T 5 i r . 1-4. New Bern, N.: Ck, July SO, 1905. LODGE DIRECTORY. J WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet it Rountree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock. ' Visiting Woodmen are invited.- L CRAVEN LODGE No.' 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY Meets 2nd tmd 4th Wed- . - nwdav nierhts m each month , in Koun- . r inh HaII. Pollock street, at 7: - Comiml R Rail Pretrirlent.!- J - H. Smith. Sec'v: R. R, Hill - Financial ! Jtidia t Hr iaTtfthement. . Eaton Wedding Gifts. C 'J? 1 'ME Whiteburst & Co-This .Week ' Davis Pharmacy Royster Candy ' v ' Ennett Book StoreAugust i Periodi cals, v ' Simraons-& Hollowell Co-Ladies Shirt Waists. ' ToRemV-House Lost Watch .30 Baxter Optician t J J Baxter Monday NOTICES IN THIS OLUMN FOR LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Business Locals. LOST Lady's gold watch, black ribbon attached, on July 27th, between R. G, Moseley's corner Jones St. Five Points Queen and Metcalf streets. Finder re turn to Mrs. Theo Sloan 6 New South Front St and get reward. TO RENT The fine Slover residence No. 11 Union St. Inquire W. L. Lewis at Lucas & Lewis store Middle street. FRESH Devilled Crabs and -Limeades today. J. B. Dawson, 103 Middle street. Phone 209. SPRING Chickens, Corned Mullets Stock's Best and Diadem Patent Flour, and Pine Par at B."B. Davenport's. PARTIES having ice cream cans be longing to the Broad Street Fruit Co. will confer a favor by returning the same to their store or notifying them they will be called for. BANANAS, Oranges, Peaches, Melons on Ice at Broad St. Fruit Co. WANTED Position in a store by young man of 23, have had several years experience in Gen. store. Refer ences given. Address G, eare Journal office. PEACHES for a few days. Shall have fine Elberta Peaches and Grapes from Newport Fruit Farm. John B. Ives. GO-CARTS. Our handsome line at cost for ten davs. Call early and make a selection. John B. Ives. WHAT.all the people say must be so. That M. W. Chapman is yet standing between the people and the high price dealers with a carefully selected line of soft peaches, oranges and bananas soft corn, snap beans sweet potatoes, sugar crowder peas, sweet bell pepper, cante lopes, Bogue Sound melons, young and old chickens. Also coca cola, beerine and pepsie cola on ice at M. W. Chap man, cor.' Middle and S. Front Sts. FRESH Fox River print butter today and tomorrow, 30 cents per pound Coast Line store. BE Sure to buy some of that fine coun try lard at the Coast Line Meat Market A NICE lot of medium sized smoked hams just received at the Coast Line Market FOR SALE- Schooner "Refuge," sharpie built, fifty-two feet long, four teen broad, net tonnage fourteen. Two years old and in good condition. For further particulars apply to W. V Mclver, New Bem, N. C. or I. N. Hen derson, Hubert, N. C. J; L. Collins will buy your scrap' iron and metals of all kinds no, lot too large and none too small, address, 20 Griffith St BICYCLE Picked Up-Ownercan hava it by proving property and paying cost. ' ;., - TAKEN UP-A larga cow," red and white color, butt head. Mark, smooth crop both ears. Owner can recover, by proving ownership and paying expenses Apply to W. D. Gwaltney, New Bern, N. C. - GASKINS Cycle Co., has Just received 100 Bicycles all sizes colors and grade, also a full line of second-hand bicycles on hand. When In need of a bicycle call out the price" you want to pay' and we will trot out your bike; from $5 and up. OLD NEWSPAPERS 16 cents per 100 , isoale at Journal office, : - V" . . t , i1 . ' v s' i .-i tr - , . .. 7 Mr. . M. Connor . Representative of the Globe Tailor- ii ig vv win uo ai 4. 4 uaxier a won day and Tuesday with bis. line of fall -Onrl winter anmnTfitt v v .. . . ; Mr. Coniioris an experienced cutter t iuiu ubw miu hii wnu uBire nc r.r.Q v style up to date will do well to tel. -,lt leautiful lino. . . ' r "" ' J.J. V, ' XTE.1. r"; Tski Hollistor's Rocky MoonlainTea See it exterminate the poison, feci it revitalise the blood snd bring back that happy joyous feeling of bygone dny. 33 cent, Tea or Tablets. For Bale by V. S. DutTy. , . There will be a meeting tomorrow Monday, evening at 6 o'clock at the home of Mrs. M. M. Marks on Johnson street of the Department of Child Study of the Woman's Club. . i The funeral services of Eloise Morris Infant daughter of H. W. and Rosa Armstrong were held at the home of the parents at 82 New street last " eve ning at 6:30, conducted by Rev. G.' T, Adami t ,. v.. . a . - Rev. J. J. Douglass the new. pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist church , ar rived in the city last night accompanied by his family. They are temporarily located at the Patterson house.