l' - t wmm TO STAY cored; NOT th temporary Improvement resulting from dangerous ' mercury. opiates, alcohol) tr potash; not iht momen- . 'taty relief from sharp pain given by liniments; but Marching cleansing of the blood that clears the ayetewjuri ' every restige of the disease, and absolutely - CURES RHEUMATISM: We -know that St should tare because it is compounded in ; the most scientific manner, of purely vegetable drugi that . cannot harm, but build up the entire syatemv We know that it does cure because hundreds of those cured hate wtmcn us that it baa s ,, . , j- ' CURED AFTER ALL OTHERS FAILED. 7 Tim ismi'l hotu troa BOWTT CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. v YOURVRUCGISTSCLtSJtllEUMACIOC. f ' , "For Ml in New Bern by t. A. Henry and Hargett's Pharmacy. " COUPONS Each package cf Piedmont Cigar ettes now contains a whole coupon. Packages containing coupons bear the letter (G) and the box fronts are not redeemable. Piedmont Ci- garette box fronts which do not bear the letter (8) are i ct equal va'ue with the coupons. If CIGARETTES! !fhb Cigarette of fliillty?! arc made from selections of genuine old Piedmont to--bacco, ripe and Bweet wrapped in tinfoil and always in perfect condition. SAVE YOUR COUPONS THEY ARE ( VALUABLE rumoooM Tt ct B R. MO FFETT'S If W . 1 . t L A li Mill M I 111 Carts Cbolirt ln?infumi Diarrheas, Pyssstsry. ana Bowel Treebles ml Cfcfldrea ei Jin) Ag. AidsDastJoat, RtgnUtM she BwssSrat, ik. ruu.aj stairc fITfTllllIft MWBrrVt "l.raTaTTWIJilfl rMmv. lM Mj 25c it Pnrrist tr nail 25c t Ci UOITETT, LB-Si. Luis. lb. Mtfirt Htttm mo longer, tut mv th hurt mm Uf mt yourenna, mm viousna nmvm eoitm, my giving tmm pmwomt, TMmTTMINA mmmity gtvmn mnd quickly counteract mini ororm 99m dm mumotm mr tarn mammmr' wr upon imutg oauarmo. LYoirs French Periodical Drops Rtrlrt!" w-fatahle, perfectly barm Iran, anre toecomnpllah DESIRCO RESULT. Oretct kooa femakmrrawly. Price), J1.4Q per bottle. m 1 smnsl tmt W'i i lemtimi, ntsmiatkMa MSSMUfl In nit linwila mUr na tW IN MM. Ikm t, A - mlm Ohum WUiiM Mm uu.s)se sws, vwMi.vsia sJ5c2 5 Sold by D1VIB PHARMACY cotti'cmt iSAHCYUn RALc::;rs $:;::.d rr,.:.:A"Y. Gmtrnor Ciena Osllvert Rsllglout and Eds- . csllonal Addrsnes. Jadgt Purasll M New Bera. 'T RaleiglvN. C April 24 An immense congregation assembled yesterday af ternoon at Tabernacle Baptist Church to hear the address by Governor Glenn before the B. T. P. U. on the subject Shall We Keject The Master?" and every one was delighted. ,-He lamented the fact that bo. many people do not really want to receive the Master in their lives, ?That they would have to change their mode of living, their bust ness their methods in politics and other relations of life. He dwelt on the great need for the influences of devout christ ian living in business, in the affairs of the city, the state and the nation and urgedthat voters see to it 'that -none but christian men are elevated to posit ions of public trust. n? "."fTi " Judge Pumeu left this morning for New Bern where he goes for the pur pose of hearing the writ of habeas cor pus that he issued Saturday in the esse instituted in the state court st Beaufort airainst C B. Jones, collector of cus toms for the port of Beaufort, for ' vio- latinz the immigration laws of, the state.' The contention of the' govern merit is that Jones was acting ' within his duties as acting . shipping 1 commis sioner in signing papers for .the moving of certain fishermen from this state to Virginia," Collector of Internal; Reve nue Duncan says that if the fishermen of that section are hampered by this state emigration law, by having cap tains of vessels pay , $100 license tax before they can employ a seaman it will mean a great hardship and limit the livelihood of many of these people about Beaufort to twoor three factories for a livelihood. 