PEtlllYROYAt aacnstruation." The womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. So known remedy for women eqnahi them. Caanot do harm life beeomea a pleaaure. 1 DO l'Ut BOX BY MAIL. . Sold : ' -v.- bold in New Bern by i. a. rEs Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange "TP .E Largest and fioest stork of ;norseg and Ma'es ever offered for isle m Newborn A oar load of fa' h jus in. AIo a cr.mple'e line of Buggies, Wagons Humes, Rob's, Whips, Curt Wheels, Etc leleplione Service is the Modern Genius WITH A TELEPHONE IN YOUR HOUSE THE RESOURCES OF THE WHOLE STATE AKE AT YOUR ELBOW : : For Rales apply to Local Manager For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HCNDCRSON, N.C. Notice ol First Meeting ot Creditors. In the District Court of the Unill States for the Knstern District of North Carolina In Bankruptcy. In the matter of Assad K 1 1 ib and N. Kllis ( In HankruplH, j Bankruptcy To the creditors of ArssiI Ellis and N. Ellis, of New Hem, in the county of ('raven and District aforesaid, a is hereby given that o n the 6th. day of April, A. D., 1905, the aid Aaaad Ellis and N. Ellis was duly ad judged bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at New Bern, in the U. S. court room on tha 18th day of April A. D. 1'JOfj, at 12 o'clock, noon, at which time the said creditors may attend, pmvo their clai na, appoint trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other busi ness as may properly come Iwfore said meeting. New Bm, N. C, April fi. 1905. S. W. SMAI.I.WOOl), Referee in Bankruptcy. ClBOllKl DISPATCH .AN l- 1J Doznla'on Steamship Co UAILl I. IN. Freight and Passenger for all points nortb i EFFECTIVE OCT. 21, 1904. TV IJteajrwr Nraaa i arkeduled tr aail at p. m. Monday, Wednnday and Friday far F.UsabHh City, making bind Imra at OiienUl and Roanoke Island. Tne Btrairwr Ocraoke ia aebadiitnl to aall at p. m. Tuewday, Tharaday aad Batarday for EliaalMUi CJty, snak-IJaadina-s at Oriental and tiuanokt . FVright rwi4 not laUr Uwn M law prWvkMai te asaUng, For fortlw Information apprjr to CEO. HENOEMUN. AgU M, K. KINO. V, r. t. Mgr. U. C BUDGIMR, Gen. Ft A. IW A (Mi. MorfrJk, Va, W. a BUMMERtXt A. 0l Ft. A Faaa. Aft. 4 ' Mew Bera, N C - Ernest M. Qrecn, AMafXt k CUr al U, 1tmtiA i HtW fftKRX. If, 0 Haia4iaarukf lur f aMy inn aiii mtmm$ ttm nrfr . laivwra vnrp iim iwirr ' (MM, UmIc, ar mmm .awt taw Tlify overcoma Weak ess, irregularity and Otuisatona, increase Tijf or sod banish, "peine are L1FK SAVK1W" to glrla-a F S Duffy Rasse House BKAUFOKT, N. 0., Centrally lociifcd. All the deli cacies of tho "season. Well venti lated moms flood beds, I'hone eon vemenceH, Pol:te and attentive Ser vants. Hates 1.50 per day Special and liberal terms by week or month. G. A. RUSSELL, liroprie.or. TIIK HKQUIlilCMhNTS MKT Tho people have an eye to things convenient, comfortable and cheerful. Having fitted up our hanking rooms to meet those requirements, we cordially invite you to call and inspect. Citizens' Bank air MBwaiBir.u Capital Surplus and Profits DeponiU Assets $50,000.00 $27,000. 