K jg 0 - B,fi "V,aM 1 1 fcHMOMP.' Ifc Get Premiums, Mrtttlj!"' :YolllJaking Powder Bat Good Luck Baking Pvwderand pet the beautiful premiums' ; "ire are offering absolute!- fret, -Good Luck a unquestionable th tmrtst baking powder possible to manufacture. Bread nude with it : " ia light, white, wholesome end -nutritious. .. It keeps longer -and better - than other baking powders and raises the batter quickest and wry thoroughly. . -. v Good Lock is onl 10c a pound. By Erring the best at the lowest cost Good - Luck is now being shipped in car load and train load lots to a t parts of the . v country. It is the idea of getting these beautiful presents free, in addition to ; the high quality and low price, that makes this s remarkable premium offer - . Baking Powder is packed in 6 ot. and 1 lh. cans. The coupons necessary to get the many useful gifts, are printed on the label of each can. Cut out these coupons. Save them. A few o them will get you a hand, some free premium. For details iead the little .book to be found in every can. Don't forget to ask for Good Luck next time. ' Save worry, save money, and lait hut not least save the cou pons and get the beautitnl guts. It your grocer doesn't sell it, send us bis name and we will see tha you are supplied. anooo ran valuable Anc 'Hi is is the coupon found on c Very tan. THE SOUTHERN MANUFACTURING CO. RICHMON-. 'A. J MIL . Rmr!nl!i Cures Cholera Infantum! Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and the Bowel Trouble) of Children oif Any Age. AWi Digestion Regulates the BowtU.Strenalh. en. the rhild and MAKFS . LJ(TEETIIING TOWDtli&tL teething easy. Costs Only 25c at Drnwists, or mail 25c to C J. IHOFFETT, H. D. SI Louis, Mo. Mother I Hesitate no longer, but save the health and life of your child, a thousands have done, by giving these powdets. TEETHINA ht easily given and quickly counteracts and over comes the effects of the summer's heat upon teething children. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Tlicy ovcrcomt Weak nebs, irregularity and oinisioua, increase virr- 1 1 or anit tmm&u " pains of menstruation. 1 They aro "LIFH SAVKKS" to piils ut womauhood, aiding clovolopniciit of organs rind hotly. No known remedy for worm-n equals tbi'in Cannot tlo b:irin -hio Loeomoa a pleasure. $1 iX) I'l'At ItOX ItV MAIL, holtl t- lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, wire to -iccoinpliah DESIRED KliSULTS. Greatest known female remedy. 1'ricc, 1.50 per bottle. JIB TfltJ Bewaranf ormntcrrelL and Imitation,. Tlw eeimlna i tut up only la pesf ixiflrrt Car liAVIiVIN lua with rae-Mmlle r.liroaturo 'm m.Io rtf lite l.-ttle, tun. -?-M-sea fur Clrealar Ui vriUJAMd atru CO .Bulu AncuK. CI.viiUntl.oiiU. i' " .Sold by DA.VI8 PHARMACY COLCHICINE 1 ISAUCYUTtl Trochet's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. A standard and infallible cure for hULUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by the ti'.ghvM nieiiie.it ntittiorltiea of turofc sr. J. America. Dispensed onlv in rplieiictl capsules, v.hich dis solve In liquids o( the iioni.tcb without causii.e, Irritation nr disagreeable symptoms. I'nce, $1 per bottk. bold ty drupjjtst. Be) sure and get tiic genuine, wiixuiu aro. o., i.tvi-L . omu, u rrw Boldln New Bern by F S Duffy HEALTH TtMtrmlrfmftdf for ntmii rt'atr antl oil lt -Ari o ih nirittf onrtMiaioC lifVtni, suirh MNi-fMos I'rirail.fi 