- i.- J- , TV- ' .6 "it tz . ,Aj(Gj!f The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and which baa been tta use for over SO years, has borne the signature of .V and has Xff'jfHj. r' sonal supervision since Its infancy CiCGAtVZ't. Allow nn nnA tn diwilvn von In thlf. : ' :-, -; All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are bot Bxperimeats that trifle with and endanger the health of - -. Infants and ChfldrenT-Experience . against .Experiment. , iWhat is CASTORIA ' - 1- ' " , f . - J , I Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare . ' . goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It ;r contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotl', -". substance.-': Its age is its guarantee.: It destroys Worm; and allays Feverishness. ' It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ' . ' 1 Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation -and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. - ,-' - GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Beard the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. : ' ' TMt acarraua owmn, Tt Murray stokst, iiniraHan. ' - Trochct's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis solve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritation or disagreeable symptoms. Price,. $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. Be sure and get the genuine. mm rCOLCHICINE L SALICYLATE , -WU.L.1AMS tteti. iu, Soldin New Bern by F i The great remedy for ncrvnus ..Jf JL. -"W if VR 'L . J. i Impotency, Nij'ritiy ImissioiiM. Youthful Errors, Mutal Worry, xoeaalve cm Of Tobacco or Omum. u hi(-ll lea'i f' CoriSUOlDtion acd Ins&nitv. With Aran iirrm IKINC a order we cuai aiitgi) to cure or MlCn UdlnDt 6boies tor $5.00. Ilyon's French Strictly vegetable, perfectly linrmlcss. sure to accomplish DESIRED KcUtUl Z. urea lest Known icmuic fllllTlfllf Bwreof countcrfei's mil 'Mil HUH too with faoKlmile.r.Mjiau:r-. llMMlfOff tilMOUf to WILUAUd WKi CO . 6- a! mi. u mu Sold by F B Duffy, New Bern, N O - lLiirEETHIKG PdWDZSSS&Sii ret-miNO mauy. CutsOiiI 25c it Draists, or mt) 25c to C J. MOFFETT, M.DSllflDls,Mfl. i Mother t Hmtltate no longer, but save the health and life of .your child, m thousands have-done, by giving those powders. TKKTHIMA Is easily given and quickly counteracts, and ever rentes the effects of the summer's heat upon teething children. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL M i . .1 n ny mi mcDst.ruai.iun. i ney are " iix L-i oJ v juks to girls at woruanhood, aiding development of organa and body. No known remedy for women equal them. Cannot do harm life beeomps a itluasurc. $1 DO l'JCU llOX BY M All Sold i - T1IK NORTH State Normal and COURSES , j Literary Commercial -, " r Classical Domestic Science Scientific' Manual Training Pedagogical Music;. " Three Courses loading to degrees. Teachers. Faculty numbers 50. Board, text books, etc., $170 a year. For of the 8taU", tlOO. Fourteenth annual secure board In the dormitories, all for July 15. Corres(xirxlencc invited from and stenographers. For catalogue sod othor Information, address, CHARLES D, AlclVER. Pbnt..; ' GREnN3B0R0, N . , . , . . . ! .When vouwantto buvthebiti Brick to put up your building, good business men will look before they buy, I can show von 60.000 Brick, .been handled, bow on K ground ready " for ' , building, and not over one (mi rt lsroken. :V.