(ft : -,- ' ,y THE JOURNAL ' Published every day in the year ex cept Monday. Journal Building 6S-CC Craven St - . - ; Pboks No. 8. . - CHARLES ' L. STEVENS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.. ".v-J SUBSCRIPTION RATES . One Year, in dvaiic....."-...v"i.-$4.00 v- J One Year, notinadvance.M-.7....M 6.00 Month! v. bv carrier in the city.-.: '.60 'v;-:'V.T ? . --.-...',..1.,,... .-S .-$.r':SJ4--. :-. 1, . i. i i ' i'i .jr --eft Advertising ratievfunu3ned on ppli' cation. 1 fj Entered at the JoetT Office,. New Bern , V. tut Bccauu-cuum ui.vcr- , a ... r , JFFICIAL paper of new bkbn and New Bern, N C., Aug. I 1906. A SUMMER HINT. t V r J . - Harper's Bazar. x 11 Such an attractive lot of girls scat tered far and fride about the country and along the coastal How much pleaf ure they are having .How much health -we hope they are getting for the next winter's demands! . But, girls, don't uBe the summer just for pleasure for your lovely selves. Remember jn the excitement of teas and tournaments of sailing and swimming, of fishing and dancing, to look around you whenever you can. Lend a helping hand for the little task that seems wearisome to the doer. Read or chat with the inva lid for a few minutes. You don't know how refreshing it is to the sick to have the current of thought changed for a ' time. Don't refrain from the word of sympathy in some one's evident joy or sorrow. These thirga all count wonder fully. Above all try to get for your' selves at least a half-hour daily of ab solute seclusion. Neither the selfish pursuit nor too , generous giving of pleasure should be allowed to deprive you of that. The earlier in the day the better. Just before or just after break fast is a good time. Use it for read tag something worth while. It Can be Done, so Scores of New Bern Citizens Say. To cure an aching back, The pains of rheumatism, The tired-out feelings, You must reach the spot get at the cause. In most cases 'tis the kidneys. Poan's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys. A. L. Bryan, officer in the police de partment, residing at 123 East -Front street, says: "My hack was so had that when I got down on the bed I could scarcely get up. There was no strength in my back and it achod all over. I thought I had rheumatism. The kidney se cretions were dark colored and full of seniment. I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised and procured a box at Brad ham's Pharmacy and used it. The very first dose helped me and after - finishing il.o first box I bought a second. The pain in my back disap peared and I was stronger and better in every way. I am grateful for what this remedy did for me and you are welcome to use my name as an endors er of its claims. " f For sale by all dealers. ' Price 60 eta. a box. Fostcr-Milburn Co., ' Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for the U. 8. Remember the name Doan's, and take no other. . " " ,. Farmers Convention at Raleigh. The A. 4 N. C. R. R. have author ized reduced rates from all points on lU line to Raleigh, N. C, and return on account above' occasion, ' tickets to be so'd on basis of one and one-third fares plus 25 cents for the round trip, ticket to be told August 30th, 31st, and Sept lit, final limit Sept. 4th, 1906. R. E. L. BUNCH,' ' , ! .Traffic Manager., ;'' A Warning to Mothers; v;; Too mucn -Ctrl' i 'cannot be used with , small children during the hot wtather of the summer months to guard againvt . ' . bowel troubles. U At it, rule it ts only " t f necenaary to give the child a dosi of castor oil to eorroct any disorder of the bowels." Do not tur any lubaUtute, ' but givi i th) ' okl-fashkmed castor oil, and tee that It it Train, , at rant id oil ' nauseates and ht a tendency to gri'i. ' ; It thlt dim not check the bowels give Charoberlaln'a Colic", Cholera and i r Diarrhoea Remedy and tbn t dt e of csstof ciL, and the diMsss my b checked in its Inclpirncy and all dan ger avoided. The cantor oil and thlt remedy should be procured at onca and kept ready Un iiulsnt o m tmon aa the first indication of any b,vrl trou ble appears. , This is the most t. o-.s-ful treatment