C " J T7-' f- r 'TY Tol. XXIII..-3iro. 117. Tweiilj-Fotirili Yew r, cccoccoocooaoococcco o ceca o a o ii o Watch SPACE I. Ill f II. occonoaooQcocsGQgoeCwCQ o "This is The Store That Is Never Very Dull" Hi BARfiM Brisk Business SKIRT" GOODS BARGAIN Fin qua t Wack mahair silk lustre 2V4!eSHWlde' Wrth 75 yd-' this ydl 860 pair fine shoes for ladies and gen tlemen in broken lots, ' will be closed out at this sale at half price. j 60 doz. ladies full bleached sleeveless vest with tape in the neck, the regular 12Jc quality will go until closed out at 7c a piece, CURTAINS 75c lace curtains per pair 45c. -COPLO KT 75 Middle' Street. P. s. -Wo Ooll th,. I Ilniim iC. '"safes on the markct.Thoy succeedei in St. Louis, 1904. We have them in stock, weighing Write for Catalogue and Trices. T J T1JKNCK TUKN THKK JOHN Suowuor to Diaonway & Taylor. Maryland Country Hams 5 to 10 ' . lb avf ItarjUnd Country Hams, sliced Armoon Best llama 6 to 10 lbs " Armours tlicd National packing Co., host ham " .' " sllcwl Large Block Hams, whole 12c lb If lb sliced tncnik Cut Shouklera v f .!". ' slicod moon Pic Vile Hams, whole . . " alked King haM pie nte hams, whole K mghans) Fie Nie nam, sliced 1'mI Maryland Country Lard -f.rutre Bert Rib Meat f luire Best fat Back Meat , -t vs River Print Butter ; ' 11c lb 12c lb lOelb 12c lb 10c lb 12c lb lftdlb lie IM 8e)b 30c lb I'vloctf Bsutsgs in Oil lt lb freparod Hass, Bonless.sliced l2c lb Mrw Pollock Cod FUh sides Cc lb T ,. - - 0 j' Si' K Igbt Day b U I v 01e lis t trlrl, U Chespef t Cash ' ZJ Un4, phone 136.. iboou will be delivtred immedistely after ordered, this week ail, s Coact :3Lln.o ; Stor o o o o o () o 1 GREAT BARGAINS. Wo place on sale our entire stock at lint' lawn raKnK from 10 to 15c a yard, you can take your choice of the lot at 7r y(i-. RIBBON. l ri,ll'ns. all shades, per yard 9c. BOYS PANTS. Three hundred pair boys' all wool cassimere pants in broken sizes; choice lSc a pair worth 75c. Iron Safe Cliusa Judicially SeckredValid. hxlr.irt from decision of Supreme oim i in the case of Georgia Home In - :i. nro Co., apainst Allen. "An Iron Safe Clause in a policy of Insurance requiring the assured to keep a set of hooks and inventory of the : ode, which shall be kept in an iron .' ifc at night and at other times when I lie store is not open for business, is a Mill I condition and binding npon the as incil, the Ineach of which willvoidthc l; cy unless it if waived by the insur er. Lock Coinnnnv's Safes onp nf t.hp hflt winning the Gold Medal at World's Fair from 47f, lbs to 2 01)0 lbs (OMPANV, New. Bern. N C A Large Lot of Dining, Cottage and Rocking Chairs Some styles in pol ished goods In hand some desigDS. We carry a large stock oi Furnltur. Stoves and House Fur nishings, and you will find our prices low. B. IVES, 96 Middle Street. fill 1 15 lbs Granulated Sugar for 96c 36c 30c 26c lb 8iIb 26c 26c This Just Received 10c Jb Roasted PeamiU, per peck lHc lb IUw Peanuts, per peck 16c lb ; 1 jiound Ittimfordn Powders 17c lbHost3c flour for IT lb ; 2 cans corn beef for 10c lb ' 2 cans Chip Bef for Coca-Cola and Pcpsl-Cola.3 boU . ties for . ;' 2T Best Cream Cheese . 15c lb All kinds of whole and ground apices foj pieklmg. . ( 11. t 20c Coffe In th ctty, S lb ; ' for 86e , Whole Ore in Hlc lit 60 Cracked Italn Rice '' 1 ;' ' . Vjigl Brand Milk 3 cans for . . Meadow Meal, peck; ., .' ' ' Apple Ckto for bom os, quart ' Any kind of soft drink you sr - looking for, bottles for ' 22t 26c '26 Star In th city, Lee J. Taylor' old A STEP FORViRO Permanent Quarters for : Merchants Association. "'.T Flat BuHdlng to bt Rtmdld ana UMd or Commercial and Rotldondt Purpotot. Riloljh Chambaa of Commerc to Re-orgtnlzt. Appeal tor Pris on Bounds . Raleigh, N. C, August 16. -The Raleigh Merchants Association took a decided step forward last night when they passed an order for a charter to be procured from the State, and perma nent quarters in the business section of the city were rented with thi under standing that the place will be kept open, a salaried officer being kept for the purpose. A rating of the con sumers will