3v V;: t '- : : Gov. Glenn left this afternoon for Clark ton to deliver the address for the losing of the high School there.- He s V Prompt f: Easy ' - The (reatest thing Intha world 'A Mothers van; ua am sna.. lavishes oa her duklm; the loi her ohild should hase for her; without thui loe she could aot endure the agonies In cident to childbirth ( appreciative of tthia 'lota, Mother's Friend was denied to lea sen the pain and anguish of .childbirth, that her low might not he strained to the breaking point. Mother's Friend doss all 1 this and more it enables the fond mother to speedily recuperate from the labors of maternity, enables her to regain her lost strength, preserves her youthful lines of ..beauty, ejnd makes pregnancy bar crowsv -lag joy without sny thorns to mar it, f- Mother's, Friend is applied externally. Is most harmless In its consistency, most happy in us results, and is of such merit that no case of labor; should he conducted without its use: It la a liniment for massage of the abdominal muscles daring pregnancy, and by its as their tonicity arid power of contract tori ia greatly enhanced, enabling them to sun-, I taut to greet strata orougni so near oa them at this time. It is Mother's Friend. The name should he enough to reconv, snaneHt to all who expect to be mothers. " Send for free book containing infonnatloa :ef.pricetessvahui to all expectant motbeia " BKAormM MBuiATon oa. FILES I PILl.'ll PUIS!!. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment till euro Blind, Bleeding, UlcMatad aad Itching Piles, U absorbs the tumors allays the Itching at onoa, ets as a pol tic, (rhres iuetut relM Bnld by DAV1P' "HAEalACY, tSEVMOUR 1TAKC0CK Atto rneyat Law, QT Will practical In Stats find Fctferal Courts. , - ' Office 46Bn4Sti , ' Russell Housed BEAUFORT, N. 0,r " , Centrally located, " All the deli- (Jacips of the season. Well venti lated rooms, Good beds,' Phone oon veniaoot t, Pol'te and attentive Ser vants. - Eaten 11.60 per day. Special and liberal terms by week I or mouth. A. RUSSELL proprietor. RUSSIANS GOING NORTH NOTICE 1 Notice is hereby Jpven that certificate of stock No. 164 of the A. & N. C. R. I R. Co. issued to David M. Porter, hav ing been lost or misplaced, Japplcation will be made to the Secy-Trees, of said company for a duplicate certificate. April 14th., 1905. VIRGINIA A. PORTER, . Administratrix. WILLIAM DUNN, Jr., Attorney. "We Sell 'The. , World's Best t Typewriter,1! JThe Smith Prinier,' i Ennett'sBookStore i A.&N.CrR.R. Effective Sunday, February 26th, 19U6 at 7.00 a. m. Eastern Staadard Time. EAST BOUND. STATIONS; No. 5. DAILY Lt. Gotdsboro LaGranse Kinston Dover Cove Tuscarora At. NEW BERN Lv. New Bern Rtverdale Haveiock NeWDOrt At. Morabead Cy. ' t.4l 0 YEARS' V 'EXPERIENCr Tiudc Mahkc . UIIOHS ' .!-" "t11,- COfTRlOHTS Ac Anvone sending a saeteb and eeserlptton mr eeiek'lv aeosrtain our opinion free whether an rnvenuon Is ptobablv patentable. Communlcn. ttona KrktlT oonOdentlal. HANDBOOK on Patenta sent free. Oldest agency for seenrue pauwt. Patenta taken through Munn A Co. reeelve saecuU aoUss, without chareo, In the -$cniific Jloerican. A bsnttaomelr llrditrsted weekly. lAreestelr. eolation of any aetenttao toornaV Terms, IS e yeart four months, L Sold by all newsdealer. MUNN & Go New York nmiieh OOoa. Cs) Sr. Waannwton. D. C C. T. HANCOCK. Heal Estate Agent. 