it- 0 . The (tr&kt reroady for bcttouh proMnrtiu, and ail d - o' ttie t- i. i t i oreanaoi eitirnr x, such a Nervous rostrUoo, t muni! or W-t. ..-.. i lunuiMcy, Nightly Emissions, YoviMul Krrors, Worry, wn . 0( Vobaoco or Opium, walch lead Consumption aid lnsamy. V. uii eirj - noinK s oruer we rtirnle tocure or rlu.i-' u nionei. Sold at HMO pet tux .j 1.4 'i'J boiefoci.tM. . -T- i..r ' -PEtlilYROYAl J of menstruation. Tbey are LIFE SAVKUS" to girls at i , wnm&nhood. aidlnar develoriment of organs and. body.. Ne '.. i f.-H tHuiim 1 WoW. a Insure.: 1 rTz . v ; : '. lain K ew Jern uy av i Frencli Periodical Drops LVOII'S - '- 8trlclly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED t RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.. Pricevfl.SO per buttle, , - C"!ITIC Bawam of so-iiierfeli' arid 1ml talkma.' Tbe -nrri to jm W OMT '"" toa wlia fc-lmii nirnaiure on ia of tire bottle, jtma, . AtgtScJaaaa, Sun WILLIAMS Mfii.U.BolfrJBta Cimiud.C;bia,.i iWSS. i etaSfat titaalsr Sold by i)LVI8,PHABMACY , ' ill A. WRffS Livery, Feed, 5ale and Exchange Uritd and flrent slm k of Honed and Hi'ti ever offered for ssle In Newbs'i A car It ad of a h jus in. AIo ctmplet line of Bnggias WagonH, . H'rn-svKob s, Whips,Cirt Wtieels, Etc. SEYMOUR W. HANCOCK Attorney at Law. - t7 Will practice in State anil Federal Courts. Office 4f I Hid 51- A Good Telephone SERViOB IB A BimiflKrC NSUR8BITT, A UOMB ,OONVXMIKNCK. A OOM BIMKU Coasvemleaei Iuxnre J OtsWr feat Phone at THE RKQUIKKHKNTS MKT The people have an eye to thing eonveaient, comfortable and cheerful Having fitted up our banking rooms to meet these requirements, we cordially Invite you to call and inspect. Citizens' Bank- Capital Surplus and ProRts Deposits Assets $50,000.00 $27,000.00 206,000.00 $334,000.00 T. A. Grkkn, President t H. Mbaoowi, Vice-PreaidcnL T. A. Uxzbix, Cashier. WOT1CE! W wan timrj rnaa and woman Ip b Vaitt4 Uktwl InUrawled la the Cbrw of Oplam. Wktakwy or OUaor drag bsMta, Itattr tor IhraawivMOV frWoda. to haw Ma(Dr, Wooilary'ssonkaoo thaaa ets i ii- WrtM Ir. B. at. W ooluy. Alias t, aiaviMa seT.aae oh iui b mi roe rr Paints and Oils Ounf . Pistols. Razors, Scissors and Pocket v .r Cutlery, ' '. J Shells and Cartridges " Cooiin? and Hcnti t Stovi i Kcflnomir! in foe'--Fplnrii4 ,1q pperalion Life (Jm la der aWlity. , ; BASH, DOORS AM) BUND ' Irani (k:; I KoeeM' MMwitPi r ITHHVIIM1KW J . . 4 PILLS Tliej overcome Weak ness, irregularity ana omissions, increase vif- nflnJ KfinlcK Unaim tin 1 tli,m. Cannot do hapm life OO EIC BOX BY SIAXU Sold vi 5 v?;.- si f:: Sv& w ' T" Ernest M. Green, Attorney tt Ceanaelorat Law, I'boad Sr.. vNEW HEKN, N, ( Well t-qulp'd io srarch titles bv reasoi of many tt-aro eiperienoe Id the out or and a- Register of Uteds- Praetiors ii the Courts of Craven, Jones, Pamliet, Carteet. Onslcw, or whurever .eertie arerenlred. Russell House. BKAUFOUT, N. 0, 1 Centrally loceUd. All the deli- cftcie of iho season. Well venti latoa rooms, Good Tjeds, Phone ooi venienoes, Pol' te and attentive 8r vanto.' Katos S1.50 per day 4oial and liberal terrua by wee) jr month. Q. A. RUSSELL pmprle.f. Dr. WooHi'ilSr7JL i ' i , i ji ; llllrOf MUM, eat mot wlibker.a Ian aaofc a par- lealarao I otriam iraat- mt. Mna) Itf SL WOU1.I.KI UiMta, MaatgH Wood Turning:! Columns, Balusters,. Baik, Spindles, SUlr Newels, Ramps and Essies,' Man tles, Brackets, Grille. Rie-Rack Trim mings, porch and Lawn 8 wtngv Sash, Doors and Serene made to order oe sliort notice. - . - - . Perch Balusters $, S, 7 and S eenU j. M. itKtiiHTr.n, Factory, Church Alley, Hew Barn, N C RlMwaullMl, Ceiee Cetghe,Wsak Cheat wok Seek, lean hate, teaUlea, Vnw wa t . fwvVist j t I PAINLESS V Jwvui.. fJ I t a M-y f I lilt. I 'MM I , j loan sKe'nay I I. ,'H : aa v ' ... ' -'-a ,- f t. A ; . !.. - , iv.n.v.u-'U f, ..ii.