k, THE JOURNAL New Bern, N: aV Angv 6, .1905. LODGE DIRECTORY. ; ? i--WOODMEN OP THE WORLD maet at iV RountreeHallSemi-Monthlyv FirataBd Third Wednesday Bights at730 o 'clock, v Visiting Woodmen are invited. : . CRAVEN LODGE No,'! KNIGHTS OF ' ARMONY.i Meets &d and 4th Wed " 1 rieaday nights in each month in v.Roun trees Hall, Pollock- fetreet, , at 7:30 . o'clock. ' Samuel R. Ball, President? '3. H. Smith, Sec'y; R. R. HilL Financial . Index to Hew.AdTerttseinefits. .i-- EatonValue for your money;. - -: Sfmmons & Hollowell Co-Ladies Shirt Waists. " '' ' . r-.:'y s": W0T1CES1N THIS GOLUMB FOR ESS THAN ONr MOUTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. business Locals. EVE NTY pound melons on ice at the Broad St. Fruit Co. IF YOU want your stoves repaired in he best order call or drop a card to 0, D. Draney, 96 South Front St. A FULL and complete stock of Edison Phonographs and gold moulded records horns. &c. Call and hear the latest songs and instrumental hits. AIko GiL lette Safety Razors, the best thing out in razor line. Full line of sporting goods Wm.'.T. Hill. TO RENT The fine Slover residence No. 11 Union St. Inquire W. L. Lewis at Lucas & Lewis store Middle street. FRESH Devilled Crabs and Limeade today. J. B. Dawson, 103 Middle street. Phone 209. BANANAS, Oranges, Peaches, Melons on Ico at Broad St. Fruit Co. GO-CARTS. Our handsome line at cost for ten days. Call early and make a selection. John B. Ives. BE Sure to buy some of that fine coun try lard ai the Coast Line Meat Market A NICE lot of medium sized smoked hama just received at the Coast Line Market. FOR SALE Schooner "Refuge," sharpie built, fifty-two feet long, four teen broad, net tonnage fourteen. Two years old and in good condition. For further particulars apply to W. D. Mclver, New Bern, N. C. or I. N. Hen derson, Hubert, N. C. J. L. Collins will buy your scrap iron and metals of all kinds no, lot too large and none too small, address, 20 Griffith St. GASKINS Cycle Co., has just received 100 Bicycles all sizes colors and grades, also a full line of second-hand bicycles on hand. When in .need of a bicycle call out the price you want to pay and we will trot out your bike, from $5 and up. Daisy Garland s Fertr.r.r. To be given Thursday night, August 10th, for the purpose of starting an en dowment fund to be used for a charity ward in the hospital, that is now being Garland's Fortune is a pretty comedy drama and will be presented by tho best amateur artists in town. Mr. Albert Willis and Miss Eleanor Green of Durham, -.-.'ill take the lead ing parts, assisto I by Mr. Clarence Crapon, Miss Greenabaum, Mr. James Gaskill, Miss Annie Green, Mr. Tom Kehoe and Miss Mary McCowan Brad ham. Card of Thanks. I wish in behalf of tho party of which my family wore members, to thank th unknown colored man who so gallantly went to their assistance and also to the crew of the General Thorn, for their Val uable aid in trying to save the launch Cora, during the fire yesterday. , ' Wm. HAAR. Fin d l:h Inmie. Brick k Sals, - . . DON'T BE CARELESS : lew Wot aH not to4itva nil W iWri hafnra frm k - ' . . it i. 1 , t . . i rofA -.. ail fwm until f t,M tu 4mA fMcr a w Tu aaaa man ilia P"IT .yi I i. ' - Phoni 200, , SHORT PASSING EVENTS. An item appears in the Manufactur ers Record recommending New Bern as a favorable location for a sash door and blind factory. The facilities are cer tainly encouraging and there is reason to believe that such an' industry would be a paying investment Ty'' Through the efforts of Congressman Charles R. Thomas, a free rural deliv ery' route has. ' been established from Catherine Lake postoffica.; The service will commence October 1st. '-' ; -. The little town bt Reelsboro J on the P. O & W. railway is coming to the front In a way that is astonishing. rThe ReeUborb Gin &, BEUjCo. will-enlarge their plant 'and will" also install 'ma chinery for the "manufacture of tele phone pins and brackets. A toy manu f acturing plant is, under construction and work has begun on; a jarge. brick warehouse. .