the journal; New Bern. N. C.j May IS, 1806. LODGE DIRECTOR. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at RountrM Hall Smi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 730 o'clock. Visiting woodmen are invited. - SHORT PASSING EVENTS, CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY.; Meets 2nd and 4th Wed nesday nights in each month in Boun Irees Ball, Pollock street, at 7:30 o'clock. Samuel R. Ball, President; 1. H. Smith, Sec'y; R, R. Hill, Financial Sec'y. : Indei t Sew 4TcrtJuaeiU. Ijia WhltA 1mu. : - ' '' . L H Ervin N C Hams. Mcintosh & Myers Insurance. Lost. House for Rent Strayed or Stolen. . ' J D Barfieid Beans. $4,000 to Loan. -Whitehurst's Big Sale Saturday. Coast Line Market Veal etc. Broad St. Fruit Co Pineappfes. ' Simmons & Hollowell Co Laces. NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. - Easiness Locals. STRAYED or Stolen, one lemon and white colored setter bitch. Suitable reward will be paid for return to 36 A Avenue, Riverside. HOUSE for rent on Change St. Apply to Miss Annie Justice 83 East Front street. LOST- silver chain, with silver pencil and medal, 4 leaf clover design, at tached, on Pollock street. Return Id this oflice. $4,000 to loan on unencumbered city property. William H. Oliver, Trustee Estate Moses Griffin. GO TO Barfie d's for fresh Florida veg etaliles, string beans, squash, cucum bera and tomatoes. EXTRA fine meats of all kinds at Coast Line Market. FINE Lamb and Veal at Coast Line Market. IF You want fine meats buy at Coast Line Market. FLORIDA 1'ineapplea and fresh Straw berries today at Broad St Fruit Co. THE EUREKA Cleaning and Pressing Club will make your clothes look neat and stylish, liood work done by ex perienced men. Special attention given ladies' work. Clothes cleaned and pressed once a week for one dollar per month. ' Suits from 60c to 75c. Dyeing done satisfactorily, J. R. Simpson, 80 Middle St. Phone 25. ! FOR RENT- No. 105 Craven Htrw. rooms with bath, also No. 84 Craven St 7 rooms. Both are very desirable. Ap ply h. II. Howe, 66 or 83 Craven St FLORIDA String Beans today at Bar- field's, the Broad Street green grocer, YOUNG tender String Beans at Broad St. Fruit Co. DEVILED CRABS at J. D. Dawson's. Phone 2)9. WANTED Young man from 28 to K yean of age to collect sod sea , Spies. did opportunity for right man. Apply or addrcM 86 Middle St, New Bern, N C. FOUND A Bicycle. Party can cover same by proving property and paying charges. Call st City Hal 1 DESIRABLE Board and at rates ran be found st Mrs. A. D, Wads worth's, 19 King street WANTED- Four men between the ages of Zl and 35 cu secure proAtabie s pkrymwit Apply at room L Britaon Baiklm, 63 Sui Front St - EVEKY DAY OUB BARGAIN DAT Ydassv money ss call cs) Osteins Cjrcto with jrour wants. -Bight Hi rtil prices, all repairs pronpt y maps mj sauted wart men. SPECIAL NOTICI TO. LADIES ' As the Uarts has asm for pitting furs ad winter garments away tor lb Unmet s good . s ' proof cheat is ths4fcptie yoe ea have, write ree U birOftl Ue merits ef pay ssoth proof cedar tboet Guar U4 te give sat fartioni IL A. Ep tintr., NsUenal Avsttas, sil Is Jsrms) t. Taylor's Rmxionre. OLD KEWKT ATtR-l UrwiU (r loo for sale st Jpornn fTr.' Piclsm tni Kswldingt , We sr iMijg s War!- fUf ef pwtimw and Uo ,!! fet!4 to fvt ll sM t-n. V. k frsir. jvv.h n i vi i. n v. ..i s t JHEY CCSE AND CO. '. What is now the usual thing, the failure of .the norUiern -mail to an ive at night, again occurred last night The failure of outside mails to arrive here on schedule, occurs oftener at present than ever known before this tune.. ' . The matinee play of the Davis-Dris-eoD Co. this afternoon will be "Way Down East" played by - request. To night the company will produce the ;'King of Tramps.'; ' Thursday afternoon haii fell to the depth of an Inch and q half around Dud ley, Wayne county. Reports from Coldsboro say that the pea crops was ruinedand all other crops were danv 7 The body of Mr, W.' A. Little, the young man