THR liniTPNA! New Beny N. . C, April 13, 4905. LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at Rountree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 730 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are invited. ' CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIUHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed nesday nights in each month in Roun trees Hall, Pollock street, at 7:80 o'clock. Samuel R. Ball President; J. H. Smith, Sec'y; R. R. Hill, Financial Sec'y. Index to Hew AdTertfeemeats. Lost. J G Dunn & Co Easter Suits. Barfoot Bros Easter Displays. Simmons & Hollowell Co. - Easter. NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Business Locals. LOST On the street, yesterday, a leather pocket book containing one $10 bill, one $5 bill several small bills, re ceipts and other papers. Finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at. the Journal office. LOST or STOLEN - A Racycle No. 75079. Any person having knowledge of the same will please report to Dr. Primrose's office 40 Broad street or 89 Craven street. Reward for return. FOR KENT -Furnished rooms with or without board. Apply. at 79 East Front street. LOST Sunday evening, between the Broad Street Fruit Compan's store and the post offie a child's lace collar. Finder return to the Broad Street Fruit Com pan's store and get reward. HOUSE FOR RENT-Number88Soulh Front St. Inquire of B. B. Davenport BANANA Ice Cream today at McSor- ley's. FOR SALE Or Charter Small Tug boat, in r;ood condition 10x12 engine, Scotch Boiler, allowed 137 punda Bteam or will exchange for good Barge or Seow. W. B. Hastings, 17 Nivision St., Norfolk, Va. BANANAS 10 Sl 15 cents per dozen at C. J. McSorleys. EVERY DAY OUR BARGAIN DAY You save money to call on Gaskins Cycle Co., with your wants. Right goods at right prices, all repairs prompt y made by skilled workmen. UNLESS you use the StillwcM Incan descent Gas Burner you are not getting the best light for your money. Call and see them, John B. Ives, opposite 1". O. TO KENT 6 Room House on New Street near Metcalf street. Apply to George H. Roberts. Sl'ECIAL NOTICE TO LADIES: As the time has come for putting furs and winteT garments away for the summer a good molh proof chest is the best receptacle you can have. invite you to investigate the merits of my moth proof cedar chest. Guaran teed to give satisfaction. II. A. Ep- ting.. National Avenue, next to James F. Taylor's Residence. ("ANDY TOPICS -In addition to our line of Taffies, Brittle, etc, we have added a fine line of Chocolates and Bon Buns made by our Mr. DufTy in our j-n specially equipped factory at 103 Middle street I 'hone 209. James B. Dawaon. OLD NEWSPAPERS IS cents per 100 for sals at Joumnl office. J. K. SIMPSON has re-established a pn-Ming club and is prepared to press gentlemen's suits neatly and promptly. i bii si rooms over llsnrr Hon, on Middle street or leave the suits st Stew rt Callaway's barber shop. Phone 2S Wkr f"klp Taa. A patient (ivruisn scientist of a ata II.IWol turn of mlnil rslenlsrea that tlx mnumit of energy iindl by f perin who rouglui oora arary quartet of in h?ur for tan hour I equlTslrtit to Sin units of ItMt, or the noortnh merit j kkl1 by tbr aa;ga or two gl'Mea f tnllk. Coughing la thus wo In I sn rj penal r Inittry. Tha res mm tor In wasta In fore antallM! by 11. or nrui rrasnn st taaet, Has) U Ins fart that, whlla la Dorsal raaptraUoa th sir la atpl)Ml frtxa (be cfasat St Om rata of foof tri a si rood, hi Tlo- lCJt ronghlag It Oil J St tain vaiartty ot soo ri. Tht PIltMSMMl CrtwfJi l 0o ol Nt ttn't Lndlnf fir chant, oi tht Wif Tot laceoodtd, Tom ran rmmumt Bv jws