-- " Wew Bern, K. C Vill rnro anj caso of Kidney . Af l!ln,!.!f- ia..n 111 ft k rw.t j 'i i ii l i. i:.: vejvuu inn r'-ara in iiivuitinu. OtVIM VP tO Dtf. S, Sr-t.1. f4 . T!lBt St Fs"1,,1 , r n 1 ' 1 -T n ?r. 1 ( t" ' y- kl ,..)T ...-! I ...I .l.r .11 1 ,-t I - l I , a i. i i - v been made under his per- . . r cckvjslanu. onio, sm S Duffy AKD-VITALIF prostration and all dieuea o the generattft rutu-ni the monev. iiold at 81.00 par toz remedy, i'fice. x.o per DCtUe ThffTonnlno I put tip onlj Id puU-bMrd Cu ui Home, iiuiv; Cures ChoUn Inftnfm Diarrhoea, Dysenttry, and the Bowd'Tronbto Chlldm tt ' ytny Jig. AkkDijcrtlon, Rejuktts the tUwds, Strength. ... Ik. rkrU mmA UllfPC PILLS They oreroome Weak ness, irreirularitT and omisslonstlncreaae ria J or and ban tan "padna . m mr mi . . . CAROLINA Industrial; College Well-equipped Training School for laundry, tuition, ' and fees for use qf PeriodicalvDroDS free-tuition students, 125. For non-residents session begins September 21, .1906, To free-tuition applications should be made be. those desiring - competent teachers SEYMOUK W. HANCOCK AUorzioy at i.aw. nr Will practice In ' tttt ' nd ';.- ... -f, ...... -i. .. .v. .. ! Federal Courtfo "Xv Office 46 Broad St,';- 3. t Jp 1J. '""J- - WIIF.N VOU GET TIME. " ' ' i-i-T.r.. t , . j. , .In . i Hmmmft t II..I w f.f.l rr. It ft A m r-m AM it .mi l snftnir-s I... ISi i-tu .f m ww m .,t lrr. if i I nut Ur" I n rr ft- I . . i.-.t t rir m ' t t i-.f --n B. i-j i . i- LLf Lr LLUEF.S Remaining in the Post Office at NeW Bern, Craven county, N, C, July 31, .-19QC v;; r; t.f :'-y;i men's ust' v A Albert Angle, George Artia, j', .. i B- Peace Blatock, Louie Barmds..: : C- A A Cayton R .F D No 3, R Y Chatham, J A Campbell, Isaac Cox, George M. Carlton 44 Queen, -; ' . pc F Fey i - Cr N LGibbsC':''' : H J J Hammond," Rev -Manwell Hanettd 114 Winslow 'SfcL .P' J 0 D Jones, Willie A James, - S t Johnson, John M Jones (2) Albert Jones . ar-""-? turn rtmra .T;--;KA .-.?:$ REddie Rouce, E R RobersohT' - S D K Stanley Eatre St-v No 14080, W H Spencer Broad St, N B Sprule N 100 Burne St mm, V W-r-E C White, Lish Waahton, 1 W Willas Jr., W H Workman, ' - : v B--Mra G M Benton; Hattie Brooks, Mortba BrookSf''sj'h?? - C Mary Chapman 99 Burn St, Nora Clark 8 Braggs Alley, Bertha Cox J;4: E-Mrs Georgeanna Evans s . . , ' . F-Mary VtoaptS L Fannie C tewrence W Wetros St tanme barnce ?:rt--i.'ui': :'-.: M Mrs Rasom Chead Miilek No. 26 Gardnera Allv. Mrs Elizvou J Marshall R Virginia D Reel care Cookie Med- . T-Jessie Taylor, Maude "Thompson, V Mrs Jane Vaughn " '" . W Mrs Plasant W illiams 81 Elm St. Eva Williams, Julia M Wiggiaris ; . Ppranna eanrno- for the - above letters will please Bay advertised and give date of list: . ' The regulations now require that (1) one eent shall be collected on the deliv ery of each advertised letter. S, W. HANCOCK, Postmaster. If n & kind of billious mood. You wish an aid to digest food, No other pill is half so good As DeWitt's Little Early Risers. When e'er you feel impending ill, And need a magic little pill, No other one will fill the bill Like DeWitt'a Little Early Risers Something Doing In Raleigh. News & Observer Aug 2. The sheriif's office is being repainted and the furniture given a