PEIiHYRDYAOPltLSSSl ii .or and! banish "pains of menstruation." They are JJFI3 SA-VlilW" to girla at womanhood, aiding development of organs and' body. No known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm -life becomes a pleasure. $1 W PEK VOX B"MAIU Sold Sold in New Bern by P S Duffy HOTT8 V lyon's French Period"! caLDions Strictly vegetable, perfectl t harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known lema.e remetly. Pri m. J1.S0 per bottle. ParlTIM! Bawaranf eouoterfeli anil Imitations. Tlie gecutnn tt --it a oiit In rjte hne - Ix. VMIMIUN too vtth fac-rimil ftiiroaiur un viJo "1 i in, Un-Jiv thus d L-'ju.. fcoatci a.oUar u WU.I.UMd Alt'd. oo, tkae acuis. cibvuUd.' ;ina "" Sold by DaVVIS PHARMACY SOME FBEAK STAMPg ERRORS THAT 'CAUSE PHILATELISTS - ; TO JUMP' FOR JOY. Y VONICS ? HERITAGE Til AND VSTEIF I 1 X571. MOTT'S M B to NKIlv rHIWBJ XIXiTS The great remedy for norvous vrnrtratioii all d s of tho Kneratil organs of iiU r anx, suth as Nervous I'rusirntKia, Fulling or Ixwt Maoliooa. Ininoiency, NipLuly Kuilv.sions, Yomiiful Errors, Mhui.i1 Worry, oxcRHSive ls of Tobacco or Opium, wtueb. luuii (Vn.';umin.iou ard Jnsiniiy. With csry Moid a", si.uu per box AFTFR IKINft order we r?uaauu:e to sure or ihv. money, , boxes for $6.0U. T. A. I O N E S Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange S T -A-RLF f I- M m ggaj&f CBBB UB9D cr7r Jl f 4feOlk Lawest sod Beast stm k of.llorses and M'i f i ter offered tor lain In Newbern A car lead of Ii Jus i". Al i s a ii'r'e'e Hie of BiiRgios, Wagons, ILrnrss, Holns. Wh,.K,Crl Wheel", Ktc J. JOIMES, RiiqqpII HniiQP I Ernest M. Green, I IUOOGII IIUUOU.! Attorne, & ...i ntelnr at Lew. BEAU POUT, N. C, Centrally loonUd. All thnrli-li-oaoiiM of tho RearioD. Well venti lated rooms, Good ned, Phone con venienoca, PoPte and attentive Her Tants. Itutm tl 60 r day . Special and liber lei ma by week or mouth. G. A. RUSSELL rirlvr. Attorney & ( oiint-elor at Law, l'HonHT.. NBW HKliN, N. C Wtill equip d in smrrli titles by reason of many war- eioerience In the office land ' Register of Heeds- Practices Id the Courts of Craven, Jones, I 'ami ice Cr.rtset, n h 1 1 w, or wimrerer .service am fej-ilrn.! THE RhQIMRKMrNTS MKT The people have an eye to thine: convenient, comfortable and cheerful. Having fitted up our hanking rooms to meet these requirements, we cordially invito you to call and insiect. Citizens' Bank .riO,oon.oo $27,000.00 $ar.,ooo.on txu. ( SKYMOUIt W. HANCOCK Attorneyat Law. IT" Will practice in tate and Federal Courts. O If ice I i ted 5t. cur Capita) Surplus and l'mflta I posits ASMtl T. A. Ghken, President E. H. Meaoowm, Vice-Proaident. T. A. Utuux, Cashier. ICE IH IUIU(T Books Onatalalai eoooori 'or H00 lh f lea as 10 lb. con poos, valu.. as wfll to aald to easloavHS at a disc-" t It ir osat.' a 0 will toy 4.00 worth of U't ' to I proeared, eltaw from drlirr ul vhu o froaa Us l 1 ClilO" NOTICE! W wart evnry man And woman In lh UtittfHl lstati's luttrrwitd In the enra o4 Opluin, WhlHkry or othnr drug b&bltft, li hor for thomrnlTon or friends, to hmi inmnf )r. Won! ley' book on tboM dl fu. Wrltn Dr. MM. W uollny, AtlaVDta Uta,. 