THE JOURNAL- ; Published every day in th year, ex cept Monday. Journal Building 6-60 Craven St ' -v -,''- : . , Phoni No 8, ?- -A- s i , ..-: in' mi i.i ii. CHARLES L. STEVENS, SMTOB AND PROPEISTOB. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, ia advance. One )fear,.not in advance.. ...... Monthly, by carrier in the city. H !: ' J AA 6.00 . .60 Advertising rates furnished on appli cation. ' " Entered at the Poet Office, New Bern "J. C. as second-class matter. " JFFIClAJL. PAPER OP NEW BERN AND CRAVEN COUNTY. New Bern, N. C, May 10. 1906. WATER POWER DEVELOPMENT. ' (Chicago News.) There was a time when industry was largely dependent upon water power. The disadvantage under which produc tive enterprise labored then was that the manufacturing plants had to be lo cated upon the banks of streams fur nishing the power. With the introduc tion of coal and steam, which made it possible to establish plants at more convenient and easily accessible points, the value of water power began to di minish. Electricity, however, has wrought a marvelous change in this re spect and has increased greatly the value and utility of river 'currents as a motive force. Not only can the energy of the flowing stream now be trans - f urmed into electrical energy, but It can be transmitted to the places where it can be applied with the best results, There is one instanee in California where the electric current developed from water power is carried more than one hundred miles. Within the last decade, naturally, there has been a scramble among pri vate interests for valuable water power privileges and in too many instances the public's right in these have been ruthlessly surrendered to corporations along with other valuable franchise privileges. Nearly all the water power rights along the Pacific coast, for ex ample, are already in the possession of private companies holding franchises for long terms of years. At present there is a contest for the control of the power which the falls of Niagara are capable of developing. The legislature of New York State ia rife with scandal St the present time over the attempted despoliation of Niagara, which now seems likely to be accomplished HEALTHY PLANTS Rrajalr tka Mas Oarefal Altosttaa aa Well aa aae) Sail. Dtd roo arer wm- a roaekoak which -oapt the moat baaaAcem nrtroomant of aolt of aunablna and of almoaphara. -earned savar to achlava a baeJthy frowtm. A ton of manure will not help a plant mat ui a ranker eating eat tie heart. Toa moat daetroy the oaaaa Wlora jot rwwiT, i nm eneci. Too oanot enre DanSTuff end BaM- owa or nthMna oa hstr letlena. i Tabbing la vaaeltaa. ate. Too muet took to the eeaea of troaM lie a gna at the root a of your neir which oauaee It lo ran t KawhWe RetiN44a oeMrora the ran " aaanar aair M laa euro faaaH. ow br laaatae- raenrleta. Urn m la efemne mr eaaipla to The RerphrMa Ca. IwtrnH httah. O D. BR1DH1M. pcUI AfV NOTICE ! Nntire is lajratrjr tyveg, that eertiAcaU of sUxk No. 1C4 of Um A. k N, C. K B f7 Uaaad to rWwiit II t4-. 1. - mm . tn km kt or entepkead, rXtk wiu be made te Um 8cr-Tra. f said eompany for a dapKcate tartifWate. April 14Ui., IWt, VIRGINIA A PORTrR, Aatninajtratrlz. WIIJJAM DUNN, II, . Aitarty. 