known tnd trmy I UJ.un with Implicit cf nH'icnre evn in ttacs of cboWs, infantum, For "sal by F. 5. DjT an1 pjrU rimrrmry. L tlioru If ThI word of lnta has been In ev . - one's moulu, ana many are wo;..;-, 4 what the word sujmik-a, tbouta no a.e baa yet been found, who will deny tht NEWBRO'S HERriCIDK du8 Die woia. Well, for the Information of thousanns ot people who like to know all about a pond thing, we would say that HKki'lL'HHC means, a destroyer or killer of "Herpes," Now "Herpes" ig the family name of a disease caused by various vegetable par asltes. - A similar microbe causes dan druff. Itching scalp, and falling hair: this Is the microbe that NEWBRO'S HERPI CIDK promptly destroys; after which the hair grows. Sold by-leadln? druggists. Send 10c. 4n stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mica. ; " r . v --. C. T. RRAOH AM. nwll Aft. i- 7 Small And Prescott, - ." " ' ' , August 7- 1 We are having itvery dry in this sec tion now, and the. crops, are needing rain badly. a - S't'I- " Miss Cassia Aldridge, . who tas been visiting at Mr. D. B. Mixon's,' returned to her home at Bates Sunday. - ' Mr, Charlie Edwfirds of, Tarboro, 1s here thirweek yisitintr his mother, Mrs Martha JEd wards, f ' - . v Miss Rena Rowe.who has tesn spend ingaeveral days- with, relatives and f lends at Core Point returned' homeJ Friday. . v ' : Miss Estelle Alligood of Washington is here this week visiting! her sister, Mrs. Ada Walker. . , -Mr. Calvin Tukn . ai4 sister, JUiss Laura,' and Miss Mary C. : Rowe jre turned home from Trent Sunday ,where they have been' spending the past week. -it Miss Blanche Miller of Bayboro is visiting'- at Mr.- D. B. Mixon's this week. A'.-.'i!:.-' " Mrs. Ada Johnson of Springs Creek, is here this week visiting relatives and friends. - Mr. Louis B. Dunn of Granhboro, spent Sunday here with his father, Mr. W. H. Dunn. - . Miss : Cora Walker returned home from Trent Sunday where she has been attending a protracted meeting, v Mr. Stephen Lamn of Blount's Creek spent Saturday and Sunday here. . Agents do not . seem to realize "the hard times in this section, aa there , were several passed through here last week, Mr. Sam Wills and sister, Miss Mil lie, went to' Gilead, Friday and re turned home Sunday. : - .. Marietta. Public Is Aroused The public is aroused to a knowledge of-the curatiye merits of . that great medicinal tonic," Electric - Bitters, ' for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Walters, of 546 St, Clair Ave. , Co lumbus, O., writes: "For several months I was given up to die.--! had fever and ague, my nerves were wrecked; J could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak from useless doctors' drugs, that I could not eat Soon after beginning' to take Electric Bitters, I obtained relief, ' and in a short time I was entirely cured.'? GuaranteefLat all drugstores; price 50c MidshipnnRobertJaeksoof Vb.; Vlia tlfhk noil lham ntiaami. . .mu . 1 Kinm, woo nau oeen missing : since, k week ago last Friday when be left;, his ship the Missouri, then lying in North river has been located by hit father in Quebeck. . .. V.-"."-' .',Vv ''-"' ATouching Slory; is the saving from death,' of . the " baby girl of Geo. A.; Eylor, Cumberland, Md. He writes: ''t the ago of U , months. our little girl was in declining health, with serkrat Throat Trouble, " and two physicians gave her uj;,.W' . were al most in despair, when we resolved ; to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. .'The first bottle gave relief;' after , taking ' four bottles she was cured, and.it now In pen rect healta."'. Never failt ; to relieve and cure a cough or cold. At all drug stores; 50c and $1.00 guaranteed. 