t V V- i ( i rew Eern, H C Thursday Morning, May 4, 1903. - A Vol XXIII..-Ko. 27. TweHty-Fourth Year ', - 't a 3l Mitchell 8 Co - w Invites special attention to their superior assortment of ; mer chandlse adapted to the wants of everyfarail " A call or correspon- deuce welcomed. , 1 " " I Our Stock of MVash Fabric? ? Commands attention, comprising a variety of interesting fea- --ture. It contains absolutely nothing carried over from last season,, but is fresh and clean embracing a complete Range of leading popular p brands in all the latest novelties to be had: They t convey everything ', that is to be fonnd in a first class and up-to-date Dry Goods Store. ' - CHILDREN'S,' MISSES AND LADIES SHOES A SPECIAL-? TY. The new Spring Oxford and Gibson Ties are herein Kid, Pat, 3 Tans and White Canvas. w ' Matting, Rugs, Floor Oil Cloth,, Window Shades, Lace Curtains Sheets, Pillow Cases, Couch Covers and Bed Spreads. i, J. M. Mitchell . & Co., - " PHOlSE 288. . 1 '"- . 43 Pollock St., : Opposite PosUoffice. ;yyTTyTTfT?TTTTTTVTTTTTifTtTTTTtTv?TTfTTTvyyyyyr Another lot ot those Nice N. C. FKESII LOT FQK ' MITER BPTffEB Pine Sweet Mixed Pickles in bottles and in bulk. Also Heinz Cukes in Vine gar, loose and in barrel. All Goods Fresh and Agency for ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Carefully Selected. We solicit consignments of all kinds of Country Produce and Guarantee Prompt attention and Quick Returns and will promise the Highest Prices that can be obtained. AL '.TTZ1 Cfl'.ZZLW J POUBaiU Absolute! Pure IIAS I.'Q SUBSTITUTE Give us a Trial. DL 3E3C Wliwlt-gale aud ttctail Grocer. No. 81 South Front Bt - Aaaaaaaaaaa, ooaoooDODODo nonoonon nonono Ml mm We have just received a beautiful" assortment ot Ilks for waist and suits A 36 inch Dontra worth 7K At. Akn t. ' 32 inch ponge," better goods.worth . T6cat48c J,I A 32 inch ponge, all silk, worth $1.00 - at 72c. J , A 36 inch Illack Taffetta. worth' $1,25 ; A 38 inch Black Taffetta, worthy 1.00 at 85c. A 27 inch Black Taffetta 00c at.85c . W ilw have 126 yards Silks la all grade andlors to t sold lot teas than New York eoat ' ; '- :, Thh aale wffl hut for one week only. THESE GOODS MUST ' ENJOYED THEIR TRIP. . Mr. and Mrs, T. G. Hymwi Return From a Southern Trip Grainy Ptuttd ind - BinefitUd. Mr: and airs. T. G. Hyman returned yesterday from Savannah where they attended the fourth annual 'meeting of the Southern Supply &. Machinery Dealers Association, i They were de lighted with their trip especially with their yisit at Savannah. - They enjoyed the hospitality of the citizens immensely. They were given receptions, rides, picnics and the social events for their entertainment were numerous. They have the warmest words of praise for their splendid re ception. '. The meeting was interesting and im portant. An auxiliary known-as the American Supply and Machinery Manu facturers Associatioa. was organized and the twos working together will be of great assistance to each other. The'r aggregate wealth represented in the meeting was cnirmous and perhaps nothing could show to better advantage the progress and wealth of the South than such a meeting. - Many millions of dollars were represented there. The Savannah News speaks of it as being one of the. most important meetings ever held in that city. . . Mr. Hyman was honored m the con vention appointments by ' being - made Chairman of the Transportation Com mittee and was also made a member of the Executive Committee for the com' ing year. In the convention he was Chairman of the Grievance Commit tee. One of the most unique and enter prising features oi the