THE JOURNAL. New Berri, N, C July 27, 1906.. - LODGE DIRECTORY WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at RotintreeHallSemi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are invited. , .: CRAVEN LODGE No, 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meeta 2nd and 4th Wed. nesday nights in each month in Roun . . ufi PniixV itmit - at ., 7:80 o'clock. ' Samuel B. UalL rtesiaeni; y. iH. Smith, Sec'y; Rv B. HilL, Financial Sec'y.' , s t , .'Index t Hew HiaUmttu . Trustees Sale. r " - . Administrators Sale. i ? - ? Farmers Tobacco Warehouse; r! r J M Mitchell & Co.Ita up to you.' Simmons & Hollowell Co-rBig Sale of odd lota. ' - ' NOTICES 111 THIS. OLUMH FOR LESS THAR ONE MOUTH' MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADYAHCE. ; fruisesi tools. : Wife SATE1. Sphnoner "Reflisre. sharpie built, fifty-two feet long, i our tivm Inroad, net tnnnaire fourteen. Two vears old and in trood condition. , - For further particulars - bddIv to- W, ' D, Mclver. New Bert, N. C. orL N. Hen WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel lor nrm or. zou, 000 capital. Salary ?1,072 per , year, payable weekly. Expenses advanceo. Address Geo. G. Glows. New Bem. N. C. J. L. Collins will buy your 'scrap iron and metals of all kinds no, lot too targe and none too small, address, 20 Griffith St. BICYCLE Picked Up-Owner can have U by proving property and paying I'OHm. ' ' BOGUE Sound Watermelons on ice. Bananas 10, 15 and 20c per dozen. Broad St. Fruit Co. TAKEN UP A' large cow, red and white color, butt head. Mark, smootn crop both ears. Owner can recover by proving ownership and paying expenses . . tir n yi 1 1 t T Apply lon.u, vj waiuiey, new sera, C. - GASKINS Cycle Co., has just received 100 Bicycles all sizes colors and grades, also a full line of second-hand bicycles on hand. When in need of bicycle call out the price you want to pay - and we will trot out your bike, from $6 and up. FRESH Loose Chocolate - Candy, O ranees and Bananas at J. B. Daw- on's. - OLD NEWSPAPERS 16 cents per .100 or sale at Jourrinl office. THEY COME AND GO. have gone to Connolly Springs to spend a few days. Misses Louise and Gladys Barrington returned yesterday from a visit to rela tives in Pamlico county.. Mr. D. L. ward arrived from vaca tion visit to Virginia Beach yesterday. Mr. Ed Land of Newport News, Va., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, K. Land. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Clarke who have been visiting relatives here re turned to their home in Salem, Oregon, yesterday. airs. it. o. mxon, ausses Juary ana Lee Mitchell and Master Robert, left for Wampee, S. C yesterday to be ab sent to October. V Mrs. K. R. Jones left for Wampee, S. C. yesterday. ; .. : Mrs. J. A. Meadows,', her daughter Misa Sarah, and sons Messrs. Wade and Ed Meadows and Mrs.' S. L. Pill, Jr., went to Wrightsville to spend few .days. -. Mr. Thos. Duncan of Beaufort was in the eity yesterday.- Y:!i; yK -i f " nr. unas, h. Mali and family or JacK to spend a few days at Seven Springs. - Mr. 1. W. Wm-Wtan and fkmltv left '.' on the atmrnnr Nauaa last evening- On- Srtr in Dual fnm hntn. In TWlaaraM . . 1 111 Jf. 1 J . 