0ibm Cannot It tmU. ky kal Sfatioeia, M o, raavfi Lka J; - mU mJ it.. . TW fcJ tly geat way taewft eWrixaa, and 01 k by ranaUUtinnal rtltf. tbmm It ratawa ky aa Mmm4 auuoa) f UM km rMtray of the teViall Tube. ; Wbesi Um UU W lfnaal yqej kava . nnaUinaT mmtmi ar Wfrfrt Mariraj, a4 wtmi Maj Urly eVaW, !fMM Um rvwft.end wn)aat)M lnnaMtina (a) b Uktt, m -Uhm UIm twUw4 te ku avrnaj vitM, iMartnfi will koWinyM fo Wj - eaa at a4 Um ar, bf CaUrrK ahwk e a,,; ut lnfU maSUMi af Um (nmm mir (An Otm ftrlr4 Iknam p.. K. i . . . . . ni We tur4 if flerie ((av, ( iwtk f " iriUre trim. r, J. air.?.r,T n. rVil If J fh-nf piet. Tr. Tele flei I Fr..y f-tl- ft f--'i r -- ... - 1, T, .- -r WII Mother and found that it nodo-hiidMrtk wmj mw mcot iub cniia woe Dor helped her to ragaia her strong th. ?: Oaun : 'Wine of Cardui otrres ulna out of every" ton cases of the disorder! of menstruation. These cores are permanent, whether the trouble is complicated or not. f- r" ' - . v - Wine of Cardui euros the sickness of young girls, relieves the weakness of adults, banishes lcuoorrhtea, headaches, backaches and nervousness and oases the crisis attendant on the change of lifo. "J Thousands of-mothers besides Miss Root's'Wa found grateful relief from the pains of childbirth and have had a quick and happy recovery from its use. Yon cannot afford to suffer when $1.00 bottles are sold by ail aruggisis. The San Franciaco School Board has declared in favor of separate schools for white and Mongolian pupils. If in a kind of billions mood, Yo u wish an aid to digext foot), No other pjll is half so good As DeWitt's Little Early Risers. ' When e'er you feel impending ill, And need a magic little pill. No other one will fill the bill Like DeWitt's Little Early Risers. The third week of the teamsters' strike in Chicago began with the em ployers having apparently the advan tage. Terrific Rice With Death. "Death was fast approaching, " writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Pnmpa, Fla., describing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble nnd heart disease, which had robbed me of Bleep and of all interest in life. 1 hud tried many different doctors and several meil icines, but got no benefit, until 1 bcan to use Electric Bitters. So wonderful waa their effect that in three days I felt like a new man, and today I am curod of all my troubles. " Guaranteed by all druggists: price 5te. An association has been formed in New York, with a capital of $12S,tH)ii to organize a stock company for frivinn French plays in English translations. . While a bilious attack is decidedly un pleasant it is quickly over when Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are used. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy and F. a Duffy. Entomologists from all parts of the country met in Atlanta to diacims uni formity on anti boll-wcevil hyinlnlion. It ia ten times easier to cure our;t, croup, whooping-couch and nil lung and bronchial affections when the bowel are open. Kennedy's Laxative Homy and Tar ia the original Laxative Cough syrup, ticntly moves the bowels and expel all cold from the synU-m. Cuts . I - ll 1 1 . wa pnirgnn, cure ail cougns an; stfengtAens weak rungs. Rev. William H. Van AUii, in a ar mon n the Church of the Advent, IU ton, denouncad Uio wage syalom as a pfcMs of slavery. How to War. oil Old Agt. The moat mirceaaful way of wmrding off Um approach of old age ia to .main tain vigoroui digestion. This can Im done by eatinf only food auitoJ U yw tar and occupation, and when any doriW of the elotnach appear taka a VM of Chamberlain's Btomark livar TabWta U cotrart it If oa bavo a wamk stomach or art troubled witb hvlMtaatlon, you -will find ucm TaWoU U ba jut what you keod. Vat ale