THE JOURNAL, New Bern, N.j C May 8. 1905. LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at Rountree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7:80 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are invited. - GRAVEN LODGE N. l KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed- nesday nights in each month in Rouiv. (sees Hall, Pollock street, at 7:30 i o'clock. Samuel it. oau,m"B'i H Smith SW.'V: K. A. U1U. T UUtUCUU bec'y Indei te Hew A4Tertmeitt.r - Broad St Fruit Co--Beana. Barfield Beans. t m JjOSl, uora ueaua.-, ,. .'.v Simmons A Hollowell Co.pecjal Sale. Lewis White Lead. ' Notice. . . Simmons & Hollowell Co Laces. HOTICESTH 'THIS XOLUMM FOR LESS THAN ONE4R0NTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE - Business ; Locflt, ,' FOR RENT- No. 106 Craven S rooms with bath, also No. 85 Craven St 7 rooms; Both are very desirable. ' Ap ply EX H. Howe, 66 or 83 Craven St. FLORIDA String Beans today at Bar- field's, the Broad Street green grocer, LOST- Sunday afternoon string tf gold betds between Ralph Gray's and H. C Lumsden's residences. . Reward will be paid for return - of same to Ralph Gray's office on Craven street YOUNG tender String Beans at Broad St Fruit Co. -, LOST-Child's white silk skirt between Mrs. F. H. Meadows on Broad street and Mrs. Fred Mitchell on Metcalf St Please return to Mrs. Florence Pearce 64 Metcalf St, liberal reward. W ANTED-Position by sober, energetic young man in business office. Can keep books any entry. Journal office. TOMATOES , Cucumbers, Celery, Fancy Strawberries. All kind of Ice Cream at Broad St Fruit Co, ANYONE having an iron safe for sale please address "N" care New Bern Journal DEVILED CRABS at J. D. Dawson's. Phone 209. TUESDAY May 2nd., I wiU put on a new special transfer, which will meet all trains, steamers, and will take pas sengers for any part of the city. Those wishing to ride can also be accommo dated by hour rate, J. W. Sawyer, "Johnnie on the spot " STRAYED-A roan mare, brown mane and tail, white hind legs, branded on jaw and thigh. Closely built A re ward of $5 will be paid for Information leading to recovery. Address Nathan George, Havelock, N. C LAMB, Veal and Dressed Chickens at Oaks Market WANTED-Young man from 28 to 86 years, of age to collect and sell. Splen did opportunity for right man. Apply or address 85 Middle St, New Bern, N. C. FOUND A Bicycle. Party can re cover same by proving property and paying charge. Call at City HalL DESIRABLE Board and at reasonable rates can b found at Mrs. A. D. Wads worth's, 19 King street . WANTED Four men between the ages of 21 and 36 can secure profitable ma ptoymeat Apply at room L, Brineoa Building 63 &U Frost St ".. FOR SALE Or Charter Small Tug boat, In good eondilioo 10x11 ersrlae, Scotch Boiler, allowed 137 ponds auam or wiS enhance for good Barge or Scow. W. B. liasUngs, 17 Nivttoa St. Norfolk, Va. . --..v .V-. . EVERT DAT OUR BAR0A1N DAY To save Money to eaB oa Casks CycW Ce., wit year wants. Bight - foods at right prices, aH repairs prompt ' y snade by skilled WoriUMn. - SPECIAL NOT1CX TO LADIES: , Al Um time hm tome for pulUng furs and winter rsrmenu away for the www a good uxxi proof cheat Is the Inst T9mU yaw cm have. 1 InvHe yM te Inwallcate the rtu of . any moth proof redar that , Cotrttv Ud U Wt tifr1 kk II. A. T.f Imf ,ilin Atmim, MttUJamm T. Tsyter's RiW)re. oi.ONEw.'-rArrnsuew.u ue for m) st Joumril off. fk!ir n Rauldinji, W are tn.kirir ry Kr.U.rrf A f Uy ef jM'ir Sr.4 no ).U U n )iar jrmi f! i4 W -!