association was the handsome program. It was I work of art and beauty and contained much interesting Information . of Savannah. It is filled with cuts of fine views of the streets, residences and other attrac tions of the city. , After the convention" Mr. and Mrs. Hyman visited in Jacksonville Fla., and Charleston, 8. C, ano: reported very pleasant time. Tbey spent Sun day in Jacksonville and found H as hot there as the weather ever gets to be hers in July. . ' . t I CO. J. J. bAxter ? CCC3CCCCCC00DCCS3CCC0CCC3 A SCARED JONAS. ; We-are'Aft and jvvili make it to your Interest to come to SEE US : ' "P BrEClAL-600 Ht Qlity h.lk T.ffiu ih rilU ... WASH GOODS- ottt fmt Uxwnnd of yrd ot tlfaUM Wab Good. , ' " 8" hdrHt of atylM of material that are unmatchahU la v. rtaty Myt aa4 Idmm ftf prkm 1 8ir trials t , 7J, JO, 1&, and ' u01- Tm P5 Buiti- W' W.M. M'a 11160 Fin :' at onry pr yard. 85 lh dotWrt el attty 4Utmf4. : : Si'-COPjL.O'i , ' 75 IliddloBtrost. - DaaMs, A Wiasr wd a hV The accommodating and jovial dray man, J ocas UanleU, badansxclUng x perlenee the other day which was In it self very amnsing to all who beheld It, except the party of the first part, but at he cam out of the vpUode none the wont he looks back at the affair ; and laoghs as much as anyao. It aeems that h bad been engaged to move som Ikooaehoid goods for lady and while doing the work be dia 6ovrd half Deed bottle of whiakey from which i took a nip or two. , The tody saw him in the act bat awaiUd bar time to rtvaal Karaalf.; Jonas vii bliMful gnorano that be had b de tected and was giving evident of tit enjoyment of tit puriofited Honor. . When tit opportunity preaetttexl It self the Udy told, pointing to tit twi ll of whiskey said, "Jonaa, that boV Ue contains deadly pnUon, I wbh yon would take it dnwa to the further eod of th gardM and bury It 1 bav farther bm for It" Jans kukd at th woman, thm at tKt botltfl, tho put 00 a luok ttl an- gubh that was pitiful to wIUmm Vite or Um sport be was making. "Ah firuw pi for minut mIm," aaid UMpnit Jm, "lUiinkrvefMtsn anmMhlnr." VMwn out of sight ih M lrkjr fcixH aa ha nr hiked forr to the !tir r4 tutd tht kbl Uln n In4 Moi relif be knw he "!') dif and f. It , j;,., vt,;t,f on .,- h mm, 1(1 at h. hi ! f tl.: !.!. "'Hur l, t,-t, Young Man From New York Asked To Be Arrested. C 1 t ; . r u " " Slaia CkirUr Granted, : Ralslgk't Retlrinj - HsyarHu Blind tltrCuTg CIom ' " With. . a al.Cellej Re .. 7 -. sri law Case , - of Interest. ' Ealeigb, N. C-V May 3-rThe secretary of state today issued a charter for the Shuford-Rogers company of Fayette ville. the purpose being the manufac ture and sale of clothing. . The capital is $10,000 and the incorporators are M F. Shuford, B. P. Boirers and H. P. Schenck.- , The committee from the Board of Trustees of the A. &M. College spent today here going over the college with a view to"waking a semi-annual report to he submitted to the trustees consti tuted by the State Board of Agriculture at the annual meeting Jan. 29th. The college commencement begins May 31st The,, committeemen here are A Cannon. Horseshoe; J. P. McRae, Laurinburg; Capt C N. Allen, Auburn; J. M- Fore hand, Kockyhock; Commissioner of Ag riculture S. Ii, Patterson; W. S. Prim rose, Raleigh; D. A. Tompkins, Char lotte; Davids Clark, Joneaville; W. H. Bagan, High Point. This year is pro nounced one of the most, successful in the history of the college. The last case tried by retiring Mayor A. M. Powell was one for operating a blind tiger and the prisoner was sen : 0 Jail in default of $100 bond to answer the charge in the Superior Court Mayor Johnson