V i ' If ' r 1 II A HI.'. it t j t if i . i v ' r . ' , " . , . , Vol. XXIII.-Xo. 105. : , New Kern, 13. CM Thursday Morning A ngat Sf 1903. Twenty-Fourth Year -T - ! . VWV ..3. ' ' r r . Bliii Children, Misse3, and. Ladies Oxford and Gibson Tics Reduced, Tan. Vici, Black. Kid and Pat Leather, all sized. Are you interested then?. Come to our, store and we will make the price direct to you and not to the public. Shopping is always easy when you find what you want, price 'these shoes are stock. j J. M. Mitchell & Co., I PHONE 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. A This Week's Bargains. Customors Tell us That This Store is Busiest and Bargains are the Greatest. UMBRELLA BARGAINS. We offer at this sale, 75 Umbrellas, price elsewhere $1.00, our price each. 350 PAIR Ladies and Misses Black, tan, and White Slippers will go at less than they cost. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. A fine lot Men's Shirts, worth 75c, this week only 50c each. All sizes. TABLE LINEN. . 175 yards in short lengths, worth 50c per yard, this week 22Jc a j ard. SPECIAL. We place on Bale 200 dozen yards Pine 75 Middle P. S. We sell the .1 Baum Saf. pnd safes on the market. They succeeded in at. units, iyoi. We have them in stock, weighing from 475 lbs to 2,000 lbs. Write for Catalogue and Prices. T J TUttNIR K URN ITU UK tare arc FllTD House Everything to make a home comfortable and attractive, suh as book cases. China lOlosrts, Kockers and others. : Any one that is thinking of buying will do well' to see me before they buy, as we sell roods where comjvetiticn cuts no figure. or. s. CCC3CC00QO0CCCQCCCa0CCC3O P Sale Continues for ; - One Week Longer o it W ItAUA fyrWVrf Mllllttf fSVtAfftf It Attt ftat MHist 'mrAJk tm,. L& o o () m-mm v imt w biiwij vuun vi decided to continue our sal for One It is our aim to close oat odr entire stock of summer goods and this week we will have prices never thingi will be sold regardless of cost n () o '8 o ) u price on the following: ','-'", ' . IfenV Boy and Children's Clothing, Men and Womens Oxfords, 8traw HaU, Laces and GrahroMerk't, j:iblon. Silks, White and Fig ured Lawns, Mens Summer Uo lorwar, , Neckwear, Trunks and suit turn. Mattings, Rugs, Lenaleum and floor Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, 8creen6, and a thousand other things 1. 1. vmx 0- 4" Jp Pf I House Work Is Hard Work without 001.) OVuT. and at the right - . all new; no old 288. qualify Val Lace and Insertion to match, the kind you have been paying 5 and 10c a yard" for. Quit paying such prices. Come to S. Coplon and take your choice at 4c a yard. " BOY'S PANTS. 250 Pair Boy's Pants only 124c and 15c a pair all sizes. Come quick before they are gone. MONEY SAVERS. Best Machine, thread 4c spool. " Sewing Silk, 4e Lace Curtains $1.50 and 1.00 kind on ly 43 and 98c a pair. You can always find Bargains in our Embroidery and Ribbons Street. Iron Safe Clause Judicially BedandValid. Extract from decision of Supreme Court in the case of Georgia Home In surance Co., against Allen. "An Iron Safe Clause in a policy o. Insurance reauirine the assured tokeei a set of books and inventory of thej stock, which shall be kept in an iron safo at night and at other times when the store is not open for business, i a valid condition and binding npon the as sured, the breach of which will void the policy unless it if waived by the insur er. Ix)ck Company's Safes, one of the best winning the Gold Medal at World'B Fair (;0MPAS?,New Bern, KJC iiwni MMD lllVUift W UIU fTV IIITff week longer, ' - ,- o () ( ) n o ( ) o a before heard of. A food many We will give you - very low that cannot be mentioned. 1 fc '"'"" ' Furnishings REMARKABLE CASE, - Of Gold Brick Swlndlsrs How De Thty Get So i - -L -1 , , " , , ' Much Influence te Favor Them, ,- ;: Raleigh, August 2. A statement has been made in some of the papers that Governor Glenn intended ? to pardon Howard and Hawley,lthe gold brick, swindlers who are serving ten year sentences in the penitentiary upon the payment of a $5,000 fine by each, "they having been four years in prison. The attention of the Governor was called to these statements and he said that all he knew of this matter was that it had been intimated to him that, a proposi ti m of this character might be made and submitted to him. His reply was that if