1 Soda Crackers arc becoming more and more 0 " -the food - vOffhe-lRedple i It remains for the national Bikurr company to bake more and more- Uneeda Dlscuft For thie People Who desire more and more Soda Crackers of known purity, cleanliness and unchanging quality. Uneeda Biscuit have long been , . recognized As the best of all Soda Crackers, combining as they do, a union of all that is nutritive and healthful at the lowest possible cost St. Don't forgft Graham Crackers Butter Thin Biscuit Social Tea Biscuit Lemon Snaps .-- Harlowe and N. Harlowe. : : , - May 10th. 1 Today ia dedication day and quite a number of our people are off for New Bern a they get cheaper ri.il.oad rates. ' - ' r Mr. J. C Cong eame in from Witt Last, week, spent few daya with hia family and was greeted by his many I nenda and - returned Monday by the way of Beaufort to Witt to continue hia work for the Messrs. Potters. i& ! Mr. Joshua Adams was in New Bern on buaine88 Saturday..; '. S Miaa Elliott of Newport, ; sister of J. He Elliott, 'came over last week and will spend short time with him. Mrs. Jane Harriers who baa be n at Newport for six weeks visiting relative s eame home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bell and chil dren were here from Croatan last Sat urday and returned Sunday after mak ing a ahort visit to hia sister, Mrs. Jessie G. Taylor. Mr. J. H. Davis of Beaufort, was here to spend Sunday night and next day with hia son, Mr. Harry Davis. Mrs. C. W. Bell of New Bern, who has been spending a short while with her. daughter, Mrs. Anna Taylor, re turned home via Havelock last Sun day. . Mr. Chas. Banks and family; of Pol- locksville, who have been on a few days visit to Mrs. Bank's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Morris McDaniel, left for their home Monday. Mr. J. H. Davis spent Monday on Bogue Sound, near Morehead City. Mrs. W. P. Taylor, who has been on a visit to relatives at Newport return ed home Sunday. Dr. C. N. Mason is still kept on the go, he was at Merrimon yesterday to attend a child of Mr. Dula Salter. Mrs. D. G. Bell, who was again called home on account of her mothers condition last Friday was able to re turn home yesterday, Mrs. Bell, her mother, being better. Messrs J. R. Bell, W. N. Bell and Charlie Ward are off for New Bern to day, either to attend to business or at tend the memorial. Messrs BarLour and Morton, out mer chants and mill men of North Harlowe are in New Bern today. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Cures Cbolwt Infantum, Dbrrhwa, Dyxntoy, and thr Bowd Trouble of Children at Jtnj Jtgw. AMiDlgatkw, Regulate the Bawds, StmgtK ik. ruu .4 u iv cc (TEETHING kWDItL"! ttho kay. UstiOily 2Sc it DrifrWior biQ 25c to C 1 M9FFFFT. I. B. St Lrai& lot M0ttir i Hltaf mo longer, but th htth snd Utm of your child, tnouutrnd havm doit; by giving thm powdf. TKKTHINA Im mmlty glvn mud quickly countmrmot mmd ovr www thm effects of torn timimr't heat upon twmthlng QhUdnn. iris!FTFTiiinfi!0i PENNYROYAL PILiSS overeoma WeaV irreirularltv and omiaalona, lncreaae via; or and baniah "pallia to irlr womanrtood, aiding development of 01701 aad body. No knoara leaned for women eqna.li tbem Cannot do harm -lite botai plraaar. tl OO 1KK UOX UV MAJU Bold lyon's French Periodical Drops Birlrtlr erasable, fterfeetlThertnleee, aura toercoronlUh DB5IRCD KU51M.T5. Greatest kaowa Iccula remedy. I'rico, $150 per bottle). , IM 9m UMI M WUiaaJtS .tJ,Sae tMt UMuiutw .Bold by DAVIS PHARMACY malt m f Imk Cm 1 coUHicirttl ISAUCYUItj Trochd'i , Colchicine Salicylate VQpsuIa A aaa4anj aad tefstllMe cum tor RHEUMATISM sad COUT, doried br dx bifhctl medical aurttorims ot EaroM and America. Dhuieaatd ofirr la spherical ca prate, whfek dlt olv la llqatds a4 tha stomach vtihoot uaalnt IrrUaitoa or dtaapacable ayaacaecna. Prka, 91 pr bonii. . Sold bf wiaxaaaia mrm. cLavaiajiB, mmm, Boldln New Bern by F S Duffy F1RA1 Ti flHD VlfflLITV - t'" r''f VUill Kfr. Ku Wt. mr, m A PA!!! in THE SIZE Paints and Ois Ottnr, Pistols. Kozors, Bclssors and Pocket .. Cutlory, Shells and. Cartridges, tV 1 taaaja. Weak 0a ;yr -, ua. 1 - , - thai -- r yf t M r - I ar , i -4 a 4 t ayj..' - U i , ' f mm b ( Coolio' as, IIcali.Slovis Wagon Sale. I have a laige num ber of farm 'wagons, both double and single that escaped fire when I was burned out, tbe paint is blistered on them, though it does not damage them but very little, and as I have no way of caring for them I will sell them down very low bo come it in needot any and look lor your self before buying. . : Headquarters Scotts stables, New Bern, N 0 April 24th, 1005. . L. G. Daniels- JSntry Claim. NORTH CAROLINA. Onclow Couktt. To M. M. Cant Eatnr Takar tx Oaalaw County. Tha andanricnad J. 1. brown of banolr onuntv. Nortk Carolina, ontan ai4 laira claim to tha f ot- Vowiam Jiortbxl taoa ar nanal of land hi Rich- laada Tawaania. Oaalaw Count;. Stale of North Carolina, tha aana baiajr varaat aad aaaparoprla. Mhuid.aad aahlaM to UT. eta: Lrlna ba- twaaa Now HUvar and WUrr'i (Hr. Uoartorrt braaeh) batwaan tka landa of Uio MilWhatra and tha Jarm.n hatn oooUlnbw swacna Mora KaaaeadtkaMUdarof aprtL 1a. . 1. uwu Batac Katnr K ek WN, ClalaaaBt NOTICE. BTATI Of NORTH CAttOUNA. Omlow Gouart. To M. kL Cavaa. Batrr Taaat far Oaaloar Oaaatr: Tha andarHcMd r. A.Hwaa af O iw aooatr amuwiia. i iim aad aui ilaaa aim f. 