The Kind You nave Alway&Bonght, and which lias been in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of . and has ffif'1' . ' Bona! supervision since Its Infancy. J-cccoAlAii - Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jast-as-good" are but -. T.- Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of.-' ; ' In&nts' and Children Experience against Experiment : What is CASTORlAx V Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Faret , . ; forlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups, fit is Pleasant. It V contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo . substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms - and allays Fcv.erlgb.ness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ' r Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food, regulates the , Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. : The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. , - " , GENUINE CASTORIA .ALWAYS Bears the Signature of r The KM You Hare In Use For Over 30 Years. K OCMTAUM 0Mir TV MUMMV Trochct's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe ana America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis solve in, liquids of the stomach without causing Irritation or disagreeable symptoms.- Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists.- Be sure and get the genuine."" c' " rCOLCHICINCl SALICYLATE . WlLUAMa HIU BoldinNew Bern by HEALTH a o (vm mniuuy iur u:rwni9 iirunbrnbiuH aau nit uiaeuaee w tne senurasrisj orKfltiaot-filtlicrBex.RUuti as Nerrous rrosuaUan, Failing; or Loat Manhood, .JlC Imuorency, Nightly Emissions, Youthful terrors. Mental Worry, excessive bm of Tonaoca orOnhim. which lead tn Conaumntlon aird Inaanir.v. Wlt.h avn AFTER USING. 5 bordcrt W0$4a oonleo 10 ouro lyon's French Periodical - vo ' Strictly vemtable, perfectly hnrmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. - AlltTIAII -Beware or oonnterfelrs and laltnttons. The ironalne Is irat np onlyta natte-boaro- Car Villi HUN ton with fao-Klnille tiifmumre nu side of the bottle, thus: --: JS rt(-f Sana tor Clrenler to WILLIAM ml. (X)., Bole Agents, Cleralaatl, Utao. -," - jfmGXZ Sold by F 8 Du.fy, Hew Bern, NO,1-' WIOTT'S PENNYROYAL of menstruation." They womanhood, amino; development of organs and body. No known remedy for women-equals them.- Cannot do harm -lffe becomes a pleasure. 81 UO 1?JSB liOJT, BY MAIL. Sold COAST LINE, STORE J. O. Land, Ma nag t-r. PHONE 136. Choice Family, Grocer lea and all kinds of, . ,ool Drinks, r ' .v 15 lb of Sugar $1 00 NCHama 15c lb V ' , Fresh .Bread , and cakes every flay from Kafers bakery; v:-;; j l lb Rumfords Pow " der for 25c, . .v' " Try us tor good goods and quick delivery, ? .Yours Truly, - ; J P Land.: C.T. HANCOCK. Ilcnl JCsinlo Agent 148 Broad St,'- Mew Bern, N. C Uclore buying Feed, drain or fit ed, , see us r.nd get prices. ' Harriett SCo's .CHAIN AND rr.KD STOHK. inland 21 ITiddfcCt.' XTarkct Dock. W (M'll I!i irk m.i. i by llio r,nlrr)rU:. l'ii. k A Tile ('. ) y ' - - - - " wain! Feel! been made under his per- Always Bought ffllUT, tCW VOM OITW Ul.) CLIVKUSD, OHIO, Sol FS Duffy AND VITALIF DR. MOTT'B i or mfuiui u" mone i.oo p box PILLS They overoomt, WoaH nets, irregularity and omissions, increase Yiar- or and banish "pains lAvriiaii i are "IiLFH 8AVEUS" to girl at Publication Of , Sum , ; mons. ; North CaroUna, t ' " . :. .' .