. 7 - v f-t'' ,jsi'-k.-e D i r , The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which has beca j ii la , use for over 30 yean, lias- borne the signature of una BBS oeea uummj uuutsr sub ikv f , wnaigapemsion since us uu&neye I Attow no one to deceive you In this. i AUCottnterfelto, Imitations and Jnst-as-good" are but : Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and CWldren-r-Esperience against isipenmenv fCOLCHICINE i SALICYLATE j .Karlowe And North Karlowe,' . ' " " Aug. 29. . Mrs. N. H. Hancock and eome of her children are viaitirur her Bister Mrs. BetUaBoeL - - , , ,- -( Capt. D. Jankina and family after a summer visit to relative left for Moreheatf Cit j last weeky enrouts for Raleigh Wher, they f to make at visit 1 oa their way to their home at AtlanU, Mrs. C W.-Bell who haajbeeovon a ahort visit tft her daughter Mr. J.' G, Tsyl-nf left Saturday , for her home at New Bern. - jX. " " Mrs. IV Gl- Sell Jeft Saturday for her tome at Morehead City. - She has been ataying with, her sick mother Mrs II; E. BelL Miat Ida Tavfof left hul Sunday for her home at New Bemv She haa (teen stopping with bef Aunt .Mrs. . Bettie Bell and other relatives. Heedsmes Jas. li 'Taylor : and John Smith f Bachelor passed through 'our burg going to and coming from Quarter lv meefln at Riverdale. Our good and jovial friend Harris of UUbert-lfros M., waanere msiween. he injoya a laugha as well as ever. Mr.' I, T. H. Moore of New Bern was a caller at our sanctum yesterday. He waa on hia way to South Siver. Our community waa : saddened last week when they were called to our uuntAi tn hofn lair .to reftt the re mains of one of our former neighbors Mrs. Liddia Simpson, late of New Bern She was brought by many relati ves and friends amotig whom Were her7 pastor Rev. G. T. Adams who conducted the burial service and a staunch- friend of the family. - Mr. Warren Elba who haa done much for them and kindly followed her remains to its bit resting place. ' Mrs. Mollis Morton and children who have been visiting her relativea here re turned to her Home last Sunday. Mr. S. a . a ' AL.'ii a.A tS.f..s a. irocnei S V,UltniCHie oaiitywic Vtipauua. hk carriage. A standard and infallible cure for KHtUMAl ISM ana WJU 1. I w hail M tMnhdav. We hear that it was bi account of a broken solve in liquids of the stomach without causing Irritation or I wheel. It would appear mat our man Be sure and get the genuine. OHIO, What is CASTORIA , '" Castoria is a harmless mibstitute for Castor Oil, Pare " orio, Props and Soothing Syrups. ; It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic) . ,: substance. Its-age is Its guarantee. ' It destroys Worms , ' aud allays Feverishness. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind, Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation stnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the 'Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, v The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend v ."' - CENOINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. disagreeable druggists. Wll.LI.lMd Sold by I j- uvzs czAnzmi'JLN oun vniY otiw ? - ' How many nret dearer to na than oor very own have baea placed In ntedleaa Jeopardy by failure to provide against and forestall the great tufiering wbkh too frequently accompanies and follows the bearing of children I - That we would do anything within our power to obviate 'the possibility of such an happening is too patent to admit of question! therefore -r-mark well this fact r- a liniment, : HomEzvGfntmtM by name, has been deVised, 'whoa fanctioa it is to prepare