'Trial bottle fatty ' 'ijf f : Stephen Polaskl "attended ibt" wed- di ig ceremonies of Viena Tuterich, his former sweetheart, who bad jilted him and selling upon tn opportunity for re venge in the Hungarian cut. torn of bug ging and kittling the bride, he. squeezed her to hard that e broke three of her rlbt and caused her to faint.. ' , . - War Ajalnrt Consumption,"4 -' All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "white pkigue".that claims so many victims each year," Foley 't Honey and Tar caret coughl and colds perfectly td you art in no danger of consumptioii. Do not rlk your health by taking some unlnon ft. juration when Foley's Horny arl Tci is tafe tnd certain in results. Ask for Folt-y't Uonry tnd Ttr and inmrt ujyn having it. For sale by Davit' rhtrmacy. , A fafmer rwiiding a few miht from Greenaboro N. C, dropjxsl Info a jpw Iry store and exhibited t beaunfulgi 1 i nugget wotghinir 27 J penny weij-M a, hu valued tt about 27. W 1U pnid P picked it tip on bin irm. Wit in roariica t.i r, Years. If W. KHIry, ,,f Mr,,;,. I. l'a writti; "I win in j b- ypBrK, i"i!Tii ii.g d rn k , ... : ! d.T I r, ,,,. I irmncy run 'll f. 1 ; ruvt i by I (J, : : r f t I, ! I I, :' , J t' I y fe.er i I V.eV . Jsof d r, i pt,.e who dreaJ the Ej ;iroav ii of Eummer be- cai-e t' ey I ve 1 y ftVfr and c not mid any reliof from it, will read with interest and gratitude the . following statement from Helen S. Williams of Mansfield, Mass. ''-.. . "For 27 years, from the month of August until heavy . frost, I have been aff i :ted with hay fever, growing worse and worse each year, until of late yean I was . unable to attend to my work during that period.' - -.--; 'Last summer, I fortunately gave Hyomei a trial, and I am happy to say that it entirely cured me, and I have had no occurrence-of the disease since.'' r " - . -Breathe the germ-killing and healing balsams of Hyomei and get rid of your hay fever.., , -r " The: complete outfit costs but $1, extra bottles 60 cents; -s P. S. i Duffy agrees to refund the money to any hay fe'ver sufferer who uses Hyomei with out benefit. " fcN '(' a ' f-, Lawn Fete at Deppe. .v. On Thursday evening August 1? J905 therfr will be a la wit party- 6t Mr. . IS. R. Sabiston's. ': Refreshments wilt be served from 7 to 12 p. m., the proceeds of which is to purchase i'- Communion Service for Tabernacle Church. . " ; tWe invite . you all and will endeavor to make it a pleasure to you, t , JiSiaa Dora oabiston, ' Miss Janye Cos'tone 1 - ' J, D. Coeton, Jr., : A T m .4 - ' I'-' A. L. Thomas, .Managers. REDUCED FARE TO KINST0N On Accouut of Prttby'ttrlsn 8abbitft School . Annual Convention,-It bi HelV August. ' ')-""2hto?9Ji. - The A. & N, -C. R. R., have author ized reduced rates from all stations on that line to Kinston;. N, C, and return account above occasion, tickets ' to be 'sold on certificate plan, and certificates iiM V. j . '.....: . will be honored by Agent Kinaton on or before September 1, 1, 1905. ; ' - 1 R. E. L. BUNCH, . Sic headache results -from a disor dered condition of the itomach and is quickly cured , by Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. ; For sale, by F.S. Duffy andDavis' Phannacy;jl: . lawn Party at Brldgton.Y : , - ert 'blti'iUmtutot friwn at Brid'gton; Tuesday night, August 15th, for the benefit of,, the. , new- Methodist church' at "that placaTiii ; " ' : . Mra. J.S. Wallace, ' ' . .' "v ,- ' r' Dowdy;, " . J '"'." Jesse;Wyatt- V-V; : .;"'W?comntt If nAaiindof billioutmood, You wish an aid to digest food, No other pill is half so good Aa DeWitt's Little Early Risers, Wlien ' Ver yon feel Impending L K No other nt will fill the bill , .'p. Like DtWitt'a Little Early . EXCURSION f0, WILKINGTOJil Y ... v.. ; '- j. '-' s . '' " . '; :;'. :::, From' Pohits NtrM Ant teutk t( Ntw ttni "" ''jr-y-i . x , .' .; , r At the unheard of low round trip rate of $1 26, an opportunlty iiever;.lftffered before to visit Wilmington, the largest city in the Old North Carolina Statt; and the Carolinat - popular seasidt re sort, Wrightsville Beach. Every one should go, old and young, rich and poor Separate coaches for white people. .v".v'i' Thos. Knight, Mgr. r; The City of Wilmington It gttnlngtn unenviable notoriety for murders. The next term of Criminal court thert will have big batch of homicides, to dit pose ot';' i;' ; V-'- ''.';: i"' ff : ( t.'p-Viu- a u m .. .iin.Lij ' -? S. . -, . , :f . . v G. B. Burhant Teitifiai . After Four ; ' ' i ' Year. ' ;' : G, B. Burhant, of Carlisle CenUr, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been en tirely cured of a severs kidney trouble by taking lees than two bottlrt of Foloy!