x THE JOURNAL. New Bern, N: C May 10, 190S. LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at RountreeHallSemi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7:80 Q 'clock. -Visiting Woodmen are invited. , CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF ti . ntmiTV " Maa 9mA anil 1th Wl nesday nights in each month in Koun- ti Xi ri 1 1 t ... a4 7 -'J 11 trees nau, . xuiiw surcs 'clock. Samuel R. BalL President; J. H. Smith, Bec'y; R, B, Sill, Financial &ec y. t ' , Index U Rew AarerUKmeits. P. BrSmith-x-Entry Notice, J. L. Hartsfleld Contractor. - : - , Miles Orton Shows. ; . - - rt; Owen G Dunn Blank Books. -.y :. J. G. Dunn Underwear. -F A Hines Entry Notice .: f i J J Brown Entry Notice. . 'Simmons & Hollowell Co-rLaeea. v , NOTICES IN THIS COLUBH FOR LESS THAU ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Business Locals. FOR RENT-No. 105 Craven S', rooms -with bath; also No. 8i Craven -St 7 rooms. Both arevery desirable. Ap ply E. H. Howe, 66 or 83 Craven St. FLORIDA String Beans today at Bar- field's, the Broad Street green grocer, YOUNG tender String Beans at Broad St. Fruit Co. . LOST Child's white silk skirt between Mrs. E. H. Meadows on Broad street and Mrs. Fred Mitchell on Metcalf St. Please return to Mrs. Florence Pearce 54 Metcalf St., liberal reward. WANTED Position by sober, energetic young man in business office. Can keep books any entry. Journal office. TOMATOES , Cucumbers, Celery, Fancy Strawberries. All kind of Ice Cream at Broad St. Fruit Co ANYONE having an iron safe for sale please address "N" care New Bern Journal. DEVILED CRABat J. D. Dawson's. Phone 209. TUESDAY May 2nd., I will put on a new special transfer, which will meet all trains, steamers, and will take pas sengers for any part of the city. Those wishing to ride can also be accommo dated by hour rate, J. W. Sawyer, "Johnnie on the spot. " STRAYED A roan mare, brown mane and tail, white hind legs, branded on jaw and thigh. Closely built. A re ward of $5 will be paid for Information leading to recovery. Address Nathan George, Ilavelock, N. C LAMB, Veal and Dressed Chickens at Oaks Market WANTED-Youngmanfrom28 to 85 yearn of age to collect and sell Splen did opportunity for right man. Apply or address 86 Middle St., New Bern, N, C. FOUND A Bicycle. Party can re cover sam by proving property and paying charges. Call at City HaU. DESIRABLE Board and at reasonable rates can be found at Mrs. A. D. Wada worth's, 19 King street WANTED Four mea between the ages of 21 and 85 can secure profitable ployment. Apply at room L ' Brlnson Building 63i South Front St FOR 8ALE Or Charter Small Tug boat, in good condition 10x1 engine, ScoUh Boiler, allowed W puadt sUam or will exchange for food Barge or Scow. W. a Hasting. 17 NlrieJoa St, Norfolk, Va. EVERY DAY OUR BARGAIN DAT Yovaava money to eU eaXeaklns Cycle Co., with" your " wants. Right goods at right prices, all repair prompt j Hade by skilled wertunea., , - SrGCIAL NOTICE TO LAIiIES:- . A th tfate has eotae for potting furs ,. and winter garments away for the ' sunnier a good mo lb proaf thmi fe ' the bmt rtwru ' yofl ru have. .. WrriU yoe 1e InvaeUgaU the soortu of my awtii proof radar cheat GoareA- .- teed U give aaUsfactioa. IL A. I tmg., National Avenue Dnt-U imm T. Tailor's Riadee. . , . Ot J) NK Will' AX CHS It rents p-r 100 for sals St Jowrwil oftWe. . fktvrts aft HwjUinjjs, . '. W. ' amVir-g a vary kwvKxiw di. pUt of pwter and alee afcsll U (14 to kurt Mt Mil fefwl see thm, Wt auks tramm. - ' - ion b. ivcft. . ." ' ' M MwMIt fit s;::ra passes evlms. The postmaster gives notice that the post office will be closed today at 2 o'clock p. m. on account of the Memo rial services. There will be- only -one collection of mail from the street letter boxes from T to 8 a. m. All mail should be mailed at the post office" after that hour. i - - ' , By mistake the two truck trains .no tice of A. N. C Co. was omitted in yesterdays Journal. .It will be found in another column. ,7 ". ' The time of holding the police court has been changed from three o'clock in the afternoon to eleven! o'clock in the morning. The change is a return to the order Mayor Patterson when he. was in office before, . ; j -. ! The Journal ocknowledges a receipt of an Invitation- to the commencement exercises of the .School of Medicine University of Maryland, which - takes place Saturday May 13th. Mr.