:;,;v;A;, f i a; The Kind Toa nave Always Bought, and t lilcb Las beea : In .use for over 30 years, bas borne the signature of and bas jyJ11, Mnal supervision since its infancy. ' All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but - Experiments tbat trifle -witk and endanger the health of t ; ' Infants and CIiUdron--Experience against Experiment ; Whatis CASTORIA , i . Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare ;.? goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. ,It Is Pleasant. -It 'Jj contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo v IV substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms 4 . . and allays Pererlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind 'A- Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures, Constipation. & p and Flatulency. - It assimilates' the Food, regulates the . , Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep , ( The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend, r , GENUINE CASTOR. A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have In Use , For Over ,30, Years. fHtenmvRoMw, vr mmuv eraccT. mm vqhk wm . .,-:f-' rr nn. KoptEnjsy-ri ,1 iglrirlnlQi i . i ITEM. 3 1 HQ FQfislh Costs Only 25c at Druggists, or mail 25c to C J. KOFFETT, M.D,St Louis, Ho. Mother I Hesitate no longer, but sira the health ana life of ;our child, am thousand have done, by giving theme powder. EETHINA la easily given and quickly counteract and over come the effects of the summer' heat upon teething ehlldruu Trochet's Colchicine Salicylate ; Capsules.. A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and America. Dispensed only In spherical capsules, which dis solve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritation or disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. ' Be sure and get the genuine. ' i , - . . '- . i W11XUSS.. UFO. CO., . CLATTKUAJlB, . OHIO. Beta FT sea . COLCHICINE .SALICYLATE Boldin New Bern byF lyI's French Periodical Drops 't, Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED ; . ' s RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy,-. Price, $1.50 per; bottle. ;"?'. ' CaUTIfll BKwarsnr emnunTetin find ImlwtlnnC The unnnlne la put nn only In paste-board Car ton wlLh fMVMluitlrT1iriiutiirfl on slle 1 for CLrOQLtvi to WUtLlAMH Mf(J. CO.,k)l0 Acol4, Cl)Tf id, Ohio. Bold by F 8 Diiffy New Bernj N O f VV " m mm- jnmvpiHina xzz.Xjb v.' 1 it; The great remedy far nerroas trostretlon and all dlMnxra of tbe teneratlM . I vl a organs ot eUlior soi. aucli ui Nervous ProstmlloD. Fslllni or Lat o Impotency, Niirhllf Emlssiuiw, 1FTFR IKINft &order weruoraDHm toouro oi luuucvoor vnium, woicd ieaa MOTT'S ' or ana Daman 'pains of menstrnaUon.",. Tbey are "LIFE 8AVKBS" to gia at ' womanbriorl.' alilinir invpl nnmn t n nrvtm Anil Ww1 Ka 'J T . . . N tnni.il Mmulv n j . J TVin':l .vjiiitin bUHIUi vUIIU UU IlBrm "UX f ; ? beeonwa e pleasure.i $1 i0 f KK JiOX BY MAIL, Sold tXTREMEUV LOW RATES , V ; ':'" Annooncbd. Via I; y . ; ; " Extremely low rate are announced Tia the 8outhern Railway from points on Its lines for the following special oc- 'eaaiona: t'; . A1. Athena; Gau-r-Summer Behool, June 27- V ';:. Jury 28, 1906. . J . -r-Charlottesville, Va, Virginia Bummer f ' School of, Methods, June 26-Aug 4, - KnoxTllle.Terw-X Summer School, June 't- ; J0-Jul 28, 1905. V v , y .T ' ' Monteaglo, ' Tenn. Montoajfle Bible . Training School, - July . 8-Aug. IS, . ' ' woe. : v; . Honteagle, Tenn. Uonleagle Sunday t School Institute, ? July 17-Aug, 6, . 