- Kidney Cure. It entirely stop ped the brick dunt lediment, and pain and symptoms of kidney disease dlgap peared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those symp toi.a during the four years ' that ha re elupnod and I am evidently i cured to liny cured, and heartily rvomrwnd Foley'g Kidney Cure to gny one siifTer ing from kidney or idndd.T troublo." For sale by Davit' I'barmacy. Mri. Cm t'C J. (,',Id was f ' jurej in en auton.. bile Frsnce. '.fly in it In r . I), l: f I n., l f .1 i . i C . Cure 3 of d..- ot rr tf . .at.. . u. i-d i.... e which IruKe , o .it l.i Kevv Orleans nearly a month: 'o and m ; ; ;ie cf the greatest pre i caution j.v-Mtde has spread to other citios. As far as can be learned how ever, the cartes have not been many outside of New Orleans. .-, Caaea are increasing at - the - rafe of 40 to 50 per day and-the total number according . to - yesterday's papers was 679: total number of deaths was 119. The authorities are using the strictest meanB known to prevent ; the spread of the disease and the - tactics employed by some have been the cause of a good deal of criticism. - Especially strict have "been the quarantine rules and almost civil war has broken out be tween the States of Mississippi and Lousiana,. - ' ,T A particularly 'sad . incident of this epidemic is the death , of Archbishop P. L, Chappetle, sA the diocese of Louisi ana. He was a-prelate of the; Roman Catholic church and had fearlessly gone into the infected portion to give af dist ance and cheer to the victim. ? His sa cilflce was in accord with all the deeds of hia life and he was a man rich in the bye of the masses. His deed ;wilf not be emulated by many but his memory will be held in reverence during all the years to come as one who lived i not to please himself but tolielp hi fellow- man." ' ' i. , y - t ;', , Nothing :on The Market qual to - Chamberlain's ' Colic, 'Cho'ett and Diarrhoea Remedy. This fact is well known to 'druggte's everywhere, and nine out of ten will give their, customers this preparation when the best is asked for, ' Mr. Obe Witmer, a prominent druggist, of Jop lin, Mo., in a circular to his customers; says; 'There Js nothing on the market in the way of patent medicine which equala Chamberlain's . Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com plaints. J We sell and recommend ' this preiwratinn.' : For sale by F. S. Duffy and Davis Pharmacy, ; " Archbishop Ch tpelle, of New Orleans who was stricken with yellow fever last Friday, died yesterday." - Ancient witchery was believed in by only a few but the true merit of De Witt' Witch flazel Salve is known by every one who has ued it for sores, tetter, eczema and pi - - The Louisiana State Board of Health decided to call on the Governor for trooDS. if necessary., to put an end to the jpresent?'chaptic conditions, caused by rigorous quarantine regulations. ;yr?'-' ;".' ". 'm '""v - "-' . Was i Wasting Away. "I bad been troubled with kidney diaeascfor the last five years," writes: Robert R. Watts, of Salem, Mo;. "I lst flesh an(tnever felt well and' .doc tored with leading physicians and tried all remedies suggested without relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and leas.tl.at- two bottles completely cured me and I am now sound and well. ? During the summer kidney irregula rities are often " caused, by excessive drinking or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by wing Foley's Kidney i Cure.For 'y sale; by Davis' Pharmacy, vC- :.'U :-' -r-J ? According to a Chicago newspaper the present.Ch nese boycott originated in that .S-'' ;V Fiendish Sufferinn -r :-. ".-Vi!.,."-' " V. ..V,-. .. . . fs' - ..,'-'- i-".-: ' " '' it often caused by tores, ulcers and can cers, that eal away your skirt,", Wm Be delL of Flat Rock, Mich., says i"I have used Bucklen's Arnica Salve, for Ulcers Sores and Cancers. ' JT is the best heal ing dressing I ever found.", ' Soothes and heals cuts, bums and scafds. '25c tt all drag stores; guaranteed."