- Alpheus Disosway is a member of the graduat ing class of the institution. ... ---.- '; Mr. James Carswell, general coites pondent, has been in the city for a few days and has written several able arti cles for papers which he serves on New Bern as a truck and industrial centre. He is a fluent writer and his articles are readable. ' vv The weather yesterday was like"- the day before only different The dampness had been dried out add the heat contin ued at the rate of 82 degrees. Fore cast for today cloudy and cooler. : The shipment of truck for the past two days has been lighter than usual on account of hard rams. Work-on the improvement of the in terior of the National bank began yes terday. The- Crown Bottling Works have placed in service one ojjj the handsomest delivery wagons ever seen in this city. What with the fine and efficient delivery service, new and up-to-date machinery, the Crown Bottling Works plant is one of the largest and most complete in the State. All members of the Jane :Graham Hughes Chnpter.'.Children of the Con federacy will meet on the Academy Green this afternoon'at half past three o'clock. Please wear badges The will be a meeting fall the com mittees appointed by-the Daughters of the Confederacy at Veterans Hall on Broad street, Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. A sad drowning accident happened at Wrightsville Beach Sunday afternoon. W. A, Little, a well known young man of Wilmington was in bathing and -was caught in the undertow. Although he was a good swimmer he was unable to save himself. His companions attempt ed to save him, but were themselves al most drowned in their efforts. Masonic Notice, A regular communication of St John's Lodge No. 8 A. F. 4 A. M. will be held this Wednesday evening May 10, 1906 at eight o'clock. All visiting brethren cordially invited By order of W. M. WM. T. HILL, Secty. Dsathot a Child. The Una M. infant daughter of Mr. Foster Eastwood died yecterday. Fun eral services wiil be held st the borne of the father this morning at 10 o'clock 'Rev. T. M. N. George will conduct the service. That Beautiful Clou, comes from the varnish in Devos's Var niah Floor Paint; coats five emts more quart though. Sold by E. W, Small, wood. -. : f ' Sivii O'etock Closing. We the undersigned Merchants agree to close oar respective places of - feus' ores, twgiiintnc May the 15th, to Sept 16th. at T 'clock, "nicept Saturday even tag. 8ignd:.- , ... av. McCehe- : r . :v , J, L McDwiel . ; w ; - L. M, SattflrthwaiU k Bra. . ' AS woasb should strivs te be Weuti fat - Bsuty rules mankind. Hollb tor's Rocky Moonuin Tea brlmrS red lips, bright ryes and rram lik eors pUxioe.' K tents. Tea or TaUvte. For lals by F. S. Duffy. ,,, - Co Carts, let styles at low prices. John E. Ives, W Mkklls St . UtMs mi sua -fV:Z)ni3 clt.es ' X. i' txi i!r;s:.ci::s mtciDS , The Question V A nt 'Vt- i" ... kn I sr.)'" -f tr U ,( . t i 1 i , e . r ti,:y c: - Mrs. Henrietta Phillips, who has been a guest of Mrs. Sarah Oxlty returned to her home in Kinston yesterday. -: Mrs. Henry Page, of Aberdeen, is the guest of . her sister, Mrs. E. F, Early.N ; Mr. G. Willett Wharton who" has had charge of the masonry and other con tracts under hia father, returned to his home in . Belleville. N, J. last even- . Mrs. E. H' Barnum has returned from Kinston, where she went to visit her brother,' Mr. E. B. Hargett, ac companied by Mrs, : Julia : Stephens of Richlanda. - ; . - Miss Belle Hines hits returned from a visit to Kish. v . ,.