1906. ;.. , ' :J V Mooteagle, Tenn. Woman's Congress, ;i - Aug. 1-15, 1906.: "V. ,,,;-,Vi-Richmond,! ' Va. Farmers'' ' Natlona Congreea, Sept. 12.22, 1905. , ; Rates for the above Occasions open to thepublie. ' - ; Ticket wiU be sold to- these' point from all stations on the Southern Rail way. : .. v . , Detailed Informal ton enn be had up on application to any Ticket Ajrent of the boulhern Railway, or Ai-nU of eofinortinfr lines, or (lilrLHiiig tlio uti(li'rxi'nl: ',-'' a. L, VKItNON, T r A., H WOOD, D T A Chariot U, N. C. 'Anlli-ville N. C S H HAROWH'K, , W II TAYIOH, - l rasa. Trallic Mirr, . Cnn'l Tasa Agent WASHINGTON. I, C.. , , r" Will rur is JUa.M.T I yuiid tho r r y f r:n c.. f K 1 1 ' ,-. fli.Ht ii h f i .:;. in' n-7 c ! v f h i; t o r r ' 1 i K' ' been made under bis per- . Always Bought Curat Cholera Infantum Duvrrhoaa, Dyienctry, and ths Bowel Troubla el Chlldrmof Jtny Agt. AidtDigctHon. ReguUiM tht BownlavStraifth. u th Child sad MAKES TEETHINQ EAmY. S Duffy - - of Hie bottle, than nff ov Iat M&nbnnl Vouthfol Errors, Menul Worry, iceal uaa or mlind the moaei joraumpsioB at a insanity.- With aran With arv oiq a ai.MiMr box Tbe; overconu, We neaa, Irreffularitr and omlasiona, lneresae t!b ahmb 1 ILm - L Jl I J wmw. itTthlnr Ton Invrmt orlmprowi to prM i CAVEAT.Trf DE-MARK. COPtHii.HIorbr Sn. j PHOrtCIION. 8nd model. Bketcli, orpUoto. 3 for frr3 iom'malKo nd advirsj. i HnAtf All rtlTrtlTA tDl tta lita w2'CA.::Ol7& CO. Pat - - ;v inL WASHINGTON. O.C. J m BBi " 1 a ur. wooiicj's ti tor of mwi Dhln opium, hmdNnnnit elixir of ouiiiitt.eo i book of pr i((rffi hmof Bfiitorlnm tr! ftreiit, irlitr;' lr PAINLESS "Hin" ' m u a 1 I!:... vAvi: AND MitwJ vu.wiiluU, (iurlt COAST-: LINE STORE J. O. Land, uanafr. - PH0NK 138. Cbolco Family Grocer les and all kinds of ool Drinks. ' 13 lb of Cuar $1 00 N V, Haras 15c lb . Frrsh . Bread and cakc3 every t!ay frc: i Kafors bakery. 1 lb nunifcrcl3 Tc .r der for C5c Try us lcr rcc 1 re c ' and q dill. .j. 1 t. : r:. I recently found part of a New Et-rn pavr, dated lols that was unuouoteuiy puLlished by a Mr. Robert lioore, an Iriih genticnian, and Genl, John I. Pas ture. The paper surely revived mem ories bf other days when "good old New Berne", was noted for her men of culture and merit, and she was known as the "Athens" of the State. . Alas! the wheels of time have moved on, and wrought wonderful changes'. In the early days we boys often vis ited the remains : of Gov.' Tyron's' old palace. It was said it once had mount ed cannon that overlooked the rivers Nouse and Trent. In one partly delapi dated room a school was kept by the venerable Parson Irvin, a noted Episco- p ilian. Many memories of other da s of actual knowledge, and many hetrd of seem plainly awakened, and possibly what I write may be interesting and perhaps instructive to some readers. I am impeled by an- irresistible in fluence to say something of my dear na tive town's early day. ' - , 'Tie doubtless known however,- that it was settled and named ... by - Baron de fJraffenretd of the noted old city of Berne, Switzerland, and many names of the colonists are , still known.