THE JOURNAL'. New Bern, N. C, June 22, 1905. LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OP THE WORLD meet at . Roun tree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock. - visitine Woodmen are invited. ' CRAVEN LODGE No, 1 KNIGHTS OF ' HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed nesday each month in Kbun- trees Hall, Pollock - street, . at 7:80 o'clock. Samuel R. Ball. President: J, v H. Smith, Sec'y; R. R. Hill, Financial - ' Indes tt New AdTerthcmenta. Coast Line Market Fresh Mackerel L H Ervin Spring Chickens.- ::-, Dr Lee Cohen. , Lewis' White Lead.5, 1 Administrators Notice. , - t Tome-Auction Sale. - - Simmons & Hollowell Co Marked Down Sale. ' . notices in .this column for Less than one month must be PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. I utlaess Locals. FINE Spring Chickens today at L. H, Er vin's, South Front St Dr. LEE COHEN will be at office of Dr. R. DuVal Jones, July 5th to July 15th inclusive. Practice limited to eye, ear, throat and nose. t WILL pay two dollars apiece for 100 young foxes "cat" size, Ship and ad dress The Mecklenburg Hotel, Chase City,Va. , CORNED Mullets, Grown and Spring Chickens at B. B. Danvenports. HOME GROWN cantelopes. First of the season at Broad St. Fruit Co. STOLEN Bicycle, chainless Rambler, black frame. No. 3985a Reward for return to Journal office. FOR RENT My Brick House No. 25 Hancock street with bath, toilet, and cold water and large lot. See W. F. Hill. FOR RENT 7 room house on Change street. Apply to Miss Annie Justice, 83 East Front St. NEW Irish Potatoes, large size 20 e pk Coast Line Store, J. O. Land, Mgr. CLOTHES Baskets and Clothes Hamp ers, Blue Flame Oil Stoves, at John B. Ives. - FRESH lot of Florida Favorite Water melons, Bananas and Oranges at Bar fields', Broad street. Phone 206. SLABS Slabs-j-75 cents per cord, 20 cents per load at yard of Elm City Lum ber Co. ANYONE desiring a good nurse can be accommodated by applying No. 51 New South Front street Missouri Jones. FRESH Loose Chocolate Candy, Oranges and Bananas at J. B. Daw Bon's. DESIRABLE Board and at reasonable rates can be found at Mrs. A. D. Wads worth's, 19 King street EVERY DAY OUR BARGAIN DAY You save money to call on . Gaskins Cycle Co., with youri want. Right goods at right prices, all repairs prompt iy made by skilled workmen. OLD NEWSPAPERS 15 cents, for sale at Journnl office. per 100 Experience Neceitary To Examine a . Child' Eye. . . . Hard study, necessary Instruments and long experience is the secret of our success in the most difficult of optical work and the ntting of children's eyes with imrmt mnmMatm -' j : ik. degree of accuracy and wonderful re- sum oi our work read a letter from Mr T. A. HadoV; Stonewall, N.C., father of Melvlnla Hadder. Mr. J. O. Baxter, - - New Bern, N. C.- .' I take pleasure la stating that Mel- rinla hat kjt ma ImmU. UU 1 . w hv . vuui. wiui Jur vjvm ftince you fitted her, Her eyes m no longer croewed, t ih betuUche fats left hsW aha JUlSt!! HAl kl.lJ- 1 .. . mwii wwiu uvy bmmiv iwiurc. now .10 year old when you fitted' her. We r ftll VMll nlnasuwl with mmim Wfwlr V.. - ;T. A, HADDER. I ."otlcTto Public. ' X " TSo interested In the innvmana tA truck trains are requested to note that truck train No. 18 will be discontinued after June 20th; Truck train No. 1 win continue w run as usual unit! otper wise ordered, V.KV:: t 1 DILL, ', Superintendent J fa:: El. Mr. and Mrs. Mark D W Stevenson returned from Norfolk yesterday where they have been witnessing the recent naval maneuvers. Miss Maggie McSorley returned yeS' meeting of the Retail Merchants Asso ciation, CoL Thos. L. Hall, one of the State's oldest hotel men, and long the affuble and polite host of Carolina Inn, More head City, is now with the New Bern YTmioA whAM tna fnonHa will a rrlaH to meet him when visiting