. -e"T'" ...' ; - , ' . ' . 6 f t f ., V "V a New i::m, H C, XVednesday Kloruias, J.une 7, IOCS. Twenty-Fourth Year Vol. XXIII..-Iaro. 50. IMMIGRATION MATTER. V: MORE RUSSIAN BOATS. i- -- 4f e - Fo Km YOU MEN r: 25 Doien Of-2 Hose; C 16c value ior 8 l-3c 3 pairfor 25c. V . f Men's Night Robesniade ',of the best Longdate Cambric, size -16, 16, 17, .18, worth 36c for 60c.- i , - st : - ;- . It will be worth your .while to ' look . at them, or they ; will be sent ; to your ; : house for inspection. -5 . r Actios By Stat Boird AgricuKurt.'-tlrcvUrt yt- To B Iwvtd. State - Geologist Holmes Ask Fr special to Journal. i Appropriation . ".. PHONfi288 Pollock St.t Opposite: Post-office. 86 cental Tea For sale by P. S, Duffy,5 C j.: t- r rnt r m niii Btparttd. Inut el RuntiM l NtvaJ j( BattU, - Tjinrtnn J nno A Ttifl Manila enr Raleigh, N, C. June 6th-Todayi reanondent of the Dailv Mail Bava it Isioii of the board of, agriculture "was reported that seven torpedo boat, de-msT-lrod hir npfinn nn the immieration - itroven are waitine off Correridor Officeri Expect at sum tacamp- n. r j , ,-;;. - . . u - .v t in Towo- eorresponoeni 01 vauy ...u cM Lk Fin. SUte vi, . elegraph say the total Russian casual- i ........ w. - r- :, ,e . . , un inii nnr hv thA hrtftrn. wnicn arei . n c - , il: t Ann . s 1 1" w ' - iaea in we navai uaiue went w,uw I auitt conservative. A circular will be npriahAd 4.600 caotured. 3.000 escaoed, Itaieitrn, W. u.,-iupeo. Hiiii1 t th nmnn of the state callltlff ! u:'.1 v ".u 7"rrr7.r'-- SZ oa those who desire help, tenant or a matisro, neuraJgialumbago,t pleura;. gi Agncunure voua, . . i. Innt - hllmw No mattei what aiime J the Daini are make an Appropriation of 85.A00 for T -T - - - - . Wa U Mnlilu Tm htinUirr the work of draminitawampa desu-ed, v There will i .-', i - -v - . i- win onve uiHrniwH.4- 1 0-Anera flrovernment has already appro T ni 1 aMf fKH fiiiiT.wi anpnmnaniftd I oriated S5.000 for tnw purpose ang nas . i 'Awnt ra;i'9i r c 1 1 cnj mean. "' ,f Ro8ia Faces Revolution, - ' Remaining to the Post . 0ce at New much of the territory of Ewtern North Moscow, June .-The meeting of the ; rn, vraveu couu, . v., -u. , Carolina would bft effected by thl tot-liliied ; Russian ; ,Zemstvo Congress, nHwumitnt and a!d all the imDortant UoIIpH for ;tndav.f or which 280 delegates I fl,UST. aura mn lanila in thR wpjt.' which com-1 frnArorlnn. 7ant.voa -limnAs miinlc.inftll I .' A--F W Ames nose a fifth of all tih territor of JEast- Itiaa; Includinir the mavors of twenty-1 B C R Bryan, Eddie Brown em-North- CKNmLztWm'&Kmaa I ft eJUea arrived here yesterday and! VT r.voxi.vaw. w varaey, naw tnllara'waa anDronriflted for soil survey I at krkinh Itwaa broDoaed to introduce I Cayton and BwamD drainageln last This resohitions calUrur for the immediate , D Robt. Day d 1 anrefl aYXoedition bv United States Of i-Adnatlnh ..of hoatilitiea. haa.; been nrO-l . llgn CIUOlI Ave thousand for thto nuroose. 1 hibited. -JThetnrder ?; of 'nrohibition. 