148 Broad St, New Bern, N. C Bui No Furthnr Newt Regarding Fleet. Secretive en Their Part.. JP I St Peterahunr. Anrll 2AVir AH. goes to Greensboro tomorrow to deliver Jmiral Rojestvensky continues his policy tne aaaress lor we A. m. M)iiege, atrategicjsilence, and has answered the colored, there and will deliver an edu- Admiralty's message of last Saturday, cational address fat advocacy of graded pointing out the position of the French schools at Sanford tomorrow night1 .'.'V government on neutralitv recmlaUona. Ralegh is in th midst Of A hard fight 1 only by DUtttaff to sea. aivino- no inti- in connection With the second demo-1 mathm of his plans or destination. Rus- cratie primary to bs held tomorrow for 8ian naval olrcles would not be surprised we nomination 01 a canuioaie xor may-1 u it should develop that the squadron or, police justice and city tax collector, had been already two days or more en it looks now Ilk tne r-suu will oe very i the way northward when thelhstrue clossinthe mayoralty fight between I turns were cabled to him. and that the Johnston and Stronach and that Thomas Admiralty was aware of this when the Badger will defeat t. U. Beck with lor message was sent askinsT the Admiral police Justice. C. T, Lumsden wiu ear-1 to move outside the three-mile limit Uinly secure the renomination for tax if he happened to be in French terri- collector. torial waters. Bomulnfi A, Nunn, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Praetios tn the eountles of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones and Onslow, and in the Ptate Supreme and Federal Oonrta. Office: Sontn rront street, over i n graph ofBce, Nev Pira, N. 0. "We want every man and women In the (Tnlted States Interested in the core ol Oplnm, whiskey or other drag habits, either for themselves or friends, to have one of Dr. Woolley's books on these dis ease1. YTrlta Dr. B.U.Woolley, Atlanta, ua., box 38V , ana one wiu oe sent you iree. THE RKQDIREMENTS MET ' The people have an eye to things convenient, comfortable and cheerful. Having fitted up our banking rooms to meet these requirements, we cordially invite you to call and inspect. Citizens' Bank DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU CAN REACH BY TELEPHONE? he Number is Constacllv It U ten times easier to cure coughs, I London, April 24. Beyond the re- croup, whooping-cough and all king and I port that from Kamranh Bay the Rus- bronchial affections whan the bowela I aian Second Pacific Squadron proceeded are open. Kennedy's Laxative Honey I northward, there is no further news of and Tar is the original Laxative Cough 1 any kind nor confirmation of the report Syrup. ' Gently moves the bowels and ed firing off Kamranh Bay. There ex pals all cold from the system. . Cuts have been rumors recently that a por- the phlegm, cures all coughs arClUoo or Bojestvensky's squadron was strengthens weak lungs. Capital Surplus and Profits Deposits Assets $60,000.00 $27,000.00 $206,000.00 $334,000.00 T. A. Green, President E. H. Meadows, Vice-PresHent T. A. Uzzell, Cashier. Epidimie tl Flrtt, at ' Hainan. : near the promontory of Uenchu, If these rumora are true, It is supposed the whole squadron may re assemble there and endeavor, In Chinese waters to continue coaling and other preparations. Little attention is paid here to re ported movements of the Japanese It Is considered that Vice T T 1 W Trochd's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. A