-io.t TI U-m.-. I 1 ' 1 ' I 1 .-.V : , 1 ' ' . '. t a -a t.B.t 'D. f j TT?', MM vms J V, r : ITTCvtlT :t: '.:;' tT i It... . .11 (.CD. Balit kr IVBmvU.i.'.i i l,h Material Drunbt From i For sunie ! .: rUr to IS O trarel 'iL) huuia tad brcn In ca- joes and to river Uargea propelled bj poles or aloug the shores of rlTers by horse and foot aud by luterveuluj portages on ludliia trails, eouuectlng poluts oa the different rivers. The Phlladelphls-Pittshurg national pike was built upou sucb a substantial busts that wherever undisturbed one stiiJ finds the gracefully modeled arches of mlid masonry almost intact after more than a century lias passed. The com pletion of Uia Old rortase railroad by the state of Pennsylvania in 1834 put an end to the time honored "coacb and six," tvlth the many picturesque and ' commodious hint and ta Terns along the line of this broad macadamized toll road, Tvhtch with its substantial con- ;itrnctloa vas ta point of endurance occond ' only to the Roman military roads of Great Britain. ' This Old Portage road was construct ea from material brought from; Eng land. The British government seul rver experienced engineers to Instruct the Americans In the -running of tlie i stationary, stoam engines used upon the inclined plaues of the road, in the Allegheny , mountnlus.- The railroad highest point ti as about 2.T0O feet above ttea level. )elus only 2fXJ feet lower than the neighboring hill, wblcli. !s the highest point of the Allegheny mountains In I'emmylvnnla. The rood I consisted of ten plauei-Cve of which were on either side of the motiutaln and Intervening levels.. In 1833 the I canal, boats were so constructed that they couIrT be taken in sections and i hauled ever the mountQlb on flat cars without disturbing their cargoes. The rails were secured te stone sleepers, twenty inches square, which were sunk In the ground. On the Old Portage read the best time' for the forty miles between Hot- lldaysburg and Johnstown Was twelve i hours. . Express trains on the Pennsyl vania railroad now run a closely par allel distance over the Allegheny moun tains In a trine over one hour. : The passenger traffic on the road In those days -was nsuallv 'limited te one car eacn wey a day. with a capacity of thlrtv naaseneers. - ; " - , . " : In 18a4 the Pennsylvania Ballrosd company bought the Portage reed from ' the state , ot Pennsylvania. Chicago News. PITH AND POINTY Three-fonrths of the things that re pnt oft coald be done at pnee. r tf lr tm vital1 nrnlaa, A man fa alnfflna It tloesn't make any difference if be fan csmr the tnM or not. " "'- In loeklng beck ever his neat ever? man must adailj.. that the sun shone a great deal and that he made little bay. Occasionally yon And a man who en joys staying at home so ranch that he will let hie wife Sweep all around him. The Jolly blacksmith and lolly inn - keeper belong to song and history, but they hare got the bloes since ventur ing Into modern life. In every small tow there la poor eld failure ef a man with a big family banging on him of whom It Is said, "He was eoasMered a great catch when be wa yoan-Atcfaison Globe. ' T': De AaiaMb Tftlakt ' The following faeta, which I with my- own eyse oo repeatad occa sions, fully convinced In that animals have . the - power : of memory.) and thought I once had -a three parta bred black and tat terrier, which