THE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. C, June 24, 1905. LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at Rountree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are invited. - . CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Keeta 2nd and 4th Wed nesday nights in each month in Roun-treea-Hall, Pollock street, at 7:30 o'clock. Samuel R. Ball, President; J. H. Smith, See'y; R. R. Hill, Financial . Sec'y. " Inflex t ifev llTertiumeits. : ' 1 Lewis' Whife Lead v " k'""(St , J M Mitchell & Co Listen ' s- i State Normal and Indfstrial College. Wm. Sultan For Rent -v , -" W F Hill For Rent - ' " - , . John B Ives Peaches, ,. r-' -i " Broad St Fruit Co Ice Cream iV. , Annie Justice-Sailing Party .. Lost Watch. " T S Baxter Contractor. -. NOTICES 111 THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. . Bnslncsi Locals, FOR RENT-ftesidence" No. 89 Pollcek street': All the modern improvements. Conveniently located. Apply Wil liam Sultan. FOR RENT My brick residence JIo, 25 Hancock street, Bath, toilet and water, large lot. See W, F. HilL FINE Greensboro Peaches from New port Fruit Farm of G. N. Ives & Son for sale at John B. Ives' store today. ALL KINDS of pure ice cream, 35 cents per quart, packed and delivered. Broad St, Fruit Co. SAILING Parties leaving or landing at my wharf will be required to pay 26 cents; Terms to boatmen $3 per month Annie Justice. CONTRACTOR And Uuilder-1 am now prepared to make contracts to erect any kind of structnre, of either stone, brick or wood. Address T. S. Baxter, New Bern, N. C. Residence No. 84 New street. LOST Large gold hunting case watch with chain attached, on the excursion train Thursday night on the return trip from Wilmington. It was lost between Pollocksville and New Bern. Five dol lars reward will be given if returned to T. W. .Holton, Reelsboro. FINEST Smoked Beef in the city, chip ped or sliced to order at J. F. Taylors. LOST Wednesday' night between George and East Front streets on Queen St, gold watch with fob, initials "W. J. B" on case. Finder please re turn to this office and receive reward. FINE Spring Chickens today at L. H. Ervin'a", South Front St Dr. LEE COHEN will be at office of Dr. R. DuVal Jones, July 6th to July 15th inclusive. Practice limited to eye, ear, throat and nose. WILL pay two dollars apiece for 100 young foxes "cat" size, Ship and ad dress The Mecklenburg Hotel, Chase City.Va. CORNED Mullets, Grown and Spring Chickens at B. B. Danven porta. , HOME GROWN cantelopea. First of the season at Broad St Fruit Co.' , STOLEN Bicycle, chainlea Rambler, black frame. No. 89858. Reward for return to Journal office. :' s )'::?),- NEW Irish Potatoes, large six 20 c pk Coast Line Store, 1. O. Land, Mgr. ,;, CLOTHES Baskets and Clothes Hamp--ers, Blue FlAmejOil 8toves. at John B, FRESH lot of Florida Favorite Water - melons. Bananas and Oranges at Bar fields V Broad street Phone 208, ' .j - - . v , 0 . ... . A. -' ' DUAiooiaDs7D cents per cord, zo corns per toea at jrara ox dun KilJ Lara berCo. ,.'- .;. , -, . J-ANYONE desiring good nurse can be '. accommodated by applying No. U New ' ftmilli Frnnt tra.f . Xtmma FRESH,1 Loose Chocolate .Candy, Orange and Bananas at J. B. Daw- son's., " . ; Chamberlain's CCLIC, CB0LE2A Diarrhea Remedy A few dosns Of tula rnMly will lnT(irlil)lT curs aa ordinary at tack of diarrhea. It has bwa nwd In tilna epi demic of dwatery with perfect sm-eeM. li CM always be dopmdod tioon, even In tlx mors Tr attacks of cramp olio and chol era ninrbna. It It Kinsllr anrrfnl fur Sninmr ilmrrhn and cholera Infantum In rliililron, ami In tlx mn of saving the lives of mtnjr chH'Irnn a-h yir. Vh-n rlnrl wl'h vnW a'al w h I.-moiI It In i t. ii.i lo .,. i.. l.ri'ry man f a f.m l'y r!, u 1 V''ptiin rent!? In 1 t 1 1 -jr it It ir t s i I ,.. I ' . . i '. 1 -. -. J FA: A census of New Bern's dog popula tion has just been completed and it was found that thre are 474 canines that have their habitat here. Now, the question is, just how many of these curs are really useful except as an abid iig place for fleas. v Mr. T. B. Powell, proprietor of thel Kinston Pressing Club and a man about ! 