00 $205,000.00 $334,000.00 T. A. CliKKN, President E. H. Mkaihiwh, Vice-President. T. A., Cashier. ICE 104 IM(0UIST Book Containing oonporl lor H00 lb of Ice In I'l lb. coupons, velu will be koIiI to cnitnmera si a dltcr" of 10 i er cnl .' i)0 will hoy 14.00 worth of ICK ' boii l procured, either from the ririvi nf wuoi ni Imdi the office 1 Griff 'ret t. New Bern Ice Company. Executors Notice lUvlnv ritialiSyvl P-vm-iiI of tha ImI U-Umnt "f Tra Piarwi, Am .aa art, Crwtm IVmnlv N.C Oil Im to aotlfr all III MS kMa of iMrtnx ctmm urmtnftt lha id An d to axhibH thn u, Dm uKW.nnl on or torora Uw UUi 4ar nf Alril 180ft. or tha not will h iWaMltl m bar of nnmiy.AU Hma laUbtal to U mtkt artU wilt w tmmMltau narmant April lilt, lint W. B rBARTR. Notice ! police is given that certificate num ber 14,r.'.:i, fur noe share of stork of the A. & N. ('. railroad company, which was issued to me, has been tost, and I hall make application for another ear-tifk-str. April th.. 1906. H. G. rRANKENFIFXD. Wood Turning;! Cotumna, Daloatera, BalU, flpfmllea, Ktair Newela, Ratnpa and Kaslwa, Man tlea, BrsckeU, Qrilbs Kie-Rark Trim mmg, rVrcli and twa Awing, rkah, Itooraand rVieewa made t order on abnrtiwtk. ' .- " , ... Porch Daluatari S, t, ? and t MwU jr. M. UKOiKTEtr. TmHarj, Church A 07, rWrn, H C ATTOKRtT ARO COUIUIORS AT I - LAW. . uinw M"ww ama lrt lo norwic . Btnry of No. fahrrra T brarA rf 6w) Sonili rrwn Hr-K, imt to . ' MoMChaUavka. he4 and WV. ta Ih p,rrTn und Tr4- nU i'ftrm, and HprYo rttra trt mirra. PILLS V ' OLYMPIAN J Lota of our peopta ' art attending the (amrval at New' Ban this weekJ. They report It a anocaaa..; 5. -," ' '':-.:.:.. .The fmrmere are buey .now preparing and planting crops, though every one ia a Bttle lata thla aeaaon. Vv; There was an accident on the P.O. ft W.-railroad thia week, the train ran in W Pamlico eounty; but did not hart any one.' v ' , : Mr; Darid Thomas ta home with hia parent thia week. Several of our ' farmers are putting wire fencing around' their farms this season. Through this section the farmers are cutting the cotton crop at least 83) per cent. " The young people of Olympia are contemplating a basket and ice cream supper in the near future. The pro ceeds will be used to buy books for the choir. ' We are glad to welcome our young ladies back home again, who have been away teaching school. Wards Mill. April 12th. We are pained to hear of the death of Mrs. Jacob Giles of - Jacksonville, who died of heart disease. She leaves two sons, Mr. Lionel Giles, lately editor Onslow Messenger, and Mr. Percy Giles the R. P. D. Carrier between here and Jacksonville. The timber people are moving brisk ly. Four logging concerns working at one time along French creek. Miss Alice Holton who has been visit- ing here, left for her home at Olympia, Saturday. Come again Miss Alice. Mr. Luby Kellum gave a work frolic and party, by which means he slightly enlarged his farm. Mr. Lewis Farnell of the French Creek Club is renovating the lodge by putting in a new furnace, enlarging the childrens department, painting and otherwise improving the property. General Henry Willis is doing the finish ing work. Mr. Joe Miller is puttingyip a very nice residence. Mr. Elijah Smith is the builder. Miss Sallie Willis has finished her school term at Piney Green. The child ren were greatly pleased with their teacher. Mr. Billie Henby of Southwest was in this neighborhood Sunday. Mr. Edward Author has a 2:30 trotter and challenges the county. Corn and Rye whiskey are imported in cases and barrels from Kentucky to this county. A new mail route was started the 10th from Hubert to Stella, Richard Henderson is the carrier. S. When Von t.oae Yoar Taste. "When people loae their taste," said s physician, "they retain their old likes ami dislike Just the