4iinffur Lot Mobo4, Imiwrncf, Nifhily V.niu.n. V'.uii.fi.T Kinr. Hmul Worry okiwm cm Of 1licrO Df (f4um Whirh k i I i i ui,uirjt.tion &J li.hmu Wiik s-m-i fc I V USIMB- J Vf WTJ flM'IIOlW Mt OUTO Of niU"' inU WOIlCf Vlti ( S t . W (MCf IM)SV 1 agon Sale. I have a large num ber oi farm wagons, both double and single that escaped lire wben I was burned out, the paint is blistered on them, though it does not damage them but very little, -and as I have no way of caring Lfor them I will sell them down very low. so come it in need oi any and look lor your self before buying. Headquarters Scotts stables, New Bern, N C April 24th, 1905. L I Daniels. Weekly Crop Bulletin, May 8, 1905. The past week hat been exceptional ly favorable for the rapid germination of seeds and the growth of vegetation. 1 . The temperature continued uniformly, i but not excessively high, the mean for the week' being about 70, ot 3 daily ! above the norma). The early portion of the week was fair and sunny,, but after the third showers were frequent, keeping ' thd air and soil moiat' and highly ; favorable; for. the growth of crops.. Generally the precipitation was , moderate in amount and beneficial, but in a number of counties the rains were frequent and farm work was interrupt-: d, as the soil was too wet to plow;1 In 4 few western counties; notably Madi son, Davie and Wilkes, heavy, washing rains, in some instances i with hail, oc curred on the 5th with considerable damage to crops and land locally. Rapid progress in planting ' and culti vating crops continued during the early portion of the week, but was discon tinued, in most of the central and southern ' counties after Wednesday. In some section on account of the very rapid growth of vegetation grass, and weeds are. beginning to be a little troublesome. Planting corn continued during the week, especialy on uplands in the west; lowlands are at present too wet to plant; corn is coming up remarkably well and good stands a?em a sufed everywhere; cultivation of young corn is proceeding; the only damage so far reported to corn by insects results from ravages by cut worms in several coun ties, chiefly in the west. Planting cot ton made favorable progress early in the week, though interrupted towards the close; planting is about finished in the southern portion; the seeds are germinating with unusual rapidity, and good stands seem assured; chopping is about to begin; cotton is getting a little grassy in a few counties, and warm, dry weather would now be bene ficial. The showers this week , gave fanners a favorable opportunity to transplant tobacco, aid where the plants were large enough, and the land prepared, a large portion of the crop was set out; this work will be general during the next week or two. A Good Suggestion. Mr. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon City Fla., has written the manufacturers that much better results are obtained from the use of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases oi pains in the stomach, colic and cho lera morbus by taking it in water as hot as can be drank. That when taken in this way the effect is double in rapidity. "It seems to get at the right spot instantly," he says. For sale by Jam fharmacy and r . S. Dully Police Court Newt. Mayor Patterson had quite a good sized court yesterday morning. Fol lowing are those who were before the municipal bar: Charles Potter, disorderly conduct ; one dollar and costs. Mary Wiggins, disorderly conduct, one dollar and costs. Violet Wiggins, disorderly conduct; one dollar and costs. James Hassell, disorderly conduce; two dollars and costs. Entry Claim. NORTH CAROLINA. Onslow Cocnty. To at. M. Cappa. Entry Taker for Onslow County. Th umlnrMiirned J. I. Brown of Lrnioir county, North Carolina, ontein and UyB claim to the fol lowing 1mc ribed pirce or parcel of land in Rich' land TownHhip. Onnlow County, blAU, of Nortaf Carolina, the miho oetna vacant and unappropria ted land, and Hubjoct to entry, vii: Lylnd be tween New Kivvr and Whnley'n (Hr. Cowford branch) between the land of the Millv hcim and the Jarinan heirn containing 200 acrwi more or Enteral the 0tH day of April, 1906. J. I. BROWN, Claimant Buinsr Entry No. 425. ' - U you are naturally not as strong as your more fortunate sisters, and for this reason experience dread ra'ther ihun joy at the prospect of becoming a mother, take courage and assurance from this fact: Mother's Friend is meant lor you, and bvits use you may pass through that glorious martvrdom wh ich is yours by divine ngbt with no more discomfort than thai eairienwt i those rho by nature are rjcwibljmore adapted for the role of motherhood. MOTHER'S IttJEHD is a liniment of proven merit, and its great worth can be no better attested to than'by the countless strone and he.iltliv kuuuicu era .iiuuugii iia KiBaiy omccs nave emererj this world unhandicapped by any deformity or weakness, it ..is a liniment which by-extenial application acts uxn the. : abdominal .muscles- and permits of a painless parturition. BKADfimt neaaumn oo Atlanta, oa. TelepSi one Ml YOUR OFFICE to-day an admitted Business NECESSITY WHILE TO AILIMTMEN. A Little Sound Advice Will Help Many a Sufferer in New Bern. No woman can be healthy and well if the kidneys arc sick. Poisons that pass off in the urine when the kidneys are well are retained in the body when the kidneys are sick. Kidneys ard bladder get inflamed and swool. n, crowding the delicate female organs nearby and sometimes displacing them. This is the true cause of many bearing down pains, lameniss, backache, side ache, etc. Uric poisoning also causes1 headaches, dizzy spellB, languor, ner vousness and rheumatic pain. When suffering so, try Uoan's Kid ney Pills, the remedy that cures sick kidneys. You will get better us the kidneys are better, and health will re turn when the kidneys are well. Let a New Bern woman tell you about Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. N. Vincent, widow, living at 103 Craven street savs: "Doan's Kidney Pills have been very' beneficial to me. They certainly re-! lieved me of very disagreable pains in ; my back from which 1 suffered for a long time. I obtained them at lirnd ham's Pharmacy and I must say they proved to be a good remedy in my case. For sale by all dealers. Price ;t) cts. a box. Foster-Milburn (., liuifaln, N. Y. sole agents for the U S. Kemcmber the name, take no other. Benrv $ Pharmacv 0 J27 Middle m. Full line of Druf?8,Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply o, Flower Seeas. PliyNicians PiNt-scriji (iotas A Nte'iIy . 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &o. AnvoimfonrtliiR ai"ket'-ti find depfrtnl Win nm? .