1VOX ZST.IUiaODewmtMMUtyOBffM Wood Turning ! Columns, Ilwlunters, Rails, Spindlea, Slair Newels, Ramps and Eaalea, Man tles, llrackeU. GrilU. Ric-Rack Trim- mings. I'orrh and I .awn Swing, Bash, IVwrsand Screens made to order en short notice. I'orrh lialustcrs f, i, 7 and 8 rents each. J. .11. IIFCJIMTEC, Kartorj . Church Alley, New Bern, N C New Bern Jce Company. ExvKntora Notice sWs sot ' as Mm a- arc; I 1 1 It HOttm. -m-mi. tH km IM Ito MM m I lit Iks P , ar ill i is i w ea m W U- ana r is i a Mas. via ui w ! .1 , i i (IMmmx. AH i iiiHiIIiSxHm. awssaawiai mm m I i lnl PT- A PAIN IN THE SIDE vstoMSisM i m " i 'y Wmk laet, laa jT I 3-1 tofa, ate I lea I isr af atn Has A. Mlt.TOW. t Paints and Oils Ounr, Pistols, Hazort, B elisors and Pocket -' Cutlery. Shells nd Cartridges, feotvxalrwl U fsal PpUinliJ - h oyxmUutv-Uf lSm la 4t -BA8H, D00R3 AK1) ELISDS A SPKClALTf. 4 la-a-. PS I eaa rr , m ' 1 . The Craaa Aaaeauc Cwltoctara raw the FMSwaatoat at aaaapiM at tUaaeare " Maae ky Vaele aaa'a antraaa of aravtaa ausal FrtattiasT.. . About the only freaks of great value mouufuctuied by tile government ore misprinted postage stamps, the value of oue of these sometimes running up into the thousands. There hi nothing more dear to the eotlector than these errors In printing; and, too, there is nothing wlilch causes a tornado - of trouble quicker' in the bureau of en graving and printing. Au error Is gen erally a costly thing lu this depart ment It means that whoever is re gpougible for the mistake must get out nuil hunt another Job. The work Is too linuortunt to permit of carel&jsuess. Au error produces a freak stump, but . It also produces a vacancy, ofteu more, lu the r:uiks of the employees of the de- i partment. But the collector, the phi- latelist, la happy, for he gets a prize or i the water. Any aud every thing In the way of a stamp which varies a hairs' breadth from the correct design In a frenk, anil ' there U always a heated race by the stamp fiends to secure one of these. ' Usually these errors, and they are not made often, am detected before many of the stamps, fttra pai In circulation, and when only a few get out the collectors are ready to pay fancy prices for one of the prises. Borne few collectors la bor under the Impression that "every man has his price," aud the sum of 120,000 was offered the head of the bu reau a few years ago If he would have issued a half dozen sheets of two ceut errors. Of course no consideration whatever was given to the proposition. and the get rich quick philatelist saw bis plans miscarry. Some very valuable freak stamps were Issued In 1868, when a series of stumits was Issued In colors. The series comprised denominations from 1 cent to 80 cents. The 15, 24, 80 aud 00 cents were printed In two colors. On these the central picture was print ed Inverted, and the error was detect ed. Today any of these freaks will bring from $000 to $800 each. The frenk two cent pan-American series of stamps which turned up In Buffalo, N. Y, lu the year of the Rain bow City exposition, 1801. are now rat ed at $55 each. Only a few of these got In circulation before It was discovered that the railroad train In the center of the stamp was upside down. It Is like ly that thousands would have been sold had not a geutleman who had purchas ed ten stamps discovered the error and forthwith wrote the bureau of en graving and pr luting notifying the of ficers. He doubtless thought he was doing a good service for the govern ment, and doubtless he was, but the stamp collectors denounce him as a chump of the rankest type. The gen tleman gave away several of the stamps he had bought. While a large number of the stamps with the Invert ed train of cars were sold before the error was detected, there are only six of these freaks which can be account ed for, the other stamiM having per haps served their purpose without be ing discovered as belonging to the val uable freak family. It la altogether reasonable to suppose