r - Vol. XXIII.-IVo. 3 I. New ITera, II. C, Hrsntlay KIorui::, June 4, ICG 3. Twenty-Fourth Tear ay t t 9) fffT?Tff?f WWW WWW 1 3hty have Gome, . Pr; 8 dozen White. Embroidery, Shirt Waist Patterns, the $1.50 quality to be "closed out aW '-i' 'St- 1 This winds up the in ess, no more to be well for you to come "288. i j. M. - Mitchell & Co., ! . ' - ' PHONE f . 4Z Pollock St; Opposite. Post-off ice. Just Received a lot duo i JE Jk. English Cured Shoulders, Fresh Butter in Tubs and Fox Eiver Prints. A iull line fancy and staple groceries FULL" STOCK plug and granulated tobaccos. - : r" Come in and buy a HygianaCigar for ten-cents "or either of the following for five cents or six for twenty-five cents. Roig, Car denas or Abnco Cigar and you will bo pleased. " ," - . H EE Elrvin, Wholesale anil ICetnlirGrocer':;.:," No. 81 South Front St. , AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA m A A A AAAAA AAA A AA AAA A AA Al ooonononooo nocoonon dodo A his Heavy Towels 32x45 Inches f&V2,$ v All I.iaen ToreN 2 1x50 . 25c Turkish Towel 183$ -;Oc Cotton Voiles 1 2c kind fir Nc yard' ; ' 13c kind for 0?sc. all colora. w ' ' t ' w' v Big lot of Figured Lawns tn c, this week at JSeard. A' ; v r "ew more pieces of JBc;' 40 idch 81x90 Inch Bleached Sheets, J.r d. BAXTERS The !Bigjrest Bargains of the "Season " , h" w ' ? ' ZI '' ' s '"" ' . " -'j 600 pieces. y.-'-y.. Bet and Finest Val Laces and Inser tion to match, the kind you pay 8c a yard for, our price for your ehlce 4Jc a yrd.', v,:..;;.V" :,, ;.', ' " .' HAMBERG. y From 4jc op to 4Pe a ynrd. , - . ' INSERTIOM. " . From 2Jc up to 2r,e a yard. " . VESTS.' M ur.n Endim Cnuro Vi" la, ri i'n ) r !C quulity, fur V.'m wr, 1 (,n'y Shirt Waist bus-" had at thatprtce. I early or call Phone ,; r "''.'U )r 288! ' - ' ' if rnnn 3&E t. ,1 - h. (t, t , V the most desirable patterns, worth ' O " w ' ' - "O lawn at 10c yard. ; 1 good quality, 40c each.- : . LAWN. Just IhinV, 40 inch White Lawn Worth 12jc fior yuril, for tliis wct-k only at CJc per yard. OXI'ORD'S. ' Many Ilui-Kniim in Ladies, Men's u Children Oxf ir.l's from 43 tofl.C'in pair. Cl.illr.-i -I' to f i ; Kneo 1', n's 1 '. -r !' f f: r Foic Weefc New Code Expected to Be Ready By - i - August - , -J - -' Tws'llllcB Distilleries Ctpturad Is Raid. Jtdtms 0l Birthday. - Ntw A. 'j t N.C. Trtffie Msnagtr. Nival -r Rtstrvs CrulM H Botl ' Secured, ,' . Raleigh, June 3. The legislative com mlttee on the code which is now known as the RevisaT of 1905, ended session to day here, . having met with the Code Commission. v All the members of the committee were present, Senator Zolli- eolfer being the chairman'and the otbar members A. W. Graham und J, T. Red- wine. These accepted the code,-finding everything alright. , The 'Commission is about ready to turn over the copy to the public printers,' Uzzell and Con pany, the contract having been author ised; It is expected that the work will be done by August. " " s - Last night revenue officers made a raid near Pocomoke afid captured two illicit distilleries. One operator was on hand, but he fled. The BtilU were taken and also 1.800 ffalloni of beer. .' ' i'tT- Judge Burnell returned this morning from Asheville and next Monday -will begiiTthe term of the Federal court here, the docket being s very full one- - , , . , S The Seaboara Ajr Line omcials - say they will put on a parlor car between Wilmington.and CharlotEeTon Ijie 15th of this month, thus increasing the ser vice. ,s J h Jefferson Davis' birthday was ob served at the Soldiers Home this af tr noont he Daughters of the Confederacy being in charge of the exercises. There were addresses.' by CoL . Thomas S, Kenan , and State Auditor Divon, , and music; by special choir and orchestra. Afr, Robert E. L. ' Bunch has taken charge as'Ge&eral Traffic Manager of his -duties, on the Atlantic & North Carolina Railway. . He has had long ex. perience in this line of work with both the Southern and the Seaboard Air Line Railways. ' ' , K . - Jr It will require more than .two weeks to dispose of the cases on the docket of the United States District courv here. there being 120 new cases.4" The docket is to- fact a very heavy one. :-.;; iv The