-juL-WW iLt. ttrii.m -:ir iM'iiii'Ht froo 1 ht-r im invent inn Ifl prtl.:thlv luttClitHSIe, 'tui.tnii lllr,-. noiiMHti ivMy ttMiihlotniiil. HANDBOOK l'M...in Hont Inn. (HiM'ftl nutMtcy lr sltqi Ihk iiil-ntn. l;tit'!ii;4 l;irH'M lliruiit-'ll Milim Jt, Co. rt'L'i;lV0 tpecitii iiffi-f, wil hiut cuiii-iio. In lh3 Scientific JHnerican )inn(.fnti'ly MlimtriUotl wool!r, I-;irfit fir riiliiiiiiii t uiiy Hfioniitifl jntinml. T''i him, r y"ir: tmu ni.mt iia, 1. ljuitl hyii I Tipw'icnlf & Co.33,B-ada' New York At Your House It's at one; n Com entente and a Ne cessity, that you cannot measure by any muney value. One Emergency Call, in One Year, Pays the Rent. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR, WHO HAS ONE. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON. . . Ti.C. A. & N. C. R. R. KlTYn-live Sunday, April 30th, 1905 at 7.00 a. m. Eastern Standard Time. tttS K sr., Wtt.riijM.. .hlnv rrtn invent fir I in nrnTm ' .Inn irrl CAVEflT,TfiPE-MARK, COPYHtf.HT or DESIGN J for Tree csatmiintion and rsdvi'-e. BOOK OH PfiTEfllSr.:.';,; Fat.- v.-.. Washington. O.C. 1 -A KASI' l!UlNI. M'l'A I lu.NS: No. 3. NO 6 lAII.V 1UAILV l.v. IUM .W.. tl.-lf. ! M. 8.00 A.M. .j. . h, s.a I' I-., I t 10 " 8.52 I ' .Vlt! " 14 1 r,.t; y7 Ti. . :m.r:i '., 'Jil - J 17 Ar. Ni.v. i:i:i:n :. ,:, " 10.00 l.v Niiw ! in r. M. loin A.M. I;iw I, h, , iii. H: k I., I ' 10 44 N t i. 17 11 on Ar. V.,i. in :.. Cy. 7.1:1 " 11.23 WI ST I.U1UNI1. Nil. I. No li S'lATH'NS: DAII.V DAILY Ia. M I, (', ,.IU A M. 4.4(1 P. M. i.i .M""1 f n r, in li....i..ik y.:-7 11 :,:.a I'l.i nl ill' a ,',..111 A i m:vi hi:i:n " um I.i M U (tl.KN !.!.' A M. 11.10 1'. M. rn .1,,..:., .. i, " I .' 0 44 I'.'Mi ion.) " 0i,H K .. i .... 10 "7 " 7 L1I l.:i( 1.1,1 " 1.4a Ar I. .,1.1 l.,.i ll.'il " B.10 l i.iii.. "l!" I. .7. iin.l r: ,un Oin ly. (CNNI 1 HONS, Wo it Miuliicrn Kuilway and At' ml N. w Il.ni: Wiih Allantic Coaat l( r I i I- n K. A-NIKU .1 Mnr,.irnr Trutlic Manaaer (.Oi.liSIKiKO. N C. Executors Notice Doan's and NOTICE. Wood Turning I Columns, Ualuatcrs, Ralls,' 6nndlra, Ktsir NewuU, Ramu and Essies, Man-tl.-a, BrackoU, Grills, Ric-Kack Trim niinjrn, Porch and Iwn Swinipi, SasTi, Doors and STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Omuw County. To M. M Cappe. Entry Taker lor Onslow County: The anoereacf.d V A.Minea. of Onalow county Nurta Carolina, antara and lay. eiaim to ihe fellow tow dearrlbwl piece or parrel of land In 8uaiia Suaml Township. Omlow euantyj Hut of North Caroliwa. the sama being earant and unappropri. ated tana, and mhjsct tn entry. ri:-UeKiiintna at W Dnvra and W N Hubtas rarner. thenre runnina Southwardly to thepSead of Oum Hranrh. thence d. wnl.ua Hranrh to W N Hobba line, thence with His Ma northwardly dj the comer, thenee wKh hi" lis to the plarvuf bearinnlnir, containing Gatered lh. nth day of May INK Kntry No U F A HINKH. LUuraant. Notice! On account of a change in the sche- Bcroernt rnadtt to order on dule of freight trains, no freight will be I Boies tor (e.ou. COUPONS t.- U ..... t . rrv-i . r . efte now rntain a whole coupon. Sh Padrt Orjntatning txruporu bear the ktlef (W , ; raj (he box fronU trtf not, retlrtrnafclc Hcdmort Q. tarctte tox front whtcto do not bear Ok3 kttcr (S) ore oi S)ual value wiUi Uio cotira-na. nhort notice. Porch Baluator. fi, 8, 7 and 8 caiiU each. j. 31. uv.