that the stamps were affixed to letters and the en velo(es destroyed. If any sheet of er ror stamps other than that sent to the Buffalo office was ever sent out, the fact has never ban known at the bo real, aud It la not likely that the mar ket will ever be glutted with this freak stamp. During the winter of 1880 a sheet of the ordinary one coat stamps, with the word "Guam" printed across the face. slipped through with "Qnam" upside down. These stamps were printed for the use of the Island, and collectors hsve searched far and near for them. Only a few bare been secured by the collectors, and they bring stiff prices. The people of Own know but little about the value art on such freaks by the stamp col lectors. IUrk ta the seventies), when the gov eminent used It pwa distinctive set of stamps for the several departments. aa error was made by the bask note company which tbea aekjthe contract for making the etamae. The regular color edoptaA by the navy Aepartmeat blue. A sheet of the two rent de- aeaimatiof was ptinted ta griaa, sad the freak has now a market value of about MS eeefc. Taw sata, la btue. la worth tveaty ttawsa Its fare value. One col lector eras fortaaate enough to eoraer the market by getting eeaaloa of a sheet f four stamps mt the CMtMaussa' aerlee which waa prtnUd by as Maae ta etoel Mae when ft right rotor nheeju hare beea nrtra marine ntoe - We f R at Its fare tatne, sad wtoa H waata to dispose ac one M eta reMny get gaa. iare are uwmnnw aw roar vans- able freak stars, bet (ha errors ef Oaf bareaa noaravtog and ihrtaitng hare htm remarkably few, alJir tog the fanes -hewer tt absent a stamps taraea te every year. Wm beet aft- toeag printed nM throng I as an er more beads before II la ready far the Meek vaaM. aad to- aperture aa4 esjaeera ftre always an. r errors la nrtaoaav- at .; The sardine Ashing that year -was very poor, and famine reigned in Brit tany. At the accounts f the sad stories of the misery aud distress of the peasants Parisian society .became quickly interested, and fairs and ba saara were instituted for their relief. It was after one of these last that the Countess de Monteiac, one of the leaders in the social world, a widow and without children, was seized .with the desire to go herself and distribute the money she bad worked so zealously to acquire. Accordingly one beautiful mornlug, accompanied by her maid, the countess took tie train for the very center of the famine country. Alas, the news paper accounts had not been exag gerated, aud the cotiuteas' heart achej as she went from ona tireless hearth to another, the cries of the hungry chil dren ringing lu her enrj. She would not wait for Hie happy smiles that sprang out at tho f.isht of the batik notes which she tucked In the mothers' hands nor would she listen to a word of thanks. With a kls;) for tho littlest babv Mme. de Moutezac hurried on. scattering the fold n; d mouey from I Douarnenez to Anilurne, feeling that I none of her social triumphs had given her so great a joy. Hut all pleasures come to nn I tit Joy of the h lUfr.uSi. for w-t'nn it no hap pinr . i rs compete M,.w sweet Uie pRuurr iA nj .L.-, ange.s smile at and comnecJ taa thoughts and a.pirrrions of the ini.tiicr bending ovt. the cradle. The ordYal thiwuh wULli tho expectant mother must pass, tow aver, is so full of danger an J suffeiiny that be looks forward to the h ur when the ih.