THE JOURNAL. . i i New Bern, N.'C, April 9. 1905. LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet t Rountree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock. . Visiting Woodmen are invited. ' v t . CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONT. Meets 2nd and 4th.Wed - riesday nights in each month in Koun trees Hall, Pollock street, at .7:30 o'clock. Samuel R. Ball, President; J. H. Smith, Sec'y; R, R. HilL Financial See'y, , , c . Inlez t Hev AlTcrtlcmetts. . Notice-first Meeting of Creditors. H. G. Frank enfield Notice. Lost' 'y: '''V,;;v- House For Rent-v Ennett's Book Store Smith Premier Typewriters. S. Coplon The heart 'of the season. Howard Brothers New Store. Eaton Take Care of your eyes. Owen G. Dunn Easter Cards. Barfoot Bros Bargain Sale of Silks. Administrator's Notice. - ; New Masonic Theatre Daisy Gar land's Fortune. Simmons & Hollowell Co Special Sale. - NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Business Locals. ' LOST Small gold ladies watch -on Broad between river shore and Oaks Market. Pictures on inside cases. Re ward for return to this office. J HOUSE FOR RENT Number 88 South Front St. Inquire of B. B. Davenport JUMBO Bananas, Navel Oranges and Apples. Broad St Fruit Co. DRY KILN-Wood 50 cents, a Blades Lumber Co., Clark Mill. load. WANTED Position as book-keeper or cashier, by young lady of experience, can furnish best references. Address W, care Journal. FRESH lot of Oranges and Grape Fruit at Whitcomb's. BANANA Ice Cream today at McSor- lcy's. FOR SALE Or Charter Small Tug boat, in good condition 10x12 engine, Scotch Boiler, allowed 137 punds steam or will exchange for good Barge or Scow. W. B. Hastings, 17 Nivision St, Norfolk, Va. BANANAS 10 & 15 cents per down at C. J. McSorleys. FOR RENT A 7 room house located at 15 King street pply to R. B. Bla- lock, U6 E. Front St FORSALE-Lot 50 feet fronting on New street by 107 feet deep, W. P. Burros. EVERY DAY OUR BARGAIN DAY Yousave money to call on Gaskins Cycle Co., with your wants. Right goods at right prices, all repairs prompt y made by skilled workmen. N . UNLESS you use the Stillwell Incut: descent Gas Burner you are not getting the best light for your money. Call and see them, John B. I Tea, opposite P. O. TO KENT G Room House on New Street near Metcalf street Apply to George H. Roberta. SPECIAL NOTICE TO LADIES: A the time has coma fur patting fun and winter garments away for the summer good moth proof cheat Is tha best receptacle you can have. , 1 invito you U tnvastigato tb merits of my moth proof cedar chest. ' Guaran- taed to give satisfaction. H. A. Ep Ung ., National Avenoe, next to Jamas F. Taylor's R CANDY TOriCS-ln addition to our Una of Taffies, BriUlea, ate, wa .ta added a Ana line of Chocolates tad Boa Bom made by oar Mr. . Doff m jwb specially equipped factory at IQS m KM street ? PhoM tJk . Jamas B. Dawton. ' ' - - OLD NEWSPAPERS If eU par 100 lor saia at Journal omca. v . , r 1. B. SIMrSON has fMstehlUlMdB praasinf alob and la praparad ta pnm ' irentMnan-t tuils ally and promptly. Can at room aver UsnffASon, en UMl4 Uat or laava tha sotta at Stew - art Cllwai barW a(w rVnS Waterman's - Ideal I XsiKtM IN JtlnrU Around Jlic ' IVorld." - A lull r-or. mt ill lo oult nitj Io! fit III I r . ' . r . U. i .;.UI o SilCRT PASSING EVENTS. Do not blame the postmaster if your box at the postoffice is closed Monday night and you find your mail in the gen eral delivery. You have had ten days notice that the rent was. due and if it is not paUrit is your own neglect . e Negotiations are being made to estab lish a stove factory' here. ' Northern men are interested in the. matter and we hope to be able to give the ; public some definite information about it in a few days. It is said that it will be a very large plant tS''A .. . , -:. v .... v:'"'"5-?.":.