( I tn the SntMrfav Ronrt.' " "S;. :"' . uertruda rsjoe !': Thomas Payne. The defendant abm named will tato notle that an action entitled as above has been eommencad in the Supenereoort of craven county to obtain a' divoree from the bonds of matrimony and the said defendant wiU further take noUee that be hi fe ?uired to appear at October term of Superior court uraaidoounly to be held on t day of Oet. UW6 at eoinx nonea or aau county in Mew- Bern. N. C and answer or demur to the emplafnt in lid action or the plainuff will apply to the eourt for relief demanded in saw complaint ' . W, M WATSON. Clerk Supertar Court . FXTREMELY LOW RATES ' W Announced, Vu - ' -" -1 SOUTHkfiN BAILWAII-. .Extremely low rates are announced via the Southern Railway from. points on its lines for the following special oc eaaions: : -;v- :.--j. :if'' Athens, Ga, Summer School, June 27- July 28, 1205. - , : Charlottesville, Va. Virginia Summer . School of Methods, June 28-Aug 4, ' 1906." Rnozville, Tenn Summer School, June ' 2Wuly 28, 1906. i- .V. c ; ; . Monteagle, Tonn. Monteagle Bible : '. Training School, July 8-Aug. IS, 1905. - . , r MonteaglcvTenn. Monteagla Sunday School Institute, July 17-Aug. 6, 1905. " Monteugle, Tenn. '-Woman's Congress, . . Aug. 1-15, 1905. - nichmond, Va. Farmers' . Nation I Congress, Sept. 12.22, 1905. . Bates for the above occasions open to the pulilic. ' Tickets will be sold to these points from all stations on the Southern Rail way. - Dctniled InformBtion can be had up- on nmillrHtion to any Ticket Aprnnt of the noulhcm liailwny, or Ai'i-nts nf coniin-l intr lines, or aildri'HMing tl unili-rHii'tii 1: R. 1... VI -knon, T f A,, 1 H Wnfin, D P A Ch:u I. .(!.,, N. C. Ahli'-viili) N. C S H HAHiv,H K, W II TAVI.dl-:, raKH. 'i i ..r . it, C.-n'l i t A,,r. it vA:'.:;r.'-;-n.iM. u. c. Orons a:,:.;;:.:. June 23. Business in our little town is very dull for this time of the year, the low price of potatoes has not only put a long face 'on our farmers, but our mer chants seem to be dull over the present condition. . Many of our people have not yet dug their potatoes, and are at a loss to know what to do with them, as there is no market for them. .-. - : Thu year's potato market may be s good lesson for our farmers not to plar.t so heavily uncertain crops, but bg care ful to raise more food supplies. . Mr. I. E. Tingle of Arapahoe nearly bled to death last Fnday from the burst ing of a blood vessel, he was attended by Dr. Dees of Bayboro. Ha is better now. - -- " j Some of our people attended the meet ing at Oriental last Sunday, which is being" 'conducted by Rev. L. B. Hag kins,', . Y , Mr, T. T, Belangie of Arapahoe has been sick, but is on the mend now. ,-: The rats are getting thidc enough around here, one man killed 15 at two shots, he did it by shooting tip the box ing of the bam.' Beat that. , , ' , . -, " t , , A. B. , Feel Impending Doom. , ' The.feeling of impending doom in the minds of many victims of B right's dis ease and diabetes has .been changed to thankfulness by the benefit derived from taking Foley's Kidney Cure.. It will cure incipient Bnght's. disease and diabetes and even the wbrat cases gives comtort and relief. " Slight dis orders are cured in; a few days. ?; .?1 had diabetes in its worst form,'.' writes Marion Lee "of Dunreath 'Ind. "I tried eight physicians without relief. Only three botttes1 Of Foley ,S Kidney i T . . I Cure made m well man. or sale ho flavin Phnrmnrv ' Dy uavis rnarmacy. .'Tufts College, Medford, Mass., con ferred the degree of doctor of laws up on Kogoro Takahira, Japanese Minister to the United States. -, ' It is ten times easier to cure coughs, croup, whooping-cough and all lung and bronchial affections when the bowels are open, Kennedy's Laxative Honey - - and Tar is the origins) Laxative Cough Syrup. Gently moves the bowels and expels all cold frord the -system. .Cuts the phlegm, cures ;: all coughs an - trengthens weak lungs. - -. -: . President Roosevelt attended com mencement exercises at Clark Univer sity Jand Holy Cross College, st Wor cester, Mass., the latter . institution conferring upon him the honorary - de gree of doctor of laws. . i . The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agree able and so natural that you do.not real ize it is the effect of a medicine. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F S Duffy rA delicate and rather- unusual, oper ation was performed on Mary Baker, 14 years old, who for a long time has been suffering with epileptic fits,. In. order to ' cure ' the trouble a section of the brain 2. inches, square was" removed; The chUd's condition is much improved and her recovery is confidently expect edV - : '; Sm okinfl in a Powder Magazine. " Is courting death more suddenly but not more surely than neglecting kidney disorders. Foley's Kidney Curs will Aiirw a fllicrht-. rlinnrrlAr in a faw rlava anrl u. J in .. I Its Continued "Use Will Cure the most 1 obstinate cases. It has. cured many twnnlA of rtrichfc'n diaimua and diaTietAa ! Lvl 4t.,.kt 4. W. t'r Perkeis line. with Parkers line to George W Who Were thought tO be curable, - IT Bcolu line, thence with hie una to Keilums Hne and you have kidney or bladder trouble, -I SottJmoornUa. iluun' Um,, eommenes taking . Foley's 1 : Kid ney Cure today, before it is too late. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy. r,r ; ; .The Inn Newly Refitted. .V4, The Inn, at Black Mountain is newly fiirnlBhed in the main,, thiS year i With , ... . 3X t 1 enameled iron bedsteads and fine springs and mattresses. - The linen is all new anJ of the best quality, . both ' for the dining room and the bed rooms,. New silver cutlery and attractive tableware will suit people of taste. . There is no more attractive place in the mountains than the Inn at Black Mountain and terms are very reasonable ; A nice lot of North Carolina Hams just received at Coast Line Market. FAIR EXCHANGE A.NevTBack For an Old OneHow It U Done jn New Bern. . , The back aches at times with a dull, indescribable feeling, . making you weary and restless; piercing pains shoot a:ros the renion of the kidneys, and again lite loins are so lame to stoop is agony. No use to rub or apply a plas ter to the back In this condition. You cannot reach the cnnse. Exchange the back for a new and stronger one. fol low tlie cxumjila of this Ni'W I'crn citizen. S. B. I'arkrr, whose sheet metal Ims in'HS in nt Craven and South Front I'ls, plare of r iili'tico 41 Craven striM-t, "I !,.! o: I. l.i -n At t ve D y Pi!!:. 1. I now it, uttl 1 ' lie 0 r 1 havr 111 f I, I !f.-t-r fi so I I t ' 1 1 J J- Ughteea that my body : ' up and advised : . i',--. . the first dose tb n of that time I was in better I look on Wioa of Oardut aa the . anoet rnessea meaiuine mat woman could possibly take wbea aa ueauusu urea oi ma. - .i. .i r- : ;.:,- Mm. Nelson- deeeribes the condition of thousands of womenT That eon. , ditien comes by slow stapes. Usually tb important function of menstruation " is at first slightly irregular. - Then comes the painful periods; Bearing-down -: pains and ovarian inflammation follow. .