-' ' I 1 . ( I. The steamer Neuse took out uUu one thousand baskets of peas and about the same number of crates of cabbage, Monday, The trains had also as much truck as could be very well handled With the facilities. Two daily truck trains will be put on Tuesday to relieve the strain. .' ,w , "r For a long 'time the people rathe neighborhood of Five Points have been greatly annoyed by a pool of water which accumulates in Rountree street with each rain, and stagnates until the water evaporates or is absorbed by the earth. This pond takes np the entire width of the street- and sometimes for several days' after rain -cannot be passed without wading. Besides the inconvenience it is said that the. pond nas causeu more or ies mcanes , - though drainage - can be easily and cheaply accomplished, ; : ie, prayers ol the citizens wno are anectea, to mat purpose, has been in -vain. it ras learned that a law suit is meditated to compel the city to abate- the nuisance, ? Married, at No. 98 New South Int BtreetL New -Bern. N. C. Rudolph How ard and Mollie Gregory. Justice W. R Rarrinirtnn nffieiatinc. ' -' Commencing: this morning, the. , AV Untie & North Carolina Company will put mi two daily 1 truck . trains from New Bern-to Goldsboro, which will con nect with the Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line for both the east and west A notice giving the schedule frill be found in' onother column. . : It is announced that the Memorial Day services will be held at the New Masonic Theatre, Wednesday,: May lu, beginning at four o'clock in the after noon. : r -; The steamer Neuse . which was re paired at Norfolk last week arrived Sunday at near midnight. . The steam er Ocracoke which took the place of the Neuse arrived with passengers and freight Sunday afternoon at 2:80, six hours late. An invitation to the Ninth Annual Convention of the North Carolina Bankers Association, at Winston-Salem May 17 to 19 hasf been received. The program is elaborate and doubtless will be very interesting and instructive D The steam laundry at Kins ton was bnrned Sunday morning, between one and two o'clock, entailing a loss of $2,000, with $1,600 'insurance. The laundry belonged to Vincent & "Allen. Mr. James E. Scott, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at Dr. Primrose's Sanitarium, under the direc tion of that, distinguished surgeon, is reported to be getting along well, al though the ease was far advanced. ' THEY COME ANO GO. . Miss Jessie M. Stevens, who has been visiting her brother, Editor Stevens, left for Southport yesterday. Mr.' C. L. Stevens has gone for a few days visit at Southport Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mclver returned from their wedding journey Sunday on' the Ocracoke. Mrs." G. N. Ives returned from a visit with her friend Miss Olivia Melts at Norfolk Sunday. Mr. and Mn C. H. HaU returned to their home in Jacksonville yesterday. Mr. Max Schwerin, of New York, a former resident of New Bern is visiting old friends and acquaintances in the city. Mr. B. B. Mortan of Harlowe was in the city yesterday. Mr. Hugh Hughes who has been at tending school at Highland Fall, N. Y. is i pending hie vacation here, -. Mr. Frank Darn ley, of Wilmington, t MX Sunday in New Bern. . Mr. R. P. Foster ef Goldsboro is in theelty. Mrs. Wm. Suits was called to New York City, yesterday on account of the Illness of her father. . ; Miss Mabel Green loft for Petersburg yesterday to visit bar lister, ; Mrs. . E' PhurmmV- -k! v- i .. . " -' , , . Rev. Father George went te Elisa beth City last Bight .t v T , "Miss Kali Pears il sister ol air. P, M. rearaaU arrived in the city yester day tvenlnff ea a lsH to her brother, t Mrs. W. P. Burros oa East Front street '- , - v - i Mrs. George Green and daughler, MbrAnaie, returned from a visit ,Xi Wtmton last night . . . ' .. : Mr. E. H. Barnumrrturoed last night from vWt to Kinatu. 