it were made he would give it careful consideration as he does all case? without giving any intimation as to what he would do after such looking into the matter. The proposition has not been submitted. This is a very remarkable case and the Governor in speaking about it today said the people outside have no idea of the tremendous i.uluences which are being brought to bear to get these men out of prison; that Congressmen and Governors, anong-others, are in the movement. For example Congressman Sulzer of New York has written numer ous letters to the Governor about Haw- ley who is the New Yorker. Mention was made in June of pres sure brought to bear upon Paul Garrett by people in New York and elsewhere in behalf of Hawley and the Governor has had to undergo the same sort of experience. Of course it has has been stated that there was a large criminal fund back of these men. The whole thing would make a most dramatic story, as it is doubtful that so much in fluence has ever been brought upon Governors of North Carolina as have been brought upon Governors Aycock and Glenn. Governor Aycock pardoned Bailey, one of the three swindlers, largely upon personal application of the Governor of Illinois, and now Howard and Hawley declare Bailey was the worst man in the gang. DENIED DRINK OF WATER Trivial Cium For i Sorlous Cutting Affair At Thurnun. Cutting affairs have become so com mon that the Journal almost finds; it necessary to make a standing head and set all stories relating to sanguinary af fairs of this kind under it. It will be dandy and readers of the Journal can refer quickly to the column where it will be located and see if one of thier friends has fallen by the knife, The latest cutting occurred in Thur man, Monday morning and the parties concerned are negroes. David Bennett is in the Craven county jail for cutting Garfield Jones. The latter receiving injuries from which he may not re cover. The difficulty from which the affair developed was a seemingly very trivial circumstance and carries with it a whole lot of food for reflection. The story told by prisoner is that he (Bennett) asked Garfield Jones for a drink of water out of a barrel or tank which Jones had on csrt. The latter ans wered with a rough oath that he would not let him drink and called hira appro brioua names calculated to cause alight After soma pleading and a; steady re fusal Jones jumped off the- wagon and grabbed a cant book. Bennett tad in the meantime secured the desired drink by stealth and Jones was angered by it He struck Bennett with tht instrument several times when the latter drew, his knife and made a deep cot In the neck barely escaping the jugular vein, when Jones struck again Bennett closed with bim and stabbed him twice In the back. He bled profusely and became uncon scious but rallied. Dr. Caton was sum moned and reports the man as danger ously injured. ' ; -, ; ; , ' ' ' Bennett wIU have a hearing before Justice Street today.' ' ,' ' - ''-'"'fl. ", " . ' ' " ...... '- ' ' ' Cures difty spells,' tired feeling, stomach, ' kidney and . liver trdubles. Makes yott well and keep you weU. That's what Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. For sal by F. S. Duffy. . ' r - ."-. Card of Thaflki. , . 1 deaira through ths Journal to thank the flwmen and citizens for valuable and efficient work la saving my prop, wrty from destruction by fire last night '. J. L. McDANIEL. New lM of fine Smoked llamn, of ncvrnl Imn'H Just Recpivcd at the HIGH GEMS SI Sin Strengthen The Stomach With Mi-o-na And l r3-? " - ? ' . ' - - - SMS) m iv.' ' - - -i - lieep A - wealthy philanthropist in ' New York spends thousands of dollars every. summer providinmilk for the babies, with the result that the mortality is greatly decreased. He appreciates the fact that disease germs are common in the summer and that the stomach must be kept healthy 4o resist their at tacks. - Older people do not live on a milk diet tojnsure health, but they can so strengthen the stomach and digestive THEY COME AND GO. Miss Le,ah D. Jones left yesterday for Duplin county. Mr. T. Gilbert Pearson and family of Greensboro, went to Morehead City yesterday for a few days. Mr. Pearson is President of the- Audubon Society of North Carolina. Miss Virginia Foster of Louisburg N. C, is visiting Mrs. D. R. Davis. Mr.and Mrs. C. C. Hunter