slept In a basket In my bedroom Jhat opened I Into the nursery. One ef my efaUdrea was from ill health very fraction, and whenever Tmy beard tt try ahe weald go luto the nursery, hunt about until she found a pQueeking rag doll, take tt to the aide of the cot and, sitting ep. shake It to amase the child. If ta do ing this she did not display powers ef tBeasory, thought and tenaetloa I Btter - ly faU te see te what her dever per - rermaece coum be attnoepw. uooooa Globe. -.. ,i HfMtWa. . -miver thaw- Is sams applied te winter pheoomeaoe) ef freoat occur rence at Ben Revta observatory. It slats ef rain falllmt whoa the air Is be low freeslng point and cosfasllof wheneter It reacbat the gronod. ' Of coarse this points to as laTsretoa ef the tompersnire, which Is lewar eei the BMtmtsra top thaa at grseter fcwlgbta. and, baHng tsra! asaartalsd with a cy cioole dietrlbutroa ef prfaaere, It la ef coasktersUe "forafaarlng" valee. 11 art ley-1 say, saiipiM row psy me taxil Hist 10 ahllllnf yo ewi sow." rVirroo (be it rally, eld msa, I rss't de that . tUrtley-But yoaTve got It to spare todsy. rWrrmifhs I know, bet tiWar'a se htllUig wbee I easy and It. Loni"S Irtcfrspb. HlTUni 1LUS TCU As Many a Reader Unovys too T7cll Vi'htt t. .lrwTa rs i,i ' Natum Ui.a vxl ail iint it. 1 Mt arm, is Nature', raWinf. nfrHlrit tit trio frojuenti rtnin; Any unnary tfi.i tm ol knirary : fun all Vi-Inoy 'r o thia, r.-lrr I fif CrTa- i- ,.sl ! : n ( ' ' - . - I l - ! TWZ CLZ L.j i U i..... j Notice is hereby given that a primary election will be held on Monday, April 17th, 1905, from 6 A. M. to 7 P. M. for the purpose, of nominating candi dates 'of the Democratic party to be voted for at the coming city election, to be held May 2nd 1905, for two aldermen from each ward- Mayor, Chief of Police Tat Collector, Water & Light Commis sioner and City Executive -Committee of three from each ward. ; , - ' , B. S. GUION, -. '"" ' Chairman. E. T- PATTERSON , -? V e t Secty. 5 . ' " Begistration and voting for the sever al candidates will be held same day. - ' folllitj Placsa, , ' i First WardCity Hall X Second Ward Court House. .. - . Third Ward Streets Stables. ' . Fourth WardS-Hrgett' Old Store. Fifth Ward-McCarthy's (old reel house). ' - " 's-. ' Sixth Ward Hook and Ladder House George street. s " -. i - , B. S. GVJION, ' . - Chairman. . Poll Holdsrt. Firet Ward Fernie Gaskffl, i Jamee Hill. '' Second Ward-Albert Willis; W. K. Baxter. , Third War4-N. M. Hooker, W. J. McSorley. Fourth Ward Jesse Harrison, J. W. Hill Fifth WardFrank Hackney; Rube Smith. Sixth Ward G. W. Williams, A. Geskill Rsglsu-ars. First Ward R. R. HilL Second Ward W, B. Flanner. Third Ward Ev S. Street Fourth Ward J. E. Gaskili. Fifth Ward C. T. Hancock, Sixth Ward-Walter Fulford. Official Primary OftUdi' I , dates for Election April 17th. The following candidates for the! several offices, pertaining to the City Government, having complied with the I legal conditions governing the primary I r S ' Z L , I m ' I w vl 'J "u " oem, i cerury inai inej are me ones to TOted ,or 00 Monday April 17th, I between the hours of 8 a. m. and 7 p. I u. B. S. GUION. Ch'm Uty tux-com. For Mayor. 1 William Ellis, F. T. Patterson. For Chief of Police. J.M. Harget. - C Lupton. :' Samuel M. Howard. For Tax Collector. i. 3. Tolaon. Fog Water a Light Con maai one. FTP. Avery, B. S. Guton Aldermen 1st Ward. A. H. Bangert, J, E. Smith. J. C Whltty, L. O. Daniel . ; Aldekmem 2md Ward. J. B. Dewson, . .. H. 8. Hancock, C W. Hunger, . CL Ires. Aldernkx 3rd Ward. I g, H. Lane, . , C, J. McSorley, It t UitchcIL J. B. Holland. ; ft Aldermen 4th Ward. W. & Phillips, v :;. 