aa-ft. Im Chit Am ocropWd small store acroas lwtr, with atfrjrr stark, but with sure fbandeUa of koaxat r ot hemm t prjfM, fur iMUim Ox ssm tM tU4 watehao ftm had to UMpay HtePBfof.UMtoaU for 110 U 111 sWs ro W fl.M for etasmmf fsr Witch, or 0 STahvwprlnf, MwJ put the Miro 01 $190, tlasyoo UA to Mr m rants for o dm or giar, it Um prWe U 14 ids stK w a hmtt caflxWM tWr Uatt tfcay oow ad Wlsii the tM hljk prtrvo and tha paktta today., VnAar O asrafnt 0aa Cassent Of i. O. Rattar this tiuslaiao has ft U b Oha t4 O larf at k ButafU Hart CsroiM of Ita IM, Va eajoaa af sa spprwiatlra pulT, of One fds sl Invest rirs(it prtraa. ; ;t SHORT PASSING EVENTS." ! Commenting on the' case ol the State ra. J)ewey which was mentioned in yesterday's Journal a citizen remarked to the reporter that he could not help bat notice the contrast of this case with that of a negro woman ' sentenced to the penitentiary for twelve months for stealing thirty dollars while' Dewey's case involving the theft of $50,000 was continued to the next terra of court. See the point? , Having borrowed the privileged twelve days of March, it is now time for April to quit blowing and behave herself. Quick result from the- ad of lost memorandum book in Wednesday's Journal was the return Thursday morn ing of the lost book to this office, by the colored man who found it. The frame building on South Front occupied by L. H. Ervin, grocer, is being fast tom down, and will be placed by a brick building. It is the property of Dr. F. W. Hughes, and like all that the Doctor does, will work a material improvement on the street. Mr. T. W. Wharton of Bellcvlllo, N. J., who has had charge of the mason work of the Methodist church has been awarded the contract for restuccoing the New Masonic Theatre. The work will begin in about two weeks. Two handsome souvenirs will bo giv en by the Country Store today. Be- tween the hours of 5 and 6 a special souvenir will be presented, and from 7 to 8 each lady making a purchase will receive a handkerchief. While the dust has been very disa greeable at times during the past week vet it was nothinor to what it mierht have been without the street sprinkling which was done. And in this connec-1 tion many thanks are due Mayor Ellis for this sprinkling, which has had his personal attention night and day. There was a continuation of the high wind from the southward all day yes terday, with the temperature again up to 80 degrees. The storm signal was up last night with a lull in tho wind. Rain began falling at 9 p. m. The forecast is for rain and colder with wind from northwest today. The Atlantic Coast Line train was delayed an hour last night on account of an accident which occurred at North east, a station east of Jacksonville. It is reported that the engine of the work train was derailed and caused such a bad wreck that a temporary track was laid around the wreck to allow the pas senger train to pass. The sidewalk is now fenced off on Pol lock street, on each side of the burned property, as work is to begin today to rebuild the stores burned down. Sub stantial brick burldings arc to be erect ed. Burglars broke into the store room of the revenue cutter's warehouse Wednesday night and stole a lot of articles the value of which has not yet been determined, The merry-go-round is in operation at the foot of Broad street. Parents may be assured that their children will be well taken care of and need have no fear. Two Base Ball Games. The A. M. C. Club will play two games of base hall with the New Bern Military Academy. The first game will be played today; the Bceond tomor row. The games will commence at 3.30 o'clock. The games will be excit ing. Whv nuftVr with .nrincr tiredness, mean, cross feeling, no strength, no appetite? Hollister's Rocky Mountain lea will make you well and keep you welL 36 cents Tea or Tablets. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. Point Your Buggy For 75c. to f 1.00 with Dcvoe's Gloes Carriage Paint It weighs 8 to 8 oxs. more to the pint than others, wears longer snd gives s gloss equsl to new work. Sold by E. W. Smallwood and The J. C Whitty Co. Will Leave 20th. Mr. Snyder, the piano and organ tuner of Washington, D. c I will so- main in the city only until April 20th. He has nearly enough work on hand to All the time and will be unable to con sider any orders after Monday 17th. Instruments examined and estimates made free. Phooe 133 at Mrs. Richard son's, 8t PoDork St . Yearly trip to New Barn. lee Creew Sod today at McSorWy 'i . imiQuiir-: Chicks TAKE'CARE' - " V . OFTOUII 23TO3-. AllmafiU are? on almost tmnrrtlreabty. Voir s--. t, ejsa should rareive prompt atlmtio) Wbes thr arty Indent -oa of troubla. AfUf a thorough n- " ,: ' ' amlnatloa Ihry should fee OtUd with pair nf ba- . ' fondnf We have evWy Kyla of frame and Snriinting Ir-wa. rstabll.hrd Iftfij THEY CGXE AND GO. - ,: Misses Lena ISimpaorTsnd Hannah Wise," of Pamlico,, are the guests of Misses Louise and Sadie McLacklan. " . Miss Birth Howard 6f Harlow was in the city attending the carnival, yester day. v" ,Vv;i'- c" ' " - ; Mr. James R. Bell of Harlow was in New Bern yesterday, i -- ' ' Miss Loila Hauser, . ef Morehead City was the guest of friends here yesterday Miss Daisy Smith of Goldaboro, was L in the city yesterday, the guest of Miss Elizabeth Ellis. CoL W. D. Pollock of.Kinston was here yesterday on business. Mr.' Edward F. Potts, Southern Rep resentative of Southern Printers Sup ply Co. Washington D. C, was in the city yesterday, w T Caho E of Ba b fa tne citv Mr. J. B. Bender, of Pollocksvills was a vsitor here Wednesday. Ex-sheriff W. B. Lane, of Cove is visiting in the city, Miss Alberta Bell of Pollocksville was in the city yesterday. i Mr. G. N. Ennett went to Goldsboro yesterday on a business trip. i Mr. Hodgden who has been engaged in the repair of the organ at Christ church returned to his home in Norfolk yesterday. Capt. J. S. Mann, Superintendent of the Penitentiary at Raleigh was in the city yesterday. Col. W. D. Pollock of Kinston was in New Bern Wednesday, Miss Daisy porter, returned home in Goldsboro yesterday. to her Mrs. Charles Lane of Goldsboro is visitor in the city. Mr. C. J. Pittman of Kinston is the city. Switch off Lights ! The Electric Light Commissioners make request of the merchants, espec iully, and all users of electric lights, generally, to please switch off their lights before three o'clock this after noon and each afternoon this week, as the Carnival people will be using the current, and so much extra force will be saved the light plant if switches are cut off during the afternoon. Asks Assistance ol Customers. As my papers and books were lost in the fire which destroyed my stables; would greatly appreciate it if any of my patrons or customers who have ac counts with me would let me know of them, so I can get together my business affairs and find out better how I stand An early attention to this request will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, L. G. DANIELS at Scott's Stables. April 12th Last Lycem Course Concert. The last entertainment of the Lyceum Lecture Course will be at the New Ma sonic Theatre next Saturday night April 15th when the Agnes Pringle Concert Co. appears. This company of music ians arc composed of a trio of sisters and and a gentleman