drowned at Wrightsville Beach last Sunday was found not far from where he was last seen. The body was covered by" sand only and ly ing in twelve inches of Water. He was given a military funeral in Charlotte. ' The first excursion from Wrlmingtonof the season under the supervision" of Thomas H. Knight of Wilmington, will take place Monday. " The would-be-consumera of the city's electricity on the Pollock street section got a dose of no light last night It was the stormy night excuse; but-itdid not help out tnose who pi.y for clectrici ty which fails at times of greatest dark ness. - .. . , . - ' Mr. Jim Davis returned from yesterday. - Mr. Charles Howe is In the city for a few days.. .. . Mrs. Rider of Mansfield who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Scotf returned home yesterday, .-.i Mrs. T. J. Mitchell returned yester day from a several -.weeks ; visit with relatives at Salisbury. . Miss Bessie Morton who, has been visiting Mrs, Ed, Bangert returned to her home at Harlowe yesterday. ' .. Mr. C.I Abernethy, Esq., of Beau fort is. in the city. " 'Messrs. 1 B Allen, "High Dollar" and H. C Slaughter, of Cleveland, O. Wm Sprober Jr.t of Pittsburg, "are in the city, greeting the truckers. : v Mr. Phillip Howard went to Baltimore yesterday. A Good Suggestion. Mr. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon City Flo., has written the manufacturers that much' better results are. obtainad from the use of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in ciises t ot pains in the stomacn, colic ana -cho lera morous dv laning h in water as hot as can be drank. That when taken In this way the effect is double in rapidity. "It seems to get at the riht spot instantly," he says; For sale by uavisr vnarmacy ana . s, uuity The: Truck Movement. ivvev'Ryinf? Sheriff Biddle took possession of the The season for the shipment of pen: stock of Reynolds Bros., uhoe dealers i nearly over. It has been a very un- on Broad street on a writ of- claim and fuatisfactory season for th farmers, delivery issued in favor of F. Raiff, of low prices and only moderate crops have this city. The stock in question amounts to 237 pairs of shoes., ' It is ten times easier to cure coughs, croup, whooping-cough and all lung and bronchial affections when the bowels are open.. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar is the original Laxative, Couch Syrup. Gently moves the bowels and expels all cold from the system. Cuts the phlegm, cures all eoughs u strengthens weak lungs. At The Theatre. The play .of Jesse James or The James Boys in Missouri, was produced by the Davis-Driscoll Company last night in a very realistic manner. It was the best presentation of the thrill ing comedy drama, that has ever been seen here. Mr. Keener Westbrookc again delight ed the audience with his whistling and that the performance was enjoyed was proved by the hearty and vigorous re calls that were accorded him. Obstinate constipation, indigestion and stomach disorders are permanently and positively cured by taking Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents Tes or Tablets. Osmani are Popular. says of 'Woman The Wilmington Messenger the Osman Co's. production of Against Woman." "Another large crowd last night en joyed the fine work of the above com pany! The play was well performed and was easily the best bill yet offered. Woman Against Womsn" is full of everyday human nature and gives ' am ple scope to Miss Rekks and her won derful powers; in fact, the play might repaid them but little.' The shipment by the steamer Neuse was 500 baskets. The price paid in the Northern mark ets ranged from 40 to 75 cents. There were no local market quotations, Cabbages were commanding a better price than heretofore and the shipment was heavier; about 1200 crates went by the Neuse. Market quoted at $1.50. The truck train carried two car loads from here composed mostly of cabbages Stiff Ruling Against Vagrants. Wilmington Messenger 12th. Mayor