be made up at once similar to that of the merchants issued by the mercantile agencies. Dr. Norwood G. Carroll and wife, Dr. Delia Dixon-Carroll who, by the way is a sister of Tom Dixon, the famous author and min-'ster, have purchased a three story building on Payetteville street near the Capitol and will remodel it and provide handsome office"and resi dence quarters on the second and third stories. The first floor to be retained by the Ellington Art store. Dr. Delia Dixon-Carroll, the only lady physician in Raleigh, has built up quite a large practice. The work of remodeling the old Park Hotel as a hotel for tourists is to be re sumed now and pushed to completion so that it will be ready for the travel ers this winter. The prices will be higher than those charged by the Yar borough, both being under the same management. The Raleigh Chamber of Commerce will reorganize within the next few days with 150 members, the annual dues being changed from $6 to $10 per year. They are in conjunction with the Industrial Club, formed recently, by the younger business men of the city, purpose to inaugurate a new era of business activity. The appeal for prison bounds to be allowed the prisoners, J. Rowan Rogers and J. P. Sorrell, serving: six months for embracery in the Gattis vs Kilgo case, is the first that has ever come to a Governor of this State. The last man who ever had "prison bounds" privileges in Raleigh was the late Jas Miller who was sentenced to 30 days in jail, and $2,000 fine for gambling, The confinement is telling very much on both Sorrell and Rogers, who is an ex Sheriff of the county. I. 0. 0. F. Members of Calumet Encampment No. 4. I. O. O. F., are earnestly re quested to attend a meeting of the Camp this Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Business of importance to be trans acted. J. H. Smith, C. P. THE FEVER'S COURSE Ut Evtnlngi Rssort of Tnt Condition of Tks Epldtmlc. New Orleans, August 16 The second death above Canal street occurred yes terday that of Wyer Daspil, a promi nent citizen. Tbo cases above Canal street continues to be traced to down town infection. Last night's report says: Deaths 6 New eases 62. New foci 19 Total deaths 172. Total eases 1,080. Total foci 229. Under treatment 834. Regulate the stomnch and bowel. beats and soothe th litti one' stom achs and gives them . healthful and natural sleep. , HollisUr'a Rocky Moun tain To la the children's benefactor. 36 cent For sale by F. 8. Doffx."'. In Memoriam." Paulina, th daughter of J.. D. - and Eula Marshburn died of diphtheria at their horn In Gum Branch, Friday Au gust 4 after a brief sickness at th ag of ten year and three month. 8 he wis a sweet spirited child full of bop and cheer in . whom br parent bad placed so much of hope and com fort. A sweet flower lhat blossomed but to be cut down by th reaper whose nam la death has left a home desolat and loving heart bi dire despair. . . "So th sun withdrew IU ry i- Clouded grew the bpemlng day. 7 Ever thus hop fsd- awsy." Notice to Shippers. to si, in vis th . if" . NewTork; Angwt 18.'4-Tb Tribuna publishes letters' from New Orleans business men making light of the yet - , , . - ..m lew fever situation. One aavs:- "We .. .. . . t v i ., . stage of yellowfever; as an epidemic cannot be declared until the deaths of Danger NotGreat one disease exceeds the deaths of all and the Carolinaa' popular seaside re other diseases combined. The diseases Wrightsville Beach. Every one is in only one section of the city, the lower part known as the Erench maiv ket The United States marine hos pital service has surrounded this sec tion and is fumigating it." Another letter says: "Conditions here do not warrant one looking for sympathy. The situation is not at all serious and dis astrous as reported by the press out side the city. The only inconvenience we experience is making shipments to points in Bister States." Charles S. Clark, a paper manufac turer of the city who returned from New Orleans last night says the fever has little, effect on business. He is im pressed with the evidences of the pros perity of New Orleans.' During periods of epidemics he had been to that city in former visits when it was almost deserted. Don't wait until your blood is impov erished and you are sick and ailing, but take Holluter's Rocky Mountain Tea. It wITl positively drive out all impuri ties. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by V. S. Duffy. P ace Not In Sight Portsmourth, August 1G. The peace conference immediately took up articles. One, two. three, four and five have been disposed of, and are agreed to have caused considerable surprise. One was as to Corea, and two the evac uation of Manchuria, third is believed to be the cession of Liatang Peninsula to the Japanese; fourth, mutual obli gatkins to respect the territorial and administrative integrity of China and the principle of the "open door." Fifth, The surrender of the Russian bases to the Liao Tung Peninsula, in eluding Port Arthur, Dalny and the Blonde and Elliott Islands. Portsmouth; August 16. The con ference reassembled this morning. Peace has one chance in a thousand ie the opinion of an important member ol the Russian suite and even that chance is considered very small. Cures dizzy spells, tired feeling stomach, kidney and liver troubles Makes you well and keeps you well. That's what Hollistcr's Rocky Moun tain Tea will do." 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Card of Thanks. The management of the North Caro lina Supplements desire to return their most earnest thanks to each and sll who have aided in' any manner in mak ing possible this tribute to the grand heroism of North Carolina's devoted daughters. To nsme all such, and to thank them individually and by nam uld be impossible, nut In- every de partment of the work we have bad the most cordial and valuable assistance of the good people or North Carolina. But one we can name, the able editor wEb has gathered, arranged, and edited th mass of valued incidenta, To Mis Mamie Bay, of Charlotte, N. C, I due the literary auceea of th publication, and Its great intrinsic value will ever stand a a mark of her skill," Judgment and devotion to th sacred memories of a hallowed past '- C. Irvine Walker, Chm. U.'C V. Com. 4 Spec Rep. U. 8. C V. Dental Notici. . "br. Early i out of town and hi office will be elosed until Sept, 8th or 9th.v Diamond f Six Rtitont Why Y 1 ,' : Ought to Buy Thin, : (1) They ar beautiful (2) They're IndestaKtibl. (8) Th prestige they flv to th wearer. (4) Their constant increase in Value. (5) Their talable nes.';T) Their safety iu an Invest ment. A reason why you ought to buy them her. Becaus our present stock was bought so reasonably that we can Well afford to sell . diamond at lower figure than onr competitors and fine diamonds, -every on of the, Come am) tee if this sUUnnwt Isn't a tra fact. ' J'O. Bailor, . - : Leading Jeweler. Hair Ornament! Art tfTcrttiv) Head - - ' . Dreti. ' ' Linp nd f nrve sr sll that a gr rtuit no In hi rulntinej who the proper line or curve U twM In hair witnli MH or l.fu-l) ihff are very rITm'tivo in lBii( y of ornflmftitntinn, J. 0. I'.nl.T, t' 1.-. ! .' sr J- .. . ', r -f- ! -. n - - ! f : f ' t . EXCURSION 10 WILMINGTONH ;Vr - Fr0BI9nU Nortn An8 8ouli a Mtw im . . ... I . . Thursday u just 2. . .ii- li il. i I of $1.25, an opportunity never offered hefon Wilmington the largest city in the Old North Carolina State; ?0' oldwd young ncn ana poor Separate coaches for white people. Thos. H. Knight, Mgr. To The Magistrates of Craven County You are hereby' notified that there will be a meeting of the Board of Mag istrates of Craven County, at the Court House in New Bern, N. C, on Satur day Aug. 19, 1905, at 11 o'clock a. m, Ti is meeting is called for the purpose of considering the matter of levying a special tax for the betterment of the public roads of the county, as provided in chapter 224 of the public laws of 1905 Respectfully, C. E. For, Chairman Bd. Com. Craven Co REDUCED FARE TO KINSTON On Accouut oi Presbyterian Sabbath School Annual Convsntlonrto be Held August 24th to 29th. The A. & N. C. R. R., have author ized reduced rates from stations