same. Miss Smith, for Instance, can't tell a slice of roast tieef from a fried onion, hut she (lis liked onions before ber taate went, ami therefore she won't eat tliein now. People jme their taste through severe llliieswM, and with the loss of taste the loss of smell aearly nlvrays goes; hence ijiieer, cruel practical jokes. I know a woman without smell to whom a pint of onion Juice was seut In a cologne bottle. Hue deluged herself with this nlou Juice aud appeared in a crowded boated liallroooi. "To a man without taste or smell all rneraea must be alike, yet old Brown, low won't touch Uluhorgvr. He says It would make bllii ill. and probably It would. It is very odd to bear tueae de ficient people praising and condemning food and drink. Tney do It. though. They do It as heartily as yoo or 1. 1 have teeu old Browulow aend away Id disgust a glass of white wine, claiming It wis corked, while at the same time lie ate calmly an addled en"-BalU' more Morn Id. Notice of Flrt Meeting of Creditor.. In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of North Carolina In Bankruptcy. In the mattet of: II. B. Dillon. ) No. EL ofUGrannN. C. ! Bankrupt, ) Ia Bankruptcy, To the Creditor, of H. E. Dillon, of LaCraaffe, Mi UMfpeuty of Lenoir, and DUtrVt aforesaid, a Bankrupt Notice is hereby (hre that ea the M day of March, A..D. U0B, the aakj H. E. DiDoa woo auhr adjudged bank nipt. and that Ue first jnaeiing of ale credj- Urta will be aad k Kkwteo, at the Law omce of Roontrae A SUra, oa the 2Stk of April, loot, 04 11 o'clock A. M., ot which time the aaid Creditors aaay at tend, prrrre their claims, appoint, true- Ue, esaailae the bankrupt, aad traraw ed Oudi other aaaiiMeo 00 may proper rjr eome bet ore said meat Ing. -New fern, N. C, April U, 1906. ' . SAMUEL W, gMALLWOOD, V ' I i '.- , afre kt Bankruptcy. T ames Willis, ,, iiLAcumiiTn And hm Knr h orMd a rw-. at t h4 y sm furmwiy sr rnp4 t-V rsmii! )rtm, of h, f m rref t B, I-. . ' Vk p j-tIj t, ii-J ar a'ilJ. PAWNBROKERS. V "ffcer , Ae, Bars Ob ( Then, the Ml ef Geaeeeatty. When a "New Tork poUeeman recent ly borrowed Jewelry of a pawnbroker on hia beat to wear to "party," the story led to much comment tin the opinion of the pawnbroker most of the gaulp was entirely uncalled for. - Toapie -are , making a tremendous fuss about that little deal," be said. "They seem to think it one of the won ders of the age for a pawnbroker to lend anything unless he gets big inter- est on It Pawnbrokers are really the soul of generosity. I make loans every week. Of course I don't let things out Indiscriminately. A fellow that can touch me for the use of an umbrella or a diamond ring for the night has to be pretty well known as a square chap who la not going to run off with the goods. There are a number of Bucb men around In this part of town, and when they stand In need of some spe cial convenience that I happen to be able to supply to them from my stock of unclaimed pledges I am glad to ac commodate them. The stuff always comes back safe, accompanied bv a little tip, so I don't lose anything by trusting my friends. I have one woman on my list of bor rowers. She and her family have trad ed here for years. One day she pawned her opera glasses and never got them out, and since then whenever she has a chance to go to the play she asks for the loan of a pair of glasses. She Is too good a customer to be refused a little favor like that, so of course gets