Waddell has determined that Wilmington shall be free of vagrants and has sent out warning to this effect The result has been that many locali ties where negroes .were wont to assem ble are now free from their presence and if they are seen ' loafing around again they will bo arrested and it will be up to them to show that they are not vagrants. The police are on the look out and worthless characters, white and black hadbeBt get to work or find some other place than Wilmington to loaf in for Mayor Waddell says they have got to work and if they Will not work of their own volition he will send them to the roads. Saturday Male at Wklteliurtit'a. Bay New Bern Military Academy mencemenL Com- The invitations to the Commencement of- the New Bern -Military Academy have been issued." The events incident extend from Msy Uth to 16th. The bac calaureate sermon will be delivered by Rev. C C. Cox in the Presbyterian have been written for her. It suits her . Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock so admirably. Certainly it did not give Mondsy evening at 8:30 will ociur her opportunity to display any of her tho annual celebration of the LHersry beet gowns, bat her work in this drama Societies. The debate will be the carries one out of oneself completely , principal feature of the occasion. The making her feel that she is not sctuig; bjct will be "Rosolved, that combi thst sha is that wronged woman. The wtions of capital are an evil to our difficult part of the mimroided husband "i"7- ' was well sustained by Mr. lUmiltor. l Wednesday evening the annual eon; and the other parts were all well taken cert be hold; ths jriacs will be sn- Spscial mention should be made of Mr. Is tor issue. Cottar who added treatlr to Ou mrrrl-1 Ths class is Urge and ths exercises merit of the evening's enjoyment The ln Interesting throughout All of specialties were all good, even "Mlk"our dtlsens who srs mterosUd la Jtbe doing his part wall. welfare of the Institution should attend The opening bill Monday night WlU bs . 7'- "Blue Graas" sensational melodrama of Ufa among the moonshiners la ths Kantueky mountains. Seals wlH be on sals at Waters tomorrow morning. ; Notice There's no beauty Is all the land That ran 'with her facs eomparo, tier Una are red, ber eyas are bright ' 8he takes Rocky Mountain at night v'V-rForasle by F. & Duffy. Paint Tour Buggy for 75c 1 wish to stale eulu a number are deUiKTOent in asttlins their pit hUr Indulgence rnnot be t UtkM to L0O with Dcvoe's GIom Carriage they will havs lobs bald at oneet 1 It weighs Itol osA more to shall collect by dWrss,. AM poll duo' P , eaw Vmgar and II not paid st or, that can b, will bs gw equal mi new war, ona famesrwd-fair warning, v -,7 - W. . Bmsllwood and Ths J. C . CKy Tas Oollertor.J 1 ... - . ' ' i" Finest Butter fat the city at ths Osks k Cream gods st MtSorley's. - tf 36 wnU " ml 1 I- I , r- ;. JTU rijrmouUi Rock Hams now st the chickens this owrnlns st the Oak Market- . ' Onlie Mnrkri. A.i' All IIEAD.-.CKIO CCLD s LOS. Tl:c Qacctloa of Price, W ii-'t tit '? In !) tVffr.i a s "' f" !''. ItUt-. f.fli o I r 1. Th,,a I' B t ' !),. Ujg Da ..,'. , ,r-a ;i i I ! t a r jr wl- 1 1 v ( - i s , i i, - .I .1. .t i' U i 1 - We fix your Watch, Spectaev ' U. Silverware and Jewelry, in fact, every thing done by a first a: - class jeweler for a very reason- -i - - able price, considering the high v quality of our work, for hj--v" 5 -stance the' high price of $1.60 for cleaning or putting a mam- ' spring in your watch - you had " -'Itfpay, wc chanre $1.00, slso ths old price of 25 eta. you had to pay for a hand or glass, we . charpe , 10 ets. and all work " guaranteed, v . - ,. , . J O BAXTER The Leading Jeweler, 107 Middle Street. - New Bern, N. C. Agent for Hamilton Railroad Watches. . Order a Quart 0FPCKEASD r,:;v . - DELICIOUS CREAM lor your, dinner Made -every day and it contains the quality. , 35Cts. a quart. PACK AND DELIVERED' atjthe Broad "Street Fruit Ccsipany. nolUstcr s Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets - A Busy MedlntM for Buy FmbIi. Bring! 