(3iHTi:ir. Factory, Church Alloy, Nw Brm, N C CIGARETTES "Tlio'Cloarcttp of Quality" art rrtoda from acleciinnt ot gcmikM fid rWmont to lcco, frrxj rvj wrtt wrai-pcj kn lirM and alvtya In Ir!cct ooraJjlion. SAVE Ycun V COUPONS THEY AflE ( VALUABLE Ernest M. Qreen, Attar A taaaaaUf at La,. I'aoaa W,. MEW MRU, H. Wa) aalpMaaMr) Htaw kf rtataoa nt aanf tewrs f rwsrhsna la Uut nffrw and a. Itaartavr U lwctr . rnrii hi tX) 'Vxirta o Crayaw, Jaam, Malr CaV1 ,tlr, M m ssllllt ,aTka r reyilfsst , ... Paints and Ois Quniv Plstofs.' Razors, Ecissors and rocket "'""'; Cutlery, r Shells and ' Cartridges. received after S o'clock p. m. .J. P. C. Davi., Agent A. A N. C. Co. Notice ! Have just recehea fresh car load Ameri can Wire Fence; same will be sold at rgreatly reduced "rale. Come and see , me before buying. . v . "' EiW.Smallwood , . aucarirrnirwj la f lrU-,i.UlMiJ In ornTtalitsn Lif lima la tJar A , a'.il.iy. ' SASlt. imM AM) HLIaSDS. A UK, I ALT Jr. . ) I I fc". en hM p. J T.T. J!AN(U"K fir v ItollllllllH A, All II II, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice In the conn tie. ( Craven, Carteret, ramlluo, Jimtta and Onhlow, and in tlie Mate Huireina arid Uourta. Office: Bonth Front "treet, oyer T(lr graph office. Ne "-m. N. C- WOTICE! Vo wiuit nvury man and worrmu In ! he Onll.'l. iSfll1"M lTM(!f'.tr?ll 111 I hi! (' 11 1'c tl inn, W lil skf y or ot lirr ti i tm lut h, ell hnr ff r t hf'TM-pl vt-H or fi It i-. l--, t h:i v ono of Dr. WtMllcv'h b'Kikn mi i in.-si- (; is- KtMlra4 en.- W rtto Ur. U. M. W uol.ry, Ai i.iiim, , (ia., lKx UHT.uudoue will bocnt you Uvtx We Sell "The World's Bst Typewriter," The Sniilli Premier Eunett'g Bookstore SEYMOUK W. HANCOCK , Attorney at Law. PT will practkw In UU and . ' Petferal Court . Office 46 Broad St. I. a i i :; f!o!ic3 1 UlitEwStatE! tiD:IIC, RaaUrn Diatrkt of North Carolina I In the District Court at New Tara. ) WHEREAS, on Ux fuarUirlay of May 1906 W. A. Mclntcash and K. 11, Wil UalMS tradlncaa Tbe Now Bam I run Woriu, at New Bern, N. C. bUi their libel In tb Dialrirt Court of the l nlld Slat, for tirt Faum DUtrvcf of Nurth Carolina : affirrat the ateamor Ooklaboro Krr boaU, tackU, afsrel and furniture, (n a eaue of action fur labor and mate-rial. CI HI and Maritime. 'AND WHEUEA3, bjf t4rru'of aa Ceaw iii due form of law, t me d rteted returnable an ike I7t da et May, 1 have aMefld and taken the Aid tmwr CniUlahnro, .r Ucale, ap rajrH et., and ha her b Mjr ewrtody, N"tW k herrlr Cin, tlt Di trkt Court Kill ear Ivld la Use United Mat) Court Rm. in the CM of Ne Pern, on th aevetitawTith day of Kajf, V".. II tn o'fVerk a. m , for the trial i,i aaWI prwrnisrei ; ami the p lief ot rrwn ers, r) all fs.ir. wKo nmy i.aea M r,m nf tnlre(, are hofby ritI to . ttntt ai ar at the time arid ilar af ,ri 1, t shuw pHe, If any Uicy t , t r fra) dree h"lbf fKt I -e at t t'V H C. Ihm KV l-V. V. R. M.r.Val. tr li. W WAI i'i, H-;t.Mar--r.l THK UKlll'IKKMF.MS MIT Tin rni!c mi -y t ') - Odnvci lirnl , rornfuil.ilik :i.'iil ). . llHVifl IIIKM Hp (HIT hHllKITl rtrtiitl l nui't thi'.si- riMiutrrinrnts, -v i n 1 1.1 1 j invito you to cut) ami insMTt. Citizens' Bank Krc nicir of the lant will and :i I'cun-i-. tliH-f-niKil, Ute of iMm is ti tmlify all ivprnuns t ( Mini cM-fam. to exhibit mil ..i. in twfoii' thr ILith day tint. it will Irf iili-rui.v, in bar nis ii.t. til iii to thf amid etat H. I'KARCK. I'lxf-rutiir Entry Notice. I 1 1. OI NORTH CAHOI.IrT. I II A Taki I 7 NTr or narw mbbn Capital SurjiluH and Trunin Di'iiosiU Aiisota T. A. K. II. T. A. .r,i l H M l . r M $27, '"I i.r.i -on . jtHi.iKn.mi (Iukks, I'rcHident Mkaimiw.'I, Vici- I'rd'Hlcnt. U.7.KI.I.. Caahwr. i f..r ( rnvt-n ( Viun- I. I-'irm.l i: . I IrsviH N-.illi I iiriilinn. enter. m in ili's'Til.