- A lit tle son of Mr. Douglass had "the misfor tune to fall and break his arm in;' the hotel at Wilson while waiting '4o take the train for New Bern'. 1 The little boy-1 stood the ordeal of having the(fracture reduced and is doing finely. ,s - " 'f , ? Miss Mary Whitty entertained aiium ber of friends Friday evening'at a very enjoyable , Salmagundi party, Her guest Miss Margaret Tyson Lee was the" guest of honor. -; ' Capt J. J. JLaster received yesterday a Pope-Tribune gasoline automobile of the runabout pattern. The vehicle was purchased through Mr. W, T. HilV .the agent' Very early Saturday , morning, ; low. rumblings and mutterings of thunder were heard, the clouds thickened and it was evident that a storm was brew ing. About ten o'clock the . electrical storm became very severe and lasted over an hour accompanied by a quite heavy rainfall. Showers followed until the middle of the afternoon, Kinston wfll hereafter rigidly enforce the law prohibiting the sale of cigars and cool drinks on Sunday. The ordinance provides for the revocation of license if the law is persistently violated. The date for the Lantern Carnival is set for next Friday night. Remember each child bringing a lantern is entitled to a ride in illuminated wagons, find can compete for' a prize. A joyous time is in store for alL Let all the children meet at the GreenTuesday af ternoon at 6 o'clock to make further ar rangements. Mollie Nobles and Sadie Agent were found guilty of disorderly conduct in the police court yesterday and were as sessed the costs. - Rev. George W. Butler, D. p., M. D. of Goldsboro has been engaged to sup ply the pulpit of the Presbyterian church during the month of August Rev Butler was a medical missionary of the Presbyterian church to Brazil and en joyed a fine reputation as a surgeon. The Carolina Brick Co., contemplate building a brick manufacturing plant somewhere on the line of -the P. O. & W. railway. Puts light in the eye, tints the cheek with Nature's bloom, loosens the ten sion of life, brushes the cobwebs from the brain, that's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Mil v r FINE For This Week Only. r " THE IIERKICK SH0FS were $3.00 this week 2.19. The Herrick Shoes in Black $1.79. -i-t -The. "..;.'.- 1.49. , - - -I-'. All $1.60 Shoes at $L18. And anything in the cheap Shoes-reduced in the same proper- " Uon. ' v . - -;,,,.."' V-i " '. - AH these Dricea are Cash. ' No T(wls tAnt. mi an tnnvAnl ad exchanged. . t ' : :;A Liquid priiiaratlon for sore, tired, aching; blistered, itching, burning and ill smelling feet ' . , , ;Nbtice,, is the Name, It's 'Liquid.:' " 8old in New Bern and GUARANTLED by .CD Bradham, D. R. Davis andF.S.DulTy. Perplexity Abcni , . - v- f ' w ' Is done sway wilh in a motm-nt in o.ir tUru. ' Our s -large and varied that we can suit tt.yMy. : . 1'iiffrnving fr-e of diarge on all ;... ' i tu.ld. I:hi,i:..1;,.( r 2 r ? Mr. J. W. ;rK-ooJ returned from a trip to LaGrane yesterday. Dr. D. S. SanJcis retimed to hi" home at Beaufort, yesterday. Miss Margaret H. Kinsey is visiting relatives at Bellair. - Miss' Mary Whitty and her guest, Miss Margaret Tyson Lee went" to Morehead last night ' Mr. A. E. Hibbard and'son are spend ing the day in Morehead. " , ,' - Capt A. W. Gard, of the steamer Ocracoke is spending the day in More- head.. . . ' - - ' : v Misses Lizzie Hancock and Virginia Moore returned last night from a weeks stay at Morehead, T . ' Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Nunn and daugh- tec left for a month's sojourn at Black Mountain last night . , Miss Aniy Rigdon went to Beaufort last night td visit her friend! Miss'Ethel Armstrong,"" - Mr.'Willie P. Montague of Olympia, is visiting his parents Mr, and Mrs R. P. Montague, h " " - . " Mr. Charles Pearson is spending i few days in Raleigh. " . Miss Mary Whitford who has been the guesfof Mrs. John HTWhftford re turned to her home in Beaufort last night '' - ,"- 4 ' Mrs. B. 5. Robbins and Miss Eva Armstrong returned yesterday from visit to friends at Southport Prof, C. Z..Whittaker who has been in the city for several weeks instruct' ing the