6olda Hmus ssd Banns V!fo A upocifle forOoostfiMUM, InSlireitlon, I.Its Mid Kidney Trotiblm, Kunms, Inmnr Hlaod, Bad Breath, KIiwkcsIi Bowols. Himitacfa Idney Trotiblm, Kunms, Impnr nil Uaokache. lt' Rocky Uouotala Tea In lab i iorm, in oenu a noz. wnuuw made bj iotUHTsa Imua Canruir, Hadiena, Wis J0L0EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPfJS li i m Moth Balls at Phone $6 Davis' Pharmacy A Bargain -cale of fflMELLAS I We put ou sale Tomorrow, Mon J day Morninjr Om lot of Ladies fine Black Silk Um t brllas, assorted wood and metal hand 4 les,' paragon Ira mes, worth up to $1.50 4 each. Special Bargain Price 98c Each. Also special bargain in Val and Torchon lace 3J to 10c yd. And the newest things in Oriental lace. Edging and inscrtings, 10c to 50c yard. T!.. hinc-f.ishinn sheets and patterns are here. cBarfoot Brothers, & GREAT SPECIAL SALE For the Month of May. Beginning today we inaugurate a great special sale of new an 1 deiirable goods st a great reduction from regular prices. Ws begin this sale early to uphold our reputation of being ths Lesders in bargain sales, although our ngb lay prices srs slwsys much lower, our goods much better than ounr huuera. Read each Item carefully. , Ck 7rd- tr WhiU Wssh Jap. 4 f worth t2i to 20c llatt am! ZVC Uc. 10 inches wids, all purr 1 Point !) Parte. VaL Edtr. y silk, worth sue. . and bwerUons to match, a . 1 ' fine range of pattern. 1 Q y tnr Whlt nl Chsm . IvC V? Mrwrlsed Madras, y mor 0c to BOe. A lot of Co! Inches wide, in iarge var- ft p ( Madras, fancy Cotton ty of patterns, worthj'rom 4ue to Ws. ww Vutlt vxl Huillnca. OVC JJ "JiB.u L S JC fr-nl to! yards, AUsiss.- - VrrmWls-uallty. XT worth 2ue. Pine Bnser Per Q ' "rth lZK. ' W ""' L3CllMUslsIlMBiik -r Pillow ri, su42ae laches. ' w w . k . . . " good quahiy BssUn. . - - . . Light Weight Underwear. Is Now the Thing. All sizes in sleeve Shirts in Lisle, Balbriggan, Nainsook, etc., for men. Boys' sizes in Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. Shirts long or short sleeves, drawers long and short, A skirt of unusual value in ladies sizes at 10 cents. Our Underwear stock is complete) and we are showing some novelties for men in the large sizes especially. Some new patterns in NEGLIGEE Shirts just in. J. G. DUNN & CO.7 55-57 Pollock St. Seasonable Spzcialties Ice i ream Freezers. Ice Water Coolers ( tono and Metal.) Sheibert Glasses. Fee Cream 3aicera, fee Tea Tumblers. m ml Pitchers, l.emonqueez'rs, Ice Picks, 1CSE Mil LEI SHAKERS. MILK SlIAKK (ILASNkS.STOXKS .11 I.IKT SIRWVS. M. E. mUwii & Go., 45 Pollock Ht .. Opposite Post Office. J L. HARTSFIELD, f oiitruclor iiikI IKul lI r. OF I T !)o 1 i MIDULK ST. Ph0K 38. Important Sale Hisses Oxfords OJda and Ends cathcrrd Irom our Bhoc department, pizesOto 2. About 100 pair in tbMot. Bomp ar eligriliy Bourn irora nana line, but that023 not hurt tlio wrar. Worth from 01. 2.; t) CI. Po: Itivcly no j:oo;! i ch:;r";ed on Spec- Would be glad to have any one inspect my iPoork as it goes up. L affr9Sale, Eilwood Wire Fencing. V' have juM iff iv(cl a fiesh err lead of tliip fennii. "iine i.d ge ) -.i I 1 1 y -fore it H "II 'ld. rot I.TltV NKTl'INli. S( 1IKKN I X I:S and WINDOWS. 1'urr I'fiintfl 'aiA ( IiIh. General line of llardwure anil HuiUI'-r Miiterial. Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co SI )Wlf 7S V Irldl Si .V- MUes Oftons Southern Shows The Eett'and Most Moral Show in America will Exhibit at New Bern MONDAY. MAY I5th. TWO r:ftrt)RKANCr a.!ly si Is n m. Doon oum sns Imr. ssrlisr. A OHANI) REK OUTHIDK EXHIBITION nd rra THE CHAMPION HIGH IIVK Of THK WORLD ht CAPT. HAVID I.A1TI.K. IDKiTlVKLY FTtKB TO KVERYIU1UY fWNT friRCrT THK lAT ANI DATE, MONDAY, MAT IMS 7E HAVE JUST HECEIVCD AN UP-TO-DATE LINE :0F Cluo Serges and Worsted r . Plaid in Square.' and 'Sack rut mod I Alii nthbr lino of I lilMr n C'lolIitiiK. HOWARD BROTHERS "Under Hole! Ilazelton. I O