new coating of varnish, The work of cleaning will occupy several days. For a short time yesterday morning the entire city was without hydrant water. This was caused by the burst ing of the main supply pipe, near Rocky Branch south of Raleigh half way be. tween the water works and the city. The police Justice yesterday sent vr H. Merritt, coL, to the roads , for 80 days for carrying a razor, Tne darkey said that he did not know that it was wrong to wear the keen edge, and his only use for it was to trim hjs corns. The James L Johnson drug store, corner of Fayetteville and Martin streets is to be remodelled and the in terior made new. During the past ten days the Sanitary Inspector has kept his white wings busy cleaning the streets and there is much marked improvement The chief of police and county con stable are seeing to it that no horses and mules m an un -go worthy condition are driven on the streets of the city The "shoo-fly" from Wekkm-was about an hour and a half lata yesterday morning, having been delaj ad ' by . freight this side of Yonngsville. ; TOillllHfii;DI.llH. A Little . Sound Advice Will . Help '.Many Sufferer in New Bern." - . ... . . No woman can be healthy and well if the ; kidneys ara sick. , Poisons that pass off In the nrins when the kidneys are well are retained m the body when theltidneys are sick.. Kidneys and bladder, get inflamed and Swollen, crowding- the., delicate female organs nearby and sometimes displacing them. This is the true cause of many bearing down pains, lameness, backache, side- acne, etc Urk poisoning also eaases headaches, aiaay spelts, languor, nor- rousness and rneumattc pain, - When sufferirur so. trr Doan's Kid- neV Pills, the remedy that curts sick kidneys. 'You will get better ss the kidnevs sret batter: and health Will re turn when the kidneys are welL Late New Bern woman teU you about Doan's Kidney Pllla. - - , - Mrs. N. VincenCwWow, living at 103 Craven Street. say: "Doan's Kidney l'Uls have been vry Ixmeflcial to me. They certainly relieved me of very di arr enable rains in my back from which I suffered for a long time I obtained them at liradham S I'harmarv and I must say thny proved to be aiod rem edy in my chhu. For anl y alt rl.-alflra. ' Price 60 ft, a box. Foi.ur-Mill)um Co., Uudalo, N. Y. sjli Hfjonta tr the u. H. ItememU-r the name Doan's, and take no other. r " r-vTrTiT-f. rn.n O Of MM.r;.Mif' I . f . (11! tl . to most women is a term of anxiety,".' 6erious - thought and sweet anfldrjation" i 5-: With the. cessation of pain necessary :: t or chQdbtrth, .' there cornea calm nerves, .i lep and recuperatioB 5';. r nTUCD'c 1111.11 vl FRIEND 4oes diminish the' pata "accompanying maternity,. With its aid mothers can aid do bring healthy, sweet- dispositioned and ideal babies info the Iwbld.. , , Morning sickness, eore breasts and ex cruciating pains caused by the gradually expanding jorgan,i are Jrelievecl by thu penetrating and Nstadng liniment, t Among the manifold aids to childb&th Mother s Friend has grown in popularity and ealned a nrestice amomr rich women as well as poor jit is found and welcomed in the mansion as well as in the cabin, r , it By lesseningthe mother's .sfonyof miu4 anaoiminisningpain a neautuunnnaencf is wrotigUt upon the child, and instead oi peevisiuill-teniperedandsicklyformsj'ou Lave healthy, laughing hnmanity,mnaiur Jflg n blessing ever to yon andlts cotmtry. All nrtieiriiitu Bert-Mother's Priced stii.oa. - '' Write for pur frw Book "MoHrKod" MS CRA0FICU) RCOULATQI) C0 AHaata, t F. Rl. Simmons. A! 0, Wsrd. SIMMONS & WARD. ATTORNEY AND COUHSktORSJiJ law,1 Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph of fice) South Front street, next to Hotel Chattawka. Practice in the Counties of Craven. Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pam lico and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. " ' Executors Notice H.vino. nnitllflpd Cnieutor of Robert WilUlanu deowaed,mll peraons faavintr claim Mainst th ta(eof my said executor are hereby notified to present the nam duly verified to Mitchell Williams on or before the 11th day of July-1906, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU persona indebted to said estate are hereby reqneat ed to make immediate settlement. This July 11th. 190R. MITCHELL WILLIAMS. Executor .Executrix Notice Bavins qualified as Executrix of the last will and testament of - Matilda Wells, deceased, late st Craven County N.C this is to notify all parsons having claims against tne Sam aeceasea to axaiDK them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of Julv 190& or the notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery-All Persons Indebted to tt) said estate will make immediate payment June 1st 1806 IRBNB BOON, Kxecutrls- Entry Claim. NORTH CAROLINA. I Craven County, I To Coo B Waters, Entry Taker Foe Graven Ooin- ty: - -a ' The nndersiirned ' Thoa T Gooding of Craven County. North Carolina, enters and bus claim to th following describsd piece or pare) of land tn No. 6 Township. . Cravaa county. North Carolina, the earns being vacant and auap propriated land and subject to entry, visi South side of euss river and west of Adams Creek adjoining the Bartholemew Smith patent on the northward, the Bennen patent and Meal land on tn West ward ana tne uaw patent on trie Eastward and en the Southward land of parties unknown, containing 6W acres mora or Ham, ' Entered this 11th day ox eury lw. ... T. T. GOODING. Ernest AlQreen, - Attoraej A Coseselor at Law PaoAn Br- . -7 H W BERN, H. t Wall turn tried toararch titles bv reason of many tears eiperienos la the office and a KeffUter ol ueeos. -nmctioee u rhm i Vinrta nf flravan. . Jonaa. Fkinllee Carteret, Onslcw, or wherever service are reiplred-: . .Ci; .. ; r Sunday Etcursfonp To Morehead City :'.' And Beaufort VU A A N C R B-,:T rAmmimr.hiif Sundav . Ausmst 6th. 1905 the Atlantic and North Carolina R. TL, win not honor Sunday Excursion tickets sold at the reduced Sunday rate on any train except train No. 1, leaving Goldsboro on Sunday at 7 a.- m., and on train No, 2, returning , leaving- More' head City at 8:50 p. m., the same day, without extra charge; t f v r- ' Passengers presenting these tickets for Daassjre on other Sunday trains will ha rhartred twcntv-Ave (22)cents extra by the conductor. This additional fare will also be charged passengers who hoard trains other than trains Nos 1 a 2 on Sundays at stations where there are no agents . . KliL uunch, i H Vy .liviVf 1 i J t . - -. t ii -:. ' '..!- . .f I, r. i: Co, , f ci... :.