'V- ' Mv WlllUm Cohen went to New York last sight -! -1 " . ; m TI:e Ocrcslioa Vi't tli' "rlirep" yrm. lo"l Sr-Jl' i g ry. V. o r - n't U ' g fta . - r V.. 11 1 f I 1 lf. a Coup; el The Are Los irg Vi ithis Th Confides of Our City, ' ; Two abie bodied men were doing the town yesterday and but for the atten tion of the police being called at an early stage of the game they might have done considerable mischief. These fellows went along East Front street and called at different places and plied their vocation begging, but when it became apparent theyr couldn't get what they wanted without work they disappeared to bob up again at some place where they thought they might have easy picking.. " 7 After several Luffs they, went to Mr. James Blades' house where no one was at home but the cook, who respond t0 the knock. ' Only one of the men wag m sight and he made enquires showing that he meant to repeat his vjgjt when he could attempt his pur- poserobbery, to ' better advantage. He asked for a "handout" and when the cook went to set something, he ea joined -.. by : his , pal and the two 'ed the window on the porch and broke opena drawer of a desk, which waa standing near by They ransacked the drawer hurriedly but before they couiu unisn ineir jon me cook appeared and they vamoosed. - The cock hastened to tell Mr. Vernon Blades who happened to be the only member of the family at home and he quickly - Informed the police Officers Bryan and Montague got after them but the men were quite a distance in advance and were used to sprinting they left the officers but they got out of the city. : It is said that tramps have been com ing here lately and no little annoyance is caused by their impecuniousness, While there have been no great depre dations committed by them it is well to fire them out and keep them out. There is only one way to handle them It understood that undesirable characters ordered from the city of Wilmington are coming or already have arrived in New Bern. We will not be the dump ing ground for any-other city. - - The price of a pretty lace is $1.00 three packages of Hollister's Rocky Monntain Tea. -Brings red lips, bright eyes and lovely color. 36 cents Tea Tablets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. There it a Best in Everythiug. Davis' lOO per cent Pure Paint was recommended to me by" one of the most prominent architects in the' city, and put it on my Atlantic Avenue residence I am pleased to report most satisfactory results in every particular. The white and tints are of unusual brilliancy and have great covering capacity. We figured very closely on the quantity re quired for the work, yet had 8 gallons remaining unopened when the painting was completed. Elliott A. Repp, Atlantic City, N. J. June 25-03. Died. In this city, Emily Shepard, wife of John Shepard in. the 74th year of her age. The deceased was a faithful wife for fifty years.and a consistent membe of Little Rock Baptist church for twen ty-seven years. Her husband, thtt e sons, , two daughters and sv. era! grand children, survive. The funeral was conducted Sundvy, May 7, 3 p. m. at the church of which she was a member, by the