THE JOURNAL, , Pnliliahad everv dr in the year eptjtday. Journal Building- 6W0 . Craven St. Phone No. 8. CHARLES L. STEVENS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, in advance ...$4.00 One Year, not in advance 6-00 Monthly, by carrier in the city,. 50 Advertising rates furnished on application. Entered at the Post Office, New Bern si. C. as second-class matter. iFFICIAL PAPER OF NEW BERN AND ! CRAVEN COUNTY. New Bern, N. C, April 14. 1906. THE APPEAL T0JTHE COTTON FAR MER. For"scveral months the most stren uous efforts have been Imade to effect and organizationjthat would mean some thing, amongthe farmers of the south, This organization has been undertaken upon business and , practical lines. has not been the election of men to high positions, to send forth official bulletins hut the organization has gone to the producer, the manwho plants, plows and gathers the crop, and secured his co-operation and pledge, to reduce his acreage or not to force any cotton he mav have uuon the market, except at some price to be determined. The effect of this work, this organ izing antong theJSouthern'growers has not reached its culumination, nor can its force be determined, as a benefit to the producer until later on. One effect has been to advance the price of cotton about one cent a pound above its low figure on the crop, and the advance is maintained althoughjthere were influen ces exerted to force down'the price. Hut just at present is the season, the time for the actual test, to see if the farm.'r is to be true to his organization and accept and carry out the promises made to reduce his acreage for 1905. In some sections, and among some cotton growers, influences arebeingcx erted to induce them to not only not re (lu e . their acreage, but to increase it, the appeal being made upon selfish grounds, and a most insidious cause this is, and one calculated U) win, unless the fanner is true to his promises. In u few weeks the result of the acreage will he known and this will show how faithful the cotUin growers have been to tlii ir organization, as well as to themselves, and will tell the story very largely, :m to what the price of cott -n is likely to lie for several crops. TliejCaiesbif Bern J and vicinity are cordially invited to attend a re ception to be given by the National biscuit Company, a Naval Re serves Ai mory, Satur day, April fifteenth irom two until five o'clock. - " Quick Service to California. .. : v, .-. v v . r -. Tb Rock Ulaad'a Special Tourist Sleeping Car excursions to California art ever boon , quicker than any other line. To satisfy the demand for an up-to-date service, arrangement has been made for a new, specially-built, improved , pattern of tourist sleeper, leaving Chicago ' daily and reaching Los Angeles in sixty-eight hours. Why not have the best and quickest, when the cost is no greater than the other kind? Pull information from any Rock Island, representative, or from John Sebastian, Passenger Traffic Manager, Rock Island System, Chicago. SOUTHERNER'S GOOD FORTUNE. MUSIC AND REFRESHMENTS. Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally; hut h rhooHing the right medicine, K. II. Wolfe, of Hear drove, la., cheaUtl death. IleKuys: "Two years ago 1 had K idncy Trouble, which caused me great pain, Buffering and anxiety, but 1 took Klutrir Hitters, which effted a complete cure. I have also found them of great iMTiefit in general debility and nerve troiihle. and kin-pa them constant ly on hand, Hince, as 1 find they have no eunl " All d uggist,' guarantee ihcm at oOr. Senator Mrt 'om& i mentioned for the vacancy in the I'nited State Court of Claim, rauArd hy the death of Judsc Wrldon. (II A MUKKI.A IN'S m.'t.H REMEDY TIIK I! EST AND MOST POPULAR "Mother buy it for croupy childrm. rmlreaid men buy It firr aevrrfl cough ami rWirrly ieoplc boy It for la grippe" ay Moore Hraa. . Kklon, Iowa. "W im II more- of ChamlKTijtin'a Cough Rem. ly than any other kind. It mm U have taken the lend oyer acvpral oOwr gtwid brarvla " Thar i no quniUon hut thia mMlK-tne I trie bnet that ran lea pfirurol for couch and colds, whoth or il be a child r an adult that la af-flk-teti. it always rum and rum quickly. Bold by ItI' Pharmany aad f 8. Duffy. LOCO. April 12th. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Taylor and little J son John Ray, spent Saturday and Sun day with relatives here, Misses Rachel Parsons and Etta Smith spent Sunday with relatives in Jones Co. Messrs G. W. and I). W. Smith re turned from a trip to Jacksonville Mon day. Mr. W. W. Hifrgins visited friends at Trenton Sunday. Mrs. Mollie Morton, son James, and daughter, Kosa, spent a few days with friends and relatives at Ueppe last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. HiKlfins and lit tle son I, eland, visited relatives in Jones county Sunday. Mr nnd Mrs. Mac Parsons and daugh ter, Vera, visited friend here last Sun day. Mr. ;. W. Smith, has purchased a new horse. "VIOLET." AliOUT RHEUMATISM, There (ire few diseases that inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of remedies have been Ruirp;ostel. To say that it ran be cured is, therefore, a bold statement to make, but Chamberlain's Pain IJnlm, I which enjoys an extensive sale, has . met with great success in the treatment of this One application of Pain ! Halm will relieve the nin, and hun-1 dredn of sufferers have testified to ier manont cures by its use. Why suirer when Pain Halm affords such quick re lief and costs but a trifle? For sale hy l)avia' Pharmacy and F. S Duffy. i Ijito estimate of the fatalities dur ing the earthquakes in India put the total at more than 13,00(1. Bairds Creek. Zorah. April 11th. April 11 We are having more beautiful weath-l We are having some pretty weather er, and the farmers are making good ! now and farmers are busy planting corn use of it. We were glad to see Mr. T. H. Davis in our community this week. Wish him much success drumming. Rev. J. R. Jennett, preached at Am ity Saturday night and Sunday to a large attentive audience. Rev. A. F. Leighton preached Sunday night. The many friends and relative of Messrs Bennie Willis and Oscar Brin son, gladly welcome them home from Macon, Ga., where they have been tak ing a business course. The wedding bells have just been ringing. At the home of the bride's parents, Rev. Leighton united in matri mony. Mr. Will lirinson and Miss Rosa Willis, Sunday, April 2nd. Mr. Iirinson is one of Amity's best young men, Miss Rosa is the beautiful, ac complished daughter of J. P. Willis. The wedding was a very quiet one, only a few relatives and friends were present. We extend congratulations, and hope their voyage on life's matri monial sea, will be as one bright Bum mer day. Mr. Patrick Noonan left last Monday The hunting season being well over. "BLUEBELL." RE RHEUMATIC PAINS QUICKLY LIEVEI). The excruciating pain characteristic of rheumatism and sciatica arequickly relieved by applying Chamberlain' Pain Balm. The arrest pain relieving power of the liniment ha been the sur prise and delight of thouitand of suffer era. The