-; The Lucases foys, Richardson," and many others are familiar. The county was named after nhe Earl of Craven,' one of "the Lord proprietors", of the col ony. ' v ftX' It may not be known . that the first circus show, was made on the5outh corner of Pollock and Elast Front street surrounded by towering oak trees. Ihe second circus made ita performance on lot near Middle street; in rear of where now the Baptist church stands. - . . Many of today, may have heard Of the noted business men .of old New Beme, prominent was Jarvis & Brown who built the three story brick building that still stands at the .lower end of Craven street, i: They were largely) in the West India business, and had a state-roomed vessel that made regular voyages to and from New York, ; and often carried many passengers Her name was The Triumph. " .They also owned a large vessel of tbat day, "The Industry," that was" employed in the West India trade. - She was once at tacked by pirates,' but being prepared they were repulsed with damage.': . The Industry had two cannons, and Capt Hunter returned safely to New; Berne with his cargo of sugar, coffee,- mo lasses, etc. There were no railroads In Carolina and all the surrounding counties and towns were supplied with groceries Sirect from' the West Indies, and also with an abundance of fruit, oranges, pine apples, etc. .i'4fpVX.v -" Even the city of Raleigh got Its sup plies In part for .wagons - from New Berne. It may be well to note that the firms of Jarvis Brown desolved copartnership, and Mr Sylvester Brown located in what is now known as Vlietle Washington" He was th father of distinguished Judge Brown. Just here I inay say niy father ; was interested with Jarvis A Brown firm, and made yoyages to the West Indies, and this writer was a boy. in the brick s tor in the first year of his hs I must resist for "the present from taxing your readers with .history of Oft in the. silent nttM' When slumbers chains have bound, v Memories of past days of delight, ,51 Beem blistering all around. ,hf Tis a ' seeming renewal of what has But there were many friendships, too k charming to last, vt:-.' .tft'iv; Yet dreams of my boyhood, I must ever ji , cherish jvi'li;: .ti As those days of enjoyments were de lightfully true, UU-'! Your memory still dwells in my breast, Yes, with ttfe, such memories wiU ever exist yTfe-jiU VK: . Morehead City, June 20, 1905. ii':; y v,. : T. I HALL. ., May Create Life From Radium. ; According to the Chronicle, of London experiments conducted for six" years in the Cavendish laboratory at Cambridge University by J-. Butler Burke,' young professor, who for a time worked with Professor Thompson, have almost cer tainly demonstrated the possibility of spontaneous generation. By means of radium and sterilized bouillon placed together in a test tube Professor Burke obtained cultures presenting many ap pea ranees of vitality such as growth and subdivision. , FAIR: EXCHANGE A.NewBack For an Old OneHow It Is Done In New Bern. The back aches at times with a dull. indeaoriluible leclmif, making you weary and restlesa; piurclng pains shoot a;n the r'nion of the kidneys, and again the loins are so lume to stoop in Sfjony. No u to rub or apply a Un Ur to the Imrk in this condition. You cannot re.'o'h the cause. Kxchane the back fur a new and stronKT one. I'ol liW Uio fxampia of this New l!'rn citizen. S. E. I'aiVer, wl.o..e rfwt metal 1 ine-. in id Crnv.-n m.'l H-.uth I i ' ! phi i f r- ; rrn 41 ('r:ivi j i i. "1 1 :.i v. I i . ; 1 , l.'n r 1 r : -, i.-i f ',11 II . . . 