-,' ' '; n.-H: ' Handsome plate glass windows have, been set in the new store built .by Miss Bettie Windley soon to be occupied by Mr. D, F. Jarvia. The large plates measured 106i x'U5J inches each.; Showers are predicted . to occur to day.-. ' ..- The city of Wilmjngton has declared a quarantine against the yellow fever. The public are cordially invited to the festival to be held on the river shore on East Front street Under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of the Christian church Monday night. Ice cream and cake will be served. The Knights of Pythias band has been en gaged to furnish the music. The funeral services - of William Thomas, fhe infant son ofW. F. and C. A. Ireland, was conducted last even ing by Rev. Ayers at 6.30 oiclock. In terment was made in Cedar Grove cem etery. The bankrupt stock of D. A. Owings was sold Saturday at noon, and was bought by Miss Owings for 33J per cent of value which was inventoried at $2,200. For Sale! A cottage of five, rooms, 'fine lot BOx 120 feet very shady, large front yard, on Front street. For terms apply to Mrs. W. PennBell, Morehead City, N. C All kinds Flavors Ice Cream TODAY. 35cts. per quart I.EIPJE'tiSHQES For XhtMTrcek Only. THE II E&RICK SHOES IN BLACK AND TAN t; C wer $3.00" this week $lia. i .v! 7Jr The Herrick-. Shoes in Black and Tan were fl 60, thU week Th " T All S1.DV onocs ai ajuia. And any thing In the cheap Au these prices are eash. No ' .1 1 I. ..!.( i. i! t . mm A Liquid preparation for sore, tired, uchlng, blistered, lu lling, - burning and ill smelling feet ... . ... 'Notice" is the Name. It'5 Liquid. ;.r: ' Bold In New Bern and GUARANTLED ' ty CD IJrilhm, D. R. Davis and F. 8. Duffy Value For Your uc;;ov A Wjti'll, (I a iVi'ii g1w bowl, ji'ili.l ten ht lixt, v.) U?-i .'.n. Ii'.ii i, r ri,,.iwy. V. !.. tj;:t cc:..z a.3 ca. Miss Lillie Groves went to Morehead City yesterday to visit Mrs., W. B. Blades. - . . -U - , Mrs Sarah Sears is visiting in Do ver. i-c x-0 Kfl. : MisaJFannie ' Smallwood left yester day for a visit with, relatives ' and friends in New York. . Mr. Will Coley, of the Raleigh Post was in the city yesterday.' ' - i Miss Daisy Simpson, of Roxboro,.' is visiting friends in the oityg-7 -Mr. W. B." Venters, of Richlandswas in New Bern yesterday.f i0S$ti$0 Xtbtt. following-left for Morehead ..City last night: Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cutler, J r.jf Misses Mabel Green,! MaryRice, Mrs. R.fA;-jDamon and children, Mrs. X. Ki Hancock, Misses lilyVBartling; Belle Bines, Messrs' John Smith: A. M. Rountree, -Geo. Dunn, C, K. -King, Watter Gi.tf I pri TSL:f. jEarry lef t ; last night for a month s vacation at Hendetsoh- ville.1 Mr. P. H. Pelletier returned from Beaufort hat night enroute"''f6r Troy,, N. x.. aecompanied bv : Col PI W. Roberts, who; has" been the guest of Mr. 1. F. Jams.. ' w . . , Mr. George Howard left for Black M oun tain-test night on account of the illness of his little son, Roland; . who has typhoid fever. : ;- . ' Misses Norma Cox and Margaret Paler went to Greensboro last night Mrs. George Spencer, who has been the guest of Mesd. J. M. Spencer and J. F. Rhem, returned to her home in Washington, D. C. . Miss Lucretia Roberts, who has been the guest of her uncle, Mi. E. S. Street, returned