that famous 1 terday from Seven SPrai8a seaside resort O . ' j Mr. John Dunn returned from Ashe- Knirht's excursion to Wilminstonl'eyesteniay where he has been goes today. A great many will avail themselves of the opportunity to go.. Mr. George W. Prince. Supervisor of J?? Ut the Virginia Life Insurance Company tham, and dog Tige are is in the city looking after the interests iUeStsTL nuMlPMent8' Mr- and . u: m Mrs. J. W. Moore. . . - located here as a Superintendent in the .: Mr. George Watson' of Southport, insurance business. f. . formerly connected with the Davis Tom Green, was found guilty of dis- PtfWasin the city last night en- court vesterdav and sentenced to pay a at Morehead Clty- fine of one dollar and costs amounting Mr. and Mrs. A HRawlingsanddaugh toJ415." j' ,ter went to Norfolk last night y The druggists are enjoyin. them Rev. H. S. Bradshaw and son'FraJw selves at Morehead Jn the - peculiar cis left oh the steamer Neuse last night pleasures that the place afrords. A for Baltimore. ' ; -, l Zl , , 1 , ? 7 5 Mr, C. E, Foywentto Norfolk last on snacKieiora uaiias wiu cougm, w night, fish in a short time. - ' . VI : I " ., - -. 'w t. ' it " i ' l' "v I Mrs. Mary. Winfleld -and daughter Mr. J. W, Smallwood is building K ST nAV VIVMUIK. KVU1K W two story fame house on Broad street between George and Bern Btreets, Pat Chappelle's Rabbit Foot Minstrel ComDanvis advertised to- show here Tuesday Jun?27th. ' The Brooks Bros. Steam Laundry which' was conducted on the Middle street dock has been discontinued. They have taken'the agency for a laundry in Wilmington. - The editor acknowledges an invita tion to the State Firemen's Tourna ment at Winston-Salem, July 18, 19; and 20th. It is likely : that the delega tion from New Bern will be qTrite large. .--. . . Those who admire a good lecture should not fail to hear. Frank Dixon at Morehead tomorrow night He is one of the cleverest men in the lecture field and a worthy brother of Thomas Dixon the famous author. - ' Because the Journal has from time to time raised an objection to fast driv ing through crowded streets it is no sign that we are advocates of a slow town. There is a real danger exists in the practice of fast driving especial! through crowded streets and in narrow places. Several ' times lately- have there been narrow escapes from acci dents and the people would like to" walk the streets without taking out an acci dent policy. There have been some cases in the police court and the ordi nance should be enforced. Huntington WestVa., where they will make their future home. Mr, Charles M. Pugh of Washington City, who has been here Uub season buying truck left last night for Norfolk SnTiOlting in a Powder Magazine. is courting death more suddenly but not more surely than neglecting kidney disorders. ' Foley's Kidney Cure will cure a slight disorder in a few-days and its continued use will cure the most obstinate cases. It has cured many people of Bright's disease and diabetes who were thought to be incurable. If you have kidney or bladder trouble, commence - taking Foley's Kid ney Cure today, before it is too late. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy. Cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes composed the truck shipment from here yesterday, the steamer carrying out a pretty good cargo besides what went off on the trains. The excursion train to Wilmington ill leave New Bern at 7:30 o'clock this morning. No electric lights until nearly, eight o'clock, poor lights until another col lapse at 9. 