1 i i b ..rl . ) r'-. : : ' ' v , i i ii. ...... ( . SAFTLY THROUGH MOTHERHOOD -' WITHOUT PAiN What wonderful menage of bop eat escape from suftcriua these wordt csrry to that woman who is Breading tbe hour that sital) proclaim her Molhertvood. Perhtlor her ii ii tlx firt d me God has bleated her) with whit awe snd mywXtxy and fear she con-. : templates the coming event which even now it cuttinr. Its ihadow belora in the way of : many painful discomforte? . The hope netd, out in these words simply means lharchildV: birth has been turned iuiosn event ol thanks-, Sivlng and Joy, stripped of its sjjomes and angers because of the learned skill oi nuuit la fh. nam. nf fh. YrmAv which rnch to the expecunt nolhw hc can apply it heneU and ImI ae impravemfnt at oaca ' watca Out Tomella toa pal ana luDcnnB ' which it aa hea childbirih- tikaa pl.ee.. v 1'ha teattmoBT of Mothvra wh Jlave aaetl it , . atKcesafully will convlnca Tti l'ie'r on") . of praiae arc found bv ouf book, V Molheiy hood," Sand tor it. s ; - BMBFIELB neeuLATOR OOv Atlmntm, a? at. Chamberlain's ' COLIC. CHOLERA AND ' Diarrhea Remedy : Afew doses of this remedy will . invariably cure an ordinary t x tack of diarrhea. It has beenused In nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success.- - - 1 i. It can always be depended ; upon, even in tbe more severe . attactcs ot cramp oolio and chol- f era morbus. . It Is equally .successful for- . summer diarrhea and cholera- i infantum in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many -children each year. .,' .. .When reduced with water and - sweetened it is pleasant to take. - Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home, - Buy it now.. ; It may save llfei :; Pricb, m' i ' . Larok Size, Wo. NOTICE. ' V STATS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Omslow Countt. To K. If . Ckppa Entry Taker for OnaVow Coantr- TIM undereurrM K. at miiu. or uiumw county North Carolina, antem and laya claim to the follow In demribed piece or jaarcel ot land in Jackaon- villa and White (MK rawnahlp,uniKw county, N Carolina, the same bdtne vacant and unappropri ated land, and aubjeet to entry, vis: Beginning on the run of the Bir North East at David AlUaon'a 23d corner of hie 69026 aera patent and runnina thence with aaid AUiaona patent lines, aouui 14 aaat 608 polea, then aouth SW poM, then eouth M aat SSO nolaa. then north 60 seat 00 Dotea. then north 81 east 690 poles, then north 80 east 112 poles, then eouMi 17 east XTO poles, then aouth 49 j! X10 nokn. then north IS east list nolea. then nortb 01 west im notes, men wen aw poms, wen north azn nojes. than east ouu Dotes, then nortn fts eutl64 polea, then north 7Seaat 2S6 poms.- then north in west aw poiea. own nortn a wen we poles, then north 70 weet 1M poles, then north 87 west 220 polea, north 88 west H70 poles to head at Cork Branch, then north 74 west MO poles, then soMh 68 west 4ft4 poiea, -then north 90 west 160 poles, then north 80 west S20 poles, then north 6 west to Jones County, line, thence with. said County Km and the run of White Oak River toC W Smiths line, then with said O W Smiths tine to Job Smiths Una. then with Job Smiths line to J E Lsthsms line, then with Lathams line to John Hewitt's deceased-line and with said Hewitt Una to C S Hewitt deceased lima and with said Hewitt line ts Barbees line of his 60 acre field tract, and with said line to Fork Branch, than with Edd Bsrntes Una to the J, A. Taylor deceased line, and with said Una to the undivided tract ef Smith land, and with aaid Smith land to the Harnett line, then with aaid Hanrett line to Mrs Caasie Hollands line and with aaid Holland linn to Gib son's Branch, ther.ee with aaid Branch run to the Stephen