-,, ; A landing party of Russians being re pulsed at Castellt, Crete,: the gunboat Khrabry bombarded and destroyed ,'Uie .A the village V -V, .'.-" ' ' A little forethought may save you no end of trouble. Anyone who makes it a rule to keep Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand knows this to be a fact :. For' sale by F. S. Duffy and Davit Pharmacy). rH Count von Plausen and 21 other per sons were killed In railway collision n Prussia.- : ' ".. - .They Appeal to Our Sympathies The bilioua and dyapeptic are conBtaiit 1 1 ifTurers and apcal to our sympathies. 1 nere is not one of them, however, who mny not be - brouirht bark to rnUh and ininr -ss by tho ukc of Ctintnlx.'rlaln'f Stomach and I.ivcr Tablets. TIh bo tablets invior.itp the utiunai'h and liver and utrenc'n n the 1.. lb-y For :ui ki 'O re;ul .1,; the by T. S. I Mi !Ty iiml i.i I rk V,'. Vi il.,;t b; II t, (,f Y: -J- Ti e w '11 - a La n Pott In "Mrs Holland SnjUh's yard at Vanceboro, N. C, Friday nigh, Au. 13. - Rtfreshmer.ts of all kirn's V. ill be served, and the proceeds will be used for the b?neflt of St. Paul's Episcopal church at Vanceboro. v. - Everybody is cordially invited and a large attendance will be highly .appre ciated. r " - t MrsTA. M. Williams, - L " J.-B. Harvey. ; - '' "UN. Lancaster . : '.; Mis. Iiilhe Smith, " ' - Lula Williams, ' , -J V', ' f, Committee DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Forth Form and Comoltxlon Bss btn aacMcfallv nssd tnr Icadiad iBinwii, singcn sa woatl latum lor more uuia w years. .. . , Wherrrar applied it la Instantly absorbd! innraia ina porta ai ma sua and lU woa dertul Sutriuea fcada the wasting tluuca. . vRCMOVINO WRINKLES as W by ma(rl, application often ahowiag acauarkaii.aliiiprovamaat. ! - Dr. Charles l'Lta Food la txadUvaW tkr oalr ereearatiba known to audlnl that will raand oat hetlaws In tha neck and! praancs rai, naaua nan aa thin cheaks. uw aau hivi - For Dtvtloplnf tht Butt ' or Imatta, snrnnkaa from ntmiaf ; it has the boxas ara often aofflciaat to auka Ilia ImmH nirocH inaarsement ar anvuciana. tm nmi,urfaana saaauiui. .. BY ptrAMXUKX T tTOSJtS AWp ' Xernlar prlea. sl.00 a txnr. tmt la ait hJ iaaa aaTaausa hum ePXCIAL OFPKR! and send at aaa dollarj wa wiU sand two (Ji) FREE & if mt Mf "Art el aaat Iras k any lady sending ili caaat a pay lafi way we awwt ; nawtMi .- ,(.-.:. -s, DR. CHARLES CO. stl Baj lOBn. EXCURSION TO RICHMOND A Splendid Opportunity to Visit Tne Historic - Capital of The Old Dominion. Jjsw round trip rates from Morehead City and intermediate points to New Bern $3,50, from Newern and inter mediate points to Kinston $3, from Km ston and intermediate points to Bests inclusive $2.75. Separate coachea will be reserved for white people. - Train will leave ' Morehead City at 6:30 a m August 14th, arriving in Rich mond 3:15 p m the same day. Return ing to leave Richmond at 5 p m August 5.1905 . r Crescent Tobaau Company. We give you your moneys Wortti every . D. Barrlhglon MANAGER.' ' i Bids wanted to furnish city with 200 tons marL for . cemetery.'' purposes. Direct your bids to L S., Wood, Chair man Cemetery Committee ''.', . . ij':-i;''' t, S. Wood, Chairman. "j) 1 Short Ilorn Bull from on of the best herda in the Valley of Viririnia. 8 years old. Keo;iatered, sold to avoid in' Dreeuinjr: price nirnt.. . -. , - Addreee , C$DAR LANE FARM, V- i. i'xsw -t '. v Richlands, N. C. . h hereby fhrcn that an electioti will bo held In the town of Vanceboro, Monday AugtiAt 23th to vole for or agujnat the aale of whiskey in aald town, the sbM election being called, by .the board of Commissioners,'." m - regular meeting;, upon the " presentation . of jpitition signed by ono-third of the qualified votors of the town. ' ' . WILLIAM CLEVE. . , '-Mayor of Vanceboro, ' To The Magistrates of Craven Cointy You are horrby notifitvl Umt there will Iih a tun tinjj if tin? Boftrd of M.i(r i ilriiti of CtDvcn Oiuiity, at thefourt Hon o in Nnt r.i'rn, N. C, on Satur tl.iy An:;. 