- Finally the nervous system gives way - and the whole system has become affected and the pain rack the body from btail to foot y i - ; , ' Wine of Cardui is's menstrual regulator of established reputation. No , i, woman who takes it suffers as Mrs. Nelson suffered, It gives speedy and com ' : pieui rhi ironi me lonunng-mensiruai agonies wnicn are making so many women invalids today. Do not let yourself come to the pitiable condition Mrs. Nelson describes. . " Seture a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist today and . begin treatment immediately. , , , NOTICE." STAT OF NORTH CAROLINA, ' , - Onslow Couhty. -- ToM. If. Capps Entry Taker for Onslow County: - The understSTted K. H Milla. of Onslow county North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the follow ing described piece or "parcel of kind in Jackson ville and White Oak Township, Onalow oounty. N Carolina, the same being vacant and unappropri ated land, and subject to entry, vtz:-Blnninr on : the run of the Bbr North East at David Allison's 23d corner of his 69026 acre patent, and runniiur thence with said Allisons patent Tines, South 14 Mil aw nnlM thn month AAA tvdM. than BAtith OA ast m poles, then north 60 east 200 poles, then north 31 east 630 poles, then north 80 east 112 poles, then south M east 2W coles, then south 4 east poles, Uiell north 19 east lift poles, then north 61 west 708 poles, then west 600 poles, then north 820 poles, then east 600 poles, then north 68 east 164 poles, then north 78 east 266 poles, then north 16 west 440 polea, then north 4S west 880 pole, then north 70 west 164 poles, then north 27 west 230 pales, north 88 west 870 poles to head of Fork Branch, then north 74 west 260 poles, then south 63 west 404 poles, then north SO west 160 poles, then north 80 west 320 polea, then north 46 west to Jones County .line, thence with said County line and the run of White Oak River to G W Smiths line, then with said O W Smiths line to Job Smiths line, then with Job Smiths line to J E Lathams line, ..then with Lathams line to John HewiLt's deeeaaad line and with said Hewitt Him to C S Hewitt deceased line and with said Hewitt Una n Radian lin nf tiln KA mmm fl-Jit . with said line to Fork Branch, then with Edd Barbess line to the J. A. Taylor deceased line, and with said line to the undivided tract of Smith land, and with said Smith land to the Harsett line, then with eaid Harsett line tb Mrs Cassie Hollands line and with said Holland line to Gib son's Branch, with said Branch run to the Stephen Henderson deceased line, and with said Henderson line to the A J Hurst deceased line and with aald Hnrst line to the Louisa Morton's Una, then with said Morton line to the land form erly owned by James MtUa. deceased, thence with the lines-of said Mills tract crossing Hlssins Branch to the land formerly owned by Frank Har rlson deceased, thence with the line of said Harri son tract to the Ruflm Eubanks line, thenoe with paai Eubanks line to the line of the land formerly owned by George and Win Collins deceased. thence with said Collins line to the line of the land form erly owned by Erasmus Oliver deceased, and with eaid Oliver line to the b'neof the land formerly owned by Edward Rices deceased, and with said Riggs Una to Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, thenoe continuing with said Riggs back line and tho back line or lines of all the adjoining parties around to the place of beginning. ' containing 1,000 acres more or kwa,Bame intended to cover all the vacant bind bring between the back lines of all the differ ent land owners and David Allison's natent linen. and tying between the Public Road leading from Jacksonville to Job Smitna and David Allisons patent lines from a point on said public road where ft creases Big North East. R H MILLS Entered the 0th day of June, 1606. Entry No 481 Entry Notice. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA -Onslow Countt. To U. HTJappa, Entry Taker for Onslow Coun ty. .. Tha nndeyahmed W SI West of Craven County, North Carolina. . enters ud Ur cUira to the following described piece or parcel of land in Jackaonvilletownahip. Onslow Co btate of North Carolina, the same being vacant and nnapprepriated land, and subject to entry, via:' beginning at William Scott deeeaaad cor ner, now corner of tha Kellum land, thenoe with Allison Patent lines, north 4. east 228 pole., thence north 166 east 120 polea to the run of Wolf Swamp, then South 28, east 60 polea, then south tl, west 82 polea. then south 38. oast 240 poles, then smith 70 east 86 - poles, then north 87, east 17 polea, then north 2C east 248 poles, then north 8, east. 240 polea then north 67 east 216polee to the run of Big North, East thenoe down the trua to Morton or Keilums tine thenoe with said Morton and Kellum Benjamin Scotta Une,thenoo with Benjamin Sootts line to John Keilums line, thence with said Kollum. line to Blades plumber Company's Una S'rt.m?SBw the Kellum line and with the Kellum line to Hen- mm wv mwm p luitrrNo42. W. 1 WEST ' 1.'. 1 U U, I. ,AAX , Notice of Sale, p-; Pursuant to the power of sale contained In that certain deed of trust, executed by B F Dinkina and wife and J D Dlnkine-euid wife to Clark and Gukm Tniftoeeof Charles Rebtenstein, bearing aate the St day or April. IBW7, and recorded In theollice of the Kegleter of Ueeds of Craven oounty. In book m, page 627, as such Trustees having been duly required by the .holder of the note described In said deed of 'trust to advert ise and -Br U the land u in wmA 4ood The umlenbrried punmant to wid power and punruant to the request of the holder of mm) note, will Mil to U10 hiiahMt birtiier for cawh. en MomUy the l(Hh day of July, at the Court Houae door of Craven county, at oublto aucuon. the zoltowinc oacrMd real estate at 12 o'clock noon.- A tract of land ly ing in Mid tjounty and elate on the north and eant aide of Maul Swamp, beainnlnf at a tawaet gum near a uw mlil, running: south 6 ly-8 cast, f poles and 6 links to a red eak then south 46 esiit to a black rum in mill run, then up said run to the mouth of Clay-Hill branch, then north tt east li pofes then suiitb HO, east 80 polea, then north 16 east to a black gum in spring branch Din kin's corner, then down said branch te the mill nond then across and down amid pond, with hhrh water mark to the brinninm. Including- the mill .pit and mill aitd alt tuiklinKand eontaJmnv iM) aores DMireorless. The forMrofnv tract ml land, mill and mill site being wned by j I Dinkina- of the This the 8th day of June A. T).r lmS. 'v WkW, CtsAHK. Trustee; OHCUION, Trustee. Publication of Sum NORTH CAROLINA, I In the ' Craven Count y. Superior Court Florunna Pearce , ' '' ' vs .. .. .' lmrifl B. Pirra Th Ho fcrtil ant mImv nam:l will take notice that an a'tmn rnlitl-l hi aUive bii pti civ mpnwl in tlu Sitprior (jiurt of ('ravifti (anility U oiitnin s tliviircp fnm boft't-i of nintrim nnd tit? MDiil . i. riilHnt will fuirlKT tnitm n t ht hf i rvwMi ' r l li npicnr st the n'l ttm nf S'iii-i ii if ( mirt f.r nmd ( oiin' v t) I' If1' I 'n t hr :ii titty . f J iily 1 ,nt j, in t iloim (if . i, tl ( minly in Nfw I;, tn. N ( ,, mid or H. ,,u.r u ll r rfinii!.tinl in huh) n I i. ,11 nr " 'H mi 1 it will mti y A 1 . Hor Court, ; Sure ; Relief for Womenl Ho. ts Oentral ATe. . Hen BHiiua, Ana, AprUSO.Hoa. - months ago I was so completely ran Sows -' acbed from bead to foot. , My back seemed to break in two and I suffered intense pain in the lower , , abdomen. I could not afford to Jay oB and take a-nst, ; and no medioine helped me any. - A friend Cold me how murh Wine of Oaprfni nnIM W ma by all means to take It The day I took the recoTery of my health began. It was ' health than I had been tor aerea yean.: . . " . . uaaTOB, wapnsoax vautnanoa on, JEASTJEJaMT :v CAEOLINA v DISPATCH jilNI Freight and Passeng for all points