1 i .uieoroon wiDeri, wime uuDen, f Prof, Holmes was followed by. State wBich arrived only Iatoya8tflht,;ha8l s .iSAKaiiienaeenam i; o nuason, Biofceist Gerald McCarthy,; who read aroused" the greatest indignation andlMelvin Hardie, Rufus Hall his renort. which waa- fuU - Of valuable hntment'iVerv manv delegates aret .A aoonce - . matter. ' He has charge, as one ol Its I determined to defy the government. waters, tc;,; and nit work along tn j - Teachers Engageq, Has neen nminaiuev PipfOfMZJ The State lauthorkes e '-Colossus MAble MurriU : '-, N St Claire Newbern . PF L Potter . - . ' - R-r Marshall Robinson, J 3 Robberts CaptS M Records, Nanthanall Robin' S Southern Howery Mills Co. W-R W Ward 7 Wooden St, Grezry a., K-. : English Curedi Shoulders, Fresh Butter 5; 3n Tubs and Fox Eiver Prints. A : lull! : line. tancy and staple', groceries. ; FULL; Come In and buy a Hygiana Cigar fof ten cents or either of the following for five cents or six for twenty-five cents. v Roig, Car-l'-; C denas or Abnco Cigar and you will be pleased. ' ' . , " :. 't-X,p- - - Wholesale and Itetall Oroceiv? V j No; 81 South; Front Sttgil At the meeting of the Board of Trus- ZSf 2 Gold Miniht- Comr whteh Has its ot New Bern Academy Monday .:?:&iim n.f. i.t.tS w. 1 nurht3 tte' followinif'- teachers were k-. w,Aoui. It. ..nihil .tvk frm eiecieo: '- vOHpenntenueni, rroi. .n. . ten million' dollara to len and ay; half l uraven;; .pnjrciiMu, . miw mmy j. wison, iteven earn wans. Million. "1 This is- Derhans the tanrestln; tMcn m Bln acnooi missi , womBw'8 .14815- Mfttan hi North Carolina:' and it is "le Keamy,, Mr, tlaroia wmtenurst B--Mrs.1 Annie Branch,. Mrs Delia said owns valuable properties, sii?;: : us ? V"e ""?'"Mf J ; T I orown,, ueier Boston, ; mamie - oryam, DeDutV U. S. Collector M. Li Wood parunema uie : veacuenr rer ue. i Mrs Barah Bryanu who ta here; an who has within a few emiiy rerreoee,weanneiw i, nuumter, i ? jg-Mrs UUe,Caaelift;.'-JlM Mary davB. been thmueh Pitt county says be Annie ! ; hadwi,r:Bosa Uail, -Mabel jCooledge, Addie Clambera, never saw finer crobairf Corn ' being Chadwi? Lime R,.,. Hancock, s Mary I jBet8y Davis," Eunice Gibbs 2 laid by. Cotton is squaring; ;r Crops wuise n-euey, aiouw d, jxeam, , jnry i ; a mrav W Jtoiwweu, Henrietta M clMn.' ;The;; 16w" twice of; Irish 1 Jones,' Ethel rWood, Mane fluys Helverton d 1 17 Rhrertown Ave notatoM deoreas the ttiawenMit Berry; Etta Nunn, 3" r ii f I I-lde Inhies Mill 79 i-..- . vi k r ' ..' " ' . t -kTUkv. Alof 1W fVi. 4-A..KAW1 rtf tll.l'i T M T.lll '.. VJ.i, u.r- HacKett oi .tne penitentiary r v '." " "-' . - i , -r-nmvK.um icotoreo gcnoui was postponea . unui uie i lj-Mrs liOtt liane and says work on the turnplke;which ne" regular nmstVrt.xs n.. is K,,;win k. nan of -on- tThe building committee .;.wm authr- victs between Jefferson and Wlkesboro f tmke "ceaBary three fourth, comply wito ; Compjeti f su p.,. Church teen milea remaining, to be done. He I ti --.,1$ , . it .Mi i j!.'