and child- ren of Warrenton passed through yes terday enroute for Beaufort where they will visit Dr. and Mrs. R. E. King. Mrs. N. F. Nunn anJ daughter Miss Etta returned yesterday from a visit with friends at Cherry Point, N. C. Prof. S. J. Holloday is visiting friends in the city. Hon. C. R. Thomas went to Kenans ville yesterday where he will address the Confederate Veterans reunion to be held today. Hon. Bryan Grimes of Ral eigh is also a speaker on that occasion. Mrs. S. W. Rowe and daughter, Miss Elma, went to Rocky Mount to visit friends and relatives. Miss Elma will go to Georgia to resume her work in the millinery business. Miss Gertrude Greenleaf who has been visiting Mrs. E. H. Howe returned to Elizabeth City yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Roberts left last night for Sandwich, N. Y., to visit Mr. Roberte''brother. Miss Mary E. Street went to Wash ington, N. C, yesterday to visit fritnds Mrs! S. L. Dill Jr., returned yester day from Wrightsville Beach. Mrs. P. M. Pryor and family went t Burlington for a short visit yesterday. Mr. F. P. Hudson, book keeper for L. H. Cutler & Co., left on the steamer Neuse last night to visit his parents in Wilmington, Del; Mr. W. K. Baxter went to Durham yesterday. Miss Gertrude Foreman who has been the guest of Miss Hattie Marks return ed to her home at Elizabeth City yes terday. Mrs. Chaa. G. Blades left last night for a visit in Delaware, Miss Bettie Exum of Oriental after a few days visit with friends in, the city has returned home, ' Miss Mabel Hughes who has been en joying a several weeks visit her with friends after a five years absence, left last night for Goldsboro to visit her sla ter Mrs.' Neita Manly before returning to New York. Her many friends regret to have her leave. , . Miss Flora Fox of .Siter City, who was maid of honor at the Baxter-Mason wedding at North . Harlowe was the guest of Miss Daisy Edwards yester day.' Master Harry Brown who has been a guest of Sheriff and Mrs. . W. Biddle returned to his home in Nashville, Ga., yesterday. " " . , " , Rev. H. S. Bradshaw of Hillsboro is intheity. "' - - - .'' . Miss Annie L. Ktnsey went to Norfolk last night to attend the hqrse show - ' Mrs. William Warters who has been visiting relatives In the city returned to her home in Washington, D. C, last night v.- H Sr6. Prof, N. T. Ennott of Richmond Va,, was a visitor In the city yesterday and was enroute to Cedar Point where , be will spend a week with relatives and friends..'; '';' ' Mrs. Clark and the Misses Brown of Washington, D.C., are guests of Mr J. r rigott : -r Mr. W. J. Brooks went to Scotland Nock ycfltenlivy to vinlt friends. kotice to sinrrEP.s. FrtV'l 0r Pml!re 0r!nll Xnf Wtit.rt .i'!rf. t r. r o ( i i, i w, . -I i . .11 ; " 1 i'4 1 i 0 to i r ' j I t r wen- - organs-by the use of Mi-o-na that they too; will be free from sickness in the summer season. Mi-o-na restores complete health to the whole system and cures headache, back-ache, sleeplessness, pains and dis tress after eating, vertigo, heart burn, and the general debility which result from a N Weak stomach and imperfect digestion. . A guarantee to refund the money if Mi-o-na does not show help, is given with every 50 cent box. Ask F. S. Duffy to show you the guarantee. NFVY BERN IRON WORKS. Flam Being Enlarged And Equipped With I Fin Modern Machinery. The New Bern Iron Works' building is being enlarged to the extent that with the addition the works will be 60 feet front and 100 feet in depth. The extension is to give more room for the increasing business of the corporation. It is having orders for large jobs and under the new management it has as sumed a different aspect and it carries on an industry which will develop into one of New Bern's most thriving in dustrial -concerns. To correspond with the enlargement of the working area of the plant, new ! machinery has been put in position, con sisting of a steam hammer, big lathe radial drill and other devises which make a thoroughly modem anJ prac tical machine shop. I The bulk of the business done at the works is repairing boilers, engines and all heavy machinery but they also make castings, fittings and parts of machinery. It is a business which a! ways has a demand and most of the time heavy demand for their work, and one which indicates to a large degree the extent