Vol. XXIIIXo. CI. Twenty-Fourth Tea :ra, C, Tuesday Mornlcs, June 13. 19C3. 4 M ib' liL Asia .wed 1 necciay The Advantage ' Sale. NO ODDS AKD BINDS; ; ' ' " BUT, MESH NEW G00D3. : Table Linen, Wash Goods, 8ilksfCholce Colored Lawns, Window Shades.. Prices will astonish every Bayer. It. costs 1 Nothing to see these goods.' ' - This sale is strictly CASH, no goods sent out on approval, ; exchanged or taken back. . ; " J M. Mitchell & Co.,. . PHONE 288. . 41 PoUck St., Opposite Post-office. J Special Bargains This Week, It's a Snap, If you are looking for snaps, read this ad and you'll not be disappointed. We are always In a position to know -when Bargain Snaps art in the market :and we are not slow about snapping them up for our customers.' Every item : in thia ad is a snap. Bale all this week , SEA ISLAND SPECIAL. ' 1,200 yards Fine Quality, 38 inch, Sea Island Domestic, 7c value, sale 4 jc a yard. "' . IW TIIW MUUKUI VWUi nUI.ll IfeflU. . Come before it is gone 9c a yard. j 1 LADIES GAUZE ; j " tOO Ladies Gauze Vests, worth 10c, at only 4c each, - LONSDALE. . 2,000 yards Lonsdale Cambric, worth 12Jc, this week only 8Jc per yard, only 10 yards to each customer.- '. BARGAINS. , ; Yen can always And Bargains in our Ribbons, Hamberg and Laces, MEN'S PANfS. " . -f 169 Pair Men's Panta. worth from $1.00 to $ 1.25 a pair, choice 48e a pair UNDERWEAR "... . - 46c buys a suit of Underwear, worth double. ' .'. . " Boys suits: i 98 Boy's Washable Suits, sizes 8 to 8, small styles, prices from 48c to $1.25. 76 Middle Street. Big Stock on hand, Another car load coming. lillllifliiii Broad 1 .- Is Coming TO BE SOLD AT ! f .THAT .WILL' PLEA5E THE PEOPLE. Sato each day from IX a m to 730 "p m.and Saturday'! from 720 a. m. to 12 p " m. This a an opportunity of a lifa time... It eosta you nothing to look, so ' earn at one, ' Specii I aale U Win week to have room for more ears ef ware ; u. here are some op our prices:'. ; ' Cupe and Saucers 20c a l doxeo.. riates 20 and 23c i dosen, of beautiful decorated...''. -i'r'tl '; -J-'- ' i", '' k-.''V.- '" -N'v"r ii-. 16.60 Toilet Set, 10 plwes, extra large size, lautifu)ly decorated, gold ' lined only m';V-' rw';- -"- Vf Vi? 14.60 Decorated Toilet Seta, 10 pieces for $2 89.' . t ; ,if v .', h j , If tou wish to boy a numbef of other articles , in crockery all sizes, platee,bowls, cream pitchers, vegetable diahea.etc, we think you will be pleased with thia sal. ; ' .'. Ererytblng will bo almost given away. Do not mial thia . great chance to get such genuine bargains, if you do you will regret It..-.-, l; .' . .: 'I w v WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. "- : 'm i : T, .-Vi ' v y?.ti 28 Middle St.' orv81 Broad ii.Tvf. " -V ': RALEIGH FELL FROM TRAIN. It It a Railroad Race, To South . . 'port? . - Tht Oil Osmtgt Suit fisttlflllgo.-Cret ' Outieek at State Fan. Trollay . ; t Una Building. Stat Audi- 1 I, ' tor Busy. 5 ; i0'' Raleigh! June 12.-In the Superior ejurt here today the notable libel-dam age suit of Gattis vs Kilgo waa taken up, this being a fourth time in the Superior court, - this .having been re moved here from Granville county. The array of lawyers on both sides is nota ble.," A .special term of . court was ordered, to try, and finally: dispose of this long standing case. ' . ' , ' Governor Glenn left this morning for Aaheville to make an address before a school. Great regret wai expressedby the Virginians and also by the thou sands of North Carolinians who are in Norfolk. Hampton, Newport News and that vicinity at his not being present at the Bethel monument dedication Satur day, but he certainly had a very line representative in the person of Secre tary of State Grimes, who made 4 very pleasing impression in every way. Tfye Governor will go to Norfolk on Thanks giving day accompanied by a notable party of North Carolinians to Itn 'as the loot ban game between the ru- versity of Virginia and the Unive sit f North Carolina. , . . Gorden Huricet, one cf thepeniten t'ary directors, who a day or two ago was at .the . State farm near Weldon siys the cotton plant are larger and in better shape generally than : he ever s iw it at thia time of the year. ' Of the peanut crop there part is good and part is bad. - ' ' , It is understood that Commissioner of Agriculture Patterson will go to Europe in the autumn, to look after mattera r warding the new emigration, move ment to North Carolina. It 'was aaid that a very able ageni will be placed at Castle Garden, New York City to send emigrants t'lis way man who can make careful selections. .