In advance the muscles and tissues Intimately associated with parturition. iA, ?,' f"r:N : :"-J This liniment is for external application. By its ose the parts are relaxed and enabled to withstand -not only the actual strain brought to betr-on them daring accouchement, but also to rally from this ordeal and speedily regain their normal proportions and tonicity. - It Is not irritating to the moat sensitive sur faces, and is appUahle to all cases. -It's not enough to call it Mother's Friend if s tha friend of the whole family. It.co, all druggists. Book M Motherhood " free. " . IZtADnitt REGULATOR CO Atlanta, Ga : ' ItomaluM A; Nnau. v- Practice ta tha eoantlea of Cnvea. Carteret, Pamlioe. Jones and Onslow, sod in the etata fiuprema and Federal Oourta. ' . , . Offioe: Bonth rront Street, over Tele Irraph offlos, tie Uera, W. O P.0. & W EilLWAY. ' Beginning Monday August 14th, the I Pamlico, Oriental & Western Railway I will establish passenger service be tween New Bern, Bay boro, and inter ruts. riiiii! piustn Dr." Wimams' Indian Pile Oiataent will ears Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated tchiugPilea It absorb tha sodp aUaya tha itching at onoa, cts as a pril Hoccrrei hureant relief Slid by DAVIS' "BABMAOT. Ilenry s Pkriiacy, 127 Middle I mediate stations on following schedule: J Pil Jin 9 of DrUgS Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supvh m m aw IEast Bound No. U (Mixed, Daily, ex. P. M. Hra. CO., VLEVELANn, Boldin New Bern by F S Duffy AMD VITALITy DR. MOTT The groftt remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases o the genera ttft (1 :is iNt'rv'Jus crosirauoa, r tinne or &98i snanaooa. isionM, Youlliful Errors, Meotal Worry, zcesair dm organs ot eUhcr srx, such :is Nervous Prostration, Falling of leost Manlu t Impotcncy, Nightly Ki.iisionM, Y Of Tobncc'O or ()i)lum. wti(-li Jyad - ICTEO llCIUfi 96 Order wo iruarautco lo euro or mfirui the money. boxes (or $5.00. Consumption and Insanity. Willi ar oid at SlettO per to lyon's French Peri odical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. Bemroof onnnutrrel'i and liull.nlraiv Tho ronnTtio Hi pot op only la Vaate-boaM OaS tuu wllh fftc-Klmllo Bitriiutnro on feido of tho boMIe, tttnsi if. mi mutioi StDdfor ClMslar 10 WlUJAMb MKU. Co.. golo Aula, tiovol.ud.omo. Sold by F S Duffy, New Bern, N 0 MOTT'S is of little importance. Kr. and rS. Joanua Ada.ns and Mesara, W. F. Taylor and E. D. Hardis ty attended. Quarterly Meeting at River dale last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Allen Newbetrv of Newport was pleasant ckiler uporl us Monday. MisaVerafavlor of New Bern is making visit to relatives here. Messrs. Job. & Morton and J. B. Mason spent pari of Monday is Beau fort. v'.?,;-v-- v Mr. Peraie Mattock of SUverdale 1b stopping in our midst a few daya think there ia an Attraction near by. Tha talennohe line ia no lonarer cabled across the canal but haa beenput out of the reach of all boat masts and is work big well. - , " A Mr. Ramsey and Kiss Rice of Beau fort were pleasant arid "bappy driven through our burg yesterday. The ride seems to have become so lovely that they were calling ibr pickles. Means. Ward and Wm Haas and F F Matthews Of the Armour Packing Co. were here yesterday in the launch, Vi vian taking orders from our merchants Mrs Dors P. WiUiford and daughters who have been making their usual Sum mer visit td her mother Mrs A. F. Bel and other relatives left yeat rday for Morehead City ehroute for their home at Kings Mt Jas R. Bell is spending today in New Bern. -r,k , ' 7"" Tha naphtha kbnch Thelma belong' ing