THE JOURNAL New Bern, N. C. Alril 14, 1905. LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OPTHE WORLD meet at Roun tree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 730 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are invited CRAVKN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF H A KM ON Y. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed nesday nights in each month in Roun- trees Hall, Pollock street, at 7:80 o'clock. Samuel R. Ball. President; J. H. Smith, Sec'y; R- R. Hill, Financial sec y. Index t New AdTertitcmeats. Riverside Store Groceries. Executors notice. Carolina Business College. Davis' Pharmacy - Headache powders Notice First Meeting of Creditors. J M Mitchell & Cy Shoes. J,ost. Simmons & Hollowell Co. Easter. NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Business Locals. J. 11. SIMPSON has re-established a pressing club and is prepared to press gentlemen's suits or ladies skirts neatly and iH-omptlv. Call at rooms over Hanir & Son, on Middle street or leave the suits at Stewart Callaway's barber shop. Phone 25. LOST A package of court papers Tues day morning about 9 o'clock, on Middle street between Pollock and Graves. Finder please return to this office. LOST-On the street, yesterday, a leather pocket book containing one $10 bill, one $T bill several small bills, re ceipts and other papers. Finder ill be rewarded by leaving the same at the Journal office. LOST or STOLEN - A Racycle No. 7.r07'J. Any person having knowledge of the same will please report to Dr. Primrose's otliie 411 liroad street or K!l Cravan street. Reward for return. FOR RENT Furnished rooms with or without board. Apply at79 East Front street. LOST Sunday evening, between tie liroad Street Fruit Compan's store am; the post ollie a child's lacecollar. Finder return to the Rroad Street Fruif Con pan's store and get reward. HOUSE FOR RENT Number 88 South Front St. Inquire of U. 11. Davenport BANANA Ice Cream today at McSor ley's. FOR SALE Or Charter Small Tug boat, in good condition 10x12 engine. Scotch Hoiler, allowed 137 punds steam or will exchange for good Rarge or Scow. W. H. Hastings, 17 Nivision St., Norfolk, Va. EVERY DAY OUR BARGAIN DAY You save money to call on Gaskinx Cycle Co., with your wants. Right goodH at right prices, all repairs prompt y made by skilled workmen. UNLESS you use the Stillwell Incan descent Gas Burner you are not getting the U-st light for your money. Call and see them, John H. Ives, opposite P. (). TO RENT i Room House on New Street near Metcalf street. Apply U: George H. KolxTta. SPECIAL NOTICE TO LADIES As the time hnn come feir putting furs and winter garments away for the summer n gixxi molh proof chest in the Itest receptacle you can have. invite ynu to invTMigatc the merits of my moth proof cedar chest Guaran leed to give satisfaction. H. A. Ep ting., National Avenue, next to James F. Taylor's Residence. CANDY TOPICS In addition to our line of Tafflea, linttles, etc, o have aiMerl a fine line of Chneolalra and lUm Hons made by our Mr. Duffy in our iwn specially equipped factory at 103 Middle street. Phone 2(19. J amen It. Dawmm. OLD NEWSPAPERS U ciU jt 100 for sale at Juumnl offlca. The Phenomenal Growth ol Ont of New Bem'i Leading Mer chant, en the Way They Succeeded. You ran raminbr Ave yuan aim. whn this firm ocnipM a small ator arm the alro. with aranwly ao stork. but with a sure foundation of honmt t"i at hrmmt JirWa, for InaUnre the am fou niwd wacha yoa had to then pay 126 to 30 for, lhy aD for f 10 to 114 alan jmm (aid It. JO for cWln( your watrk, or a malimprln , they pot the pries at ILOO, aim pra M to pay n Mts for a hand or a; Owj pot the price to 19 tm mth, and we bare ataadarrt vvidmre that lhy aw stand betweea la oM big pricea and U publ'w today. Under lha arfl ma. afaMwtvf I. O. Baltof this bothuM haa rrwa UUm rf Um tanrwt at EaaUra North CafoJk of Ha kM, U am f aa afprwIaU pnhtk, of fc (aada al twwawt aanaWtoai priraa, Dr. Vi:"t)'CZ:?J222 AtLSat r , j 1 1 j i " SHOBT PASSING. EVENTS. From the eminent array of coasel re tained by defaulting Cashier Dewey, of the New Bern bank, he lias' no doubt