and the new board of aldermen assumed the r.ina of city gov eminent this morning in due form, t e oath of office having been administered at noon to the incoming officers. Thos. Badger, the new police justice, will hold his first court tomorrow. A young man giving his name as De- Young called at the station house this morning and importuned the police to arrest him as a vagrant if there was a vagrant law here. He said he was from New York, had no work, no money and would not beg. He wept while begging the officers to lock him up. He was giv en a meal and work secured lor him in a sash door and blind factory. It is announced from the office of Ad jutant General Robertson here that 1 band is being organized in Raleigh to take the place of the Third. Regiment band that was disbanded in Reidsviile last wee The entire session of the Wake county Superior Court today was devoted to the hearing of argument in the noted dam age suit of Pegram va Seaboard Air Line demanding $36,000 damages for the burning of J no M. Wilson in the Ham let cotton compress fire in 1902.. The trial bat been ill progress for the past week. & In the ease of State vs Hough from Cabarrus county the Supreme Court al towed a new trial on the ground that whan Hough killed. Hartaell he was on his own ground, had reason to believe that Hartsau would sill him and was therefore not obliged to "retreat to the wall" as the law would express it The two mea became involved through . im proper advance made by Hartaell to his wit and it appeared that Hartaell had told Hough's wif that b Intended to kill aim. In ti format trial Hough was convicted of man la ugh tar and tenced to six months 00 the county road jf Cabarrus county. .. -- A ruling of tnUrost is made by th Sa prem Court in the can of Hestr vs Traetio Co., from Durham, the Su preme Court boldinln this case a land owner m a town has no nor right to th atdewalk la front of hie property than be ha to tit mkkll of tit street la th eas in question tK plaintiff own d piuyrtj at thd point of a .curve la th street ear track and it was found that th track cut in a few mens 00 tit sidewalk. The plaint' ff brought nit for damage, th Supreme Court ruling him out bowtver oa tit ground that b had a claim, ." ' . . ' SERIOUS LOSS. TO GROWERS Caused ky c; Car Famta oa Atlantic Coui Una, I ttrswbeiry Growsrs ttss , Thousand of Dollars. Wilmington Messenger 3rd; (The car famine has become worse, and a produce man direct from Chad bourn yesterday stated that in the strawberry belt there were at least 150 cars of berries in the crates at the sta tions ready to be shippedbut no cars could be secured to. ship them. He stated, that the produce men had re fused to purchase any more berries un- til .Ihey could see an opportunity of getting cars. The gentleman who was mpkinn' of the matter said a fair esti mate of the. value of i car of berries was $500, which jvould mean that $75, 000 worth of berries have been ruined The during The past few days. The farm ers are disheartened, but they are de termined to make some one, either the railroad or Armour Car Line, make good their losses. The strawberry shipments at Chad- bourn during the past week were enor mous and, this week will be the time when the lanrest quantity of berries should have been shipped from Chad- bourn, but instead of being able to get them to. the northern markets the ber ries will be lost. Instead of over one hundred cars go ing north yesterday, as should have been the case only 45 cars were got away. On Monday 155 cars were ship ped and then between 75 and 90 cars of berries were left on the ground