staadard aad latalUhle Cure far RHEUMATISM tad GOUT. saoorseai try me Bigness; sncotcai asttnortlKS (X ctrrope anal Aanerioa. - Dtrwsd eoty la spberkal cantalcs, which sohre ia liquid ef the seoenecb wtthout cauaint trrttattoa er diaeTT eywtpsowta. price. II peg bottW. ay eVnrxfwre, Be tare and get Use genuine, ' ' wiiiiisi ass curiuta Boldiu New Bern by F S Duff .. Scarcely a day passes but firemec are called Mt to put out a firs of more or leas extent of damage. It laoi likely that fkaM hen tie anrtthee1 1 m wwiwthe. rl I. tka, kbrtnww tVei ku W I WaTshipB. . it tv. v-a l Admiral Togo It not likely to lift the curred since February L Moat of them tat th "P"" am amail and animMrUnt bat fj S9tsiealllis;. eatatt a great deal ef aaxierty-andl ? - trouble. ' . 1 ; " ' Fire Aestroyed a wmse bekaaginf to John Fmhr aad located la Scout alley SondAT nights, Tbeaotaae and eoatants were entirely destroyed, Fir eaugbt from a def ectlve Sua. . Loss about $300 . Yeaterday morDlng a tnsah pile fa the rear ef 3. ). Baxters aulUlaery t waaawt oaoreia aome aakaewa way. i PromiHwotkby taebrerrkaa ar vejated sdoUmt bad blase as It was l eated la a place where It woaid base had aa easy ejMjtte to spread rapidly. Executors Notice Ravbic qwaUAad aa Breewterof MKh Dm, aummil.all pw aweene havuw elaknn aaelaet the as- sata Mailalili are aereor nouaaa se enma duly verinedto the, nadetekrned. Baeheei OHn. Ataerway. Uth oaj ef Aprn lsua, er Ul IT'iS ALWAYS BAD. Eriiest M. QrtdtTiinisfralors Notice , .-- ' . - BSewtnUdr .id a Sitit.tow " .. v She . wf fciiiiinia Omnr. mm i Inline, anew Atteraey a Ceasaalet st Law, . amaa , . W UKRN, at O Wa eoajlavd I araorft Pile Vy paaaeei mi away tee-re si ailanst U the eases saA mm IUWrr mi tisdsi pfswaerwa SB she Dsrerra el tvasam, i mis. raanlw tearamOwetew, aw Ur8i Cetltdlcs Ff siiuli. The larg-ajet araowet of snenMy for the canto of ailsmtems la any ctaarca ef thit city was take) fa the CesrUwerr rhurrh Wat Sander. The esasa a $361 wws tk- a os and It ttaiaaeiiU the an lire Iributaaa w the ahtarch to evaa-y anhr akAry emiarptiae ef the chart far the year. .. . - , ! . r " ss-Mkaw eeapntiMt m im pm was aHlMeetMiaaeWbatfi S4ter.11 Cuaniewt T( atarthtil City Aad tostort IL t TS AlWalW A Nrt Carwrina raiV . rnad will sajrli) forlW Btnt.W ajQ fvaBttd t tr.p tvtrf frw a9 ptalxew ta Move) U4 Illy and tleemfest, N. C and r t im am aevh AaUaHayjet IspewmJ tt ! RatMV. ' Tha t'JWmht rataai wiO trjr rrnsai I " ( cm T vtrm r pa I' f Ulw I 10 169 ,m ' . ,eo I IS ' t 1.U I 'rt .Si w;ikiun anvtr, V: Rrw York Cottoa MsriH. The Best of Backs Are ' Bad' When They ' Ache and New . V.. Bem' Peb- - : 7;''.v' pleKnoH' :'y?:ii.: Abadimfaalwiysbad. Bad at night when, bedtime comas Jext aa bad la the scorning.' . 1 Em try Dean's Kkfaey I'ilU tor ItT Know tnary cure backaehaV-ettr every - kkfaey HIT If yea don't some New Bera people . do. Bead a case ef Its F. P. Avery, fbrewiea at the A. 4 M. R. R. (ops reatdlnf at 80 Craves St, ways: "I caa rwcornmand j. a. tmtrtmttwm the caieearW henleaoed hi bar ef their recovery, noraoaa uiSiblid t eaid eelate are hmeay tiuaat OHMPOOUrammtor Wood Turning I Columns, Baiuatera, Rails, Spindle, Stair Newels, Ramps and Easlea, Man tle, Bracketa, Grills, Ric-Rack Trim mings, Porch and Lawn 8wings, Sash, Doors and Screens made to order oe short aotka. Perch Balusters 6, (, 7 and 8 eents each. ". . J. JI. QBEGIOTISn, Factory, Church Alley, New Jem, N C The fwTkraranf wre the egmakaff aad 7 nil whx 1 oWa.oed rrota Brad- avn m m iwim.l mtw a . M wi m rimming prim eat Use