1 I'J' ",, nt 11 o'clock a. m. Tliis tun l in;.' la rnllcil fur tlia purpuse t'f ( "ti i.li tui the tn.ii ti-r of levyinjr a :..l lax f .r t!, b. ll.'nti.'Ht r.f t!,. I ..,.::r r i.r 1 1,0 in ( l.i.j r : .1 (if t'i n-t ) rovi.l... !,. of 1 .. I" c. i: l"V. .rn C, ;i i I. NOTICE I WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN TOPS x-" FROM $10 to $15 " made- to your order, arid cart wheels and axles from 110 to US made to yoor order; a vary maooa bla prve for immediate tales. r . . We put flubber Tine an yew old or new wheeb. Ws shrink vour loose tirea m a machine without enttiror thant, or without takme; tire from wheel a t umry while you wait. -' Evarybody it invited U goe-the mafhrne at work tutting new 4ta in old placet, -j it " f ' 1 Thone 185, Y8BMid.Si: - New Btra, N. C. ExcirsicrsRaiesToMorehead City - And Beaufort, N. C. The Atlantic & North Carolina Rail road until-further notice; will sell round, trip tickets to Morthead City and return at the following rates. Wock nd Tickrts Bold fundav i4tch . Satur- Excuii. n day and Sun- ticket I luy. good re- wld each i I urrInK until Sunday, the following Good nly j aenday ' in" on date of h-Bive: sale. 2 Oo 1 30 1 80 i 20 1 70 1 10 I 1 60 1 Off I 1 50 1 00 1 40 90 1 30 85 1 20 8!) 1 10 75 1 00 75 90 65 80 . i)5 60 35 35 25 55 Se a s o n IHvkAts Limited .ii.til Oct. 3UI 1W6 Goldsboro 4 40 Bests. 3 75 La'iranpe 8 60 Falling Creek 3 25 Kinston 3 00 Caswell 3 00 Dover 2 75 Cove Z 70 Tuscarora 2 65 New Bern 2 W Riverdale 1 75 Croatan 1 70 Havelock 1 00 I Newport 60 Wildwood 40 The rates to Be ufort and return will be 25 cents higher. R. E. L. BUNCH, Traffic Manager. Fencing Posts. Can furnish on short notice good lightwood post for plank or wire fenc ing for yard or farm purpose. Get my prices. Also have a nice new boat for gaso- line engine 38 ft 4 inches over all. and ... . i , . engine all ready to be installed. Will sell either boat or engine or both . . to- gethcr very cheap for cash or good se curity. Address Claude Taylor, North Marlowe, N. C. Notice ot Mortgage Sal. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a cer lain mortgage deed, executed by C c Cannon and wila to Joseph M r'oxiaid mortgage deed is duly recrded in the -K"i-e of the Register of Deeds "( Craven county, in uook 103. page 676, the under signed will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cat.h,at tho Court House door of Ci aven bounty, in the city of New Bern, on Saturday the 19th day of August, A. U. 1Mb, at the l.ui of 12 O'clock noon, all the following described tract or parcel of land, lying and being Bituated in the county of Craven, State of North Carolina de scribed in said mortgage as follows: '1 he home tract commencing at a cedar stob.and running West poles to Dog-wood Branch with Jame.4 A. Brvan'a line, thence north with Dog wood tlranch to a Itghtwood stob 46u poles, thenoe east fO degree, south 86 poles, then south to the beginning, containing forty (40) acrep, fully de scribed in the deed from Amne Bryan and wife to C C Cam.un, by deed recorded in hook 102. pge 20. So follows to wit:- A Un the South aide of Neuse Klver, and on the West side of tha west prong of Hlocomb's Creek, and south aide of the public road leading from New Barn to Beaufort, butted and bounded as follows- Beginning at tha north corner of a grant to James Keath. dated 1714. at a lightwood stake, pointed by two (2) marked hickorie on the north sale of Dogwood Branch, near the place that Dog wood Branch enters Bpalta Mill Pond, also a dr aw of Sparta 4 Donald's Bishop land, ruining thence with sakl Heath's patent Una 46 at 112 poiaa, thenea north (6 Wert 100 poire, thencg touth tt west 52 poles to sad Kralh's "tint I'neJ nd the line of the Speight land, and then re with laid Keath'sand Hpetgnt s iu .mi ueat 120 polea to tha beginning, containing fifty Ul) acrer tea eirreei (11) sold to Luke Howard. Xhia July l&C IW6. ' JOSEPH M. FOX. Mens By O. H. GUION. Attorney. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF I.1EDICIHE. ttalS Tsorsaf k roant hi katCiX, IUH6EIT. UIfTICl as4 taa trUUtriU j saw (UmiH aaa NaUUC!. Ucnnt Ralls, UkatMsrtsa, Raayhal aaa ' in tkn swslr Mslyss tsi isatasshil awkiaf. , Utrr Tssitin.' iriajt sssaai satow lists Issiai, t'H Chamberlain's COUCCHOLEiAiUn) Diarrhea Remedy ' - A few doaei of this remedy will 'Invariably ear aa ordinary at-, tttck of diarrhea. - Ithaa boea naei la nine pt- . demies ot dysentery with perfect ' anvioess. . -- . ' It caa always be depended . apon, svn in ik more savers attacks of cramp eolle and chol era morbus. - - -. . ' I , It ts snnally snooasfnl for ntnmer olarrhaa and cholera' Infautam In children, and la the mrnnsof saving tbs liresof taaay clill'lren each ysar. Whsn ra'lnosd with water and swiftened U Is pleaaant to take. lrr manor a family shonld lewp tbls ramailT id bis boms, liny It now. It may sava life. rnicR, 5a Laros. Bun, BOO. P. as Ifectir.g. Tim j'Btrons of the Colond Crsded !'i li'H.l srrj rciiinn.( to met st Hun CK:. ( "1 TbunLiy Ati 10, st p, tn. We rl.- rs - n t h 1 -(h, ire t,i rains 1h-1 lin'ii;! - r .-(, !!y t,-H rti'iiicy lt rrrM t a in' In tho I 'ace of ! -Ilyfio. ' ll e,J fi) prr-a- 1 ' 1 a re J. T. V-KV V J.- , CoYPJChT"V SUMMER SUITS for tha varr hot weather in hmanaki. von crwiHa, unhnished wonted ehniota. ontiac ' Sannels, in tack, double breasted mod Norfolk styles, are what evy man must hava who draaa oa well Our line of these fabrics is nntirniessil our skill in cutting and fitting; unquestioned ana . eur prices as reasonable mat no one can object. . M, CftAlllil ftussell House, RK AlJFOItT, N. 'li. Centrally ltx sKi All the dell aeie f i be Beasan. Well Venti - hi Ki roimirtf UihmI ledf, Phone con incncei-, I'ol te and aiteutive tier v.niU. Hatttt tl.50 yT- day. .rL'ul ami liberal terms by week 0. A. RUSSELL, II ..!, i I . Entry Claim. NORTH CAROLINA, I Craven County, I TV Oco B Waters. Entry Taker for Craven coun ty: Hie unneru.Kred Thos T Gooding of Craven County, North Carotins, enters and lays claim to the following described piece or parcel ot land in No. 5 Township. Craven County. North Carolina, the same being vacfci t and unap propriated land and subject to entry, v.z: Louth side of Neue river and west of Adama creek adjoliiu g the Bartholcmew Smith patent on the noithvaid, the Bennen patent and Neal land on the Westward and the Leach patent on tha Eastward and on tlie Southward lands of parties unknown, containing f.l O aiirer- more or less. fcntcred tni.1ltlid.iyot July 1906. , T. T. GOODING. Executors Notice Having qualified as Executor of Robert Wilillama da.'eased.all pci bous having claims against the ea tato of my tiatd executor are hereby notified to present the Mime duly verified to Mitchell Williams on or bef ore .the Ulh day of July Wbi , or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indel.ted u aid estate are hereby raquast ed to make immediate settlement. This Julv 11th. IMIA Ml i' I1C.LL WILLIAMS, Executor Executrix Motice Il.ivinK nual'fied asExecutrix of the last will and testament ot Manlda Well, deceased, lata of Craven (vunty N.u. this is to notifyMO persona having claims aKainst the said deceasfaAo exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st dav "I ,u'y '" lhe notice win be pleaded in bar of recovery-All I'ersons indebted to the said eatata win make immediate payment June isi jyuu i iRfNC nnnw L'xecutrix Adn.inistrators Notice '. vir.tf adminintertd upon theentale of Harriy Aithui, Ufttastd, all praonsete hereby notified to pieaent U) the undoraiKned all clatma held by them against naid en late, un or before July 27th, 190f., otlwrwiru- this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All pernoi.B iiidebttni to said estate ttr requeiue) tn make immediate payment i.Thia Julyl7th. 1906 THOS m; ARTHUR. Admiplatrmtor iinest M. Qreen, ttoroej tt Counselor at Law kkoao 8t., NEW BERN, N. f Well rqulp rl to si arch titles by reaior of many iear- eiperienoe in the ibffiee and a HetjisU-r ni Ieedi: Practtcei In the Otmrte of ( raven, Jones, ParUioc Carte -eti Onalcw, or whatever aenylua Art nwinlnui a. Trunte-s Sale. SAW MILL, TRAM ROAD, LOCOMOTIVE. I TIMBER RIGHTS. Pursuant to the powers conferred upon the na-derslg-neu' in that certain deed of trust dated Sep tember Zlet IWM made by D. W. Bailer of the first part, W. D. Mrlver of the second part and Hrman Supply Co.. i). L. Roberts, L. H. cutler, a Marks A Son. Oankill and Willis, c. S. Uolllster. W. J. llrothen. Bunuuerel