fitaa. fa 4 f"t 4 it; v s.' :': Ft- """7 1 , o - '1'; ,- Tii rim- vnii iwrA RaWin Powder he sure to ask Voor trrocer for the Good get tha greatest satisfaction from Good Luck Making Powder because of Us positive purity , great leav, enitig force and the reasonable price at -which it U sold' Furthermore, by using Good Luck you can get ,- beautiful tree premiums, the gilt clock shown above is one of the- presents you can get by saving Good Luck coupons. 1 ' There is a coupon tm tie MM of each can. ' Out them out, v them and get the ,v numerous useful gifts.- A little book inside of each can illustrates and explains all about the premiums, , and tells how to get them Ire. So great is the demand for - , , , " , CUT OUT THIS CAR mrto WW a IT. 1"H W OOOO KMVALUMLf AKTItltlV SCC Uwrw M LXt1 CAM A4tfS "HI Uwi E K1 WaSsVatW. t-4 rrvnn. moffbtto 1 CTEETIIING POWDERS) Costs Only 25c at Drnreists, or maQ 25c Mother I Hesttatm no longer, but save the health and life of your child, aa thousands have done, by giving these powders. TKETHINA Is easily given and quickly counteracts and over' comes the effects of the summer's heat upon teething children. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL of menstruation They j womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. - No 4 known remedy for womnn equals them. Cannot do harm -life becomes, a Dioa&ure. 1 lyon's French Periodical props Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RE5ULTS. Greatest knuwu fcnmlc remedy Price, $1.50 per bottle. ' . . fllTlf Bewmreof oonnUrfeiifl and ImltatUm. ISold by DA.VIS Trochct's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM no GOUT, endorsed by the. highest medical authorities of Europe and America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis solve In liquids of the stomach without causing Irritation or disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. Be sure and get the genuine. WlLLIAMa Mini. CO., (JI.EVIXAJII, OHIO, SV.I Frea. fCOLCHICINE LSALICYUTE Boldin New Bern by F DPOI Of TOblMturilnlufl.'Blllph lASVil ifJEI DSIX8. XtaSrJTVCS00 10 oure Cavw CMmtr H C Ute k mm heats the ml Atr lata, m theaaUMV fceafcadad ; Perso twli hti to the wud UU 'Am isu us T9m w. m. mncR. El raj -'- . -Entry Notice. 1 - ' . STAT or XORTH CAROUKA, . L iAni Onwm. - ftQa..Watr,lWrTakvfraeaOaaft- ' .' tr. 1 . The udmtnU K. t, . ltek . at !, OsaMy. Nna - and bv rlata as Uie l.ahiM ' snidett dN,a dlwh)m. On -,' SOU W WTtSl CsTntnaL the HM l.IlM r A I'll I'fl 1 S hwd, aad msM M e-iT. ' ,V raiKictli.A.ili.UlLl.kwMaMm v: Oa the Hot by Htom tea Imb. Ca. a rata l ea Ik u W J. M. tMMaiaa aa4 ta,IMIulaiil. hr T, . Urn as the Unas kwdt m-mlh Wat ay Jesai JSi l. W fM ae m Jar at Aptw IM R.I.B.PAV . Entry Claim. ht ML OaPM aabp tafew tm 0m Asaatpr CVe mAw,, HrM flew ms. siiIpw eat W , awa H N,j a-lim MM Sana ml kMl k s4 ttMun Oii.Ii avM, pli.lHI i I WakM, kiena the T wto, smhL ,mM. aswWaaartnA.R. la. Isq4. . tta lual W W n Oe wa) Van... as h M I ... VI an n M ea mm IM Waal mm IrtmlUalMttteJAsraiM karr Hm a. w a art lixocutora JNUce , Stoaap .una el aa fcaato aT laaaa, faaa asa,Mfaf aa .nm mtm taw ii ill 1 mmmm r witfaiel . tl ' ee t. a. mm Hitlat tl lUa. A mn m m4m a Mh mm, ml laa. et On. sawa m- tm 1 1 1 il le her at