62 years of age, died . suddenly in his v nlace of Irasineas in" KinatoO Thurs-' ' . , HI day. . - . - - , . r , :J : 1j . i Wicnaei ivomanuB-WBB tounu kuuij, m the city court yesteroay-or allowing an unsanitary condition of the alley bade of his store. He paid the costs and re marked that there would be none more vigilanfthan he to bring violators of ! the sanitary laws to justice. - . 1 .'.'a i : 1 :. A great cnange aim nupruveinein " taktoff place on Bern street..- Saveral- of the houses on that street have been overhauled, painted and put into first class condition much tjo relief and ap- proval otUhe citizens. A WOOD PULP FACTORY. To Bt Established On Ths Sit. of Th. Old i , CaptUray Plant r'J Within a few weeks an old industry ' of Nbw Bern will be started. - The old I wood puh mill in James City originally 1 owned by CapL J. W. Gray and later Kv Cant TlaviA fVnorHnTi tifla tiMn ftnM to The Carolina Wood Pulp Co. for the purpose of re-establishing the plant The land concerned in this deal con- sists. of ten acres more or less and is the same as was held by the other pro- prietors. Thebuilding will be over, hauled and refitted to meet the modern requirements of a large manufacturing plant New buildings will be erected poof jaded horse which could not re a the case demands. It. is a peculiarly apnd to the inhuman treatment but fortunate location on account of con- jcontimied to barety drag Itself along venience to the water for transporta-1 be road. Theflaahing could be heard tion facilities. . It is well known that ' for a long distance and the feeble ef- thU plant is situated not far from the saw mill of the New Bern Lumber Co. and a dock will be built out from their shore at which ' they will load their goods. The consideration paid was 118,000. Mr. D. H. Greene, who has interests of this nature in Georgetown, S. C. a d is interested in this" concern, is in the city and is superintending the work in connection with' the plant making out necessary legal papers and making provisions for material, etc It is the second enterprise of thcr- kind in the Soutn. He stated to the Journal yes terday that the mill would be put in operation aa soon as possible but proba bly not before August 1. The wood pulp for the" manufacture of paper which this company will make is made from cypress and the great for esta whereih"constitute the principal part is one inducement to this company to locate here. The pulp is sent north to paper mills where it is to be made into paper. Eventually, perhaps in a year the plant will make paper here. The capacity will be 40,000 pounds per day and employ 60 men. As the mill never stops from Monday morning until Sat urday night two shifts will have to be employed for day and night labor, 80 in each shift Mr. nnwrn tntorAatMl in thia An. terprise with several gentleman. The company is incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia. The heai- quarters are in Philadelphia and they taMaTwSbVig soon and will have peraonal charge witht)wirn.iJn,,!, A good deal of the machina. which Kuuia. wnicn It win b. fitted throughout with th. Kaa. 1,1 ;u. bd ZJZ ppruvea resmis in tht production of wood palp. DESIRABLE Board and at reasonable rates can be found at Mrs. A. D. Wads worth's, 19 King street " ' -" - EVERT DAY OUR BARGAIN DAY- Too save money to call on Gasklns Cycle Co., with yoat wants. . Right foods at rtehtorices. allreDairanromnt ly made by skUleVwerkmen. ; me J,oun wn auction. Ap . -. ply to C E. Foy, clerk of session. w CABTOniA. , Batntta' " Tb tins Yoa Hai Hiwitw BOHCW ' tlcaataa sf LA y v All ilEADACs.IS ak3'CGLDS IT.'? ri,V tawwaUiaeauss" liuwlia.DouJaMaMoaa. Do II, J LI.LT nle-l',Baisitas. 10,XfaJDo.asiU.ataiiMa, A Liquid preration for Sore, tired, aching, blistered, itching, burning and IU smelling feet. ., ' ... .. "Notice" is the Name. It'5 Liquid. - Sold In New Bern and GUARANTEED by C D Bradlmm, D. R. Davis and F. S. Duffy. . ' - t Thi 3 X7C z li 70 alarnavr.iicty in f 'Jcrlir;: Ko cir.:. ( ' : . Ftrat Apptaraac of Daadrvff m For ruaer e( KnTur Bai4acaa. - That iuch Is th can baa bean con cluaively proven by aclentiflc research. iTof. Unna, th noted European aktn peclallat, declare that dandruff la the turrowed-np cuticl of the scalp, caused by parasites destroying; the vitality In the hair bulb. The hair becomes Ufaleea. and, in time, falls out. This can be pre- Newbro's Berplcld Itinf this dandruff mZ-p.'