of the activity in certain lines of work. One of their recent tasks was to overhaul and repair the emrines and other machinery at the water works and electric light plant. In this job their assistance was timely and very efficient. They prove their ability as skilled mechanics and competent re pairers in everything they undertake. The New Bern Iron Works has taken a new life and it is one of the best in dustries of the city It has a large working force and an institution worthy of the success it is enjoying. Delayed Funeral Services. On account of some delay, the re mains of the late Mrs. Sarah Stimson did not arrive on the train last niarht but are expected to reach here this morning. The funeral services will be held at the cemetery this morning at 10:46 o'clock. - ' New York Cotton Market. The following were the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, August 2. , ' Open High Low Close Jury - 10.86 10 61 10.61 Aug'; 10.62 10 78 10.78 October 10.73 10 88 10.88 .Receipts 10,982 YELLOW FEVER SITUATION Excitement Betweea Southern Governors. ... Gunboat en Border Line. August 2nd. Cases of yellow fever were reported yesterday from Mont gomery, Ala., and' Shreveport, -1. Texas Is in Imminent danger and is en forcing a most rigid quarantine. The numLer of deaths and newnesses in New Orleans yesterday'' was larger, owing to the heat A state of panic exists In some sections., , - v , . There la some danger of a clash be- tween'the MlsaUalppi and the Louisiana antnonties. he controversy .between the two governor, Vardaman and Blanchard, has becorae'Very hitter; Jt is charged that Mississippi soldiers, em ployed as quarantine guards, have In vaded Louisiana oi with arms. Gov. emof Blanchard ha telegraphed the president of the Louisiana Board of Health to take prompt steps to protect the Bjate's rlght. V . Thd progress of the plague In New( Orleans is shown hi the following of ficial Bgtires, given out at 4 p my ester' oaf: ., , .--'.. Death yoter:sy ... 6 Total d(!lhs j . : 68 , New canes ' . 42 T-. tal cases ' ' 849 Nfwftx'l ' - '4 , Total foci . ' " ' 60 When you m 1 a senna (.f v.' Vt nl r.j 1 Tf ;..n sf' t t 't it t ' 1 liiiH- '' ' I Nmrnrnmmimimm mum I Big ReducTion fn Fruit Jars. I . nave about 300 uars, a-4 ana i-s QaUonj sizes which we will sell for the next 15 d I only at 65 ctsiozen ugicu loi uaiions. now is your chance to lay in a supply at a bargain. Fresh Lot Fulton IIARVFY'S SMALL HAMS AND f KBAKFAST STRIPS, California Hams and English Cured Shoulders. Fresh Lot Ego-see grits and Oatflakes just received. J. L. McDaniel Wholeaie A JStetall Orocor. larkermore. VVTVVVvTYTTTVTyTTYyVTTTTTeirTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTyVTye li JL Dio Petty's NATURAL STOCK LICK, Special Prices on Califor nia Hams. A complete Line Sugar Cured Meats and ALL KINDS PROVISIONS. Fred Butter Ij ike Package and ly , Retail, i 3Li 3E3C Ervin, ! Wholesale and Rctnil Grocer. ' No. 81 South Front St. ; AAAaaAaaAA4AAaaaaAAaAa.aAaAAaAAAAAaAAAAAAAaAaa FURNITURE, Handsome Line Dining Tables, Balfep, Ew, Piclns, Stoves. JOHN Successor to Pisosway & Taylor. J L. HARTSFIELD, Contractor and Ilallder. orncic 93 1-2 middle st. Would be glad to have any one inspect my fyork as it goes up. Lfsu. Gaskill Hdw. & MiJI Supply Co , Manufacturers Agents for Erie City Engines d Boilers. Celebrated Van Winkle Gins Eotd Presiie. Wagrner Baw Mills, Wood-worktng rcachinsrr, Leather Bait, . Iron, Steal, pip, Doilar Tubes and vcrythJng In ths mill supply line at manufacturers prices, y ' Vt B 11 .l.V. fl( WARD. ... Farmers lobacco Varehouso. ; ; ., .' ' ; : .... For the sals of lnf Tolscio. Ths pnpct U that Tobacco will sell for fair prices J,U fBHon, snd ws will ! prpparwl to jttt th seller ss fttoi prices ' in Kyw l:vm, tnj otht r rrmrket In tha F.Mt. Wswill hivs full corps tf Iluyprn, rfl will do our ht to plests our Customers, Com to ths ojwtilnjf r .'r, A";' t lut, 1"' 5. f'ali s ever day st 11 o'clock. Gtod Stable. Cood Water sn.I h't attention. W hi9 Biuret snl Grading Facilities for all who dozen Mason Fruit S for quarts and 65 Market Corned Beef Comer Broad and Hancock Sts. of Sideboards and Suits, Chairs, eh; PRICKS VERY LOW AT B. IVES. 93 Middle Street. PB0NI 238, Steam Duplex Pumps , Ptioasll L J. HESTER. FURNITURE ! - 1 i r b I t . r 1 y r. Ii!C? " r. "22 'V -v" 3