IM n , AH pa m i mm ...' eh i us ' a mm. .1.11. .in. na.11 limit TMs mm lata. la. t - whs rtwn. s Admlnititratrlx Nottc ml .a4 l.a'.lp1-! L . a-T- . j f - a- r- j . - . ,4Vt. IM- I. S M (-Ui 4, ai mmsrn : - B:lLU p l that w are BhlpplnK ' it in carload nrt tralnload lot to all pan of the oountry. lXin't forget in buying "Good Ijiiok" you got the mott or the ... Seal at the toteest ant. Hurt to-day with a pound cau (too.), enjoy your lia. log and get the beautiful premiums. : ' If your grocer doesn't sell "Uood Luek ? send ufhls name and wo WW sas that you are supplied. ' , - t THE SOUTHERN MFG. CO Richmond. Vlrfllnla. i c5" Ch0J,rf Jrt"" jLruuTiHHc vywiusiy ana we Bowti Traubl'd of! Any Age. Akb Digestion, Rtjulitts the BowtU, Strensih.. ens the aild and MAKES TEETHING ' EASY. to C. i. FFETT,M.D,StLonMo. PILLS Thoj overcomtt Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vig or and haninH "naina are " lilFE SAVERS" to irirla n.t DO I'l'Jt ItOT HV MAIL Sni.i Th rpnnlne fs put up only In pMto-boani Capi PHARMACT S Duffy f'juiaumntUti mrA 1..... wuk or a,uoe- $i.(H ir x. Mi HO BkrjSZQ Pistols. Razors, ocissors , Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges: 10? Kvoootnlovl la nel8pld)d in operation-Lie time to dor. .! ability, --c ' . -' 8ASU. DOORS ANI BLIJiDS ' A BlKClALTi. - ' WM- Hannare'' Ccpj!j, 'I'boae n-Oft M Mdl li . -Entry Claim..: - , , - HQVTH CAROM A, , OaaLost (iwan. , TeM. W. TaafM. RatrvTaaa' larOnaV a Onsets Ta ! l i I. si S J. L ben a - ISlh aralia. ali I. ea4 tm eteMi k. the f. sea e. freal f w 4 tr Rrh law a, TWaaila, iaMhav (., Ptaa el Kah tt ea e Mn. awel aaa .aa .',.. a. s4 eeaiwH M are. VST, Ls-14 K aer a I Whe in'e lr IW M hnaaht hl a t lain), el ifce Motaleara -al lajeau laerteait, aaarat the SHh M at mf '. i. a itkOWM, NOTICE. tTATtOf tWnkTlirAaiAi.tMA.' tW H K tma-rm. W"rt tmhm for Ot (m s'rt- arm M I l-w ( ia aswa.,taai .-a-a 4V wf SI .) f aftmf f""-j i'prririi irasasarair- piala f ft t"Hl -v-J t.4 . .., t - Ik..,., a aa-asf t m' t- I f tsa ta Kara IkaiUWAWM fet lr f-f Pt, r-FT 1 F A h i .. t u t- T t t . j Ft A' tY, !'' Luck brand.,'- You will . Baking Powder Administrators Notice ' Havuur rhlB day qualified as adminwtrawtr he estate of Rebaeca CVrry, alias Rebecca Spel r. deceased, all neraonir havinir claims aaaln ,-Jia said estate an hereby notified to present th nmeduly vorlned to the andersifmed on or befor 'he 8th day of April 1906 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted tsaid estate are hereby requested to make Immediate payment. -This April 8th 1906. - WASHINGTON SP1VEY. Administrator. PILES I PILlol! PILILSM Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Olntmen will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated anr Itching Pile. ' It absorbs the tumor allays th itching at once, ots a a poul tice,gtvra instant relief Sold by UAV1H "BjVEMJlOT.' ' : Columns, Balusters, Rails, Spindles, I Stair Newels, Ramps and Eaales, Man tics, Brackets, Grills, Ric-Rack Trim- mings, Porch and Lawn Swings, Sash, -Doors and Screens made to order on short notice. Porch Balusters 5, 6, 7 and 8 cents each. ' I P. I. ItEGISTEB; Factory, Church Alley, New Bern, N C Ernest M. Green, - Attorney k Coonwlorat Law, Broad St., BKW BERN, N. t ' Well eqitlped to search titles by reason of many nam esperivnoe in the uBloe and a Register of Deeds: Practices In th Courts of Craven, Jones, Pamlirc Carte -at, Ooslcw, or wherever .aervle re raqnlred ' - NOTICE ! Notice Is hereby "given that certificate of stock No. 194 of the A. 4 N. C. R. R. Co. issued to David M. Porter, hav ing been lost or misplaced, applcatlon will be made to the Socy-Treaa. of said company for a duplicate certificate. April 14th., 1906. ' VIRGINIA A. PORTER, , , . ' . Administratrix. WILUAM DUNN, Jr., Attorney. The public are called to meet at the G. A. R. Headquarters, West . End, Tuesday 'May 9th. ' to' make arrang-- tnenU for May 80th. 1906 at 4 o'clock. All are invited. Remember the ' G. A. a Sermon will take plaee. Sunday May 2Rth, before May SOth. at S o'clock at thePoweU'illalL arroB St.. West End.' The membort of the 0. A.R. will meet at their be-dc(OArUrs at 1 o'clock Sunday 28th. mat - ' , - ; , Wm. ELLIOTT, . Post Comtruwdor. ISAAC POWELL, Adit and D-A a V. Qjromandor Va. N. C, . a p;.;:i i:i ti:s vzi 'A Rsaantlaat, Cetde tfa,Waak V Vsak Sack. LaaV tt, Uvtloa I t-t in Im rVa r4 tm,,t4 m 1 r a he llav l rl- .ae,4 i fr'W- I" ..l s s e. . I r- r y, '- a 9 it it KDTICE TO KARiNtRS. CbaneH at ilhts ssa Beaces by Light - House Beard, April First ' - - , North Point Beacon Light Establish edThe Light-House Board has given notice that about April L 1905, a fixed white post-lantern light was estalbished 16 feet above the water, on the. black, 3-pile structure, the upper part covered with horizontal slats, heretofore re ported erected in 9 feet of water: on the southern side of the channel, about S 13-18 miles NW. W. fromCapeHat teraa lighthouse.-"""', - v rh. r Muddy Slue Beacon Light EstaMiah elThe Light-House Board has given notice that about April 1, 1905, a fixed white post-lantern light was estatlbhed J 16 feet above the water, on the red, 8- pile structure, the upper part covered horizontal slats, heretofore reported erected in 9 feet of water on the south' eat side of the western entrance to Cape Channel, about 5 9-16 miles NW. northerly from Cape Hatteras light house. ; Ocracoke Inlet Ocracoke Vreck Point Light Established. The L:giit i House Board has given notice that about April 1, 1905, a fixed post-Iar.tern light was established, 16 feet above the water, on the red, 3-pile structure, the upper part cov red withhorizonti 1 flats heretofore reported erected in 7 feet of water, about mile NW. from Ocracoke lighthouse. Ocracoke-.- Inlet Mine-Fojt Shoal Light Established.- The Light-House Board has given notice that about A ri 1, 1905, a fixed white post-lantern light was established, 16 feet above the water on the black, 3-pile structure, the upper part covered with horizontal slats, here tofore erected in 7 feet of water, about 1 miles NW. from Ocracoke light house. Ocracoke Inlet Swash Light Estal lished The Light-House Board has given notice that about April 1, 1905, a fixed white post-lantern light was es tablished, 16 feet above the water, on the red; 3-pile structure, the upper part covered with horizontal slats, here tofore reported erected in 7 feet of water, about 1,6-16 miles WNW. 1 W. from Ocracoke lighthouse. Nfluse River Maw Point Shoal- Light