1 . . wuwi iukj wiu vwii itimwm iw . nw - tires for a montbb -' ; ,:"r. ; Mm. JR. Ulrich left kst night night Wms New York. -':A;, C ' Mr. and Mrs. C W. Mungerand fam ' Hy went to Black Mountain last night V. fkr UKaw will Huplnff- ihm Mrs. V. U Ward and children and .' her mother Mrs. Shollenbanrer have . returned from Virginia Beach. - -, ' ' Misses Daisy and Nettie Pennington - are visiting relative in Mt. Olive. I tr. andMri. Charles Hall of Jack- 'aotiville were in New Bern last night ; , on their way to Seven Springs. Mr. 3,i. Wolf emlen went to More ' head last night.";. ' .. - - . ' V!w' ririKham Meredith is visiting , friends in Charlotte. . r . , Perfect womanhood depends on per fect health. Nature's rarest gift of nhvnicHl beauly comes to all who no llollwtor'n Rocky MounUinTc. Brigl: yrs and red clieeks follow Its uro. 2 ctntH, For hhIp by F, S. Duffy. ffi,l B No One JJeed Fear Cickness if lli-o-na ls Used People with , strong Btomachs-and natural digestion jure ordinarily not subject to bower troubles, diarrhoea, and other germ diseases that are so common and dangerous In the summer months'- ' ' - A Mi-o-na tablet taken before .each meal will give such health and strenirth to the weakest stomach that the whole svstemwili; become strong and well, and so clean and sweet that there will Mi-o-na is so nearly infallible in cur be ho chance for disease germs to be tog the diseases resulting from a weak- come effectived -'" .Jr" A great many people imagine that then headaches, dizziness, heart burn, or general despondency and weakness SHORT PASSING EVENTS. S G. A. Williams, a colored farmer from Arapahoej was in the city yester day, with the first lot of this season's red yams, twenty fiva bushels, which were quickly sold at. one.aoiiar per bushel i This la unusually early for yams, they seldom coming to market in July. The retail price from the stores are 40 cents per peck. The State encampment at; Wrights ville broke up yesterday at noon after a most satisfactory week of military drills and maneuvres. It is probable that steps will be taken to make Wrightsville the permanent camping ground for the State guard as that place has a more advantageous position than any other place. There are' eleven prisoners at - the county jail awaiting trial in the October term of court. - The condition' of Mr. T. M. Owens, the purser of the Ocracoke,' who was nearly drawned at the surf Sunday, July 16, is reported as improving slowly. His physician states that he will not be able to be out for two weeks.- . . ? Jim White was fined one dollar and costs by Mayor Patterson yesterday for shooting firearms within the ' city lim fts. - Cotton sold on, the local, market yes terday at 10.60. Mr. Claud Taylor, ' of Bachelor, was here yesterday with his new napthahione -ether than his wife.. He explain launch, Thelma. The Thelma ia de signed for freight boat Is fitted with a ten horse engine of the latest make, and" is strongly - made, but . with, an economy space that gives great storage room. The' boat 'will ply between Blades and other'" points on Clubfoota creek and New Bern. ;' ' Mr. T. M. Davenprt and family, who have been living in. this city a year or more- have moved back to their old home at Merritt, Pamlico county. v ;. ' ... ThaP.O. A W. railroad willreacfc: Bayboro today. The working force will then be used forawhile onhe pwt vTHE liERRICK SHOES were 3.00 thU wek 12.19.1 - And anything In the cheap ' tlom,' K-V:.: i- ... . yi At - 1 1 . i.' . au ineo prices ar cauo. .. n exchanged, 1 . f V,.:'-" --:v:.'T;J,-'.-'5''-.