?. Herpldde Is now used by thousands of fwoplo-all satisfied thai It Is the most wonderful hair preparation oa the mar- set to-day. Sold by leading- drurrists.' Send loo. tn ,tamps for tlUBIIit to The Herplclda Co.. yetroit. jrncn. 0, t. BRA.DHAM, Special Aft, . VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. - Huminlty Mustn't Entorcfd, '!,,, ' i I-o tor Journal., Believing that you are In sympathy with any movement that . will tend to improve the condition of brute as well as human beings, I beg to write a few words in the interest of dumb animals, particularly horses. Scarcely a day passes that we do not see an instance I of cruelty that would fairly make our blood boil. Old decrepit horses are driven around in drays that ought never to feel a haritew aRain,' . but aDowed to rest from their labors which donbtless have been very great. Transfer horses do not seem to show so much neglect, jstill there is room for imprtver ient .there. A few nights ago "I witnessed an act i of cruelty which was not in my pover - to prevent but I would have b t n v jry glad to assist in the prosecution of the dn ver lor l know that such thingb iust be done before we can secure better treatment A transfer h driver passing . along East Front street beating his Iorw the animal to hasten its gait to satisiy the driver were pitiful to be hold. The horse had been worked hard and ill fed and bad apparently reached a condition where it could no more even assume its weak four mile an hour trot What is needed and heeded bad on the statute books of the city is an ordi nance lor the prevention of cruelty to animals and then to see that the law is rigidly enforced. ' Spectator, .; , The State Hormal. The attention of all interested is call ed to the advertisement of the.: State Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro. . It tells - in brief bow a good and sufficient education can be se cured at little cost A perjisal and con sideration of the college catalogue will be worth while. 'Forty-Thre New Druggists. We give herewith the names of a por tion of those who passed examination before the State Board of Pharmacy held at Morehead Tuesday. . There were 56 who took the examination and 43 passed. This was the largest class that has ever been examined and the per centage (76) of the successful candi- I fato8 3 were well ,plr!I)" V i . A Apex; B A Betta, Ral- h; J W, Hunter' Charlotte; i V Jen- uiJV'' M Seagle, Hickory; T L Smith, Vance- boro; T M Stanback, Gilead; H A Tll !l. I n an. w fiSwV?4 ?w Bern PS Worthy, Washington: 3 , E Welfare, WinrtonjC T.Young, Clayton r.iIW tJ.Uiu . -"-- "W, Ite . Fine line fresh canned goods at Coast Line Market . 'i-iK! hb''r"i-,i.- vl,V;rYoiing Men Attention If ' The session of the New BeraPres 4ylerian church desires to donate one cholarhlP. o Davidson College . to Extra fine Veal at the Oaka Meat arket " . ,ar o c '.7c it:r; r.t cc : t cf Hl.iit X.iA.l I'tt : r r v f r I -1 .11- Dedicated la Loving Memory of little Mar, .' Rosabella Hill. : ": Little darling how we niiss you, . ' From out loving hearts so sad. t- vv: But we know you are with our Saviour, In the realms were all are glad.; o We must now prepare to meet you, la that land of Joy above, Where with Angels and Arch-Angela, Joining with the hosts above, Now farewell my darling baby, - l iu we .meet no more to part, , , There I'll find a balm of Gilenri That will heal my wounded heart- Written bx,Mrs. J. W. B. If you are troubled with Arv anoila headache.