(. r ! ' ! I i 1 I ' 1 " ' ' 7 i 1 1 t ' " mm p. !: Notice ot Ca'e of Valua1 bio city Property 1 By virtue of an order obtained m that special procetdirga before tue Clerk of cravea eoonty. ent.lk4 W. B. Burton and Geo. P. Dudley execu tor of Henry S. Jthi.son, deceased, the ander stgned wni on the rirst Monday of September, lauo btoAK the fourth day of said month, at IS o'clock m, at the County court house door tB the city of New Bern, sell to the highest bidder for cash the foiluw uig lands leluiiguuj to the estate f the said deceased: -Being on house and lot situated on the east aideef Giifhth street in the city of New Bern, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning on east side of Crimth St., at a point 7S ft Jrom the north east earner of Griffith and Stanly streets and running thence northwardly fifty, seven feet four inches, thence aastwardly one one hundred feet-lath west tine of tot ho. 86, thence southwardly wit the line of tot Ho. as hits eeven f efct four Inches, thence westward!? on hundred- feet to the begiannuar en Griffith street.being the same land conveyed by deed from Sarah Btimaoa and Mary K. reuetler and r, O. Pellette- to Henry a. Johnson, and recorded in book numb 10C page 830. effic of the register of deeps of craven county. .;, , , .i4- -vi-. - August 1st. 1906. :v -y?&jt ., W, U. Bubion, GaoxaE J, Puolct,' Executors mizUstrtUriat?K6ti "'. Having aualiflej as Adrnlniatratri of R E L Hose dajeeaaed, iat of Craven county, N. Ctius is to notify all persona having claims against ths estate of said deceased to present tnem duly Veriflid to the nnderaigned on or before tbaSlat day of July lW,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their r wnrj All persons indebted to stJd aetata vill please make tnunediate payment, r.n . .r This itUt day of Jury 1906. . ' - KATJS KOSBVAdministratrix, Russell House , ' PK.rF0RT, If, QH Centrally Jocattd. AU the deli caciw 6f tho season. ' ' Well Veiiti lated rooms. Good lieda, Phone cob renienoea, Pol'te and attentive-Servants. ; Rates $1.50 peri-day. SpeoiaT and. liberal terms by week or month. 0. A RUSSELL, pi;rid.Oi. Is hereby given that an election will be held in the town of Vanceboro, Monday August 28th to vote f6r or against the sale of whiskey in said town, the said election being called by the board of commissioners; in regular meeting, upon the presentation of petition signed by one-third of the qualified voters of the town. WILLIAM CLEVE. Mayor of Vanceboro, Wood Turning! Columns, Balusters, Rails, Spindles, Stair Newels, Ramps and Easles, Man tles. Brackets. Grills. Ric-Rack Trim-' mings, Porch and Lawn Swings, Sash,:. Doors and Screens made to order on short notice. i Porch Balusters 5, 6, 7 and 8 cents sacn. el e ti. Hi GIKTEIt E.VV. Smallvvood SASH, DOORS, AND BLINDS. " LIME AND CEMENT. : AMERICAN FIELD FENCE. v devoe's paint Glacier refrigerators. PEERLESS ICE . v-;., . LAND FREEZERS. Screen Doors anil Wintlov Scrents YIARS V EXPERIENCE TauDC Marwf 4 ftrmiAM - a. CofwrtMHTa As. Anyone asndlnf skstr and deserlptlna star nllr asosriala our oatninn fra whs mftntVta Is pnshly paieniaM. Com . turns strictly ennMenUsL HAhuoOOt on woemar aa mantca. - sent rr. Oldest SfwsrT Tor seounng 'it . Palanta taaaa throorh Masdl i avsWMiM. wuhoai chraa as tit ScitntincJlwrlcanv l- A asiidsrmatrflliislrstfiS twilf. . enlsltna of any 4nus trrnal. Tsraia U I - vesri foui months, 40. Sow by all mwsdasl.. u;;;i$C5Kcwtcri