-:-;- :..r-vf ;f-Ar mmm r-r- The HerricV Shoes In Black and Tan; wars $2.50, this Week l'49. ' -' AU $1.60 Shoss at $l.i8fv:;4;S 3W ,-- A Liquid preparation fur sore, tired, aching, blistered, and 111 Smelling feet. Notice" Is the Name. It's Liquid. ? , " Sold In New Bern and GUARANTEED by C D Bradham, D. R. Davis and F. S. Duffy. r I 1 6!' ca- is a sign of fatal illness, when the trouble is the direct result of a weafc and jmperf ditef!Uon. A cent of MiH-n. Ublets will show by the great gain In health tflfet .the stomach is the cause of the poor health, and. that Mi-o-na is the only .remedy that will drive out all weakness debility, and disease.; y. V -,; ne stomach, excepting cancer of the stomach, that F. S. Duffy guarantee to refund the money should the remedy not give perfect satisfaction. already built, leveling it up and putting it in better condition. ',- It is '-noticed that i there is a good deal of traffic passing over the line already. . The , j excursion : to Raleigh, : Vbich takes place today bids fair to be very large; : The train composing eight ears went to Moreheadlast night which will be the special train for the occasion. v The second game between the New Bern And Greenville colored base bah teams resulted in victory for the vis itors by a score of S to 4.- The game was played well and fast . and was -ex citing, ' ' An adjourned "session of the first meeting of the creditors of D. A Owings ft Co. was held before Referee. 3. W. Smallwood yesterday. A. D. Ward and R. A. Nunn appeared for the creditors and E. M. Green represented Mr; Owings. The case will be continued today at 10 o'clock. . r Charlotte Hat Graft. Charlotte is In the clutch of the de mon of graft, WOliam McCormick En girieer of the water works was cited . to appear before the Water ' Commission of that city and explain , devious ways he had of obtaining large sums of money oyer and above his salary. , The money coming directly or indirectly out of the city treasury,-:; ; i-i' i$'-fft?J ' The Engineer was alleged to. have used one method of collecting money by making an entry of Andrew Jack son's name which was understood to be ed that he did not care : to. have his wife's name appear among a lot ... of ne groes. This and other subterfuges thaa4 were discovered developed the fact that the engineer was drawing seven dollars per day from the city. - The affair has caused a big sensation in Charlotte, Fine line fresh canned goods at Coast Line Markets f. 'x ''.' " New Lot Of fine Smoked Hams, of Mveral brands Just Received at the 8flea Market. - IN-BUCAND TAN:- Shoes reduced in the same 'propop-y . 'i:r : J-.. .'... . ... ' i i- . goooB, sent qui oo , approval or if 'I rs. AV .l itching, burning Drome Ein-Tnn, the eminent philottopher In an V sry on ll';U' m'o saiJ, in speak inf; of a nniri whom he il B-rilr-.l im a G1 - ihI to liis, "de ii piit tn. cilii'r lil.oa Wn!- -on Wnli'h." We are kIio'a ii nn n. -.II. . si v :i ty of Wilill.nm Wat- Im in, I yn v . ;l that 1'iir j.rir. s are inviiri;.! V t!, ! t. ' a Tin; I. i 1 Eock Elnilery for New Bern. Now Bern will in a day or two have one of the most up-to-date Book Bind eries and printing offices in '- this State. . : i: , - ' -. ., Mr. Owen G. ' Dunn, l the leading printer of this city, has just bought out the Simmons Blank Book , Company's machinery ? of " Richmond, Va.;' who failed a few months ago. -tfJvy'Sfc He has secured the services of Mr. J, !. Null, of New York, who "will have charge of the bindery. The have" both just returned, from Richmond, where they went to make the purchase of th large planti.:?f i'ivAfei The machinery will arrive in a day or two and they will be ready for business at once.