by Davis Pharmacy and t. 8, Ouf Say Plainly (o Your Grocer ' TU yov wanl UO OOFfT.E alwava, .nj K , Wngj a arruar man, wTj try U mti ymt ny UungakM, Ion mJ Co4 oat f our oj imya, U WTul About Cic UsHrl Jadjinrtt ti MCIost ' Of LoaeacVwr-m wlwl tfa tMo J.IOS OfjlTCB Wevtr nuarter cf ctntury? X Ue t.j ftnmtpr prnf rjtntrit, tjjaa t!,o T A I' I "a. ) on It Ic I r.. t Effective Remedy . '.v-.? wimi, Iowa, April!. " I WSJ i tumbled for ever a yew with to Bounty a Bow tint Was virtually nmwMriM a hiM.vuw.lfl a j . . . condition ud nounng I could do eeeuxxt to help me. ?" oj'y eBeotire remedy 1 ever found was Wine of. parOHl. Within two woetti I felt the good efrectacf themfd- Icine and after I bad need IS bottles in all I waaa healthy WIHUU 9IU1U RIM W .- . . . com Voan Aooouia Bom or Tsitramuica. : ..Program. Following ia-the program of the Sun day School Convention, to be held with the Church at Truitts, first Sunday in June: i President T. W. Rice will own the . Convention by reading the 6th Chapter of Acts. Prayer, Song. Reading, minutes of last meeting. Report of Supt. on condition of Sun day School. Address, J. A. Everington. Recitation, Sabra Wiley. Address, 0. Daw, Recita'tion, Mary Purifoy. Address, A. G. Price. Recitation, Minnie Caton. Address, N. T. Fulcher. Recitation, Ludie Paul. Address, Julius Dunn. Recitation, Lena Fulcher. Address, W. H. Rice. Recitation, Jessie Rice. Subject: Sinning Against the Holy Ghost. Miss. Florence Totter. " Liilie Wayne. M rs. Mary Paul. Mr. Matthen Wiley. " Sam Dunham. Miss Katie Gaskin. Commttee. SPRING CATARRH. Chingiible Neither Cautee Dleate. Breathe Hyomel AiH Cure 6aUrrh. The changeable weather of Spring, with its warm days and cold nights, is resjionsible for a great increase in the iiumlH;r of cases of catarrh. It is now that Hyomel, the only guaranteed treat ment for catarrh that cures without Hlomach dosing, should bo used in every home. Hyomoi is a scientific method by which pure air imprenatcd with Nature's own I! ' m ri'mwuci lor me cure or catarrh, can bo inhaled b every sufferer in his or her home, lireathed through the neat pocket inhaler that 'cornea with every outfit, rU healing, volatile, antiseptic fragrance reaches Um lung and air paasagM a no stomach dosing possibly ran do. It givos immediate relief and make butting cure. Proof that the Hyomel treatment will .to all that a claimed for it to found in the guarantee under which F. 8. Duffy ell it, aa agreement to pay back the price, if Um purchaser can say that fty- ohmi na not gtven satisfaction. Com pUte outfit 11.00; extra botth SO. Crwele. Peat. . Wood poMoa creep up toward the heart rauauig death. J. B. 8u-ma, lkll Plain, Mian., write Uut t friend dreadfully injured bht hand, which ewel ta op uk blood, pOMfiWTg.wI!uckpi'e Arnica 8alv drew oat Um rxAaoft. bea). d UM Wound, and saved bi Ufa. liaat in um world for burn and sue, ss t au ftatjr stare. ' ; -..,' : . n1 ever tnrTa!n;j t"r ul arlty ? Uo,t (.llir. l t a-ts. :-r Ier1 at fb itantatlnn. et ';pS j !rvc la amr ajaHr.B frtn,ia. afcrra It la at. t!l In ity rtti',U4 an) earatun-rfarlit I,, a r n I r -) !, ' . 3r o !,. r. ". r, v ' : i r"" I I f nr o I t 1 1 r Olympia.' . . . " ' ; May 7. We are having rainy weather now for the farm work, . . , ..' . . . Cotton planting is all the go now, and some are through and up. The crops are generally late this season. 