-dl fee the exquisite thrill of tnotherhooc' with indescribable dread aad fear. Every woman should know th. t the danrr, pain and horror of chlfd-birth can be entirely avoided by the nee ci Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment for external una only, which toughens and readers puaoia au inn pans, ana assists nature la Its sublime work. By its aid thousands f women have passed this freat crisis in perfect safety and without pain. Sold at bottle by argista, Our book of priceless value to all women sent free. Addre.s 11. 'Hi. l'..l,S i. .i.oi. i a i.oo per m rs n rza m n en. 1 STA'l:i. ' l.v i;. ., Ar. .. Journalism and Fairness. Collier's for April 15 discusses its own fairness as a journal by saying: l!ri ;kbats anil Rouquts eomo to a newspaper as an expected part of the day's work. The censure which we re ceive is more likly to treat of our lack of sense, but it occasionally takes up tlie ourslion of fairness also. Although end the article cn "The Newspaper Shell MnikatMla t4 Umfi iiili ar M a awa tM n 14 nJi4 as n la llwnlta. 1iM ealafal itmmJk ea4 rms W m mm t . - aaveam atW eSh " WrM-W 4 rm ' visresjai m hm4 1 tsaaL g imm a m mmui 1 nadWavaaaV. anaator, fbal fen rn rard year elefae aa naaafe ! man." , 1 aW It weald be yaat ilka aim to pat swafed iM lara rrU's avidiaee at 0i grat terivatv ef auar.MUv ge teawrd-UrraVt . Msklag h ta areata rhaa saaklag nvtogtitMiffe Tnbaa, . ; f. m. Itowaas.- ' S t, fara. ATTORRIT AUD rCODBSCLORI AT LAW. fflU Hnned armaa firm ) H.mrm4 Mirny ef M, (alna TUtt f. , fce) ftmi'h Try Ktwt, aitto . (Miitaka. IVatWtn (Y' ef Cravan, fHirlio, Jm, 0W.w ( rirri, f -- lio aft kfto. Vn t Powi mrA Vi mr) i .iri, ar4 rf mvw-vv a tnrtJatATtC TAINS QUICK LT EC-' urvtrx ' The etrrnrUting patna tharetortl ef Hwewtatwa sM viatira era etivkly wtWv4 by fT'!4 (mliUln's Tsla Balm. T graat pahl r!Vrirg pnwar ef LK Hr-mtmi rwe t t f pTi an I it' V i f t' r.f mnffmm are. T1- 1 k r f f f -i Kwl( U a . m ' - . S r- - f i I a r . i and ns the countess reached the polut of renmarch tlio found, to her regret, that her bag was empty. Sending the maid to order the carriage for her re turn to the nearest station, Mme. de Montezac walked slowly aloug the ocean path, rejoicing In the clear sun shine aud listening to the roar of the waves as they dashed furiously against the cruel rocks. A childish laugh made her turn her head. Near her on the rock below a little girl was playing merrily, her red skirt and golden curls flying In the breeze. "What a beautiful child," thought the youug countess. "There must be s great many happy mothers In the world!" She sighed as she spoke. Tnuslng, she watched the little girl jealously as she danced fearlessly from one rock to another. Suddenly n cry of horror broke from the lips of the countess. The child had slipped on one of the steep rocks and bad fallen Into the raging waves below. She will he lost lost!" exclaimed Mine, de Montezac. Bui her cry had been heard. A man, wiinkhil and bent, with long gray hulr, was coining rapidly down the road toward her. In his hand he curried what seemed a bundle of old clothes, aud, lis he turned to scale the rocks. he hell It out to the c.iuntcMM, who look It Instinctively. Will you keep it for me a minute, lady?" lie asked In a low, gentle voice. "IndeHl, I will." she replied. "Oh. do you think you can save the child ?" IVrhaps, with the help of iod, madam." He had thrown off his rough vest and shoes as lie siHike and lu nil Instant was In the water. There there to the right!" crlisl the coiiiitcss' bh the child's nsl skirt showed clearly for an lustaut lieneatli the waves. The llrct ui was swimming ns only a sailor (-ii li nwlin toward the little girl, but cadi (line he reached her the surf would catch her nud curry her far be ynnil his reach. "Merciful heaven, grant there lie not two drownctl Instead of one!" gasped Mine, de M'jiitcznc. wntctilug lu hor ror the liiKspial struggle. "All. he hns her now no yes-thin time he has reached her. But can he save her? Ills strength must lw ex hnuHtcd- will no one come?" As If In ninncr a young man brinlicd past her crying "Hold hird there. 