- , 5 -:,, -zs ' They will also' do special "loose leaf and card Index! worV' j JThis i style - of bookkeeping Ss getting .to be very popu lat and .the demand ..for .this kind of work is one reason Mr. Dunn has added this machmery.';jtf....vvy:;;i : He has also lately made 'additions to his prii.tin& department '.and is in posi tion to turn out work promptly. .; Z - Fencing )oWv..:: Can - furnish on short notice good. nghtwood poet for plank or wire fenc ing for yard, or farm purpose. Get my prices. . '"' " Also have a nice new boat for gaso line engine 88 ft 4 inches over all, and engine all ready to be installed. ; Will sell either boat -or engine -or both to gether very cheap for cash or good se curity. Address Claude Taylor, North Harlowe, N. C. - To the Public" In connection with my 6 and 10 cent store I have put in a nice soda fountain where I will serve all the leading foun tain drinks, also. Ice . Cream, Milk Shakes, Pineapple Sherbets, etc. - v Try our Phosphates , and Fruit Floss. AU our syrups and fruits floss, are made up from the American Soda Fountain Company and. only the pure ripe fruits are used.--. , v ;:-v.':' Extra Parlof for Ladies. ' 132 Middle St E. WALNAU. . Bead Neckwear in Pearl or Gold is the fashion now. The correct style Is quite becoming, specially In summer Jress. ' J. O. Bax ter, the leading; jeweler, shows a beau tiful assortment from 10 cents to $20.00 ft string. v's'-'; ' " TUKN ,T0 US VIT11THK PHKSCRIPTI0V. HE MORE SERIOUS THE ILLNESS THE GREATER THE K'V'-V " ' NEED- -.. y WE DO NOT PRESCRIBE. ' That's the physician's business. WE DO, however, compound his prescriptions exactly as he wants them with STANDARD DRUGS . of KNOWN PURITY. . ' I ! Phone l'K4: -' Mig;Sale .of Odd Lots. The ; Summer Clearance Sale, with. Jallitsbuyfng opportunities is'now mat ter ot history, . lose upon its heels comes this other salW In, this sate we propose t6.:,turn iDto cash all the odd Iot, remnants from the clearance' sale, There'll be a bunching ot bafgaimi that wll 1 make the liveliest kind of ' trading for tne'next f eW days. white, Coodi 12,0. ; if llk MiUiIOC Odds and small lots mercerized ! AU the popular colors f White Goods . InTfliruTes .and " for street and evening '.,' stripes.' " ' ' ' s iwtn'.''"?"-!.: Table Damask. - Misses HoWt;' "2 yards wide, ' heavy half- Misses Lace. Lisle; Hose In bleached Linen Table Damask; Tans, Black' and White, sites 5 patterns. Actual value 76c to 8), actusJ value 26c. ' . . " Sale price 49c yd. '" Saleprice 19c pairf t , Corsets. ; Ladies Vests, r A lot of Corsets in different Ladies Mercerized Plain and shapes, not all siics jof a st; le.'Ucs Stripe Vests In White Pink Real value 60c ' ' 'and Blue, actual value 25c. : Sale P'ice 80e ' " ) - Sale Price 15c -" Ladies vVrist.E-igs Ready Mad Sheets A lot of Wrii t Butts in 'i Her- ' Sheets of good, strong bleached ent Blutpes and all colors, worth.rot txn Sizes 2i by 2 yards. Ac f rom 6K: to 75c. , ' ual value 70c. Sulo price 'SOc. Sale price d5c. , Iir.ny oth:r lotc on cnlc v;c did tot h rcora tO mention..- The warm weather aided bv;ur 2ft i. caused us to sell a The reason Is evident, the waather made th d we had the supply , .Don't try to fool suit, you can't do it 3? Coin riffht here featherweight suits a 20 per cent less than will be a whole heap more comfortable and same time. Suits bom T6tises ff 0m $J.OO Negligee Stlrts in colors Soct. -au juow noes, waists greatly reduced. i uere win do plenty moron t weather, cing, come in at once and we can fit you out of top clothes as well as underclothes. 'Twill he worth y ur while to inventiKale. Remember all summer goods are reduced Phone 2I2 For Sale. Short Horn Bull from one of the beat herds in the Valley of Virginia, 3 years old. Registered, sold to avoid in breeding; price right. Address CEDAR LANE FARM, Richlands, N. C. Extra fine Veal at Coast Line Mar- Davis' Pharmac Rood s many Jisrht weight at prices that are practically wholesale yourself and try to keep cool in a heavy : and arit ti";- Mi it $5 20 to $16 00 2 oo " 5 6o 20cts to 8octs. trnw iiats, Kelts, Boys J. M. HOWARD. 