quick relief from pain which it afford is alone worth many timet it coat. For sale by Da via' Pharmacy and F. 8. Duffy. Japan I meeting the Russian pLaa of renrg-aiiuUan ajvi rainforeemnit of Ka Msnchurian arm to with an ntenaive expedition from Its ewa military i fmniiationa How l Thia ? WewfferOne Honor! Dollars Re ward for sny mm of catarrh that eaa X be evrtd by Hall Catarrh Cur. F. J. C1IENKY A CO. Toledo, 0. We, Dm wadtwkra4, hare kseva t. i, Chen far Um hast II years and be fcV dirt perf ertr hwnrabW I all bo Iswwe tisiwMlkawa, and (.aaarW-y aM to tarry eat fen eUlffetioe trmA by A third 1100,000 gift by Mr. John U. Rockefeller, of the Standard Oil Co. ha been announced. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing Pile. DruggiaU refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in to 14 days. If your druggist hasn't it eend Wrs is stamp, and it wil be forwarded pnai paid bit Pan Medi erne Co, ftt Louie, Mo. Germany continues to urge upon the Sultan of Morocco the advantage to accrue from an International conference to settle bi dimwIUea, , Keep your bowels regular by the ate of Chamberlaia'l Stomach and Liver Tablets. There U nothing better, for sale by Davie Pharmacy and f. 9, For a Weak Digestion. No mi-dicinc can replace fowl but hamlM rlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets will help you to digest your food. It is not the quantity of food taken that give strength and vigor to the system, but the amount digested and assimilat ed. If troubled with a weak digestion, don't fail to give these Tablets a trial. Thousands have been benefitted by their use. They only coat a quarter. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. Broad Creek. April is. We arc having a very cool spell this week and it b bad on truck, but we hope Jack Frost will not pay us a visit The crab market ha opened at 3 eta. a piece, and many are beinf caught. Mr Dave Willi and family of More- head is with this week. We are glad to say Mr. George Guthrie U improving very fast. Mr. Fermry Oglosby of Newport was a visitor in our neighborhood Sunday. Mrs. Emma Oglosby and children of 3wansboro Is with their father and mother this week. Mr. W. H. Coneway of Greenwood, Del, was In ear neighborhood yesterday selling books. Mr. Charlie Guthrie I quite sick to day. - . , Dr. I. VI. Bandera wa b ma neigh borhood yesterday attondbur the skk. Wa have lots of Morehead people with a this week, - ,,.-.' There are about a thousand crab leave bear every ssoramf for wtorw head. - -' . i T i" I. f We arc glad to note that Mrs. U. C, wnittord who lias been sick lor some time is improving. Mr. Addie Whitford is sick, hope he will soon be be better. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toler spent Sat urday night and Sunday with relatives at White Hill. Mr. Silas Toler and sis ter Miss Mary Jane, also, spent Sunday there Miss Dollie Purser 'and Mr. J. B. Rowc of Small spent Sunday afternoon here. Miss Caddie Mills of Blounts Creek is visiting her sister Mrs. B. H. Whit ford. Mr. and Mrs. Banks of New Bern spent Saturday night at -Mr. W. R. Knoxes. They arc'anticipating moving here some time soon. Mrs. W. A. Scott of Washington is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O'Neill. Mr. J. I). O'Neill came home from Jones County Sunday. Messrs. Harvey Purser and Dclamar Caton of Beaufort county spent Sunday in our midst. Mr. W. H. Cayton of the Carolina Business College spent Saturday night with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cayton spent