I Vol. XXIH.--X; si). rew Ezra, IT. Cs, Thursday Morning, July 27. 1903. . Twenljr.Fonnh Tear ic:o . cio em. YELLOW FEVER SCURGE. a dazzling success. - Echeet From Conle Ossrss Tko Bscl local AM W0y mm It Children, Misses, and Ladies Oxford and . Gibson - Ties. Reduced, Tan.,t Vlci, ; Slack, Kid and Fat, Leatnor, all sizes. 'Are you interested thsn P Come - to -. our. 5 store and we will make the. price direct to you and not to ihe public. '-j I Thopping is, always easy : when you And, what . you want, ana at the right priced ; . - . ihese shoes are all .new; no old stock. - " : 1 ' u "-.v J. M. Mitchell & Co., ' PHONB 288. . 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. ft Sale Continues for : S One Week Longer -J J ? : As wa have good many goods on hand that must be sold we have - if A J J decided to continue our sale fjr one week longer. 1 " - , y O j () It is our aim to clone out our entire stock of summer goods and C ) at ( I this week we will have prices never before heard of. A , good many '' ( ) ! things will be sold regardless of cost. r''' II VrKm w wlv auiiuwiiii;; Mens' Boys and Children's Clothing, Mens and Women Oxfords,, J I ) Stnw Hats, Laces and Embroideries, ured Lawns, Men Summer Underwear,' Neckwear, Trunks and suit cases, Mattings, Rugs, Lenaleum and floor Oil Goths, Lace Curtains, i (J Screens, and: a thousand, other things t n tt rrm n ) cccoaoboccoocccocccjccoo . 1 ' , ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' 'r "' i hi n. rgains - - This store is noted for theoinusualneas of its merchandising methods' and V-' .1. the frank truthfulness of its advertising statements. - Below we mention values for this week. 1,259 yards Whiter Lawn, 40 inch at 6c per yard. ' - FIGURED LAWNS. IE and 20c kind, spacial this week at 7, 10 and 12c per yard. i FIFTY DOZEN Ladies Full Bleached Vests with tape in the neck, ' Uc lino, saie oc a piece. T v EMBROIDERY. 750 yards embroidory to sell this week ait 6c per-yd. INSERTION Just think at only 2c per yd. "v ' ' , SPECIAL SALE on Mens and Boys Suits and Pants, entire stock t 50c on -the dollar. Don't miss this sale. Everything will be sold as advertised. 1 - MENS UNDERWEAR this week at 76 Middle: Streak P. 8. We sell the J Baimi Safe nd affs on the market. They succeeded in L Louis, 1904. v;-V'"; . .':-, :. -f : , X, ; We have them in stock, weiehlnfr f WriUfojr Catalogue and ieav.V:';?Ti4-;r.v :;;'yS'i;TUESIB R8lTDttl fOMPA Sf New Be rii; H C Furoilure and: House Furnishings Every thins tomake attractive, sueh as book cases, China iCldsets Eockers and others. ; ; , Any one that is thinking of buying will do well to see me before they bay, as we sell good where competition r: fm -v COU'f fur CA: IT, nnr entire stork of (' kory, Cull' big. W nli'o oiT.-r to tlio riht parly uym very whole of sid (m k at d our h"H', r;ilili.nliMl 1hith . II E. 71iitc!n!i,iL We will give you very low ' Ribbons, Silks, White and Fig that cannot be mentioned. ri tn r- For This Vetsk . . . -' ". V .'.V 44c per uit. r :- -a T.?JTtrner fnna 'MxelulT Wltoliuus Dsaltn asSJobbtrt t ooK & Heating: stoves Fire and Burglar Proef Safes, Cook v and Heating Stoves a Specialty. .- write lor "Catalogues , ana Price Lists, v Lock Company's Safes, one of the best winning tne uoic Id Medal at World's Fair. ' Z from 475 lbs to 2.000 lbs. . a home comfortable and ! cut PRure, , . """1 i ry ami h-,.,.. I. .' I f i Railroad Surveyor! r Working From i Greenville.', v.-. ' CssiBilNlsnsr Paittrtoa Rspertsa at Oslnf Ts Eyrepi.'je tos of Ex-Osv.rnor . ' Ayoeck ' Takes ' " to HsspHtl, " Elictiea' Das vFsr Wskt ' : 2 ' Fsrsst', Sever a e r - js . Ciena - Returns r Frost Eneams f ' V " Host.?