20PerCent. G- Dunn &l Co Farirers Tobacco Warehcuse. Kor tha sale of Leaf Tobr ceo. The rrcswt is that Tobacco will sell for f;i!r prices .his season, and we will 1 e prepared 'o "rt the seller as good prices i 1 New P.ern, as any other market ia ihe Ear . We w ill h ive a full corps ef Buyers, and will do our be t to pleas r ui- Customers. Come to the opening Bale, Aujt s 1st, 190". S-i'es every (lav all 1 o'clock. Good stables. Good Water and beit attention. We hav.- Storage and Grading Facilities for all who wish them. HOWARD & DONOHOE, Auctioneer. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Ft th fmrm anal CemiiUxlan Su bn mimlillT wad ttw UmMmJ m , s" ua inn m nUMi mi mm imi Sft iMrL Wkatrac applied N is fcutastty i tkrauh lh Mm ml tka tMa aiS itoUi alriOaa f u tk wmatiu daaaw. REMOVINa WRINKLES m V by " tHobU ofU ihowls WMtrkafcU tprr.MMit. - Dr. Ckuiw Plah Fw4 kl poritlwlj tk onlr TCMnltaa kaa to aM4kl mcimmorl UmI Uf na4 4 Hllm la a Mck b4 tnusaS kaass. Psr Dwaiopltuj the Bast or tnutt iknikn tram mantmrn: k ku tkJ om era riiMHMctaik) mum tke kMtl SOLD V BlumntiMIMUTi BSDOOttTS. ., -, - ;. . . .. .. knlr tin. H.SI a Wv w a n ad iaaa aaaaiaa at iw arsciAI, OVFII aaSata aa aaa aollar, wa U1 au4 taw (Jj: FREE Jtt1rtCLla'd ???.." tft MaatoatlS aaa to pmpmA ! aauto, Aaftan. m ..... ,. . I DH CHARLES CO. "VNBlf Administrators Notice ' Havlnir admltiittorad upon Dm aitala of Barvay Arthur, dacaavad. all aaianaa ara kwaby notified to pi unit to Um undaralsnad all alaima kald by them aaahut Mid aatala. aa or. bafora July mtb, IM. otWwtaa thai aotloa wtH ba plaadad in bar of mwu t, Allparaona (ndvbtad toaald acuta rtar- tod to mam laanaaiata paraianl ... rhk 1 1 n. is THUS iiC ARTHUR. AdntoMrator -' PURE CREAM llade v- Every V;Day 35cts per quart; ti.i..i OtnA T?i-Ti!t Pmnravr ' D ill tlUlilil IlUll UUilltlll-- Notics. .. The Kad Supervisor of No, 8 town liin w ill iniit at the court house on the lut Saturday In August, that being the Mlidiiy at It o'clock. The overseer w ill mul e tln ir report l the m lime of the condition of tl'ir roadn. K. street, Chm. n. rdufSMnn hn suits and extra nnr airAiainn iina regular price. You save money at the Shirts and fchirt it is jut omiun ia tbe coolest kiud 5557 Pollock St E. J. KESTER. Managers. Farmers Tobadco Warehouse. In connection with our large and complete line of Tobacco and Cigars, we have added a line assortment of Pipes which ve are felling at very low pri ces. We will sell a genuine Meer schaum with amber tip for $2.50, worth loulle. Our soda fountain continues to draw large crow Is for those delicious lirinks which we ere serving. Our store is clean and comfortable. Hi I'lace Crescent Tobacco Company. W. D. Burrington M ANAGtr. ( Middle i ire ui toiler lorucs. Brisk lor Si'i. dOnt be carelesp : aSnrt rmtmift ont fha banmnc aohain oa. tlm."ln wKkticaasToo iaout all thatoatotaato Kra ptal Nt Inaural Aaain. ta t aa aaia. aa but .at it tvdmy. taa aa 4uw laf ra rn ' km ukaa aat a poimr tkruwH a . Oar ad 4 ' raorlet aovan all laai aaUl a full fMaad aaliar a) For Sale. , '! 1 ' One. One McCormick shredder and husksr sightly worn. Will be sold at a bargain tin T. For orlce and terms, spply to i. House, Mcllwaln Farm, Bollalr. . The rule of this office will be strictly j enforced as to changes of ad, and c)1Bntres muwt be in this office before 12 o'clock, noon, on day previous toehantte j w,,ntel. Ailvertiers will please note tj,iB BIUJ Koven their changes .accord- ' ' ' Our CBIl't I Kftl Ci i 1 1 ,'.11, : '.i.i-( I, .).,! n

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