Henderson deceased line, and with said Henderson line to the A J Hurst dseeased line snd with said Hurst line to the Louisa Morton's line, then with aaid Morton line to the land form erly owned by James Mills, deceased, thence with the lines or anal nuia tract crossing mgfins Branch to the land formerly owned by Prank Har riann deceased, thence with the line of said HarrU son tract to the Rumn Eubanka tins, thence with said eubanka line to the line or the rand form My owned by Geonre and Wm Collina deceased, thence with said L&llina line to the line ol the lano form- ssid Oliver line to the line of the land' formerly owned bv Edward Riarira deceased, and with ssid Rita, line to Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, thence continuing with aaid Rifrtrs back line and too hack line or baes or sll the aujomlng parties around to the Diace of baa-inning, containing 1.000 acres mors or leee.ssme intended to cover si! the vacant land lying between the back lines of sll the differ ent land owners and usvki Allison s paumt line,, and Ivina between the Public Road leading from Jacksonville to Job Brail ha and David Alllaona patent linee from a point on aaid public road where It croaaes Big North East. RHMII.LB Entered the th day of June. lBori. Entry Wo ni Entry Notice. ii STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Onslow t'onwTr. " To M. M. fknos. Entry Tsker for Onslow Coun' tv, The undemlrned W Si West of Craven Coontv. North Csroilns. enters Sud laya clarm to ths following dearritMl piece OT parcel of land m JarkaonvilleU-wnahip, Onalow tx Htata of North Carolina, the same being vacant and unappropriated land, and auhjert to entry, m: HMiinnmr at William Scott deceased eor ner, now corner of the Kellum land, thence with Al:ioo Patent HneiW north 4. east tt p.l-..thenci IHirth 1W etv.t (Milea to the run of Wolf hwamp, then Woulh W, ew.t Wi pol. t hen aouth ir!l, we.1 W polea, then aoulh iiH, want 240 poles, then aoutl TUMalift! Poles. th'n north 37. ea.t liO rxilti., then rwirth W. eafit imt'-.. then north ft, ea.l K4 polea then north tilea.t l-iilca to the run of rl North. Kant thence down the , run to Morton i nullum, line thenee with .Mid Morton and Kellui llne.to IU.ni.min rUotl linclhenre vllh lienjani .ViHUi line to John Kelhiin. line, tlienre Willi lot helium, line to Uliwle. I'litinrw (,inny a li ao.1 With lil.ite. l.unil., I t-oropnnv'. line U, Vioif I nwamu. theru . with tlie run of VS oif hwamp the kellutn line ai .1 V. ith the h -.Unm tin Uj He: ry I'.ikei. h tie. nh 1'iirltfr. line to t-.,ire nil, in ..-I hi'in e . H h hi. line to K -lluiini line a enli h-iiimi" nn. l the Ua inning, ronlemn 1 ii mitrr n.or,.i,r U- a. .i iiiniwi tiM- Mli a, of June 1W5. r.iary No W. fl. WI-'-:T "llctico of i'nrBimiit to ll.e fi'-wfr of .wU' . ii- ' . I m tl; ,,.,.,. I ,.) I- : '. ..-. nn ! I I 1 1 I I n -,. , .... u, .1 Jill i. . . I . . i. . . Gum - NORTH CAROLINA, In the - Craven County. Superior Court . i kirence Pearca . f Lemuel to. Pearc - : - Th defendmnt abov wuned will tok notvee that an action entitled aa above haa been com menced in the Superior Court of Craven County to obtain a divorce from the bonds at matrimony nd the said defendant will further take notice that he is reuuired to appear at the next term of Superior Court for said County to be held on the ad day of July lWMt Court tiouaa of said County new Hern, N. C and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff wdl apply trie