4 Arthur Land, U 8. Wood, J- Q" Brineon. Aldermem Sn Ward. C. J. McCarthy, v - W. A.' Mcintosh, Aldermen 6tb Ward. E. T. HoilowelL ' C. W. Simpkins, LU Cosby. - Announcement. I take this method of announcing to the Democratic voters of the City ef New Bern my eandidery for the posi Uoa ef Mayor, subject to the action of Ui primaries, j--. If elected, I pledge myself to strictly enforce all laws enecud agslnst the eienufacUtre, sale or deposition of bv toxkatlng nqttors, as well aa for tht ruUtion of the morals of the City, and shall use every effort onoVr the di- NCW jgrQl1'00 "nd wrn ' be Board ef A s it' rTTWTl. w utm wr.l 'J r eui. n v miu UtUfrnant of the phyakal conditlotCof theCity, to the full txUnt of nnvwr cifrrrl upon me. 1 shall rmt fr(fully arP'ectate tKo uprrt arrwilcd rn, and If hnnor ) td-aUlion, w HI cj.linl!y n- to ment th C'lfifi 1 t' imrl In tr-.s ly t . of Tity. ery I. ;t -rfart . T, I.I.U3. ,T9 US C VoirrS ol Ci'y ft 1 - ' f'-r ' o i sowercr, by tLe ese ef V. '.eri reel U.uatm always fparee ue oeiy I or ins itran spoo , nt Meserves the rymsaeuy ef ber form. , J ... . r frWfld everceoaea all the tUrref of ciXA-tirth, and carries the sxpecttct mother asiejy throegb. (KU arirJcal eariod vrUhaot eel. It tt woman's rreateet b) easing. .ThoasandaxtefaUy M ef the ea el uus wonaenos redy. I3cld by a3 , J 1 4rurit atlpo ettle. - Oar little - i- i- j book, tellbf all ahoot ' Ihie liniment, wd be To The Democratic Voters of -The City of New Bern: i ; 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination as Chief Of Police of the City of New Bern, to succeed myself, subject to the Primary ; to be held on the 17th. of April -. I desire to express my appreciation for the sup port, of my many friends, which I have received in the past, and to pledge my- eelf to a further faithful , discharge of the duties of the office of Chief of Po lice. , ' : . ! J. M. HARGET. To The Democratic Voters of the City of New . Bern, I respectfully take this means of, an nouncing myself as a candidate for the position of Chief of Police of the City of New Bern subject to the will of the voters at the primary. If elected I pledge myself to enforce the laws with out fear or favor, and to perform all the duties of the office to the best of my ability, and I shall greatly appre ciate the votes and efforts in my be half, of all Democrats in the coming primary. Respectfully, SAMUEL M, HOWARD- To The Democratic Voters of the City of New-Bern. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Chief of Police of the 7 . . ' budjoci hi uie rn- imary to ne new Apm inn., ana i ear- neatly solicit the votes of ail my friends Should I be elected to fill this office, I solemnly bledcre mvself to strictly ad here to and carrv out the duties im posed upon me to the best o'f my knowl- edge and ability. Very Respectfully, C. LUPTON. Announcement I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of City Tax Collector for the ensuing term, and cordially solicit your votes at the democratic primary to be held April 17th., and I also thank you for your generous sup port In the past. . Your obedient servant, JOHN J. TOLSON, Announcement I hereby armouncs myself a candidate for the position of Water aV Light Commissioner, subject to the primary to be held April 17th and respectfully ask the support of the voters in thia ef fort Respectfully, F.P.AVERY. To The Democratic Voters of The City ef New Bern; j I take this mean of thanking the Idtisens of the first ward foe offering my name as one