them. In the capacity of a public benefactor have loaned overcoats, gloves, walk ing sticks, rings and abont everything else known to the masculine get-up. Those loans are made to friends and reliable veople only, and no grafters need apply." New York Tost. INAUGURATION BALLS. Tlie First Was Madison's, Saturday Evening, March 4, 1800. Four hmulied ftuests, as all the con- temporaneuus accounts agree, gathered at the first Inauguration ball, which took place on the evening of Saturday. March 4, 180!), at Mr. Long's hotel, on Capitol hill. In celebration of the ac cession to the presidency of James Madison. Each of the three presidents who had preceded him in ofllco had been permitted to close the day of his Inauguration by going early to bed. General Wnshiugtou and John Adams had lieen Innugumted at temporary capltols, and Thomas Jefferson would have . rebelled iiL'iiinst a cercmonv plainly modeled upon the customs of royalty, hut when Madlsou's inaugu ration came the new federal city bad been a visible fact for nine years and was determined to assert a right to enjoy Itself. Even in doing so It fol lowed a habit always hitherto associ ated with the celebration of the coro nation of kings. Itoyal customs were really the only ones the people knew, for every Amer ican in Washington over thirty-two years of age had been born the subject of a king, and the new order of things had not glvpu birth to new ideas of how to manifest rejoicing. Moreover, if the nietli'Kl chosen seems to some to have been nn Imitation of monarchical customs, they should reflect In exten- aatiou that It Is an Instinct of man coeiial with his feeling the sensation of pleasure to show his Joy by dancing Bo an oltlchl ball closed the day of Mudlsun's iiMii.Kiinitloti and has closed tho Inanimation day of every presi dent who has succeeded blm. Gall- lard Hunt In Oentnry. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the viru lent poisons of undigested food, C. G. Grayson, of Lula, Miss., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with the result," he writes, "that 1 was cured." All stom ach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 2Gc at all drug stores, guaranteed. Ha In mm Ha laat. Tim airship Inventor dashea nclled ly about his statlonnry veaitol. which has refill! to rinionil to the action of tlia propeller nd otlier niachlnnry. "What'a nnmg Willi UT asks the meniher of the committee of capitalist. "Hlw4d If I can tell:" answer tba Inventor, 'i'lu aluiply op In tha air I can't understand !t." Judfe. HllORt JUIS TOO As IT any a New ern Reader Knows too Well Wha tha kidney arc aick. Natura Ullt roa all aboot It Tha oiiM la Nataira'a ealandar. Any rtnary trouble talla of kidney lite. Doaa'a Kidner PUW email kldry nw. ' Nrw Barn panel taaUfy U thla. L. A. Smith, aupvriiiUmdant of Crra Ul tea Co., 18 Or.mth St., raaidinf at 11 fiHffltli HI., aav: "1 naad Doan'a Ktdnyt Pi 11a fo mf kidnaTi and Met. tm aacrruoM Iran (m kidwara wi all out of aorta, i too frjunt I actio. Doaa'i KidMy rUte atofrpad thla. Uf tlUla boy waa trauUad with klfViry waaVnwa and tha accratlona wara eifhty aotorad and full of aedlrnmt. I (ava him "" 6' tha pilW tod thy iWatrvd kta aacrtilnM ta Ori natural mbr. I cannot bvt aaawidav Doan'a Kidney PUla M Wt ktdnay cnr and da ant haaiUU to ay ma. I obuiaad thara at Eradham'l Pharmacy." ' " . for aal hy all oWra. fricatOHa. a bot rcxtor-MlTbum Co., ' Haffalo, N. T. aula