Saturday night and Sunday with rela tives here. Miss. Maud Tuten si entCSaturday night at Mrs. Rosn K. Whitfords. Mr. Iluas Mills of IllounU Creek waa here Sunday, Mr. G. A. Whitford is having a wire fence made "around his swamp farm. Mr. W. G. Yea ten of Gilead ia doirg the work for him. Mian Carrie Tunstall is attending the Military college at New Bom. Miss Rosa Wiley who ha been spend ing some time at Edward returned home Sunday. Sam Hoover Finds Something Bttsr Thin Gold Mines. There is no happier man in this whole wide world today than Sam A. Hoover, of Greensboro, N. C, who is receiving the congratulations of his friends upon his fortunate find of something better than gold mines or oil wells. Mr. Hoover in a letter to a friend in New Bern writes. "Three months ago 1 was greatly distressed by nasal catarrh and entire deafness in the right ear. The labor of hawking and scraping to get my throat and nasal passages free from the foul secretions deposited there, might be about usual to that of a six mule team with a road-scraper to get the earth from the road-side to the center. I purchased an outfit of Hyomei and Hyomei balm, and as a result of its use my head, throat and nasal passages are all free from secretions of any Bort, only aa Nature designed, and my hear ing in both ears is nearly es acute as it ever was." There is no disagreeable stomach dosing in using Hyomei; just breathe it and its pure fragrance will kill the catarrhal germs in the head, throat, and lungs. Hyomei balm used in con nection with Hyomei, will cure the worst case of catarrhal deafness. The complete outfit costs but $1., and extra bottles are only 50 cents. Ask F. S. Duffy to show you the strong guarantee under which he sells Hyomei It costs nothing unless it cures. A Daredevil Ride often en Is in a aad accident. To heal accidentia! injuries, use Bucklcn's Ar nica Salve. "A deep wound in my foot from an accident," writes Theodore Schuele, of Columbus, O., "caused me great pain. Physicians were helpless, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly healed it." Soothes nnd heals burns like magic. 2re at all druggist. Paints and Oils Qunp, Pistols. Razors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges Nw Yarfc Cottoa MarktL " ' . The foOowfag Were the opening and ctoetnf prWea an Um Nf York Cottoa Kaihengn, April 13. . r ; - f - , Open . Chase , :.;May.- -' 1U f ,7T4 ; - July" :. .;, fa October isj -i 4 -Reeelpte ttttf. bust yaeS.AfiA. WaLoitfa, Kmw A MAavw, . 14 ff PsMsMaWsf eV aK j m Iwa, Teleda; a It sJTs UUrrh CWe la taaea tnter- aad!. arUnf orrtelfr aM the band and amuse surf area wf the aysteen. ' TUJKiias eatet free, frlea ft, per lnl k. . 1W4 by sWVwrtkrU. fie, ., Teka tleO'a TurXf rub) fnr avwU-l lkf fold ,7 1) A Tiff lait Kopt Vinlmad, when leading phrairUne said that W. M. Bmitbart, of Pekta, fa., had bv earabkr ccMtrairmtion, hie Wt hope va nished: bat Dr. Kmg'a New Inerevery for CahMtmiim, Cough and CoMa, kept hln oat M hi grave. lie say 'ThU gret specifi rompkt(y evred and MfM my life. Fine Own, I save seed It f or evi r 10 years, and eon- aide? It a marvelous throat and rung rure." Btrirtly arifttifte rure fr Coifba, T-m Throat er (' U.. aura prevent It r f pnMimnr,!, f, )arrild ritui riLtsu- pi um i tH. Wimaaif IndUe P'Va (mm. m m nuul a i4i tn j alter iwhlnf at ewe rm a r-,1 Tnii U'" fr MAKES YOU WELL ALL OVER Remarkable Reault Wrought By The Wonderful Kheumaride. At last a remedy has been discovered that absolutely cures Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Indigestion, Constipation, Liver