commencement exercises of the Raleigh Male Academy ended its exist ence. ":: The building in use for the past twenty five years is- in bad condition and, ' private residences are occupyingja space so long the school grounds. Prof. Hugh A, M arson has ; been in charge twenty eight years,, and now becomes the head of the high school Rev. Dr. T. N. Jvey, the editor of the Christian Advocate,. jdelivered the last address. Governor Glenn has been made Junta? Warden of Raleigh Lodge of Masons. Arrangements have been made for cruise of the four divisions of naval militia in case the navy department can furnish a gun boat, for which Governor Glenn has made a request ' Quality Talks Wort Convincingly Than Salesmen."., My .house as painted about year ago (19U0) ;wiu xavis 100 per cent Pure Paint, and I beg to state I am very Tmuch pleased with its uniform color, durability and covering capacity. I think the examlnationxif the paint on my house will be sufficient endorsement for It. V , ' w. a LEWIS, Supt Motive Power, N.4W.E.R. . Roanoke, Va., Dec. 41-01. G. F." S. Concert.-". . The Girls Friendly Society will give a musical Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the residence of Mr. Fred Roberts on the corner of Metcalf and Hancock streets for all those who are the friends of the girhvand are Interested in their society- No admission ""fee will be charged but a mite box will be placed in a convenient place and anyone wish ing to contribute to this worthy cause it will be gladly accepted. This will be fot the benefit of the endowment fund to start other branches of .the Cilia Friendly Society. The public is cordi ally invited to attend. ine following program will be ren dered: ' Chorus by Clmir of Clirist Church. I'iano Solo, Miss Myrtle Dinnonway. Recitation, Mi.;s Mary Mitchell. Violin Solo. Mrs. Brick. Vocal Duett, Ki;es Adelaide and Irene IV. k. Vocal Solo, Mr. ISerlpcrt Willis. Reci ill. Voc; Vie! on or .' Mary Miteh ,Vn. ('!.. I'leS IV k. Tcck. t Y FLAGMAN OR GATES. A Mittir Thai A. H. C. Compsny Must, , - Not Neglect sn'y Longer. . J London, June S, The Tekio corres - Complaints are heard every day of pondent of,the Daily Telegraph again the custom lately assumed by the A. & ends interesting additional de N. C. Company in the way trains are to"1 "val battle,' received from switched. It has come to be a real . MoJ Sasebo and other points, menace to life and Umb to drive on Btlited when Rear Admiral Hancock street on account of this ap- parently reckless switching. ,The Jour nal has spoken before of the late hours and early morning hours; observed .by the company, in which the rest of citi zens is seriously disturbed. - True, they have done this ever- since the railroad was built but there has not been the aggravated nuisanee , developed until recently and there is not a resident on Hancock street but who will testify that as bad as it always has been it is worse now and the nuisance is increasing. ,' The necessity Of the placing pf either a flagman or gates t each streVt cross ing . of the railroad and also, at the National Avenue, crossing la very ap parent. There is great danger of seri ous accident at these points.'- The cars moving almost constantly along, 'bear down upon the unsuspecting driver or pedestrian , and engineers often forget making the Usual warning signals when approaching the corners,. Last Friday a serious accident of this nature was narrowly averted,' A ; ldy was driving onto the Pollock street crossing when a switching engine with number .of cats approached her and barely missed her carriage. ; No signal was used nor was there any means of knowing of the approach of the train. This - is only one of many incidents of the kind that are occurring almost dauy and a different system must be used.9 It will be a saving of expense to the cdinpany as well as comfort to' the public to have a flagman at these cross ings and it would not be a bad idea to jtntahltah ratpo. X ' The railways are held as responsiVe for the safety of the public who wa k or ride tn carriages provided they are on the common highway or m no way trespaBsuig as they are for the safety of the traveling public. It therefore should behoove.