-''" Raleigh, July 26. Chas. O. Haines, of the North Carolina and Ohio Sail rdad- Co.,' which proposes to build a road from Washington, N. C to Dur ham is spending a day or . two here con fering with a number of capitalists who met him here. ": He- says A surveying corps has already completed a survey from Washington to Greenville and are now working: between C reenville and iJew Bern. ' The proposed '- route- will be via Wilson and may include Raleigh. Within the next few days the aldermen of Washington will act 'on an applica tion for right of way : through certain streets to a .desirable water terminal and much depends on the actions they take,' Mr. Haines says if the road is built, work of grading will commence very soon now. '! " A report from Winston-Salem is to the effect that Hon. S. L, Tatterson, commissioner of agriculture for North Carolina is to sail with a party from New York for an extended European trip. , Ha has been at his home in Cald well county for the past week and noth ing is knows of the truthfulness of the report her. Notice of dissolution . of the Aycock Drug Co. of Louisburg iwaa filed with the secretary of State today. C. L. Aycock is secretary-treasurer, i It is learned here Oat a little son of Ex -Governor C. B, Aycock has been carried to the hospital at Wilson, to unogo an operation for appendicitis. The family were spending - a while at Shelby when the disease developed, Stats Superintendent of Public In struction, h Y. Joyner . left today, for Edenton to deliver an address for edu cational rally to be neld then. - He will go to Olives ChapeL this eounty. later In the week, to deliver an address on a similar occasion, - --- ' The eorporatioB commission has is sued a permit for the Merchants Bank of Durham to begin tasiness The in stitution was chartered June 80th with 125,000 subscribed, It is understood that the bank Ulbegin business in about ten -days; officers are not yet announced. : v ' ' 4 :L:f' , :i : The executive committee of the trus tees of Wake Forest expect to announce within a few days a successor to Dr. F F, Cooke, as-deah of medicine, at the college. Dr. Cooke having resigned to begin practice in Durham. .There Was a conference last night regarding the matter and a' MW. dean was agreed upon, However it will be some days before any announcement Is made. Mr. Chas. P. Weaver baa been choaen as sistant professor of English, e Is a brother of Rev. Rufus Weaver. : " Governor Glenn returned this morn ing from attendance upon the encamp ment of the second and third regiments at WrighUville, near Wilmington. He expresses himself as greatly pleased with the success of the encampment He siys the troops made 4 splendid showing in drill work and in their gen eral bearing and behavior. Mr. B. E. Sen telle, who represented Wake county In the last legislature has been elected superintendent of the Elitabeth City graded schools. oeeeeeeeeeetot 0 Ovtr 1S0 Gates to Oats. Efforts t Prtvsnt , 8prssd el DImsm, -' ' ' Mew Orleans, La., July 2S, There has . ben ' no material change in tie fever situation today.. Two more deatts - 1 j - u Tonightt. in response to the request of thi State-Board of Healthi the City ischoes from Uomic Operas. -M it bas Boardof Health Compiled the flgureaof been etated to the Journal before that . a chorus consisting of 150 young men suspicious and actual- cases of, yeBowjwoineBJln,ch.ldren under fever and deaths, and the figuresas is- the training of Mr. J. S. Atkinson, a sued by the State Board show: a-' j New York stage manager has had great Between July 16th and July 21st there ! were about 100 cases, suspicion and positive, and twenty deaths. Since then there have been fifty-four cases and twelve deaths up to the 24, making, all told,-154 cases and thirty-two deaths Today there were two deaths, making thirty-four to date. .There are about fifty eases under treatment.' - - Dr. George B. Young, United States marine hospital service, has been as signed to take charge of the inspection of trains, to co-operate with the States and localities which haye" instituted quarantiqes, and he will make -bead-quarters in Jackson, Miss. -LOCO. " July 25. Almost