1: , . .'Some of our farmers are shipping cabbage , on the P. 0. A W. Railroad, which . makes as feel as if we are to have a quick transportation aa ' other counties in the near f nturew- ? - '. -The young people of Olympia are go ing to hae a basket and icecream sup per Saturday mght, May 13th. Come and, enjoy a pleasant evening with your Incrtds. . , - . r Misses Ida and Bertha Wayne and Mr. G. M. Caton attended the picnic at Cowpen Landing:' .'Mr. David Thomas was with us Sun. day. - ... , Miss Cornelia Holton has returned home from Arapahoe, where she "has spent .several months teaching music school. ;. - . Prof. R. C. Holton has gone to At Inntic to deliver a commencement ad. dress. He expects to do some eduza Uonal work at other points, while on his trip. . It is reported that some of our young men are going to take unto themselves better halves in thp near future. N. Saved By Dynamite, Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the Are can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so "ng, you feel as is nothing but dyna mite would cure it: Z. T, Gray, of Cal houn, Ga., writes: "My wife had a very aggravated ,cougK, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her; so she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep, and finally cured her." Strict ly scientific cure for bronchiti 4 and La Grippe. At all drug store, price 50c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free Died. In Beaufort, N. C, May 2nd. 1905, Melessa Arthur, after years of deep suffering. The deceased, " though not mentally endowed, possessed rare traits of character, being strictly hon est, truthful, industrious, and untiring in her devotion to the sick, with whom she lived eighteen years. We feel that none could fill her place in our home. Years ago sho was converted under the ministry of Rev. F. S. Becton and to the best of her ability she Served her Master to the end. x Friend after friend departs, Who has not lost a friend; There is no union here of hearts, That finds not here an end. J. M. C. Cleared For Acties. When the body is cleared for action, Dy ur. mug s new L.tre nils, you can tell it by the bloom of health on the cheeks; the brightness of ihe eyes; the firmness of the flesh and - muscles; the buoyancy of the mind. Try them. At II ug stores 25c. Notice! The public are called to meet at the G. A. K. Headquarters, West End, loceany May vtn. to make arrange ments for May 30th. 1906 at 4 o'clock. All are invited. Remember the G. A. R. Sermon will take place Sunday May 28th. before May 30th. at 8 o'clock aH tho Powell's Hall, Carroll St, Wert End.. The member of the G. A. R. will meet at thuir headquarters at 1 o'clock Sunday 28th. Inst Wm.'ELUdTT, Post Commander. ISAAC POWELL, Adjt and Dept. 8. V. Commander Va. A N. C, Ancient witchery was believed in by only a few but Um true merit of Da Witt Witch Haxl Salvo ia known by vary oM who baa used It for boil, tore, tetter, eciem and" ptloc Chamberlain'- CiV RimJ Very Beet - "I have beo using Chamberlain's Cough Uetncdy and want to aay it to Um beat couch medic in I have ever taken, " aay Uao, L. Uiubh, a merchant of HartaiL Mkn. There is no qimtUoo about its being Um beet, aa H will cure a couch or cold In leas Um the) any other treatment. It nhould always be kept m the houee ready for Instant aaa, fur a cold ran ba eared in Mora laa time when promptly lreetd , for aaje by iMvia" I harmacy and F, 8. Unffy. aaa wm a " af nmm , aa iplinr -atMatakUaar. ! l I I r ha i ii Umit. Miaioe R, Roa, whil rkflne biryrU. frll into l) irot at Fort oo- rnai, Va. snd a M dmwrtnl. rVhy Suer from Rheumilum? ,m rornatiarn aKr-n re apj 'j-.ti,iri r.f O a rr.l r 1 ir.'a) 'in nil frlifTc t? i..'h t! .1 I - A '- p ' K n r. t - V. ,.5.