.ji:-'. T ' -CI' DA. 0 ' 1J. aeciares ' wiere im no iurv -xvuu iijt-i o ibih .uiiiioii.wm- nuu where.SSfe'v':JS4 t'S'i Clrt,rcn). though built in 1879,. has n New Arrivals at McDaniel's . .Fresh Canned Mackerel, Brook Trout S Salmon, Imported Sardines, Domestic Sardines. Van Camps Big Hominy in Cans. Pineapple Chunks, Grated Pineap ple, Queen Olives, Heinz's Baked Beans Sweet, Mixed and Plain Cucumber Pick les Great Big Sour Cucumber Pickles, Tea, Fresh Boasted Cot tee, Fresh Oat Flakes, Cream Cherse, Harvey's Small Hams and Breakfast Strips, and a com plete Stock of general groceries. J. L. MeDaniel WhoIeale A Betail Grocer. TarEer Store. Comer Broad and Hancock Bta. The Great. Slaughter Sale! TWO SOLID CAR LOADS OF China Crockery M Jimmie Murriel . R Kmma J Reed -S--Mrs Nambie Stone ' T Clarissa Tudle ' W Mrs Nanie Winson Andrew's! ! Persons calling for the above letters never 1 will please say advertised and give date conoaononononoooonon coco Laat ' veer at the encamoment -at I had the lecture room Or first story com-1 ol ust: Morehe&d CStv there were ouite num- bletod;". It in being done now at cost I vTbA.reguUttions now require that (1) p aAaaAaaAaAAAaAAiAA4aaa aAAiaAatAiAAaaaAAA Aaaaaaat I for of officers of the (nral.staft.. Jt of about $3000 and thework well on the lone cent ahaU.be coUected on the dehv :': ..:.- -.-v i--'.,v v. jtfi , '.I . k.t fVf. MiMmn. I wav. 3 Th ranm i. SO hv BO rent er-lerv of each advertised -letter. ment remarkably few officers savethos. olusive of the furnace room, and is ..be-l :;r --.a.; W. hanck., .ttafhed to the reirimenta themselves hie handsomely ceiled, the side' walls I 9JiWM'-mi-'' wiU be ordered to encampments None I plastered n4' substantial toncrete I jL,. -I'Xf ni'f,;: from the Adjutant General's . depart- floor laid. . A neat little kitchen will oc-l JL""" mnt will be so ordered. ?v t. . I am a part of th-eserved- space. A Corporation Commissioner Samuel L. baiaar of month haa been arranged to I w w rS TJ"wwi iinmm who Mma rtnwn tmiav from tha I oe neia mine new lecture, iwm aneiafCiam uiuotr. worts .uarouna. Y I mountain country says wheat is being O I cut. and that in some eases the crop is a varv fine one. but that a rood deal of an eiaDorate . cireuiar . ana Special- Foii ! THAT WILL PLE4.SE THE PEOPLE. TO BE SOLD AT Broad Stlt- Sale each day from 7 :3C " o m, and Saturday's from 7:30 a.m. to 12 p m. This s an opportunity of a life time. It costs you nothing to look, so come at once. We hive HIGH GRADE OF GOODS and can sell you at the price of cheap goods. SPECIAL SALE ONLY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, - HERE ARE SOME OF OUR PRICES: Plain Cups and Saucers, 2c each. Plain Dinner Plates at 2, 8, 4c each. Decorated Dinner Plates at 3, 4 and 5c each. - 16.00 Toilet Set, 10 pieces, extra large size, beautifully decorated, gold lined ouly 2.89. (4.50 Decorated Toilet Sets, 10 pieces for $2 48. If you wish to buy a number of other articles in crockery, all sizes. plates.bowls, cream pitchers, vegetable dishes, etc, we think you will be pleased with this sale. i Everything will be almost given away. Do not miss this great chance to get such genuine bargains, if you do you will regret it. -. .-v. .... , : . WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. is Heavy To weld 2"2x 15 Inchci AUXinen Towein 21x50 ; ifc.,,v"'-Hj--' : " '--.': to 30, tO procure XUnda tO asaUt in I luxl In jMkwBTUMownbtD. Onaw Co paying for the new worn ana tor which JSTS7JZSirS interesting I Tu BwlBDin t William 8eoa amaMd a the wheat is badly Injured by the severe program have been rissued. 