- Mueh interest 'la expressed' in the building of the Raleigh A Pamlico Sound Railway and after it gets heyond Wil son it said the convict force upon it will be increased.'' '.t''::''''. " It is learned that F. H. Fries and hie asod ites will rapidly push the build' ing of the railway from Winatoc-Salem southward to Wadeaboro. There ap pears to be a very good prospect of the building of a trolley line on the turnpike- now under construction between Wilkeeboro and Jefferson. ' There is ample , water power conveniently lo cated. .' It is said the road can be built for $300,000. :Tha turnpike Is not ma cadamised, Kit is to well graded that it has cost 122,000 a mile on. an' average so far for construction, and the heav iest grading has been completed. It seems to be a sort of impression that , thi Southern,-' the Norfolk and Western and tht Seaboard Air Line are making race lo get into Southport and it is very certain that more atten tion has been directed recently ' to the latter place than ever before. -.-- ; The arum corps of the Confederate veteran camp here left today for Rich mond, 'stopping there long-enough to give a concert in the Capitol Square and also to make music in honor of Governor Montague and will then go on to Louisville to the great re-union. . -. .' State Auditor Dixon is now very busy assessing corporations and bank stock, Una work growing ..heavier year by year.;.' ; .-. '.- ' x . A new rural free delivery route is es tablished from Penelope, George' F. Sugg,' carrier. '-' 'v' : Yeung Colsrad Maa Falls From, Excursion .v-' Train and Rscsivt Fatal lnuria, ' Another frightful and fatal accident occurred Sunday, in James City. From' Linnn QUE SOLID SHE CAROLINA. BRIGII CO., ; Plant at Clarksj Hjman 8lding,lKin8ton and Roberaonville. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. Having Installed Modern Dry Kilns we are now prepared to furnish the Bant ''"'.. Building Brick ever oftVred on this market t :' , : pkiceh' guaranteed. v ' - lln7i HVVVIsY X'OniVlNY," New Bern, NC . . ' " Selling Agen It makes no difference how long you have been kick, if you art troubled with indigestion, constipation, liver and kid ney troubles, Hollister'a Rocky Moun- taid Tea will make you well. 85 eenta. or aale by r. S. unify. . ' ; Water Mr loot art Hen. ; ' - Two carloads of Cuban Sweet water melons' from Florida arrived In the city yesterday. They are the ' first of the season and are of very fine quality, One car Is consigned to the Broad St Fruit Company and the other for Mr, C. E. Whitcomb of George Street A large eonignment ot cantelnpes also arrived hera Utxt night ' The Journal acknowledges - with thanks a gift of a large and lunclous watermelon from the Broad Street Fruit Company. GirU, if you wnt red lips, laughing ycs, sweet breath and grxxi looks us Hollifilcr's Kocky Mountain Ti-a. The (frentest bi)tifinr known. 35 cents, Tea or Tal'l'-t For ile by K. S. Duf : 0-o.r Cr-xad.'u.atcs Don't fail to secur positions. Nearly dn now holding good places in New - Bern. Many others in position at varloim oilu-r poin(. s Write for npm-inl nnr tn len hi-rn. c7 . cy . NEW BtC'N. NC amongst his gay and happy companions Fred King, a young ..man about eigh teen years of age, was hurled to death. The A. & N. C. road ran a special ex cursion train, the firet.pf the season, to Morehead City Sunday, and among the passengers were number of young negroes. As a rule, when these people go on an excursion it means a' warm; time, ' and while,no special complaint was heard of disorderly conduct,- on Sunday's train it seems that these boys were in a gay and frolicsome humor. It has even been intimated that intoxica ting liquor had been circulating quite freely.' At any rate, ' while the train was passing through James City on its return Sunday afternoon, a number of colored youths had congregated on the- platform and were playing with each other when one of them, Frel King, lost his balance and was hurled headlong to the ground, receiving in juries from which he died.