'daMrlaaaptaoaar .i nl of tana m atiajia ad Taaaaala. Oaalow naatlt tttaaa af Narth Cwitlw. Um mm biliig wut M at tana, mm miUtmt taaaarr. Tta:-Maihnaa at W Hartaaad W N Haaaa aamar. tni maalaa fhnrtkvatdar la U ami af Ova Branrh. Unn anum BnUM town Habaa I all Ma naa aara.air to iha an wthha'aal.ataow)iliiilia, Uamawato kwa - lakna the ata a af Mae tM Batry Ha M - A MIRI Hotkt! . On aecouBt of a cbanf U tha artta dula of fret traina, fw fraHjht ciU bt rweairad aftar t o'ckxlt p. re. . J. P. C. Davta, . At-nt A. A N. C Co. A v i Wood Turning I Cohimna,' TlaloaWa, Rn, Spiwtlr, 8uir Newel, iUnt) and iUal, Man Ura, Bracaata, OnJU, Ria Kack Trim mlnira. Port a and tatwo 8tnr. Doontan4 8trM tnaa U ordevaet Short rnUra.. forttt tSatoatira t, , t and atta 'HI. ' KTUTKTreXf. Paetory, Cttureai AU7. Nw IWn, N C KuAomloat U faU4'jUtwlii ' In ftaraiinf lifa lima in dr. aVl.7. - BAKU. m)ll' AM) i L1r a rr. Iai.tv. "a . . 4 !..al.' I ''a. W ' a H Orncst M. Qrccn, Atlafaa; A (aaaaataf at I.tw, Wall t';l ..' IHU I f raar rl at imi. if1 ta t .a 4 a i ' t a 4 I ' ' la I a ,f- i'a. ('' aa fan ' r 1 I: IU nl 0. v. Have just receiver fresh cir load Ameri can Wire Fence; same will be sold at greatly reduced; rate. Come ind see me before buying. Chamberlain's Cui'i Hi.i Very Beet. "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to nay it is thd best cough medicine I have ever taken, "aayB Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant of Harlan, Mich. There is no question about its being the beat, aa it will cure a cough or cold in less time than any other treatment. It should always be kept in the house ready (or instant use, for a cold can be cured in much li'fu time when promptly treated. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy and F. S. DntTy. Seven O'clock Closing. Wo the undersigned Merchant agree to close our respective places af bus - neaa, beginning May the 10th, to h pt 16th, at 7 o'clock.' except Saturday even tag. Signed: C. V. McGehee. J. L. McDaniel. L. M. Satterthwaite & ISro. T3 AlLljG WQMKS. Little Sound Advice Will Hefp Many a Sufferer in New Bern. No woman can be healthy and well i Um kidneys arc sick. l'uinoru th paaa off In tha anne when the kiancyi ara well ara retained In the body when tha kidneys ara ,ekk. Kidney ard bladder ft Inflamed and woolen crowding tha dellraU female organ. nearby and aometimaa displacing them. Thia to tha trua cauaa of many bearing down puna, laraeeteae, backache, aide- ache, ate. Oris pokonlnr a bo cauww ftcadachaa, diacy apetia, amgJO nae vouxaeea and rheumatic pain. Wheat aafferlnf so, try Doan's Kid nar Pilla, tha raxoady that mum uck kidnera. . You wiU gat watte aa tha kidneys ara beUar, aad teaakJi will ra- tara wbea tha kidneys ara arafl. Let a New Ban wrjmaa teUyoy about Doan'i KlW una. Mra. H. Vioa-tit, widow, klvlnf at UB Craewa atnaal aatal "Ltoaa'a KMtmf Hilta fwa Wat ?ery twneeViai ta ana. The trUlnly Pe lt md ma of Tver dteakCTwab tue ta any bark front whirfc I as (Tared far a inr( Urn, I ewUlned Uteea at RraeV ham 'a Ittannaey aad I fnaH aa they nrorad la ba ffood raaaady is for aaU by aJ) neaWa. Tha a'ao cf "Ictherhootl. The halo cf motherhood is a divine thing, we all revare it. and we a!l appreciate at what a cost it Wa been