'rReY. J. I itSirJu m&L Harvey Anderson the energetic paator rrtYTr.Vl .".C'J?'". aa ntaa. th mrta as. hi a oomm. thm mth " I .1 .1. S. - ... m!.- un W a .iA If You've Had a Klndnnss Dona. Ptail North, uut uu down th. to uamm V- . r - - - ' I V -1! . tkn- .ilk U.na .M Vilh. ltiMt.to Buiiwnlii SmU. UM,th.nc with BwijMniii Seotu Una 'o John Kellum. Itu, thM. wlta Mid KaUuim un. to ulaM. lumm umpuri liiw. is directing the. work. Cotton Voltes jIS'c kind tar He yardv ( 15c liliid for Oc, idCelott0''i:i ! -.-: ; , V-- ! .'r.- i' i;..-;.;,; t'",.- k-;J: ---.",'7 "'i;'i'i--'- S' . . v v Big lot of Figured Lawns in the most desirable patterns, worth -' ohta'week at 5c;ya - -; Few more pieces of 15c, -40 idch lawn at 10c yard. " 81x90 Inch Bleached Sheets, good quality, 40c each.. I weather 1 of the winter.: and hence : is I very poor. .' " v "'j:-" . The State historical commission is to I meet here on the 8th inst, : It has, five members, Messrs. Peele, ConnorGrimes I Raper and Blount . Nelson Dunston, one of the best known and most esteemed negroes here eent p,mt lt ,".'3 tfXSl OT, II f vu f e ihu miiMiiuvaj vwii) ww I thwik you for tecemmendto to me j-oj uwoj. -t :, U. J. BAXTER.! CCC3Cp-3CSC30nCCr0CC3CCC0 '- t". I is dead, after long Illness. , He has I probably, officiated as an active pall bearer at the funeral of several scores I of prominent white man, " He ; was one of the oldest barbers in the State. The State charters the Homestead Plantation Company of Polk ton with I very - extensive privileges, including I building of towns, railways, etc., also the Pen Lumber Company, of EBerman McDowell county ;alo the Harris-Glenn I body company; to make wagon bodies, I carta, etc., at uxiorn. - . .. . If youaretroubled with indigestion I constipation, sour stomach, or any other pain, Hollister's ,Roc,v fllon- tain Tea will make you well Keep I you well. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by F. S. Daffy. . i , . - The Bigjrest Bargains of the Season 13 . cuees mm AND EEfE EAEiT- . . - 600 pieces.: I?ciit and Finest Valjjwes and Inner tii.o to match, the kind you pay 8c a yard or, our price for your chice 4c a y.riL " ' ' !IAMBF.R(J. ... r " . From 4Jc tip to 4Kc a yard. , ; insertion , ' From 2?e up to 2(e a yard. ' .' Vi::;t3.- i i (i"7rn iJi'iii'j i,. '1U78 vpdia, rf-jMiiar 1 quality, for tln( Wfli-k only 4" v LAWN. V, ' Just think, 40 Inch White Lawn, Worth lL'Jc per yard, for this week only at 6r per yard. . ! OXFORD'S. Many BnrKnios In I.ml!cn, ' M'-n's and Children's Ox ford's f mm 48 toll. (ft a pair. .; CLOTHING.' . ' X Oiildrrn's 1IU I c to $1 Z" a B-.i K li'' Tiinl i f ! 1 Our r.,! iff t-u , n-illler.l :,' r J-'niln fr Orrine removes the craving foi wliiii key, beer or otlicr alcoholic stimulunta. The patient soon liwos all de-ire for drink; his nervous system, whirh wn formerly a JU'reck, U soon renlnred to ita normal condition, and the rrnvinif for liquor is K"n without thn ulichte -t. knowlivk'e of t!n imf i.-nt, Orrine No. 1 can be k 1 v -n m-eretly, without the pHtient'n V iii.v. ;. '. e. No. 2. in in -ill was applied by Roach & Son hv an ex cellent manner, and has turned out all that was claimed for it. -1 consider it, the first good job of painting I liave ever had, Thanking you again I am. vff'V-: " : i. U Downs, t.