- .' -. : - -After the accident the train was stop ped and the injured man put aboard the train and brought here, being taken to Dr.' Whitley's office. An examination showed a fearful laceration of the face and scalp and fracture of the skull... The man was bleeding proiusely, but regained consciousness and talked with those around until a moment before death, which occurred about twenty minutes after arrival at the doctors of fice. The immediate cause of death waa from loss of blood and fright Dr. Primrose,, the company's surgeon was notified, and responded as speedily as possible, but arrived too late t render any assistance,Dr. Whitley having done all that was necessary, . 'After death occurred, several wild reports were set afloat, to the effect that the man --was thrown from the train " and1 that he was the victim Of foul play, which created, np little ex citement, '.but several witnesses how ever, affirmed that the falling waa purely accidental ' and an inquest was deemed unneceas7.y . ''. -The body of King waa taken to his home on Burn Street and was buried from thence Monday afternoon. . ' Thia makes the second frightful and fatal railroad accident in James City in less than two months times '" I YOUNG BOY . "DROWNED. Elmer H. Arnold Gets Beyond His.. Depth Is "7. .Hit Ntatt Whils la Swimming. - Elmer Hughes the eleven year old son of Mr. Julius Arnold, was drowned . in tht Neuse river near the Blades Park bast ball ground at half past five last evening Five 7 young, boys," George Green; Jr., Will Jones, Carlyle '' Dixon, Will Ward and Ira Cosby were with the lad m swimming. The place has been popular as a swimming hole for years and many drownings have occurred at thia place or in tht vicinity, ?.i ? vi ;Thej boys had been in the water'' for sometime an j were doing stunts. They had got quite a distance from the shore and Elmer, a little more daring . than tht rest struck, out . further into-' the stream endeavoring to get to ' a stake driven in tht river not supposing the water to be over his head. He had left his companions only a few feet behind before they saw hint," struggling and they knew that he was beyond his depth and waa in ' need of assistance. In their fright they hurried to short to give tht alarm. Some larger boys were at the park awaiting the arrival of oth er boys to play ball They heard the alarm and made heroic efforts to get to tht boy..' They put out in a boat and dove repeatedly in tht placet indicated to get tht body. . They were unsucceas fuL ' George Smith, a young colored maa came along at that time and he gave his assistance. lHs is a good swim mer and soon found the- boy's body - in seven feet of water and brought- it to land. .It had floated feveral f Jf from where he waa seen last Tht body was in tht water a little more than an half hour. Smith has figured in one or two eases of rescue from drowning, Dra. Caton and Rhem were quickly at the scene and worked long and hard over the boy to restore him to life but ithout avail The funeral will be held at the Cen tenary Methodint church at half past four this aftemuon. Rev, G. T, Adams will officiate. Covered With Scaler and Scabs From Head to FootDoctors and All Other Remedies Fail Skin Now Smooth and Clear. ANOTHER WONDERFUL, , CURE BY CUTICURA ..xfoV'i' n ' ' v-V V. .'.... Writing undet date of Sept 7, 1904, Mr. Mattie Shaffer, of Cumberland,. Miaa.. aavs: - "Some time ago I or dered and received your wonderful Cuticnra Remedies, which I used on my little afflicted babe with wonder ful results. I had tried many other remedies without any benefit what ever, and Cnticura came to the rescue when my doctors and all other rem edies had failed. -One doctor pro nounced it scrofula, the other eczema. The little one was one solid sore, with, scales and scabs from head to foot when I started using Cuticnra. Soap- and Ointment. - The resmt was won derful, and now my baby's face and body are smooth and clear." . . 1, . . . . . . nL.lt ' (slgneaf Jura, juaiuc ouauci. THE DUTY OF MOTHERS At tht) First Sign of Disfiguring Humors Is to Use tuticura. Evenr child born into the world with an inherited tendency to tortur ing, disfiguring humors of the Skin and Scalo. becomes an omect 01 the most tender solicitude, sot only be cause of its- suffering, butbecauae of the dreadful fear that the disfiguration ia to be lifelons and mar its future happiness and prosperity, Hence it becomes the dutv of mdthers of such afflicted children to acquaint them selves with the best, the purest, ana most effective treatment available, tiz.i the Cuticnra Treatment consist in? of warm baths witlkCuticura boap, and gentle anointings with Cuticnra Ointment the great Skin Cure. Cures made- in child hood are speedy, per manent and economical, IMInim Sou. OMmat. tat nil, in kM Ikronihmrt A. world. Pottf Itaif a Chrm. Corp., Burton, Soto fnp BS-Si4M"llOTCimIH.ur!uHuwn. On Postal Ku'Jee. and aft-r Fumlay Jima 11, nuiila will cln 11 1 tli I't 1. id, f..l u. u, c r. !:. 