who is the bass soloist Each member has a specialty and in that particular department they have won distinct and merited praise. They do not give what is known as an ordinary entertainment but present a program of the highest class of music They give also a very clever popular i program, and please admirably all ! classes of people by their varied show Miss Cohen ti Queen. The election of Queen of the Carnival took place but night and resulted in the choice of Miss HlldredCohen. The three receiving the highest number of votes are as follows. Miss Hildred Cohen 9066 Mim Emma Sultan 6371 Miss Sudle Collins 2661 That Beautiful Gloss. comes from the varnish In Devoe'a Var nish Floor Paint; costs Ave cents more quart though. Sold by E. W. Bmall- woo4. For the nnL Um ot meals In the city call at tho Coast Lin Meat Mar ket: Fine Veal and Dressed Chickens at Coast Line Meat Market; If Cream today at McBoriry's, All HEADACHES ak-XOLDS, llMkMllM isimiiaii Is, tt aaS So, aaafe a i and ! only the hni quality f leading Jiwrtr v. .J27 Nlddfe HU Full line of DrugB.Med icineg,:Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Flower oeeas. Phyrtielauti irgcrl lions .1 Npe-i lty. Our styles the handsomest. Our qualities the best. Now is the .time, Here is the place to order your Spring Suit. F. M. Chadwick , aa&iauiuuu II II 1 I MecuenDnrc Liia water ana ilMm Calcium M Phone. 56 aiainiKiiaiiiaiaiftaaMSaiai DEU EASIER DISPLAY Complete Readiness For a Joy otis Easter. In our Millinery Department we have just received the latest ahajies in ready-to-wear and Dress Hats, We get a shipment of the newest things in Millinery every Wednesday of each week, conse quently we have the latest things as they come out. Give your order for your Easter Hat now and save disappoint- x t mcnt. ..t JTrtnH I foe a a anatwaw a a. The stock is now complete and we can show you a swell line of foot-wear for Ladies, Misses and Children in all leathers and styles. We have the exclusive sale of the celebrated Herrick shoes for Ladies. Oxfords in Kid, Patent BARFOOT BROS. Are You Ready tor Easter ? If Not, Let us flelp You. To be absolutely sure of having your cob tume lor Easter, it seema sensible to buy now The BhowiDtr of new fabrics and new effects if most comnrehensive. interesting for you,we great bargains. The 75c Mohair BO inches wide. Alack, extra heavy , beautiful silk finish and colors perfect. $1.25 Black Taffetta Silk at 98c. Thin heaviest and best 38 Inch Black Talfe tn. that Aver told at Sl.25. here- at t8c. Every yard is fully guaranteed to live the utmost satisfaction. " " This lllllinery Boction throbs with Intense activity. Here you will find a vust show of hufuittftil Hats.cach Dosswesing a Btriklng indi vlduality and a fiishloa elegance that cannot, bo iound clsr whore in this city. IVo disap pointments. All ordeis promtod for Easter villi positively bo delivered on time. '.Announcement.;' 1 take this method ot announ- cing to the lee Consumers of ' Kew Bern that I am a cand idate for the office of IeeJDeal er. If I am elected I pledge myself to serve you promptly any time day or night if I am called on. Very Respectfully, H. E. ROYALL, Broad Street Fruit Co. H0LLI8TCR 8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy aMlouis at Buy Fwpl. Bring! Solus Health sad Buewad Vigor. A spectflt; for Constipation, Indention. I.Ira nd Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impuiv lllood. Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headaehi uad Backache. ' It's Rooky Mountain Tea In tab l.