won. Apprelieosiun. tt-ars, won y, and actual suffering ikkb up 113 cum, fin (j yt-i an i.us utigut ue vastly lessened by the aUUiple agency of MOTHER'S FRIEND, ft liniment dedicated to the easing of parturition aua us accompanying sunermg. It is Kptjlicd externarv. and the results j1iowi:.b us use are nothing short cf m.:i velum. "A friend in need is a fin-ml iudoed," thats what Mutlic-i s tiiend is. Sold at nil drug stoics for $1.00 per WlU Send for( our book, " Motherhood,"' tfree if you ask. BRADF1ELD REGULATOR OO., '.ATLANTA, GA. i' Italy's Pharmacy .127 trial ! Kf. Full line of Drugs,Mod lcmes, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply o( Flower Seeas, Physicians Pra'Ncrip lions A Nie iHy. Prlrd 80 rU. a boa. fsatar-at 1 v. tiauajo, N. Y. sola ata lor tit U H, . flomanihav tha aajwe, la'-d takaiaae4hr. , , Ilamultt A, Nnnn, - iTTOEKXt T Ul. I'rartUa la Om amatiaa ra CarWwt, rwitiii, J-awa ni Cvln r III p I! 1 1 t Im vl-4 fwiia rawja awi r4ra) l. w. oliidiivuuur r; . li-T .' fWnHt fWi 4. Il k " Tiw 7i aaeee as a seas v;EcU"Tho - V7orUraE.it TyrnrrrltT," :b V- Mi i iiiDr, ro SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE w ar TELEPHONE S V I C E Trade Marks Designs frit Copyrights Ac, Ailvn)6 0fn(11nK Bfhfft'li ttmi tlfpcrint inn? r.nl.'ltly iwcortdln (uir opminti fruo Tt ln'Hns' mi lnvfiitliin 1h (ri)tiitti)y .nHiit.(hli'. (Vuiiiiiiinio.i ti..iiflftiUfWc-ititl(lmtltiLl. HANDBOOK mi I'at.-nis out fne. o'lilflst iiL'pncy (or xwiii hit: puU-ti"'-. I'HlitnlM tAktl Ihrtnifh Mmiii A i'o. rtrtivo tprrittt wtif, witlmut tlinrse, lutlxt ScHtiUfic Hmerlcaa. A hiH!immfiy lllnntmtod wwlilT- T nrwi :r CUIhIhmi of nn urtBiil UIR Jfitirual. '1 nitf.. , e jreiir; fini ni'tntliti; tl. Bold by nil n-iv !lctlr j KIUNN & Co.a,Bm1- Kevv Ycrk SAVES TIME TIME IS THE STUFF OF LIFE Have Telephone Service at : Your House, as well as Your ' Office, and SAVE TIME at Both Ends of the Line, j j For Rates I APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER or I Home Telephone and I Telegraph Company, : HENDERSON, . . N. C. A. & N. C. R. R. anrUiinc yen invrtit firiinnriv"; f!-o prt CAVEHT.TRAPF-WMIK. C0HYHICH1 orOFSiCM j ', PHGIECTlOfi. ScMl ....mI.:. u- t. ;,. rrii'-tn. 5 1 1 for fn o v itii-tiat'o i .it i i . . . bqcx Oil wiehis':;.:;?;1; FtlVniv, Sunday, April :!0th, 1906 al V.i'ii a. in. Kastcrn Standard Time. 1 ; t i:iii,Nii STA'IIHNS: N.. I 1 Ill - I'M I 1 li.MI.V NO h. IlAII.Y hll A If. K '.il 914 n Hum 1" lu A M. Ill LH In 44 II ll 11.23 Nn n DAILY NOTICE? "Wo want flvory in nil txnil wtn).ii 1 n t : Onill Htativi )nTfrnr.trl In thn cur. ! Upluni, Wltinkry or other lri li;iMt.,, Bithor fff lhiiiHi!lTrn or frlcnO-, ti h:ivr onn of Ir. Wool li-y ', Ix.n n .n t h d i riual WrlUi Dr. II. M. W olli-y, A t lum.i, U&., iKi !4t7.au(l ouowlllbftioniyuu ftcu TIIK KK() I'll! KM I' NTS MKT The ihmijiU- ha.f hn cyt- li tlim.'