- . We regret to learn that our friend, Mr. Jm Hall, of . Morehead. tSty, a: former resident of New Bern, and well known here is suffering from severe In juries received in a ip'y'-';- ' Black PftttL thn.famnnnenWnd oners singer wiU appear here next ;Sa'turday nigni Apru iota. sne ts to be ranked with the finest singers of the day. ' Her concert is not of the scream and rag : time variety but her program consists ; of the very choicest sketches from English, German and Italian operasV'; ' If this great and prosperous country can not afford a tetter flag than: the miserable apology that does serviee on the Federal building, ' the government should file papers of vo!untary bankr. ruptcy. ."t-.w " .. . ' Shad were selling yesterday afternoon on the market dock for 40 cents each for roes, and 20 cents for bucks. Her rings were ten cents the bunch of seven fish. Frost was reported at. Newport Fri day night which damaged beans to some extent, but how much cannot be ascertained until the weather settles Mr. Alex Hall has accepted a position in Mr. Mark Disosways furniture store. The Journal n in receipt of a letter from an esteemed subscriber at Stella eal'ing attention to a paragraph in the Swansboro letter published in issue Weekly, March 31st, which cast reflec tion on certain young men who visited Stella and returned - apparently under the influence of drink. .Some criticism of persons who would dispense intoxi cating drinks on the Sabbath. The Journal knew nothing of the facts, took the correspondents word for it, and con sidered the criticism fair and reasonable as it was made only in a general way. No personalties being used. The letter received from Stella contains strong personalties which if published would give offense. We will say, however, for the benefit of the correspondent that his inferences as to who wrote the items is certainly wrong. vThe writer was not a regular correspondent Attention is called to the advertise ment appearing in this issue announc ing the opening of new stores of Messrs Howard Bros. It is located beneath the Hotel Hazelton, next door north the office of that hostelry. The stock is complete and is a well selected line of clothing and gents and boys furnish ings. "Uncle Harry" G. Frankenfleld, of Philadelphia, arrived in the city yester day. He will play tha leading instru ment in the band during the carnival and will assist the boys in other ways. Carnival Court begins tomorrow and consists of one of tha most Important dockets ever held in Craven coui ty. Attention la called to the official an nouncement of chairman of city execu tive committee naming tha candidates who will be voted upon at tha primary election, Monday, April 17th. It wQl be well for voters to become acquainted with the law. regarding prl-1 maries as then is soma change In tha I manner of conducting them. Tha names' of candidates wiBba printed oaaaparate ballots. No person may east a vote for his ward. J Th. dn m.'mUult . tdsv -m h. r T,ff. A .-A n . A. ar loara. -S V. . " r . , andhlth follow fts im. B eanla. Mr.'Jamea k. Bryan placed Iron gates For sale by F. S. Duffy. : ' -to tha brick walk sorivuadmc kit 1 ' ; - ,' - 1 premlsaa yesterday. " t Why suffer wu spring tirednca. ' ii w " Iai .'Jj A lUgbt f waa M4kad tday awming. Itlsotb.lWvJ thsttrock waa Injure Tha temperatora tt loriyoagraaa. ; ,v ; , , . , JJJTtZ. ZZT4 v r-- , .... Ifr. W. T. lini has Wud tnvtutkua te phoMogrsnh raritel at hlsifora Mow day alght Tba racords sm4 will b Uwsaaf tha AprOHsC. ( Tha achooiwf Arradia, Capt P. T Bntt, hrh wu m'td mWtrg ha shown up with all k.rxU sfs Tha A rfll aaJWd from hrt 'tt$nm' paint .In ) ' Pamlko emsnty, and Lading with con trary and strong'winds was blown off her course taking harbor in Slocumbs creek. A boat from Swansboro which arrived here yesterday reported speak ing to Arcadia and that all was well. Al signs point to "a continuation of the celebrated Dewey case, which is on the docket this week,-instead of haying a trial at this court. .; ..... : ' '., .. ... I Mr. McDuffy Miller and Miss Hepsie Carter were united in marriage . last evening at the residence of Mr. Thomas Cappe. x , ' The '.'Country Store" began business last evening and had magnificent trade. Their receipts were $50. , '. rThe local amateurs will appear ; fine comedy at the theatre tomorrow ; night ' The proceeds of the play is o te for the benefit of the basket ball gy f.l , it y, . The Goveror" W Eaoach. "Ctarlcs, have yon ever considered soins isto rniy misraessr ; n "Xatr.