tjourt tor relief aemanaed in said cotTDi&int. W. M. WATSON, Clerk of the Superior Court iEGLHA EISPATCHi LINE ,; SNTi ; 1 Domeop S teamsbp Co Freight and Passeng t for all points nortb EFFECTIVE OCT. 1904. ihe steamer Neuse is scheduled to sail at 6 p. m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Elizabeth City," making land s at Oriental and itoanoke la land, he Steamer Ocraaoke is scheduled to sail at8 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Elizabeth City, mak ing landings at oriental ana . Koonoke Tnlfinrl v Udf Freight; received i not later than one hour previous to sailing, For further information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt . It. KING, V. R A Gen. Mgr. H. C HUDGINS, Gen. Ft, &. Pass Agent, Norfolk,' Va. ' WrS. SUMMERELL, As. Gen. Ft & Pass. Agt ! Ne Bern, N C. -Sour fint facts. T HI bfst paint Is very 'Simple, . White Lead, ' , ' LlDseeJOil and the h necessary drier that's all. Botbe safe your White Lead Is pure. "Lewis' brand is guaranteed- SOLD BY ALL REPUTABLE T, PAINTr5 AND HARDWARE DEALERS.. - ,4f t0 YEARS' V V EXPERIENCE D mm .. Ka.asaa.aa - i V. naraiaaViBi rfl-eei1 COCYRrOHTw 40. Wnii irtMrt UI""" aiuU'iI iUl airvui J wTT2 i ratent lacen lurouajn jmuuu iaj, svusnts fid. without ehMnre. tn tha .. . . A hsndanmelr ITItietrated weekly. Jjirrfiet etr -anlatlon of any tcienUao Journal, Termia, H ar; roni monias,aa. noaa pyaii wwas . RraaohOShia. a V St, Waahturtoa. D, C. Paints and Qte w .'avt,'" ',ir- Qvinei Pistols. Razors, Scissors V-;;XCutlery.-,; .. Shells and Cartridges. 1 Economical in', fuel Bulendid :" In operation Life time In dor-. BABE, DOORS ANt)" BLIjS.DS Wlutioril 1- Haravare -. Cospjiiy, 'rTlOia 89-68 MiddlaBt ' af;.::i citk si:h ertinweer there Is a pern a riaatareataud tesppua Rhsanutlsat, Colds Coughs, Weak C!t Weak Back, Umh age, Solatloa ' For n.lna In the rerlon of Ihe fc'iould.ra or for a v.... but the rlstr should be stM'Hel aa aiinwn In lliiim rsiion, f . 'lliia pa i n f ui . V, troulilbC.n h" re- V ' ' lved Slid rnrril ' f . i .,m .n . .. fc ..in .iioiii i'l.a- f.l J -r In inre a(- jT , i f j. .-e s li il w.;r j V r y inilnr OU li' ' J E . . . i lac:; t" i ,i, 1 1 I . - I e MAT it in 1 1 , N. C. -an- t of , r ,it Publication of nous, Cooiinff and He Pi t af UNIVERSITY. OF NORTH CAROLINA ": i7fa io'5 v - ' Hud ot ths State's Educaueaal jtm. DEPARTMENTS Colleglats," , Engineerlag, Oraduatw Lw, ., : Medicine, j ; Phaimacy Library wmtains 43,000 volumes. ' New water works, electric lights, central ; heating- eystenii New dornii-v v tones, gymnasium, x. M.V xj , a. Duiiomg. 667 Students. 66 Instructors The Fall terra begins Sept. 11, 1906. Address Francis P. Venable; President Chapel Hill, N. C. SEE ME Before - borrowing - money from another,,; . s Before loaning your money out. Before discounting a note, or any pa per." Before renting your property to anoth- Before selling any real estate. Beiore building or pamtmg any wooden structure. u U-faL No. ISO Middle Street. New J) Bern, N. C. IHE UOETH CMIE COLLEGE OF AGRICUL TURE AND MECHANIC 2-' ARTS Offers practical industrial educa tion in Agriculture, Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, and the Textile Art. Tuition $30 a year. Board $8 a month. 