-1 ,( t r'u r I fi . ,r ta tro !, en. I i at a ! f't .', , f r . V. I! To . get rid of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Belching of Gay, Catarrh of the Stomach or any other disorder due to Indigestion. DYSPEPSIA Digests What You Eat I have been a dyspeptic all my life, have tried all kinds of Dyspepsia remedies, but continued to get worse. Could eat but little and suffered greatly. I was reduced In weight and run down to nothing in strength. After using a few bodies of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I began to Improve and am now fullv restored In weight, health and Strength. I my own work and can eat whatever I like. MRS. MART S. CRICK. This is only one of many sack teatl nonisle oa lie la Dollar battla kalda t ttauie aa aaaa aa aha trial, ar ee aaat alaa. Tfl AT.T. "n"C AT TUO TV.. A1 r. , , eea oniy to purcnasern filled out at the time ot sale witb name and and dealera only upon presentation of this coupon ask ior me 105 MOLINA DISPATCH u AMD OH DomiflioDSteamship Co AILT lallVK. Freight and Passenge; for all points nortb EFFECTIVE OCT. 21, 1904. The Steamer Neuse is schlnll to sail at 6 p. m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Elizabeth City, mnkinf Innd inga at Oriental and Roanoke Island. The Steamer Ocraaoko is scheduled to sail at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Elizabeth City, mak ing; landing, at Oriental and Roanoke Island. - Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing', ror furthor information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, AKt K. KING, V. P. A Gen. Mgr. C. HUDGINS. Gen. Ft. ft. Fans Agent, Norfolk, Va. S. 8UMMERELL, As. Gen. Ft. & Paa. Agt New Bern, N C. For Sale! Fine track of land at Newport, N C, eonUiniiuj 200 acre. Tartly situ ted within the corporate limits of the town. Land admirably adapted to truck and melon crowing, bordered by Newport river, with fine iwamp for pasture and firewood. River recounts ed by law as legal fence. Healthy loca lion; excellent tranaporUtion facilities. and contiguous to a thrifty, growing town, rise) Investment, will be told on reaaonabl Unrta, caua of sale, agod owner, who to alao abaertt, wishes to acll to eioaa op affair. Proparty run dowm. For further particular, apply u - - W, D. HARRISON. Newport, N. C Administrators Notice Mavtraj f)la ear eaaluM aa aiialnaiiiala) aaarkdar a April I I aa ear af la aaaaaaat, -at t aae aaaia aie aaiaa IMa Arl! a.1, va . anvrr. aiaiiaban riLiai riLka. it rinsn. , Dr. Wlinav Tadua fDa Qtahaenl IU tar Bllaai Oaaadlng. Uioaaatad aavd larking TUea. II baorb lh taBaore aflay Whs fachtnf M Man, Ms is a ul tm.te laaraaa ralaai I M ky DAW "OaRMafrr. k'iY For 1 A I 1VUI u 1,-ay 6 Hi ''7. i X) ' it rri.r itArrm a,, t i hi I. a n I ia lairMa alaaaaa ana la aat aataaa aa am In aaalSai aa ia imtmt a llaa aaaWaaiaaat aa aa Imlm laaa awlMa aMa aa CURE If, after usiti, bottle of Kociol I. it or h'Mif.M: . the bottle back t and we will n tu' 1 be honest with !.;,. It with your d::.1i- , wrapper frt'iu :k, u Name am now able to do White Plains, Ky. rrpard at ifaa Lab oratory of B.0.DWitt aoo.,oaicaao,g.e.a. CM who nrpsaur r nr Kodol Almanac aid I X rRKMELY IOW kMf .s Annopnckh. Vi. Kxtrrmi'ly l .w r:il via tli, Southern Ka W.1V flooi llovvinj- . : on its line: for tin- foil casiiitis: Athens, Ga. .'aimmia July ', Una. Atlanta, (in. Natiuna M.lllllf.