Established. The Light-House Board has given notice that about April 1, 1905, a fixed white post-lantern light was established, 10 feet above the water on the black, 3-pile structure, upper part covered with horizontal slats, here tofore reported erected in 10 feet water near the outer end of Maw Point Shoal, at the junction of the Neuse and Bay rivers, on the bearings: ' Point of Marsh beacon light S. by E. i E. easterly. Maw Point NNW. Neuse River lighthouse 8W. S., - distant 3 miles. S TO AIUK w mn Little Sound Advice Will Help Many a Sufferer in New Bern. No woman can be healthy and well if the kidneys are aide Poisons that past off in the urine when the kidneys are well are retained in the body when tha kidneys are sick. Kidneys and bladder get inflamed and awoolen, crowding the delicate female organs nearby and some times displacing them. This la the true cause of many bearing- down pain,' lamenns, backache, aide- acbe, eta. Uric poisoning aba amuses headaches, (Cay spells, languor, aer- vooaaeas and rheumatic pain. When suffering so, try Doaa'f Kid ney riMa, the remedy that cure sick kidneva.r Yod win ret better as the kidneys are better, and neaiui wiu re turn when the kklneva are well. ' Let a New Bam woman tell you about Doaa'a KUinry Pllla. - Mrs. N. Vbvnt, widow, riving at 108 Craven street ears: . "Dtiaa's Kidney iHla have been very UenefVrial to ma. They certainly re- Uevedme of vetT oiaagreabw pama In any bark from which i Mffered for lurui time. 1 obuined Oms a Brad- ham's rTjarmacy and I taoet aay they proved to be a good remedy la my For sale by all dnlera, Prioe M cU. a box. Koater-MillHini Co., euffalo, N. Y. aoi. asrente for the U S. . Rpmemh-r the najD,- Do-a's and lut no uwr. - afflMTOWaS-l .ii -lOaaaW blank m ona . Big Lot of rut - Openlns; Books . )ust received. . . . Owen 0. Dunn, Lradlat Pfia'e UtWar. , t at r m t tarta t. 1 Crcs:cnt Tobacco Company. "f " "i . f - 'hi AND II VIL.Y JAN 9. Freight, and Passenger . for all points nortb - EFFECTIVE OCT.' SBL, 1904. ' -The Steamer Neuse is scheduled V sail at 6 p. m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Elizabeth City, making land ings at Oriental and Roanoke Island. The Steamer Ocrasoke is scheduled to sail at 8 p." m.--Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Elizabeth-City, mak ing landings at Oriental and .Roanoke Island.' ."i . v ' ' -wr Freight . received, not lajer than I one hour : previous to sailing, l . 1 Fpr further in formation apply to CES. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. KING, V, P; & Gen. Mgr. H. C'HUDGINS, Gen. Ft. &. Pass Agent, Norfolk, Va. W. S. S0MMERELL, As. Gen. Ft. &. Pass. Agt. New Bern, N C. .COOL AS CUPID on a hot day you will be when dressed in one of the perfect fitting- and handsome liirht clay sentc suits' that we are making for our patrons for hot weather Roods, li we can t make you comforta ble and swell In your apparel 110 one can doit. Our suits of custom made fancy cheviota. black and bluo serge, in cutaways and Backs, are beau ties, j F, ill. CHAD Willi Law Department University of Summer Term JUDGE JAS C. MacRAE DEAN. THOS. RUFFIN. J. CRAWFORD BIGGS. Terra begins June 7th, 1905. Address, F. P. VENABLE, President. Chapel Hill, N. C. Saturday Excursion! To