of their eaadUatea for alderman, and declining same. - Having read Mr. Wm Dunn's declination to be a candidate for Water Light Com missioner, have decided to ask the Democratic voters for their eufferage, at the primery to be held April 17th, 1908. My promiss tothem If elected as Water Light frunlttlooeT it simply I , faithful performance to duty and aa ndeavor to assist the other member ef the Commission to a successful ad ministration of the affairs, pertaining to Water A Lighto. , . V v " i Respectfully, : -' -.;VV'-.r J;; BrJ, CUIOK,, "CsndldslesJPsf JslWiri.-V The eitiiena of the First Wasd rlsh to announce aa candidstos .foe Alder men, the inamee of A. H. Bangert and J. E. Smith, 'J - AnnounsemsnL -. ' The eitisena of the first ward en- aMim fnr aldvrmea the names of theljoho a Whltty and Lewie 0. Daniels. Candidates For ZnsWirs. . The elliiTii ef the eacond ward wiah te innxir- rrv! UUe ft aklrm the hrrva of C W. Wn trev and U U lv. i, B. iJrwxm, II. H. l!nf.k Cand'.di!e' Thirl Wird. TK fiam.a nf J. B. U' 'and and TVa 1 V..u -hr!i mill be vm-I for M alWr itimi (if tS a 1 '"'I " I ! . .1 s -: 1 ,r 3'i Ws.4. Si I ar f r ' 1 l' ' i'it n.l o A I tl' -a . f ('. i: I ftrr ww.aa certtt ahapely, pretty fgra, ad j many of the so depiort the om of tbair rirli forme after marriage.' The bearing f children iaoftea deetreetive)' tai the another's shapeliness. All ef tbia aa U avoided, Friend -beigr beby cecaee, ae tkJa benefit and .relict derived from Use V f- '." S - a- w W : Aldermen for 5th Ward. i. The citizens of the 5th ward wish to announce the names as candidates for aWermen,C i McCarthy and W. A. Mc intosh. Candidates for 6th Ward. We the citizens of the 6th ward wish to announce for aldermen the names of E. T. Hollowell and El W. Simpkins. Candidates For 6th. Ward. The citizens of the Sixth Ward wish to announce as candidates for Alder men the name of I. L. Cosby. THE ENCORE. It Orltrlaatew. I Fraaee la ta Sevea tweatk Ceatary. Hie beainnlng of the encore dates back to some time between 1045 and liuu, proDaui auoui aoou, wueu u;uis XIV. demanded the repetition of cer tain parts of an opera. The opera was by Corneille, Fontenelle and Bolleau, which was sung before his majesty, and the king was so pleased with cer tain parts that be asked to have them repeated. It took fully a century for the ordinary opera goers t ft. obtain the kings prerogative for theclselves. It came about In this way: Gluck had produced an opera which bad been a failure; but, having rewritten the worst parts, he produced it again. One or two songs were accepted by the nu dleuee with applause, and one in par ticular was demanded a second time. The most remarkable encores on rec ord are those which were insisted upon by the late klug of Bavaria. Before he was known to be Insane, when merely thought eccentric, be had plays per formed before him as the sole auditor, the curtain rising at mldnlKht If he liked the play be Insisted on having It repeated at once. But, unlike most en core fiends, he paid liberally for them. Though our word "encore" Is adopt ed from the French, they themselves do not make use of It In this connec tion. Tbey call "Bis, bis," and obtain a repetition. New York Herald. THE RUSSIAN ICON. It la Slamalr a Rallajlaaai Pletara Bleaae ar a PrlMt. An Icon Is simply a religious picture, generally of little artistic merit, and the subject usually represented Is ei ther a Russian saint, some erent In the life of Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary. In the Greek church, aa In other Chris tian churches, the worship of