-the A.'& N. Q. Com pany to make a change in this respect. The Board of Aldermen can hasten this matter by appropriate legislation. Notice of Meeting to Consider ' Com position. . c In the . District Court of , the United States; for the Eastern District of . : North Carolina at New Bern, In the matter of H. E. Dillon of La- Grange, N. C, bankrupt. : , To the Creditors of H. E. Dillon,- of La- Urange-m the iunty ot Lenoir, and "1 and District. ; aforesaid, a. Bank rupt! ' -r- ' Notice (Thereby given, that a Compo sition of 26 per cent upon all unsecured debts,' not entitled to priority,- the Creditors to pay Attorneys fees and all other coaTS" and expenses , of the pro ceeding in satisfaction of said debts, has been proposed by the above named bankrupt to his creditors, as provided by the 'Acts of Congress relating to bankruptcy,' and that a meeting of saidi creditors will be held In the U, S. Court rooms, . in New Bern, N. C, on June 15th 1905, at 12 o'clock. noon, -to act upon said proposal for a composition, according to the provisions of said Acts and the rules of court. . : r ; SAMUEL W. SMALLWOOD, :i . v ' Referee In Bankruptcy. New Bern, N, C, June 3rd, 1905. trustees Meeting -'-Teachers. Election ol ' A meeting of the Board of Trustees of New Bern Academy will be held at the Citizens- Bank Monday . afternoon. June 5, J905 at 4 0 clock. .-' , . -r The meeting is called for the election of Superintendent and Teachers of the City Graded Schools for the next scholastic term.. " . -By order of the President . - W. M. WATSON, -, ." ' .. Secretary and Treasurer. Destructive Earthquake In Japan. - .... Tokio, June S There was a severe earthquake shock in the interior of Ja pan lust night. In the province of Hir oshima six persons were killed, 79 in jured and S3 houses destroyed. ' -- '. Masonic Notice.. ; All masons are reui (el to meet J. O. Baxters to in pect a beautiful lin of pins, hut long fie., having tin; oorrcc masonic einlilenm. m r-.'s An; l.t in Vof .I,-. 1 ;,n i t! ROJESTVENSKY -HIDING BnffAm Rnal. NfthAaatnff'A Anntomnll. :., hl. arr..,k . eDC"H. wwenoerea the -Kussians hoisted red flags on their topmasts with Russian flags below them. The crews were drawn Dp in parade order on the decks and some : of ' the sailors were waving flags. .'The . whole affair, the dispatch says, was a ,, "contempti ble spectacle." -.' i" - , The Sasebo correspondent says that when the Japanese boarded the torpedo boat destroyer Bodovi after completely disabling- her, Admiral Rojestvensky was the last man to be discovered. He was hiding at the bottomiof the de stroyer and was bleeding freely from many wounds. The correspondent says: It is understood that Admiral Nebo- gatoff, who Is grateful for the kind treatment given' by . the - order of the mikado, will be i allowed to proceed home within a few days, ... His surren der was disgraceful and unaccountable An examination of bis ships show that though the guns were , rusty and the bottom of the Vessels covered with sea weed, there were no lack of fighting resources. There were heaps of ammunition and no trace of damage by the Japanese shells. : CLEAN OUT VAGRANTS. Unlets Stringent Measures Are Used Ntw : - Btm Will be Dumping Ground For - Trampt and Othtr 0bc- " - tiostblt Human. - There is a general movement in the cities of the state against tramps who unfortunately, are in almost every com munity creating scenes of disorder, steal ing, insulting and In every way trans gressing the laws of decency if not .the statute..' They will not work, arresting them does no good for if they are put in jail they will get a meal or two at the expensAof the city and the arrest is no diagram tStlhem. -: They spread disease by their fllthyfcabits and for sanitary reasons they sbouIoVbe run out of town. There are said to be a number of fel lows who are lying around doing noth ing, they will not work even when of fered good pay and when- there is no valid reason why they shouldn't work. In spite of .the demand for help in field and factory these incubi sit by idle; like the Hly they toil not neither do they spin. . ::- -1 : .