120 Scholar ships.' Address PRESIDENT WINSTON. WEST RALEIGH, N. C. Imported Sausage 40c lb Western Sausage 25c lb New Pollock Cod Fish 6c lb. Spiced Sardines in Pails 75c pail Fine Cheese 16c lb Armour's New Orleans Ham 15c lb. Fine Cuban Melons 25, 30, 35 & 40c Best Rice at 7c lb. Cracked Rice at 8c lb. k B. HaMcht, RIVERSIDE S E.W: SASH. DOORS, AND BLINDS. J. - LIME AND CEMENT.; AMERICAN FIELD FENCE. v':DEY01?SPaINT GLACIER: REFRIGERATORS PEERLESS ICE - - r - LAND FREEZERS. Scrcr.n Soorsand.WiDdQV Screens PlLISt PILL.sH PILES I!. - Dr. .Williams' Indian Pitt Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding, Uloarataxt . tchiittt I'll. It absorbs tbe tpmne all;! tha itching at ones, eta aa a pr-M tfw.glvet rMssa.pt nllel Bald by DA TIB "HARM 4tY.' -i-;'ii-f eTJV. Get a Hammock and rest comforta bly. Ennctt'aEcoliCtcro i 1 1 iet7f i TOOK NEW GOODS To - day ORE -, -IIy Stock of ' EDISON f Gold RlbuWec! f RECORDS Have Arrived, Call early and make a selection. - Wtti T. Hm. (Sporting Goods 91 Middle Street. - Phone 320 ICE i0 DISCOUNT Books Containing coupon for 800 lbs. of Ice Irr 10 lb. coupons, value will be sold to customers at a dlacon of 10 per cent.' $3 00 will buy S4.00 north of ICE 1 book la procured, eltber from the drive, of wagon or from tbe office 19 Grlfflf street. New Bern Ice Company. A. & N. C. R. R. Effective at 7.00 Sunday, June 11th, 1905 a. m. . Eastern Standard Time. EAST BOUND. STATIONS: No. 8. NO. 6. DAILY DAILY Lv. GoldBboro S.46 P. M. 8.00 A. U. . LaGranire 4.16 " ' 8.30 Kinston 4.40 " 8.66 Dover 6.02 " S.18 Cove 6.16 " 9.SS Tuscarora 6.36 " 9.46 Ar. NEW BERN 6.16 " 10.06 " Lv. New Bern 6.60 P. M. 10.10 A. M Riverdale 6.U " 10.28 " . Havelock 6.81 " 10.44 Newport 6.47 " 11.00 " I Ar. Morehead Cy. 7.20 " 11.80 WEST BOUND. No. 4. No. STATIONS: DAILY DAILY Lv. Morehead Cy. 7.40 A. M. 4.42 P. M. Newport 8 11 " 6.02 Havelock 8.27 " 6.18 Riverdale 8.42 " I..J1 Ar. NEW BERN .(I0 " 6 fJl " Lv. NEW BERN 9.16 A. M. . 6.66 P. M. Tuscarora 9.36 " a.27 Cove 9.: 6.39 Dover 10.63 6.68 Kinston 10.17 " 7 16 LaGrange 10.41 " 7.87 Ar. Goldsboro 11.10 " 8.15 Trains S, 4. 6, and 6 run dai ly. STATIONS: No 1 No 2 Sunday only Sunday only Lv. Goldsboro 7.00 A. M. 9.20 P. M. LaGrange 7.28 861 Kinston 7.52 " 8.27 Dover 8.14 " 8.03 Cove 8J7 " 7.49 Tuscarora 8.37 " 7.37 Ar. New Bern 9.05 " 7 15 Lv. New Bern 9.10 " 7.10 Riverdale 9.28 " 6.46 Havelock 9.44 " 6.31 Newport 10.00 " 6,16 Ar. Morehead Cy 10.23 " 6.67 Trains Nos. 5 and 6 will handle daily Pullman Sleeping Car (operated over Southern Railway) between Winston- Salem, Greensboro, Burlington, Dur ham, Raleigh and Morehead City, upon following through schedule: Daily Eastern Time (Southern Railway) Daily p. m. a. m. Ar. 9:17 Lv. 8:10 6:10 Lv. 6:13 Ar. Winston-Salem, Greensboro Greensboro Burlington Durham Raleigh a. m. 1:15 Lv. 2:06 Lv. 3:40 Lv. 5:15 Ar. 6:15 Lv. 6:29 Lv. 7:16 Ar. 8 KM) Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. 3:36 4:47 8:00 1:40 p- m. Ar. 11:45 Ar. 10:38 Lv. 9:40 Raleigh Selma Goldsboro (A. 4N. C. R. R.) Goldsboro Morehead City Ar. Lv. 8:10 435 1130 Ar. CONNECTIONS, At Goldsboro: With Sou there Railway and At lantic Coast Line. At Kinston and New Bern: With Atlantic Coast B. P. FOSTER, R E L BUNCH. 4Janarai Manager, 'name at a a agar QOUXiHOKO. N. a Ernest M. Green, ' Attorney A Ceaateler at Law Psoas B, . NBW BSRV, M. O Well eaulned to search tltfes by rwasoo of man ears .iperleooe tn the offioe snd aa Register of Dewdai .Practice, la the Courts of Cmven, Jooaa, , Pamlioo Oartwwt Onalcw,' ot wkatetet sertloe art twqnlrwd .; CattReacK Telephone 'Subiorlb eVa ; ; : : ' DIRECT "it... prom YOUR OWN OFFICES :-';:y oven THt LOIIG DISTANCE L I ri C C :: H e o - - X'XX