asanas) Omea, Ot W SL. Washlnrtoo.p.L , ' - rEAfiTEIXIf ' ' CiBOUHAsDISPATCB--MI r: .:. AND ' " -T Old DomiDibQ SI CHANGE 'OF.'" SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY 2, Ths steamer MeuM will sail an lion- day, Wadnesds and Friday. Th stcatnor Ocracoka -on' Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 0 p m. Both "Uamrrs will male Undingi at Oriental each way and connect at Bl- haven with a fast through train for Norfolk. The trsin Is du to loavt Bil haven at 7 a m and arrivt In Norfolk st 1.30 p m. - T ' Direct eonnection mado at Mackey's Forry a(8.Kiam for Dy mouth and Wahlngtm. - - - - No 2 trsin Will sve Norfolk tt 10,06 a m. srrivlng ot rit'Ihavon at iUp m,j roiitio linif with t ho lrnfr for Nrw- lii rn, dni!y pxrt'j'tf'iunlay. G1.0. lir.NDri'.SflN, Agt N'1 I'frn. June E7, ID.'. NOTICE! "'TflTrrtf -.1" ' fronj Lemuel Hill and whfe toZ J (irurand WB '1U 9:.i&r-rBaf)totma U Brioe, registered in the office of the Register U1 H Blind, Bleediaa. Uloembaft a, " . reeds of Craves county, ia- book Ms, page 17 and i 1 K b Te--jlWMnt ' arsigried te U C Carroil. we will sell to the kigh-r -U1 rttoS -: H absorbs the tnBUV V bidder forcaahat the Post Office door in lallays ths lUihlng at ansa" . s'-' Havelock, craven county otttha lat day of Sep T. V!1o,0 a pCtl temberJ16 "j12 ""ock,m- following land 1 licAgivet tastaul relief Snld by DA-VIrV situated in said State and -craven county on thwfoa l Tdm .-o- ' . aouthsida of Mouse viver and went lideofSlo-' " Alta. I. . -eum'a ok. to-wit! Beginning at a larg mark-1 - s."TiX'- j . ad Blaclurum tree ? - -J- road at core pond W. B. Blades comer, running ) these -dewn the dor poad branch to a small f - i .. ...i. v.. 'mj m m'iKiini stump bearing from said beginning gum 43 1-S west M poles, thesea parallel to Blades line., north 87 1-S west 22-8 polw, thence north 43 1-1 asst. 44 potee -to said Blades line, and with the same south 57 1-2 east 22.81 to the beg ttning, containing six seres sn leas,., V- ,. ' )!-Thisaistdavof JulvAD .1981'- - V.; " - i- - ' 2. 1. GARTER. W. R KltirK. Vnln.. h. C CARROLL. tslgtien-of Mortgaaae Tift-.-";.'- RoriTuluft A, ann, '-f Pwm'ntlf ' In ha;nnf1nLa M n.m.- fnlHAMi ' PttriillfV. i IaiiI. bnl rVolA w s tfwiivvi evuve m it vuoivwj l and In the btate tiupreme and Federal Office: Sonth front ftreet, over Tele trratih office. Net '"urn. N. O Adminiatrators Notice Bavins thfs day qualified as Administrator of the estate of Betsy Wallace, deceased, all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, on or before the 22 of June 1908; or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby re quested to make immediate payment. ThisJ&nd day of Juno, 1906. C J MCCARTHY, Administrator Notice otSale. Whereas, Henry Garrte and Holland Garris, his wife.of Craven Co N c on Tth day of Jan 1903 made and executed a mortgage to .B. P. Dinkins of Craven county H. c, to secure five, hundred, and forty-two dollars and thirty cents, which mortgage waa recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Craven county N. C. in book no. 163, page Mil which said mortgage, with the pow er of sale therein contained has been duly trans ferred and assigned to the subscriber, who is now the holder and owner thereof, and whereas de fault has been made in the payment of the money secured byvaid