-.! iiee or tinil II l.m nii i ( rnven jt hi. III.- .sir,.' Ignite vsrsnt I, ..!. null Hiilon I to entry. C It II I. , i, n. 1,-1 nsj.illuws II. nr-i.ltne l.iin,l.r (V.. on It Ifn. i-. mi tli.. hjt.t l.y J. An ti,..i. ItiritrnH unit re the -H.. Ikm.Mii s. thetlreet V.it liv .li.hn JsrkMin, '71 iwir.ty live srres i. . f A fill 1-sK. I . K HAVlbi r..r Entry Claim. A PAIII IN THE SIDE A" i I, S Sets rsseainasm1 RtMaaMllaa, CeWi Cwaaa,Waali Chat Weak Baoa, L pate, Sotalloa 1 Vnr pal la Us rla nf Us IMlllK r fx a wee tTae b P annnhl k avejleet awewa Ik lilaMnUMk, Th aaiaral fsi4e War. , E4 4 fnrxi Krina aa a a. MIlFeeswaru. tee. Wares llf inwlsv bH,ww r t,iew-ir re- -lirewisrawntlsse, , i.iet a Wee waser Wse aaalswt iM , ' riaeier ea Use James Will Is NOltTII CAROLINA. I On Low Omnty, I M 'ni , rfry (aVrr fnf Ouftlow ('-unty: ...I. ra.tr.r-l W Wont of n' - - i.i . N - .fi li ( 'aar- I inn, c riler. and taya t.. t ,4' f' ll-, wm- iif-ri iIko i.kH or ieirra) I m Hi. 1.111.) f ;wnBhit Ono km (-onty. ( arnl.'.H. iii utnif Ix'irir: varttnt and urvap- lHl lnt) tv,l Htilij.wf n i tilry, vn. m luNn'ii tlio five mi la Itranrh arvrl thej k'vi ii no ihr TtirV,-f jwnsd, hiu rMiawrl ) , tlx- A II lir..n Wrxl. nn he kataeit II ( .. ntxl V.niri.. n IK. Hcuth by land i, V. ..t. , . Lil. rwi rm IK Weal hf Vf n I llr-iwn IniMl. n.riljininir it' tvrrra inorw or r.tii.ml O r 2.:ti .! of Aftll IKXfv m N.. n W H WKST Executors Notice llMvir. '.uahfWl aa Kietrufnr if tMitiaa Vrr. ,1 -.. I aI tTwene hartr rlauni tnlrwl Um v 'f rn leivl t- Utrtl air haweabw Ika-rtaeVawi te prt. r-l Its mror, tiuly vorifWoi U, ! andirtaegrW. 1 I. i-l IU?h4v (MUrm. Atarnf. n r, Iwf .er, I ha, i . h ,J.y ,4 A(aT.I )M OT til i. t w i'i tar tr,l(l in I aar J thavtar IWiWWT. AU 1- r -r ii....) mJ ti avtid oaytala tn hm ib rn lame a.) 1.. rrwa.' tt , rrsaart kft I aM t ar mr riL Ti.va Ah , Uth. JOHN IMMJU Ktwtrtar Adiulnistratrix Notice ll. ins aoeJUWi s A.mwwetralrls e, w (J list. .erf late 4t rweee netst,. N r. ..nw was nnllfr an Ke nrw vlswna aea'aat tns aslala M sssl i.wi f iii, ill tin iw 41 erV. S. Ihe smterewm) m n, Wfer. las lath , ml A IKeVw Ihs. n.AIe will k l'si kae ml last r ner AH hull hie te u.w sutwvl pleew suae IrmnMihsle i, 1W. hK iVer ml A till V HAt MK1. Ilia K AitwtaMlralrta. It M t.i.i:N AUKKf t m. iiaaooi. a' . rt. Sni.U-NS i WARD, ATTORNtr ARD COUNSELORS AT LAW. 0(!W Rrrrvnrpd ai row. Strt ho fleeorX bOry "f No. 9 (alarrt) Teanrraph of , (k rVith f ront ttnrt, awxt to Motei ChalUwka. IWiere ia lh) rjlMe of Craeeav, Duiilia. Jmtv On low, lrfwrwt, Paaa Hro and Wake, to the Uireeai and FeeV eral CiaMta, and wbeewrar aitlil aro .Wired. 1 Sufti Cuartioft T ieraaM. City t" . bI Ctaiffori ' Tri' Atlantic and North Carotirai rail rnad will on east) rUusday oUI IWOmt tMirH. a mond trio tkkoU for So day train only, atSxisWd to tea OtaV trorw hf f'tre tor, from 0 utVisi to MMrwor4 Ot and iUeofort, H. C ami rriunt at the fi.IWwInf enmaiao fateti from To U. Cty. , To rWatort Tewaenro ,IW .( N. P.-en " ,7 .m l?lrnHie ,7V ' .. ( an .W) IliWk IA ' tO . 4t I A '1 m I r: I ? t ra t or 3 1 o t!co r ( lit, M HNMIT.'T r,

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