for lack of cars. The cars that have been used have been packed to their utmost capacity. XEW SHOE ST OB J 81 Broad Street. Parker Building. Special sales Friday and Saturday. Latest Styles, Hen and Ladies Shoes, Fairbanks Cottolene in 2 and 4 lb. tins at I Oc lb. Absolutely pure Fruit Jelly in glass es (assorted) just received. Harvey's Small Hams and Breakfast Strip. Fresh Cakes and Crackers. Don't you need a good Broom and Door Mat P Complete assortment of fresh Canned Fruits and Vegetables. Fresh Fox River Butter received every week. Fresh Oatflakes, Rice and Grits. Fan cy Syrup and Fortorica Molasses 10c qt. J. L. McDaniel Grosser. 2j Wholesale . Tarker Store. Corner Broad und Hancock Sts. J? EASTER CARDS Fine Line of Easter Cards Just Received, Owen Q. Dunn, LeadlafTPrlnter tr Stationer. '- Cor. FallKk Cram St. Spalding's 1905 Base Ball Guide Have Arrived Also a full line of Balls . Bats, Mitts, Gloves and Haska. Fun line of Lawn Ten nil Goods, Bicycle and . other Bporting Goods. , Wm T.Hill, .-, fSportfoOoods; TTt C T '(T2 I'm f r f i IVf n I : . 1 I I ... 8. (VS. EnttrUina, - Oa TWky vmmg from t to 10 at lh rUW of Mr. Dlia Whltfonl th axmbrr of th Girl FrWdly Ro- dety gav a delightful rocpplio to Uu Acting AxiadaU and Honorary A ctstf. , Thii njnyahWwcawon was th ! brat km nf th Bnt lirth-Uy of th e cirty liirh u orgnnitKd lait Kay. In lh ruom whr th guMt ptrtnuk of refrwilifnt-riU, WM flarx a hirtSUjf c In tli rm(r of whirh w a tiny rirvirf OMntir.f u. ivin or yrt th No Iir.ni brarwh of tU O. f. g. 1 at !-ri in pii!rr. The rwm ,re -t i t fn'jr t ,-' in !.', ,r j y- im fr.' r r .;r..er,L Valuable City Prop- : ertjr For Baler ' On Friday, May 6ti 1906, at II a. m. I will U at public auetkm on th premiaea, th lot on Pollock street num bered 88, aitoaUd nxt tiUfl. Cut ler when Hrs, Mary Heath formerly MISS M0LUE HEATIL 8. JL 6TK.CET, Aoctionecr. j. O. A- HI CO LI, . u Tng hi; T r a; : n) - J, S, Large Stock Rockers and Couches. Jut-t ron-ivrd a large stock of the la tost ami newest styles and deaiffna. They will he Hold at prices lower than ever hofore. (Juine quick ami set your pick. Mattings of At Reduced Prices. Furniture,' Stoves, Refrierators, Freezers, Co-Carts anil House Furnishing Goods purchased from Disosway and Taylor are offered at GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS. New arrival of pictures and frames, Picture Mouldings, etc. Frames made and fitted. Successor Ut Disosway anJ Taylor, 93 Middle Street. WE HATE JUST KEHEIVED AN -UP-TO-DATE LINE IOF Slue Serges and Worsted Plaid in Square and Sack cut raodrl. AIat nobby Mnv of Children Clothing. HOWARD BROTHERS Under Hotel Hazelton. Q-xad."u.Q,tes Don't fail to sorur position. Nearly down now huUling s;nod plc. Bern. Many others in positiona at vsnoun other points. Writ for apocial aifer to trarhem. i in N. NW tlKN N C 8, I. HOLLA DAY. Prwtdeot, Nrw Bra, N. C. State Mutual Life Assurance) Cq ' of o'cIief-r AlruwiachoetU. " All farmaof Uf end Emkiwn4 p4irM WmkL Annual nun drkleKhi ar said upon aii pettrim. ' Kmry pniky ha mkirl thomia Uw cash eorremW and oaid-ay niirif value to vntrh th iMOrrd t pntitled hf th Law of MaaMchuaoUe, r'amphieia, rt n4 valuo (at lr -T sent M applxaUoa. Don t hvair vnleaa you hav iilu.v E.H;HOWE, , , . - ' ."'-.V, ' ,, ; : "DUtrlct Agent i ' 7s Otfor Dome 1 ' i 1 lOLiriA Hr.U al C.wk. lijr, Mf. nilC.!: C1T K'r ... tj 15.0 1 : I') (. . 1 i r r 1. , t Special values 1;; rinontr.TO ah avooi, fYn:;A - ii:j:tr.5 . - . , " ft! !. 7' OlrUfe-t, V, j . r : t ! tn f imu.h r I ' - f f t I r,f '(,!, -

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