got some of the swag left: Hta ease, ! called in court yesterday, was continued to the July term. Greensboro Record. Therwas a storm early Thursday morning, some wind, but largely a rain fall which amounted to one and one half inches. The temperature fell from a maxium of 80 degrees Wednesday to 60 degrees Thursday a. m. Important meeting of the Anti-Saloon League tonight at Rountree Hall at 8 o'clock. T. J. Mitchell, Secty. The A. & M. College boys are leaders in the base-Dall ot North Uarotma. Come out to see them have a hotly con tested game with New Bern Cadets. Be present and "root" for the home team. The great game of the season between Mrs. A. Oettinger. - Kinston Free A. & M. College and New Bern Military Press 13th. Academy, 3:30 this afternoon and 3:80 , Me88rs L B EnneU and j g Jonea of tomorrow afternoon at Blades Park Cedar Point were in the city yester Don't fail to witness the game. j jay Lenoirs superintendent of health says j Mrs. E. B. Ellis and her daughter, there is not a case of small pox in the Miss Elizabeth, left last night for Can county that is officially known. Ernest Sherwood a clerk for A. D. Harris who keeps a store on Grilfith St had a narrow escape last evening from serious injury it not death. He was driving his employer's delivery wagon and when on Hancock street near the Academy Green his wagon was caught by the pilot of the shoo fly train and thrown off fipm the track. The grocer ies in the wagon were scattered around considerably and the wheel damaged but there was no injury to driver or horse. The throwing of flour over people at the carnival is the limit. It is not only dangerous but ruinous to clothes. The confetti is bad enough, bat the Hour throwing ought to be stopped at once. In spite of the cloudy and damp weather there was a large number out last night to look on and visit the sev eral attractions offered by the carnival people. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is positive, never nauweates or upsets the stomach. Cleanses and purities the en tire system. A great blessing to suf fering humanity. :!.r cents, Tea or Tab lets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Base Ball Today. The rain storm of yesterday prevent ed the game of base ball between the A. M. College Club and the N. 1!. M. Academy Club. The A. M. College boys arrived yesterday and are ready for to days game, which will be called at :l:3n this afternoon at Blades Park. There should be a large attendance to greet the visitors and to root for the home boys. Let every one get out and encourage those who are getting up theac base ball contests. The line up for loth teams is as fol lows: A M. C, N. It. M , Armstrong Howe Tucker Patterson McSorley Wadsworth Lupton Prettyman Hodges Temple Mclntire Smith Abernethy Couch I jittimorc Allen Hardie P lb 2h If ;tb rf cf an Tisdale It filla the arteries with rich, rod blood, make new fli-nh and healthy pen and women. That'n what llolliv tr' Rorky Mountain Tea will do. 3.' renin. Tea or Tablet. For kIc by F. S. Duffy. Paint Your Buggy For 75c. to tl.00 with Devoo'a Gkwa Carriage Paint It weigh 3 to H ot. morv to the pint than other, wear longer and givea a gkna equal tnTnew work. SoM by E. W. Bmallwood and The J. C. Whitty Co. Will Leave 20th. Mr. Snyder. thi piano and organ tuner of Waahingtun, D. C.) will re main In the city only until April Hh. Hp ha nearly enough work on hand to fill th timn and will be unable to ran aid any ordVri aftr Monday l?th. tnatrunwriu examined and mUmatva made free, rhon 132 at Mrs. Kir hard on ', K2 Pollock 8L Yvarly trip to New Hem. le, Cream god. tUr at McW7. g&mUMmE mis ITS L1QUIL OF T0UI2 iGYE3! Altnla rp tm alnwat (wfxi4(rati!f, Ymit . I ' : 7 afcowld frr fmrnH altMlM ,wMw Owra .'