and Kidney troubles and Cot t ifftoue Blood Poison. It accomplishes this by cleansing the blood of all the germ thai eauee these disease, toning tip the stomach and liver and building up the entire system. Here la a typical letter taken from hundreds that bear t mil ir testi mony. BalUmore, Hi, Feb. 1, 1901 Babbitt CbemlreJ Cat ProprWHara Kheomacide, BelUatere, htd.1 Gentlemen: -"Three yean aco I wee.itrb-ken with biflammaanry rbeumatlam. Dur ing that time I euffered errodaUng pam, prbtdpaTl in my tower Hmha, My Joints were etiff, awollea and inflamed rould not straighten my hmha. Yoer wonoerfu Crura. fcilKUMACIDX was rweemmenAed to me and I began to less n arrominsr etrepuona. In a hart time I began to evperienee IH gretet iwuar. I he eoveueae and stiff nmidwM snon rate end I eertamly feel than kful, Kheumsrkle hae done m mnr rl Uwn alt the other maoVm sn4 A-trs raeeTwtkM which I tried. I found tbtHhumark)e acted Well on the kfcWva and bowels, and 1 believe it will riooaa. I now have rwvfect Be of myaelf, ran work and walk as well ever, and i "nWi my rtire entlrw ly te the v of I'.IILL'MACJDfS. Mr frWxM and pn-MT marvel at the eanf in ff j rMiitKin. iwiel, niv,wt ar.iiriUiKW, fv will eiwwfully rwnmrwi your mrlKine t II who fray write of fa, I nn rn rwi. "mirt O ,a Me r1 K kviwf t Kt rwmreH 1 m a Ut arv) re at V Ircd p rrr, lt.w. r.iir lhi n f ii'f, MAfiT p A T r t WPPTI. w. . a f t. l alln M L I f T, A I' - Cookiy and HeatiLStoves K onomioal in fuel Splendid In operation Life time in durability. HASH. D00KS AND BLINDS A M K IA1.TV WM Haniiare 'Pboas W-8 Mldd sBt. A PA1M IN THE SIDE ka f' a rWaSMM lxUl Rkeesatltsj, Cslds Ceafka, Weak Chest Weak Baak, Lssi aige, ftalatloa 11 )r X2iSc; iw pain I the mtta vf tie sanisa H r i M Wk lix plaeaar IkmiM be aeeJWd hows la lllnMraUoa. lil ala(ai lnailila sera. Um4 u4 nn4 rfwnm a aa. r. Wane tk If t.: i mwi Municipal Election. ' By the Board of Aklermea of the city of Hew Bern at Its regular meeting April. Be It resolved: - Thst the eWtinn the drat Taeaday in May UOt be held at the polling ptnree ia the reapectlv ward as named for the hat monirlpal electing,. 1 That the f0owlng regiatrara and poll holdera ha apnoinled to hold the aaid electior) aa named Mow, te wit: Flfwt Ward-R. JL , tint, regMrar end r. Oaaklll V. Rahn, aeO hoUers. ftenmd Ward IW. R. iHaanee, refia trar and C B. Caae, H, IV T?, pofl boldWa, ' - ' , . ;' ' Third Wsrd-K. 8. Ktrvwt, rrWtrW and J. W. sfcfWiey, J. "W. feael poflhoMera. - - . r"91h Wsrd-tleeiry Brinenei, fwgw trr end JM II I II, Ja IlarrWei roll VWr. ' " Tifth Wrd - frank fieri ny, rgt. tree 4 Rohert rtmil C T. Hwianrh, pr.ri r.wir. Ward W!te ru!f-.rL rv trar rl 0. W. s,'pt. A," Ree mai) '1 b ' Wra. AM O t Wk V m hnard i- II Hon. J. P. Cidson, of Bcnrcrtsville, S. C, s ii t , -i .i . c...l I ...:.t. bs voluntarily written to " 1 lie Field," the Coowny, cni 1TTU JuIKTJ FP.IM He wrlld tbc Bobbin CSrmlcil Co.. SfW. S. 19.11. lb I Ml iolhlct. Mlu Kmc, haj a terrible case of Rheumali.i,i ih.i i il ether inedicinei and man7 d'ictura had Irir in vain to cure. She icuM not walk step," bt writea, " and would cry and acream from pain. r"r.m the week abe bcaa to nie Rhrumacide the impre.rd, and la now ai: ..latL-ly cured ol thll terrible diieale. Fur Rheumatism, rur re:.,t dy it a apr.itc, and 1 cannot pralte It too biehlv. Mv wile ia n cl.icil over the cute that she wlabet M endorte what I have wtitten. ao she adda bet iiirK klaeeie L. Oibaon." Tbll ia only one ol th'intand ul marvelcut