liquid was walor; snd J3 pf r-nt of ti e pigm nt barytwi, II ow rri'h, & Cm. of t) ! fart V si S r'i t !! J'.II f.r.J it . t.r. . h ! . d ' ? t -t I ,o 1 J t' o pa S few f it V 3 yo tliiiilt, he arv f :'.::r, ia paint, is tl.e l ia u gi s paint, t; and ! cif it en gi : t arid htti r f n ' r.nt p U m p- i r. a r I I t -1 s 1, I ' .1 - . L r !. r.i p. a. r; v. University Defeats Wake Forest' Special to Journal " . Raleiffh. Anril 8. BaM ball here to- dav. Universitv of North Carolina 6, Wake Forest A " Larae Fertilizer Plant to' Be Located, 1 ... - ' ,s t t Here. s WearetafonrieibyMriA. Rawt - mgsjnanageroftheVa. Car. Caiemk8 WMa ,t,cle, De,loe Co. that his company wiUerectdurir!'OTtPPer' ona time he was the coming summer, a large fertiliser plant in this city. ' A : large amount of money he says' will be spent, as the plant will be complete, and up-to-date. Mr. Rawhhgs tells as that it is sary that this plant be erected to the demand of the increased trade for his company's fertilizers. Mr, Snips (who has called about that long stnmllng neconnt) 80 yoa weatt pay today, eh? Welt new, .1 ware yon If you don't settle with ase by this day week' I'll g3 round to all yeas' oth er creditors and tell, them that yevt paid me in full, and then you'll have 'em all down on yon. Bee what I mean? I)laapolatlaa-. Rector's Wife (to village grocer) Well, I hope you like our. new curate. Grocer Yes, ma'am, thank you;, w like blm very welt (pause); not, how ever, that I think he's as flueut aa we bod a rigbt to expect, seeing as bis fa ther was an auctioneer. London Tele graph. - R. A. M. Notice. A regular Convocation of New Bern Chapter No. 46 R. A. M. will be held Monday evening April 10th 1906 at 7.30 o'clock. By order of the High Priest, . H. B. SMITH, Secty. How They Stand. The votes and how they stand will be inserted in this paper every morning. votes to be counted every night at 8 0 clock by the committee and contest closes Wednesday, April 12th, at 9, p. m. Votes can be cast at drug stores. A beautiful hat on exhibition at J. J. Baxter's millinery store. Queen crowned Friday 14th. at 9.30 p. m Miss Hildred Cohen 958 Miss Emma Sultan 891 Miss Annie Hardison 606 Miss Sudie Collins 432 Miss Elleanor Taylor 301 Miss Mattie Green 231 Miss Maye Moore 148 Miss Margaret Smallwood 105 Mis Mabel Barms ' 88 Overhauling Presbyterian Organ. The Presbyterian Church Organ is un dergoing a complete overhauling. Mr. Snyder, of Washington, D, C. is doing the work, and it will be completed in time for the Easter Services. Mr. 8ny der also does piano repairing, voicing, reletting and tuning. He bears certifi cates from four leading music teachers of Wilmington. Hi letters say. he make old instruments sound like new, On request he wiU give name of a d ox en well known people of New Bern for whom he has don piano work recently. His tint her is limited so that be ran only book a few more order, - Instru ments examined and estimates' free. Yearly trips to New Bern. Phone 132, at-ttr. Richardson 82 Pollock 8t (I have teen Mr. Snyder certificates and knowing the writer of the let tea win say hi representation are correct Editor.). ', --'- -; ' j -",;'." A New Bern Woman Styt "have yoa a floor paint that wiU , k two weeks T" Yes we have Devoe's; ha a beautiful gloss and will wear two years if properly applied. E. W. Small jcC Car.r I wish to thank those who andeav ored to sav my property during Fri day nwmlng' fire. . ; i For the present my headquarters will be at Scott' stable on Middle tree' where I will be (lad to meet my frUrtfs and patron . 1 ' . L & DANIELS. Adirilnistrators Notice h Mwt faf y taow ( mrf. ftlaM H--w HetJ' aw - akil sat 1 Smi " al laSiwiri aataaWa) (aarvirtart I K Mil eail r Kt"f 4 to arn it Is sar tu r - ' fo m stew) em or tfu) I IK. I h dr f AprU l,'4 srUt .U w 1vhkw-1 in ! tf tttr 1 aaawr y . AM yiaweaaawsi tot,-1 ' ..( :i bmMl ra-aMalsi bS 1 (J A- A . M rTJ VET, Mm tHrt. X rallOIal,. ' J I I ..s v f.. t.'. .. ... a. . 