everybody; here, attended Quarterly meeting services at White Ca't Sunday.. -" " J Elder Wm. Brinson and daughter, Miss Maggie, of Reelsboro, visited the family of Elder . Job Smith Saturday night, r. C. M, Heath and family of Com fort, visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. - ,"." " Elder Brown and Mr. Soloman Goronto of Wards Mill spent " Saturday night wiJi Elder Job Smith. ' -, , Messrs. Kirby and Ezra Huffman of Tuckahoe visited relatives this week. Mr. James Lanier and son of . South west visited friends Saturday night' Mr. and Mrs Jesse Hewitt, of Dur ham, Visited relatives here recently. Mr. J. R. Parsons is spending" the week at Tuckahoe. , . " Miss Lillian Pro vow of near Trenton spent Saturday night with her sister her. '-.-;':'""., Urn Ernest Thomas . who is. doing carpenter work in Carteret county was horns last week. , Trustees Sale. Pursuant to an order of S. W. Small wood, - referee in Bankruptcy in the matter of D. A. Owings, ', bankrupt I will offer for sale; to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday August 5, 1906 at 12 o'clock M', all that stock of goods, wares and merchandise , now in the store on Broad street, :; formerly occu pied by D. A. Owings,. including all the dry goods, . boots, shoes, clothing and notions' together with the fixtures in said store. ' -n - ' ' ' r WILUAM DUNN JR July 26, 1905.. -' - - Trustee. SENATOR MITCHELL-SENTENCED. Flsoe 11,000. and 0ls tlx Months ' 1 Portland j1 Ore.', July - ZS.--U'nited States Senator Mitchell, convicted using his office of United State Sena tor to further the law : practice of the firm of Mitchell and Tanner of this city was today saritenced to pay a fine of $1,000 and to six months penal servi tude. Pending review of the case by the Supreme court of the United States execution of the sentence will be de ferred, v. Meantime Mitchell will be placed under bail to the amount of $2, 000. . : ;rv- ARAPAHOE. Vr . T-.v ; r July 5ft. Wo are having the weather hot and dry; notwithstanding there is very little damage done yet by the drought, and crops are look ing fine. , Wo are having lots of sickness around our community. , ' , Mini Lillie Tingle of Vanceboro sjiending a few weeks with Mrs. Clara Kool hi're. ' Minn lylrotia Rawls of Kershaw vwiliriK friends In our community. Messrs. Tholie and Charley Iit!irn;ii went to Alliiinre yenlenluy. Mr. LI liuMwin who lives near Arnpuhoo I'wt a fine horso lnnt week Ab o h'.r. John Kawls kit a fine woi OX It it Wei li. J'i is irt!:.i Button of Vancelmro vi H:i.(f fri ink and reltiv um A,n;..l , J'-. J. V: I ! I !P !..! ! n I, it v. ili n ! I to t..f Jtt jiM.vfifi. nt i ir i. t 'o t.. n. , A. 1!, ' Talent EnUrtalnment Now Bore. ' , Ever Had. 1 Notwithstanding- the ,very warm nht leligjited auuience wno iisieoea wnn every mara of sgmi M- pM success to driUing local talent in the fFTi 'tT'T--mtt uspcciaiijr : uuw vxiH:f. ttuyv wiucu "hits" -in metropolitan opera houses. It was an enterprise which was enter ed upon enthusiastically by entire . es- semblyS MK1 Atkinson's easy and gracious manner ; made . the work of learning the songs and dances a pleasure and the short time in which . they had to prepare themselves indicates Mr. At kinson's wonderful managerial ability. The appearance of the stage was ar ranged with artistic nicety.. The scene from the Chinese 'Honeymoon was par ticularly attractive. It appealed to the tastes of all who admire the unique simplicity of Chinese or Japanese art. Among the many pretty scenes and songs with fine music accompaniment was Pumkitt Colored Coons, a juvenile fantasy. ' Another beautiful scene was the "Moonlight sextette" with balcony scene. Rosie Posie, by Mr. Tolson and chorus was a lively and pleasing sketch The well known and very popular comic sketch "The Maiden and The Jay' brought down the bouse with its bright and animated story as well as pretty music. " The Knights of Pythias