mortgage, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of said premises by virtue of the power contained in the mortgage, which sale will be made by the subscriber, at public auc tion, at the court house door of Craven county, N. c, in the city of New Bern, on the 14th day of August, 1905, at li o'clock noon. The following is description of said mortgaged premises: That certain piece or parcel of land situated in Craven county. N. c. No. one towshin. adioinlna- the , lands of Wm Lodge and others. Beginning at-the third corner of a patent granted to Lewis Bryan i and also a corner of lot No. 6, then south 11 deg. east 216 pales, then north 80 deg. east 840 poles, then north 66 deg., west 246 poles, then north 77 deg. east 156 poles, then north 46 deg. west 90 poles, then south 87 deg. east 60 poles to Jerkins line, then with said line to marked Blacn Cam in the head of Spring Branch, then down said Branch to a Holly, then south 42 deg. west to the beginning, containing 400 acres, more or leas. Excepting from the above land what was convey ed prior to the execution of said mortgage to wit, 64 acres, more or less, to Joe Herringtoni 811 acres, more or less, to E. Harris: 20 acres, more or less, to Calvin Joyner This 10th day of July. 1905. McRt DlNKlNS, Assignee. R, A. Nunm, Attorney, COLLEGE OF AGRICUL TURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Offers practical industrial educa tion in Agriculture, Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, and the Textile Art. Tuition $30 a year! Board $8 a month. 120 Scholar ships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, WEST RALEIGH, N. C. Entry Claim. NORTH CAROLINA, Cbavsn County. To Geo B Waters, Entry Taker for Craven Co. The undarsia-nad K. G. Wis of Craven county. North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the fol lowing described pies or parcel of land in No. 6 Township. Craven County, Stat of North Carolina, th same being vacant and unappropria ted land, and euhject to entry, vist Un th cast stow of Hancock creek, wast tide of Ctubfoota creek, south Sid Nu river and begins at Wil liam Hancock's southeast corner of a grant dated 1707 for 640 acres, said comer la th An bras cor ner at the aid of asaia road, than north It, wast SM pais to Gossan Loftlna Patent, then to Jamas Black Patent, then with said patent to Cahongu Creek, then up th Craek to the main mad, than with main road to th baainnmg, coo- by estimaUon six hundred (600; acr lass. Entered Wth day of July 1W6. E. 0. WISE. Wa wans vary man and women in the United Btata lntarasted In th ear ol Oplam, Whiskey or other Crag habits. lther (or hmselva or frtontU, to have t of Dr. WtxJllsy's books oa tbssa dla- Writ Or. B. H. W ooUer, Atlanta, ua, boj. ( ,aaa oaa win pa saat ypa rraa . -. W t -r wdilirrtu . ; 1 Rocky fountain Tea Nuggets i Bur Kd at Buy rHfla. . i Uaf QtUn Esalts sal BaMVss Vlrar; A snenino fnr OrmetllwifVin, Tlrstlo, Usw Hid Kliloer Troubles, Plnrnlea, aVrasma, Imntir ,d, Ba4 Hreath, Muggish Bowels, Bsausrti ml llaflkatcha. It's Hooky Uonnula Tea In tab X form, an SHU a hog. ' Omnia nusia r lloujsna Pavw Ouawaav, KsdlKai, Wn . aduiEii hug am for iauow peopu If -' li I EsPlle Tr. Willi tma'tacilaePm (Xnunaat UI tar Blind. lilawdlag and. lick las I ailars tho Itoalnasi, act r I M. ll.nur.u.iBM -"s a ponltlca, alvas instant r lief. Da, Wllllama'IntllaariUjOlat manllsnrmarad tct Piles and Itak trt n' ' prlrsl parta. Kvary so I i warrant! Bv dnaraitrta. hV mad on ra lot at rMi, 4 tmis and SI., mil M lUNUraCIUiuls tpa, ckMoawa. i.UJ IridiOGtiori Curat! Quickly Parmanantly, A Is all IHM nf th fltnmarh, TJvwr, KWnTS ari'l Howsla. llada-lM, hri f, IVmatlf1110". rliliontis, Plsnplaa. liM.u-bsa and all nils fmunrtlia,wr4 by asios AHIISIUOUt . , , ( Tliy ar sntttoptlcv ThatmAans they atop lin'l .