. ti ty iiIkUw rf troflhte. Aftr tWwch . ' ,. . "Cw lhf aW,M h tJ it a j.r of (. twciiUwi, We hr rrvrf HjU 0f frame . " wwuaUrf an4M u, l-it rnat;ryf ' tr. . TrtiWUVtA t'.i . .. THEY COME AND GO. ; -jV'';'W: f fe:c: Mr. : and Mrs. Herbert Cummines, t Misses Lelie Hay Cummings, " Rosa feDan, and Messrs waters and Miller 01 Winston, returned borne yesterday after a short visit here. Misses Gladys and Iris Mitchell, of Kins ton are visiting Mrs. J. M. Spen cer. Mrs. M. M. Marks, spent the day in Kinston, yesterday. Messrs, F. C. Bryan of Columbus, 0., and Shepard Bryan, of Atlanta, Ga., returned to their homes yesterday after a visit with their parents, Judge and Mrs. Henry R. Bryan. Mrs. Jane Griffin and Mr. Otis Grif fin went to New Bern this morning, Kinston Free Press 13th. Mrs. M. M. Marks, of New Bern, was in the city today to visit her sister, ada and will visit friends in New York. Mrs. A. M. Williams of Vanceboro, was in the city yesterday, No mercury, no minerals, no danger in Ilollister's Roekv Mountain Tea. The greatest family tonic known" Brings good health to all who use it. 53 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. To The Public! This to notify the public that the draw in Trent river bridge will be up for repairs Monday and Tuesday April 17th. and 18th. T. S. BAXTER. Bridge Supt. Asks Assistance of Customers. As my papers and books were lost in the fire which destroyed my stables; 1 would greatly appreciate it if any of my patrons or customers who have ac counts with me would let me know of them, so I can get together my business affairs and find out better how I stand An early attention to this request will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, L. G. DANIELS, at Scott's Stables. April 12th. That Beautiful Gloss. romes from the varnish in Devoe's Var nish Floor Paint; costs five cents more a quart though. Sold by E. W. Small wood. For the finest line ot meats in the city call at the Coast Line Meat Mar ket: Fine Veal and Dressed Chickens at C ast Line Meat Market Ice Cream today at McSorley 'a. ' , iiuiii.i. r Im.j,i. ' lhi in Hint I sin Hie t li 11 n. rest gently, "gr '.n.l In ( 'olor:nl 7. '.!) mid 'Kill iin'y fi ill: ui tint i.ititu "I kii.iw." he n-plie proudly. I rhnMiHl ItiiM fellow clerin out of '-oiiutry nod shut him nt InM. I 'lean out of hrenth when I gut w rnnge of hint too "-Chicago TrILii H ti In nc. the taint that lasts T tW JLj Whl S"' Pure White L e i d will protrct in" ormmfnt your boast fur i longrr lime thai uy oibrr liiitur pjai Bije. It pay le hiy tie brat SOLD BY ALL REPUTABLE PAINT AND HARDWARE DEALERS. NOTICE! want inrr ntaa a4 wow ta uw Cnltad Hhim mumM la tk ear Opiom, Walakay or Mhr Orn( katMta, IttMf fartHnaraao frtw4a,w kT oaaof tr. Waniin't worHia a tnm Ota ZiZC 3ACIIES WCOIDS or; if Jt.rir 127 Middle Ht. Full line of Drugs.Med Icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply o, Flower Seeas. Physicians Pre scrip lions A Npecilty. Our styles the handsomest. Our qualities the best. Now is the time, Here is the place to order your Spring Suit, F. M. Chadwickj . li floloPTT floo do pViq Pnm flnpo ft M UU1U1 I UUUIUUlUilU i uwuuiu. m II I 9IA BEST REflEDY FOR HEADACHE. HADE AND SOLD AT s .Nsi It A. Phone 56 GREAT EASIER DISPLAY j : 4 1 Complete Readiness For a Joy ous Easter. In our Millinery Department we have just received the latest shapes in ready-to-wear and Dress Hats, We get a shipment of the newest things in Millinery every Wednesday of each week, conse quently we have the latest things as they conie out. uive your order lor your mcnt. ..Uxiord 1 tes The stock is now complete and foot-wear for Ladies, MisseH and We have the exclusive sale of Ladies. Oxfords in Kid, Patent BAR FOOT BROS. Are You Ready tor Easter ? If Not, Let us help You. To be absolutely sure of having your cos tume iorEasUr, it seems sensible to buy now The showing of new fabrics and new effects is most comprehensive. interesting for you.we great bargains. The 75c Mohair 60 inches wide, Frown, Navy Blue and Alack, extra heavy, beautiful silk nnish and colors perfect. $1.25 Black Taffetta Silk at 98c. The heaviest and best 38 inch .Black Tatfe ta that over sold at S1.25. here at O8o. Every yard is fully guaranteed to give the utmost satisfaction. Charming Easter Ig'dPa Thlt Zlllllncry Section throbs with Intense activity, noro you will find a vait show of beautiful Ilats.cach poB88$in a Btrikinfr indl viduality and a faahion eleganco that cannot bo iound r lsewhcro in this city. -No dlaap. pointmcnta. AUordeis