. oonvonutit, c(iinf.rt:tlilf anil In t f'jl Having littoil u mir l.ankmi' !" moet thrac roUiromonU. rur.l:.i!iy invite ymi tu call and inx-rt. Citizens' Bank or itBrwasnn,i.i Capital .7',"""."i SurpluHftiKl IVi.nia I'.T.i'NMni DepciaiU .!nr,.iKi i Aaata J,-wi.ii.i n ll.:. i.l At Willi AtlantK (jjut t A SIKI. r 7 ril!W Manfir ill" N ('.. Executors Notice i , i. . . I n. i ."i . 1 ' i IV u lff nt I Iw Ijut rill n. IX. I" iv.liff all pmrni vl (li Ui .ihitMt n 1 Iip II... Uth (U r !- .UII In lar W H I'KAHf'K. T A. fiuKCN. l'rrairli-nt K. 11. Mkaw-ws, Vir. I'n T. A. 1'Ml.U., tanhn-r. i-l-nt .'ames Willis f!rA'"A IIIalCUMMIT; A !d IxtM alxwr hoe Ofxwd i atmp at tbe filac iormerl oe- . tninrti try (laiaaal Jarkaun. on i , tMeittaf aa raaralC.lt. Hi'K Wee propertf dona nH fiir a. Entry Notice. ST A 1 1. i.K NHHTII AKOI.INA. IllvtH Col mtt T.. i,..i ll fnlfr Tii f- loun- I . TH .,r.trJr-l K 7. K ! if ( ri.m '...tra, N'1I I mlin. nt rl )) Ulr Ir lh f.lo itk ia-ri)arl pMn or )rvl in Nu 1 and IMntb'ii. ( r. rtt (1 lj.lr -A Iat4im im mm Win rarftM tI MarM.f'.ll Urvl. rH cvtut U trtrT. . ', s , th. A 4 N ( H K bnrba u Miuvt 11, ll!hS(wthhT II im Hro lmhor C . on tV H.tKrl hik I H iMtta. ut t rMt b? J. M k.iSmi.,i Aml HmU imImiUm iCjlhwn.1 H l, Itrfwmn M Urt lUw.l l.n.11 ri i Ik -"I tfr JrA. Jtn. 'W i n in. It BtlniMln. I fl IvmIj St. m la rii iki. mil 4r of Ap.ii im a. i a. da via. Entry CI airn. Komi CA MOMMA, I Cni.1.1 Caa. I Ta M M Can, fin takar Im Mr (Vntr n i.tn.ri w a. (VinMkwaj. lUrtk CaaJiaa, aria. aa lua 4aa a IK. f.n.BlM i ii HI I .,ii at i f M la afcte4 TmmM. Oia. O HxlW. U aM k a4 laaarf ala t4ittwiln T Morttntf City ttaefari -. j tha Atlantis aw4 Kmii Caroline rail rwx! iH m ar (UKait teal II hrtHef aotka, ta4 mwal tri U(ki.a tor Sua day tiei ardr. arftatfeM la leaea ttav t"-J tfia prwnx, tnm ail MatViM to UmaUamA aty an4 fUi'f't, X. C M m tara at U fo&rtrfil aarmMat rat! t . Trum To H. Off.-- . f lUaiUfort 7 antra' ,w , Sl.tt ,c 'a .TS ' . . M) f 6.U'a ' .70 .S6 r ' .(X .Pi i"i" m at v ft ,is : " , 7 '"a f r'r Ml a rf a.W -''t T M I fUui.wM. tiM. aa tka TwtMv i n i h n I ta u wm iw A a a.. laM. m Uw M fer M. t aa a4 Vi aa tk. aMia a. amm tm a. V.awn laaa. a-t aa Ika Wart W Maa. ma ami fciiaaa li waM"a at a im tmam ar ani aitrsit. Executors Ntic pataaj eaaaa1 aa Wmma af rwaka fn, ii ' hm im m n li a th. m awWaf aa fcumi,. M n k . 4IS S a armmm ta iiaenaiaa. aMnt, nli VIM laavwika) i a. W a . M a Aaa at i im ma aaaahr taaani IM. ArS LKh, IM Mtll rejot. Adminictrfttrlx Notico W.la a . it a. A lit al at W O Hmk r, mm m 1 lamm pm Winn ma'a a. m 1 1 i . 4waaa ml mM I i I to pi 1 1 I ia 1.1 4 m, l. .. iaiw am a a jlll. WH.. . II fmami' i". a m.4. Hi. a A a W rat i 4t ,w at la Wk . M am I ' . I a, ky W Mfe rr'orn N'otlco 1 . ajaet. SIMMON'S k WAIIfV ITTOPNIT IRO IT UW. f. '-- t f f ftt (ft 7 Mrfl ! f t ) 'h 1 -ft -x tt