north EFFECTIVE OCT. 21, 1904. . the" Steamer NeuseisV scheduled to sail at t p. m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Elisabeth City, making land tags at Oriental and Roanoke Island. - . The Steamer Ocraaoke is scheduled to sail at 3 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Elizabeth City, mak ing landings at Oriental and Roanoke Island. ' (eOf Freight received not later than one hou previous to. sailing, "Stit ' For further information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. KING, V. P. & Gen. Mgr. H. C. HUDGINS, Gen. Ft. &. Pass Agent, Norfolk. Va. W. S. SUMMERELL, As. Gen. Ft & Pass. Agt. - ; - .. New Bern. N C. Vv 4f EXPERIENCE ail .r 11 a f ..aWV-e- 4 Xarasr UaBKt AttTotie aendlnc a sketch and description mar Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether aa InTentloa Is probably patentable.. Communlna- tlons strictly ormfldentlal. HANDHDOK Ottf etly confident . Oldest wen i Patents aant free. Oldest aaenor for eeeurtn Detenu Patents taken throusrh Mnuu Co. tecelve khcUU nottMa without eh Krtra. la the Scrtntlfic Hnericdtte A handsometf inn iterated weekly. grireet clr onlatlon of any scrlsnUtio JoarnaL Terms, year j four months, $U 8ol4 by all newsdeartjLa. , Iwaaeb OOoe. ArMv Washtnston. D, O. . . Paints and Ois Gunp, s, Razors, Scissors Cutlery. - Economical in fuer-r-Sjileadif, In operation LifQ time in dnr ' abUlty.: T - ' - ' - SASH,' DOORS AND BLINDS A. bPECIALTY. WWlfortl Haraware. Coiipuiij, " : . 'A'noas WfW a) iddle BK A PIel isl Tlai SIDE wt tk.r. 1. a eela a.riaiUrsaoull beaprllea Rhessistltsi, Colds Cogh, WeakC Weak Baok, Ua bags, StJatloa .;. ' For nnlns !n the rfrfoa of tho tshouldsrt or for a Woak betck tlie piaster should be ai)llr-d si atiown In lllnni miioo This painful trouble rn bo re JievM arid C'ir-ti hv u"lnw tin P. a -.i4il( irntJSH'wi ulCToifloiXteailDW 1 Shells and Cartridges. Cookintr and Heatiao' Stoves m v rm I v. r v i lr. V unit t h 9 I 1 "u 3 ri II ' J ,atr l lctT pW J I fft I i j m l' sf tit p W J V 1 u u(- ft Vi"t vm r 1 I y ' I i H i n ! r- r ta tii J J ' ' i 1 . . L.i. . t UL.CK f.';i;.NTAIN, N. C. I'iniMt n-: "I t in the Swan- X namiii VnH'-y, fifly itcren of . Kr.iii-!.t. 1 'n in -' I view of f '. ':! ii r.i i. Comfort Ii- 1 ) f - I :,l r- . -,i,::!iIi. r- . I f i- ! ' ' '. 1 ho i . ,.".('. UNIVERSITY : OF NORTH CAROLINA 7V- . ' ' -.-; - ' :-: r5 sW'sf ths Stus'l Eductttensj ..SystsVi , departments 5 : ' Colkgist, Engiiwringtjf '-JHedlclne,' ' ;:. -1 Pharmacy iibiieeontalns ti,i volumealNew water words, electric lights, central ;i heating system, - New , dorniW .' i ,-. . tories,' gymnasium, IT.'. M. " ,r - , - Ct AT buikling. . -'-. . 667 Students. 66 Instructors (The Fall term begins -Sept U, 1905. Address ; Francis P. Venable, President Chapel Hill, N. C. SEE ME! Before : borrowing money from another. T Before loaning your money out. Before discounting a note, or any pa per. Before renting your property to anoth- 0 r Before selling any real estate. . Before building or painting any wooden structure. SEE ME. 0. O -M. No. 130 Middle Street. New J J Bern, N. C. : THS-NOSTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICUL TURE AND MECHANIC ARTS OITers practical industrial educa tion in Agriculture, Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, and the Textile Art. Tuition $30 a year. Board $8 a month. 120 Scholar ships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON. WEST RALEIGH, N. C. NEW GOODS To - day Imported Sausage 40c lb Western Sausage 25c lb New Pollock Cod Fish 6c lb. Spiced Sardines in Pails 75c pail Fine Cheese 15c lb Armour's New Orleans Ham 15c lb. Fine Cuban Melons 25, 30, 35 & 40c Best Rice at 7c lb. Cracked Rice at 3c lb. L. B. HaMcM, STORE E.W. Small. vood SASH, DOORS, AND BLINDS. VUME AND CEMENT. AMERICAN FIELD FENCE. .