promUod lor 'Easter will positively bo delivered cn time. ' , Announcement.' I taka thia method of announ- -: eing to this lee Cansumera of New Bern that I am a cand idate for the office of IceJDeal er. If I am elected I pledge myself to serve yorf promptly any time day or night if I am called on. Very Respectfully, H. E. ROYALL, Broad Street Fruit Co. HOLUSTER 9 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Htdloln for Boiy Peopl. Brlngt Otildu Hsatth aad Emewed Tl(or. A inrc'.flo f or CoBatlnation, Inwiwtlon. ijtp -nd Kidney Trooblen. PlnipK-H. Ecwma, Impur !:1o(k1. Bad Breath, SIukkIhIi BowelR, tlBadach and Uackacho. It's Rocky Mountaiu Tea in ml: let form. 86 cents a box. Genuine made by rijLMSTEa Dauo CoaPANT, Madison, Wis flOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE m Davis' Pharmacy r..-islcr llat now and save nibappoim- vot faster., 1 we can show you a swell line of 6 Children in all leathers and styles. 4 the celebrated Merrick shoes foi or 4 Leather and Tan $2, and I. To make buying more place on sale today two Sicilian at s9c, I SI l& U II schlo; ftALTIHORt NEW YORK 3r H XPJUlUllIl silica rtiiu. icmpuuR prices a combination that is hard to boat. J. G. DUNN & CO., Ph. ne 213 SIVERSIDE S rii lie Good tuh hotter Kox ltiver tub butter Kox Kior prin Imtter Lest Ne York Slide Irish Hest ('hese ( i cyni May LaniH'auntry Ihuns (io'id Hams B Strips Kin);on Shoulder Hest aie caTeetwolii !' Hi st Apple Ciller 1 Hi r..uiN. 1 lb colfc with a iciiii um with e:ich parK.-!i;c l. T a I.V packairi-. : ;iiti' thing a: to lee Corn Meet' :-v '- Krcsh Tripe '! It I!li.c';-eyed peas H'c .l White li.dy pi as o.- il llestlard' lie IV Wash lubs all sizes tine .'li.- :oe :u I ; I. on Corn Heef for i ean No ellv (axes tn p;iy :uil r:.n sell goods bt ;;per lli:m i ! e where. (iive us a Iri.-il .-1 1 1 1 l .) ij . . Yours Wi v Ti ii!-. I.. li. IIAI'.iCliT.' l'ro.riet"r. J 0. LAND I MANAfiKK. nVBMrWnBHOM Notice 1 Have just received fresh car load Ameri can Wire Fence; same will be sold at greatly reduced rate. Come snd see me before buying. E.W.Smallwood J L. HARTSFIELD, ( out urlor (IKKICK !):; I 2 MIDIH.K ST. A antiiified cot..ini r in lb. 1 . intf eri lil by me in New Kern Dr. K. I). V. Joneii. Item, I, i, , A. 4 N. C. R. II ti.rae I! O. Mark A Son Would bo glatl to huvu any one inspect m work as it goes up. Special Floor Oil 40; per gal Fprintr, has rorn nn l you u nit something to brighten upand beautiiy tho h .mc. We have Kurfacite and a full lino of beau tiful and durable varnishes. 1IKATII AM) M 1 1.1 P . A N AM) MSI l'IM Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co . HARDWiRI 7 MhMlai. rbM UT. D:P J"arvis IlRCi3 OOODft. VTHITB COOtlS, RII KS. MnROlDRRtM, LACKS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, MATTING3, RUGS AND HOUBEHOUl O0OD8 Block IhoroutMf ffitaMM4 In all Rm, i(J nnawl tmmmmkA atty 0 a 0r Umpmwf toralwa b 41 Pollock tirtmt, naiU foa OflW, Mrtil aw riwi tnU aanfM4 for w, lbe ahall mmJihm baateawi at ml ata Ua4 Opposite Mail irrtVra (ItmmmNI atttki. mm ! AL'OHT in i:s:: 'Tis t me to pick out your Spring suit, bat, shirts, shoes. etc Our stock is complete in both men's and 1p boy's llnes nnd rignt 55 57 Pollock S. AT CIII'Ht II (I.N K A ST Kit SUNDAY . .-i v . 1 ... I k I .... I u' . I I ' .... . ..i . i ir.-.n. If . .. hv i I . i.i i'ii..'!i l.i:uw i uwil II I i I' ii. I'l lnil i.J vi.ur ier I in -II' in .. tl IvK ui ..i li ll l ' i : ,-i, .-I. B II. (it li li Planting Cotton Seed I i' i ale :i liui.'.i-il iit:Mitity ef IVulllir C-lli. li It I. -vivn St... Is. I'Mi . , i.uslt.'i. In llliline Isii' l. cah ' I. I ,. I.:T. per l.iih- . I f..r "I . - i . I ill V ; i I ' I ( '..unly. S i ' . ' .,; .: . , I I,.'. , li.. ,1 lb. Mil ..II :i '. I.iii l l n i hiei'il m. ii t linn : i.i i 1. 1'.. I, . ;; in '. I. ...I .i"H i i i ; i n iiiMT. I'-. I .. I -vill.-. N C For Your Eas ter Suit II II I. ' Ml In SI.K A. BLOCK Mi l;i 1 1 N I I All. ui'. N ' ' . . " ' . I', in iiikI ltuill r. . I ' . i i . i., lb I ' V .. ' . I" ' ''- I'l iiNK y;:H. f Hi., i i.ii.i i . . Vt :,r. Ii. I 1 -I. r I Mil l aUrl UM 44 Cm Post Office. fmffo M fieaUl,