Morehead City And Beaulort, N. C. The Atlantic & North Carolina rail road will until further notice sell round trip tickets from all stations to More head City and Beaufort, N. C. and re turn on each Saturday at Special Ex cursion Kates. The following rates will apply: From To Morehead To Beaufort Dover $1.30 $155 1.20 1.45 1.10 1.86 1.00 1.25 .90 1 15 .80 1.06 .60 .85 .85 .60 Cove Tuacarora New Bern Riverdale Croatan Havelock NewDort Tickets to be sold on each tialuruay and to be good going on any regular passenger train on Saturdays, and goo! returning on any regular paaaeriRcr train on the following Sunday or Mon day. . E. A. NIKL, T. M. l . "Si w.w.aii.i I. anatals Unveilinf ei New Jemy . laoutwieaL The Atlantis) 4 North Carolina Rail road will sail roumi trip tkketaal re duced rales from all ttalloot to Nrw Br, N. C and return. Tha follow Inf rates will rovetnr . From Rat Tuacarora .' , .40 Riverdale ' J& Croatan 1 .40 Itavetork , " , , Newport '. . ' ; ,90 Tickets to be sold MsyWih with bud limit May 19th. 190&. - . ' . L A. NltT, - TraflVd Manager.. Sutidsy txcurtlorte Te Mortbeal City And Cu(ori Hi AtlanUv srtd N irlh CarUna rail rrA trill nn tiM rV-iMay onill furtlr m trfe, e"!! rmind liip U' k ri. f SwTt dskf trsine, l,)uld to Irare ! - Ixfnt. mm, frfl all l.(i"n U il ,T,Hcl f.ty vl I!-.aff1. N. C, r-t fdiira at the following rs'.; I r. .-n To M. Ciijr. T rv. ..'rt t :-o it i6 A 1 U T i':' Prompt, feayVf 1 Recovery. . . The greatest thing in the world A Mother's Love; the love she 'lavishes on hot cluldren ; the love her child should have for her; witirmt tliis love she could not endure the agonies in cident to childbirth ; appreciative of tliis love, Mother's Friend was devised to les sen the pain and anguish of childbirth, that her love tuight nut bo strained to th breaking point. Mother's Friend dons all thband n.ore U enables the fond mother to speedily recuperate from tlie Intxirs of maternity, enables her to regain lifi lust strength, preserves her youthful lilies of beauty makes pregnancy her ctowti. ing iy) without any thorns to mar it, Mother's Friend is applied externally, Is most harmless in it consistency, most happy in its tesults, and is of such merit that no case of labor sh u Id be conducted without its use. It is a Uitiiiieut for massage of the alxlomitul muscles during pregnancy, and by its use weir tonicity ana power oi contraction is greatly enhanced, enabling them to sus tain the great strain brought to bear on them at this time. It is Mothers Kriend. Tfie name should be enough to letoni- lefiHmail who expect to be mothers. SenTor free book coulaininc information of priceless valui- to all txpruaiit nsoihrrs. BRADFIELO PECULATOR CO. j Atlanta, 6a. Wagon Sale. I have a laige num ber oi larm wagons, both double and single that escaped lire when I was burned out, te paint is blistered on them, though it does not damage them but very little, and as I have no way of caring or them I will sell them down very low. so come it in need oi any and look lor your self before buying. Headquarters Scotts stables, New Bern, N C April 24th, 1005. L. G. Daniels. IloniuluM A. Auiiu, ATTORNEY AT LAW. t'nntice In tlia cnnntiea of Craven Oarterst, Tamllc-ci, Junes ami (tn-iln. inn In the