1 aUier Tvonl"! 1 am coining!" The ol.l man lunde our nui'reme ef fort II iMIuu the fainting child alsiv the wstcr. he struggled to kcp aflont until be could give her to the new comer; then, his duty done, be fell back exhausted lu the waves and diaappear ed forever. "Oh, poor mm, ioor man!" aohbed the coonteM, her eyea blinded with team. "How nobly snd aliuplr b gara his life for that of another " A group of men and women had al ready go 'herd on the rllff, and aa the child waa g'on to her sobbing ootber a murmur of tender ay tn pa thy waa beard. "But Hie old man! Can yon forget hire so eoooT" cried aim, de alonte aac, turning to tnxa. h paused midway with th words still on tor Irpa. Before her the pea aata. men and women, were kneeling, facing the tiracharona ocean that eper kWd atlll In the Hear sunshine, "Out of the itopthe-ourof the depths we cry to the, O LordT they rhaatad aoftty. Tar roantm knelt irtth there. TO tor anr.irtse, tlie bundle la bag a ran stirred, aal aba heard a tow cry. If letOy open ing It. alaie. de MenUwae saw loalde Mny l-abe, wboae eyea as Ihey lonaed up Into ben rfOertPd the color of tbea of the oW maa when be bed aald. "Keep It fir ma a mootewt. madam." A moment f Tlmo enough to give bit Ufa for saeiher tire enough t die a berol "My Mmda." aald It ewnateaa aa. tbetr prayer Inlahrw. the pamats ree froai Owrr kneea. 1aa this baby a pemrU but the eU man Wto) baa laet perfcawd a brarrty r . "Ka, lady," Bewared hvsa wba bad bmrghi the tilkl edt ef the wsiV "Pera Ttaale waa the graadfsftoe. The father and mother both ar dead ' the eooirleaa tamed . toward tto eaawn, . T-re Treat." ah aald Softly, "yea sanded fmtt ewly tuaeaie to ate for masiHiiL I anrept th befit r and ton guard N tba rt of my f." OereUad fTela fMaier. , .- , ' Far l Wk DlgNfiM. He asedw-ine raa rpW '""d boi Cbamberlala's fUwh an4 lev Tab lets HI help yo to ! sH ymif fmi. It U not ! r,rVtfmt f taVea that gtvea atrer'h end f ta tK ryvtenj, bvt t ammt 4 j"td aM a:.m;iat HI If lfi! M ; i S wi d jmlina, aVei'l fid In r!ra t . Tn1 s Ir'al. T5-f i-'-" tfT''tt t-y 1 ' r r r , 7 ' t r- t f i a q r i r . . i , ; . i ji- j i r. n. I "r uame was punuslieu almost a year nRO, an irate reader has just sent in hn opinion that "when it comes to blackguardism or hypocrisy, you can probably give Mr. Hearst or any other man cards and spades. You are cer tainly it." Our own opinion is that we are rather exceptionally fair. Let us : take examples. Some very brilliant articles have been sent to us about the danger to health caused by unhygienic methods of the Beef Trust. In order not to run any risk of wronging that aggregation, we engaged Major Seaman to go to Chicago, and his first report 1 will appear next week. In the same ' issue will appear a lucubration by Mr. 1 Hapgood, filled to overflowing with the effort to decide just how much of a liar Thomas W. Lawson is, what his char acter is, and what good he is accom plishing; although it would be easier and pleasanter just to make good copy of his absurdities. We look utxn our selves as, in this one respect of search for truth, extremely moral. We may htve most of the other sins extant, but