Knights of Pythias band re turned to his home jn Oakridge yester day. Miss Ina Bright is visiting friends in Beaufort Misses Emily and Thelma Howell are spending the day in Beaufort. Mrs. J. B. Stanly and son Eari will will leave this morning to go to North River to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Elliott. Mr. C. L. Ives returned yesterday from a week's sojourn at Black "Moun tain. Died. At the home of her husband B. T, Banks, No. 18 Attmore Street, Friday evening July 28, Mrs. B. T. Banks aged 25 years. The funeral services will take place today"at the family burial ground en the east side of the Neuse. Fencing Posts, ' Can furnish on short notice srood lightwood poet for plank or wire fenc ing for yard or farm purpose. Get my prices. ..' Also have a nice new boat for sraso- line engine 88 ft 4 inches over all. and engine all ready to be installed. Will sell either boat or engine er both to gether very cheap for cash or rood se curity." Address Claude Taylor, North Harlowe, N. C. - Mi ' ; SHOES IN BLACK AND TAN;:'": , " ;'f and Tan ' were $2.60, this week ". ; ..... . ; ,.$2.00, this "week, .,, i ' , ' -' V ' V : " ' ' . f ''. , ,.- i , 4 jwi Kyi i is i j , ! T2 lie, it U BO The f Jtral services of Lenora Kath lene diiUj;hterof Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Hardison will be held at the Centenary church Uiis afternoon at half past four oclock. --- . New Lot of fine Smoked Hams, of several brands Just Received at the Oaks Meat Market - ' . y,"M. C. A Colored". . The Y, M. C. A meetjiig to be held in the lecture room of St, 'Peters A. M, E. Zion church this evening at 6 o'clock All are earnestly requested to come out The address of the evening will be de livered by Thomas Lame Esq., Of New York City. r'-:: v ; T. Battle, Pfest Edward Dudley, Gen. Sec "" : " Fine line fresh canned goods at Coast Line Market 1 ,-" An eye strain means that' rays of light do not focus on the: mirror or re tina of the eye properly, and if the eye has no power to concentrate these rays to a focus very bad sight or almost total blinding would result, but . by more or less excessive muscular - action stimu lated by an excess of nerve force these rays are made to focus, which accounts for the strained condition and loss of nervous energy whidh "should ; supply some other part of the system, nature rebels at this robbery by the headaches, inability to read for any length of time, inflamed eyes, cross-eyes and hundreds of other disagreeable symptoms Art has furnished a means of lens or specta cles to focus properly the rays of light, without any of the muscles of the eye, which removes the strain or cause, the symptoms of course are cured,' We take great pains in the careful examination of the eye, this combined with the necessary instruments and long experience places our optical work as " "good as any specialist which has been proven in these columns; J. O. BAXTER. Graduate Optician. ATotlce to Advertisers. The rule of this office will be strictly enforced as to changes, of ads, and changes must be in this office before 12 o'clock, nodn, on day previous to change wanted. Advertisers will please note this and govern their changes accord-ngly. FRESH SUPPLY OF Royster st Gandy Just Received at Phon.56 ; i Last And Final Reduction V V i $6 5ilk 5 ?'r ;3.5o Lawn 2 ! 150 ,: Thcro lsohly About two dozen in all I t Clzcs 35, M. 36, 38. ; tunity never offered in tovn. Your Last Cliancc " to buy :Tr.UJn3 lit cr.r ft--!: of China ' ITattinfj thai nan " : !,' .it 25o end COc, to bo clo-d c I t l; 3 rVyard by tin roll; 10c for Uz J :The warm xzeather aided by. our go p. reduction": has caused us to sell a ffood many light weight suitB, and extra trousers: r , . - -.-r -u---. '. --- -.,; , - . s,- . f -h "--," iii . , r - The reason Is evident, the weather made the demanrl krA we had the supply Don't try to fool yourself and try to keep cool in a heavy suit, you can't do it - -, : , - V-Come right -here and ar)tlOv,-,3 ) ii3 t our skeleton lined feather weight suits wiirpe a whole neap more cointortabie and same time. Suits from . Tt onsets from $ J .00 Negligee Shirts in coles 8oct. ,A11 Low Shoes, Straw Hats, Belts, Boys Shirts and Shirt waists greatly reduce!. There will be plenty more h t weather, it is jut common cingrCome in at once and we can fit you out of top clothes as well as underclothes. 