-, ' . Mr. and Mrs, C. - Lv- Ives, and son, returned yesterday -from a "Visit .with relatives in Raleigh., a. . ' Rev. K. H. Willis of Morehead City was in New Bern yesterday. Messrs George Green and E, Gerock went to Raleigh . yesterday to attend the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. The following gentlemen will go to Wilmington today to attend the annual council of the Episcopal church: G. H. Roberts, Judge H. R. Bryan, M. DeW. Stevenson, and W. H. Oliver. Alter nates, E. K. Bishop, G. M. Crapon, J. H. Green. Mrs. George Slover, and son George left yesterday for Denver, Col., -to visit Mrs. Fife. - Mosdames Fannie Williams and Nan nie Castet . left yesterday for a few days visit at-Trenton. . Mr. J. Davis went to Dover yester day to spend a few days. - New York Cotton Market. The following were the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, May 9. Open May - 764 July 762 October 778 Receipts 29,000; Close 755 753 768 Memorial Exercises Today. The Confederate Memorial exercises will be held in' New Masonic Theatre this afternoon at four o'clock. - The Knights of Pythias band, will furnish the following selections: "My Faith Looks up to Thee, " ' Dixie," "Patriotic Serenade" "Han cocks Funeral March." PUOCRAM AT NEW MASONIC THEATRE. L Music by be choir "A Song of Heaven" and "Homeland" 2. Prayer by the Chaplain Rev. N. S. Jones. 3. Recitation, by Miss Mary Meadows Mitchell "What did the Privates doT" 4. Music by the choir "In the Hour of Trial" 6. Address by Gen. Wm. R. Cox. Presentation of Crosses of Honor by Mrs Mary McK Nash. 7. Music by the choir "The Better Land." 8. The procession will form imme diately after the exercises and move to Cedar drove Cemetery, where, upon arrival, it will halt and open ranks, al lowing the Daughters of Confederacy to pass first to Confederate Monu ment. 9. Decorations of all graves of Con federate Soldiers, during which will be sung "Guard around.absTomb." . 10. Bonedictioa by Rev. N. S. Jones. 1L The Daughters of the Confeder acy will repair to the grave of their lamented member. Hit John Dunn and sing "Peacs Perfect Peace 12. All Daughters and Veterans are requested to wear their badgea. , MATT MANLY. , Chkf Marshal UNI or MARCH, i. , . f, L Knights of Pythias Band - ' . 2 Chief Marshal Mf. MU Manly.-.- i. Confederate Veterans, Soldiers and '. Sailors. - . . . 4. Sons of Confederate Veterans.- v S. Chaplain,Rer, N 8. Jones. J Ppeakef Gen. Wm R. Csx. - t , -jt, Naval Re'wrvea. " . V - New Bern Military Academy. - 1 I. Uvw Bern Pireown. 1 Daughters of the Conf ederaey. .v t, Jane Hughes Chapter, Children of - the Confederacy. r e ; w 1 10. SUtt and Oty Officials. , IV Graded School Cfcildrsa. ' j - 11 CMitens, ..." " bfmr 4 thirkens this mmjr at the Oaks Market ' - :' .,!' ' Ice CWm Bta at Mc&rley's. of Prices r jt'i'y ft i) ''.- It i r.- ' ' f ff IM k'r-1 T." 1 '-iT'. ,-' ' r1p r I. -. ;..' ' 'I 1,' l lit 1 t , ft r e j . - ' j A I r-. : ' s- p .- s Have Youryes Examined at Home " It is a mistake to patronise an itiner ant in any calling, because in case of an error or mistake in your glasses your money is lost and the glasses useless.-' To give best service in the fit ting of glasses it requires an expensive set of instruments, and on account of the delicate nature of these instruments they cannot : be lugged from place to place, therefore in patronising an itin erant yoq do not get the service you would from one established. - J 0 B AXT ER v - v Graduate Optometrist. . 