for the effort to get at all the truth we can, irrespective of the interest of any class or any persons, we really deserve a little praise. Resolution of Thanks. WHEREAS, The officers and Brethren of St. John's Lodge, No. 3. A. F. & A. M., New Bern, N. C, realizing that the great improvements upon their property are due to the un remitting efforts of our present Wor shipful Master, Thos A. dreen, as Chairman of the Building Committee and Brother Owen II. Ouion, for his aid assistance and odvice, also to the Bk ill and assiduity of Brother H. W. Simpson, whose architectural know ledge and ability enabled him to so beautifully re-ronstrurt our building, deaire that the reconlB of this Ixidge shall bear upon their pages a permanent testimonial of our appreciation and es teem. Therefore be it RESOLVED, That to Worshipful Master Thomas A. Green, and Brothers Owen H. Gulon, H. W. Simpson and W. S. Gaskina, as well aa to Brothers Thomas Daniels W. A. Mcintosh. F. ! M. Hahn, H. W. Simpson, O. H. Guion : J. E. Latham, O. Marks, L J. Taylor, Jv S. Basnight, and Jaa Redmond, con- stituting the Building Committee, whoso entiring efforts aided ao materially in the successful operation of the reso lution of this Lodge, we extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks for their invaluable work so bratiufully dorie, in the re-modeling of our Masonic Build ing, assuring them that our gratitude for their nohle and unselfish labor will be as enduring as the material monu ment they have reared. RESOLVED, That this preamble and reeolution be inscribed upon the permanent records of this Ixxige, a copy be famish ed to the above named brethren, and a ropy be furnished to the New Rem Journal for publics- Nones if 'iiy Pri! Notice is hereby piven that a primary election will be held oi Monday. April 17th, 1905, from 6A.M. to 7 !'. M. for the purpose of!r candi dates of the Democratic party to lv voted for at the coining city eleciic.n, to be held May 2nd 190ii, for two; Mermen from each ward Mayor, Chief ol Police Tax Collector, Water & Light Cnunis sioncr and City Exeiutivc Committee' of three from each ward. II. S. GUION. Chairman. F. T. PATTERSON Secty. Registration and voting for the sever al candidates will be held same day. Polling Places. First Ward-City Hall. Second Ward Court House. Third Ward -Street's Stables. Fourth Ward -Hargett'a Old Store. Fifth Ward McCarthy's (old reel house). Sixth Ward Hook and Ladder I louse George street. i B. S. GUION, 1 Chairman. I Poll Holders. First Ward Fernie Gaskill, James Hill. Second Ward Albert Willis; W. K. Baxter. Third Ward N. M. .Hooker, W. J. McSorley. Fourth Ward Jesse Harrison, .1. W. Hill. I Fifth Ward Frank Hackney, Ku'.i Smith. Sixth Ward G. W. Williams, " A I Gaskill. Rsgltlrart. First Ward R. R. Hill. Second Ward W. B. Flanner. Third Ward E. S. Street. Fourth Wurd J. E. Gaskill. Fifth Ward C. T. Hancock. Sixth Ward Walter Fulford. b'rt;'; Ciairn. Noi!!i t ,i I lowing Ml' Unit).-" Tm Carolina. ( lnl l.-ui.j. ;i ( '. Silliin ill. I " H:n ai.tiwl ''' I,r... Ii, l Km. M il IIi imi- K il ' , i-' r.i-i:uiiniiK ul i mi ul .1 -1 ii 1 1. r Swiiinii linn t.. Ilit-liliiiul. th.'ii i.p li:u I. tn I ', .Simpson's .il-.ul ..iv , i,.... M .1 I.. !.:.. . I'.l.dU N. I liiiinnnt. Executrix Notice 10 XI" ili' of 111." I Ins I All p. ip.-:-h Till illrix i'hhihI, all ,un .( ili.. sunt i.ntnti' are . tin'. 1 1 u ly vrrifiiKj, - 1 1-.' J , ..! Miurh ! 1. 1 Ii h .if t In ir riTitvi-ry. . : -' LU.' an- lu.Til,y ni ' .;i mi'.it. I 'I s h INS. Kx. Tutrix Administrators Notice lavintf II.. ..h'n-.i :i :,.liiitiiislr;ttiir of .