- bidicrestion Hollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea will maae you wea ana keep you. welL If it fails, get yonr money back.. That's pur.. v 35 cents. Sold by F. S. Duffy, How Simple! Less Cost!' Belter - Results!" I hflVA wn tmrraiTaft in tk. i - ' 1 - - ,"!, "fevn in uiv pu in ung businpss for 2$ years aiid' consider the Ttairtn 1W1 mam i. n n . .. l. rure raint the best as K will cover one-third more surface and do it better than any other paint I also consider it supe,ior to Lead and (111 han) :.,J l. ,s . r aw, com m its;covetinff ca- ravj cwiu uurnviuiy Jamea Woorl. Mnafan Point... Buckhannon, W. Va., 1904. or sale by E. W, Smalfwood, New oem, w, v. Experience Necessary To Examine a Child's Eyes. Hard studv. neceansrv itnrnimt. and long experience Is the secret of our success in tne most difficult of optical work and the fittine with correct spectacles, to Bhow the aegree or accuracy and wonderful re sults of our work read a letter from Mr T. A. Hadder, Stonewall, N. C, father or Melvima Hadder. Mr." J. 0. Baxter. New Bern. N. CL I take pleasure in statino- that mi. vinia has had no trouble with her eyes since you fitted her. Her eyes are no longer crossed, the headache has left or, sne could not study before, now she goes to school and learns. wpII urn a 10 years old when you fitted her. We are au well pleased with your work. . T. A. HADDER. irwUl!wwwWWWWwHr Medicines For 5ummen Of course the doctor is the man to tell you exactly what you want.but we are the ones to give you exactly what your doctor wants , you to have. We obey instructions implicitly. The greatest trio is the . Doctor, the Druggist and Faith. Bring your prescriptions here. Phone 56 At One Third Value. X7o nl&ea on sale this morninff small I ? a -nam -S rt - -as x lot oi io ana uo ju.uuir. v uiucdiui buui colors at r ,',.-; . This ridicuously low price to close 1 ou.ttnelot. , y, Small Lot of 25c Satin Stripe Q1NQH Afl at m m 4 a t ' a t , -J S a. m BaYiGut,: says : Qualitylhe ' ::t Highest , This describes the Herrick' Shoes for Women, and we find we eannot get the quality any too fine for our New Bern customers. Now Listen, ' ; We are overstock ed in Herricks La dies Tan and Pat ent Leather Oxford Ties, and to reduce the stock we have made these gr at reductions. For 3 Days. 3 00 Oxfords $2 50 2 60 " 200 2 00 " 165 Conic quick be iore your size . is gone. E'olloclrSt. UUVI2 -10l V. . I TT J 11mm nil n.l1 9 . I - Cc cl'C -- " i a- . a Harlot Broths 'Bargains 1 -t We have always some Special Values For ... You. ... BE QUICK. 2,500 yards. 40 inch White Lawn, 20c kind, sale priee 9Jc yd. r; CALICO. 750 yds Calico, only 2Jc a yd. FIGURED LAWN 12 and 15c Lawn,choiee this week 9Jc yd. HAMBERG Insertion and Lace just received, 75 Middle WE MATE aJUOT KEC5E1TED AN UP-TO DATE LINE OF Blue Serges and Worsted Plaid in Square and Sack cut mod 1, Also i.obb.y Hue if i li'tldreu ClOilailtg. HOWARD BROTHERS Under Ho! el Hazelton. 33 3R. IC K! CAROLINA BRICK CO., Plants at Clarks, flyman s Siding, Kinstou and Rotwrsonvilie. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. laving installed Modern Dry Kilns we are now prepared to furnish the Best Building Brick ever offered on this market. PRICE GUARANTEED. II Y WAN NITl-MlT COMPANY, New Bern, N C SpII'iiir Aeen- IN FIRS SAL! ! I will sell my Dry eiid. Clo tiling which was recently damaged by fire . . at 75 Per Cent BELOW COST A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING ONLY SLIGHTLY DAMAGED. Ladies Cloaks, Skirts, Men's Hatu and Neekwear. ALL KINDS OP HOSIERY. Many other things too numerous to mention. Tlieue are llval lluruuiiiH. Klock ma t te Sold. Auction Sale Saturday night from 7::i0 to 1 UT0. First Come wflTget Best Bargains. 70 Middle Street J, ' mirw niTTiTit 'mi Vyindov Screens and Screen Doors. Frenh fiupply of H-nih and Millicnn and Maaury's Paint. LewU' Lead ard Pure Linseed Oil. I'irst rlnsa line of Varnishes, rali Ikwra, lllinilS and Cut lery. I'djier Ri k i Tin if snd Fllwnod Wire Feneinff. ", I::,'.':. C: L'.ill Supply Co This -Week about 2,000 yds. Hefe you are from 2ic up to 37c per yard. SHIRTS 125 dozen Men's Shirts, worth 40c, this week 22c each. CLOTHING. j Men's.Suits in Broke. Sizes, 36, 37, and 38. Prices from 9 to 15 dollars re duced to $5.50 and $9.50. Street. Entire Stock of Bryan IS lock. Wo ara olTering a big reduction on all our Spring and Summer. Snlls. We have eighty-five two pleco Suits In Flannels, Homespuns .and Crashes at from $4.00 to $10.00, Stoits, SUma -and - Regulars. , W can fit you and save you from two to flva dollar! oh your'Summnr Suits ' Wo also a big variety of Tan and Patent leather Oxfords. AU aitos. and wldlha. '-. ; . iSmm lt rt bilB ftraw tTafa Jiliis rrt wA J. BAXT ER v "v-n . . : ' -

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