- Run them out and keep , them out, their idleness Is a bad example and if some radical measure Is not taken, soon the city will be overrun with tramps. RIPOffl OF TEJ OH ; NATIONAL BANE, at New Berne, in , the State of North "Carolina at the close of business May 29, 1905, - - RESOURCES Loan and Discounts....... f 483,046 90 uveroraits, " securea ana " .- : unsecured U. S. Bonds to secure cir - . culation ...a;.u 8,508 68 25,000 00 45.219 05 Stocks,-securities, etc. Banking house, furniture ana fixtures ... Other real estate owned..' Due from NationaTSanks 02,500 00 r 4,016 85 (not reserve agents). -i Due from State Banks - - and Bankers.. , ; Due from approved re- - serve agents i' Checks and other - cash -- items .i.itHi m... . Notes of other National v- j, " Banks -.: Fractional paper currency j - nickles, and cents vVf Lawful Money Reserve In , . - Bank, vus: v '.;. Specie 12,968 50 Legal tender ' - ' notes w 15,000 00 Redemption fund with U 8. Treasurer (5 per 1r -' cent of circulation) . '-" 8,160 69 83,47870 61,456 82 ", 5,111 92 ! 8,149 00 : U715 27.965 60 1,250 00 - ToUl v . ; ;-, 707,970 66 UABILITIES..; CapiUl stock paid in... " ." . fOO.OOO 00 Surplus fund , 70,000 00 Undivided proflts,less x penaes and taxes paid., ' ' 23,986 89 National Hank notes out standing..... 25,000 00 Due to other National . Ranks 8,045 13 Due to .State Hanks and Hanker, , 2,609 83 Individual deposits . - sut.jwt t check 353,456 76 Tmie -ert ificates of f! iK- a 109.37(1 43 ii Checks. 33 95 i r s hecks 402 67 m.VZ PI .11 oitntwl 5,(K)()(X 1 r i ..I., 10.0 'I 00 $ 7''7,J70 fiO I V NEW CAR LOAD SnovV Drift, 1 I White Frost 1 and Admiral IHLOTlTIIR. U S T RECEIVED 300 dozen Masons improved Fruit jars. rmts, quarts, Gallon sizes. If you need any it Vill pay you to get our prices before you buy. J. L. McDaniel Wholesale A Retail Groeer. Tarker Store,- Corner Broad and Hancock Sts.' flie Ureal Slaughter Sale! TWO SOLID ha THAT WILL PLESE THE PEOPLE. TO BE SOLD AT StTOet Sale each day from 750 " o m, and Saturday's 'from 7:30 a. m. to 12 p . This s an opportunity of a life time. It costs you nothing to look, so come at once. We he ve p HIGH GRADE OF GOODS and can sell you at the price of cheap goods. SPECIAL SALE ONLY THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. HERE ARE SOME OF OUR PRICES: Plain Cups and Saucers, 2c each. Plain Dinner Plates at 2t 8, 4c each. Decorated Dinner Plates at 3, 4 and 5c each. 86.00 Toilet Set, 10 pieces, extra large size, beautifully decorated, gold lined ouly 2.89. $4.50 Decorated Toilet Sets, 10 If you wish to buy a number platea.bowls, cream pitchers, vegetable with this sale. Everything will be almost given get such genuine bargains, if you do WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 28 Middle St, or 81 Broad St. Vatep Coollers. Vire Screcps & Doors Heath and MilHgan and Masury's Faints. Oils and blass, Bash Doors and Blinds, and a full ' line of Builders Material and Hardware. GaskiH Hdw. & 78 Middle 8V Potatoes,: v Potatoes. I an) in position to handle a ": large amount of Potatoes the " coming season, being-in-close . - touch with all the markets and ;r Buyers. ii-r' ' , Consignments ef potatoes so- '; -43 - ; Ucited, , which shall have .Wi Zy best attention.' - Will eithersell " to the buyers, or ship t relia 7 ble' commission houses.'-' ' It looks as though potatoes V j would be very low and a great '"many growers will loose. their stock by not knowing the mar si ket or to jvhom they place ? them. ; ' ' Would advise all growers to put up their stock in good shape well graded and leave the culls - athnnie. Conservative advances made on consignments if desired. f-".. nli.ng the pntatnefl, and I ill ! n y l.e t to Ket you mon , CAR LOADS OF Crcckery fa pieces for 2 48. of other articles in crockery, all sizes, diBhes,etc, we think you will be pleased away. Do not miss this great chance to you will regret it. Mill Supply Co Phone 147 Specially Made - IS OUR Ice Cream OF PURE M UK AND CREA1L .Ereshly made every day. . Carefully packed In ice and delivered at - 35cts. per quart Broai Streef Mt Ccmianj ' MMMMMMMMMMf 0 I The r. (.renie-it care taken in making; nr cr-aiu, and only bcHt mate- It Ii 1 1 I in. Can ate pr 1 In - "ii't 1 j I