Mate Hni.reme and Ke-lers Oonrta. OlDi-e: So-ith fmnl Street, ovar Tl- (rapli office. WaT "ira. .N. t; Notice I Have just received fresh car toad Ameri can Wire Fence; same will be sold at greatly reduced rate. Come mi see me before buying. E.V. Small wood We Sell "Tiio World's Brat Typewriter.' i Tbe " Snilh Premier' Eunott's Took Btoro - - -----dfcslslifldtdfcfj pafasa-js-ssa- saj sp sy mj as- aj James Willis II HASITEV1IR OCCURRED TO YOU S Iiow Many People You pCan Reacli Without icj vnii yuur own cm ice a a Telephone Line 13 DOOR TO YOl.: BUSINESS NO TELEPHONE IS LOCKING THE DOOR Can You Afford It? 1 13 r OUR MANAGER TUK !f OVEh WITH YOU. F or Rates APPLY IO LOCAL IV1AISIAGCR or Home Trlephons and Telegraph Company, HENOFBSON. . . N. C. A. & N. C. R. R. Kir.-t-l.iv-- Sunday, Airil EOth, 1905 at T.iiii a. m. Eastern Standard Time. FAST liOUNn. ST.1 IONS: r.... 1. NO 6 HAII.V , DAILY I.v. :.-. - I..,,.. ;i.k. 1' M. K.U0 A. M. l-iiii-iri-c 4 lii " K.2H " h.n I. hi 4. Ill - 8.52 I---VIT :. iri " y.14 r--.- ft Hi ' 9.27 'I ii-. :iri-rn '. l?li " 9 37 At. Xl-.'.v I'.I.IIN :, li- " lu.uu l.v. Nv Hn .i '.:.r, . M. A. . Uu.-nl.-ili; H If, - 10.28 llnvrl I. b.'.t " 10.44 s- - i; I? " Ar M.-rul-ni-i Cy. 7.1L' " 11.23 wi:st HOUND. Mo 4. No. 6. STATION:!. DAILY DAILY,-...l Cy 7.111 A.M. 4.40 P.M. ,N. -i..i i m ii r 07 llH---i. k h j-' " r..:a l(iv-T-iiilf h. 12 " 6:tfi ' Ar. M-W 111 UN '.! ,) hbh L. NKW ULllN a. IS A.M. 6.10 P.M. 'I nI.. :i..ra 'J. 17 " 6.:i2 ' a.r.i .' 6. D'.v.r 10.0:1 " 6.,'iK Kin l-in lo Tl " 7.20 L.l,iii'n!.- 1 ..... 1 ' 7.42 Ar. li-.!-! Im.u- n 20 " 8.10 l'r.t 1 hm .T. I. ". ami f tun -Ihi ly. IdNNLi TIONS. Al C-.l-t-Iwir... nli Soutti.-rn Hallway and Attn- .1 . l kn-wi noil N w Ifc-rn: With Atlantic Coast I. Mi ll I" IT.' ITU. K. A- N1EU 1 MiniHk-'r, 'l nutK- stanajrr I.DSHIlitO. N. C. 127 Middle Ht. Full line of Drugs, Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply o, Flower Seeas. IMim.cIuisM I'reNcrlp lioiiM A Nieiftlty . O YEARS' CXPERIENCr Tmdc Mann a , ri-.-,a- Ofetoae Anvratv swD'tlBI fce-td'tl r..Mn -&.r lAln fawr nrstnindl frwsl W i',,,P.,tt,.n ie rrratoabtf Itm4-wnl-rfi. Ckmmmtmm .nij r.MeteiiiVi. HAMDIOOi rmtmsMM sH-'ri f 'a lOtlds-4 sssrssnrr for iawmriris Mil l'alvt,1 takl lUnWa Tv.w aiWi', KMru-ut vtianrtx Ml ScHntific Jlmcrkait . -air. 1 Mr. r- fr.rf-ihs.SL ac I Syslt e.sie,. MUNN ft Co. Hew Toti Kahr. t ftWV Qr. I mt lei-) ate. mmi 1. toriiicMrse aiia SbllCIMMl. na nvA. strXavai (m r sa-isia) a - . ifinr fiy DiUHTif"- nattr kuua n rniLHioaw SrCmA.SNOW&CO. IW WASHIN070M, O.C. TIIK KKQUIKKMLCNTS MtT , The people have aa eye to tKlars ruevanlmt, eornforUWe and cTHwrfuL Itarrtsf nttd ui mir bans max aeotndts) smHUvsm reqdliwentA, we tordiafly InrlU yoo. W tU and InasweC Citizens -Bank Cepilal . V w.000.00 r.ooae thtrvWs aaaj IWitS taalla t.. Km ' T. A. nsi. PreaUeat - t. IL Miunowa, ViefWidawt. T. A. Vsr-nA, CeaklV., Icnry's Pharmacv, i sav-ve. a,, a. S- . aV- s "a al aa "SsaS. aerrtainf roe law. tVit a tinr.Vaiiiai'tiiiaini I Lri'i l-e-aw Wssaaa- 1 . . r -- P ( , a, V- I . i -.!. w.l .-er.-i t t f . itev ITICFHIT IHD fCi'.ltCfiJ AT1 ( -V. llr-v M s , ' ' ' ri 0 t.-j. 1 " ' I ... r. fr, ( . (. cricw, i 1 r:i i 1

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