to Taylor . Bros., ' Of Blades com uown reinetly for women eiinals them. fnnot do harm -life lM i .. .tiin wtnt.v VI DU I'I'.IS, ISO A. an JOAU- BOM I"" w V ana reuirn rnursaavs. inia is a one . ... i.i . r . . . ' I that will add much to the commerce of I our people and we wish them success in I their undertaking. ' ". , : -J - - MDLlJBTLlFtTHl FOOTIIS Doan'c KidiitT riltk Brought Stnngth tii. Hssnh to thiluStrtr, Mak v Ing flldi ht Twsnty-tiTt Yuri Twnger." ! , v . Sick kidneys cSusS i weak, .hunt or I aching back, and k weak back makes a week man, Can't be well and strong untilth kidney arr cured. . .Treat them with Doan'a Kidney Pills. Hers'i the testimony of one man cured; J. B. Cotton, farmer and lumberman of Depps, N. C, aays "I suffered for years with my back It waa so bad that I could not walk any distance nor even ride . in easy buggy, SALE.OF LAUD AT AUCTION. The following dencribed land will be offered for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House in New Bern on Monday September 4th 1905 at 12 m A tract containing 251 acres- adjoining the Roper land and the Blades, land in Craven cdunty, beginning at a pine at tha North edge of the Public road known as the Brick Yard Road and runs N 19t W 7 ch and 20 linka to a email oak in Dalls line, then N 45i E 18 chains along Dails lino to his corner thence along another of Dails lines S 68 E17 ch and 90 links to a pine knot at the edge Of said road, thence along said road S & W S3 chains to the begin ning, described in a deed from Geoi Dail to A. B-Tenville recorded in Book 129 page 76. Also another tract of land adjoining the above containing 20 acres more or less described in a deed from Thomas Eubanka and wife to A. B. Fen ville, recorded in Book 120 on page 478. The two tracts together consisting of 45 acres more or leas. On which -there are about 15 acres of cleared land. The 'balance is wood and timber land. The two tracts will be Sold separately or to gether as desired. S. R. Street, Auctioneer, For information apply to H. C. White hurst, Atty. at Law, New Bern, N. C. -' Ti BEAUFORT, Nl C, t Centrally Located. , AlVthe dell cacieo of the season. V-Well venti lated rooms, Good beds, Phone eon venienoes, Forte and attentive Her vanta. Rates tl.60 per day Special and liberal terms by week month. Q. A. RUSSELL prprle.or. Service i summons by 9 45 Mary Mostly Th rWrnwiftrifc above named will tak notk that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Craven county to obtain a divorce from the bond of matrimony and the said defendant will further take notice that h is required to appear at tha next term of Superior Court for said County to be held on the 1st Monday 01 Oct. beinsT tne secomi aay ox muq month, at the Court Bouse in aid County or aemi sale of smr TUG By virtue of a power of sale contain ed in a mortrage from W. Parria to me registered in the Collectors office, District of Pamlico, N. C, port jf New Bern, N. C, in liber 15 of Mortgages, folio 50, I will aell to'the highest bidder for cash at Hollister & Cox's wharf 'n New Bern, N. C, on the 25th day of September, 1906, at 12 o'clock m., the Steam Tug or vessel called the "Mary Beloi' of the burden of 9 70-100 tons, or thereabouts, together with her bow sprit, boat, anchors, cables, chains, rig ging, tackle, apparel, furniture, &c &c This 23rd day of August, 1905. B, E. Moore, Mortgagee. Curat Cholirt Infantum, Diarrhoea, DyaMhry. sad Ins Bowtl TroubUs of Chlldrsasf Jfny Jtg. MosDIjasnsa, Rejulatca ths 8owb,Strnth. k. cima aiavM i(TEnt1IN6 POWDERS)tLJ retrmiMa mr CtstiOolf 25c at Draodsts. or mail 25s to C J. MOFFETT, M. D,St laais, Ea. MotHt t Haaltmta no longer, tut tave tha hamtth mad Ufa at your child, aa thousands have done, by giving thoaa powdmrm, TKKTMIMA la easily given and quickly counteracts and over tha streets or im summer's neat upon taaznmgeauortm : ; -J r. ,' , They overooms Weak PENNYROYAL PILLS j aor and banish "pains , of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVKKS" to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body.