1 ; I n- 1 ' : .. h via A. & K. ( -t A. . ' PEACE CONDITIONS 7 wht ri Allej.d l b Tf mi et 8.111. mti B.lw.m Rui Andl.pin Furii. June 11 A i a trh from K Pi-l.-rsl.urg to Tim I'- luir k'vcs the ll.! JJ -il f,T)'l:' ion of h ,H ! n. New Arrivals, at McDaniel's Fresh Canned Mackerel, Brook Trout Salmon, Imported Sardines, Domestic Sardines, Van Camps Big Hominy in Cans, Pineapple Chunksl Grated Pineap ple, Queen Olives. Heirjz's Baked Beans Sweet, Mixed ami Plain Cucumber Pick les. Great Big Sour Cucumber Pickles, Tea, n'resn .Roasted Cofiee, Fresh Oat Flakes, Cream Cheese, Harvey's Small Hams and Breakfast Strips, and a com plete stock of general groceries. J. L. McDaniel j Wholesale A Retail Grocer. I arker Store, , Corner Broad and Hancock Sts. rVTTTTVTVV . fTTTTTl . More Buildings Begun. Work has been commenced on two large buildings which will be distinct additions to New Bern's industrial life and progress. Armour A Co s warehouse at the corner of South Front and Hancock streets will be a commodious building designed to bouse all the 'Armour pro ducts heeded within the territory gov erned by the agent, , Mr. F. F. Mat thews. It will front on South Front street having a measurement of 60 feet on that street and 107 feet on Hancock, It willbe 28 feethigh. - . Mr. . W. Langdon, of Chicago, the architect employed by the Armours has the work in charge. tucavation lor the new brick livery stable for Mr. Lewis " Daniels waa be gun yesterday. , The building which is intended for erection for the present will measure 69 by 160 feet The front will be a two story structure but over the stable only one story will be made on the stable part Wholesale and Retail Grocer. No. 81 South Front St. AAAAAAaAAAA.aAAAAaaoUAaaA .A AAAAAAAAAAAA.lAAAAAAa.aA Extra fine Veal at Market ' ;. the Oaks Meat A PARTICULAR; BURGLAR . ' ''f, 'V'V-. 7' eamasa'. f ,- ' Plats Slass Wlssow f C. W. Arawtreai's Iters Brekts Aei ti as Display '.''';-:';.''.:' Itelsa.-'- Some time Sunday night or Monday morning the window of t W. Arm strong's store waa broken by a burglar and goods to the value of ten dollars were taken. The thief was a pa.iicular kind of an individual for he did not take What lay closest-to hla grasp but he reached inside the window as far as possible and swiped a pair .of patent leather shoes. . ' He didn't . want any thing so common as tana. ; Other articles he "lifted" were two hats, one white vest ' and neck wear. The thief must have been a bold one to have taken the chances for there were policemen and watchmen at several places near at hand. ' ' ? - -. Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, kidney and liver diKorders, and all stomach troubles positively cured by using Hollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cent, Tea or Tableta. For aale by F. 8. Duffy. " ' Extra fine Veal at the Oaks Meat Market ! f ; JUST RECEIVED Small hoi N C Hams and Chesterfield Hams, And a Complete Line oi Fancy and Fancy Groceries continually in stock at Reasonable Prices. L EC Ervin, J L. HARTSFIELD, Contractor and Builder. OFrilfc 93 1-2 MIDDLE ST. PHONE 238. Would be glad to have any one inspect my Itoork as it aoes up. Laths For Sale. FurniturQ, Pictures. do-Carts, k We are constantly adding to our stock. and get our prices SiilliEiI Gas'littutn. . Pictares Fraici t Successor to Dlsosway and Taylor, ? 93 N Middle Street. Call fpa: '. We are offering a . big 'reduction on atl oar Spring and Bummer enna. , we nave eigniy.nve ' two piece Suits In Flannels, Homespuns and inm ti nn n fin on.'. SUmt. SHma and Regulara. We. can fit you and save you ' from two to Ave dollar on your Summer Buita ' . We also a big variety of Taa and Patent leathet J. . tl -t. .lnU mAA MUtk.' '. ' ' 1' New lot of nice Straw Hate Just received.' ' , I A R'AYTFR Hccp Oat "jjTIie Flic ! I i I U u ) Gcrccns and Screen Doors, . f H. , ! ' I. :,'h 1 : 1 r'. in s'l M he of V;irn u Hiiry s I'ainU. ,h Dixim, Iwia' Lead and Illinois snd Cut-