to her home in Ral eigh yesterday. Mrs. H. W. Gibbs is visiting friends at Beaufort. Miss Lina Marshall is visiting friends at Beaufort. Misses Janie, Sarah, and Maud Stew art left last night for a few days visit at Cove. . . Mrs. J. J. Baxter and family have returned from a several weeks visit at Morehead City. Misses Mary Byrd and Annie Roy't of Mount Olive, are visiting their un Mr. J. M. Hargett. '. ' Hair Ornaments Are Effective Head Drest. Lines and curves are all that a en-eat artist uses in his painting; when the proper line or curve is executed in hair comDs srae or oacK) uiey are very effective in beauty of ornamentation. J. O. Baxter, the leading iewelar shows a large assortment of just the ngnt shape to suit each one, from 25 cents to the 14 karat gold trimmed. - Fine Western Veal and Frankfurti at Coast Line Market ' -'4 ; ' , $2.00,-thii week Jt ...v- ' . " : - Shoes reduced m the same prbpor- V goods sent out oa approval or 41 rnrrWttse 11 KJLILI aJ till , 1 ti.,. !i, r:n 1. '.1 I i k. r ! .l-r H"'tt, in I y'.', :, r .!. k, j i,n ln-r(f H' ' I rt! y i ' , ' ' , i i i j lilness of Kiss Daisy Moor?.' 1 f Mr. R. B. Smith received a telegram from his mother, who is -visiting at Swansboro stating, that his. cousin. Miss Daisy Moore, of this city.is very ill there and it is feared that she can not recover.: A telegram "annonncing the young lady's sickness was received Friday and her aunts, Mrs. fannie Haskins and Mrs, George W. Smith and her brother, . Mr. - Daniel Moore, hastened to" her bed side."1 ;i -Miss Moore went to Swansboro to vwit relatives a few days ago and was stricken with a severe attack of typhoid fever, there. She has ;tnany friends in the city who are pained to hear this distressing news' and hope to hear that she is VySSftv frdizzy ' 'spells,lired feeling; stomach. : kidney and liver troubles' Makes you well and keeps you welj. That'i what Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. "For sale by F- a.Duify." ' - . --- -An eye strain means that ray a of light do not focus on the mirror , or re tina of the eye properly, and if the eye had no power to concentrate these rays to aJocus Very bad sight or almost total blinding would result hut by more or less excessive muscular action stimu lated by an excess of nerve force these rays are made to focus, which accounts for the strained condition with loss Tof nervous energy which should supply some other part-of the system,- nature rebels at this robbery by the headaches, inability to read for any length of time, inflamed eyes, cross-eyes and hundreds of other disagreeable symptoms. Art has furnished a means of lens or specta cles to focus properly the rays of light without the aid of any of the musiles of the eye, which removes the strain or cause, the symptoms of course are cur ed. We take great pains in the careful examination of the eye, this combined with- the necessary instruments and long experience places our optical work as good as any specialist which has been proven in these columns. J. O. BAXTER. Graduate Optician. New Lot of fine Smoked Hams, of several brands Just Received at the Oaks Meat Market. A free bottle of Dr. Thachor's Liver and Mfj.Nl ; ;-ti;a be iwiil t' any reader of puper whojflill write to the Thachei Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. FRESH SUPPLY OF Roysters Candy Just Received at Phonaw Last And Final Reduction lliiiiig $6t;'W esiikiWaistsS $398 I 3 v& i-awh - 2,50 - ;w.. 1 50 . " , Theroiaonly about two dozen inall X 0izc3 32, M. 30, 33. t tunny novcr oncrui 7. in tovn. iUlll Ur M UillUIUU H r TTrttliT::! t';r.ch a reduction. AH 1 ;'; ' r.f ' T.J.i:':T tli"i l:n ; Hi;:-; 