- No nesB,irre omissions. ignlarlty , InoreaaS and aaraaaS'vig- beeouia a pleasure. J. H. Willis, I'll ...PRACTICAL. IIORSK SIlQi-U. AT 800TT'8 STABLES, WORK PROMPTLY AND REAS- . ONABLT DONE. Correct Dress The "Morlcro Method" ryrtcm of tuvh-irradc tailoring mrrotiuced by U E. Have Jk Ca. tt CtncinrM.ti, O, satithei good dretsers everywhere. AH Ganmmls Md Stricily ' ' la Your MeaMirw , si txxWrfa pncM. WO rta erf lurnsa t ItUia bom wtm.li M cnoata. J. 0. DUNN a. CO. AAAAAAtiAAAAAAAiisiaAAAAji. ALL September "1 -w ?: .. . !- . ;.: ; Eunett's Bookstore CrescentitTobatxu Company. ins following wm give you an idea "f ths many brands of Chewmg To-1 . j t .,m v.... ,t.-t , , . I W awvi. Bswuvw a wwra aaew wmfvs wvs b ceo In our retail department.'' 'Humbug. ; t,.- i ' Maritana,"t "?'"?. :kib. ' r , Butler's Fancy Chow. ' , Reynold's Gilt Edge. . -.t ; Reynold 'a 8 oa. double thick. ; Reynold's Sun Cured. ; t ,... ; Harris & Bros. Beet -; Brown k Williamson'! Beat,' - W, A. Brown's Log Cabin. , "Drummond'a Natural Leaf. ' Piper HeUlsloek. : .. Gold Raps. K,r j Jsck Sl-ratU . . Pcar Head ' '. Htandnrd Navy. . Tifer Klne Cut. - v .. Also all brands of Cigars and Smok ing Tobacco. W. D. Barrlngton - , MANAGER. pounda of height from the ground, the oaia waa ao severe. This waa my con dition when I began Using Doan'a Kid' aey Pills. .They quickly relieved me and now I am never troubled as i waa. My back a strong and I can walk or ride S long distance and feel Just strong aa I did twenty-6vs years ago, I thing so much of Doan'a Kidney i'illi that I bavS given a supply of the rem edy to some of my m ighbori and they have also found goci rrnuHtt. If yoo can sift anything from this ramhlii note that will ba of any service to you or to any One t..Tori.g from kidney troulilo, you are at 1,U rty to do so." For sale 1 y all d ulura. Ti ice 50 cts. MadeatHome Having put in machinery for making sash doors, moulding, etc, try me and see what I will do. . 1. H. REGISTER Factory Church Alley, SOOLv. 654 f12 624 627 636 645 NEW BERN Reelaboro Gran ta boro Dees West Alliance East Alliance Bayboro West Bound No. 2. Sun.) A. Ml Ar. 8 15 721 7 03 6 51 648 6 45 630 Flower Seeas. PliyiiiciaEia PrescrXp (Passenger Sunday Only) ICE 10 DISCO DMT No. 8. A. M. 8 80Lv. 915 930 940 942 Publication. 10 00 NEW BERN Reelaboro Grantsboro Dees West Alliance East Alliance Bayboro No. 4. A, M. Ar. 8 00 7 13 658 648 645 642 6 30 north Carolina, i Graven County. 1 D. G. Mosely In the Superior Court (Passenger Sunday Only) No. 5. P. M. 6 00 Lv. 6 45 700 710 7 12 In Nnr ftorn. N. ft.. And answer or demur to the 17 15 complaint In ml action or the puunnn wiu apply I to the KjCurt tor teuex oemanaea in an carpuum. I W. M. WATSON. Clerk of the Superior uourt Thl 16th day of Ausust. 1906. NEW BERN Reelaboro West Alliance East Alliance Bayboro No. 6 P. M. Ar. 4 30 343 328 3 18 318 312 300 Books Containing ooupon (or 800 lba ot Ice to 10 lb. coupons, value . will be sold to customers at a dtscon of 10 per cent.' f 3 60 will buy 94.00 worth of ICE 1 book is procured, either from the drlvs of wagon or from the office 19 Grifflt treat. New Bern Ice Company. New Bern, N. C. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Fa thai Form anal Comaloxlonl thmuh th me ef lk akia Seweevl aartat aasrtttea leass IM waeuas na ! CMOVINl WRINKLES es fff aMrle, eae eypBeetWa eltea itwls iiimimw aumem Dr. OWIaa Sleek FeaS Is al amanliaa kaawa fee aeedleat etUaeel WIU reaaa Miwrnamimieej lea ana, aaskaai PwDwslwplagUistast kteheet US.ri.net ef pey4el.ee. TWel emea in eeel eeMcteat ee eeake tfc teerS Seea, Uree eal leeetliei. 1 Sau ST B WAJtTiaHT STOSM ASTH nauooiarra. .... . . - SeeeJer ertea, flM a lam. W k alt w take aavaatac at tals srCJAt OFSi aaS eaaS aa eae eMkur, wa wtU ataS ewt (I, eeamUalaUwrasfar. . 4 . CUP W ' A "eeaaij kea a4 tm ktak. "Art a eat tim W eey lejy le fceg IB eeea e eee awi DR. CHARLES CO. J. R. HAWKINS, Superintendent. A. & N. G. R. R. Effective Sunday, June 11th, 1906 at 7.00 a. rn. Eastern Standard Time. EAST BOUND. STATIONS: No. 3. DAILY l Lv. Goldsboro Laljrmnae KinUn Dover Cove TuHcarora Ar. NKW BERN I Lv. New Bern Riveruale Heveluck Newport I Ar. Morehead Cy. 3.4t 4. 16 4.40 6.02 6.16 6.26 6.45 5.M) 6.13 631 6.47 7.20 P. M. NO. 6. DAILY S.00 A. It. 8.30 8.66 " a 18 " 8.36 9.4 10.06 10 .10 A. M 10.28 10.44 11.00 11.30 WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN TOPS FROM $10 to $15 I made to your order, and cart wheels and axle, from 10 to 116 made to your order: a very rauona Die price for immediate aalee. We tint Rubber Tiree on your old or new wheels. w .hrinlc vn.tr looee tirea in a machine wlthoul 1 MiiiftM. thin. cr wlthont teklnff tire from wheel I lie russy while you wait. Everybody U Invited to I aee the "t"" at work putting new bona In old I places. M. 8. Waters) x Hona Phone 185, 78 Bro4 It. New Bars, N. C. WEST BOUND. No. 4. STATIONS: DAILY Lv. Morehead Cy. 7.40 A. M. Newport 8 1 1 Havelock 8.27 Riverdale 8.42 Ar. NEW HERN Ida Lv. NEW BERN 8.0! A. M. Tuacarora 8.30 Cove 8 3U Dover 10.53 Kington 10.17 LaGransre 10.41 Ar. GoldBboro 11.10 Trains 3. 4, 6, and 6 run dai'ly. Traina l nd 4 'Arrv the oarlor car (Vance) between Goldsboro and More head City, seat fare 60 cents. No. ( DALLY 4.48 P. la. 6.0S 6.18 6.31 6.60 6.66 P.M. 6.87 18 " 6.63 7.U 77 " . M " We want averr man and women In the United States Interested In tha oure ol Opium, Whiskey or other drug habits, either for themselves or friends, to have one of Dr. Woolley's books on tbeae die ts. Write Dr. B. at. W ooUey . Atlanta, Oa. Box 8S7, and onewlUbeeent you free, STATIONS: Lv. Goldsboro LaGranae Kinston Dover Cove Tuacarora Ar. New Bern Lv. New Bern Riverdale Heveloei Newport No 1 Surulay only 7.00 A. M 7.28 7 te 8.14 8.27 8 87 8,05 8.10 28 8 44 10(10 No 2 Sunday only 9.80 e a ti 8J7 8.03 7.48 7.37 7.16 7 10 .4i t.l 6,16 6.67 Brick! rick!, , Wa have a large stock of Brick now ready for shipment.. Any good judge of brick: will pronounce them the best that have been pot on the market for years. ;! Address, or Call on the :.:,.;! Eutrrprlse , II r I r k ' A KWe STEWAIIT. "-..:.'?' Secretary Troasurer.l ' j Nw Barn; N. .J'y . Fine Northern Cabbages 5 and 10 cent? V: f i i d nABicn1? ' ' phone 240. HOU.ISTCR m Hocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy ellsuu fcr Baj rwpis. Brtin BoUea Haalta tad Keaewwi Vlmr. A enanlne for CnnaUnaUnn, loeiirwttioo, Live 1 Kidney Trow woe. rimpiee. aenma, ir KXl. Bad Breath, Htunnh Bowel., Hea rf fleAkackn. It's Rocky Mountain Tea I t, form, SS cents a box. (lenulua made bi ,LUerca uaua uoshkt, aaaieoa, wis kDEN KU08ETS FOR lAHOW PE0PU Ar. Morehead Cy 10 23 Trains Nos. 5 and 6 will handle daily Pullman Sleeping Car (operated over Southern