-."' of Miller. Downs It Millert - - ; Baltimore, Mdi May 22-01 P. Si; E. W. Bmallwood sella our paint "-'..c'v. i -.-v , IT Parkan Hna.nilh Park an Una to Oaonr. W HoMm lina,(hana. with faia Una to Kaihnna Una and ith Kalhimauna to In oaf mas. muiainc SOOwiraaBiaraar Haa, -v , -' Entarad tba Kb dor Of 4uoa WOO. " V" HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS, A Fight Far Tki PotMaalea Vaamj Bay " " '-. ;' A Family Jsr. , " A hotly contested proceeding was In progress at the court house before Judge H. R. Bryan yesterday. The action was brought by Mr. N, li. Col lins, for the poaeaHion of his eight year old son, Earl, now with hia mother. It will he remembered that Mrs, Collins and the boy were taken at Greensboro lant Thursday on a warrant issued by Chief Justiee Walter C'hark at the inalanre of the husband and they were brought to New Hem fir trial. The aH-rney for the iilainliff were Me-iHra. D. L. Ward ami 1. M, Tear aall; the defendant was retireHented by r. O. 11. (itiion. Cash For Potatoes! I . will - Be in Wew Rem About June 15 th to bnv Fotatoes and Pay Con ior them. 11 A0- Colbert. a. a. riicoKu . .... i i i at hi zil tri::3. tola f.,rn fror n i ( -. V,( i, f -r th I the dr. r 1..-V, ire to I. i for , be f - 1 r f "i. at I route ! if l! at of ,-1 ! the plaint,.! r t 1 ji ' ny wi' ' 1 I -I " r, f j N t f j : -a " ' i :r. ! f I r r V . . . , 28 Middle St, or 81 Broad St Heath and Milligan and Masury's Faints. Oils arid Glass, Sash Doors and Blinds, and a full i line of Builders Material and Hardware. GaskHI HdvvV & Mill Supply Co Potatoes; Potatoes. t, V- 'f 'V-'-j-;:':.' V I am' hi position to barvdle a large amount of Pototoea the - .'coming season, being" in loM..i: touch with all th marketa. and ; '' Buyers. y'X $&'.. Consignments of potatoes ao ? J 'Belted," which shall . ve mj ' '".j beat attention; . Will either sell to the, buyers, or ship to relia- ble commission houses. - i" : . . It looks as though potatoes c would be very low and a great ' many growers will loose their stock by not knowing the mar , ket or to whom' they place them. - " . . . " . , .' ' Would advise all growers to put up their stock In good shape , well'irrnded and leave the culls , at borne. Conservative ailvanres made on cmiKienta if desired. Si ml along the potatoes, and I will do n y In t to get you mon i y o it of 0 i '!i, Specially Made v 5-'' IS OUR ' "' I ' f,p to ! OF; PURE MILly MP CREAM J Ereshlj made every day,- Carefully . packed in Ice and delivered at .V..- " Broai Slieet Truif Ccmpanj-' ;: :-, .-' .'At. ; v'i viif ; ' ICIOUS fl I The r1 - k . to : pi-r r- i.t. 7n f'rll You SI Crenteat cure taken In making i , I I eor cream, and only bet mate- a it, is I'me Hod Wholesome. Can i- i ,i. ii I v the nio-t delicate er 'i "( iv ' . ;::' : ' ; ', '- '-J ."' . '.'f-.'' V';-- . ' t f, . v 1 i"''.x'&- '' ?;';, 'iV..'. ... :'K t 'i v. i oot I nr ol injury. .. i I- r nn' i, pin kej in I nt V'"-r 1 !-. .' i' Me t.'. -Ol . .

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