-U tlll l I : , . HriHtnl, T, nn. Ai I I, Ion A:..... i. ' , lo 1 , man Baptist lirethr-n, Jtin- .. I'.toa. t:iiarlnttif villi-. Vu. Virginia :' t School of McUiodri, Juiu- J(.-Au, I. lixir.. Fort Worth, Tex. Gi-nernl A.inhk Southern I'rinliytenan I'lmn-h, May 1S-26. It(l5. Hot SpringH, Va. Southern llanlwan Jobbers Association and Ann i n o, Ilanlwarc Manufiu Hirer;.' A-,-., ciation, June fi-il, V.tti!,. Kanwis City, Mo. South, rn lt.i,i, i Convention, Msy 1(1-17, l?'!r, Knoxville, Tenn- -Summer S I, mil, .lull 20-July 28, lOOfi. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteayle Til, I Training School, July ;i Am' I ilonteairle, Tenn. M int,!iK le Suniii, School Institute. July li-Aug lSot'.. Monteaglv, Tenn.- Weman'a Cungrewi Aug. l-ir, 1906. Nashville, Tenn. iWrody ColUv. 3ummer Schools; Vandrlilt Hit lical Institute, June U-Aug i 1906. Oxford, Mia. -Summer School Unt varsity of afiaaiajippl, June H July 26, 1806. Karltmond, Va.-Farmers' Natuaaal Corajrr, 8ept 12.22, 19H6. Savannah, G--- National Trsvrlem Protective Association of America May 16-23; 1906. Savannah, G. -Southern Golf A elation, May 9-11, 1906. St. Louis, Ma -National Baptist Anm veraary, May 1S-M, 1906. Tlaftcalooea, Ak. Summer School for Tachwa, Jon lS-July 28. 1906. UtM for the ahov onauaona opart to tna public . Tatkeu wfll be aoM te the point front all Station o the Sotuhera Rail way. . ' Detailed Information ran be had otv oj rrplirtion to anf Tkket Agent of u axiuvrn Kaiiway. or Menu of eonnacttng UsaaL ar Kkiraaairet Um iaaMMtgriairl: a. u vaaMoat, r r a., i wooo. a Charbtta, H. U AshtnilM N. C PT BAinwn " . w TATUML I avea. Tram mgr, Oawl i'aa Agent WASHINGTON, D.C Russell Houso KKAUFORT, K. Ca, (VntraJly JoratAtt, Allthajdall rrHe of lh tUVJKM. WU Tattti. rrTna, (!nrl tavl. I Txi(r (r vrriir-nr, fuj't n4 ttmli rW TarU. J:a!aj 1110 rt day "( snl liiTftJ totrn bj war! r I - GUARANTEE COUPON conti-nt-, of a dollar a.c nol siti.'.fted with I ' I t-! ,iu. take 'P 1.4 t ' thill : :.h i you bought it h that you -iipoo ;u.d leave -":tli !hc outside ')- A iiRrnn ruj i ;y protect i r v ve will 200 Year Calendar tl.iy F vcnrsinns 1 o Mt.i ehead City ! A.:il lic;iii,nl. N. C. lino rail -ir 1 1 lolimi to M,,ro and re . mi I.x- i'' ' . ." ' 1 1 i , . i . ?i r ii. -t i t o loll Hi. V I M h.-a.l , I ie, ifort $i:.i I 4 ". I : l l l.. Ilia .Ka UI Saturday ,1,1 . oil unv regular , t ran, . ii :iat in ii.i) h, and gnoj r, regular puimenfrer w mi: Siindny or Mon K A MKI.. T. M. 1 1, mi tin f,,, I.sw Depnrinirnt ! iu'Nt) of North Carolina. iSiniiiiior I'crm i i i",i: .ias r. u, i:ak dkan ' l:l KUN J. I'KAWKtiKH ;lt;t; 'I .-nn iN im .lune 7th, I!7.. A lidreaa, F. I' VENAIII.K, Mirt- 11:11. N C ICE loi nitut'M rVw,a Onotatnlag onopnre for WO t. of rr In in lh. roupnna, rlna t will ha ftnlrl In raetnmert ftt e dlr' nf 10 ir rant . ' 1 f) will boy 14.00 won b of ICK honk la pmenrad, either from tna rlrl r of lunn of friiea the offire It Urlfi" etroal,. New Bern Ice Company. Tits luatrr vat tx otat wit hp? j ' ft m-m efc-1 WmmT iilt , W P- -m fm . -m m hiat- ajw. vaaraj B k4 all 4 M . a Hft h lfw m-mmlm-.- mt Pmlhw mW aa"( Ifajaa p f VBaeTaf aV! aWaafaSBiBaaa'aa, v. f- -k-rF tv pmm M m mmm m nnW ft eV Waaw Hra Walifc lial wit. twt m-M0 Uei W.1a-aw t) - tea f 1 aaa W rw 9-m -. P m t aaat7 tm - mt hhj mm mm m-4 V, X7txitr - H-ns f a. C.

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