band render ed splendid assistance to the perform ance. ' They played some new and at tractive overtures, two step and rag time 'selections which were gretly ap preciated by the audience. The entire show was a novelty in New Bern and it was an entertainment which will - leave pleasant memories in the minds of all who witnessed it. Following is the program: frt--..v. rXBT 1. Overture Band. Pumpkin colored coons Pearl Waters and Chorus. Doggie- May Baxter and Chorus. Chinese Fete Misses Nina and Elma Basnight and Eleanor Green. Messrs. T. B. Kehoe, Albert Willis and;TeDoe Street K. of P. Band-Selected. The Widow Mr. Wayne Dichm and Chorus. K. of P. Band Selected. Moonlight Sextette. Rosie Posie Mr. L. C. Tolson and Chorus. - :' Four and Tweny Men Miss Nina Basnight and Chorus. K. of P. Band Selected, Maiden and 'the Jay Messrs. Jack Smith, L. C. Tolson and Chorus. FART 2ND. GrandMarch (Cogwheel) Sonny Boy Messrs. W. T. Bishop. and Chorus.' ' , Glow Worm Miss Elma Basnight and Chorus. Poddv and Golden Red Mrs. R. A. Damon and Chorua. i Final - (America) Miss Lillie Tolson and full Chonia..i . . . . s. i" Mrs. Mamie Benton accompanist. Flower - Chorus .-..Leaders Misses Annie : . ..Green' Bessie '- Thorpe, Bertha Thomas, Ruth Watson, Lucretie Roberts, and Lela Hancock. Take Holster Y Rocky Mountain Tea See It exterminate the poison, feel revitalize the blood and bring back that happy Joyous feeling of bygone days. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. : For sale by F. S. Duffy.. 'v.", "V- v . N0T1CEI 7" ,.'. The Road Supervisors of Township No. 2 will meet Saturday August 5th to consider Important . matters of bus- inesa. r',:"'' '.. "" .x V U -K.'T. FULCHER, ' ': - 8eety, Dog Tax flotide All persons owning or harboring a dog or dof? in the city of New Bern on Junel, 1905. , . ' By order of the Board of AWermen, are required to pay a tax of on msle nd 2 on femalo Doga. " DOG LAW, City Charter. Section 43. Any person having o owning u(h dojt, who shall fail to re turn it for taxation, or to pay tho tax after fifiwn dt'vs public notirn, that 1 h tax t o i!'y of a m lie. en ImjHwed, Khali he n.-nnnr sml fined Hi 1 I' . e .! I t M, .! ! m s 1 ..i or irepi i; "netl n noil sui h 1I1 u my .nice arnl (l.' ! royeiL j. 1. t i.:").-;, T.n ('..li.'. tor. I Portsmontii Corned Mullets! f A FewIice nesf just Eeceived. Also a NeW Barrel Fulton Market Corned Beef. 300 dozen Mason's Fruit Jars, all sizes at prices lower than you ever bought them at before. J. L. McDaniel 1 5 Wholesale & Detail Grocer. g g Tarker Store. Corner Broad and Hancock Sts. vTvTTvTvTTTvTTTTvTTVTTef-fffTtfTfTTTyTyTTTTfTmTe JUS r RECEIvfeD A Fine Lot uBusy Bee" Hams English Gared Shoald ers, Breakfast Strips and Picnic Hams. And a Complete Line oi Staple and Fancy Groceries continually on hand at Reasonable Prices. HEADQUARTERS TOR FINE BUTTER AND CREESE. Satifacti it Guaranteed. Ij 3E3C Ervin, IVholf sale and Retail Grocer. No. 81 South Front St. "Our.Perfeclion Tray Trunk." J L. HARTSFIELD, Contractor and Bnllder. Oirm 83 1-2 MIDDLE 8T. Would be glad to have any one inspect my Itoork i??Jt&"l2.Z.iiii - - Laths aSmgOeSMtp. FdrSale. Gaskill Hdw. & Mill . Supply Co tlanufacturera Agents for Erie City Engines and Boilers. : - Celebrated ; Van Winkle Qini d Presnes Wagoner Steam Duplex Pumps 8aw Mills,- Wood-working machinery. Leather Belts, Iron,-Steel, Pipe, Boiler Tubes and everything in the mill supply line at manufacturera prices.- n Midni. at . , C - 0 CLEARIfJG SALE Commences, I " r i v . y Continuing for 10 days only, : 1 , .. i ! ,. ,,.,1,1 r,.!-nid!. --.-at ('OI T and 20 per rent below cost. Paction Tray Trunks. Superior to any pat ent tray trunk on the market. Strong and durable. " Beiore buying call and inspect, it merits. CORDEMON CAKfirS. Splendid wear and cheap. , Jphn B. Ives, Successor to Disoswsv & Taylor. 96 Middle St. PB0NI Phone U' 416 Middle St 0. 4 f ' ." : v- . . 113 ! ; i