107 Middle Street. ..'New Bern, N. C. Moth Balls at Phone 56 A Bargain t ly V lr .A. .lnTnu.v..n.,, Mm S day morninjr - 1AT brellas. assorted wood and metal hand ? les, paragon frames, each. Q - O QnaiMol Qornain Prino Qftp VJpUVilUI UlXl IJUIII I IUV Mrf Each. .1 i . : 1 T1 - 1 J 1 ,A 1 (u ...I And Also special uargam in 4k. r.a,nut ti,;nu in 1rlontul lai-A yard. The June fashion sheets and t Barfoot a GRS T 8MM For the Month of May. ' Beglnnins; today ws inaugurate treat special aale of new and desirable rjods st frcat induction from refular prices. We begin this sale esrry to nphold our reputation of being the Leaders in bargain sales, although our regu lar prices are always much lower, our goods much better than other houses. Read each item carefullp.-. . k - . . - '. rd for White Wash Jap Ik. 20 inches wlee, alt pural slut, wonn ens. . r. vnl lot Whit, and Cham 1 T7C Irne WorciMi Madras. W ' ' w inehes srtde, in a large vsrie ly of patterns, worthjroni euc to We. 39c worth SOe te 75c. Ledta Fins lioee, in BWk aad Col on, ankle and alierer lace Al a)ML I5c worth 2Y. ine Biwer Per abut Lewe, 6 whft wide. Impoatant Sale Hisses Oxfords Odda'hndEnda patberrd lrom ourSShoo Ucpirtmrnt, tizcj to 2. About 100 rair n thrlot. r-omraro tli-btly eolUd from hand lintr, but Uiat:o not hurt tbo wrar. Vorth from $1.25 to 01. "I-. Poritlvelv no -ocJ:; clutr-cd on Sp:c Order a Quart , OF PURE AND . - DELICIOUS CREAM r or your dinner , - - Made every day and it contains the quality.- , J 1 '. 35Cts. a quart. .PACK AND DELIVERED atfthe Bread StresfMl Ccinpany, Hoclcy Mountain Tea Nuggets ' A Bar MsdklM fa Buy FwpU. -V r Briifi OoUu Heauk sat luml Vigor. - ; A spvolfle f'ir Ooofltlpathw, InSt?atkiii,.I ire T uiit Kklney Traultlea, Hmptak Eoums, Imimr; illuod, Bd Braath, Blumcuh Bowels, Hendacfa iu4 llackMba. IVa Booky Mwiatsin Taa In tab H ronn, SI cents a box. Oxnuln made b iouusTEft Dnm Coerwr, Madiaou, Wis JGL0ER NUGGSTS FOR 8AU0W PE0PI si II V Is Davis' Pharmac i Sale of BiliS fl w. TUnnV Qlffr TTm. w i worth up to $1.60 iyituwi mm." w ju, Rrlffina- and inaertimra. 10c to 50c patterns are here. Brothers, t 4i ' worth lite U JOe. Piatt and 1 UC PWut De Paris, VaL fcigtegs) ' and inserUons te snswn, a floe range-of patterns. ." ' ' 8 worth IQe U Ko. AofUH Cored Madras, rancy vnvM' Romnanls of Perralfe, M iach n wtd, Wmfthfrom t to 6 yards, ' riular 2 nuaUty. . wflrth UK. W re Hrrnro fr PiUow rmm, slse OfM teebes w gaud truality dumHo.. - .1 , Light Weight Underwear Is Now the Thing. AH sizes in J sleeve Shirrts in Lisle, Balbrigan, Nainsook, etc., for men. Boys' sizes in Kalbrigan Shirts and Drawers. Shirts long or abort sleeves, drawers long aid bhort, A sk'rt of unusual value in ladies sizes at 10 cents. Our Underwear slock is complete and we are showing sr.nii' im.v-i Uu s for men in the large ..i '-i-a tMpifially. Some new pnttfmr- n NKOL1GEK Shirts cust in. J. G. DUNN & CO., Ph ne sia Seasonable Ice t'ream Freezers. Ice Water Coolai a ( to no and Metal.) Sheibert Giasses, Ice Tea Tumblerp. Lemon fcqueez- rs. Mill SHAKE (iLS4.S. M. E. Wbilfhu. bi k Go. 45 Pollock t. J L. HARTSFIELD, v out nil)) aiil Ifitthh r. Would be qhd to have any one inspect my Jbork as it goes up. Ellwood Wire We Line Jin t ri '.v.d a fret-h :.r tijiply I.' tore it ii ails..!J. I'dll.TliV NK.-l'llMi. . 1:1 Pure l''ntH iii.d l nlr. llrnrral lint of I'anlwr.r.- :ii..i I in! Gaskill Hdw. & IA DWA It' " MkIiIIk ! I I . r. 141 ;y;'v','H -.; -.iiuajftwiKinaig? lite Orton s The Best and Most Moral Show in America , Will Exhibit At r:;r Tiniios Ti I niif'.VA'.fl.l d.i'pat land! pm. tXwrS t- sre hft ewltoe, A f, H A F. HU E (t:T!nr. EKIIIBITIOM eaeWw THE : nuwri'iN Hlnil MVK Of UlK woRUx Ht CAPT. tj k IiAVU) UTTl.r. rf)::iTtVtLt RtE TO EVtRTBODT I) ;n't Fort Tlic Day and Date', - 55-57 IVIIock Si. Spixiilties. L.-:n. )a id i Pitcli jrs, 8c. Iicks, SiDMN .11 1,'.!' S11VS, Opposite Po3i, Office. Laths Fo. '.vile Fencing. II.' fei.. . " ' K-l - 1 N M-'-i::' -' 'I VUMmU: I' i Va'- ' Mill Supply Co Soul ic-rn Slows. i ! ;