curra wrouehl bv thll wonderful dis covery Ibal Dowerlullv CLr.ANSFS THT. Rf .CyClD. IMPBOVES THE DIGES TION and BUILDS UP THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. Write BOEBITT CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, lor Fra Samsla. "For sale in New B :rn by T. A. II viry an 1 iltirctf.i Pharmacy." O. M. PEARSON. Build Up Your vSystem! Neglect and c.u (It's sncss .in- t In- I't nt-nil causes of all disease. People never iifi-nine dani n m-lv mi k until after naturf lia !;im h tlmn n,.tn u.irii'iis. The k'rrat iin-taUf is m l p.iMiii; to these warnings. W'lien you tn I "run i..n." "u,i,l im." "ner "tius," tiidl must nf ih. tnii.- i' j::, .uiv ih;,t s,,ine thint' is wnmi' and n.itm. i, w.nnin uu. You neeil nioit nerve force in lnuiii uj, your system. Strenpthrn vi m: n i n force am! yi.tir In .ihl v. '! t.,! , Science w sih 11 n:n : m:; has prtivetl thai tin .n i. m the IhmIv nitiiiiiiii m li work proierh as m; .1- ji,, tains us i'c 11 ami t v m;' ! Hilt if the llf!'" ! : : '. poeir in lurislitiii nt 1 .11 . ii.t -i I1.1i,: ::i ..; 1 out of (f.'ir an.l ur l. n down'' conditi' n or !; .t The heart, the t ; 1 1 . n h. i!;. (froat nerve t i it r s v. hi !i jxiwer to ' irk pr ; 1 '.: trrs art- Mt-ak-:,f! il: 1 act projierK :' "itr nerve 'f"l 1 ' ill. i' " U "I t r-.iMi eh 1 . 1 I I I I ', - s 1 II s t , f : Jet 1 . I ! 1 1 thfir ti'.' -1 1 1 a 1 I - re- ' "Act fmui .1 i . f 111 11 c I ' I . 1 1 till' IVVIl lit (!! "tllll- r. .,11 h.-i .- their . 'I.' -n v ith the ' ..' ' P'T 1 fll- "V 111 ' . 1 1 1 not "For five years I w.ti m vrrv hfjlth Snd tho doctom and nrttunr f.nlcrl to help ma, until I berjmp ncr.oualy til, .ind then I began uaing P.nnc'i Celery Con-pound t de rived great benefit from it at once, t com menced to gain In weigM and g.nned thirty nine pound in three montlit It gave ma great atrength and built up my entire iy tem. I have recommended it to tome of my frlenda and it did them a great deal of good." O. M. Pearton. Seattle. Willi. Prof Plltlps. r.j I );,(:' "'"' ' i'1'i'i w the first physician to rmin-1 o -.!,i. Ii day is rccofni7rd a -ir ' . n- "f the vienrr of niclictiv ;! : !'.' tru'li, that the nerve s mi ni t . Ii. i!th The nerve mi-' ! .u- : - ' 1 n 1 1 1 1 r ttretlRth Thru ! i 11 ' f - ! that we tmiallv know He ttoiifeht .11"! f' ! snrl restores tltr nrn . I: has heeome fanvm as 'r. the celebrated nrrn- 'i Paine's (VW ( ir forte to thoutapils rrr '!.. Itonns; tiK nrrr'i to th'ir ti 1 tn ni;tli It never fail tn huihl up a iun ' "i iMrni Id full, nidtly health Two flav' trrAtinrnt pi"r r tnarvelinn power. It brr vmt up Y"U d ! hrttrr at once. Sick healarhe, .a!piiati.,n Jirvr.e'. and hearthtirn are irtullv reler.l l,y a u.;lr 1.n ol Paine's Olrrr ( Vimnm.l Remernher thu. Pamr ' (Vlrrv f itT itinr is th prescription of rmr of the faniom physi cians thii cotintrv has ever known, an'l all rejm tkbW DruRKitla tell and recornmmd it WILL. lOHAtO.Oaj A OO. UOLiaOTON. VIIMOIT. 1 tl; l,!l ! V- up ( 'f'-.t'1.! Ii.. h ' ' ( H 1 . j H lllll'l -W , t,rv. nerve ' ' 1 1 . 1; .n 1 1 1 ir- P's French Periodical Drops HYirtt. f a,U, sairfwilf harmlea. ht m amnaMHtali Dti.4llW HLMjUS. brtMktotltauriaKl, rUa.M awlMtla. IrtTIAI " V t fa ' ' m jaat tkyaiM m wiuxajaa mh.uvt k. twa .aifc as) mf aa tmm m 4 ta nlH It jtM-wm--- Bold by DA.VIS PHARMACY t a-- M-f t0 rm p-mnm aVH Ml 4 t 4v ft fi3t r . lsi - - 1 H I f w w-i Mmtmi WT9, m ax i t- U4 ( sjtwaattas aaAat aaaa.1 .a. - WttoaV. M-V. ta.taaavjf a-j

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