1 CO;, t-) 1'-; rlc -1 ;: t 1 ' : , I 1-.' t1:- r !!: It): 1' ;r 1' t')l, Tha warm waather aided bv;our - ft IP. caused usLto sell a t,i u users, - ' , . -TIia rfl.srm Is AirlrlflTit. t.h wnt.hflr mart we had the; supply CUB Im . ' ' Don't try to fool suit, you vau i uo it t "nTnp rio-ht hfTA feather weight suits a 20 per cent less than will be a whole heap more comfortable and ?, Suits i torn $5 20 to Ttfotfseifs ffOm 2 oo Undefwar 11 20cts to 8octs. -$-:Nligee.SIiirts-in colors Soct. : A11 Low Shoos, waists greatly reduceii. There-will be plenty more h t weather, cing, come in at once and we caa flt you out of top clothes as well as underclothes. 'Twill be worth yur while to invet;.ae. Eeltwember all summer goods are reduced 20 Per Cent. 5rT SaSLn & Co Phone 2I2 55 57 Pollock St. For Sale. Short IWn Bull from one of the be3i herds in the Valley of Virginia, 3 years old.' .iepstered, sold to avOid in treediiiR; price right. Address CEDAR LANE FARM, Rii-hlands, N. C. i Davis1 Pharmacy rl ox and Xinen f 2 '9 ::r-4;: .:&J 49 ; . . ' ,98 This is, an oppor- t dsi rc uyuuy uium . v grood many light wHgrit t? t - 4- , at pre a that are practically wholesale . V J - yourself and try to keep cool in a heavy - ftTid. or h i -ii ! Straw Hats, Belts, Boys shirts and xhirt if IS ESESHSaS5aSH5HS252SHSH&1BSHS'iiSiiSH5HS2idira5iiiiciau. Whitford Hardware Company. We have removed to our new store. NVw Store next to W. U. Trlegraph ol ficc, whr we m ill carry a complete line of Orneral Hardware, Paints. Oils, nc Whitford Hardware Co., SI j 1 11 n jjj 07 outh Front St. asH5H5H5a5HSH5H5 EsasHH NEW BERN NC I! tier prP arel (Ivn evr he fore f..r (?ivinff a firni -class course in Rhort hnnd in I the full Commercial (ourst, and for placing our students in positions. Foil term K-gins Sept. 1st. Write for full particulars. S. J. HOLLADA Y, Presideat DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Frth Farm antf ComnUxlen otrmi, tf c a4 I. ! tl filMf nUiillH.il 'Wkmnt II I UlUstty iImW teri at triu Imoi IM wUBg tlmin. RKMOVINtt WRINKLES u If by buiI, PtiM fua ikowiat Dr. CkrU rimk M hi Mltit IkH MltpntllM (Mn W MW I HUM that will ra4 M batlawa la Ik aatk a ad araaaaa Bra, a.aitay gaafe aa Utackmka, r P DrloplBl Of Boat or Waaata. akraakaa fraa amfan k kaa thai aigacai la ! at aaaawiaaa, . Tw aaaaraaflaa aaMktaat la aaaka the kaatl mrm, tmtf mmm maiiaiL old t wktu joit rro&xa utvi UOOOUTI, j . , - . , aa aavaaiara at taw mcui, vrria a4 aa4 aa aaa dollar, wa wtll aa4 tv (I) unit w rmam wnrran , rprr AaaatWaa4araafe,Ar1l aTialua iikaaa! aaaat DR. CHARLES CO. i DeliciODS llefreshiDS i ' U The r :l! t Wo Hell Ton Cr : frst earn tAkrri In nmking (nr rrr nni, and only !. t it.ate- It. U I'iiki nrn Wl.n!i-.i.m 1 i ., n I v 1 1 ni' -1 ! : i nto r 4 Fast dl: rdnr.tion2 hftB suits and extra V ft thn rlftrnqrirl onrl nur nlcAlAtrkn linnrl regular price. You save money at the $16 00 5 60 it Is juteoramen in the coolest kiLd New Born, N. V. ni - dsasHEiassss.xHsv s ssLrasas sail NEW GOODS, AT THE RIVERSIDE SM. Frchh Mui k( rcl 3 for '5 Fresh Arrow Koe Herrinir-) 2 for 5 Arrow Hoc IlrriinKH in l'ails 2Tc lb Smoked llerrinffi lllc doi New Pollock 5c lb New Sen Side Brick 8c lb 500 custom made fine over- Bhirts 60c each Roys OvcrallB 25, 30, 60c each Men's Overalls 76c each FINE.IMPORTED SCHWEITZER CHEESE TO-DAY. L H3 UAMGIIT Ai I LA klkl AAlAiawAAAAAAAAA ALL August 4T- Ennott's Book Store T: Crescent Tobacca any. 7e -give you ;";your rnonoys; Z3 'i ' J vorth every ' -I v. i .;.t ! ar ! ll ;-iry. tiltwt lot ...... . , ! (it j.mr ...n.-. ,'""",:-'timc. i , : 1 n ZZTv C o 1 1 p r c

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