graven Image is forbidden, but no objection la made to anything reproduced on a Bat surface. Therefore Icons sre per mitred In the form of mosaics, paint. Lag, enamels or prints. Tbey play an Important part In the rsllglou, life of Ute. Russians and sre to be met with everywhere-Ill cburcbes, public offices. l private bouses and shops. A picture to become aa Icon must be blessed by a priest, and It la then regarded not on. tj aa an ornament,, trot as an accsoaory ta the worship of the Greek church. Icoae are alee worn en the person, whan they take the form of a plaque or a book with two leaves. Almost ev ery .soldier wears eoe on his besom. and when he prays be takes eut his Icon and, opening tt, kneela down be fore It aa If It were a portable attar. Every regiment-baa Its owe leoa. Which It carries a tt would carry Its tanner when the rwaimeat goes late battle. THfc PRICE OF A LIFE. I Wee rtswd Veatae the OU eagle iaeae Law. Aecerdliig te Angle-Seaea lawa, ev 1 man's life. Including thai ef the king, wee valued et a Bied price, and aay eae who took tt coold eommetd the ffteae.bjr.a aaaaay. payatant tapei Siad seals. The life ef a peasant was rerkeoed te be worth SQO shilling, (net of anas of eoble btrtb 1400 ehlincga, sad the kllHag pf king tavorred the iwgtrtde la a payaMat ef tJM ehll- It baa ben noluted eat thai the heir te tte throes reeM thee get rid ef tto eilatlng eMupsat by mardertog bla and Uaervsrtav hendlng ever the See. iryoHing te Ibe eraks, te the icbj ov, vbMi bis effMwat would be pergwd sn1 lit woo? wouM.come Jtack to Hn.aotf, for lu theas- days the eeaf r'tn rlp- all fnxw e f i raaal per qniallM. Tlicrv Is ,ry UHW dwsbt that ihr ti tnaaaa wars prrHmt ly ! I "1 Is U raa nf snan rjiTS af T.:.c "" I I" tli tyrwroaqnaat prrit IouJua Tr.h, . r v i ' t, n c r Effective Sunday, February 26th, 1905 at tOO a. m. - Eastern Standard ' , " Time. EAST BOUND. STATIONS: No. a DAILY L..Goiaboro S.45 P. M. LaGrange 4.16 ' Kinaton 4.M , Dovar 5.02 Cora 6.16 Tnacarora 6.26 Ar. NEW BEEN 5.45 " Lv. Naw Barn 6.56 P. M. Rivantale 6.15 Havdock 6.31 Newport 6.47 Ar. Morabaad Cy. 7.12 WEST BOUND. No. 4. STATIONS: DAILY Lv. Morehead Cy. 7.40 A. M. Newport 8 11 Ravelock 8.27 - " Riverdale R.42 " NO.S. DAILY 8.00 A. M. 8.62 a m " 9.27 " 8.87 10.UO 10.10 A. M. 108 10.44 11.00 11.23 No. 6. DAILY 4.30 4.67 5.13 6.29 6.45 6.10 6.32 6.44 6.58 7.20 7.42 8.10 P.M. Ar. NEW BERN 9.00 " Lv. NEW BERN 9.15 A. M. Tuacarora 9.37 Cove 9.49 ,' Dover 10.03 Kinston 10.27 LaGranpre 10.51 Ar. Goldsboro 11.20 Traina 3, 4, 6. and 6 run lai ly. P. M. CONNECTIONS, At GoldBboro: With Southern Railway and At lantic Coast Line. At Kiniton and New Bern: W ith Atlantic Coast Line. R. P. FOSTER. E. A-N1EL. General Manager. Traffic Manager GOLDSUOIiO. N. C. Administrators Notice Having this day qualified as administrator of the estate of R. C. Kehoe, deceased, all perBona hav insr claimB aRainst the ai estate are hereby noti fied to present the same duly verified to the under signed on or before the first day of March 1906 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery All persons indebted to said estate are here by requeHted to make immediate payment. This March 3rd, 1W5. C. J. MCCARTHY. Administrator. i Administratrix NotiCO Raving qualifled as Administratrix of D. W. Por ter deceased, luU-of Cravt-n county. N. C.this is to notify all persons having claims aaint the estate of said deceased to prosent them Lo the undersign ed on or before the 11th day of March I'JOti. or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to tid estate will pieaae