Railway) between Winston -Salem, Greensboro, Burlington, Dur ! ham, Raleigh and Morehead City, upon following through schedule: 3 ("""1 aW0 Wm If ,r ' SUMMER SUITS far the vary bet wee they ia ere, hea, anftnlebed worsted. cbeTteta. en line aannela. as ear a. doable breasted and Merf elk etylea, era what every anaa aaet have wee eVeer eaweU. Oct hseef these fabriee k MUllint euc ekiU ta euUleer and StUnc anaeseHmnS BBS eur aiieee eo reaaeneble that no one eea ebiert IT. ill. J4. CiEOLIHA I DISPATCH ;1IHI and BaasasaasassB , y. OH Domiflion SteamsliipCo a bi. F.'' N. Y. a ' t r-i,..,i,-r !,:.;'. urn (., iiufr.iiri, !s f .r V- h U. B. !.8 r. ...e iKmn'a, and L. ltf Cw 7... Sf.4 !.. One tract of lnnd containing 800 acres more or loss, ')0 arroa cliaired bind, comforl4il)le dwelling houa,. ten ant houm s, toliaoco barns, etc. Thi farm la known as the CoMUm farm and U aitimlod in Ciavcn county, 1 n from Tort Unmwell, 9 milf-S from Jhiver, I'rti winhioir to limk over farm v. .11 ,l..;i', tea M. I. I.ane or K. I". 1 i ' ' v nt. 1 . rt I'arnwpU. J r f r i, ' ' i P : ' 'y Id CHANGe! OF. ,'BCHEDULK i C .EFPECTIVE JULY I, WX.'- ' Ths s tea roar Neuae will sail on )loa- day, Wedneaday and Friday.'. : ; " The steamer Ocracoks on Tueaday, Thursday and Sunday at B m. . Both steamers will make landings st Oriental each way and connect at Bel- haven with sfast through train for Norfolk. The train Is due to leave B) haven at 7 a m and arrive In Norfolk at 1.80 pro. ' - Direct connection made at Mackey a Ferry at 165 a m for riymtwth and Waaliiogton. No 2 train will 1ave Norfolk at 10.06 a m. arriving at Iielhsven at 4 56 p m, ronnarlinft with Die steamer for New Bern, iliiily except Sunday,1 CF.O. HENDK15::ON, Agt, Ni'W T'-rn. Jure TT, V":' A PL U laiPUe Dr. Wllllaaw ladtaa PtW Oletmeotwlll aura Ullud. BeMotur - end Itoklni PUea. It absorbs tha to mora. allays the lisbinf ateaca.aeu sea nonllloa. elves Instant r Dr. WUIuuaa' Indian Pile OlnV it la ntwnared St Pltaeaadlufe Inf of the privets parte. Every boi W mnuiM. .1 a Klpt Of prtre, tS eeate Eastern Time (Southern Railwsy) Winston-Salem, Greensboro Greensboro Burlington Durham Raleigh Daily Ar. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. 8:17 8:10 8.85 4:47 too 1:40 lU&llfl CO Press, part-. BTnry voa m inivflsTtst. hf mi on n ..':.CTr HANCOCK Real Cstalo Agent. iiS Broad 6V " New Bern, N. C KDf SIINCI Daily p. m. 6:10 Lv. 6:13 Ar. a. m. 1:16 Lv. 2:06 Lv. 8:40 Lv. 6:16 Ar. 6:16 Lv. 6:29 Lv. 7:16 Ar. 8 KM Lv. 11:30 Ar. OOrfNBCTlON", AtOeeiaboro: With Boataa a Saflwar and At huuie Oeaet Una. At ainetoB tut Mew Bern: wm AuaecM ueaei aee. . B I L BUNCH. p- m. Ar. 1146 Ar. 10:38 Lv. :40 Raleigh Selma Goldsboro (A. ft N. CR. R Goldsboro Ar. 8:10 Morehead City Lv. 4:86 ) v...ei.e I a. p. vofrrsiL OOUJtilKlKO. M. 6. mm M' Thaos Mas Diaraxa - Corvwvairre Ae fvnee "i"f a en eeeertniloa ewf i. a.r'." r-er tr..e free whether ea ieMif a Sintl,4t h.t.lr eetei.'' (veeonHe rlU lean thU . haul 41 wWeeH.nlnetw. n,atae exit frwe, IMH eo X "" Scin::n: j:n:rfca S awMnmelr nieeleel wT. t1 ' ei'iii'n "f mny a.-tmtnlM virTi.L Vrme.PS ii e.,.lee.S4. SoWeell Hewlieexa ..... I Co.M'-2Kpwiorl (Vew. nra, areei..io. 0.1: . at : V . ! I t-i! v I 'i I ' AT t. , N. C. E.W.Smallwood SAsn, noons, am) blind?. LIME AND CEMENT. ; AMERICAN FIELD FENCE. ; DLVOIAS PaINT . GLACIER REFRIQEIIAT0R3. rrr.:un'.nci5 LAND FHEKZITA ATe lepho ne Line Is a door to YOUR BUSINESS Wo Telephoiio 13 LOCKING THE C003 - '. 7 r Cm You Afford It? '; For Ratcg APrLr TO LOCAL MANAQCR e Horra Tr's-oa n -V oAnrnniA.

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