on that line to Kinston, N. C, and return account above occasion, tickets to be sold on certificate plan, and certificates will be honored by Agent Kinston on or before September 1, 1, 1905. R. E. L. BUNCH, T. M. Lawn Fete at Deppe. On Thursday evening August 17, 1905 there will be a lawn party at Mr. M. R. Sabiston's. Refreshments will be served from 7 to 12 p. m. , the proceeds of which is to purchase a Communion Service for Tabernacle Church. We invite you all, and will endeavor to make it a pleasure to you. Miss Dora Sabisto'n, Miss Janye Coston, J. D. Coston, Jr., A. L. Thomas, Managers. Lawn Party. There will be a Lawn Party in Mrs. Holland Smith's yard at Vanceboro, N. , Friday night, Aug. IS. Refreshments of all kinds will be served, and the proceeds will be used for the benefit of St. Paul's Episcopal church at Vanceboro. Everybody is cordially invited and a large attendance will be highly appre ciated. Mrs. A. M. Williams, " J. B. Harvey. " L. N. Lancaster, Mis. Lillie Smith, " Lula Williams, Committee The Case Against Dewey. Solicitor Larry I. Moore, of Green ville, Judge Frank I. Gsbome, of Char lotte, Mr. A. D. Ward, of New Bern, law partner of Senator F. M. Simmons, appeared before Judge E. B. Jones at Ral igh Tuesday to make up make up the case on appeal to the Supreme court in the ease against T. W. Dewey, the defaulting cashier of the National Bank of New Bern. - Solicitor Moore repre sented the State while Judge Osborne and Mr. Ward appeared for the defend ant. BIDS Bid wanted to furnish city with 200 ton marl for cemetery purpose. Direct your bids to L. S. Wood, Chair man Cemetery Committee. L. 8. Wood, Chairman. steel FtrtrTt Scaaerr. Theatrical cnerr that I actual!; Brep roof-not painted can ve' daub with som cbemlctt, but scenery who substructure I of a nonoombuatlbl inbetaitre U bow in "Us la Psrla and I described at tengtb In La Nature by M. Goorie Vltoux. Apparently It I simple ana practical; and th hop ts xureasd that. Ilk tb pro wd'.cd sav people's Uvea "by not (wallowing tVm.". our present fire trap reoei7 will aborrjr perform a serrle to tu public by putting rtsetf out of harm' wsy. - ' v y --. tmUtate tot Collgt r evils jssr PEACE Courses rats nry el Mnate. The t rise. tot Tpr pt ut hlir All hinds Flavors. lee Gream TODAY. 3 d a neoucTion . I have about 300 Jars, 1-4 and 1-2 GaUonI sizes. which we will sell for the next 15 days ior cash only at 65ctsiozen for quarts and 65 cts dozen fr Gallons. Now is your chance to lay in a supply at a bargain. Fresh Lot Fulton Market Corned Beef IIARVFY'S SMALL HAMS AKD BREAKFAST STRIPS, California Hams and English Cured Shoulders. Fresh Lot Eg o-see grits and Oatflakes just received. J. L. McDaniel Wholesale & Retail Grocer. Tarker Store. Corner Broad and rTannnrk Sf TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. TRY Dr. Petty's NATURAL STOCK LICK. Special Prices on Califor nia Hams. A complete Line Sugar Cured Meats and ALL KINDS PROVISIONS. FreasM Batter bjjke Fackaie and by th Retail, i JL 3E3E Ervin, ! Whole sale and Retail Grocer. No. 81 South Front St. AAAaaaAaaAAAAAAAAA A AAA A 44 la: Wootten hk 92 EAST FRON T STREET- films Developed 25cts a Dozen. Crescent Tobacco Company. Another special sale ol La Belle Craole Ci gars on Saturday; Tou have tried theiuand found them as adver tlsed again Saturday W, De Barrington MANAGER. The "OLIVER" TYPEWRITER . "pest machine made. Call and xmin.Btock. Oven 0. Dunn, Agent. ; . L.1tn PrlnfT MtalMnef t er IVIIoti i rst t ' - V 'I' 'j .'' in nut .arc 5 - MB wi dozen Mason Fruit If - irTTTTTTTTTTTTyTTTTTTTTTTT 4 AAA aAAA A A A A aaaaaaaaaaaaaS f ALL August Periodicals AT Ennett'a Bookstore Ot For Sal! A cottage of Ave rooms, fine lot 60x 120 feet rery ahady, larg front yard. w Front tret. For term apply to Mrs, W. PennBell,' Moraltaad City, N. C G. A NKOLL, bulEiilirbricj.'LforSili AFTER THE SHIP, 13 'WRECKS . mriMf fowl rn 9w ' ,r It TTfW h th f ir lWt t t I it It w.n't 7 HT' "' lo . rr-ir.lf ... I ri . ,.,.,.,,,,, ,tl, on.f k.rl M 4 ;v . '. k ' -. . J " Pemni Jiavir pr r. O. ft W. i: ,::. . ti nt Tin fir' " '