pastor, Rev. R. H. Dudley. i R, H. D. Sunset Mine. The Davie-Drutcoll Stock Co., began a week of repetolre plays at. the New Masonic Theatre test night. The at tendance was quite huge and the peo ple seemed to enjoy themselves In spite of the . , , , Thb plsy was a fair specimen of the repetolre kind and was presented in a very creditable manner. The members of the company do not make any pre tentions to greatness but they meet the requirements of most play going people The specialties are of the usual . khxH dancing and illustrated songs and are very-clever. ' ..-.: :,e v .C BThe play tonight "wUl be "Uumaa Hearts. ' .-'' '.-,' ; Dreesed'cbickens this eiominff at the Oaks Market. - ''-?. - ; . . " : . ' : - -f . ; "... ,- ' ice Cream Soda at McSoriey s. : " ! ; : Haalthy, happy baUra. Mothers aay that llolliator't Rocky Mountain Tea Is the grratoit baby medicine to the work! Mak thn strung, will and active. W renU Tea of Tablet, j For sale by. F n. Duffy.- alii:i:;,d;.c;;:s A3CCLDS P m l aarw al ajaJHtwa, ej of Price. SrjrUHiy In i,( li.n !.t tm s It I t-'l It t i (K ..,, ?, 0.'ift..,t-' 'y r ! . t- .i ' M rl.fap ' T.,r, (.. :i l, I .1 V' i K s r- ) r y Al r. - tv'p j f ( t f . ! - ! . -1 I r, V, 1 r-r, " I ' ' ,- I o Your Eye Examined at Home - It is a mistake to patronize an itiner ant in any calling, because In case of an error , or mistake in your glasses your money is lost and the glasses use less. To give best service in the fit ting of glasses It requires an expensive set of instruments, -and on account of the delicate nature of these instruments they cannot be lugged from place to place, therefore in patronizing' an itin erant you do not get the service- you would from one established. ; J O BAXTER " Graduate Optometrist 107 Middle Street v New Bern, N. C !KMaauaiMi 'ave Moth Balls at II . Davis' Pharmacy A Bargain ?alt3 of . We put oil sale Tomorrow Mon day Morriinjr :Onv lot of Ladies fine Black Silk Um ft brellas, assorted wood and metal hand g les, paragon frames, worth up. to $1.50 O each. Special Bargain Price 98c t Each. i : Also special bargain in Val and Torchon lace 3J to 10c yd. And the newest things in Oriental lace. Edging and insertings, 10c to 50c yard. The June fashion sheets and patterns are here. 'Bar foot Brothers, a wm For the Month of May. 9 . Beginning today we inaugurate a gaods at a great reduction from regular uphold our reputation of being the Leaders in bargain sales, although our regu lar prices are always much tower, our goods much better than other bouses. Read each Item careful I p. : - - 29c v.'f, Whlt Wash Jan. Bilk, Inches wise, all pure sua, woriD sue. . n vmrrt for White and Cham 1 7C tWne Mercerised Madras. U w r w inches wide, la Urge vsne- y f patterns, worth from M to mm. W f .worth 80e to 75c LediH kVC Fine Horn, in Black and Col At sitae. - - ' 15c worth aus. Klne Bnow I'cr sian Lawn, 46 tnches wide. Impoatant Sale Misses Oxfords . Od da ana Ends gathcrrd Irom ourS3ho d?rartmrut, tizc3 O to 2. About 100 pair In thPlot. Comoarr cllKhtly Bollrd from band lir.2-, but thatuoci not hurt tbo vrar. Vorth from vl.3 to Pc itivcly no ;;ood5 cliar;:cd on Spec ial Sale. Order a luirt i OF PURE AND , . DELICIOUS CREAM lor your dinner Made every day and it contains the quality. . . .- ; . ,. . 