30, and then darkness through out the city on streets and in houses of those who were unfortunate in having this wretched service. And it was not raining, nor was there any storm to injure wires. But why kick? Notice to School Patrons. Patrons of School Districts Nog. 3 & 5 white of township No. 8 are hereby notified that the Board of Education at its meeting to be held Monday July 3, will consider and take action in the mat iter of consolidating these two districts, - Patrons of districts No. v!2 white townshid No. 1 and No. 7 white, town ship No. 2 are notified that at this meet ing, Board will consider matter of con solidating these two districts. . , . Any patron of above districts having objection txurge to proposed action is invited to be present and state his views,-- ; , -r.. ,j .... ; - - By order of Board of Education. ' 8. M. Brinson, Sec. . Feel Impending Doom. The feeling of impending doom in the minds of many victims of Bright' dis? ease and diabetes has been changed to thankfulness by the benefit derived from taking Foley' Kidney Cure. It will cure incipient Bright', disease and diabetes and even in' the worst cases gives comtortand relief. - Slight- dis orders are cured in " few days.??' I had diabetes in its worst form," writes Marion Lee of Dunreath, ' Ind. I tried eight physicians without .relief. Only three bottles of Foley, -Kidney Cure made me a well man. " For sale by Davis Pharmacy. ' It is ten tunes easier to cure coughs! croup, whooping-cough and all lung and bronchial affection when the bowels are open. Kennedy's Laxative Honev and Tar is the original Laxative Cough syrup. Gentry moves the bowel and expels all cold from the system. Cute the phlegm, cure all 'cough an trengthen weak hinge, ; ' ' "T A Fool for" Hit Pain. ,'J. The meet marketof Mr Guy W. Pope which is located in the rear of his tore' corner of Hancock and Queen street wa entered by aburglar Wednesday night and the princely sum of 54 cent takenf. The manner of entrance .was by raising the window; the method of getting into the money- drawer was by mean of a cleaver with which he pried the box open and took therefrom the contents. , The amount would undoubt edly have purchased as much as a pound of meat at one of the meat trusts stores and yet the meat In the room wis un touched. From the market the thief attempted to secure entrance into the house of Gatlin, a colored man living near the niarket and was unsuccessful. Blue Fish Nice Fresh Mackerel and .t Coast Line Market " , 1 Administrators Notice 'HarinC Oil 4 atmllM AdmMntmtar n Dm aUU at bttmj Wallace dVamd. all Danana . Fine line fresh canned good at Coast LlneMarket-. -.- ' .. ! , t , ' Young Men Attention! ' The session of . the New Bern Pres byterian church desire to donate one scholarship to Davidson College to navuwaaunaajminmuia aau attaw an narabr loma uniinf mm in (Mi aWTtU. 1 aoUflad to tiwat th am, duly v nd. to Uia om yWng man In UliS Section. Ap undanarnad. on or brforr th a of JunaltOt, ar ply U) C. E. FoV. clerk Of BeaalonJ' thta aotioa will ba plaM hi bar of their nJaZrr. , . J' . (, Specially r.lacl 13 OUR OF rt'UE MILK AND CTJ'A'I Erl)ly mal every ihiy. Csra fully j ai t in ic bit! (J. hvrrfil nt All Baraona fatdabtad to aaM aMala ara aaraln n. I qutd to anaka unmailtata pajrmant, - r TbygKoo aaj oi vuna, isK. C I atoCAHlliir. AdtoJabtrttor Extra fine Veal at the Oaks Meat Market - ' : - ' :: . (TVSFETBSr IB CLT.E5 IT'C I I ' ! r. wnraacaaa II a LlLaJlLr onalMiintoaorBalolliloal. U tO, U aaa Me. auttla dractMa. -. .a i a,- ' ... Llquld PrcPrlion sore, tired, aching. b!iterd, itching, burning and 111 smelling feet 'Notice" Is the Name, It's Liquid. Sold In New Bern and GUARANTEED ,y C D Ers.Iham, D. R. DnviK and F. 8. DulTy, , 'hi 3 c Quality the. Highest This - describes the Herrick Shoes for Woinen, and we find wa cannot get the quality ; any too fine for our New Bern customers. ' t. u Sj.'r''- 'I Now Listen. , We are overstock ed in Herrick s La dies Tan and Pat ent Leather. Oxiord Ties, and to reduce the stock we have made these ,; great reductions. Foiv3 Dirys. 