'Twill be worth your while to investigate. Remember all summer goods are reduced iiOPerCent. OF- G- Phone 2I2 la For Sale. Short Horn Bull from one of the be3t herds in the Valley of Virginia, 3 years old. Registered, sold to avoid in breeding; price right. Address CEDAR LANE FAEM, Richlands, r. C. r Davis Pharmacy OS Waists , : $3 9 and;I(nen , 2 .19 1 .;' : - .98 This is an oppor- J bsire by any storo . nuch a reduction. All J ; at priees that are .practical y wholesale at 20 per cent less than $5 20 to $16 00 2 oo " 5 60 20cts to 8octs. Dunn 5557 Pollock St J. M. HI WARD. Farmers Tobacco Warehouse. For the sale of Leaf Tobncc . The prospect, is that Tobacco will sell for fair prices this season, and we will be prepared toet tlie seller as good prices in New Bern, as any other market in the Fait. We will have a full corps ef Buyers, and will do our beat to please our Cusinraers. Come to the opening sale, August 1st, 190?. Sales every day at 11 o'clock.- Cood stahles. Good Water and best attention. We have Storage and Grading Facilities for all who wish thrm. MOW A 12 ID &MS3TER, Managers. DONOHOE, Auctioneer. Farmers Tobadco Warehouge. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Forth Form and Comslsxlon "Hm ba MscMMfally lutd by lmdlngi draws, wtti m and wotui at fuhlea fori man uu yemra. Wknmr knalUd it la laatantlv itaorlinl . xu vvimw wu mm mmm kdc ilm wan- Mtiiu aniHuca i tew lb wutlnf timet. RCMOVINQ WRINKLES uif r uiio. MaaypllcaUoa often (bowing nanrkabl Impronairat. Dr. CharlM Vluk Po to (XMlUrtlr tk only pnpamtian kaewa la auakal Mn tkal will rannd Ml kallewt in tkc neck and pmunnra, BMiuy Ma aa thU ckcaka. ma m aaaoa. Z Pot Dcveloplns ths Bust or brcnata, ihrankaa from aarriaf; It ban the isaaraaaiaai oi payaicun. Twa nana ara onaa aamciaat aa -- tiu a ttrai, laraa aa4 kMttfai. tD T DEFAJlTMXIfT STOKES Aim! w m, fa fa an wno Uka adraaUa ml taia ariCIAI, OKPBR dollar, w will Mad twa (J) . MmmI. - at aa - c . .. . FREE & Jrr ", "An oil ll- Maaun.'' ralhr Mliiatratei? .in bH amt tVaa to nr tmiv tuilaw Ui rmt a tl wot of aMlllaa, Attnu. . ,. 1 DR. CHARLES CO. 8Vg,wJ Adinini8trator8 Notice Ravins admlnlatarod utxm tha ottala of Harvay Annur, aaeeaMa, all naraona art hen by notittad to Braaant to tha andenlaiMd all elatm held by thorn wainat aald aatata. on or before July 27th, otharwiM thla notioa will be plaadnl In bar at recovery. AUperaona indebted to laid aetata are raaenl to make inmedfate payment Tha J I 27th, 11X . . :: TH08 lr ARTHUR. . Admin latrn tor PURE CREAf.l tlado - Evory ' Day 35ctG, per quart. , BM Street -'Fruit Ctmpanf -; Notice, Tlie Ruad Kuprvinor of No. 8 town-' hip will moot at tlie court hoima on tho 1; t T ilurcSny in AiijMit, tlmt bf ing the j Uh thy at 11 o'clock. The overseer i ut iwikc tueir rejKirt at m sm time (if !); rnii.ii Hon of their rond. F. II. ,'t re !, Chm. regular price. You save money at the in the coolest kind & Co. E. J. HESTER. ii. A. NKOLL, Jt ire ir.i Boiler Insurance. Brick for Sale, I DON'T Bp; fARI LKS? about rem winK your fire fi -imiBce policy; our houM Ktora or factory rimy hum down "between t!mca,"in which caiM you're out all th prcmluma provMiUflly prid. Not innurt? AKain. don't ba caia lefts but let not tMlay-. lun co down bafora you have takon out r pohrv t Iii-ourJi ut J Our b nd nt rtvclpt covert nil iom until a full fierifrcd policy in your hand then ih policy miff ices. Phone 200. NOTICE! The Kfiad Supervisors of Township No. 2 will meet Saturday August 5th to consider important matters of bus- N. T. FULCHER, Secty. Trustees Sale. Pursuant to an order of S. W. Small wood, referee in Bankruptcy in the. matter of D. A. Owings, bankrupt, U will offer for sals to the highest bidder for cosh on Saturday August 6, atr. 12 o'clock M., all that stock of gfnnin. wares and merchandise now in tti atore on Broad street, formerly occu pied by D. A. Owing, including all tha dry . goods, boots, shoes, clothing and nouona logciner wnp vne nxrures in said atoro. .. ' . ,. . - wrr.t.tAM nnww. jr. " July 2 1001. Trusts.,' Ilolice' to Sio Jrtfn Saturday next wa will ssllaai .thousand La Bella Creole Cigars' at ' K -". SIX CENT3 EACH; ," These ctgnra ara th finat domestla ' TEN CENT Cigar sold In New Bern.- J Not mofe than 1 box (2S) sold to any 'customer. 1 This sata U poaltively for on day only. ' !, '. ' - Crccccnt Tobacco Company, W; I). Oarringlon MANAfll.R.

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