-til lliv I - I ... .- Official Primary Candi dates for Election April 17th. The following candidates fur tic several offices, crtaining to the City Government, having complied with tin legal conditions governing the primary Isw of Craven County and City of New Bern, I certify that they are the ones to lie voted for on Monday April 17th. Iietween the hours of r, a. m. and 7 p. m. II S. GUION. ( "h'm City Ex ( '.un. : i l I 1 . A. In Notice ot 3ale o Valua ble Renl Estate. , u H,.i l.,..i .. I.H Eutry Claim. William Ell Fok Mayor k, F. T, I'atte J M For Cmikk i llarget, Samuel M. IK Plll.ll K. ('. I.upton. Foa Tai (Vil.l.aUTOR. J. J. Tolaon. For Water a (' F. P. Avery. iHMISSIONKR. It. S. Gun.n HIIDBl TEUS TOO At II any a New iJera Header Knows too Well When the kidneys are akk. Nature tells you all about it The urine Is Nature's calendar. Infrequent a too frequent action, Any artnary trouble tolby of kidney Mia, Oom'i Kidney ntki rare s0 kidney Ola. Hrw Bars paopU bsstify to this. U A. ItolilK nperwitndart of Ore tol Ire Co.. II Onffllh Bi., raaading at U Criffitli P4-, aayet . . 1 ed aa's KWtneya fins for my kidneys and bark. The aerretkwa from the kidneys was all' nut ef aorta, aa to frvquent m arUaet. Doad's tidnf rUla atonpad Ihm, My BUto bey wad LreuUeu Hk a kidney wuakneaa and (Ka anreatlam) were highly mttaeed and foflaf aedla-ient.' I fv hint gsiimi of the pitta and they e Wares' kia new t tone up to their Mtwral eobw. I tnwnot hot eooairW Doan'i KldWy riOa aneseeL lent kidney rare and de not twwtuia la ear so. elitained theas at Bredham's fharwtary. -far aW H n dealers. TrVe (4 rU bo,rMier MiTbwrn cav., BsrTale, N.' Y. -af)l foe the U 1. ILemember th name,-DneaV-s4 Uke KeT. Ai.nraiir.N 1st Wash H. Bangert, J E Smith C. Whitty, L Daniels AijiRRHKN 2x11 Ward B. Dawson. II 8. Hanrort. W. Mungar. ('. 1 lv- AlJiRRHRM 111) Wash. a Ine. C, J. McSorley. -' 1 r.r l-nj.'frTr ; tjno fi ' r ' ' . i f i iUTthlnf T"'i i"T. CAVtAT Trf'Ir WA tnr fro rt - tTi . Altyl BOOK OH PiKll iS: TC.A.CXCVf&CO. Il.TON, D C. I. Mltrbell, 1. B HolUrvl w, g. U R. Wood, AunrauRN th Ward rhllllpa. Arthur Irxl. J. (i llnnii a. i It ci.rj'r-TT". A "14 ' " Airrmrh brm Waan C J. McCarthy, W. A. Mrlntr-h AlMsmrii tn Waan. B. t. UoiloweU, B. W. Himpkina. " .LUCaaby. 4 1 St 4 r-l I ASTK'! iil'FKHIM. YAM MMl Cs-lalll Aatfc tmndttsac tm, -a enVnl k '- l-r- fn mm fctosyrr r wn f twv bj I saw mmvAtton W'?k rmm mr tto "r ailrrw A Hei 1"W IV., Tl area U R.e Rare C. -r i Aa-aen A V am a . Ml tito b.- a, f na', 0 m- r . .. e. y-m.-m $ 1. , Wm toy net ' m.m,m. eat aa.Weaieiiea.aVt ,4 fi mmm, i -' at Tto lar s He pre W-.g. I - U.'it a- f neernna Un e ,.1. t -.i e.-y b toaet y - r rr-i - -e- 1 "iH BeeSet afca rtmawt I '4 m. vb- baav tolkMI Ibawu em hw lb-. r-A. . tavtl) aa wmmt fear bead .-w r, f.(t. a t -saw- .f raM f Ima Ktw. TV.-b eert f'-arU fa ltmmV kkawta prlr'aw ' r-. h s bato - rpieVteV, pearl Rtblw T.. - r- -4 ear I I I W m-tob psnmyr haw ' m,mm mlllpem-t mm Warns) la. K. NOTICE. STATU Or nUTB tLinjHA. (.mm fW caejet T V. W rmmrm, Vmmrr Ite f- .n1 Vte 1 m I ian Wm-mt, ml (I tV -eI e-e m - ef tmm N, R , . I t i i let a iiia ci inn awaa el aiein -. a. . tea . eel mmt eaaeeeejeaa. tet letaA, mmm maim" m elii, re-n.e.-m I4 n"a t aeeepS eevea. IV a MM aiA taet mymm HM ieaea ee aa to mm eHA ml nee n e, u re e) la enea, mm$ e-a a. we mm m ee ef tmrnt mm wmmm m mmm a il mm mm et aae aaaaf St II f mmm. Me lii I' I . a tea aw ear e a. laavZS ' T et ma aa bavm . ryraAi. 7 .. ef l '. - TVaMa1WU tL r. i