(-''1 fowl frcrni aitjrtnr in thR pttunArh, Jirvoiit fi.riiii'iitn! ' n hi thn bowpla. and kill (l.Mnsu) c rni tif any klml tliat l,rt'"l aid (' 1 In t!' syntwiu. 1 - z TT 1 ? t r y NOTICE ' I u Hfinmro!?PkiinnTT 4 ta'tiH ItAJt.": a. Pull line of DruJgft,Hed luiues, xoiiep Ar ticles and Bbap. Fresh Supply o, flower Seeas. 1 IiyaIClat.8 Pi?8Crln I - . . . Uoti ct. (Speeiiltf. 10 DISCO ON T Books Containing oonport (or 800 lbs of Ice in 10 lb. coupons, value f will be Bold to customers at a dUcnn of 10 per cent.' $360 will buy W.00 worth of ICE 1 book Is procured, either from the drive of wagon or from the office lb Gtlfflt street. New Bern Ice Company. A. & N. C. R. R. Effective Sunday, June 11th, 19c6 at 7.00 a. m. Eastern Standard Time. EAST BOUND. STATIONS: No, 8. NO. S. DAILY 8.00 8.80 8.66 0.18 0.86 0.46 10.06 10.10 1U.28 10.44 11.00 11.80 DAILY 8.46 P. M. 4.18 4.40 6.02 Lv. Goldsboro LaG range Kinston Dover Cove Tuscarora 6.16 6.26 6.46 6,60 P. ii. 6.13 6.31 6.47 7.20 Ar. NEW BERN ' Lv. New Bern A. II Rlverdale Havelock Newport Ar. Morehead Cy. WEST BOUND. No. 4. No. e. Daily 4.42 6.02 6.1b 6.81 6.60 6.66 6.27 6.39 6.68 7.16 7.87 8.06 STATIONS: DAILY Lv. Morehead Cy. 7.40 A. M. Newport 8 11 Havelock 8.27 Riverdale 8.42 Ar. NEW BF.UN UH Lv. NEW UKRN 9.05 A. M. Tuscarora 9.3 Cove 9.36 . Dover 10.53 Kinston 10.17 LaGrange 10.41 Ar. Goldsboro 1L10 P. M, P. M. Trains 8, 4. 6. and 6 run dai ly. Trains 3 and 4 carry the parlor car (Vance) between Goldsboro and More head City, seat fare 50 cents. STATIONS: No 1 No 2 Sunday only Sunday only Lv. Goldsboro 7.00 A. M. 9.20 P. af. LaGrange 7.28 8.61 Kinston 7.62 " 8.27 Dover 8.14 " 8.08 Cove 8.27 " 7.49 Tuscarora 8.37 " 7.37 Ar. New Bern 9.06 " 7.16 Lv. New Bern 9.10 " 7.10 Riverdale 9.28 " 6.46 Havelock 9.44 6.1 Newport 10 00 " 6.16 Ar. Morehead Cy 10.23 " 6.67 Trains Nos. 5 and 6 will handle daily Pullman Sleeping Car (operated over Southern Railway) between Winston Salem, Greensboro, Burlington, Dur ham, Raleigh and Morehead City, upon following through schedule: Daily Eastern Time Dairy (Southern Railway) p. m. a. ra. 6:10 Lv. Winston-Salem, Ar. 9:17 613 Ar. Greensboro Lv. 8:10 a. m. 1:16 Lv. Greensboro 2:06 Lv. Burlington 3:40 Lv. Durham 6:15 Ar. Raleigh Ar. 3:36 Ar. 4:47 Ar. 8:00 Lv. 1:40 p- m. 6:16 Lv. Raleigh A r. 11:45 629 Lv. Selma Ar. 10:38 7:15 Ar. Goldsboro Lv. 9:40 (A.4N.C.H. R.) oKJOLv. Goldsboro Ar. 8:10 11:30 Ar. Morehead City Lv. 435 CONNECTION", At GoldsbcrM WUa Booth a aihvay aad At latrtic Coast Lea. At Kiasaoa aad Nw Bars: With AUaatts Coast a. p. roBTTR, G.aaral Mai K It BUNCH, TiaaV Maaaass OOLDbBOUa N. a ?J 'X. MO! . . r ' . . . vr ' i J y KJ Fon Ratc: r nv to LOCAL t t : LWI.M imi.... lal-i r - . ) I on r.v ('.'!. r1...". t I m n., i ,M ,i ' -.-.-I .1 ' - m. fi, takii, t.. l . .. . ) 1 :n op i . i.i.r. .flffcj, ' . . ( r