- DIVOE'SPaINT GLACIER REFRIGERATORS. PEERLESS ICE ; fM'. ' r i V JjANDTREEZERS. Screri Doors ad Ii Screens FILES I t PILloll PIUS I I. a Drl William Indian P1U Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding, Uloe rated a.' ' li hini; Pile V:H absorbs the tamrK llays ths lu lling at ooua, ' ot as S pc?) fce.gitr. K.t., relief 8 tld by OAVIf Get a nammock nnd rest comforta bly. .'. . : . ; .Dnr.ctt'nEooliCtoro sKV'or" Y, ifAXrOCK eve n -V: My StOCk Of V f ' RECORDS Have Airived. ' v Call early and make a selection. WmT. Hill. 4 - JSporting Goods - 91 Middle Sjreet - Phone 820 IGB 10 DISCOUNT Books Containing coupors for 800 lbs. of Ice In 10 lb. coupons, value will be sold to customers at a dlsoon of 10 per cent.' $3 60 will bny $4.00 worth of ICE Ii bonk Is procured, either from the drive, of wagon or from the office 19 Grlfflt street. New Bern Ice Company. A.& N. C. R. R. Effective Sunday, June 11th, 1906 at 7.00 a. m. Eastern Standard Time. EAST BOUND. STATIONS: No. 3. NO. 6. DAILY 8.00 A. M. 8.30 8.65 8.18 936 9.46 10.05 10.10 A. M 10.28 " 10.44 11.00 " 11.30 DAILY 45 P. M. Lv. Goldfboro La(, range Kinston Dover Cove Tuacarora At. NEW BERN Lv. Now Bern Kiverdale Havelock Newport Ar. Horehead Cy. 4. in 4.40 fi.02 6.16 6.26 6.45 6.60 6.13 6.31 6.47 7.2(1 P. M. WEST BOUND. No. 4. No. 6 DAILY 4.42 6.02 6.18 6.31 b.W I,. 05 6.27 6.39 6.53 7.15 7.37 8.15 STATIONS: DAILY Lv. Morefir&d Cy. 7.40 A. M. P.M. Newport Havelock Riverdale 8 11 S.27 S.42 9.00 9.15 9.,'lli 9.36 10..W 10.17 10.41 11.10 Ar. NEW BERN Lv. NEW BERN P.M. Tuacarora Cove Dover Kinitton LaGransre Ar. Goldsboro Trains 3. 4, 5. and 6 run dai ly. Trains 3 and 4 carrv tho narlor oar (Vance) between Golnsboro and More head City, seat fare 50 cents. STATIONS: No 1 No 2 Sunday only Sunday only Lv. Goldsboro 7.00 A. M. 9.20 P. M. LaGranito 7.28 " 8.51 Kinston 7.52 " 8.27 Dover 8.11 " 8.03 Cove 8.27 " 7.49 Tuscarora 8.37 " 7.37 Ar. New Bern il.Wi " 7.16 Lv. New Bern 9.1(1 " 7.10 Riverdale 9.2H " 0.46 Haveteek 9.44 " . 6.31 Newport 10.00 " 6,16 Ar. Morehead Cy 10.23 " 6.57 Trains Nos. 5 and 6 will handle daily Pullman Sleeping Car (operated over Southern Railway) between Winaton Salem, Greensboro, Burlington, Dur ham, Raleigh and Morehead City, upon followine through schedule: Dailj Eastern Time Daily (Southern Railway) p. m. a. m. 5:10 Lv. . Winston-Salem, Ar. 9:17 6:13 Ar. Greensboro Lv. 8:10 a. m. 1:15 Lv. Greensboro 2:06 Lv. Burlington 3:40 Lv. Durham Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. 3:35 4:47 3:00 1:40 5:15 Ar. Raleigh " Raleigh Selma Goldsboro (A. & N. C. R, p- m. Ar. 11:45 6:15 Lv. 6:29 Lv. 7:15 Ar. 80 Lv.' 11:30 Ar. Ar. 10:38 Lv. 9:40 R.) Goldsboro Morehead City Ar. Lv. 8:10 4:35 CONNECTIONS, At Goldsboro: With Southern Railway and At lantic Coast Line. At Kinston and New Bern: With Atlantis Coast Una. R. P. FOSTER. R E L BUNCH, General Manager. Trane GOLDSBORO. N. a Ernest M. Green, .- Attorney k Connselor at taw PsooBTn NBW BERN, W. U Well equlped to search titles by reason otnuuiyvears exneriepce In the office and ae Register ot Deeds.' Praotloea In the Court of Craven, Jonea, Pamlioc Oarssrwt, Oeslcw, or wherever servioe anrsqnired . iOiASlfEVERr OCCURRED JO YOU ?liow Many People You f Can .ReacV? : Without A Telephone Line ' IS 4 DOOR TO Y01S . , V , . 3 c; business i .- . NO TELEPHONE ; " ;, w tocKwo tut ! DOOR Can Ycu Affc'rd It? ItT 0LR MNACTR , - TitK IT CVTH WITH Y0O. For Ratcg A! I'lY T) ' r' I, MATJ ' ) o

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