Karat York 04 to Exchange, April 14. , Opea- . Close May,- TM . TJ0 July 72S , " TO OrV W ' V4 - - TU wwuld gat up in the morning felt wnak tnd tame and the u of IVmri'a Klrlrwty nilt ml laved It. 1 Bare folk wocb bV tear and stronger ainre I oaad thara. My hark wraa a araak Spot and If t caught nU II aatlM there and I aeamed to naepta r ray aw.so; Mtriay l,-l at sw of H. Since teeing; Dramt n, M-wvday Jt.TiJ. For Sab! i aw sxW -. t- ne C. t ' e'"i ' " t ' V, . "V. a 1 If, t f 1 r. j i V v - t r -,t. ' f c4 1 T . w t i li of tend at Newport, H. i '?;'tM. lartiy am a a g l.mi' r a.' C. 1't .'-. 1 ' r a f V- -) to A I, , f , KalrwTf rill my back has not troubled mm or Mt. Toe ran na my name as aa ejv,,irT ef Iwjin'i Aiilrwy Piil and I will rw-nmrtwwl titont to sryorte. f"f a! 1 y at '!'. '.rr. frve tfl ft. t tw, - FT K.'lirtt ",, IIulTal'i, H. Y. - la sgwrna f. the U R. t'c-rr iy t!.a rrm aji'a a rd Ut 't rw ol) c-r. JCAttTEUri CiEOUKiISPMLHl AND 6Id Doaimoii Steassliip Co XIAlill latlt Freight and Passenger ; for all points north r " EFFECTIVE OCT. tl, 1904. The Staamar Neoae af scheduled tr eafl at p. m. Monday, Wednaaday aad inday tt Eliaabath llty. Bsaklng auto inn at (knantai and Koaooke Ulanci. The Staamar Ocraaoke la Khedulad to sail st I p. m. Tuewday, Thursday and Saturday for EUuhath City, tnak- rr tandinrs at Oriental aad Koajiike laund. fcaT Krekht received not mlar on hour pre-vtoua to sailma;, 4 For further tn forma tine apply to Ci:a HENDERSON, Agt M. X. KINO, V. P. ft Gvi. Mgr. IL C HUDGINS. Can. Ft. aV. rata Agent, Nnrfi.tk, Ya." ' - ' " W. S. flCMMF::M.I, At.Gv. Ft Pamv Agt . ,.-n,N a P.-inb ".::u Clls Our. . e lo m m -4 res w'h f1 1 . I u U f .4 f ' .) ey r-r ; I.- - r f, m sa -'., , a " ' f I S mm m r rt-; r :e-- er .m, .-m f V- ,f . tr r? V- m r. A. ? ;j : T. M , 3.t6 4.16 4.40 6.02 616 5.28 5.45 5.65 e.i5 6.31 6.47 7.12 P. at P. M. WEST BOUND. No. 4. STATIONS: DAILY Lv. Morehead Cy. Mewport Haveiock Riverdale Ar. NEW BKRN Lv. NEW BERN Tuscarora Cove Dover Kinston laGranize Ar. Goldsboro 7.40 8 11 8.27 8.42 S.00 0.16 9.37 9.49 10.03 10.27 10.51 11.20 A. M. NO. i. DAILY .8.00 A. M. 8J8 8.52 " t.14 " 27 " S.87 ' 10.00 " 10.10 A. IL 10JB " 10.44 11.00 " Na. DAILY 4.90 P.M. 4.67 6.1S 6.29 6.46 " 6.10 P.M. 6.32 6.44 6.6S " 7.20 " 7.42 8.10 " Trainfi 3, 4, 5, and 6 run dai ly. CONNECTIONS. At Goldr.boro: With Southern Kailwav and At" lantic Coast Line. At Kinaton and New Bern: With Atlantic Hnut Line. R, P. POSTER, E. A- NIEL. tieneral Mannger. Tralnc Manager GOLOSBORO. N. C. - Executors Notice Having qualified as Executor of the Last will and testament) of Toresa Pearce, deceased, late of Craven County N.C. this iB to notify all permona havinty claims atramst the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of APrit 1906, or the notice will be pleaded in bar 01 recovery-A II rerttonR intebted to the said estate will make immediate payment April 12th MXXi W. B. PEARCE. Executor Entry Claim. NORTH CAROLINA, Onslow County. To M. M. Capps, Entry Taker for Onslow County. The underpinned H. N Brown of Onslow county. North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the fol lowing described piece or parcel of land in Rich lands Township, Onslow County. State of North Carolina, the name being vacant and unappropria ted land, and subject to entry, viz: Beqrinnirur at C. Simpnon'rt line with the run of Juniper Swamp ud to David Futraln line, then to Highland, then around add with the Swamp back to C. Simpson's line the beeinninjr. containing about six acre. Entered the Kith day of March. 