3 OQ Oxfords $2 50 2 60 " 2 00 2 00 " 165 .Come quick be lore your size is gone. t Brothers E'ollocls: ? Bargains Boys m and GMdren,s;Wear Boy's Shirts, Shirtwaists, Blouses At Cost. -. , 60-cent quality 39 cents or 2 for 75c. ft " $1 60 : Boys underwear, special price 21 cts a gar ment or 40Gts. a suit. All Tdta' Chill en' and Bojs Lrw duced as fiillou m: $1 00 Qualities now 89c. Quarter ShofS Ri I I I 2 2 3 3 25 50 75 oo 50 oo 50 44 it $1 I 1 1 I 2 2 i2 29 49 69 98 4 98 IST This is the time to buy. the above prices are practically cost prices and means money saved for you No goods Charged. Phone 2I2 5557 Pollock St. Fo Rent Residence No. 89 Pollock St. All the modern improvements. Conveniently located. Apply to William Sultan a 5 Medicines For Summer Of course the doctor is the man to tell you exactly what you want.but we are the ones to give you exactly what your doctor wants .you to have. We obey instructions implicitly. The greatest trio is the Doctor, the Druggist and Faith. , ' yi Bring your prescriptions here. J3 JF?. IC JKL v CAROLINA BRICK CO., Plants at Clarks, B jnian Sitting, Kinston and Robersonville. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. Having installed Modern Dry Kilns we are now prepared to furnish the Best Building Brick ever offered on this market. PRICE GUARANTEED. IlYTlilV COMPANY, Mew Bern, N C Selling Agen phone w ' Davis' Pharmacy nl 3 '3i&tiei?lMai?fced: lllDwntSaIe -'-v.'t': :.C;tc '::-:' ; -' ; ' : ' v: ' A Few Interesting- Priues: . White Lawns', No E, ISc quality 9c t ' Finest Grads of 40e Persian Lawn 33o r . . . :' No 101, Whito Lawn, 88 Inches wide, vory special 12c S)clal Fine Black India Linen 25c quality 18c. v , ' tlVck Egyptian Cloth 20o quality lfc, ' ' vr Cambric,' all colors and Black for Press Lining 4c Remnants of Flannelette, yard wide Percali and Cheviots 5c Mohair Voiles 15c quality 8c. . . ' ' " ' AFC Dress Ginghdm, Beautiful slriics'and checks, all fast col ors 8c -' - . r. . " Clyde Waintings, Beautiful stripos, value 12Jc for Cc - , 38 Inch Dotted Curtain Swiss, best 15 quality 8e . ' Look for the 9r. odds and Ends Tublo. All kinds of goods. All kinds of bargains. . " ' . - ,r , Dress Calico dark polors Sc. , - , ' " . ' ., Merrimack and American Shirting Prints, regular 8c quality, 4c Simpson's throe-quarter percales, colors fast 5e ' Heavy Cheviot Shirting, 10c quality, lirht and dark colors 7c . Amonkeag Apron Checks, All colors. Host quality aprcn girg hnm r.Jc. ' ' 30 inch Pinjub Percales. Absolutely fast colors, Best Percale on market l'ljc. . ; - . - , - BIG FIRE SALE! I will sell my Entire Stock of Dry and Clothing which was recently damagt-d by fl'e at Per C23.t BELOW COST A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING ONLY SLIGHTLY DAMAGED. Ladies Cloaks, Skirts, Men's Hats and Neckwear. ALL KINDS OF- HOSIERY. Many other thinga too numerous to mention. Thene are Ileal l!u.raiu. Slock mint be Hold. ,).- ' Auction Sale Saturday night from 7:30 to 11:30. First Come will get Best Barjains. 72 Middle Street 'f: Bryan lllock. 11 mm a akai maa) W UK offerinB; big reduction on alt our Spring and Summer Suit. We hare elghty-flv two plec 8ulta In, Flasmela, Homaspuna Aid Crashes at. from i.00 to f 10.00. ; Stoat, SUma and Rerulara. We can fit you and save you from two to five dollar on- your 8u nmar Suit Ws also a btr variety of Tan and Patnt leather Oxfords. All size, and widths.' ' . . .New lot of nice Straw Hatsjast rsveiradL ' .j! V. ) :V R A Y T CD j;))2iytliing as c&ucrhsed Keep Oat "JThc Flics, Vmdov; Screens and Screen Door -nh i'tipjily of Ilexth Millitran and Mnmiry's raintd. I-nJ ind 'lire I.innccfi Oil. l-'irst rlna lino of VnMrinliiri. Fimh Doors, lltirkls and Cut- lTv. I":ii.e Kwllrwr arl Ml d Wire IVm-inir. I f I 1 rs ' 1 ry 1 i ' ' 9 til II'" ri . . , V, . . i a I

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