acnti for tha U L RearanW tha pa ma, DeaJt'a and U rvoo'rvr. Executors Ntlco - mA 1 -a. n rr rr ijum OAVV pnroC .Tho tritkal 0400! tfcroogh whickr the expectant -mother mm poot, howerer, Is oa fraught with dread, pain, surlerios' end danger, that 4bo Terj thooght of It fills her with, epprehonaion and horror. There U too neceaaity for the reproduction of Ufe to be either painful w aangerowa. Tne oto r motlier'o tho coning OrOOt that ta ia safely gMOf oetA oreaderf ul romodT - lo .aJwoTt jnrri Irppliodezternally.arid has earrtod thoaaands U li of . womoo throogh ... tho trying eriaU wfthoat infforlag. r . MWriataaalMlatatMtniwaaa Ot att '4aM aiae toaaexvaMaat awtaanv' ThO ftrwatoM iQloor lav, Aflrsto, ta, EXTREMELY LOW RATE5 Announced, Via SOUTHERN EAILWAY Extremely low rates are announced via the Southern Railway from points on its lines for the following special oc casions: Athens, Ga. -Summer School, June 27- juiy ta, i3uo. Atlanta, Ga. National Association of Manufacturers, May 16-18, 1905. ; Bristol, Tenn. Annual Meeting Ger- man Baptist Brethren, June 6, 1906. Charlottesville, Va. Virginia Summer School of Methods, June 26-Aug 4, 1905. Fort Worth, Tex-General Assembly 18-26. 1905. Hot Springs, Va. Southern Hardware Jobbers Association and American Hardware Manufacturers' Asso-1 ciation, June 6-9, 1905. Kansas City, Mo. Southern Baptist Convention, May 10-17, 1905. Knoxville, Tenn Summer School, June 20-July 28, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle Bible Training School, July 3-Aug. 15, 1 1905. j Monteagle, Tenn.-Monteagle Sunday School Institute, July 17-Aug. 6, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Woman's Congress, Aug. 1-15, 1905. Nashville, Tenn. Peabody College, Summer Schools; Vanderbilt Bib lical Institute, June 14-Aug. 9, 1905. Oxford, Miss. Summer School Uni versity of Mississippi, June 14-July 26, 1905. Richmond, Va. Farmers' National Congress, Sept 12.22, 1905. Savannah, Ga. -National Travelers' Protective Association of America, May 16-23; 1905. Savannah, Ga. Southern Golf Asso ciation, May 9-13, 1906. St. Louis, Mo. - National Baptist Anni versary, May 16-24, 1905. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Summer School for Teachers, June 16-July 28, 1905. Kates for the above occasions open to the public. Tickets will be sold to these points fron all stations on the Southern Rail- wav. Detailed information can be had up- on application to any Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway; or Agents of connecting lines, or addressing the undersigned: L. VERNON, T P A., J H WOOD, D P A Charlotte, N. C. Ashcville N. C 8 H HARDWICK, W H TAYLOK, Pass. Traffic Mgr, G-en'1 Paaa Agent WASHINGTON D. C. IloniHlnii A, Nona, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I'ractloa tn tha oonntlaa of Craiao, Cart ret, Iamlloo, Jonaa and Onilov, and In iha Mat Hoprama and Padaial Oourta. Offlca: Sonth rroot rtraai, oar Tl ri.h offloa. Na -n. M. 0. Sunday Excursion To Morthtad City. Commencina: Sunday, April, 2, 1906, and uc each Sunday, thereafter, until further advised the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad will place on tale Sun day Exenralon Tlckete to Morehaad City and return from all aUtiona. The followbuj ratea will apply from New Bern 76e; Tuacarora 80c; Riverdal 70c Croatan 6Se; Havalock 66c; New Port 8Sc Ticket! good only on data of aale. E. A. NIEL, T. M. Notic IFIrtt MMting ( CrtdKort. !o the Okrtrkt Court of the United 8utae for the Eeatara Dtotrict of North Carolina -In bankruptcy: In the natter ef a W. KldyetU, I ; - karfcrupt, I In BankropUy. To the Creditor! f 0. W Kldrett, W i OrfonUl, lb tit wvty of Pantile, ' and DiatHct afofeaald, bankrupt: Kollee la hereby frm that U let day of ApTfl. A,J.,,Q6, the taldO. W. Vidyett, m duly adjudged bank- rapt and thai the Bret weUr of kU rerUinra win be Hakj at Mew Bern, ki the U. S. Court Boom, the flat day of April, A. D. im at II 'crack noon, which Ume the aaid eredilom may at- Urrd, prove Iheir tkiinw. appoint true ta, i amine the baakropt, and trana act each Oth- buninwe ae wf proper ty rnme Ix-f-ira aaid mwtrng. Ne N. C., April H, IM, ' 8. W.P-1ALLW(WD, . rtfre b Bankruptcy SEKMOCR W. HANCOCK Attornpy at Lav7.' H, o woman'i bappt Tf Q. te" cn he complete J fJr" without children ; it i her nature to leva and want thaas at much so aa h hi to Ioe the Kaaitnrifttl at Friend to prepare the tytUa for passe4 without any danger. Thia - - tsnas 1D00 Q Notice ef City Primary 1 Notice is hereby given that a primary election will be held on Monday, April 17th, 1905, from 6 A. M. to 7 P. M. for the purpose of nominating candi dates of the Democratic party to be voted for at the coming city election, to be held May 2nd 1905, fortwoalderm from cach ward Mayor, Chief of Police Tax Collector, Water & Light Commis- sioner and City Executive Committee of three from each ward. B. S. GUION, Chairman. F. T. PATTERSON Secty. Registration and voting for the sevcr- al cand'datea will be held same day. Polling Placti. First Ward-City Hall. Second Ward Court House. Third Ward Street's Stables. Fourth Ward Hargett's Old Store. Fifth Ward McCarthy's (old reel house) . Sixth Ward Hook and Ladder House George street. B. S. GUION, Chairman. Poll Holdere. First Ward Fernie Gaskill, James Hill. Second Ward Albert Willis; W. K. Baxter. Third Ward-N. M. Hooker, W.J. McSorley. Fourth Ward Jesse Harrison, .1. W. Hill. Fifth Ward Smith. Sixth Ward Frank Hackney, ituiii G. W. Williams, A. J Gaskill. Regljlran. First Ward-R. R. Hill. Second Ward -W. B. Flanner. Third Ward-K. S. Street. Fourth Ward-J. E. Gaskill. Fifth Ward C. T. Hancock. Sixth Ward - Walter Fulford. Official Primary Candi dates for Election April 17th. The following candidate for t he i "everal offices, pertaining to the , several offices, pertaining to the City , Government, having complied with the "a' conditions goveminK the primary ' law of Craven County and City of New Bern, I certify that they are the ones w be v0"1 ror on Monday April 1 ,(h. between the hours of (i a. m. anil 7 p. m- H. S. GUION. Ch'm City Kx-('m For Mayok. Wiliiam Kllia. F. T. l'ultcrmiii For Chief ok I'oi.m k. J. M. Harvct, C. I.uptftn Samuel M. Howard. For Tax Co.i.kT(ir. J. J. Tolnon. Foa Water a I.kiht (VummHinNFit. F. V. Avery, H. S. (iumn Auikrhkn lrr Ward. A. H. Hangert, J. K. Smith i. C. Whitty, L li. Dani-1. Aldkrmen 2nd Warp. J. B. Dawaon, II. S. lUnnv-k. C W. Munfer, C. 1.. lv. Auirrmcn .Iri) Ward. H. 1 Una, C. J. Mr.Horloy, T. MitcheQ. J ft. Holland. ALORawKN 4tk Ward. g. Phillipe, Arthur Urxi. W L. 8. Wood. J. O. nrirv-xifi. AUkhim 6m Ward. C J. McOutfcy. W. A. Mclnth AtMfttmf tru Ward. , - LL Cmby. Mrmm new . Ta Maa,' CXaaaaje CoaraaMTt 44. ' - f ' ' ' a. : -"Itl4i v J- -i ivu4eff . !: .. v f till aMiaj. imm mm t alWaa IA u-. ii. r,. :: '.ih, 19aS 1 .... , l .nc , : Tu.Tari.ra .". J Ar. NEW HKHN Lv. Nt w Hem ri KivcnialL- I. 1 Havel... k i; : N.