make immediate pavment. Thia 11th day of March 1905.: VIRGINIA O. roKIElt. Administratrix.' Golds boro. N. C. Executrix Notice Having this day qualified as Executrix of the estate of Ii. V. Dinkms. deceased, all Persons having claims aminst the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified. toundcrHigncd.on or Ijefore the 2: of March lWXi.or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby re quested to make immediate payment. lhia l day of March, l!4).'j. DALLAS IIINK1NS. Executrix R. A. NUNN. Attorn, y. JEntrv Claim. NOItTll CAROLINA. Onslow County. To M. M. Tapps. Entry Taker for Onslow County. J he undersurmil ti. N Hniwn of Oniuow county. North Carolina, i nit and la i claim to the fol lowing described pi. e or parcel of land in Rich lands Township. Oris!-... t.ainly. Slate of North Carolina, the sitme Is-n y va, ant and unnpprop! la ted land, and subject to .-nlr . vix: lleirinnina at C. Simpson's line with the run of Jumper Swamp up to David Fulrals line, then lo lliyhland. then around add with the Swamp k-trk to l . Simpson'n line the beginning, coiilaii.o.t Hl.,ui six a.ies. entered the 1.1th day f Man h. Iwr. II N. 1IHOV.N. Claimant. Being Entry No. 12-1. Executors Notice Havinir thin 1av ntmlirifx a.i Kvrvntnr of the entale of Iti-U-o-a I Hilton. all peTrtofiB hst'nir la'n . aKamt t lnr -utMl entitle Art) rterrtsby wt,lied t; rts"nl the r-nrrw. .luly to the undenitfrnf. -ill or t- f-fr-thr :ath day of March 1WW, or Ihi- nl . will t ..leaded m Lr of fhejir rwovery. All ikm mth. ind.-htI iiMxIrt- taate EvTt? he7rby rrU-.t"-t to rruiko immitl imtn? jiay- Mnt- Thli 30th day of Mrrt 19U.V S A HILTON, Kkcf-utor. Entry Claim, NOKTH f'AItOI.INA. I Onsriiw (bounty. I To M. 11. CetiiR. fr,(n taker for Onslow (Vmntvr Th UfMlrntB-rpd T 11 Mrtn an.) H I- Kvllum of Otsalow Cnunlv, Nirth -arolma.r-nttn-R and la cisUm to Lh? fulrDwinir dccr 1 1 leei hirrt or iiarrl of land in Stump Sn.nd Township trn alow Omnty. North l-axMiria. the nsmr hm vacant and untp propHshlad land and auLjoct to ntry. vli. Batrtnnins in Handy Hun m thf Onakrw and PaxndtFf County line, ihfnrc running Snajtti aeutiat the) County lirVM to th main run of Shelter ( 'rk, therncw up Lh run of Shrltr ( u A. al. IVlrvra and aakJ E. H. Morl'i line, thetir- Nirthward)y ta Rad Morton ' lin to J 11 Mar antrum I in. thtjtbo eksnT Marahhum a llnat to th main run of Handy Run. thrrx- duwn Mam Hun of Sandy Hun ts tha rerxter County line- lb Lfu- uf braistolfhf. eontaJninAT 600 arrew, mur ar Um Marrhllth. ltand um tU day of January 1 T H MiiKTON. H 1.. ktl.l.t aL Netice of Sale of Valua ble Real Estate. On A aril Ih ItXA. at 12 m. 1 gem, .1 ,,uht- aMMtioa) ost Ihm pimrawa kr u I'rJerar H htvrwn and dew-ribsar in Lh plan ,4 lh 4 lt of New IWn a Ia4 N. M on hw-h itual'vj two hntaaM. frwWrtaeTw nf Gl few, and riemlh rf 141 feS TsTM f ami CAJ9H. HAM u A. H II .TON. Ixswrrtor nt the rtaut rrf KWa U Hilut. dV March wOth, ItOtv W.J' V Iff V ; AN tASTCK OrTERINa tS, a, ,9m Sw Raa, i . M Um Tm m y-a, tit m Ml al aa. W rM Htm Hi -a, 1 1 i m .t '-, M. r wM, H- rMj a I, at liMfrarwaK a. wiWi a i hm, a. al wwl parnaa, aMi mw a aw) U. fk tTats-ns A Meyta, " rheae IKS, ' . 7SSr,atL Swa, .C. 'kotice 1 naia or T- m at r-. r-., t. I 1 ... t,J aa a (aMrae raaa r', aw 4 - eea. ta a f a. "4 m a-S-atrwal - - Mtl aa atta, a, aa wa aa wf Im, turn m M hmnm, warn lainl a fMS wa atawat mm ntK ill M aaa aa, a IMMiM aaMS r " l 1 1 I (m u r- iii. . n4 m m. mm ilaakM, IWtx mm a. iwi.ta fwMMw Imi aatiaaa,,. wa naaa m aaaaai as.

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