35Cts. a quart. PACK AND DELIVERED atfthe ; , . HoaisTtm Rocky Mountain Tea Nugget? --' 4 Buy lUditli ht Buy Pwpl. -' ? Briags QnUn Htaltk sa luml Tlror. ' -X upeolfle for OomUpAtloa, Ineiffestloa, 1Ar wl Kidney Troublaa, Pimple. Kciema, Impur Ulood, Boa Breath, BlumriSn Bowala, Haadscfa od Backache. Its Rocky HouaUIn 1m In tab rt rorm, 8A OAnts m bos. Qnuloe msde by Houiran Dmva Oohput, lUdiaoa, Wis &0L0EH NUGQSTS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ffHHU i:'8AU great special sale of new and desirable prices. We begin this sale early to ef worth 121c to tOe. Platter! I UC fM De Parle, Vai Edirine; w - and bMerUone to aiauh, al pine range ef patterns..: - fee warta lOe ta ttks. A hX ef Col erd - Madras. Faoe CottorJ Noilse and SulUnfrs. DamMahl of ruii iln M tacheaJ in wide, tmrth from 1 to k yards J w recolar quality. s i worth 12r. W 6 Ummel IT Pillow t, else iZaje men, w good qaallty musUa. 8pring Goods, 'twill be worth your while to give us a few minutes ot your time. It will mean money saved for you.' J. G. DUNN & CO., Phone aia. BRICK My For Shipment Saturday, m& IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCHASERS. Enterprise Ilr'ck Tile Mf Co. J. W. OTKWAUT Secretary & Treasurer. New Bern, N. C. Notice! On account of a change in the nclie- dule of freight trains, no freight will be received after 5 o'clock p. m. J. P. C. Davis, Agent A. & N. C. Co. Notice 1 Have just tecehea frc.h car lead Ameri can Wire Fe-ce; same will be sold at areathl " reduced rate. Com snd see me before buyfag. E. W. Smallwood Seasonable Specialties. Icj 'icam Freezers. Ice Water Coolers (tone and Metal.) Sheibert Glasses, Ice Cream Saucers, Ice Tea Tumblers. monid Pitchers, Lemon Squeezes, I cr Picks, ICE 3HAUEHS, Mlhll SHAKERS. MILK SHARK GLSSK. STONES .II'LtT STKAWS. II. E. Whitehurst k Co., 45 PolldckKt, J L. HARTSFIELD, ntracUr and Ilullder. OrflCt 13 It M10DLC 8T. PROS I Ml. A selWUsl nstocaer IsMie beat rerMnavmUtion, Mtrm ai some of Um build xr ereristl hj im la New Bern. Df. fc. D. V. ienea, lUeUence. i. I X. C. H. R. ttonf Bease. O. Marks ft Store. . I Would be glad to bavo any'one inspect in y work as it goes up. Ellvood Vire Fencing. W T pi IWFirni imw m asirj Ijr Mm K Is all nAl ,..,-' '-'..' --.Cv' . .' rouLTRT vrmna, tmttn . doom eWwnspowE ; t-T. r 'a arl (hia. ' ' - v, Smart , Styles - in " Spring I Suits ALL UIENEWCOL "0RS AND SHAPES. Two piece Suits with no lining, cool and comfortable but perfect fit ting, the perfec tion of the tail ors' art. If you have not Heen our 55-57 Pollock St. COO I, AS CUPIL) ail hr.i iny y.,n will Im- when ilreiwd in one of tlie (H-rfi-ol UttihK iiihI )antHome lijflit clay Herife miitH thnt wc lire makim: foi our patrons for hot Wfulhri mMKiti. It we can't make you comforta hlf anil tiwi-ll in your iipiiurri no ono can do it. Our hiiiIp of riiKloni iiuulc fancy chaviota. black ami blue fM'iirc. in ruluwnyp ano backa. are beau- t it'H. P. 111. I1AIHI1K. Crescent Tobacco Company. Offers smokers and chewers, the largest line of Cigarj and Toliaico to select from of any house in the City. The follow ing hrillllls will irivevnll n faint idea of the leaders, Mardi-Gras Continuntal, I,a P He Creole, I'iii-K. "Sh-iliH-k, .1 . , " Cn-i..o, l-'xior! , I I'nita, : ax hi ( hu f Crrii;ii!n-r, Snli.-.roso, .-.nd m;t'iy nit' 1 l'l at 1.'. (lvc lis a ( all. 1 Very Truly. w. L). Barr in trlon mana;kk. M MnMlr St. A fn , Iw.u Y ..( I m Th.irlir'ei Liver infl h-'f I . r.ip -Mil 1 nt tn mm v rr.i lrt of ; i rr v. !i will write ( tin- Tisau her .iiirl.i. h.UiU'i;i Tci.n Opposite Post Office. Nw Maeonie Opera Hanm. t H 4 J A Me4owa, Cuane Warehoose. Dr. N. It Wrer store, ( Mary " m " - ----- . ot-rsl line of Hs"are a4 RolVUrs KatoHal ' .. - " - ' --i :: :. & niii supply Co'. t I I