-t form, 86 cents a box. Genuine made by (louLisTia Dana Ookpaict, Hadlson, Wis uOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ' I 11 ITT l I ' Chloride Wafer on sale at Davis' Pharmacy lIiKS'.;fSt$t3ninSi!UK.:Vt3i'J? i 1 Ha KActtf 4 was npw - leather and Tan $2, $2.50 and $3. To make buying mor place on sale todaj two Sicilian at 5c, Ilrown. Navy Blue and . j J 4 f , Cloth ftALTlr-Ont NEW YORK Tempting styles and temptipf prices a combination that is hard to beat. J. G. DUNN & CO., Phone 2ia. TTTTTvTrfTrTVTv-TTI'TTTv- 1PMIDEST0H t Pint ne 21 r- a: -a r Fox River Print Butter Uric II) California Navel Oranges, hirc, 3,rc doz f" California Navel Oran(es,ni'(lium J New York State Irish i"t.'i- r toes 30c ueck Z Hest Sweet I'otatofs 2i )c pei-k Hest 2(lc CofTee, 2 'i fi.r :;:V Nice Large Hanan as 2 c do, p, Hest Oream Cheese, 17c ll Koasted 1'eanuU, t"'st "r,c pc( 4 4 4 Haw IVanuls, liesl :i:ie k Hest Hortorico Mol:issi s 'Xc i';il Hest I'owhnUin Syrn :i"i- t-: . I . V..r 1.. A ... .1. . ' i. I. ..- - .-:! J V.i in-Ill. u..-, -I a- Maryland Country Ham, I.V ll. CalitiaKes, lilack lvl I'. as. I 'ij-; -1 reel, Inpe, ( ornul lien aim slioil ham. 4 Apples-Kippinn, Large Cn i ii 4 J Haldwin, Large, Ki el, I ml . peck. 1 Hi Kumfords Powder '.'.'.i- can No city taxes to pay ami 1 sell goods cheaper than el where. r (live 1 s a trial and ohlige, 2 p, Yours Very 'I 1 lily, 2 I,, li. I I A 11 II 1 1 I . P Proprietor. r J 0. LAN I) 3 MAN AdKIi. Notice ! Have just received fresh car load Ameri can Wire Ferce; same will be sold at greatly reduced rate. Come ind see me before E. W. Smallwood J L. HARTSFIELD, ( out ' actor OF KICK 1)3 1 2 MIDI) 1. f. ST. A satisfied ruatomrr is the nX ren.ri n. n.L.hwi, l.t-lt.w i ' . rue of the i nil I mfrn arected liy me in New Herri. Dr. R. I). V. Jones, Koaidrnre. '! om.- I ..-ra Il..n--. A. & N. ('. R. R. Storage ll.u.,e. I . .-. .1 A Mci,.l.,w!.. liiwno Warel.oiisa. O. Msrks 4 Son SUirr. I't ' .reels' rttv, u ntoryi Would be glad to have a ny one inspect my work as It goes up. Special Floor Oil 40c per gal Spring has rome and you want something to brighten up and beautiiy the home. We have Kurfacite and a full line of beau tiful and durable varnishes. HEATH AND MII.UCAV AM) MASrilY'S PAINTS. Gaskill Hdw. & sUrunrJtxnMwdk)t IfwMUi. DO'IF1 OT arvis pRmacooM. wurrc cooivs, silksl emrroidcaiu,-laces. sKmoNg, cARrrra, mattings, rugs ako uouseholo coods BUxk thflroacMf rpUiiaKad In stl Itwss, rlUl w sod aaaaonabla sttracUons Oar Nwmf IsatkMi b 41 foJVx-k stirasi, spaaiU Pssi Offle, wlil sw j stars t U awtipMad fof , SrrxNI t thsil twrthw buafaiaas ttotsM ttajad . OpposltoPostOrnce. ' :t' ' , ' sCnard !tI raraful slfantWav. Sample aajil n Sppficaliois. , " ; em ALU) T HIRE! 'Tis t;me to pick out your Spring sui' , bat, fitiU ts, 5hoa.etc Our stock is complete iu men's and boy's lines find our prices aie 55 57 Pollock St AT Clll'KCH ON L'ASTEK SUNDAY rvn not .til uariU lu Irti.k hi lwpt. but i" l :.. I I Ik'lici lutTi itni. (il In t nmn. If y n hav I- i ll n I.. I im iii;k!i' hy 1.,'t'IWh l( U Wl ! i-.. r :i- --n ! n ;-m t any ilHail -i ymr mc I ;ii ;iv:tiM f. w It' It- 1 h- t vie, cut aiul Mo in 1.1 u ill K 11 1 ii:ih Cil. ' li:i i f M IIAIMVMK. I Planting Cotton Seed i , ' ,,. fi i" .sale a liNiilcil mimitity uf Cottt!) Srnl, selected stuck, ' per Ins .hel, ini'hitiin liart, I. 'Mill -. I i;:h pel' Ulhll- ( ---I mi M ; i ll hi 11 ( unt y , -I I Ve Used I Item i-U l.i'ld :iln I il m( ire, I men t hhll Ill ,;. fciot .Hil!N .1 I'lJ ll'IIKI'T. P..ll-.cksvillf. N C -,7- ot YUt EaS" tcf Suit n lUi ru yil. , SK, A. BLOCK Ml 'J II N 1 1 Ni w IVi n. N. anil Ituilifrr. PI:iiE y;iH. Mill Supply Co MILL ftUtTLIM U Cmtsa Psaaa II'.

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