4.... n u p GEN. CULLEN A. BATTUE Th FrlW '. KW Mi . EstttaMt Mtw Baralsa Dies at firsssebsrs. r The following special from Greens boro tells of the death of the gentleman who Uved fa New Bern many years tana was uovvwu w uu. vitj wiu iv I people. General Battle was on the . iovrat' editorial staff 'for aevtral Mayor of New Bern, and was always prominent in affairs here, especially in matters ef politics and thoa concerning the welfare and interest of Confederate Veterans. It will he with general sorrow that the news-ef kb death si learned in this city: wsksr. April I General & A. Battb sfad this stasagataaaee'clock. aged H tU was sicfc far tw woeea. The r inkii w Ptorabutg wife. A KCXI K1SSICX ROTE. Twa tay Vers. "One secret of a happy Christian life is learning to live by the day. It Is the long stretches that tire us. We think we carry this load until we are three score and ten. We cannot fight this battle continually for half a century. But really there are no long itretches. Life does not come to us all at once; it comes a day at a time. Even tomorrow it never ours until it becomes today, and we have nothing whatever to do with it but pass it down a good and fair inheritance m today's work well done, and today's life well lived." Gratifying. Twelve students will complethe the common school course is the Brevard School this year and some of them will teach in the public schools next year. Ice Cream Soda today at McSorley's New Boarding Home. Having purchased the interest of Mrs Moore in her boarding house at No. 40- South Front street, I shall be glad to see my old friends and patrons at that place. I can assure them of good board, pleasant rooms, and courteous treat ment. Terms one dollar per day; reasonable rates by the week. MRS. JANIE BERRY Daisy Garlands Fortune. BEAUTIFUL COMEDY-DRAMA PLAYED BY LeatliiiiL imitenr Ictorx. Prceeeds For The B n fit of The Basket Ball Team. ames Willis, PitAcrriCAij IlLACKSUITO ' And horse shoer ha opened a -hop at th place forrneriy oe- eupied by Samuel Jackson, oa ' thaTwharf In rearof C. B. HIUs. Work properly don tad guar- ' antoed. ' : - - ' , Hiving purchased th stock ia trad end Furniture busine heretofore ducted by L, A. Taylor, aoeeessor to Dimnray and Tsybr, I would ana5w that my personal attenUon will be g1en to the aevornmodaUoa f rm. A W0 saUartad vora 01 rTJKlsi' TL'RE. MATTINGS, CARPrTIXGS, RIT.3 and olW FURNISHINGS a now ofTerod at tri"M to m.t towpaU- ln. Inaul!m.nt of eaah. AB who are inl'-iti to the form 6r wiU make thfif payrrn-r.ta to m. - . i:H5 trail, 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 e 11 Furnitura Storo! I Nice Lot Carolina Hams at McDaniel Also new lot Harvey's Small Sugar jc J j - Cured Pig Hams, Sugar Cured Shoul- fe ; ' ; ' ders and Breakfast Strips. j 5 We call special attention to our Pure Kettle Rendered Leaf 51 .Lard which you will find superior to any Lard sold elsewhere" in the 3 5, eity- ; J - Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter, Fancy Full Cream Cheese, g We will thank you for your trade. Everything guaranteed as repre- 2" J sen ted. afe 5 ' Yours to please, J.L.MeDaniel Wbolesale eft m 1 iw owro. farker Store. State Mutual Life Assurance Co of W orchester Illjis.'u-hiicil. Organized 1844 61 Years Old. All forms of Life and Endowment policies issued. Annual cash dividends are paid upon all policies. Every policy has endorsed thereon the cash surrender ami paid-up insurance values to which the insured is entitled by the Laws of Massachusetts. Pamphlets, rates and values for any age sent on applicat ion. Don't insure unless you have consulted, E. H. HOWE, District Agent. Furniture ! Furniture ! Furniture! NEW GOODS All KIY1XG EVERY DAY. Tod wi I dad la my store i very iklnglo I hnm? comfortaliV ! the wi) of mtNiTIUtf, anil will be 1 old it prices where cum pelltloi eati no tigare. vJ. S. Miller. JUST RECEIVED Lot Nice Pictures. Paitel and Oil reproductions, in Gold and Dec orated Oak Frames at Call and JFoliJQ. B. Ives Opposite OurUp-to-Date HKTew Store : V is open . "With a aompiaU Bim of ' UEiTS, YOUTH'S AND r ; CniLDBEN'S CLDTIIINO and rl'deabU Goat' rVrnUhlnfS. Everything In latest atylaa. BOY'S . ' CLOTUINO A SPECIALTY. Everybody come to see us. HOWARD BROTHERS, - , Under Hotel Hazelton. "Typewriter, Fcpplie J Ritioti for in'tfikti. LUfi . ill Botl f iff r. Kiuterl( I I 0k -- 9 5ltKi3 f3jrjer. 1 . 11 1 1 VI oruer iiroau anu u an cock i?is. extremely low prices. see them. l"ot Oilice. : ;. C.T. IIAXOOCK ' Jlcnl riin(o AgcuU la Breed 8V , . New Wn, H. U Ktm KASTKRCAKDS n lane of , rur Card . . jit rMv' 1 j s Owen G. Dunn,