1906. H. N. BROWN. Claimant. Beinff Entry No. 420. being Added to CALL OCR MANAGER AND SEE r TELEPHONE LINE IS THE DOORWAY THROUGH WHICH TO REACH THEHl WHY NOT OPEN IT? For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAQER or Heme Telephone and Teleareph Company, HENDERSON, N.C. Executrix Notice Having thin day qualified as Executrix of the estate of B. V. Dink ins, deceased, all persona having claimH airainul the said estate are hereby noli lied to preaent the same, duly verified. toundermnncd,n or before the 26 of March 1 906. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All pemontt indebted to said estate are hereby re quested to make immediate payment. This Z4 day ol March, 1!HK. DALLAS DIN KINS. Executrix R. A. NUNN. Attorney. r 1 anvtMaff yvm tstvent orlmivo tlan eet CsWaMSaot-aVMS, CorYklfcMTor Bta f tOICOIHMt. aefvt saotel, ekotoeOTsoto. for fre enaalnatlna as adtlre. BoorCmPAUiTSUhsr "rc,A.sr;ow&co. rater wa. WAaMINttTON, D.C. F. M. Simmons. K D. Ward. SIMMONS & WARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph of fice) South Front street, next to Hotel Chuttawka. Practice in the Counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow Carteret, Pam lico and Wake, in the Suureme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. Notice of Sale of Valua ble Real Estate. On April Wth 1905. at 12 m. I will Ml! at eoblU auction on th irrn;. 1 A on Pollock HI known and cWrlbwl in tK. tilan f the City of Nw an ea lot No. m on whh U .ituaUd t. fnwitaev of fll (mi end iWplh of 141 fat Tar of ami. CASH SAM U A HILTON. lecotor of th. buu of Krbacca V. Hilua. tlklmrti NOTICE. Havlna Otla dar ewalind e. Exweter. of tea Mel. of WIm U Hlltea. ifiiiuit. all mm hevln. rlalnu aemlruvt Lh. aeaa a.lala wl aa.lif DnUnad to pmnl Iff aaina. eolr te the eanrauTnad on m bwora the SMh i klarrh 1SUS. or thia notK. will ba aftha immmi. AU ppraon. hwtaSnad SM w Sat. ere herwbr rwqumdmd m mmkm InenadlaSa mmr- mnu This SOU dar of Karri, Hot B A HILTON. Iinta. statb or Mom carouna. Oi nw Oauam. T K. M. Caava. Bwarv TW Nr Ommmm Oeeatv The ewaerahrnaa uevem, revw, ee viae . " - mm kaa. aVl. k theMkree4awoer awel ef mm m Rirhlen. T.a a.ale. On i liar On ly. aute mt Marth Oarallaa. She aoewtrv. van Lltrwwe's a ah war tHhaaaMaMh saaNia. thea ana the HOI dkvtk k mt Ilea. Baa ww ear aea a eaili mi aeae Stwaah te the rwa af llareeeae, a the raa e( jw ear Si i a, Owm eaaraeaa las mmm Ymwm Brvwe'a wamar. the heewmhaf. Sinm l theiatXaweiaerm. nae. bar !.. "TMYTfl i rVTAAt a Fin 1:1 ti:s sibe tluaithaa, eeeWeaACaest Vtak aWts. 3 -yS- " Weak Beet, Uav Mm i I. ihm ae .. wr l . I t . I I March SOth. 1906. Executors Notice Notice ol First Heeling of Creditor.. Ia the District Court of th Unltad Rtaten, fur tit Kastam IHatrVt of North Carolina In Bankruptry. In the mattar of : D. E. Dilkm, No. SI. of UGranrvN. C. lianarupl, I la Bankrtiptcy. To the Creditors of H. E. DUloa, of LaGntnr. In trwfrvjtmty of Lanocr, and Diatricttfursaeld. a Ceutkrapt: Notice It hwreby five) that ea the M day ef March. A. D. I90S, the eaid H. E. DUVoa area duly djud(d bask nipt, ana that the Brat rntenlrn ef alt credt tots will beheld tn Klaaaoa, at th Us oftV af XoamLr A Stera, ea the KU of AprlT, lata, at II e'efark A. at., at which timt th ttvA tredltcrt stay kt- trtd, prove their claims, apaaest tee, taamtne the laankrept. and act each other bus in seal as satf 1 nea before aail snaartirer. . New Wm. ft. G AprQ U, ItQA, SAUUKt W, 8MALLWOOO, ' ,' - : ; Itierte at Paakfaytty. James Willis 4' I u 1 . 1 .4 A,.,.