A Mccoy, 8. D. White and White Bros., pmrttee of trie third part, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of craven county In book 161, paare 819; dofauttliarlns been made in the payments therein secured antiusveral of the parties of the third part having- demanded foreclosure an provided In said deed: 1 ,iU an Satunlsy, September 9th. 1W6 ofTar for sabjkll tba property both real and personal and sll rifrtta and interest conveyivl to me In said dead. Bala'Aill be maitaon the pivmines of the saw toil! paar Cure crotk. betwin the hours of ten ai.4 four o'clock for cash to the highest bidder. Tha said property i r!rscriUd in tlieoitd uf ttust aa heirs; the prop ert 'conv..yed to D W. Baily by White Bros, ami a I). White in v..-e tla-A it is described aa follow,: One rnmplHt ,w m il with furniture. (In a ntiara. Iittuiaa, S t. . . o. Iui.ua. pulllee ana ther tools and machiirt-iy usetl .-onnectioa wtta nc na(l mill of sll kind: whatsoever. Taa aid mill beii.K lorsuu ..ue , ik west of oove in he Couaty of craven. AihII right, title. Inter J,t and oijuity in Slid to that ceitsin tram roast, .la righta of way and aementa ariallean. '.rocks, im,lemeuU. toola. material, troa. ties aaa tipplias used In ronnrrtton therewith Bat) all Kiuity which parties of the first part dartvad or retained under that contract with tha Eastara 4rm and Pin Co., recorded In tha of&re ef tha (tea later of Deeds of craven county, in book 14s, psaeaJd. Also all riarhi, till. InUreet and soufcy -of tha parlies of tha Drat part in that aartaia loaa ffmUva tba parties of Ilia first part boucbt of Dwe Brothers under a contract whiek li taCord ed In the ofTVoe of the Rrfiater of Deeds ot Craeeei oounty la book la, para SSt to which reference ts had far a more perfect daarriptiom. Akn all that term, lean and Umber and all other rotate eeev Vrrvd ta lhe part.ee of the lU-st part by the deed of Da nasi II. Heath aad wife to Whit Braa., js enrdedin thaonVaof ih ateariatar of Dead of Crave enantyra bonk US, saw. lux. And alee ail that term, leaa aad limber and other riahta aaav veyed to Whit Broa by the dead of R. B Heath otnl wife. reaiaUFied in tha office of tha Basjtstar ef ledaof crerea sountf la both Its, paaaSM. AIo a lease for the term of aia years witk rarkt . loent tnnbar therefrtsa Pin. Poplar, Oak aad UttM not haw thaa Ua lachee at th butt. U ka etaas ahoee th sraund ca th Mlownui twa traea ef land.- The tret tyina taa thaooemty ofcraeaa. ' soatainins h aeraa, snore ar baa, betas th aaisj rranied to th said a U White by th Bust hr arant leeonlad i IH e fcV M Ih Resister ? Dewit of crawl county la hook s, aaa- P th f .""w . " ""'a iniiwa in f nm aamr os ovmbi nmwmns ew Mfwl earn sYanu-d to th nal S U WhHe, which ras4 w recorded la tha B eased ef (ilaoU aa Joaasa . rvamty Pa whleh refeeane ia had far a Basra sum : pier deeiorlptioii , the same ediwnlnc the laadaaf IA. T. It . U tt Heath aad K. B. Histk. S W. U atrlVKH. Xnathas. , Notice ot Salo ofValua , ble City Property. nltiiMl W. H. HurV M4 UdMk. P. tltrk. . i" mt Unrr H. Jnhm, iWww, ttW iwtsr. irtMM, will cm Ih final MmHy f H,lsvrMrr, )4 KannsT l(M f'Mtih for ft WW wmmk, Wlork m, mi IH r-mtf avmri Kshiims rifw m Uttrr if Nt m tn tH hiu ra WW fray Mts K i f'vlif)firR UMt WV.-f.nuat t trw tl o tw auaH (Isvr-rMtaa-ai (tng n hmtm mMt k HtU4 onlhsi aul J ,lnh BtrkH ( IK HivW K fern, ttaasi tsrm r Ui mrA riravrtrasar, sm tikw hrjftsirw M sMit awtss .it (tf iff th Hf . t M b-rfrtt T ft frvart. nmth mmt mtr ot t,r0 .h i4 ?rf ilrw-t) ftrtai runfiinf th-fie h-ir1rs-tirtir fifir" "pn f"t f"r ilr"i, (rrnrs WRti)a itn ..ftss t,Mtvtwl ftssH iltTa jf mi 4 HO m.t ti.orK arpithottrHlr IK Jindt rf Kt) (.i i f aovrn frnir ir teSMt, lhr.r sat wa ' - f (.ii tufrafliwas) ft4 toll Utnni: r nn(, h B-rri l..,.f , rMrr,,. U...J r,., fHTMj rt-l f . r, ...,,., w Msir-v C lii1wr mr-4 V, M I I- H- J -hrtr , ,,,1 r , in ' - " ' i af '', i ? wi III tg t t.t - , avio ' innw' iv aas : " ' 'tt A tin !.!'? ijf I'r Thai i-f'i I hi - stir) M'xi'l f if jp lit r ' r,t I ) t , , I r f f (i j r t-r ho v. ,'. a'-' I' "i'hr hef I' ... -i- (. ,'.' , . J.