- , 1 no governor waniea me to Vist'.yenttv:.BUt I tall mm. uonteuer- KhiTv.' it was enousb tohave one trjdesmnu lu the family .?-Ju33e. The renc'Uei't rnJ surest way to g tit of ewism-Is to correct oureelvs.- THEY COME AND GO. Mr. Ralph Davenport left yesterday for Richmo..d, V a., to attend the An derson-Lynn marriage. Mr. J. L. Kearny, who has been spending the winter in this city, left for Perth Amboy, yesterday, but re turns here next fait" Capt D. R. Williams and wife, and children of Goldsboro are guests of Major S. D. Pope. Mrs. D. W. Patrick, of Snow Hill, is in the city visiting Miss Myrtle Pope. Messrs, R. P Foster and M. Manly of Goldsboro were in the city yesterday. Mr. J. S. Morton of North Harlowe was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Thos. D.' Warren of Trenton is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. H Guion. ' Mrs. T. H. Moore returned y ester day from a visit with relatives in Km- ston. The Phenomenal Growth of One of New Bern's Leading" Mer chants, and the Way They Succeeded. You can remember1 five years ago, when this firm occupied a amall store across the street, with scarcely no stock, but with I sure foundation of honest goods at honest prices, for instance the same gold filled watches you had to then pay $25 to $30 for, they sell for $10 to $15 also you paid $1.60 for cleaning your watch, or main-spring, they put the price at $1.00, also you had to pay 25 cent for a hand or glass; they put the price to 10 cents each, and wa have abundant evidence that they now stand between tha old high' price and the public today. Under the careful agement of J. O. Baxter this business has grown to be one of the largest la Eastern North Carolina of Its kind, be- J cause of an appreciative public, of fine goods at lowest consistent prices. J. O. BAXTER, Leading Jeweler. Cksnse your system of aU Impuritias this avaita." Now Is the time to take HoUlster'i Rocky Mountala Tea. It will keep you well all summer. $6 cants w r- 1tj ' ForU" maate la tha ty D at th Coast Ltoa Meat Mar- ' i . .. Don't-Ut thachikiro(Ir. If they wfratfuL paarta and croat, give Holuatert Rocky MouaUla Tea. -1.1 UbTto mmK tnm Vlr- tfangth, a .pput Hotllster'a Rocky MounUla T.S wiU mak yoa weU and km m. wtn, if Tai orTablaU. Foraala by f. JJ. Duffy.-' ' ' ' - ou Carriage ralnt'Mada. WlB ww M katg as Davoe'a. Na oih- an are as kvy kodiad, Uoum Da Voe a watjcht te I minces mate to U pint Bold y E. W. Jlmaltwood and aa J. C WWtly Ca ' Fl Vaal and Drtaand O0ckoa at Co Ur Vl Writ " ' lea Crm today at MrSorUry'e. 1 1 1 ifirf.--r .... r-inr ..).;! S f ' I V r Uemys Pharmacy. 127 Middle St. Full lino of Drugs,Hed icines, Toilet Ar tides and Soap. ?'; ' Fresh . 'Supply 6, Flower - Seeos. .- Pli THlclatiS Prescrip A ilous JL Specially. - Our stvles the handsomest Our Qualities the best Now is the time. Here is the place to order your Spring Suit F. M. Chadwick MeckleDbarg LitMa Water aod WiMn Calcium A Great Bargain Sale oT Fine luesaay There is a little story connected with the purchase of these $ silks at so low a price, but to malje the story short, they were con signed to one of the best firms in the city. Were lost in transit but finally traced and found and bought by us from the Railroad Compa- nv nf a crrpnt Innfl. "ST YL.4- 4f In the lot is, Fancy Taffettas, Tussar and Shantung Silks in beautiful designs for Easter Waists. A Great Opportunity. See window display and come early. The May Patterns are here, fashion sheets for the asking. : BARFOOT BROS. . EDM SIM v . :- . of Dess Goods and Silks, at Wehaye gone through bur entire fctock of Dress aoods and nilks, and taken out all ehort on sale today. ' You will find bargains for both old and young as some of the pieces contain ncugh to make a waist or skirt. Be on hand early as the best things are always the flratlto We will divide them 50o ayard. . Lot No I contains all to 76c " epclal at soc. ; . ,Xot No 2 contains aU goods worth IromTSc to $1.00. Special at 60c , ; ; ;. V.'n l ;".v. rr- ivc r t!':-;--! rrvt nnauncemt. , ' . I take this method of annous; , cingto the Ice Consumers of ' New Bern that I am cand- ' date for tha office of lee Deal- -; ar. 