-wj ..i t ; Ar Mun Ill-nil Cy. 7 1 V.'LST IIOUNIl 14 i. r, u.:i7 10)10 H.H 1II.2K 111.44 11 IM) 11.Z1 N" 1. Nn. fi. STATIONS- DAILY DAILY I.v. M..!i-hi!i ;. 7,ii A. M. 4. Ill) p Ni.Wi.urt 1-11 4 r,7 IIav, l(.i:k S 27 " f,. j ; Kivfniak 2 " r.'ij Ar. NEW 11KKN .ui " s' Lv. NEWHKKN M.1S A.M. (i.lll p. Tusrarora '.i,:17 " f,.;l2 (' : ri . (iM Dt.vrr l...i:i " ; ; Klnst.m n'T " 7a Laf;raii,rc 1 l.:.l " 742 Ar.(...ldsl...ri, ll.Jil " mo Trains -I, 1. a. anil li I'ONNLVTIONS. Al i;.lill,n lantii- (.. t 1 At 1 Line. ' Willi S..i i.t liern ituilway nnil At iterii: V ith Atlantic Coast K. I FOSlTIt. t;i.n. ral 1: A- NIKI.. an....'1-r. 'I rallif Maruursr LllSIKiHO. N. ('. i:tr, Claim. noi:ti cauoi.ina. t.NNl.oW ('o)INTY. To M. M. fi).ns. Tnfiv Tal er for ftnsli.w (Vmnly. The iinili-rsiirii. .1 II N trown of Onslow i-ounly. North t'ari.ln.H. .rs anil l:i s claim to the fol- lowinj. ili-seriUI pic e or parcel of l.-uul in Hieh- Town: hi)., ('..uiily. Sta f North Cn1.1lii.11. It..-,- Im-im!.. vacant anit unappropi-'a-I11I Im .. aii.l i l..,-ntrv. viz: IteinninK at I . Si in 1 1 . .11 Im. .villi 1 he run ,,f Juniper Swamp ill I., lla.i.l I u;,;.l .ii-c . ih n I.- Iliirhlanil. then U.-...H..I a.l.l .;..-Sua.. lai k In !. Simpson's line lhe I.,',m.h.Iiv .. ...Ian., ie u 1 l . I , t SIX acres. Km. -l-,il II,.' I.'li; .I.e. ,i Marrh, 1 IKlH. II N LUllVi N. Claimant. Demi' I '.nl t I .'u Executrix Notice "i us Kvrciilrix of I t'!r , ill'CI'JlSttl, all i I I'l- Mini t'Htnti' ant :uin ilitl vcnluil. i ti-- .! . of Mnn lt l'.HMi.or i I at ..f Hi. -n rtfuvvry. ! -i;it.' jut- hi-reliy re iriflil. 1 M I NS. KxfH-utrix tins All ! ijilf.l.-.t -in-. .: K. A Administrators Notice Ma ifti: li t- -1 h.Ihh ht.'rii'itratnr (if l(. U-. r:l Siwll- !:uius against 1 t-. prf-M-nl Ihe rn"l on or tM-fnri' 'iotir- will Im- .I.H.I..I I ...t,i.-l i All ..TS. CUCst-( t' Ila in- timlm Notice ot Sale of Valua ble Real Estate. a St kn ,( N.-w I til -.1 Ml f.l-I '1.TT1IH AM I A II II. TUN. Entry Claim. 'I nl- ,. ii., ,n .-r II...I lM, .-r i.rr.-l . I,. ml unii- -I..W Mini ..I I. nlm.K nlly in.-, i ..f th. I.. . I ll M..HMIN ' I I.IIIIM v V;-: .'n r.A II 1 1 r.iUM, hie prvn Hcr r-- nr.. U WilhcMt a. ..f tKary rn Sal t ' ft iKrtl rm n (,- if) ararw h T n ' - tiratrrt.' e pyf I'.iiMer- mv r ' ritlineT tKewr, t can kiiirt w h .Wr r . . 1 rm, k.r-i r t ' mill meiri 4o kf I -if reKar baat. w Jf atJ ae rejBted I a' .arr ,f raM tmtM f r wrwU fr tKeWr ctf humhia naw- ,..,r .: 1 M- oraaati -era t. kira a it kacauf 'ki-t t.r frm Keaai I . -Tl-'lr " vd tn I gld r- rmm-m md m oM U. N. U'-lrrw Hnm, 78 Br tt Ota ln N C NOTICE rtatr or Moirrn numum, ivwmttw I m-vn T M. M Cmrr. rT T Im IMn Oanrtrt Tfc !.,. rM IH.rf l wi, al m li umi'i H-fc fmi iHa. ' mmI laf Hakm a Ih, MkaHM m frl ml In4 la Ri,hm4 rW mt Want, ap-aaaawa-fiHAM aarei hxa . iVa k wll " w i HM, turn v M4 4MMM u k mw tmm la n tm af M, ftnm.-i i,tWntlw , ar-4 . an o a ila m a- imm mm laaa n"' laa M t laa mtrnm m II ). avaa' . ifc- Baaaie u ia aar nwa, ia pWHa an. tAtn t rvnuL EifCntora Notice taa altaa.iAl R 1 naa. i i a i ii . im aare i U.l mmml I TM aaar at Mal a a Mi.rriW. ft. jan aiaiaal taa aaM a aaa - al n ia in iia. e aar axtaiiil i.i aa mt li . . aa Bm ttm taav m Ma a ata aa l l .1 at u.a A I ' )! i.laa CJ A. aj T f 11?.", , X T' ftaii, In 't:t and i v r I C" rt . : : - . : l .'t. OAHTOrtlAi aW.a " rsrl ty a I -i