'If I am elected I pledge : ; myself to servo yon promptly f any time day' or night if lam S -called on. ' ' . J , "Vepy Eespeeifuily, ' .7 ' , H. E. ROY ALL, ' - Broad Street Fruit Covf HOLLISTCR : - Rocky Mountain Tea Nucgets : ' ". a Buy tUdidx ftjr Buy Pwpit, '' . Siisgi Oddta Blta sal Etstwai Tlfor. a peifle CorOonatlnaUoii, tnaiftw&oa. Lire na Kklne. Trouble, rlmptes, EcMnu. Impur latxt, Bid Bimth, Slumlsb Bow4s, Huich ml Uncksche. It's EocVy Mountain Tea In lab t form, 9 oaota a box. Genuine made by louietsa Dfeoa Ooaranv, Ibdlaoo, Wia OLDEN NUGGHTS FOR SALLOW PEOPfJE Chloride Water oa sale at Davis' Pharmac Silks t cviommg T4rY4fnC. 4 4 .(In black ana coioij lengths and place same la two Lots at 25 and . v'"-- goods worth from 60c la l.iru"i t J.Iprncnt Of r.ov I'tfj'-rcl to help t:. t: ..-ill rtooa bo rniKuiai.nes4'saneiw Slot! &A0VOE NEW YORK agents Tor Schloss Bros and Hart, fchaflaet and Matx cehbrated ready -tn-wear c'oihins A call will convince you that it is unnecessary to go to a tailor to gi a perfect lit. J. G. DUNN & CO., Ph ne 213 VT?TTTTTTTTTTTV?TVTTTTTT eV RtVEHSIDESTQ.l I'll ii 2 Itf Fox River Print Butter Hf.c Iti California Navel O.angca, larnc, 35c doz California Navel Oranges, medium 25c doz Best New York State Irish pota toes 30c peck Best Sweet Potatoes 20c peek Best 20c Coffee, 2 .b for S5c Nice Large Banan as 2:'c doz Best Cream Cheese, 17c lb Ro&Rtpd PeRnnt-H. Itest P.Rr npfk r Raw Peanuts, best 3Ue peck Best Portorico MoIasscsSTh' iral Best Powhatan Syrup 35c gal. F'orhome use, Apple Cider 2;Vqt Maryland Country Ham, 15. Ih. Cabf ages, Black Eyed Peas. Pig Feet, Tripe, Corned Beef and sliced ham. Apples Rippino, Large Green Baldwin, Large.Red.'lO and Mic peck. 1 lb Rumforda Powder 25c can. No city taxes to pay and can sell goods cheaper than else where. Give us a trial and oblige, Your Very Ti uly, L. B. IIAHICHT, Proprietor. i ri I A XI I A eJ J . L. 1 M YJ A MANAOKIU i VAAAAAAAAAAAi S A A 4 A A 4 I " Notice ! Have just recehea fresh car load Ameri can Wire Fece; same will be sold at greatly reduced rate. Come and see me before buying. E.W. Small wood J L. HARTSFIELD, Coat uclor uikI lluildrr. OmCE 93 I ! MIDDLE ST. P ONE ?.I8. A satisfied customer is the best rrcornmendalion, lckiw ii iiomcof tb build irujs erected by me in New Bern. Dr. R. D. V. Jones, Residence. U w. Yaionir 0xr )Ioom. A. A N. C R. R. Storage Hoimo. K r Mcd, Gusno WsreKouM. O. Marks A Son Store. 1 , Streets' ntorv, (4 itory) Would be glad to have my one inspect ui work as it goes up. Special Floor Oil 40 . per gal y - Spring has rome and you w mt something to brighten up and beauuy tb home, . ' We have Kurfacltj tnd a ful. line of beau tiful and durable varclihes. HEATH AD MIKlKiAM AND MASLHV PA I SR. Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co v '! noons, white r.fmt,, rMliP.ritrirRirA Mrt.s. CA RT1T3, MATTlWa, Rtrti.1 ANl HOUf l.HOl.D C'ODS "t - 'jf f-l !mi4 In All n. rilh ftW sM eHIwnWf I'lmUiM fa-r V't 'i it 41 f'.lWk Mrt, fjpn.jt p,0 (i(T, aiiil mv ; f t , Ken .!! r! n! lsin Sttnif tJ stand : !;:! ?mart Styles IN- Spring Suits. wltU'll will 11 p e I to nil Wen ofTst. Round and S quart i ut Suits wilh nr wkb out ihB est, from $P.iCl a . a tin i' it i -' 55-57 Pollock St. A l CHURCH ON EASTER SUNDAY rvc: y r.-in rot only wanti to look hip "t. I ut If l us I I Witur Iran any othT mar. If yt u hVJ yc in- Kn.-.h r rlu! hit u made by Cia w. k vuill have ihi rciismi to k ten t ar.y del ail oj your p -en u! Hpini uiifi h'le th 8tle, ( ut and flt uf yitui t ui hum w ill be urnuriaa. cd. F. 11. ( HAIMVIJK. Planting Cotton Seed I liave fur sale a limited quantity of Prolilic Cilt"ii Seed, selected stock, price VTic ncr bushel, including hags, ca h v ill. iinlc-. 1 paid $1.25 p'r bush rl f..r rr.y ;;ci d in Mwlluio County, S i 1 1 v'i, pIim.'. I have used them (tn fHiiiii i I uid and prtHi jced more thttn li'rti ii s hut (olNin -r acre in 5 foot Ji'ilN' J. PRITCIIKTT. I'.-H.K-l.sville, N. C. For Yotif Eas ter Suit IT WILL I'.W Vol' ID SKK A. BLOCK M KIJi'll ANT TAIIX)P. ' ! f .( i V New Hem, N. M1IL aUrMIlt 4( aaS faM tl.

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